Solve computer science tests online mubint. GIA online tests in computer science. A system floppy disk is required for

COMPUTER SCIENCE TESTS(Correct answers are marked with (*).)


TOPIC 1.1 Information and information processes

1. Computer science is the science of
1) location of information on technical media;
2) information, its storage and data sorting;
3) information, its properties, methods of presentation, methods of collection, processing, storage and transmission; (*)
4) the use of computers in the educational process.

2. Papyrus, books and floppy disks allow...
1) store information; (*)
2) transform information;
3) process information;
4) create information.

3.What is meant by information?
1. This is a property of an object.
2. Part of the world around us.
3. This is information about something. (*)

4.Which statement is false?
1. Information can be text.
2. Information can be audio.
3. Information cannot be in graphical form. (*)

5.Which statement is true?
1. Information cannot be stored or transmitted.
2. Information can be transformed and transmitted. (*)
3. Information is part of the world around us.

6. What form of information has a person already learned to store for a long time?
1) visual images; (*) 3) taste images;
2) tactile images; 4) olfactory images.

7. Communication channels (telephone, fiber optic, satellite, etc.) Allow...
1) store information;
2) transmit information; (*)
3) process information;
4) create information.

8. In computer science, it is necessary to be able to determine the amount of information. What approach to defining the concept of “information” is used for this?
1) ordinary, information is a synonym for the words: message, information;
2) philosophical, information is correlated with the concepts: reflection, cognition;
3) cybernetic, information is understood as a feedback signal in the control system;
4) probabilistic, information is a measure of uncertainty reduction (*)

9. In computer science, the amount of information is defined as
1) reliability of information;
2) information transfer speed;
3) a measure of uncertainty reduction; (*)
4) amount of RAM.

Topic 1.2 Principles of operation and design of a computer

1. A device for exchanging information with other computers via the telephone network is:
1) telephone; 2) network; 3) cable; 4) modem; (*) 5) none of the answers 1-4 are correct.

2. A program that ensures interaction between the operating system and a peripheral device (printer, disk drive, display, etc.) is:
1) translator 2) controller 3) driver (*) 4) compiler 5) operating system.

3. Compact disc (CD, DVD) is:
1) small disk;
2) magnetic disk with a high density of information recording;
3) an optical disk, information from which is read by a laser beam; (*)
4) disk after performing the information compression operation
5) small removable magnetic disk.

4. A file is:
1) the name given to a program or data used in a computer;
2) a named sequence of data located on external media
3) an operating system command that ensures working with data;
4) a program placed in memory and ready for execution;
5) data located in memory and used by a program.

5.Computer performance (speed of operations) depends on...
1) display screen size
2) processor frequencies (*)
3) supply voltage
4) the speed of pressing the keys

6. A common property of Babbage’s machine, the modern computer and the human brain is the ability to process...
1) numerical information (*)
2) text information
3) sound information
4) graphic information

7.What action is not recommended to be performed when the
1) insert/remove floppy disk
2) disconnect/connect external devices (*)
3) restart the computer by pressing the RESET button
4) restart the computer by pressing the CTRL-ALT-DEL keys

8.What does a basic computer kit consist of?
1. System unit, keyboard.
2. Monitor, keyboard, mouse.
3. System unit, keyboard, monitor, mouse. (*)

9. The statement is true
1. Keyboard - information input device. (*)
2. Monitor - transmission device.
3. Mouse is a printing device.
4. Printer - information input device.

10.Which key activates the small numeric keypad?
1. Caps Lock.
2. Num Lock. (*)
3. Tab.
4. Ctrl.

11.File is...
1) unit of information
2) named memory area (*)
3) text printed on a printer
4) a program for creating text.

12. What are file parameters?
1) Ability to copy and move a file.
2) Name, type, size, date and time of file creation.(*)
3) A window containing information about the file.

19.File type indicates
1) file size
2) type of information in the file - text, graphic, sound (*)
3) date of creation of the file.

20.Writing and reading information in floppy drives
carried out using...
1) magnetic head (*)

2) laser

3) thermoelement
4) touch sensor

21.When you turn off the computer, all information is erased...
1) on a floppy disk
2) on a CD-ROM disk
3) on the hard drive
4) in RAM (*)

Topic 1.3 Presentation of information in a computer

1. How is the decimal number 2 written in the binary number system?
1) 00; 2) 10; (*) 3) 01; 4) 11.

2. The processor processes information...
1) in the decimal number system
2) in binary code (*)
3) in BASIC language
4) in text form

3. How many bits are in the word INFORMATICS?

88 (*)

4.How is the decimal number 5 written in the binary number system?

101 (*)

5. The minimum unit of measurement of the amount of information is taken
1) 1 baud;
2) 1 bit; (*)
3) 1 byte;
4) 1 KB.

6.What is 1 MB equal to...
1) 1,000,000 bits; 3) 1024 KB; (*)
2) 1,000,000 bytes; 4) 1024 bytes.

7. 1 bit is the amount of information when uncertainty...
1) doubles;
2) decreases by half; (*)
3) does not change;
4) decreases by eight times.

Topic 1.4 Algorithms and executors. Modeling and formalization

1.What is an algorithm called?
1) sequence of commands that the executor can execute (*)
2) system of performer commands
3) numbered sequence of lines
4) unnumbered sequence of lines

2. What is an algorithm executor?
1. This is a list of commands to solve the problem.
2. This is a program compiled according to a given algorithm.
3. This is an object that is capable of understanding and executing the commands specified in the algorithm. (*)

3. Which algorithm is called cyclic?


4. Which algorithm is called linear?
1. An algorithm in which commands work sequentially one after another. (*)
2. An algorithm in which a team or several teams work repeatedly.
3. An algorithm that works either along one branch or another, depending on the fulfillment of a condition.

