Comparison of AA batteries. Which rechargeable batteries to choose

Hello, dear readers of my blog. I’m in touch with you, Timur Mustaev. I bought myself a new set of batteries for the flash. It took me a long time to choose, but I still made, in my opinion, the right choice. So which ones I purchased exactly, you will find out if you read the article.

And so, as you already understood, today we will talk about rechargeable batteries. In this article I will tell you in detail about how you need to choose batteries for your devices. After reading this article, you will know everything about batteries in general and what types of batteries are needed specifically for your device.

You will also find answers to the questions: Why do batteries discharge in the cold? Why aren't the batteries charging? Which rechargeable batteries are better? Well, let's get started?

Today, the number of devices that operate using batteries is very large, and it is constantly growing. But buying them every time is too expensive and not at all profitable. Then there is a need to purchase rechargeable batteries (AB) that can be recharged several times. Their cost is higher than that of conventional batteries, but in the long run they are still more profitable to use.

There are several of the most common AB sizes, these are AAA and AA. People call AAA size pinky, and AA finger size. They received their popular names due to their external resemblance to the fingers of a human hand. AA is like the index finger and AAA is like the little finger.

Battery types

There are several types of batteries depending on the materials from which they are made, capacity and voltage. The most common:

  1. Nickel-cadmium. Designated and labeled as Ni-Cd;
  2. Nickel metal hydride. Designated and labeled as Ni-Mh;
  3. Lithium-ion. Designated and labeled as LilON;
  4. Lithium polymer. Designated and labeled as LiPol.

Mostly, replaceable external power supplies are used for cameras, radio phones, toys, flashes, flashlights, MP3 players and so on. So how do you choose the right batteries for your device? It's not at all as difficult as it seems.

Pros and cons of AB

So, let's now take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of existing types of AB.

  • Have the ability to work in different temperature environments;
  • Sold at relatively low prices;
  • They are light in weight.
  • Discharge quickly;
  • Capable of charging only when completely discharged;
  • Discharges even when not in use.
  • Able to retain charge for a long time;
  • Have the ability to produce high voltage;
  • Long-term use.
  • They have quite a lot of weight;
  • Discharge quickly when the ambient temperature changes;
  • Sold at a relatively high price.

LilON And LiPol have common pros and cons:

  • Have long-term charge retention;
  • They have very little weight;
  • Retains charge for a long time.
  • Rarely found in battery form;
  • Cannot withstand a large number of recharges;
  • Very expensive.


If you need to purchase batteries, then it is best to take the device for which you are purchasing them with you to the store so that the consultant can help you find the right product. Sellers are also often confused when selecting batteries, even if you told him the exact model of your device and all the necessary parameters. Each device requires a different voltage and battery size.

When choosing, you should pay attention to many factors. The main one is the ambient temperature. If you are going to use the device at high or low temperatures, you should purchase Nickel-Cadmium batteries. If it is not important to you in what temperature environment your device will be used, then you should purchase batteries marked Ni-Mh.

The second factor you should pay attention to when choosing batteries is their operating time. If you need the device to function for a long time, then you should purchase Nickel - Metal Hydride. They will help maintain charge for a long period. Best suited for flash photography.

The third factor is the applied voltage. There are no clear recommendations regarding the type of batteries. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the requirements of the device. They are usually indicated in the instruction manual. You should not purchase batteries without knowing what voltage you require. But basically, the voltage in them is the same 1.2 - 1.5 Volts.

The fourth is, of course, the type of device for which the batteries are actually purchased. For a mobile or radio phone, you should purchase batteries labeled LilON, as they are available in specialized forms other than finger and little finger batteries.

The fifth and very important parameter that you also need to pay attention to is the volume of the battery, and it is indicated in mAh - miles ampere hours. And the larger the battery capacity, the longer the device will work, but at the same time it will take longer to charge.

After you have purchased the batteries you need, you should pay attention to the fact that they require a specialized charging apparatus. Sometimes it is sold complete with batteries, but sometimes it has to be selected separately.

If you purchased Nickel-Cadmium batteries, then you should buy a charger that will provide a full discharge function, since it is impossible to charge undischarged batteries of this type.

If you purchased Nickel - Metal Hydride, then you should pay attention to their brand. It is worth buying a charger for batteries of this type exclusively from the same manufacturer.

If you bought Lithium-Ion or Lithium-Polymer, then you should purchase a universal type charger so as not to make a mistake in choosing the right voltage and connector, since such batteries have different shapes and capacities.


So, friends, I hope that this article helped you decide on the choice of battery for your devices, or at least helped you learn more about batteries in general. Now you can safely go to any store that specializes in selling equipment and buy the batteries you need. In general, it’s much easier to buy, for example, in Technosila or Eldorado.

But do not forget that sometimes it is better to buy several sets at once. This will help you always have a working device. While one set of batteries will power the device, the second will be charging.

