Bios ami with disaster recovery capability. BIOS. Questions about flashing and restoring BIOS

“What to do if the flashing is unsuccessful, after which, as a rule, it is impossible to turn on the computer and load the operating system?”

Let's try to describe the options for possible actions in this situation.

Re-flashing at the service center

In most Russian cities, many computer companies offer BIOS flashing services.
You can usually save money by bringing them the faulty chip and a floppy disk with the firmware.

If service center employees have to search for firmware on the Internet, they will charge a couple of dollars more.
The service center of this company has a programmer - a rather expensive device connected to the computer via an external port (usually LPT), which allows you to flash several different types of microcircuits.

To remove the BIOS chip from the socket on the motherboard, pry it from the corner with a needle or awl.
On motherboards of MicroATX and Flex ATX standards, the chip is usually tightly soldered to the board.
If you have just such a board, there is little chance that it can be reflashed even if you contact the company.
Most likely, you will have to use Boot Block or change the entire motherboard.

Booting from Boot Block

New motherboards have a so-called Boot Block - a small part of the BIOS that is not erased when flashing.
Boot Block in Award BIOS boots the computer from a floppy disk, and in AMI BIOS it looks for the amiboot.rom file on the floppy disk and flashes it.

To restore Award BIOS, create a boot floppy disk on another computer, placing the firmware file and the awdflash utility on it.
The autoexec.bat file should consist of one command to launch awdflash with a parameter - the name of the working firmware file.
ASUS boards with Award BIOS use a different flashing program (not awdflash), so you need to look for this program for them.

For AMI BIOS, you just need to rename the firmware file to amiboot.rom and place this file on a floppy disk.
When you turn on the computer, you will see that the BIOS is accessing the floppy disk (the LED blinks and a characteristic noise is heard).
The screen will remain black because Boot Block does not support modern video cards (only ISA bus video cards, which are now completely outdated).

After about three to four minutes, the firmware should be completed.
Some BIOS produce a beep after flashing.
Now restart your computer and restore the CMOS settings.

Replacing the chip

Find a second motherboard with a working BIOS chip of the same size and from the same company (for example, AMI BIOS in an 11x13 mm case, as in the photos).
Pull the chip out of its socket on this second motherboard and tie it with strong thread so that it can be easily removed.

First, it is better to practice pulling the chip by a thread with the computer turned off.
Then turn on the computer, boot into DOS and carefully, without touching the metal contacts on the board, remove the working chip.

Since the BIOS is cached in RAM when the computer boots, the computer will continue to operate without the chip.

Also carefully insert the unsuccessfully flashed microcircuit and start flashing.
Having completed this procedure, insert the flashed chip into the socket on the first motherboard.

Introduction. BOOTBLOCK BIOS.
Most BIOS firmwares that are common today can be called “BOOT BLOCK Firmware” (BOOTBLOCK BIOS). Such firmware is fundamentally different from earlier BIOS in that it contains an additional section called BOOT BLOCK. Thus, the firmware consists of two parts - the above-mentioned block and the main code (system area - SYSTEM BLOCK). BOOT BLOCK uses the first 24 kilobytes of the memory chip and contains information and instructions to enable initialization of a minimum of critical system devices such as the floppy drive and (some ISA card models only). The BOOT BLOCK area in the BIOS chip has a read-only attribute and can be reprogrammed using flash utilities only using special commands. This area can only be present in BIOSes that have a size of 256 kilobytes (2 megabits) and it allows you to restore a BIOS damaged during the update process. In a one-megabit BIOS, there is simply no place for such an area, so it can only be restored using the “Hot Swap” procedure (we will look at it below) or by flashing firmware on a chip programmer.

