U-shaped matching devices for HF bands. Simple matching devices. Antenna matching devices. Tuners

The widespread use of transistor wideband output stages designed to operate with a 50-ohm load has introduced some variety into the operation of home equipment. On the one hand, there is the fear of inadvertently damaging your dear “favorite” with the imperfection of your own antenna, on the other hand, there is the search and acquisition of expensive antenna delights. How to use an antenna tuner and achieve maximum power in the antenna or cheat at your own expense! What you need to know to properly connect the "antenna tuner" and use it properly.

What do you need to know to properly connect a transceiver with a 50 ohm output to an antenna? It turns out that it is not difficult to deceive the transceiver, you just need to follow certain rules and balance the necessary load, and generally leave the antenna alone. For this purpose, they came up with an intermediate link - a device that later received the name “antenna tuner” from “antenna tuner”, “tuner” (English) in Russian - tuner.

Thus, a kind of “black box” appeared between the transceiver and the antenna (literally). Just like an illusionist, and with the same purpose - to deceive. Only in this case, he is not deceiving you and me, but our pet, and pretends that a 50-ohm load is connected to his output, regardless of the existing antenna system.

A couple of common misconceptions:
1. Supposedly the antenna tuner is tuning the antenna. In reality, the antenna tuner DOES NOT TUN not only the antenna, but any part of it!
2. Allegedly, the antenna tuner improves the SWR value. In fact, the antenna tuner has no effect on the SWR in the feeder at all. The value of SWR in a particular transmission line depends only on the transmission line itself and the load connected to it.

In technical terms, an antenna tuner converts the impedance of the antenna-feeder device and brings it to the typical value inherent in your transceiver - 50 Ohms or 75 Ohms. Or to a coaxial cable used as an antenna feed. More advanced models of antenna tuners provide work with both unbalanced (coaxial) and balanced wire transmission lines, or single wire antennas.

The antenna tuner influences the SWR value solely between the transmitter and the tuner itself. This is the effect of illusion. By tuning the antenna tuner (tuning elements - an inductor equipped with a slow-down vernier or multi-position switch and one, usually two variable capacitors), the SWR between the transceiver and the tuner can be minimized.
The tuner itself, according to its technical parameters, is capable of transforming the output impedance of the transmitter into a strictly defined resistance range. This interval is indicated in the technical specifications for a specific antenna tuner model.

For example, some models of automatic tuners from MFJ are capable of matching (matching) a transmitter output impedance of 50 0m to a load impedance in the range from 6 to 1600 Ohms in the frequency range 1.8-30 MHz.

If the technical conditions for the operating powers of the transmitter and tuner are not met, then firstly, with a power greater than that specified in the technical data sheet, you can damage a fairly expensive item or, if you go outside the load resistance range, you can get large errors during coordination.

When thinking about antenna tuners and SWR, it is important to remember that an antenna tuner has no effect at all on the SWR between itself and the antenna, only on the SWR between itself and the transceiver. A tuner is a kind of adjustable impedance transformer between your radio and antenna.

The trick is that when the transmitter “sees” an impedance of 50 ohms, it “thinks” that a 50-ohm antenna is connected to it. Only then will it give full power.
But where will it give it, to the antenna? - No, to the tuner. What about the load? - Somewhat less or much less. This depends on the difference in load resistance. Where does the difference go? - And it remains in the tuner, or rather, it is converted into heat on the tuner elements. The loss of power is the fee for coordination and the worse it is, the greater the loss.

On the one hand, “cheating” makes life easier and protects the transmitter from load variations when changing antennas, which in itself is already a lot; on the other hand, it is necessary to understand that the inefficiency of the transmission line leads to a significant decrease in output power.

A way out of the situation: in each specific case, you need to make every effort to match your antennas - only in this case can you reduce power losses. Of course, if you supply kilowatts, then the loss of one or two hundred watts will have virtually no effect on the work as a whole. But, when we are talking about small input powers, then even small losses will affect the quality (not to be confused with the quality of the emitted signal) of radio communications.

How to connect and use an antenna tuner

Once we have a better understanding of what an antenna tuner is, let's try connecting it to a radio station. The block diagram below illustrates a typical connection.
Our goal is to make our transceiver think that it “sees” the 50 Ohms it needs. The complete system consists of: a transceiver (transceiver); Band pass low pass filter; linear power amplifier; SWR/Watt meter; antenna tuner; equivalent load or the antenna itself.