5. Which algorithm is called the branching algorithm?
1. An algorithm in which commands work sequentially one after another.
2. An algorithm in which a team or several teams work repeatedly.
3. An algorithm that works either along one branch or another, depending on the fulfillment of the condition.(*)

6. A model is the replacement of the object under study with another object that reflects ...
1) all sides of this object
2) some sides of this object
3) essential aspects of this object (*)
4) insignificant aspects of this object

7.The model contains information...
1) the same as the modeled object
2) smaller than the modeled object (*)
3) larger than the modeled object
4) does not contain information

8.What are the main stages of information processing by a computer?
1. Input and output of information.
2. Input, transformation, storage, output of information. *
3. Saving information in a file.

9.Which stage of solving a problem on a computer is missing in the following chain:
object - ... - study of the model on a computer - analysis of the results and adjustment of the model?
1) building an information model (*)
2) coding of the algorithm in a programming language
3) analysis of the obtained data
4) algorithm development

10. The property of the algorithm is:

    Efficiency; (*)


    Ability to change the sequence of command execution;

    Possibility of executing the algorithm in reverse order;

    Ease of writing in programming languages.

11. The property of an algorithm, which consists in the fact that each action and the algorithm as a whole must be able to be completed, is called




    Mass character;

    Productivity. (*)

12. The property of an algorithm, that the algorithm must consist of specific actions following in a certain order, is called

    Discreteness; (*)



    Mass character;


13. The property of an algorithm that the same algorithm can be used with different initial data is called




    Mass character; (*)


14. The property of an algorithm that any action must be strictly and unambiguously defined in each case is called


    Certainty; (*)


    Mass character;


Theme 1.5 Basics of programming

1. Choose the correct representation of the arithmetic expression in algorithmic language:


    X + 3*y / 5*x*y

    (x + 3y) / 5xy

    (x + 3*y) / (5*x*y) (*)

    X + 3*y / (5*x*y)

12. An algorithm written in a computer-friendly programming language is called

    Algorithms executor;

    Program; (*)



    Algorithm protocol.

13. Assignment operators do the following:

    set the value of variables; (*)

    change the values ​​of constants;

    organize the implementation of repeatable actions;

14. Conditional statements do the following:

    set the value of variables;

    change the values ​​of constants;

    branch algorithms and organize their execution along one of the branches; (*)

    organize the implementation of repeatable actions

    organize unconditional transitions in the algorithm;

    assign variables to certain sets of valid values.

15. Loop statements do the following:

    set the value of variables;

    change the values ​​of constants;

    branch algorithms and organize their execution along one of the branches;

    organize the implementation of repeatable actions; (*)

    organize unconditional transitions in the algorithm;

    display information on the monitor screen

16. Which of the following lines are incorrect?
1) if a

2) if 5 then s:=s+5 (*)

3) if x>y then s:=s+1; else s:=s-1 (*)

4) if k<>m then k :=m

18.What value of the variable s will be printed after executing a fragment of the BASIC program?
A=2 b=3 if a 1) 2 2) 3 3) 5 4) 6 (*)

19.What value of the variable s will be printed after executing a fragment of the BASIC program?




print s$
1)4 2)5 3)9 4)54 (*)


Topic 2.1 Text information processing technology

1.The minimum object used in a text editor is...
1) Word
2) screen point (pixels)
3) paragraph
4) familiar place (symbol) (*)

2.In modern text editors, the Format operation allows you to…
1) saving the document
2) table insertion
3) select paragraph and font parameters (*)
4) inserting a picture

4. In a text editor, the Copy operation becomes possible after...
1) placing the cursor in a certain position
2) save the file
3) file printout
4) highlighting a piece of text (*)

5.In a text editor, the main parameters when setting font parameters are...
1) typeface, size, style (*)
2) indentation, interval
3) margins, orientation
4) style, pattern

6.The essence of the text file format conversion process is...
1) changing font sizes
2) changing paragraph formatting options
3) binary character conversion (*)
4) changing page parameters when printing

7.Primitives in a graphic editor are called
1) line, circle (*)
2) pencil, brush, eraser
3) selection copy, paste
4) sets of colors (palette)

8.The tools in the graphic editor are...
1) line, circle, rectangle
2) selection, copy, paste
3) pencil, brush, eraser (*)
4) sets of colors (palettes)

9.The main operations possible in the graphic editor include...
1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser
3) selection, copy, paste (*)
4) sets of colors (palette)

Topic 2.2 Numerical information processing technology

1.In spreadsheets, the group of cells A1:B3 is highlighted. How many cells are in this group?
1) 6 (*) 2) 5 3) 4 4) 3

2.The main element of spreadsheets is...
1) cell (*) 3) column 2) row 4) table

3. The result of calculations in cell C1 will be:
A 1 B1 C1
5 =A1*2 =A1+B1

1) 5 2) 10 3) 15 (*) 4) 20

    when the address referenced by the formula changes when the formula is copied (*)

    when the address referenced by the formula when copied does not change

5.After entering a number into a cell, you see “######” instead of the result. What is the reason for this situation?

    There is not enough cell width to show the entered number (*)

    number entered incorrectly

    the number is entered in a protected cell

6.To rename a sheet in Excel you need:

    click L.K.M on the sheet and enter a new name

    click p.k.m on the sheet, and change the name

    double click on the sheet name and change the name (*)

7.You built a chart using some data from a table, and after some time you changed this data. How to rebuild a chart for new data?

    just click once on the diagram

    just double-click on the diagram

    The chart will be recalculated automatically in standard mode (*)

8.After entering a number into a cell, you see “######” instead of the result. How to fix the error?

    change column width (*)

    change line height

    correct inaccuracies in the formula

9.When preparing to print a sheet containing a table and a diagram, it turned out that the diagram was printed in parts on different pages. Which of the following techniques will help solve this problem?

    change the page orientation or scale for printing a sheet (*)

    resize the image on the screen

    move chart to another sheet

    place rigid page dividers on the sheet as needed

10. Source data in spreadsheets is called:

    numbers obtained as a result of calculations

    numbers entered into table cells

    information entered into table cells used for calculations (*)