With this, I say goodbye to you and wish you successful shopping. I think that now you will definitely not regret the purchase, and will make the most correct choice.

No, no, I didn’t forget and promised to tell you what kind of rechargeable batteries I purchased. And so, this is Panasonic Ni-Mh, with a capacity of 2700 mAh. I am very pleased with the purchase, and now my flash will work even better.

Advice. Don't pay much attention to the brand, it won't do much. Choose one with the maximum mAh volume, and preferably Ni-Mh.

If this article helped you, let it help others too! Share it on social networks and you will be happy.

Still, which brand do you trust?

All the best to you, Timur Mustaev.

IKEA is ahead of everyone here too, Panasonic Eneloop are not at all so expensive if you buy them online, and Fujitsu, produced at the same plant using the same technology, are even cheaper.

For most batteries, manufacturers indicate 1000 charge-discharge cycles; some manufacturers do not indicate the number of cycles at all (Camelion, Turnigy, GP, Varta). Some batteries have only 500 guaranteed cycles (IKEA LADDA 2000 LSD, Energizer PreCharged 2400, Panasonic Eneloop Pro 2450 LSD, Fujitsu 2550 LSD, IKEA LADDA 750 LSD, Energizer PreCharged 800, Panasonic 750 LSD, Fujitsu 900 LSD, Panasonic Eneloop Pro 900 LSD) .
For AA Panasonic Eneloop 1900 LSD, AAA Panasonic Eneloop 750 LSD, AA Fujitsu 1900 LSD, AAA Fujitsu 800 LSD, manufacturers guarantee 2100 cycles.
A maximum number of cycles of 3000 is guaranteed for low capacity AA Panasonic Eneloop Lite 950 LSD and AAA Panasonic Eneloop Lite 550 LSD batteries.


1. The maximum achievable capacity for AA NiMh batteries is 2550 mAh, for AAA batteries - 1060 mAh. All batteries that say 2600, 2700, 2800 mAh or more actually have a lower capacity.
2. All AA batteries from well-known manufacturers from 950 mAh to 2450 mAh have an actual capacity of at least 97% of the indicated one, all AAA batteries from well-known manufacturers from 550 mAh to 1100 mAh have an actual capacity of at least 94% of the indicated one.
3. NiMh batteries, unlike batteries, almost do not reduce the amount of energy delivered at high discharge currents.
4. LSD batteries are almost no different from regular ones. Both lose 4-20% of charge per month.
5. New LSD batteries are usually 70% charged.

All information about the tested batteries can be viewed in the excel file: There is data on testing of all battery copies, capacity in watt-hours, weight and initial voltage, barcodes, wholesale and retail prices in rubles, prices in dollars and euros, countries of origin, results of all tests, including capacity after a week and a month of storage.

Photos of the packaging of all batteries can be downloaded in one archive:

Batteries for testing were provided by manufacturers and stores:

Ansmann, Duracell, Energizer, Varta, Robiton, GP, Panasonic - wholesale company Source Batterys
Camelion, Duracell, Energizer - wholesale company of Energy Systems and Technologies
Ikea - by Ikea
Navigator, Panasonic, Varta - by Battery Team
Cosmos - group of companies "Cosmos"
Fujitsu - Russian representative office of Fujitsu
Maha Powerex, IMEDION, Fujitsu, Panasonic Eneloop - online store
Turnigy - HobbyKing online store

I spent four months testing and three days writing this article. I hope you find this useful.

© 2015, Alexey Nadezhin

On my blog I write about technology every day. I conduct tests, do reviews, share experiences, talk about all sorts of interesting things. I also make reports from interesting places, publish notes about music, cinema and interesting events. Remember the short addresses of my blog: Blog1.rf and

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When you walk into a store, your eyes may run wide from the huge variety of different “pen-AA” batteries. To choose the best option for you, you first need to decide for what purpose and what equipment you are buying batteries for. All equipment that runs on AA batteries can be divided into three large categories according to the degree of load:

    Intensive load - high energy consumption; this category includes, for example, cameras that consume a very large amount of energy when flashing.

    Moderate load - associated with continuous and long-term operation of equipment without excessive energy consumption, for example, a children's train with a railway.

    Light load - low power consumption, often associated with periodic switching on and off of an electrical appliance, such as a flashlight.

Depending on the purpose of using the batteries, it is necessary to purchase different types of batteries. First, you need to determine the type of load that matches your electrical appliance, and then select the appropriate type of batteries.

There are several types of batteries, depending on their composition, performance characteristics and cost. Now only ordinary non-rechargeable batteries will be considered in more detail. Those. those batteries that cannot be charged. The following types of non-rechargeable batteries are available:

    Saline. The cheapest batteries with low current output and short service life. Best suited for low current consumption devices such as wall clocks or alarm clocks. You can recognize a salt battery at a very low cost. This category is the cheapest battery.

