Wrong password try again windows 10

10 there is an account system. U different users The computer may have different rights, capabilities, restrictions on access to certain data, and so on. To enter a specific account you need to know the secret combination - password. He is responsible for the security of user data. The article will talk about how to remove the password on Windows 10, install it, restore a forgotten combination and completely disable it.

Setting a password

The most in a simple way How to set a password on Windows 10 is setting up user access. First you need to go to the system settings. To do this, open “Start” and click on the gear icon. There, open the “Accounts” section.

All access settings are set in the “Login Options” category. There you can set a password combination, enable authorization via PIN code, or graphic key. Setup is extremely easy, just follow the on-screen instructions.

change Password

Security requires regularly changing your account password. This also applies to Windows 10 OS users.

Open Start and click on the gear icon. There, find the “Accounts” category. Select Sign-in Options. There will be a corresponding button to change the code combination. First you need to enter the old sequence, and then the new one along with the hint. If you do not have a local account, you will need an Internet connection to complete these steps. In this case, the changes will also be reflected in your Microsoft account.

Alternative way

Click right click mouse on the Start icon. In the context menu, click on the “Command Prompt (Administrator)” column. Copy there net user. Remember your username.

Then enter the command:

net user XXXYYY

Where instead of XXX you need to insert the name from previous paragraph, and YYY is the desired code. This method only suitable for local user.

Removing a password

The option to remove a password on Windows 10 is only available for a local account. Accordingly, first you need to disable the connection with your Microsoft account if they are synchronized.

Open a command prompt (terminal) with administrator rights. Then enter net user . This command will display a list of all users registered in the system. Find the one you need and remember its name. Then enter the command “net user XXX “””, where XXX is the account name. If it includes several words, then it must be enclosed in quotation marks. Now when you start the computer you will not be prompted to enter a secret word.


What to do if secret combination lost? In this case, you will need to reset your password. It is much easier to complete if you are logged in with a Microsoft account. But there is also an option to reset the local user account.

Microsoft account

How to reset Windows 10 password for Microsoft account? This can only be done online. Open the link https://account.live.com/resetpassword.aspx, select the first item there. You will be asked to enter your account login and verification characters. Follow the prompts on the page, and you will receive an email with your password reset.

Local user

But resetting protection for a local user is much more difficult if there is no link to a Microsoft account. Here you will need special software(if you do not have a Professional or Corporate edition of the system), as well as difficult manipulations. To complete the task you need to be a confident PC user.

First you need to prepare a Live CD, on which there is the ability to interact with file system. The first step is to boot the computer from such a drive (disk or flash drive). At the point where you are prompted to select a language, find the “System Restore” button. Go to the system troubleshooting section, there open “ Extra options" and launch the terminal.

In it, copy 2 queries sequentially: “diskpart”, and then “list volume” (they are entered without quotes). A list appears HDD partitions. Note the label of the partition that contains the operating system. You can figure out where it is installed by looking at its size. Then write Exit in the console.

Then enter sequentially:

move "volume label":\windows\system 32\utilman .exe "volume label":\windows \system 32\utilman 2.exe

copy "volume label":\windows\system 32\cmd .exe "volume label":\windows \system 32\utilman .exe

Where the “volume label” is the partition that contains the OS. The essence of these commands is that utilman .exe is used to launch the accessibility feature when logging into an account. And we replace it with executable file command line. The result is that it becomes possible launch command line even before entering the password.

All that remains is to restart the computer. It is preferable to enter wpeutil reboot into the console for this, Alternative option -Reset button on system unit. During boot, remove the Live CD drive from the computer so that it starts from the hard drive.

When the Windows login window appears, click on the accessibility column at the bottom of the window. This will bring up the command prompt. In the terminal you need to enter: net user “name” “code”, where “name” is replaced by the user name, and the code is replaced by the password combination. If you don't know the name of the account, you can find it by searching net users.

When all steps are completed, it will be installed new code security, which can immediately be used to log into Win 10.

