Windows 7 won't install on iTunes. Insufficient level of rights. Removing program remnants

Many users liked it iTunes app, which is used on gadgets like iPod, iPhone, iPad, as well as on PC. For normal functioning in any program, system requirements and compatibility with the OS are first indicated. In this article we will focus on Windows 7 and later operating systems that are frequently used these days. later versions. Let's look at the main errors, why iTunes won't install and start, and how to fix them.

iTunes does not install on Windows 7, 10 and other versions: let’s look at the main problems

Let's start with the fact that each program has its own requirements for installing. Therefore, first of all, let's familiarize ourselves with the requirements for installing iTunes.

System requirements for Windows


  • PC with Intel or AMD processor supporting SSE2 (1 GHz) and 512 MB RAM
  • To watch the video in standard format from iTunes Store necessary Intel processor Pentium D or faster, 512 MB RAM and a DirectX 9.0 compatible video card.
  • Requires a processor to view 720p HD video, iTunes LP content, and iTunes Extras Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or faster, 1 GB RAM and GPU Intel GMA X3000, ATI Radeon X1300 or NVIDIA GeForce 6150 or more powerful.
  • To watch 1080p HD video, you need an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or faster processor, 2 GB RAM and an Intel GMA X4500HD, ATI Radeon HD 2400 graphics processor, Nvidia GeForce 8300 GS or higher.
  • Viewing iTunes LP and iTunes Extras requires a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher; 1280x800 or higher
  • 16-bit sound card and speakers
  • To connect to Apple Music, iTunes Store and iTunes Extras require broadband Internet connection
  • A CD or DVD burner is recommended for recording Audio CDs, MP3 CDs, or recording backup copies CD or DVD. Songs from the Apple Music catalog cannot be burned to CD.


  • Windows 7 or later
  • For 64-bit Windows versions iTunes installer required; Additional information see on page
  • 400 MB free disk space
  • Screen reader requires Window-Eyes 7.2 or later; For iTunes availability, see
  • iTunes is now a 64-bit application for 64-bit versions of Windows. Some visualizers third party developers may not be compatible with this version of iTunes Contact the developer to obtain an updated version of the visualizer compatible with iTunes 12.1 and later
  • Availability of Apple Music, Apple Music Radio, iTunes in the cloud and iTunes Match may depend on the country

Except system requirements, the correct installation sequence is also taken into account. We watch this process in the next video.

Video: how to install iTunes

Installation fails, or after installation I receive "error 2" or "Apple Application Support not found" messages.

In this case, perform the following steps.

  • Check that you have computer administrator rights in the account you are logging in under.
  • Try installing Windows updates and the latest version of iTunes for PC.
  • Find the iTunesSetup or iTunes6464Setup folder and click right key mouse, in the context menu click “Run as administrator” (for the XP version - “Open”). If the application has already been installed on the PC, the system will simply offer a program fix. After that, restart your PC and try running the application again.
  • If iTunes was previously on the PC, but it was not possible to install or fix the program, then a possible solution would be to delete the remaining ones. previous installation components. Then try to install the application again.
  • Disabling a security program or even uninstalling it.
  • Restart your PC.

When I try to install iTunes, I get "error 7 (error 193 on Windows)"

This problem should be considered separately, since the solution to this problem is different from the others. This means that the PC has outdated or incompatible software. The following messages appear: “iTunes is not installed correctly. Reinstall iTunes program. Error 7 (Windows Error 193)", "iTunesHelper is not installed correctly. Reinstall iTunes. Error 7", "The service could not start Apple Mobile Device. Make sure you have the required level of rights to run system services."


To fix the problem, go to the folder C:\Windows\System32. Find files from the list and drag them to the trash:

  • msvcp100.dll
  • msvcp120.dll
  • msvcp140.dll
  • msvcr100.dll
  • msvcr120.dll
  • vcruntime140.dll

If the file is not found, move on to the next one. You should not delete other files from this folder.

Then try to restore both installed versions Apple Application Support (64- and 32-bit). In the Add or Remove Programs section of Control Panel, highlight the 32-bit file Apple versions Application Support. Right-click to open the context menu and select “Fix”. We perform the same steps for the 64-bit version of Apple Application Support. Let's try to launch iTunes.