    Alkaline. A universal battery, both in price and in terms of service life. Best suited for moderate load applications, such as a children's train on rails or a pocket radio. However, it can also be used in devices with intensive loads, because The cost of these batteries is lower than lithium ones, and the operating time is not many times less than lithium ones. Alkaline batteries can be easily recognized by their average cost and the “Alkaline” label. Which literally means “alkaline” in English.

    Lithium. New generation batteries that are specifically designed for equipment with intensive loads. Great for cameras, high-brightness flashlights and other devices that consume large amounts of energy. The batteries are among the most expensive batteries in the non-rechargeable category. They are easy to recognize in the store due to their high cost and the Lithium inscription.

So which batteries are best to buy and for which electrical appliances?

Salt batteries

One of the very first types of batteries that lasted on the market for quite a long time, but which have already become obsolete. Many manufacturers have already abandoned or greatly reduced their production volumes. Salt batteries can only be used in wall clocks, alarm clocks or TV remote control, i.e. in devices with very low energy consumption. Although alkaline batteries are not much more expensive and will last much longer while performing the same functions.

Alkaline batteries

The most versatile and optimal battery option in terms of price and service life. Can be used in both moderate and heavy-duty appliances. However, they are best suited for moderate load applications such as children's toys, regular flashlights, etc.

Lithium batteries

The best option for devices with high energy consumption, such as cameras, bright flashlights, portable gadgets, etc. However, lithium batteries cost 5 to 20 times more than alkaline batteries, but in fact, they only last 2-3 times longer. Therefore, it makes sense to think twice and buy an extra pair of alkaline batteries rather than buying lithium batteries.

Rechargeable batteries

There are various types on sale: nickel - zinc (Ni-Zn), nickel - cadmium (Ni-Cd), nickel - metal hydride (Ni-Mn) and lithium - polymer (Li-Po) AA batteries.

If you often change the batteries in your camera or any other electrical device with a high level of electricity consumption, then it makes sense to think about purchasing batteries. However, there are some nuances here too.

It is important to know that the life of batteries is affected by their capacity, which is measured in mAh (milliamp hours) or in English mAh. The higher the mAh rating on the batteries, the longer they will last without recharging. You should choose batteries with a capacity of over 2000 mAh. On average, batteries can be charged and discharged up to 1000 cycles. This way, you can be sure that the money you invest will pay for itself many times over.

Rechargeable batteries can be recognized by the high cost per battery compared to non-rechargeable batteries, by labels on the packaging such as Ni-Zn, Ni-Cd, Ni-Mn, Li-Po and by the “rechargeable” label on the packaging. If you are completely at a loss, then, as a last resort, you can ask the seller to select the best option for your needs.

There are a huge number of different batteries on the market, which only creates additional difficulties for buyers. But we hope that this article will help you choose the best battery option for you.

Rechargeable batteries are gradually replacing conventional disposable batteries in a wide variety of household devices. By purchasing a set of rechargeable batteries and a charger once, you will save significant money (compared to regularly replacing standard batteries). In our review article we will try to tell you which AAA batteries are better, as well as their scope of application, leading manufacturers and popular models.

Classification and sizes

The classification of rechargeable batteries determines the strict correspondence of the size and shape of the product to its letter or alphanumeric designation (or the so-called form factor). Commonly called “little finger” batteries with a length of 44 mm and a diameter of 10 mm according to the American standard are designated by three Latin letters - AAA (in the international standardization system - HR03). Accordingly, AA batteries (HR6) are used instead of disposable AA batteries with a length of 50 mm and a diameter of 14 mm.


Depending on the chemical composition of the technological elements included in the technical device of the AAA battery, such products are:

  • Lithium polymer (Li-Pol). A design feature of such products is a micro-USB connector installed on the case, through which recharging is carried out using the cord included in the delivery set. Such batteries have not yet received widespread use due to their very high cost. For example, a set of two batteries (400 mAh capacity each) Rombica Neo X3 costs about 1,000 rubles. The advantages include increased voltage - 1.5 V.
  • Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd). These rechargeable AAA batteries have been popular for quite a long time. However, taking into account the highly toxic characteristics of cadmium and its derivatives, as well as increased modern requirements for human environmental safety and the environment, almost all leading manufacturers of this segment of rechargeable batteries have abandoned their production.
  • Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH). They are the most popular today and are perhaps the best AAA batteries. The choice of these products is very wide, both in terms of manufacturers represented on the Russian market, and in terms of price and technical indicators. Therefore, they will be discussed in this article.

For information! Lithium-ion (Li-Ion) AA and AAA batteries are no longer produced at all.