Disable password

Now let's figure out how disable login password. Press the Win + R button combination, insert Netplwiz into the text field and run the command.
The Account Service will open. In the window, you need to click on the user name, uncheck the login confirmation box and apply the changes.

The system will ask you to enter your password twice, please enter it. Now the computer will start without prompting you to enter password characters; you can check this after the first reboot. To cancel changes, you just need to put the checkbox back.

In this mode, the computer will start faster. But you should understand that user data is not protected in any way. This method is suitable for all types of accounts Windows records 10.

) decided to put things in order in my laptop and “tighten up” a couple of inconveniences that had been hanging around for some time in the operating system.

About a month ago, for some reason, they started meeting me two accounts when logging into Windows 10, both with my login, but one without my avatar, and the second with it. The message “Invalid username or password. Try again." . I had to press “Enter” on the keyboard and after entering my password, I safely got into the operating system.

It was clear that this was not a hacking of the computer (by evil hackers), but simply some kind of glitch in Windows 10 (in the system parameters, as before, one admin account is displayed, without other users). So I finally decided to deal with this annoying inconvenience.

I’ll tell you below how I easily overcame this problem and at the same time, about how you can log into your operating system more conveniently and quickly without reducing the level of security.

Reason for two accounts appearing when logging in

The nature of this phenomenon has not been fully studied by British scientists, but on the Internet there is talk about two main reasons for this behavior of Windows if you log in without entering a password (it was disabled by you earlier):

  1. when changing the computer name
  2. after installing some important updates systems

On the left side of the lock screen, two users with the same logins will be displayed, but one usually does not have an avatar...

Using both of them you can log into the system - I already described this above.

How to remove a second account when logging into Windows

It’s very easy, quick and simple to remove an unnecessary second account when logging into Windows. To do this, if you previously disabled (deleted it), you need to add it again to your account and then enable the request when logging in as a user (administrator).

To activate the password request when logging into Windows 10, you need to press “Win ​​+ R” on your keyboard...

...and in the window that appears, type in (or from here) netplwiz

After that, all you need to do is opposite “Require username and password.” ...

...and after applying the changes, restart the computer (completely). After this procedure, you can again uncheck the “netplwiz” window and even completely remove your login password.

Please note that it is not the shutdown that needs to be done and the subsequent switch-on, but a continuous reboot.

Congratulations, now you don’t have two identical accounts when logging into Windows 10, but one.

PIN code or speed up login to Windows 10

Now I will share with you information on how you can make logging into Windows 10 a little faster and easier, with virtually no reduction in the level of security.

The fact is that I am the only user on my laptop and in theory, I didn’t have to bother with the login password at all (delete it and log into the system at full speed when the computer starts).

But sometimes I take this one laptop computer with me to work and I would like to be sure that in my short absence, someone curious did not get into it and cause any mischief, even if unintentionally. Helped me out PIN code instead of password account.

How does a PIN differ from a Windows login password?

  • no need to invent complex password(with obligatory numbers and letters, and also in different registers
  • it only has four characters
  • Only numbers can be used
  • after entering it happens instant login V Windows system(you don’t even need to press “Enter”)
  • The PIN code is associated only with specific device, on which it was set
  • this code is stored locally on the device (the password is sent to the server and theoretically can be intercepted)

Thus, by using a PIN code instead of a password when logging in, we kill two birds with one stone - we save relatively reliable protection and at the same time, we speed up and simplify the procedure for logging into the operating system under your account.

How to set a PIN to log into Windows

You must have previously set up an account password. In the system settings, go to the “Login Options” section...

...and just add a PIN code...

As my experience tells me, many Windows 10 users, after installing it, disable the login password so as not to constantly enter it when turning on the PC.
After some time, some kind of failure may occur, after which operating system starts asking for authorization again. And the user forgot his account password Windows entries 10! Or he didn’t know him at all - the installation was done by a friend, neighbor or on-call technician. So what should I do? How to log into your computer?! There are two ways out.
First - reinstalling Windows. But at the same time, you may lose data stored on the system partition.
Second - try to reset forgotten password Administrator or the login you use. This is what we will talk about today.