11. The formula is:

    connection between source and calculated data (*)

    cell addresses and arithmetic operations signs

    letters and numbers indicating cell addresses and arithmetic operations signs

12. The following types of data can be found inside spreadsheet cells:

    only numbers and text, drawings

    only numbers and formulas

    numbers, formulas, text, pictures (*)

    none of the listed objects

13.When the source data changes, all the results....

    automatically recalculated (*)

    stored in computer memory

    saved to disk

14.To delete a column (row) with unnecessary data and formulas, you must:

    select and use the command edit - delete. (*)

    click p.k.m. - clear contents

    select and press m.c.m - cut

15.To insert a row, use the following method:

    select the line before which you want to insert, then menu - insert - line (*)

    select the line before which you want to insert, then menu - edit - paste

    click p.k.m. on the line and use the "paste" command

    when the address referenced by the formula changes when the formula is copied

    when the address referenced by the formula when copied does not change (*)

Topic 2.3 Database management system

1. The database is presented in tabular form. The record forms...

    field in table

    field name

    row in the table (*)


2.The main element of the database is...




    entry (*)

3.The main properties of the field are:

    data dimension and format

    presence of a "key" tag

    presence or absence of data

    field signature (title, name)

4.What is a recording?

    information entered into some of the fields, stored in the database under a certain number (*)

    serial number of information

    field name

    field unit

5.In the database, records are sorted alphabetically. What is the sort order?


    increasing (*)

6.In the database, records are sorted in the following order: Ivanov, Zhuravlev, Antonov. What is the sort order?

    descending (*)


    not one of the above

    The sorting order depends on the user's tasks

7.Sorting is a mode...

    arranging records in a specific sequence (*)

    searching information in the database

    adding new entries and editing old ones

Topic 2. 4 Computer networks. Viruses. Antivirus programs

1. A modem transmitting information at a speed of 28,800 bps can transmit two pages of text (3600 bytes) within
1) 1 second (*) 2) 1 minute 3) 1 hour 4) 1 day

2.Which method of connecting to the Internet provides the greatest opportunities for accessing information resources?
1) remote access via dial-up telephone channel
2) permanent connection via fiber optic channel (*)
3) permanent connection via a dedicated telephone channel
4) terminal connection via dial-up telephone channel

3. Hypertext is...
1) very large text
2) structured text in which transitions can be made using selected tags (*)
3) text typed on a computer
4) text that uses a large font size

4. Hyperlinks on a web page can provide a link...
1) to any web page of any Internet server
2) to any web page within this domain
3) to any web page of this server
4) within this web page (*)

5.Electronic mail (e-mail) allows you to send…
1) messages only
2) files only
3) messages and attached files (*)
4) video image

6.HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is…
1) Internet server
2) a tool for creating web pages (*)
3) programming language translator
4) a web browser

7.Internet servers containing file archives allow...
1) receive the necessary files from them (*)
2) receive email
3) participate in teleconferences
4) conduct video conferences

8. A web page may contain...
1) text, pictures, sound, video (*)
2) text, pictures, sound
3) text, drawings
4) text only

9. An Internet email address has been set: [email protected]
What is the name of the owner of this email address?
1) ru 2) 3) user_name (*) 4)

10.Browsers (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer) are...
1) Internet servers
2) antivirus programs
3) programming language translators
4) web browsing tools (*)

11.Infection with computer viruses can occur in the process...

      1. working with files (*)

        formatting a floppy disk

        turn off the computer

        printing on a printer

12.What do you need to have to check your hard drive for a virus?

      1. protected program

        boot program

        file with antivirus program (*)

        write-protected floppy disk with antivirus program

13.A computer virus is...

      1. disk check and treatment program

      2. any program created in low level languages

      3. a program copied from a poorly formatted floppy disk

      4. a special small-sized program that can assign itself to other programs; it has the ability to “multiply” (*)

1. The subject of computer science is:
A) programming language;
B) robot device;
C) methods of accumulation, storage, processing, transmission of information;
D) public awareness.

2. Triples of zeros and ones can be used to encode ... various symbols.
A) 6;
B) 8;
C) 5;
D) 9.

3. The captain asks the sailor: “Is the lighthouse working?” The sailor replies: “It either lights up or goes out!” What is the beacon in this situation?
A) We receive information;
B) source of information;
C) communication channel;
D) interference.

4. In what century did the first devices capable of performing arithmetic operations appear?
A) In the 16th century;
B) In the 17th century;
C) In the 18th century;
D) In ​​the 19th century.

5. A mechanical device that allows you to add numbers was invented by:
A) P. Norton;
B) B. Pascal;
C) G. Leibniz;
D) D. Neumann.

6. For what number system were the first seven-pointed abacus adapted?
A) For septenary;
B) for binary;
C) for decimal;
D) for unary.

7. What device in Russia was called “Iron Felix”?
A) office accounts;
B) mechanical adding machine;
C) Kummer numerator;
D) counting bars

8. In what years of the 20th century did the first electronic counting machine appear?
A) In the 20s;
B) in the 40s;
C) in the 50s;
D) in the 60s.

9. In which generation of machines can data be entered using speech?
A) In the 2nd;
B) C) in the 3rd;
C) 4th;
D) in the 5th.

10. Computer architecture is:
A) Technical description of computer device parts;
B) description of devices for input/output of information;
C) description of software for computer operation;
D) a description of the structure and principles of operation of a computer sufficient for the user to understand.

11. What is a microprocessor?
A) An integrated circuit that executes commands received at its input (for example, calculation) and controls the operation of the machine;
B) a device for storing information that is often used at work;
C) a device for displaying text or graphic information;
D) a device for entering alphanumeric data.

12. Connecting individual computer peripheral devices to the bus at the physical level is possible:
A) using the driver;
B) using a controller;
C) without additional device;
D) using the utility.

13. External memory is required for:
A) to store frequently changing information in the process of solving a problem;
B) for long-term storage of information after turning off the computer;
C) to process current information;
D) for permanent storage of information about the operation of the computer.

14. To construct complex drawings using a computer in computer-aided design systems, use:
A) plotter;
B) graphics tablet (digitizer);
C) scanner;
D) joystick.
15. Information storage devices include:
A) printer;
B) C) processor;

16. Which of the following does not apply to software?
A) System programming;
B) driver;
C) processor;
D) text and graphic editors.