Windows Installer package error when installing iTunes

Problems when installing an application also appear due to problems with the installer. Windows Installer. A message appears on the screen.


The program may be disabled, try running it in manual mode. You can do this as follows. In the “Start” menu, click “Run” and enter “services.msc” in the field. A window will open with a list in which we find “Windows Installer”.


Open the file. The installer window appears. Here we select the launch type “Manual” and click “Run”.


It is possible that the program starts, but an error is displayed. In this case, we try to update Windows Installer.

We can find other options for eliminating the installer error using the links and

iTunes won't start: how to troubleshoot

Partial troubleshooting during startup is discussed above (error 2, error 7). Don't forget to check for updates for Windows and iTunes before attempting to fix errors.

Since iTunes is an Apple product, when launching the application, as well as during installation, a conflict with third-party software is possible. To exclude this option, we include the application in safe mode . To do this, when opening iTunes, hold down keyboard Shift


and Ctrl. After this launch, the “iTunes is running in safe mode” window will appear. The visual modules you installed are temporarily disabled."

  1. Then click the “Continue” button and, if the program started in this way and works without problems, do the following: Check with the manufacturer installed plugin
  2. information about compatibility with the required version of iTunes, as well as information about the availability of updated versions of this plugin.

iTunes program plugins and scripts are located in the following folders: C:\Users\username\App Data\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes Plug-ins\, C:\Program Files\iTunes\Plug-ins; in Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes Plug-ins\, C:\Program Files\iTunes\Plug-ins.

Startup errors also occur when it is necessary to update the program drivers. To check this, turn off the Internet and launch the application. If iTunes works fine, update the drivers.

Errors are only generated when working in a specific account. In this case, you can create another media library and if there are no problems with it, restore the previous version of the media library.


If problems appear again, you need to check the saved files, as some of them may cause freezing or spontaneous shutdown iTunes. To find such a file, do the following:

If the problem persists, repeat the steps, avoiding adding the files that caused the problem.

Let's not forget about system problems. Possible ways their solutions:

  1. Check availability potentially dangerous programs. Make sure your security software is up to date and run a system scan.
  2. Try changing your security software settings.
  3. Make sure you have the correct iTunes installation. If necessary, reinstall the program.
  4. Update your PC drivers.

Problems during update: what to do

Problems that arise during the process iTunes updates are the same as when installing the application and proceed in the same way as described above. However, there are individual cases that require the removal of Apple components installed on a PC. Watch the video to see how to do this.

Video: how to remove Apple software update/How to update iTunes Win7

Some issues have been sorted out. Of course, that's not all possible problems at using iTunes. Therefore, I’ll leave a couple for dessert useful links! - iTunes error guide, - error codes on the official website, and for those who want to expand the capabilities of the application - read about life hacks https://,

Good day to all Internet users! Today's article will answer the question why iTunes is not installed on Windows 7, 8 and XP. As you understand, The operating system version usually does not affect this problem and therefore the information below should help you.

The problem is really relevant, since every day there are more and more users who prefer iPhone, and, as you know, with using iTunes users this phone upload and download files to your computer or laptop. Thus, if this software from Apple is not installed, then users will not be able to download data to their computer or laptop.

Let's look at the main possible problems that could interfere with this procedure:

Download iTunes from the official website

To avoid all kinds of problems, you should use programs only from developers. You can download such programs on the official website.

Make sure you are on the official iTunes website and download the latest version of the program from there, try installing it. Perhaps iTunes is not installed on your computer or laptop due to an old or “wrong” version of the program.


Go to “Start” - “Control Panel”, on the left in “View” select “Small icons” and last step, go to "Windows Firewall".

On the left side of the window we see the inscription “Enable and disable Windows Firewall" We go there and turn it off, since this creation from Microsoft built into the system can interfere with iTunes.

Removing program remnants

If you incorrectly remove a program (if it has already been installed) that you want to install, it may cause an installation conflict. To do this you need to remove unnecessary files programs, and also clean the registry.

To begin, make sure that you this moment you do not have iTunes installed. Go to “Control Panel” - “Programs and Features”. Now carefully go through the entire list to be sure that iTunes is missing. If you find it on this list, then delete it; if not, then read the article further. For removing problematic program you can use .