First, let me remind you that in Windows 10 two types of accounts can be used:

1) Local account
2) Microsoft account

I will tell you in detail about password recovery for both cases.

Reset Windows 10 password

To perform this procedure, you will first need a bootable USB flash drive or installation disk from which to boot. After selecting the OS installation language, you should see the following window:

Select the “Diagnostics” section and go to the following menu:

Here you need to select the “Advanced options” item. A third menu will appear:

Click on the “Command Line” item. After this, a regular command line with Administrator rights will launch, which will help us reset the password Windows user 10 if he forgot it.

But it's so easy to do it with installation flash drive If it doesn’t work, the installed OS must be loaded first. But you can’t launch the command line from the Windows authorization menu! What should I do? Here we will resort to a stratagem - we will replace the accessibility utility utilman.exe. To do this, enter the command:

move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe

This is what we will do first backup copy this utility file utilman2.exe. He will then allow you to return its functionality back.
Now let's copy the executable file cmd.exe to the utilman.exe file with the following command:

copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

Now, when you try to launch the Accessibility Wizard, the console will open with Administrator rights.

Reboot and launch Windows 10 already in normal mode.
As soon as the authorization window appears, click on this icon in the lower right corner:

Click on it and, if everything previous actions were executed correctly, we get a command line window:

Net user username password

In it, instead of username, you need to enter the name of your account, instead of password - New Password To her. For example, like this:

Net user setos 1234321

Click on Enter key. Now you can close the console window and try to log in to the system.

1) If suddenly you forgot not only the password, but also the user name itself, then you can see it in the list of system users. To do this, enter the command net user. All users will appear with a description of the role of each of them.
2) If you need the accessibility tool, then remember to start your PC again with bootable flash drive or disk and return the utilman.exe utility back. To do this you need to enter the following command:

copy c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe

After this, it should function as before again.

Recovering your Microsoft account password

Now let's discuss what to do when you forgot your Windows 10 password with a Microsoft account. Then you will have to look for another computer with Internet access to access the site login.live.com. There you need to enter your login (this is either an email address or a phone number) and click on the “Next” button.

We indicate the reason why we cannot log into Windows 10 - forgotten password. Let's move on.

Again, indicate your login and below is the verification word. Click on “Next”.

Now you need to pass verification. Most convenient option- is to get verification code by letter or reply to Security Question(if you remember the answer, of course).
The most extreme option is to click on “I don’t have this data.” Then you will restore authorization by contacting Microsoft technical support and following their instructions.
In any of these cases, the solution will be a link to the page for changing your password. You will receive a link to change your password. When entering a new one, you will need to comply with all requirements - length key phrase must consist of numbers, letters and at least 8 characters.
And only after all these misadventures will you be able to remove your forgotten password and successfully log into your computer! Good luck!

Something terrible has happened: your Windows 10 password doesn’t work, and the system doesn’t want to let you in. This can happen by various reasons: forgot the password, was accidentally changed by children, was deliberately changed by ill-wishers, or malware. In any case, we have the following: the password that was set is not suitable, and I really don’t want to reinstall the operating system completely. Below I’ll tell you how to reset your password on Windows 10, but before doing all the manipulations, make sure that:

  • key not included Caps Lock(it replaces all entered letters with capital letters, and the password is case sensitive). If this is your situation, then press this key and try entering the password again.
  • you enter the password on the correct keyboard layout (Russian, English, perhaps some other language);
  • All characters are entered (there are no problems with the keyboard).

Are you sure, but the password still doesn’t work? Then we move on to decisive action. Before you start removing your password, you may want to familiarize yourself with how to remove a password in Windows if you have access to your account. " ".