AAA battery specifications

AAA batteries are characterized by:

  • Operating voltage: 1.2 V.
  • Capacity: from 550 to 1100 mAh.
  • Form factor - AAA (HR03).
  • Overall dimensions: length - 44 mm, diameter - 10 mm.
  • Weight: 12-15 grams.
  • The number of complete charge/discharge cycles guaranteed by the manufacturer: from 500 to 3000.
  • Uninterrupted service life: from 3 to 10 years.
  • Self-discharge level.

Application area

Rechargeable batteries are used in a wide variety of devices:

  • digital cameras and flashes;
  • video cameras;
  • voice recorders;
  • portable radios and multimedia music centers;
  • wireless game console controllers;
  • hair trimmers;
  • radiotelephones;
  • wireless mice, keyboards and headphones;
  • portable CD and MP3 players;
  • children's electromechanical toys (including radio-controlled ones);
  • miniature flashlights (incandescent or LED);
  • electric shavers, epilators and toothbrushes.

The choice of AAA battery capacity directly depends on the energy consumption of a particular device.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of nickel-metal hydride batteries (compared to disposable batteries and rechargeable products based on Li-Pol or Ni-Cd) are:

  • Saving money (a set purchased once will last for many years).
  • The energy intensity of modern AAA batteries often exceeds that of standard batteries.
  • Modern rechargeable Ni-MH products (unlike batteries) almost do not reduce the amount of energy delivered, even at high discharge currents.
  • These products (compared to Ni-Cd) almost completely lack the so-called memory effect, so you can charge them without waiting for a complete discharge. At the same time, there is no deterioration in performance indicators.
  • Complete environmental safety of materials used in production. This allows them to be used without causing absolutely any harm to human health, and also greatly simplifies the process of subsequent disposal.
  • Large selection of products.

The main disadvantage of such products is that manufacturers do not recommend using them at sufficiently low temperatures. Only some models (usually with the Pro index) are designed for operation at minus 20 degrees.

Leading manufacturers

The leading and most popular manufacturers of nickel-metal hydride batteries today are:

  • Japanese Panasonic, Sanyo, Sony and Maha;
  • American Duracell and Energizer;
  • German Ansmann and Varta;
  • Dutch Philips;
  • Hong Kong GP;
  • Russian "Cosmos", Robiton and "Zubr".

All of them have won the trust of consumers and have a good price/quality ratio.

Popular models from Panasonic

The well-known Japanese manufacturer Panasonic, which was the first to start producing nickel-metal hydride batteries with low self-discharge current, remains the constant leader in the ratings of AA and AAA batteries.

For use in devices with the form factor of HR03 (AAA) batteries, the company offers three types of “pinky” batteries.

The “younger” model Eneloop Lite today costs 210-220 rubles. Possessing a minimal (compared to more expensive products from Panasonic) capacity (550 mAh), the device allows for the maximum number of recharge cycles to date (up to 3000).

The price of a Panasonic Eneloop product with a capacity of 750 mAh is 260-270 rubles. The number of complete charge/discharge cycles guaranteed by the manufacturer is also very high - 2100.

On a note! The Panasonic AAA batteries described above retain 70 percent charge even after three years of storage.

The “older” Eneloop Pro model, which allows 500 full recharge cycles, today has a fairly large capacity for this type of battery (950 mAh) and costs 300-320 rubles. A distinctive feature of this product is the ability to operate at ambient temperatures down to minus 20 degrees. After a year of storage, such a battery will lose only 15 percent of its original charge.

For information! By reading the operating instructions for a particular “device”, you can determine which AAA batteries are best suited for it.

An important advantage of Panasonic Eneloop batteries is that they are sold already charged and ready for immediate use (Ready To Use).

Product line from GP

AAA batteries (according to reviews from numerous customers) from GP are very popular due to their very balanced price/quality ratio. The Hong Kong manufacturer offers the user 6 models of products of the HR03 form factor with a capacity of 650 to 1000 mAh and costing from 85 to 150 rubles, respectively. The number of recharge cycles for all products is the same and is about 1000.

Like all leading manufacturers, GP has begun producing batteries with low self-discharge current. The GP AAA ReCyko+ model with a capacity of 850 mAh costs about 140 rubles. The Always Ready marking on the packaging indicates that the device is already charged and is intended for immediate use (without pre-charging).

Popular models from Energizer and Duracell

Both American manufacturers have been known to Russian consumers for quite some time. In their reviews, they give preference to the two most popular models of AAA batteries: Duracell Duralock (about 200 rubles) and Energizer Extreme (260 rubles). Their technical indicators are the same: capacity 800 mAh, number of recharge cycles - 1000. Both are sold in a charged state, which indicates their low self-discharge current. And although Duracell guarantees 5 years of uninterrupted operation for its product, most likely, under the same operating conditions, the Energizer will last no less. Which AAA batteries are better can only be finally judged by one’s own experience of using them, and with the same energy consumer. Otherwise, the comparison will be very incorrect.