  1. The procedure for flashing the BIOS (the operation of the flash program) can be divided into several stages:
  2. Loading the program and identifying the flash memory chip (size and programming voltage)
  3. Board chipset and type identification
  4. Erasing the main area in the flash BIOS chip (filling with zeros). BOOT BLOCK is not affected.
  5. Overwriting the main area with new BIOS code.
  6. Load BIOS variables to default values ​​and reboot the computer.
If a failure occurs during the first 3 stages, then the program may display an error message and exit, it may simply freeze or otherwise crash, but this will not damage the BIOS. If a failure occurs in the 4th or 5th stages, the information in the BIOS system area will be corrupted and the computer will not be able to start normally. You will be able to turn on the computer's power, but the normal boot procedure will not occur. If your computer has AWARD BIOS installed, the following message may appear on the screen:
AWARD BootBlock BIOS v x.xx
CMOS checksum error
At this point, the system will attempt to boot from the system floppy disk to attempt to restore the BIOS. Below we will look at BIOS recovery methods.
BIOS recovery methods. There are several methods:
  1. Using BOOT BLOCK to flash the BIOS
  2. Using the Hot Swap Method
  3. Firmware of the microcircuit on the programmer.
  4. Purchasing a new microcircuit with the required firmware.
Here we will look at the first two methods. To start - recovery AMI BOOTBLOCK BIOS.
We already know that the BIOS of boards with a BOOTBLOCK section can be restored from a floppy disk if the BOOTBLOCK itself is not damaged. When booting computers that have a damaged AMI BIOS, nothing will be displayed on the screen, however, the indicator on the disk drive (FDD) will light up and the system will attempt to read from the disk. The BIOS recovery procedure loaded from BOOT BLOCK will attempt to find a file on the floppy disk called AMIBOOT.ROM, and if such a file is found, it will be written to the BIOS system area. It is important that your computer has a working system speaker connected to the system, because once the BIOS recovery procedure is completed, the system will indicate this with four beeps. Thus, to restore a damaged AMI BIOS, you need to do the following:
  1. Format a reliable (high-quality) 1.44 MB floppy disk
  2. Copy the BIOS firmware suitable for your board onto it. Many firmware available on the Internet are posted there in archived form. Naturally, the archive must be unpacked and the unpacked firmware copied.
  3. Rename this file to AMIBOOT.ROM
  4. Turn on the computer and insert the prepared floppy disk into drive A:
  5. After approximately 3-4 minutes, the system should notify you with four beeps that the firmware procedure is complete. Remove the floppy disk. The computer should restart.
The computer should now boot normally. If normal booting does not occur, try flashing the BIOS again, possibly with different firmware for your board. If nothing has changed, read the “Problem Solving” section below.
In the case of AWARD BIOS, the procedure is similar, but there are differences. You will need to prepare a working floppy disk with BIOS firmware in *.BIN format, write the firmware program and the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to the diskette. AWARD BOOT BLOCK cannot automatically restore the system BIOS area, so you will need to write BIOS flashing commands to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The system will run this BAT file and thus flash the system BIOS area. The recovery procedure looks like this:
  1. Create a boot floppy disk. To do this, it is best to issue the command FORMAT A: /S from the DOS command line. The /S key means that system files will be copied to the floppy disk. If you use WindowsME, WinNT, Win2000 and older systems, this method of creating a floppy disk is not available to you. Go to and download a boot disk image from there.
  2. Copy the required BIOS file to the floppy disk. Many firmware available on the Internet are posted there in archived form. Naturally, the archive must be unpacked and the unpacked firmware copied. Copy the firmware program there.
  3. Using a text editor (for example, Notepad) or any editor built into DOS command shells (Norton commander, Dos navigator), create the file AUTOEXEC.BAT on a floppy disk. The file must be in text format, and its name must be exactly as specified, without the slightest variation . If you use Notepad? then you may need to change the file extension from TXT to BAT
  4. In the same text editor, paste and save the following lines into a file:
    The /py key is needed so that the firmware procedure starts without user intervention. The names AWDFLASH and BIOSFILE.BIN are given here as an example; they should be replaced with the name of the firmware program and the name of the firmware file. It is also advisable to check whether your flashing program with the /py key actually starts the automatic flashing procedure, since despite the standards, the commands may differ. To check, run your flashing program with the /? key. For example, like this: AWDFLASH /?