17. The file is called:
A) a set of data to solve the problem;
B) a named area on a disk or other computer storage medium;
C) a program in a programming language to solve the problem;
D) there is no correct answer.

18. In what file can a drawing be stored?

19. Can two 2nd level directories have the same name?
A) No;
B) yes;
C) yes, if they belong to different 1st level directories;
D) I find it difficult to answer.

20. A necessary component of the operating system is:
B) command processor;
C) central processor;
D) system configuration file.

21. What is a number system?
A) Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
B) rules of arithmetic operations;
C) a computer program for arithmetic calculations;
D) this is a sign system in which numbers are written according to certain rules, using signs of a certain alphabet, called numbers.

22. What number systems are not used by specialists to communicate with computers?
A) Decimal;
B) ternary;
C) binary;
D) hexadecimal.
23. What is called the base of the number system?”
A) The number of digits used to write numbers;
B) the ratio of the values ​​of units of adjacent digits;
C) the arithmetic basis of the computer;
D) the sum of all digits of the number system.

24. All number systems are divided into two groups:
A) Roman and Arabic;
B) binary and decimal;
C) positional and non-positional;
D) integers and fractions.

25. Convert the number 27 from the decimal number system to binary.
A) 11011;
B) 1011;
C) 1101;
E) 11111.

26. Why is the binary number system used in computers?
A) Because the constituent technical devices can only reliably store and recognize two different states;
B) because 1 byte is taken as a unit of information;
C) because the computer can only count to two;
D) because it is easier for a person to communicate with a computer at the level of the binary number system.

27. The algorithm is:
A) some true statements that should be aimed at achieving the goal;
B) reflection of the objective world with the help of signs and signals, intended for a specific performer;
C) a clear and precise instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at solving a given task or goal;
D) safety instructions.

28. The property of the algorithm - discreteness - means:
A) that the commands must follow each other sequentially;
B) that each command must be described with a specific performer in mind;
C) dividing the algorithm into a finite number of simple steps;
D) strict movement both up and down.
29. What type of algorithm should be chosen when solving a quadratic equation?
A) Linear;
B) cyclical;
C) branching;
D) cyclically branching.
30. A branching algorithm is:
A) the presence of at least one condition in the algorithm;
B) a set of commands that are executed sequentially; exactly one after another;
C) repeated execution of the same actions;
D) other.

31. Which of the following values ​​can only be an integer?
A) Average of three numbers;
B) first escape velocity;
C) distance between cities;
D) the number of floors in the house.

32. What is a network protocol?
A) Agreement on the method of information exchange;
B) file on the server;
C) network communication device;
D) network program.

33. What is needed to publish a Web site?
B) user's postal address;
C) user's email address;
D) username and password.

34. Fields with date type can be ordered:
A) alphabetically;
B) in chronological order;
C) in ascending order of one of the components;
D) by any of the above methods.

35. If a field is of date type, what record corresponds to this field?
A) November 10;
B) tenth of November;
C) 10; eleven;
D) 10-11.

36. A database report is:
A) an object that allows you to put the necessary data into a form;
B) an object intended for data entry;
C) an object intended for printing data;
D) table element.

37. When searching for information, an asterisk replaces:
A) a group of characters;
B) any one symbol;
C) any number;
D) date.
38. A spreadsheet is:
A) graphic information input device;
B) the computer equivalent of a regular table;
C) numerical information input device;
D) a device for processing numerical information.

39. The main element of spreadsheets is:
A) cell;
B) column;
C) string;
D) the entire table.

40. A block of spreadsheet cells is given:
A) line numbers of the first and last cells;
B) the names of the columns of the first and last cells;
C) indicating references to the first and last cells;
D) the area where rows and columns intersect.

Correct answers are highlighted in yellow!!


1. Computer science. Basic course. 2nd edition
2. Computer science: Textbook for universities - Textbook, St. Petersburg, 2011
3. Informatics: textbook - Publishing Center "MarT"; Phoenix, 2010
4. Fundamentals of computer science and computer technology

The 2019 state final certification in computer science for graduates of the 9th grade of general education institutions is carried out to assess the level of general education training of graduates in this discipline. The main content elements tested in testing from the computer science section:

  1. Ability to evaluate quantitative parameters of information objects.
  2. Ability to determine the meaning of a logical expression.
  3. Ability to analyze formal descriptions of real objects and processes.
  4. Knowledge of file system for organizing data.
  5. Ability to present formulaic relationships graphically.
  6. The ability to execute an algorithm for a specific performer with a fixed set of commands.
  7. Ability to encode and decode information.
  8. Ability to execute a linear algorithm written in an algorithmic language.
  9. Ability to execute a simple cyclic algorithm written in an algorithmic language.
  10. Ability to execute a cyclic algorithm for processing an array of numbers, written in an algorithmic language.
  11. Ability to analyze information presented in the form of diagrams.
  12. Ability to search a ready-made database using a formulated condition.
  13. Knowledge of the discrete form of representation of numerical, text, graphic and audio information.
  14. Ability to write a simple linear algorithm for a formal performer.
  15. Ability to determine the speed of information transfer.
  16. Ability to execute an algorithm written in natural language that processes strings of characters or lists.
  17. Ability to use information and communication technologies.
  18. Ability to search for information on the Internet.
  19. Ability to process large amounts of data using spreadsheet or database tools.
  20. Ability to write a short algorithm in a formal executor environment or in a programming language.
Dates for passing the OGE in computer science 2019:
June 4 (Tuesday), June 11 (Tuesday).
There are no changes in the structure and content of the 2019 examination paper compared to 2018.
In this section you will find online tests that will help you prepare to take the OGE (GIA) in computer science. We wish you success!

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2017 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2016 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2015 format in computer science and ICT contains two parts. The first part contains 18 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 2 tasks that must be completed on the computer. In this regard, only the first part (the first 18 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these 18 questions, only the first 6 questions offer answer options. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options for each task. However, for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, we decided to significantly increase the number of these answer options in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

When completing task 1-18, choose only one correct answer.