Dial in search bar“Start” the phrase “Show hidden files and folders”, find the name of the same name in the search results and click on it. Make sure that opposite the inscription “Show hidden files, folders and drives” is checked.

I talked more about hidden files and folders in the article: “”. By the way, here I told you how to enter the settings above in a simple way.

Now open drive C. Next “Users” (maybe “Users”), then open your personal folder, then “AppData” - “Local”. We look for the “Temp” folder here and delete it. If it doesn’t work, go there and clean some of the files until everything possible is deleted. To delete all files you must reboot and then try to delete all files in this folder.

IN AppData folder also check availability iTunes folders. If it is there, then remove it and restart your computer.

Also clean the registry of unnecessary branches. To do this, download CCleaner program. If you haven’t used it, here’s a link to an article where I told you how to clear parameters in the registry: “”.

Hosts file and DNS reset

Another reason when iTunes is not installed is “wrong” hosts file. Go to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC - get to the hosts file. Click on it right click mouse, select "Open", then click on "Notepad".

Now delete only this file and restart your computer. Next, do the following: go to “Start” - “Run” - type cmd and press Enter. A window will open, enter ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. Next, try installing iTunes.

Possible reasons

  • Note: Disable your antivirus while installing the program. It may be blocking installation.
  • Also check the time to ensure it is set correctly.

Temporary solution when there is a problem installing iTunes– iTools program. It has the same functions as those developed by Apple. To take a closer look at the program, watch the video below:

So, you bought a brand new iOS device and now you need to install the iTunes program on your computer, without which you won’t even be able to simply transfer music to your Apple. You download the program, run the installation and... the system gives an error!

What to do and what to do in such a situation? In this article we will tell you why the iTunes installation may not start and how to solve the problem.

The first reason why iTunes may refuse to install is, of course, trivial system failure. This type of failure can be easily resolved by restarting the computer. So yes, the first measure to eliminate problems with iTunes installation will be similar to measures to combat any other system bugs - just perform a reset!

Adjusting system settings

Another simple guide that can solve installation problems is adjusting the system time. Many may be surprised by this recommendation, but the fact remains that incorrectly set date/time on a PC often causes serious bugs, including the refusal of iTunes to install.

Administrator rights

Reboot and adjustment system parameters didn't give the desired results? Then let's move on. Another popular reason why a particular utility is not installed on a PC is that the user is working through a guest account— to fix the problem, you will need to log into the system using an account with administrator rights.

If you do not practice account separation, then try the following - right-click on the iTunes installation file and select “Run as administrator” from the drop-down menu.

Blocking by security programs

iTunes installation still won't start? This means it’s time to start adjusting the settings of security utilities. The fact is that sometimes antivirus software and/or firewall work too responsibly, introducing suspicious programs and those that you trust 100%, in particular iTunes. To ensure that security services do not interfere with the installation, we recommend turning them off completely while the procedure is being carried out.

Of course, you can not disable the utilities, but simply make adjustments to the settings by adding iTunes to the list of trusted programs, but sometimes this measure is not enough.

"Tails" of previous versions of iTunes

If iTunes does not want to install even with security programs disabled, it may be due to other software conflicts. In the event that you have already installed iTunes on your PC and then incorrectly removed the program, interfere new installation maybe, let's say, the “tails” of the previous version.

To check if it has been completely removed previous version iTunes, download some uninstaller, for example, Revo UnInstaller, install the program, launch it and use the search to find the following “tails” - iTunes, Quick Time, Bonjour, Apple Software Update Apple Mobile Device Support and Apple Application Support. Delete everything you find from this list, and then don’t forget to reset your computer.


Continuing the topic of software conflicts, it is important to say that these can be caused by utilities that have not been updated for a long time. Therefore, if after cleaning the “tails” the iTunes installer still refuses to work on your computer, it’s time to visit “Windows Update” (“Start”, “Update Center ...”) and see if there are current undownloaded updates - if any , complete them all. Then be sure to restart your computer and try running the iTunes installer again.

Version detection error

Is the installation still failing with an error? Well, the reasons and solutions to the problem are not over yet. The next one is this. Sometimes Apple program does not identify correctly Windows version, you should especially pay attention to this reason if iTunes is not installed on Windows 10.