  5. Insert the prepared floppy disk into the drive and turn on the computer. The computer should boot from the floppy disk, run the above commands and restore the BIOS. If the procedure went well, the computer will reboot and start up as normal. The floppy disk must be removed from the drive, of course. If the BIOS recovery does not occur, read the "Troubleshooting" section below.
BIOS recovery method "Hot swap"
This technique involves removing the BIOS chip from one board (from a board that does not work due to unsuccessful flashing) and installing this chip into a working board while it is functioning (in the standby state). This technique is very risky, since you will have to remove the normal BIOS chip and insert a chip with damaged firmware while the board is under power. Moreover, you risk damaging not only both microcircuits, but also, and in particularly unfortunate cases, the entire system. There is also a risk of electrical shock to the operator performing this procedure.
This procedure requires that you have two computers with the same BIOS types (AWARD or AMI) and the same types of chips. It consists of the following:
  1. Start the working computer that you will use for recovery and boot into the DOS prompt. Make sure that you do not have any resident programs loaded.
  2. Carefully remove the BIOS chip from the running machine. Remember how it was installed there so that you can install it the same way later. Beforehand, you can practice removing the microcircuit with the computer turned off so that the procedure goes quickly and confidently. Try to ensure that all pins of the microcircuit are disconnected from the connector at the same time.
  3. Insert the chip containing the damaged BIOS into a working computer. Make sure that the key on the chip matches the key on the connector to prevent incorrect installation of the chips! If you insert the chip incorrectly, it will definitely be damaged when you turn on the computer! Again, practice doing this in advance, with the machine turned off. Try to ensure that all pins of the chip are inserted at the same time.
  4. Run the BIOS programming utility and flash the chip with the correct firmware required for the first (currently non-working) computer. If you receive a warning about a mismatch between the chipset type and/or board name, ignore it. If the flashing program does not allow you to ignore this warning, and this is an AMI BIOS, then run the program with the /x key to enter the program's graphical interface and flash the firmware manually. In other cases, try running the flashing program with the /? key. and find out which key can help you ignore the warnings.
  5. After flashing the BIOS, turn off the computer, carefully remove the programmed chip and place each of the chips in its place. Make sure that the key on the chip matches the key on the connector to prevent incorrect installation of the chips! If you insert the chip incorrectly, it will definitely be damaged when you turn on the computer!
  6. Turn on your computer. If the procedure went well, it will start up as usual. If the BIOS recovery does not occur, read the "Troubleshooting" section below.
Solving problems that arise when restoring the BIOS.
Problem: After following these instructions, the system still does not boot normally and all it does is access the drive.
Possible Solution: This situation means that the firmware procedure was completed unsuccessfully. The most likely reasons are two: incorrectly selected firmware or a faulty BIOS chip. In the first case, you can try repeating the BIOS recovery procedure. In the second case, you will have to purchase a new microcircuit and flash it on the programmer.
Problem: After rebooting the computer displayed the message "CMOS Checksum bad" and "Press F1 to Enter Setup"
Possible Solution: This is generally not a problem. The fact is that after updating the BIOS, the values ​​of the variables set in BIOS Setup are arbitrary. You need to go into BIOS Setup, load default variables (load system defaults, load optimal settings commands and the like) and then, if necessary, fine-tune the BIOS “to suit your needs.”
Problem: During the AWARD BIOS recovery process, the system starts reading from the floppy disk, then stops and nothing else happens. When you restart the computer, the situation repeats.
Possible Solution: This situation most likely indicates a problem with the floppy disk or drive. Verify on another computer that the disk is bootable, that it contains the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, the BIOS programming utility and the firmware itself, and that the AUTOEXEC file has the correct contents. If you can see the boot process on the screen and the system boots into the DOS prompt, then try manually entering the BIOS firmware commands and watch for error messages. Also try using a different flash utility and a different BIOS flash file. If the floppy disk is fully functional, try replacing the disk drive.