When completing task 1-8, choose only one correct answer.

Nurakhmetova T.T. ., computer science teacher at KSU "Zhalaulinskaya Secondary School". COMPUTER SCIENCE TESTS

Tests to assess the quality of training of secondary school graduates in computer science

Nurakhmetova Torgyn Talgatovna


KG U " Zhalaulinskaya SSH »

With. Ivanovka

Aktogay district

Pavlodar region

Explanatory note

6 versions of final tests are presented to assess the quality of training of primary school graduates. Each option contains 24 questions with which the teacher can check the quality of mastery of the material covered. For each question there are 4 answer options, from which you must choose the correct one. The questions are selected in such a way that it is possible to determine the quality of students’ preparation in all topics of the computer science course included in the mandatory minimum content of education. The number of questions in each option may vary. The main thing is that each version of the final test fully covers all the theoretical and practical material of the course, included in the required minimum content.

Test execution time: 30 min.

Evaluation criteria:

Number of correct answers

Less than 10

10 – 14

15 – 19

20 – 24

The tests are based on the “Mandatory minimum content of education in computer science”

Table of correspondence between question numbers and course topics


Controlled topics

1. Information and information processes

Idea about the development of VT and the formation of the information society

2. Presentation of information

Knowledge of units for measuring the amount of information

Ability to quantify information

Ability to write decimal numbers in the binary number system

3. Computer

Knowledge of basic computer devices and their functions

Knowledge of safety rules, technical operation, information security and protection from viruses when working on a computer

Knowing what a file and file system are

4. Modeling and formalization

Understanding the modeling process and solving problems on a computer

5. Algorithms and executors

An idea of ​​the algorithm, the executor, the system of executor commands

Knowledge of basic algorithmic constructs

Ability to formally execute algorithms

Assignment and variable in programming

6. Information technology

Text and graphics processing technologies

Understanding the capabilities of text editors

Knowledge of the existence of various formats and encodings of text documents

Introduction to different types of graphic editors and their capabilities

Understanding the existence of different graphics file formats

Introduction to multimedia technology

Numerical information processing technology

Knowledge of the structure and capabilities of spreadsheets

Ability to solve problems in spreadsheets

Technology for storing, searching and sorting information

Knowledge of database structure and capabilities

Ability to solve problems involving searching and sorting records

Computer communications

Understanding the technical characteristics of modems and communication lines

Introduction to Internet information services

Introduction to the basics of WWW technology


    Mass production of personal computers has begun...

    1) in the 40s

    3) in the 80s

    2) in the 50s

    4) in the 90s

    The smallest unit of measurement of the amount of information

    1) 1 baud

    3) 1 byte

    2) 1 bit

    4)1 KB

    In the children's game “Guess the Number,” the first participant guessed an integer in the range from 1 to 8. The second participant asks the questions: “Is the guessed number greater than the number _?” What is the maximum number of questions with the correct strategy (the interval of numbers in each question is divided in half) should the second participant ask in order to guess the number?

    1) 1

    3) 3

    2) 2

    4) 4

    How is the decimal number 5 written in the binary number system?

    1) 101

    3) 111

    2) 110

    4) 100

    Computer performance (speed of operations) depends on...

1) display screen size
2) processor frequencies
3) supply voltage
4) speed, key presses

    Which device can have a harmful effect on human health?

    1) printer

    3) system unit

    2) monitor

    4) modem

    The file is...

1) unit of information
2) program in RAM
3) text printed on a printer
4) program or data on disk

    A model is the replacement of the object under study with another object that reflects...

1) all sides of this object
2) some sides of this object
3) essential aspects of this object
4) insignificant aspects of this object

    The algorithm is...

1) a sequence of commands that the performer can execute
2) system of performer commands
3) mathematical model
4) information model

2) branching
3) subroutine
4) linear

    Which sequence of commands will lead the Turtle performer to the original place and position?

1) forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°) forward (1 cm), right (90°);
2) forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm),
3) forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°)
4) forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°)

    What does the assignment operation change?

    1) variable value

    3) variable type

    2) variable name

    4) type of algorithm

    The minimum object used in a text editor is...

1) word
2) screen point (pixel)
3) paragraph
4) symbol (familiarity)

    The number of different encodings of letters of the Russian alphabet is...

1) one
2) two (MS-DOS, Windows)
3) three (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh)
4) five (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, KOI-8, ISO)

    The tools in the graphic editor are...

1) line, circle, rectangle

3) pencil, brush, eraser
4) sets of colors (palettes)

    A raster graphics file contains a black and white image (without grayscale) of size 100 X 100 points. What is the information volume of this file?

    1) 10,000 bits

    3) 10 KB

    2) 10,000 bytes

    4) 1000 bits

    A multimedia computer must include...

1) projection panel

2) CD-ROM drive and sound card
3) modem
4) plotter

    In spreadsheets, the group of cells A1:ВЗ is highlighted. How many cells are in this group?

    1) 6

    3) 4

    2) 5

    4) 3

1) 5









) 15

2) 10

4) 20

    The main element of the database is...

1) field

3) table

2) shape

4) recording

  1. What line will the Bulgaria entry occupy after sorting in ascending order in the Area, thousand km 2 field?

1) 1




thousand km 2


thousand people

















) 3

2) 2

4) 4

    A modem transmitting information at 28,800 bps can transmit two pages of text (3600 bytes) within...

    1) 1 second

    3) 1 hour

    2) 1 minute

    4) 1 day

    Which method of connecting to the Internet provides the greatest opportunities for accessing information resources...

1) remote access via dial-up telephone channel
2) permanent connection via fiber optic channel
3) permanent connection via a dedicated telephone channel
4) terminal connection via dial-up telephone channel

    Hypertext is...

1) very large text
2) structured text in which transitions can be made using selected tags
3) text typed on a computer
4) text that uses a large font size


    The common property of Babbage's machine, the modern computer and the human brain is the ability to process...

