How to transfer a drawing from excel to word. Instructions for transferring Excel tabular data to Word

Many Microsoft users Office uses tables in everyday work. At the same time, some in the process of compiling certain documents prefer not to open several programs at once, but to immediately create tables directly in Word program. However, once the use of any additional functions, available only in Excel program, some difficulties may arise, since not everyone knows how to correctly transfer tables between these utilities.

If you need to move information from a table in the program Microsoft Word in Excel, it is not at all necessary to completely rewrite this data again, but simply copy necessary information. During the process of copying data, the information that is stored in each individual cell will be placed in a separate cell and in Excel, after which you can additional formatting and making any adjustments.

At the same time, it’s worth mentioning right away that after inserting data, sometimes you need to do a little cleaning in it in order to be able to use special functions Calculus in Excel. Thus, for example, cells may contain unnecessary spaces, numbers may be inserted as text instead of numeric values ​​that might be used in certain calculations, or dates may not display correctly.

How is this copying done?

To copy a table from one program to another, you need to follow a simple list of procedures:

  1. Scroll to Word document all columns and rows of the table that will be copied into the new program.
  2. Press combination Ctrl+C to save the table to the clipboard.
  3. In Excel, select the leftmost cell in top row. However, before inserting a table there, be sure to make sure that this area is empty. Data from the cells of a table created in Word will completely replace the data that is on this moment will be present in the cells. If necessary, before copying, it is recommended to view the table in Word to check its dimensions.
  4. Look at the menu home, then click on Clipboard and select Insert. It is worth noting that for simplicity you can also use simple combination keys Ctrl+V.
  5. To correct the original formatting, click on Options inserts next to the inserted table, then click on Use trailing cell formats if you want to continue working with Excel formatting, or select the item Keep original formatting to leave the table as is.

As discussed above, Excel pastes the cell contents from Word into each individual cell. After inserting the table, you can distribute the data into additional cells using the command Column text.

Possible problems and their solutions

Some difficulties arise for users when a little time was spent creating a table or it was completely copied into Word from some other source, as a result of which, when trying to transfer it to Excel, all sorts of problems begin to appear. extra characters, cells or rows. In other words, in Word, a table can contain a large number of"garbage" that ends up there as a result of incorrect filling tables various information or incorrect transfer during copying of data from any other applications.

It often happens that table deformation occurs due to various end-of-paragraph marks, which try to fit in a large number in one cell. This often happens because users click Enter key just to move to the next line, not to create an additional paragraph.

How to get rid of unnecessary characters?

In fact, there is nothing difficult in removing all kinds of unnecessary characters. Of course, if you perform all the procedures manually, this can take quite a lot of time, so Word provides a special tool that greatly simplifies and speeds up this procedure:

  1. We select the entire table so that Word can only work with its data.
  2. Enable the tab home and pay attention to the section Editing.
  3. Activate the tool Replace(you can use a hotkey combination Ctrl+H). It's worth noting that you can also access this feature by first clicking on Page in the lower left part of the screen, and in the pop-up menu selecting Replace.
  4. Press the button More>>, after which in the area Replace click on the button Special to select special characters to replace.
  5. After this, a window will open in which there will be full list special characters. Here you will need to select Paragraph mark(it comes first in the list), after which in the field Find it will be installed symbol as " ^ p».
  6. Now in the field Replace just put a space. If the paragraphs are in an empty cell, then the field will remain completely empty, which will lead to specified character will be replaced with a regular space, that is, it will simply be deleted.
  7. Click on the button Replace all, after which the procedure for removing special characters in the entire table will begin. Basically, the program only takes a few seconds to complete this procedure, after which the user is presented with a small window in which it will be written about the completion of the procedure and the number of replacements made.

Now you can close the replace window and calmly copy the table to Microsoft Excel. This way, you will completely get rid of any extraneous characters and will be able to work normally with the table after transferring it to a new program.

Excel spreadsheets are considered very convenient tool and presentation of various tabular information. But when organizing working documentation, sometimes you have to show information in Word format. How to convert Excel to Word? Often there is a need to translate not only the information itself, but also insert document formatting. There are different ways.

How to insert information from an Excel document into Word?

The example shown is one of the best for preparing working documents, but it does not provide the ability to manage formulas, which will significantly complicate subsequent recalculation.