Working with the BIOS requires great care, since incorrect settings can cause the computer to no longer turn on or correctly detect connected equipment. You can reset BIOS settings using three proven reset methods on your PC and laptop.

Reset in BIOS settings

If you manage to get into the interface of the basic I/O system, then there is still a chance to reset the BIOS settings through the corresponding item in the “Exit” section. This is one of the simplest options that does not require opening the computer system unit. So, to restore the BIOS and return the default settings, follow these steps:

This method works on a laptop and is suitable for a computer. After rebooting, the BIOS settings will be set to default. All changes made by the user after purchasing the computer will be canceled.

Jumper reset

The first method works if you have access to the BIOS. To reset the BIOS settings to the factory state if you have forgotten the password, you will have to disassemble the system unit and use a mechanical jumper, changing the position of which interrupts the supply of current to the CMOS battery. The battery is responsible for storing BIOS settings, so if you temporarily turn off the power or remove it, the parameters will be reset to factory settings.

To completely discharge the remaining voltage, hold down the power button of the system unit for 10-15 seconds. The computer is de-energized, so nothing will happen. Then return the jumper to its original position and assemble the system unit. Factory settings have been installed, now all parameters in the BIOS are set to default.

Removing the CMOS Battery

Speaking of the jumper, we have already mentioned the CMOS battery, which is responsible for storing BIOS settings. Accordingly, if you remove it from the motherboard and then insert it back, you can restore the parameters that were set by default. The algorithm of actions is the same as when using a jumper.

After resetting the settings, you need to reinsert the battery and reassemble the system unit. After turning on the computer, there will no longer be any password on the BIOS, and all parameters will return to the factory state.

Reset on laptop

While it is quite easy to disassemble the system unit, you may encounter some difficulties when resetting the BIOS on a laptop. It's good if you can go into the BIOS and restore the default settings by selecting the appropriate mode in the “Exit” section. If a password is set on the BIOS, you will have to disassemble the laptop. Turn the laptop over so the back is facing you. Look to see if there is a small hole on the laptop labeled "CMOS".

If you find it, insert something sharp into the hole - for example, a paperclip. Wait for 30 seconds to reset the BIOS settings on your laptop. If there is no hole, you will have to remove the back cover and look on the motherboard for the CMOS battery or JCMOS pins.

  1. Disconnect the laptop from the network, disconnect the connected devices (mouse, speakers), remove the battery.
  2. Remove the back cover (on some models it is enough to remove the protection of the RAM and hard drive).
  3. Remove the RAM sticks and hard drive.

Under the RAM strips there should be two contacts that are labeled “JCMOS”. They need to be closed with a screwdriver.

Hello dear readers.

Any computer is a complex system. Sometimes during operation of the device, some problems may appear related to the correct performance of its functions in an area such as the BIOS. There are several ways to solve this problem – it all depends on the type of error. Later in the article I will tell you how to restore the BIOS on a laptop, depending on the type of problem.

Restore to factory settings

If suddenly the device stops functioning normally, and you suspect that the reason for this is incorrect settings in the area mentioned above, you can try to return them to factory settings:

In most cases, this procedure helps. True, sometimes you can encounter a simple error that does not allow the OS to start normally. The fix is ​​simple:

If you have a password

Sometimes users may encounter a situation where someone or they themselves previously set a password for the area we need, and conveniently forgot it. As a result of several incorrect attempts, the device will simply stop functioning.

Then you need to open the mobile computer itself. By the way, this method will help if it does not turn on:

Important! Before we go any further, there are a few basic points to clarify. So, some laptops, for example, Acer Aspire, have not two, but three contacts. In this case, you need to set the jumper to a different position and wait a few minutes.

In addition, sometimes you can find a special small button that performs the same functions. You just need to press it with a pencil for a few seconds.

Another solution is to remove the battery that maintains all important data in memory. If you remove it, everything will be reset.

Recovery after flashing

If problems arise as a result of unsuccessful installation of a new software version for the corresponding component, you need to perform a series of steps.