Reset your Microsoft account password

Perhaps the easiest way to regain control of your account and log in. However, it only works if you logged into your computer using a Microsoft account (you created it during system installation/first login or used a previously created account). If you have not registered with Microsoft, you can go down to another section of the article, where we will discuss another option.

To reset your password, follow this link: https://account.live.com/resetpassword.aspx. You can do this on another computer or from your phone.

Choose the appropriate option, for example, you forgot it or you doubt that the computer will correctly recognize the entered characters (this is the 2nd option, which is shown in the screenshot above). Next, the site will ask you to indicate any of two contacts - email or phone - which is associated with a Microsoft account.

Removing the password on Windows 10 using the installation tool

If you are logging in using a local account and any account Microsoft entry does not appear in any way, password recovery will take a little longer. You will also need a so-called LiveCD - a disk (or flash drive) with a set of programs and installation files. But a disk for installing Windows 7, 8 or 10 is also quite suitable. I think you have one of the images on a CD, all you have to do is place it in the drive. Yes, if you don’t have such a disk, then it’s time to make one. After all, Windows installation- it’s simple and on this site you can find detailed instructions on how to do this.

To do detailed instructions, let's take as an example the situation when your disk drive contains an installation Windows disk. Reboot the computer and boot from it. If you are not familiar with the concept of “how to set disk boot in the BIOS,” then I recommend reading the article “”. We need the Windows installation to start. Once this happens, in one of the first installation steps (selecting a language or agreeing to license agreement) press the key combination “Shift” + “F10” - this will bring up the command line. Maybe, this option does not help to open the command line, then you can use another option - select “System Restore” on the left.

Here's an example installation disk Windows 10:

If you are working with a Windows 10 disk, then here are the steps you need to follow to open the command line:

  • First of all, click “Next”;
  • then “System Restore”;
  • now “Troubleshooting”;
  • Click "Advanced options";
  • Select “Command Line”;

If you have Windows 7, then after a few minutes of waiting (depending on the computer), in the window that opens you need to select “Troubleshooting”, then click on “Advanced options” and in last step select “Command Line”.

So, you have opened the command line, now to perform the password reset operation in Windows 10, you need to know exactly which drive the operating system is located on. There are two ways to find out:

  1. Enter the “diskpart” commands one by one (a utility for working with hard drives computer), then – “list volume” (we get information on disks). After entering each command, press “Enter”.

Thus, we understand which of the drives in the list the OS is installed on and remember the drive letter. For example, in my case it is drive D.

  1. Another option that will allow you to find out on which disk the system is installed. Launch Notepad by entering “notepad” into the command line and don’t forget to press “Enter” after entering the command.

After these steps, a notepad will open, select at the top left: “File” - “Open”. In the window that appears, we examine our computer to find which drive the “Windows” folder is located on, and remember the drive letter. This option is suitable for users who cannot figure out the first option.

Now that you know exactly the disk where the system is installed, let's get down to business. So, let's return to our command line, which we launched earlier. We know the drive letter. Yes, in most cases the OS is installed on drive C, I will further indicate the letter D, but in your case it is most likely drive C. You can replace the letter with your own if yours is different. To exit Disk Utility, type “exit” and then press “Enter.”

Now write the following command on the command line: “ movec:\windows\system32\utilman.exec:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe"(after entering the command, press "Enter" again). If everything is entered correctly, you will see a success message. Next we enter: “ copyc:\windows\system32\cmd.exec:\windows\system32\utilman.exe" I remind you that after each command you enter, you must press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

When the above commands are used on your computer, you need to restart the computer in normal mode (close the command prompt and the installation window, after which the computer will begin to restart - for the Windows 7 installation disk), but before restarting the computer, do not forget to remove the disk from the drive . Close the command line and click “Continue” - if you have a Windows 10 installation disk (if you have a different disk, then just restart your computer). When your system is loaded, get to the login form and click on the “ Special abilities"(located at the very bottom right). If we did everything correctly, the command line should start.