The most popular AAA batteries from German manufacturers

Among the “Germans,” the most famous and trusted manufacturers are Varta and Ansmann. Among owners of portable equipment with high energy consumption (such as flash units), AAA batteries from both companies with the Professional index are very popular. The cost of both models with a capacity of 1000 mAh (Varta Professional AAA and Ansmann Professional AAA) is approximately the same and amounts to 170-180 rubles. The only difference: Varta guarantees 1500 recharge cycles, and Ansmann - only 1000. Although, in our deep conviction, this is unlikely to radically affect the life expectancy of the product. During so-called idle time (that is, not using the battery for its intended purpose) for a year, both devices retain up to 85% of the original charge.

Products from Russian manufacturers

Naturally, domestic manufacturers are also producing the popular type of AAA batteries. Among the popular models, users note “Cosmos KOCR03” and “3ubr Dynamic Pro AAA”. Both models have the maximum capacity for this form factor - 1100 mAh, and they are intended for use in devices with high power consumption. The cost is approximately the same and is about 150 rubles. The number of recharge cycles is about 1000.

The Robiton AAA Micro battery (costing 90-100 rubles) has a slightly lower capacity (900 mAh). The manufacturer positions this product as the cheapest among analogues without a memory effect and with a low self-discharge current.

Charging device

As the best charger for AA and AAA batteries, battery manufacturers naturally recommend devices of their own brand. That is, everything is simple, for example, you bought a Panasonic Eneloop kit, buy a Panasonic Basic Charger BQ-CC51E for 1200-1300 rubles. Such a device will allow you to simultaneously charge 2 or 4 products. Approximate charging time is 8-10 hours (although this will largely depend on how low the batteries were).

For comparison: the universal (AA or AAA) Robiton Smart S100, also designed for simultaneous charging of 2 or 4 batteries, costs 900-950 rubles. The built-in processor monitors changes in voltage and other electrical parameters and automatically turns off the device when the charging process is complete. The charging time, depending on the battery capacity, varies from 1.5 to 6 hours. The delivery set includes a network adapter and a power supply for connecting to a car's cigarette lighter (this greatly expands the functionality of the product).

Which of the above-described mid-price devices from fairly well-known manufacturers will be the best charger for AA and AAA batteries? It would seem that everything is simple: Robiton is cheaper and charges faster, Panasonic is more expensive and slower. However, electronics gurus clearly state that the higher the charging speed (and therefore its current), the shorter the battery life and vice versa. Currently, the cost of nickel-metal hydride batteries is not that high, so some users will not want to achieve their maximum service life (5-10 years) in order to save their own time.

The most advanced can purchase a high-tech microprocessor with the ability to manually set modes and monitor process stages (voltage, current and capacitance level) on a multifunctional LCD screen. A popular device with such capabilities, Robiton Master Charger Pro LCD, currently costs about 3,400 rubles.

For information! Almost all modern chargers are equipped with a protection device against so-called polarity reversal. If you accidentally insert the battery incorrectly (that is, mix up “+” and “-”), this will not lead to failure of either the charger itself or the battery.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing batteries, you should pay attention to several main aspects:

  • First of all, this is capacity. The larger it is, the longer your device will naturally work before the next recharge. However, the process of restoring the functionality of high-capacity products will take longer.
  • If you use the device (with batteries installed in it) quite often, then you can safely purchase standard batteries. But if you turn on the device from time to time, then buy products with a low self-discharge current. Then, when you take the flash off the shelf six months later, you can be completely confident in its performance. Conventional batteries will be discharged to zero within this period.
  • The number of recharge cycles is of concern mainly to very zealous owners. Even with the minimum value of this indicator (500) and very intensive use (recharging every 2 days), the most budget batteries from GP will last for at least a year and a half.

Important! You cannot save too much on the charger, as this leads to a decrease in battery life. It is best to purchase products with an automatic shut-off function from trusted manufacturers.

The final conclusion about which AAA batteries are best for your CD player or your beloved child’s radio-controlled car can be made by carefully reading the instruction manual (which often indicates the recommended capacity) and consulting an experienced sales consultant in a specialized store.

Here's a quick question: what brands of batteries can you name off the top of your head? Many will probably remember DURACELL, ENERGIZER, GP - those brands that often appear in television advertising. Awhat batteries will you buy? Almost certainly - these are the brands that are well-known and well known thanks to advertising. That is, the most expensive. I think it’s no secret that manufacturers usually include advertising costs in the price of their products... Nowadays there are a huge number of brands on the battery market that claim increased performance and reliability on the packaging. But is the difference between all kinds of samples really that big? Is it wise to pay more for what is advertised the most? It was this question that led us to the idea of ​​a group test of batteries of the most popular sizes.

Text: Alexey SOROKIN.

A comparative battery test was carried out in the testing laboratory of electrical products "REGIONTEST" of the Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology.

Educational program before the start

In order to understand the variety of brands on the market and make a correct comparison of batteries in terms of efficiency and performance, you need to choose the right assortment for testing.