If there is a need to translate in the form JPEG file, you will need to expand the window to full screen and maximize the graph for best view. By pressing the " Print Screen» save snapshot of image to JPEG format, open the Paint program on your computer, insert the picture into it and save it “in JPEG format.” Open a Word document and on the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Drawing. Select the file saved in Paint and click Insert.

Merge Tool

You can effectively link Excel data to Word using the Mail Merge tool.

An example of how the “Merge” tool works: there is a group of agreements that need to be signed, and every time you prepare a new agreement, you have to change some parts of it, such as number, surname, company name, amounts. For quick editing and replacing data, use the “Merge Merge” tool, which is located in Word on the “Mailouts” tab, in the “Start Merge” section. In this section, select the command “ Step by step wizard mergers."

After selecting a command, a special field will open on the right side of the document, asking you to go through 6 steps. Select “Letters”, “Current document”, “Using a list” - a list of data that is located in the Excel file. We find this file, double-click on it, and the “Merge Recipients” window will display all the cells captured on this sheet. In this window you can enable or disable cells. When you click OK, a link will be created between Excel and . After this, you will need to configure the places where cells from Excel will be inserted. To do this, use the “Insert merge field” command, select the necessary items: “full name”, “contract”, “end”, “amount”. After which, in the selected clauses of the contract, data is inserted from Excel tables. This method simplifies and speeds up the contract creation workflow.

As a conclusion

Today, there are several ways to insert and convert Excel to Word.

Possible to convert Excel information in her original format or convert it according to Word. Excel can also be exported to RTF format, maintaining the sizes of columns and rows. Information in Excel can be saved as a picture and then imported into Word. You can use the Merge tool.

It's no secret that Microsoft Excel is the most functional and convenient application for working with tables. Of course, it is much easier to create tables in Excel than in Word, which is intended for other purposes. But sometimes a table made in this table editor needs to be transferred to Text Document. Let's figure out how to transfer a table from Microsoft Excel to Word.

The easiest way to transfer a table from one Microsoft program to another is to simply copy and paste it.

So, open the table in Microsoft program Excel, and select it completely. After that, call the context menu right click mouse and select “Copy”. You can also click the button with the same name on the ribbon. How Alternative option, you can simply type the key combination Ctrl+C on your keyboard.

After the table has been copied, open Microsoft Word. It could be completely blank document, and a document with already typed text into which the table should be inserted. We select a place to insert, right-click on the place where we are going to insert the table. In the context menu that appears, select the item “Keep source formatting” in the paste options. But, as with copying, pasting can be done by clicking on the corresponding button on the ribbon. This button is called “Insert” and is located at the very beginning of the ribbon. Also, there is a way to paste a table from the clipboard by simply typing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V, or even better, Shift+Insert.

Disadvantage this method is that if the table is too wide, it may not fit within the boundaries of the sheet. Therefore, this method is only suitable for tables of suitable size. At the same time, this option is good because you can continue to freely edit the table as you like and make changes to it, even after inserting it into a Word document.

Copy using Paste Special

Another way in which you can transfer a table from Microsoft Excel to Word is paste special.

We open the table in Microsoft Excel and copy it using one of the methods that were indicated in the previous transfer option: through the context menu, through a button on the ribbon, or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

Then, open the Word document in Microsoft Word. Select the place where you want to insert the table. Then, click on the drop-down list icon under the “Insert” button on the ribbon. Select “Paste Special” from the drop-down menu.

A window opens special insert. We move the switch to the “Link” position, and from the proposed insertion options, select the item “ Microsoft Sheet Excel (object)". Click on the “OK” button.

After this, the table is inserted into Microsoft document Word is like a drawing. This method is good because even if the table is wide, it is compressed to fit the page. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that you cannot edit the table in Word, since it is inserted as an image.

Inserting from a file

The third method does not involve opening the file in Microsoft Excel at all. Let's start Word right away. First of all, you need to go to the “Insert” tab. On the ribbon in the “Text” tool block, click on the “Object” button.

The Insert Object window opens. Go to the “Create from File” tab and click on the “Browse” button.

A window opens where you need to find that file in Excel format, the table from which you want to insert. After you have found the file, click on it and click on the “Insert” button.

After this, we return to the “Insert Object” window again. As you can see, the address the desired file already entered into the appropriate form. All we have to do is click on the “OK” button.

After this, the table is displayed in a Microsoft Word document.