Attention: If for some reason you do not have screens similar to the screenshots above, for example, you booted from a LiveCD (it is better to use the Windows installation disk) and you are able to access files on the disks without logging in, your task is to first rename the utilman file .exe to utilman2.exe and then copy the cmd.exe file (the file is located in C:\Windows\System32), and then create a copy of the cmd.exe file in system32, changing the name to “utilman.exe”.

When the command line opens, enable the “Lord of all Windows” (Administrator) account. To do this, write the command “net user Administrator /active:yes” (for the Russian version - “Administrator” it will then be “net user Administrator /active:yes”) and press “Enter”.

After this, a new user is activated in the list of computer users - Administrator - this account will help us reset the password in Windows 10. After these steps, the “Administrator” account should appear at the bottom left, but it may be necessary to restart the computer or laptop to update the list of users . As soon as it is displayed, enter it without a password (click on it with the left mouse button).

On the left, click on “Administrator”:

After logging in (which may take longer than usual, since the account was not loaded before), right-click on the “Start” button and in the menu that appears, select “Computer Management” (there is another option - hold down the “Win” - “X” keys ).

Will start Windows tool. You need to find the item “Local users” - “Users” on the left in the tree. Now find your user in the list of users, right-click on it and select “Set password”.

The system will issue a warning, which you need to read - click on “Continue”.

Note: after resetting the password in this way, it is recommended to return everything to its place: disable the “Administrator” account by entering the command “net user Administrator /active:no”. Then return the Accessibility icons. To do this, delete the utilman.exe file from the System32 folder, then rename utilman2.exe to utilman.exe. If you can't rename it to graphical interface Windows 10, then you need to use the command line. To execute the commands, you need to boot into system recovery mode (this was discussed earlier), open the command line and enter 2 commands:

  • del C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe
  • move C:\Windows\System32\utilman2.exe C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe

After that, you can forget about the password and you can use the computer.

How to remove a password using the Registry Editor

To do this, boot from the installation disk, press “Shift” + “F10” (you may also need to hold down the “Fn” button on your laptop) and then the command line will open. Now type the command “regedit”, press “Enter”. When the registry starts, click on “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” with the left mouse button, click on “File” and select “Load hive”.

After that, we find our section by name inside HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, select the “setup” section in it, and in the right part of the window change the “CmdLine” value to “cmd.exe” (you must double-click on the “CmdLine” parameter and enter cmd.exe), and change “SetupType” to “2”. For the changes to take effect, click “File” - “Unload Hive” and confirm your intentions. After this, you can close the registry and command line, and restart your computer.

Now when booting Windows The familiar command line window will appear, in which, by entering the command “net user password", we will set any new password for a specific user to log into the system (“user” is the login name, “password” is the new password you want to set). Then we write “exit” and press “Enter” to exit the command line. There is no need to disable it, since the next time you boot, the registry settings will return to their original values.

Here is another option on how to remove the password (so you understand how to work in a given situation):

This happens: when you try to log in to Windows 10, a notification appears that the password is incorrect, and the system does not allow the user to access the desktop. Let's look at how to reset the password on Windows 10 without reinstalling the operating system. You should first make sure that:

  • Caps key Lock is activated or, conversely, not active (check the button indicator on the keyboard);
  • Switch the keyboard layout to the correct one and make sure that it does not automatically switch to the default input language installed on the system.

If you are convinced that you are entering the correct characters, but nothing helps, proceed to resetting the password.

The method is only relevant for users who work on a computer using a Microsoft account. If such an account does not exist or the password is not suitable for a local user, proceed to the next section.

1. To reset your password, follow this link: https://account.live.com/resetpassword.aspx in any browser.

We choose a more suitable option (it’s best to stop at the first one, so you can quickly begin the procedure of replacing the sequence of characters to protect your account).

The next step is to enter the phone or email associated with your account.

Resetting the password using bootable media with Windows 10 distribution

This option is provided for local account holders. Let's use the official one in an installation manner, recorded on a flash drive (although the LiveCD option with the appropriate set of options is also not bad).