How do you usually download iTunes to your computer? The user must go to the official Apple website in a special section and start downloading; at the time of downloading, the version of the platform installed on your computer will be determined and the corresponding version of the program will be downloaded. If the version is not detected correctly, iTunes installation will fail.

If you suspect that you are encountering this particular problem, try manually selecting the version you need on this page of the Apple website and installing it.

Windows Installer Errors

And finally, the last of the most likely causes of iTunes installation errors is problems Windows services Installer. Perhaps for one reason or another this service was accidentally disabled and to correct the situation you will need to activate it. For this:

We hope that after this procedure iTunes will be installed on your PC.


We started the article with banal advice - reboot, and we'll end with banal advice - check your computer for viruses. What can you do, no one has canceled malware, and if it is in charge of your computer, then no installed iTunes- is far from the biggest problem that threatens you. So be sure to check your PC for viruses, first making sure that you have a good and updated antivirus.

If nothing helps?

We believe that by doing one of the steps above, you will most likely get the iTunes installer to work. If these guides do not solve the problem, we recommend contacting our service. Apple support— The company’s specialists will definitely help.

In many articles devoted to the problem “iTunes will not install on Windows 10, 7, XP, etc.”, you can find advice to delete or fix the hosts file, as well as perform a number of other actions that are difficult for the average user to understand. As a result, an attempt to solve the problem may result in further big problems. This is why we recommend contacting support, in which case even if you have to perform some complex actions, you will work under the strict guidance of understanding people and everything will end successfully!

Software installation problem Apple on OS from Microsoft is always up to date. This trouble did not go away and popular program iTunes.

Why are there problems with iTunes?:

  • Incorrect installation of the application itself, isolated installation errors
  • Windows configuration is incorrect
  • Conflict with antivirus or other installed applications

Below we will consider all the factors listed and you will always know what to do if iTunes does not install.

First of all, you need to make sure that the distribution is up to date. Latest version iTunes must be downloaded from the official website of the Apple company. If you use a third-party distribution, the program file may not only be outdated, but also infected with a virus.

You only need to install iTunes with computer administrator rights. Therefore it is necessary in the context menu installation file use the “Run as administrator” option.

Restoring a previously installed version

In some situations, after an installation error occurs, you can try to restore the program again. To do this, you need to restart the iTunes distribution and select “Recovery” in the installation menu(you also need to run it with administrator rights).

Windows setup

Step 1: Install the latest updates

The availability of updates is checked in Windows Update by clicking the “Check for updates” button. It is located in the System and Security group in Control Panel. If available uninstalled updates Click “Install updates”. To apply the update results, a mandatory system reboot is required.

Step 2: Disable Windows Firewall

The built-in firewall may also affect iTunes installation. To avoid unnecessary problems, it's better to just turn it off. The “Windows Firewall” item is located similarly to the “Center” Windows updates" Next, in the left menu, select “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” and check all the boxes that say “Turn off Windows Firewall.”

Step 3: Checking the HOSTS file

HOSTS can be damaged by various malicious software. It is located at: “ C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" To open HOSTS, you can use Notepad or any other available one.

Here you need to make sure that the only line that is not marked on the left with a “#” symbol is the entry: “ localhost" If the list contains additional entries, then you need to delete them or comment them out by adding the “#” symbol to the left. Next, close HOSTS and save all changes made.

Software conflicts

Search possible conflicts with other installed programs - not an easy task. Exists great amount programs, and it is impossible to identify all the problems that exist with them.

Why are such conflicts possible? Each software developer approaches its implementation differently. Programs can affect system files, thereby interfering with other applications.

Main sources of conflicts

Most probable cause errors may occur due to the operation of the antivirus. Therefore, you need to try to disable it too.

Strange as it may seem, conflicts often arise with another, previously established, software from Apple. Therefore, we find the “Programs and Features” item in the “Programs” section of the “Control Panel” and sort the list installed programs by the "Publisher" column. We remove all applications whose publisher is “Apple Inc.”

If all else fails

If nothing helps and the problem cannot be solved, then all that remains is to contact technical support Apple company. You can do this at Any questions about installation can be asked in its Support section.