1) numerical information
2) text information
3) sound information
4) graphic information

    What is 1 byte equal to?

    1) 10 bits

    3) 8 bits

    2) 10 KB

    4) 1 baud

    In the children's game “Guess the Number,” the first participant guessed an integer in the range from 1 to 16. The second participant asks the questions: “Is the guessed number greater than the number _?” What is the maximum number of questions with the correct strategy (the interval of numbers in each question is divided in half) should the second participant ask in order to guess the number?

    1) 2

    3) 4

    2) 3

    4) 5

    How is the decimal number 6 written in the binary number system?

    1) 101

    3) 111

    2) 110

    4) 100

    When you turn off your computer, all information is erased...

1) on a floppy disk
2) on a CD-ROM disk
3) on the hard drive
4) in RAM

    In which direction from the monitor are the harmful radiations greatest?

1) from the screen forward
2) from the screen back
3) from the screen down
4) from the screen up

    A file system is usually depicted as a tree, where the "branches" are directories (folders) and the "leaves" are files (documents). What can be located directly in the root directory, i.e. on the “trunk” of a tree?

1) directories and files
2) only catalogs
3) files only
4) nothing

    The model contains information...

1) the same as the modeled object
2) smaller than the modeled object
3) larger than the modeled object
4) does not contain information.

    Which document is an algorithm?

1) safety regulations

2) instructions for receiving money from an ATM
3) lesson schedule
4) class list

  1. What type of algorithmic structure is shown in the flowchart?

1) cycle

2) branching

3) subroutine

4) linear

    What path will the Turtle performer take after executing the sequence of commands: forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°), forward (1 cm), right (90°)?

    1) 0 cm

    3) 3 cm

    2) 2 cm

    4) 4 cm

    A variable in programming is considered fully specified if its...

    1) type, name

    3) type, value

    2) name, value

    4) type, name, value

    During the text editing process, the...

1) font size

2) paragraph parameters

4) page parameters.

    The number of standard encodings of letters of the Latin alphabet is...

1) one

2) two (MS-DOS, Windows)

3) three (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh)

4) five (MS-DOS, Windows, Macintosh, KOI-8, ISO)

    The palettes in the graphic editor are...

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) selection, copy, paste
3) pencil, brush, eraser
4) color sets

    A raster graphics file contains a black and white image with 16 shades of gray, size 10 X

    1) 100 bits

    3) 400bit

    2) 400 bytes

    4) 100 bytes

    A sound card with 16-bit binary encoding capability allows you to reproduce audio from...

1) 8 intensity levels
2) 16 intensity levels
3) 256 intensity levels
4) 65,536 intensity levels

    In spreadsheets, the group of cells A1:C2 is highlighted. How many cells are in this group?

    1) 6

    3) 4

    2) 5

    4) 3

    The result of the calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 20



2) 15

4) 5

    The database is presented in tabular form. The record forms...

1) field in the table

3) row in the table

2) field name

4) cell

  1. TO



    thousand km 2


    thousand people

















    What records will be found after searching in the Area, thousand km field 2 with the condition> 100 ?

1) 1, 2

3) 3, 4

2) 2, 3

4) 1, 4

    A modem transmitting information at a speed of 28,800 bps can transmit in 1 second...

1) two pages of text (3600 bytes)
2) drawing (36 KB)
3) audio file (360 KB)
4) video file (3.6 MB)

    Electronic mail (e-mail) allows you to send...

1) messages only
2) files only
3) messages and attached files
4) video image

    HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is...

1) Internet server
2) a tool for creating web pages
3) programming language translator


    The first computers were created...

    1) in the 40s

    3) in the 70s

    2) in the 60s

    4) in the 80s

    What is 1 KB equal to?

    1) 1000 bits

    3) 1024 bit

    2) 1000 bytes

    4) 1024 bytes

    How much information does one digit of a hexadecimal number contain?

    1) 1 bit

    3) 1 byte

    2) 4 bits

    4) 16 bit

    How is the decimal number 7 written in the binary number system?

    1) 101

    3) 111

    2) 110

    4) 100

    Which device has the fastest information exchange speed?

1) CD-ROM drive
2) hard drive
3) floppy drive

    In order to preserve information, floppy disks must be protected from...

1) cold
2) pollution
3) magnetic fields

    A system floppy disk is required for...

1) initial loading of the operating system
2) file systematization
3) storing important files
4) “treating” your computer for viruses

    The information model for organizing the educational process at school is...

1) rules of behavior for students
2) class list
3) lesson schedule
4) list of textbooks

    The processor executes commands written:

1) in algorithmic language
2) in machine language (in binary code)
3) in natural language
4) in the form of a block diagram


    alg choice ( things A, B, X)

    arg A, B

    res X


    If A> B

    That X:=A

    otherwise X:=B


    What type of algorithm is written in an algorithmic language?

1) cyclic

3) auxiliary

2) linear

4) branching

1) N!=9

3) N!=3

2) N!=6

4) N!=12

  1. What will be the value of the variable after performing the assignment operations:

X: = X + 1

1) 5

3) 1

2) 6

4) 10

    In a text editor, when setting page parameters,...

2) indentation, interval
3) margins, orientation
4) style, pattern

    1) font size

    3) paragraph parameters

    2) file type

    4) page sizes

    Primitives in a graphics editor are called...

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser

4) sets of colors (palette)

    A raster graphics file contains a color image with a palette of 256 colors, size 10 X 10 points. What is the information volume of this file?

    1) 800 bytes

    3) 8 KB

    2) 400 bits

    4) 100 bytes

    24-speed CD-ROM drive...

1) has 24 different disk rotation speeds
2) has 24 times higher disk rotation speed than single-speed
3) has 24 times lower disk rotation speed than a single-speed CD-ROM
4) reads only special 24-speed CD-ROMs

    You can't delete in spreadsheets...

    1) column

    3) cell name

    2) line

    4) cell contents

  1. The result of the calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 5







=A1 *2

= SUM(A1 :B1 )

) 15

2) 10

4) 20

    The field type (numeric, text, etc.) in the database is determined...