Firstly, these must be batteries of the same size. We chose for testing the two most popular formats - AA (LR6, “finger”) and AAA (LR03, “little finger”).

Secondly, these must be batteries of the same chemical composition. Most batteries on the market can be globally divided into two main categories: alkaline batteries (ALKALINE) and salt batteries (ZINC).

Salt batteries are produced using outdated technology. True, despite the “retirement age”, they are still sold and cost no more than 10 rubles apiece. However, salt sources have significantly worse parameters than alkaline ones. They are practically useless in the cold, have less capacity and are less able to withstand the pulsed and dynamic loads of modern gadgets. They are usually equipped with remote controls, simple toys, wall clocks and other undemanding devices with low energy consumption.

Alkaline batteries have become the basis of modern battery consumption (more than 70 percent in units). This type of portable energy source is the most effective in any device. Therefore, in today's test we will compare only alkaline batteries from different manufacturers.

And thirdly, these must be batteries of similar series or the same purpose. This condition is explained by the fact that in the range of most popular brands the alkaline group is also divided into so-called ultra-alkaline batteries (their formula is modified for pulsed energy consumption) and standard series batteries for universal use. Some manufacturers include a separate group of economical series of alkaline batteries, most suitable for devices with low energy consumption - as a more modern alternative to salt cells.

So, we finally clarify the conditions for testing alkaline batteries: for greater objectivity, we chose standard universal series from various manufacturers.

Comparison test participants

Our group test includes alkaline batteries from the following brands:

GP Super Alkaline battery

ENERGIZER Alkaline power

DURACELL (alkaline)

TROPHY Alkaline

Of course, when purchasing, we paid attention to the expiration date of the batteries. Test samples were selected in such a way that the shelf life was until 2021. Thus, there were no batteries that died out during storage in our test.

A few words about the packaging: GP, ENERGIZER and KODAK are packaged in a plastic blister. The rest of the batteries are dressed exclusively in cardboard. Note that all-cardboard packaging is more expensive than plastic, it is more environmentally friendly in production and is also easier to open. Therefore, cardboard packaging is a plus for the manufacturer.

All batteries that took part in the test were purchased from two large retail chains with a similar retail format, which guarantees price comparability of the batteries.

The price is indicated in rubles for one battery.

Interestingly, for all brands except DURACELL, AAA batteries cost less or at least the same as AA batteries. But DURACELL's AA batteries are much cheaper (they were purchased in the same store.

All brands are obviously divided into three groups:

dear - DURACELL,

TROFI batteries took the first price brand position.

Let's see if all batteries are worth their price and how does a higher price affect their efficiency?

Testing methodology

Test engineer Sergey Barinov begins testing

During the first test, laboratory engineers checked how quickly the batteries drained during continuous discharging. Such a test simulates the operation of, for example, a powerful flashlight or a radio-controlled car, that is, any devices that intensively and continuously discharge batteries.

In the test bench circuit, the key element is a resistor with a resistance of 1 ohm, which provided the test samples with a constant load. To monitor the decreasing voltage in the battery, a voltmeter was connected to it through a resistor, which recorded the residual energy. The test ended when the battery voltage dropped to 0.9 volts.

Test participants will have to go through two tests.

The second test subjected the batteries to a pulse discharge, which simulates the operation of devices such as a digital camera with flash or any other gadget that is characterized by a powerful but short-term discharge.

The test setup for the second test turned out to be more complex: it included the battery itself, a voltmeter showing the residual voltage, a discharge current regulator that maintains a constant current due to a floating resistance, an ammeter that controls the current at 1000 mA, and a device with cyclic on-off switching of the entire circuit . The load was applied to the battery for 10 seconds, after which the load was turned off for 50 seconds, giving the batteries time to recover somewhat.

As in the first test, the test is considered complete when the battery voltage drops to 0.9 volts.

The need to conduct two tests is due to the fact that different batteries can behave completely differently under different discharge options. Batteries are like runners - among them there are marathon runners, and there are also sprinters who are not rivals to each other.

Test No. 1. Continuous discharge. AA batteries.

Let's see how the batteries performed in the first test. The Kodak fingers worked the longest with a result of 0.9 hours. Second place is shared by GP and TROFI - with a result of 0.8 hours. The popular brand Duracell was in second to last place with a result of 0.72 hours. This is 23 percent less than the test leader's time. The worst results were shown by Energizer brand batteries, operating for only 0.64 hours. Interesting fact: the difference between the ratings of different brands in this test is almost always 0.1.

Absolute operating time of AA batteries under continuous load

Test No. 2. Pulse discharge. AA batteries.