But, you need to take into account that, as in the previous case, the table is inserted as an image. In addition, unlike the options described above, the entire contents of the file are inserted in their entirety. There is no way to select a specific table or range. Therefore, if there is something in the Excel file, other than the table, that you do not want to see after transferring it to Word format, you need to correct these elements or delete them in Microsoft application Excel before you start converting the table.

We looked at various ways to transfer a table from an Excel file to a Word document. As you can see, there are quite a lot in various ways, although not all of them are convenient, while others are limited in capabilities. Therefore, before choosing a specific option, you need to decide why you need the transferred table, whether you plan to edit it in Word, and other nuances. If you just want to print a document with a table inserted, then inserting an image will do just fine. But, if you plan to change the data in the table already in a Word document, then in this case, you definitely need to transfer the table in an editable form.

Text processor with some basic capabilities spreadsheets makes a fantastic combination. You can quite easily embed Excel tables into a regular Microsoft Word text document.

Implementing Excel spreadsheets basically involves a tiny copy of the program. When editing a section Excel document You have access to all elements Excel management as if you were using Excel as separate program. You can add standard text and numeric values, and, crucially, formulas that apply directly to the Excel mini-window.

To insert an Excel table in Word 2016, click the Insert tab at the top of the window, and then click the Table button. Click "Excel Table" from the drop-down menu.

Here's an example. I filled the standard cells with values ​​and used one of the most common sum formulas for the cells in the last column. So, for the "Total" value for "Product1" in cell E2, I use the formula "SUM(B2:D2)" to add all three values ​​to the row and automatically get my total amount. You can use any Excel formula, which you like in this built-in version of the program.

Excel tables have a basically infinite number of rows and columns, but this is impractical when you use that data as a table in a Word document. To change quantity visible lines and columns, click and drag the anchor points, the black squares that appear in each corner and in the middle of the box around the Excel table.

When you're done editing these values, you can click on any other part of the Word document and the default formatting will revert to the base table, suitable for printing or distributing through readable formats such as PDF. Here you can adjust the width and height of the table to better match the formatting of your Word document without changing the number of visible columns or rows.

To start editing the spreadsheet again, double-click on it to bring back the Excel controls.

It is also possible to embed an existing Excel file, which is convenient if you are trying to exchange data that you have already accumulated. In the Insert table, click the Object button (the small square with a blue border in the Text section):

In the window that appears, click "Create from File", then click "Browse" to go and open spreadsheet Excel on your computer drive. You also have a couple of other options. Selecting the Link to File option keeps the table you see in Word linked to the actual Excel spreadsheet, as long as they are stored in the same locations as when you linked them. Changes you make in any place are reflected in the other. You can also select the "As Icon" option to display the spreadsheet as simple icon in a Word document that you can click to open the spreadsheet in Excel.

When you're finished, simply click "OK" to insert the table.

Depending on the Word formatting You may need to resize or resize it to ensure everything is visible.

If you want to move data from Word tables in Excel, you can avoid re-typing by copying them directly from Word. When copying from a Word table to a worksheet Excel data In each cell, Word tables are inserted into a separate cell on the worksheet.

Important: After pasting data, you may need to clear it to take advantage of the features Excel calculations. For example, there may be unnecessary spaces in cells, numbers may be pasted as text rather than as numeric values ​​that can be used for calculations, and dates may not display correctly. For information about formatting numbers as dates, currency, percentages, and so on, see Formatting numbers. For help on formatting a table, see Formatting an Excel Table.

    In your Word document, select the rows and columns of the table that you want to copy to the Excel worksheet. Make sure that there are no unnecessary carriage returns in the table cells, otherwise this may lead to additional lines in Excel.

    To copy the selection, press CTRL+C.

    On Excel sheet highlight left top corner area where you want to paste the Word table.

    Note: Make sure the area is empty before pasting. Data from Word table cells will replace any existing data in worksheet cells that are in the insertion area. If necessary, review the table in Word to check its dimensions before copying.

    Press CTRL+V.

    To customize formatting, click Paste Options _z0z_ next to the pasted data, and then do the following:

    • To use formatting applied to worksheet cells, select the option Use trailing cell formats.

      To use Word table formatting, select the option Keep original formatting.

Note: Excel will paste the contents of each cell in the Word table into a separate cell. After you've pasted the data, you can spread it out to other cells in the column (for example, by separating the first and last names so they appear in separate cells) using the command Column text. additional information see article