1. If you have a disk/flash drive, connect the media and reboot; otherwise, look for the opportunity to create your own boot drive With Windows distribution 10.

2. Start the system from the installation disk via Boot Menu BIOS.

3. Specify the language and accept the terms of use of the software.

4. In the window with the “Install” icon, press the “Shift + F10” keys to open the command line window.

It happens that last operation does not lead to anything, if this happens, click “System Restore”.

  1. Click “Next”, then again click on the “System Restore” icon.
  2. Select the item responsible for detecting and eliminating faults.
  3. Click "Advanced options".
  4. In the menu, select the “Command Line” launch option.

5. Find out the letter identifier of the volume with the operating system.

Usually, this is the letter C\, but due to the presence of several hundred megabyte partitions on the disk, the label in this launch mode may appear differently.

Let's launch disk utility diskpart by executing the command of the same name.

We execute “list volume” to visualize information about the partitions.

Based on the volume and name of the partition, we draw a conclusion about the letter label of the system volume.

We leave from diskpart programs by executing "exit".

6. Execute the command “ move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman2.exe» to rename a service file that provides accessibility features on the lock screen.

7. Then enter the line “ copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe"replace the utility with the command line.

8. Execute “shutdown /r” or close all windows to restart the PC.

9. On the lock screen, launch the “Accessibility” utility to bring up the command line (this was done in steps 6-7).

10. Enter “net user Administrator / active: yes” into the command line to obtain administrator privileges in the system.

Activation of an account with unlimited rights in the operating system is necessary to call the Computer Management utility and work with the registry using it

11. After successful completion of the operations, the “Administrator” icon will appear in the lower left corner. Click on this icon to log in to the system with the appropriate privileges, which does not require entering a password.

The first login from your newly activated account may take a little longer than usual, so be patient.

12. Using the context menu or the Win+X key combination, call up the menu of the same name and select the “Computer Management” item.

This will launch Windows snap-in 10, designed to carry out actions in the system that require special privileges(they have been received).

13. Expand the first branch vertical menu left.

14. Open “Users” in the “Local Users” directory.

15. Using the context menu of your account, call the command to specify a password.

16. Take note of the contents of the next information window and click “Continue”.

17. We introduce a new combination of symbols to protect your local account and confirm it.

This concludes the instructions on the topic: How to reset the administrator password, but it is strongly recommended to restore the system to its original form.

18. Disable the administrator account by executing “net user Administrator /active:no” on the command line (launched via Win→X).

19. We return the launch of the “Special Features” utility.

Open the system32 directory in Windows folder and erase the utilman.exe file, then delete the two from the name utilman2.exe. If it was not possible to perform actions through Explorer (the operating system denied access), the same can be done through the command line. Let's launch it and execute it following commands in the same sequence:

del C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe

move C:\Windows\System32\utilman2.exe C:\Windows\System32\utilman.exe

If unsuccessful, you must start again in recovery mode (steps 1-4).

Now you can work, and if necessary, quickly recover your lost password or gain access to another computer (you will only have to delete or change the password).

The same thing, but through the registry

1. Launch from the installation drive.

2. Calling the environment Windows recovery using the combination “Shift” + F10.”

3. Run “regedit”.

4. Go to the “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” branch.

5. Call the “Load hive” command via the context menu or the “File” item.

6. Open a document called System, located along the path System32\config in the folder with the operating system.

7. Enter the Latin name of the bush and press “Enter”.

8. Go to the new HKLM branch and select Setup.

9. In the right frame, replace the key value from “CmdLine” with the string parameter “cmd.exe”.

10. Double-click on “SetupType” and enter its value as “2”.

11. Reboot.

12. After loading the lock screen, a familiar command line window will appear, where you need to execute a command like: “net user user password”, where instead of “user” we enter the account name, followed by a space – the new password.

13. Execute “exit” and reboot the computer.

The advantage of the method is that all parameters are restored automatically the next time the operating system is booted.