In the pulsed version of the discharge, the places were distributed completely differently. Taking revenge for the defeat in the first test, DURACELL takes the lead, having worked for 4.72 hours. A slightly shorter time - 4.43 hours, was shown by KODAK batteries. GP performed 0.5 hours worse, taking third place. This is where the separation group ends; the remaining batteries showed noticeably worse results. TROPHY worked for 3.66 hours, and ENERGIZER for 3.58.

Absolute operating time of AA batteries under pulsed load

These are the dry and unyielding results of the measurement tests. From the point of view of absolute operating time, KODAK batteries look the most advantageous - they lasted the longest with continuous discharge and showed more than decent results with pulsed discharge.

On the other hand, if you clearly know that you will use batteries in high-tech devices with periodic peak loads, then the best option would be DURACELL batteries, which lasted 0.3 hours longer in the test than the nearest competitor.

Price and quality of AA batteries

Absolute operating time cannot be the only criterion when choosing any product. There are situations when the confidence in the maximum result is worth overpaying for it. But our tests have shown that the efficiency of batteries does not depend on their cost. And if we try to digitize efficiency, let’s remember such a concept as price/quality ratio. In the case of batteries, this will be a unit cost, that is, the cost of a unit of time - one hour of work. Obviously, the lower the unit cost, the better your purchase.

Having assessed the unit cost of all test batteries, we can come to an interesting conclusion: in both versions of the test - continuous and pulsed - the distribution of places by brand was the same. However, there are some subtleties associated with absolute operating time that cannot be ignored.

Cost of 1 hour of operation of AA batteries under continuous and pulsed load

The most uneconomical in the continuous test were DURACELL: their unit cost is 1.5 times higher than that of their closest competitors GP and ENERGIZER, and the absolute operating time is in penultimate place.

ENERGIZER batteries were also not the most profitable. Having shown the lowest operating time under continuous load, they also have a mediocre price/quality ratio.

But KODAK batteries look pretty good in this test. Having worked the longest in continuous discharge mode, they have an attractive price/quality ratio - 22.6 rubles / hour. If your priority is absolute runtime at a reasonable price, then KODAK batteries are a good choice.

The leader in terms of price/quality ratio under continuous load are TROFI AA batteries. True, in terms of absolute operating time they are not the best, but they turned out to be 30 percent more profitable than GP batteries, 70 percent more profitable than ENERGIZER and more than 150 percent more profitable than DURACELL. It’s easy to calculate that for the price of one DURACELL battery you can buy 2.5 TROFI batteries and for the same money your flashlight will illuminate 3 times longer...

With the pulsed discharge option, TROPHY batteries unexpectedly came out on top. The cost of an hour of their work is almost two times less than that of the sales leader DURACELL, the closest pursuer TROFI is more than 21 percent ahead in terms of efficiency.

In the second test, KODAK batteries show themselves to be a solid average with a plus. They showed a fairly long operating time and good efficiency.

When comparing GP and ENERGIZER, the unit cost of which is almost the same, it is better to give preference to GP batteries, since their absolute operating time is much higher than ENERGIZER.

But the situation with DURACELL batteries is not clear-cut. Despite the highest cost per hour of operation, it was DURACELL batteries that lasted the longest under pulsed load. For good money you won’t be able to last that long! If you want the best, pay more. Here this statement works one hundred percent.

Conclusion on AA batteries

DURACELL is one of the best options for digital cameras and other devices with pulse loads, as long as you don't care about the price. But for working with a constant discharge - in flashlights or radio machines, DURACELL is not the best choice.

KODAK is the best choice for devices with even power consumption. Children's toys with batteries, flashlights, etc. will be very happy with these batteries. They can also be recommended for devices with pulsed energy consumption, especially since batteries of this brand have a decent level of efficiency.

GP is a solid average. They performed well in both tests and have an acceptable price/running time ratio, which allows us to recommend these batteries for all types of devices. Of course, they will not be the longest lasting or the most profitable, but they will simply be a workhorse for your devices.

ENERGIZER - unfortunately, the batteries of this brand did not perform at their best. Worst results in both tests and high cost per hour - that's all we can say about them.

TROPHY - the brand showed the best price/working time ratio among all test participants and a reliable operating time. The cost-effectiveness of this brand of batteries leads to an interesting thought: isn’t it better to buy two cheaper ones instead of one expensive one, but at the same time gain almost three times the energy reserves?

AAA batteries

If anyone thinks that the results of tests for AAA batteries will copy the results of tests of AA batteries, then this is not so: the balance of forces turned out to be completely different and more unexpected than for AA batteries.

Test No. 1. Continuous discharge. AAA batteries.

For AAA batteries, the operating time during continuous discharge is usually more relevant than for their larger brothers. Judge for yourself, the best AAA battery lasted 3.5 times less than the AA-sized finger-type champion.