1) field name
2) field width
3) number of lines
4) data type

    What line will the Hungary entry occupy after sorting in descending order in the Population, thousand people field?

1) 1



thousand km 2


thousand people









2) 2

4) 4

    The maximum speed of information transfer over a high-quality dial-up telephone line can reach...

    1) 56.6 Kbps

    3) 1 Mbit/s

    2) 100 Kbps

    4) 1 KB/s

    What is the name of the owner of this email address?

    1) ru

    3) user_name


    4) mtu-net

    Browsers (eg Microsoft Internet Explorer) are...

1) Internet servers
2) antivirus programs
3) programming language translators
4) a web browser


    The development of global computer networks began in...

    1) in the 60s.

    3) in the 80s

    2) in the 70s

    4) in the 90s

    What is 1 MB equal to...

    1) 1,000,000 bits

    3) 1024 KB

    2) 1,000,000 bytes

    4) 1024 bytes

    How much information does one digit of a binary number contain?

    1) 1 byte

    3) 4 bits

    2) 3 bits

    4) 1 bit

    How is the decimal number 4 written in binary?

    1) 101

    3) 111

    2) 110

    4) 100

    Writing and reading information in floppy drives is carried out using...

    1) magnetic head

    3) thermoelement

    2) laser

    4) touch sensor

    1) insert/remove a floppy disk

    3) restart the computer by pressing the RESET button

    2) disconnect/connect external devices

    4) restart the computer by pressing the CTRL -ALT -DEL keys

    The full path to the file is specified C:\DOC\PROBA.TXT. What is the full filename?




    4) TXT

    The subject model is...

    1) anatomical model

    3) drawing

    2) map

    4) diagram

    Which of the objects can be the executor of the algorithms?

    1) scissors

    3) printer

    2) map

    4) book

  1. A

    alg sum of squares ( intact S)

    res S

    beginning nat n

    S :=A

    For n from 1 before 3


    S :=S+n*n



1) cyclic

3) auxiliary

2) branching

4) linear

    What is the trajectory of the Turtle performer after executing the sequence of commands: forward (1 cm) to the right (90 0) forward (1 cm) to the right (90 0) forward (1 cm) to the right (90 0) forward (1 cm) to the right (90 0)

    A: = 5
    B: = 10

    1) 5

    3) 15

    2) 10

    4) 20

    Performing an operation in a text editorCopybecomes possible after:

1) setting the cursor to a certain position
2) save the file
3) file printout
4) highlighting a piece of text

    During the process of converting a text file from MS-DOS encoding to Windows encoding,...

1) font size

2) paragraph formatting options
3) binary character encoding
4) page parameters

    The main operations possible in the graphic editor include...

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser
3) selection, copy, paste
4) sets of colors (palette)

    The minimum object used in a vector graphics editor is...

1) screen point (pixel)

3) color palette
4) familiar place (symbol)

    In order to preserve information, CD-ROMs must be protected from...

1) cold
2) pollution
3) magnetic fields
4) changes in atmospheric pressure

    The main element of spreadsheets is...

    1) cell

    3) column

    2) line

    4) table

  1. The result of the calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 5







=A1 /2

= SUM(A1 :B1 )

) 15

2) 10

4) 20



    A country

    Field of activity


    E. Rutherford

    Great Britain







    L. Landau




    I. Mechnikov




    M. Sholokhov



    How many records are there in the presented database?

1) 5

3) 3

2) 2

4) 4

  1. What records will be found after searching in the text fieldA countrywith the conditioncontainsRussia?

1) 1


A country

Field of activity

E. Rutherford

Great Britain





L. Landau



I. Mechnikov



M. Sholokhov



2) 2,4

4) 2, 3

  1. The maximum speed of information transfer in a computer local network can reach...

    1) 56.6 Kbps

    3) 100 Mbit/s

    2) 100 Kbps

    4) 100 KB/s

    The Internet email address has been set: [email protected]
    What is the name of the computer where the mail is stored?

    1) ru

    3) user_name

    2) [email protected]


1) to any web page of any Internet server
2) to any web page within this domain
3) to any web page of this server
4) within this web page


    Which of the sequences reflects the true chronology:

1) mail, telegraph, telephone, television, radio, computer networks;

2) mail, radio, telegraph, telephone, television, computer networks;

3) mail, television, radio, telegraph, telephone, computer networks;

4) mail, radio, telephone, telegraph, television, computer networks;

    What is 1 KB equal to...

    1) 2 10 bytes

    3) 1000 bits

    2) 10 3 bytes

    4) 1000 bytes

    The amount of information required to encode 256 characters in binary is...

    1) 1 bit

    3) 1 KB

    2) 1 byte

    4) 1 baud

    How is the decimal number 3 written in binary?

    1) 00

    3) 01

    2) 10

    4) 11

    Which device has the slowest data transfer speed?

    1) CD-ROM drive

    3) floppy drive

    2) hard drive

    4) RAM chips

    Infection with computer viruses can occur during...

    1) printing on a printer

    3) format the floppy disk

    2) working with files

    4) turn off the computer

    The full path to the file is specifiedC:\DOC\PROBA.TXT. What is the name of the directory where the PROBA.TXT file is located?

    1) DOC



    4) TXT

    The family tree is...

    1) tabular information model

    3) network information model

    2) hierarchical information model

    4) subject information model

    Which word is the command of the performer Turtle?

    1) linear

    3) algorithm

    2) program

    4) forward


    alg sum ( things A, B, S)

    arg A, B
    res S
    S:=A + B

    What type of algorithm is written in an algorithmic language?

1) cyclic

3) auxiliary

2) branching

4) linear

1) 20

3) 5

2) 9

4) 4

  1. What will be the value of the variable X after performing the assignment operations: X:=5
    B: = 10
    X: = X + B

    1) 5

    3) 15

    2) 10

    4) 20

    In a text editor, the main parameters when setting paragraph parameters are:

1) typeface, size, style
2) indentation, interval
3) margins, orientation
4) style, pattern

    What is the most common extension in text file names?