The leaders in this test were TROFI brand batteries, which lasted 0.26 hours, leaving behind more famous brands. Looking at the chart, you can see that a group of leaders has formed, which, in addition to TROPHY, also includes DURACELL with a result of 0.23 hours and GP with a result of 0.20 hours. Next come two brands whose results are significantly worse than those of the leaders: ENERGIZER and, surprise, KODAK. The latter, let me remind you, were the best in the continuous discharge of AA batteries.

Absolute operating time of AAA batteries under continuous load

Test No. 2. Pulse discharge. AAA batteries.

But the results of the pulse discharge test are generally similar to the results of tests of AA batteries, but with one big “BUT”: KODAK batteries again found themselves in last place, and with a significant lag behind their closest pursuer - ENERGIZER.

The leaders in the test were DURACELL batteries, which were the only ones that lasted more than an hour. GP came in second place with 0.93 hours. The top three are closed by the leaders of the continuous discharge test - TROPHY, which showed 0.88 hours. Notice the fairly obvious gap between the top three and the rest of the brands.

Absolute operating time of AAA batteries under pulsed load

Price and quality of AAA batteries

Having calculated the cost per hour of AAA batteries, we also got interesting results.

DURACELL batteries turned out to be the most unprofitable. Not only did they show the highest cost per hour of work, but in the AAA format they could not become the best in terms of absolute operating time. So, in this particular situation, there is no point in overpaying for abundant advertising and a well-promoted brand.

KODAK batteries have the worst battery life, and although they have a more reasonable cost per hour than DURACELL, the brand is not very economical in comparison. And even lower than that of the also highly advertised ENERGIZER batteries.

The GP brand once again proved itself to be a solid average with a score of 5-/4+. Yes, they turn out to be more profitable than ENERGIZER, KODAK, and even more so DURACEL. However, they are 2 times more expensive than TROFI batteries.

The most attractive in terms of price-runtime ratio in the case of continuous load are TROFI batteries, which not only have the lowest cost per hour of operation, but also last the longest. Therefore, TROFI batteries can be recommended for any device - uniform and pulsed energy consumption, regardless of what your priority is - savings or operating time.

Cost of 1 hour of operation of AAA batteries under continuous and pulsed load

The balance of forces in the test with pulsed discharge remains similar. Taking into account absolute indicators, the following conclusions can be drawn. TROPHY, although this time did not show the best absolute operating time, remained the most economical, with a gap of 60 percent from its closest pursuer. It just seems like you can’t save much on batteries. When the difference in their cost is so noticeable, over the course of a year an amount that is not at all superfluous in a crisis will accumulate...

GP batteries in AAA size look noticeably more interesting than in AA format. In terms of cost per hour of work, they are number two in the final table and in terms of absolute work time they are slightly inferior to the leader. So GP AAA batteries can also be recommended as an acceptable option for devices with occasional but peak loads.

Among the AAA batteries, ENERGIZER and KODAK turned out to be the least attractive in the pulse test, both in terms of operating time and unit cost.

Conclusion on AAA batteries.

Summarizing the results of the test, we can give the following recommendations:

TROPHY - we recommend taking a closer look at the batteries of this brand. They not only showed decent operating time, especially in the test with a uniform load, where they became the best, they were also more profitable than their competitors by at least 60 percent, and in some cases by as much as 3 times.

DURACELL showed the best operating time in pulsed discharge mode and good operating time (2nd place) in uniform load mode. However, batteries of this brand are the most expensive; they have the highest cost per hour of operation, which can differ significantly from competitors.

GP - If you don't need 20 percent more battery life for an extra 80 percent on the price, then this is definitely the brand for you. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what device you are going to use it in.

ENERGIZER - unfortunately, did not surprise us at all, although they performed better than in the tests of AA batteries. These batteries can be recommended for purchase if you have no alternative.

KODAK - among the “little finger” batteries, this brand frankly showed the worst results, both in terms of absolute operating time and cost per hour of operation.

Test nominations

KODAK AA batteries are the best choice for devices with even power consumption. Children's toys with batteries, flashlights, etc. will be very happy with these batteries. They can also be recommended for devices with pulsed energy consumption.

DURACELL AAA batteries showed the best operating time in pulse discharge mode and one of the best in uniform load mode. In addition, DURACELL AA batteries are great for working in digital cameras and other devices with pulse loads, provided that you don’t care about their price at all.

TROFI batteries of both sizes - AA and AAA, showed the best price/running time ratio among all test participants and a reliable operating time.


The results of the comparative test clearly proved that the statement “more expensive means better” does not always work. And the costs of a brand advertising campaign are not particularly important: batteries of a domestic brand, for example, outperformed such a well-known brand as ENERGIZER in all tests, and in some tests - the no less famous DURACELL.

The quality of batteries does not depend on their retail prices on store shelves. In terms of efficiency and cost per hour of operation, TROFI batteries were the best in both cases. Otherwise, look at the test results, compare them with your needs and decide which brand to choose next time.

Each case has its own optimal option. With this conclusion we will move on in life.