    1) . exe

    3) .doc

    2) . bmp

    4) . com

    The minimum object in a raster graphics editor is...

1) screen point (pixel)
2) object (rectangle, circle, etc.)
3) color palette
4) familiar place (symbol)

    In the process of converting a raster graphics file, the number of colors decreased from 65536 to 256. How many times will the information volume of the file decrease?

    1) 2

    3) 8

    2) 4

    4) 16

    The file containing...

1) 1 page of text
2) black and white drawing 100x100
3) audio clip lasting 1 minute.
4) video clip lasting 1 minute.

    In spreadsheets, a formula cannot include...

    1) numbers

    3) text

    2) cell names

    4) signs of arithmetic operations

    The result of the calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 50







=A1 /2

= SUM(A1 :B1 )*A1

) 150

2) 100

4) 200




    thousand people


















    How many records are there in the presented database?

1) 4

3) 2

2) 3

4) 1

  1. What line will the Greece entry occupy after sorting in ascending order in the field? Population, thousand people ?

1) 4



thousand people














2) 3

4) 1

    The speed of information transmission over a backbone fiber optic line is usually no less than...

    1) 56.6 Kbps

    3) 28.8 bps

    2) 100 Kbps

    4) 1 Mbit/s

    Internet servers containing file archives allow...

1) download the necessary files
2) receive email
3) participate in teleconferences
4) conduct video conferences

    A computer connected to the Internet must have...

1) IP address
2) web server
3) home web page
4) domain name


    The founder of domestic computing technology is...

1) Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev,

2) Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky,

3) Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov,

4) Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev.

    What is 1 GB equal to...

    1) 2 10 MB

    3) 1000 Mbit

    2) 10 3 MB

    4) 1000 000 KB

    For binary encoding of a color pattern (256 colors) of size 10 X 10 points required....

    1) 100 bits

    3) 600 bits

    2) 100 bytes

    4) 800 bytes

    How is the decimal number 2 written in binary?

    1) 00

    3) 01

    2) 10

    4) 11

    The processor processes information...

    1) in the decimal number system

    3) in BASIC language

    2) in binary code

    4) in text form

    Computer viruses can cause...

    1) only programs

    3) programs and documents

    2) graphic files

    4) sound files

    The full path to the file is specifiedC:\DOC\PROBA.TXT . What is the file extension that determines its type?





    The information (sign) model is...

    1) anatomical model

    3) ship model

    2) building layout

    4) diagram

    The algorithm is...

1) subject information model
2) static information model
3) dynamic information model
4) tabular information model

1) Cyclic
2) Branching
3) Auxiliary
4) Linear

    Using an algorithm written in an algorithmic language, calculate the sum of squares of a sequence of natural numbers.

1) S = 15


alg sum of squares ( intact S)

res S
beginning nat n
For nfrom 2 before 4
S:= S + n*n

2) S = 18

4) S = 29

    The value of a Boolean variable can be

    1) any number

    3) true or false

    2) any text

    4) table

    In a text editor, the main parameters when setting a font are:

1) typeface, size, style
2) indentation, interval
3) margins, orientation
4) style, pattern

    During the text formatting process, the...

    1) font size

    3) sequence of characters, words, paragraphs

    2) paragraph parameters

    4) page parameters

    A raster graphics editor designed for...

1) creating drawings
2) plotting
3) diagramming
4) creating and editing drawings

    In the process of compressing raster graphic files using the JPEG algorithm, its information volume usually decreases by..

    1) 2-3 times

    3) 100 times

    2) 10-15 times

    4) does not change

    The information capacity of standard CD-ROM discs can reach...

1) 650 MB 3) 1 GB
2) 1 MB 4) 650 KB

18. In spreadsheets, the cell name is formed...

1) from the column name

3) from the name of the column and row

2) from the string name

4) arbitrarily

    The result of the calculations in cell C1 will be:

1) 25







=A1 *2

= SUM(A1 :B1 )*A1

) 75

2) 50

4) 100




    thousand people


















    How many text fields are there in the presented database?

1) 1

3) 3

2) 2

4) 4

  1. What records will be found after searching in the numeric field Population, thousand people with the condition<20 ?

    1) 2

    3) 1,4

    2) 3

    4) 1 ,2,3

    A modem is...

1) mail program
2) network protocol
3) Internet server
4) technical device

    The Internet email address has been set: [email protected] What is the top level domain name?

    1) ru

    3) user_name



    Web pages have the format (extension)...

1) .TXT
4) .EXE

Computer science tests with answers

Option 1

1) The unit of measurement for the amount of information is taken...

1. 1 baud 2. 1 bit 3. 1 byte 4. 1 KB

2) Computer performance (speed of operations) depends on...

1.Display screen size 2. CPU frequencies

3) Which device can have a harmful effect on human health?

1. printer 2. monitor 3. system unit 4. modem

4) The file is...

1. unit of measurement of information 2. program in operational

3. text printed on a printer 4. program or data on


5) A model is the replacement of the object under study with another object that reflects...

1. all sides of a given object 2. some sides of a given object

3. essential aspects 4. non-essential parties

of this object of this object

6) The minimum object used in a text editor is...

1. word 2. screen point (pixel) 3. paragraph 4. symbol (familiarity)

7) The number of different encodings of letters of the Russian alphabet is...

1. one 2. two (MS-DOS, Windows)

3. three (MS-DOS, Windows, 4. five (MS-DOS, Windows,

Macintosh) Macintosh,KOI-8,ISO)

8) The tools in the graphic editor are...

1. line, circle, rectangle 2. selection, copy, paste

3. pencil, brush, eraser 4. sets of colors (palettes)

9) A multimedia computer must include...

1. projection panel 2. CD-ROMdisk drive and sound card

3. modem 4. plotter

10) In spreadsheets, the group of cells A1:B3 is highlighted. How many cells are in this group?

1. 6 2. 5 3. 4 4. 3

11) The result of calculations in cell C1 will be.