Simple connection block diagram:

From left to right: 1. transceiver (transceiver), 2. SWR/Watt meter, 3. antenna tuner and a transceiver antenna at its output. Let's ignore the linear power amplifier, low-pass filter and antenna equivalent, because these nodes may not be included in our system configuration.

Actually, that's all. The high-frequency signal from the transceiver sequentially passes through the SWR/Watt meter, the readings of which (SWR close to value 1) will indicate that everything is fine and the tuner that follows it has nevertheless “deceived” the transceiver and created on it the output required load is 50 0m. And the power delivered to this load is maximum. And then (after the tuner) the signal goes to the antenna.

And since a real antenna is connected to the tuner output, our further goal is to learn how to tune the antenna tuner directly to a specific antenna.

How to set up a tuner

Most industrial and homemade models of antenna tuners contain a multi-position inductance switch and two (most often, less often one) variable capacitors. The inductance switch is labeled INDUCTOR. The capacitors are labeled ANTENNA and TRANSMITTER. In some tuners, the multi-position inductor switch may be replaced by a continuously adjustable inductor known as a roller inductor (the name remains the same).

Let's assume we are using a tuner with an inductance switch. We will set both variable capacitors ANTENNA and TRANSMITTER to approximately the middle position.
Initially, it is best to start working with any tuner (even a well-known one) in the receive mode, if it is connected (switched) to the receiver input. If yes, then by rotating the inductance switch and variable capacitors, you need to achieve the maximum volume of a radio station or just airborne noise on the desired range. This simple procedure will help you fine-tune your tuner during transmission.

To configure in transmit mode, it is necessary to reduce the transmitter power to the minimum possible value (units of watts) so that it is enough for full readings of the SWR meter (the sensitivity of different devices may be ambiguous). You also need to remember that with a large input power, a large amount of heat can be generated on the tuner elements. Which may not be the best way to affect its performance. Therefore, in the case of independent development, it is very important to calculate the electrical strength of the tuner elements, taking into account the supplied power.

Tuning is carried out in “carrier” mode. According to the reading of the SWR meter, it is necessary to achieve the minimum readings of the device, and the Watt meter, on the contrary, should show the highest output power. Of course, the setup procedure may take some time, especially during the initial acquaintance with the operation of the tuner. Get ready for the fact that you will have to repeat the settings several times, that is, select the inductance and capacitance of both capacitors, choosing the best one according to the readings of the device.

The amount of inductance or the position of the switch depends on the operating frequency (range) and, moreover, it can be stated with great confidence that it slightly depends on the specific antenna. Therefore, the instructions for use of industrial tuners strictly indicate the positions of the inductance switch depending on the operating range. In homemade designs, these settings are easiest to determine, as mentioned above, in the receive mode and they will differ little from the actual settings in the transmit mode. By the way, this statement also applies when working with industrial, well-graded models.

In general, the setup technology does not cause complications. Having identified the corresponding part of the range with inductance, the further part of the work comes down to setting up the capacitors. By varying the ANTENNA and TRANSMITTER capacitors, according to the readings of the device built into the tuner (in industrial models), the best SWR value is determined.

You should know that the minimum SWR (1:1) corresponds to the resonant tuning frequency. If you tune in one direction or another from the resonant frequency, the SWR value begins to increase. Therefore, if there are significant detunings (100 kHz or more), it is advisable to repeat the tuner adjustment.

Based on the SWR values, you can determine the bandwidth of the antenna system. But it is better to do this with the tuner turned off and at low transmitter power. By deviating up and down from the resonant frequency, you need to determine the cutoff frequencies at SWR=2 (sometimes said as 2:1).

The difference in frequency readings will be the bandwidth of the antenna system according to SWR=2. It is believed that the bandwidth at SWR = 2 is a safe operating interval. Beyond this band, the SWR value begins to increase rapidly and moves from a safe zone (for your broadband transmitter) to a dangerous one.

If SWR>3 is exceeded, the protection of the output stage may be triggered (it’s good if it is equipped with one) and then it will drop the output power to a safe value (if it has time). If there is no protection, then... goodbye transistors! I don't even want to think about it.

We can probably stop here. In conclusion, I’ll just add that the industry produces quite a lot of different models of antenna tuners. Manual, where the entire setup procedure, similar to that described above, is carried out by the operator himself, and automatic, where the setup is significantly simplified and comes down to literally pressing one button.

Industrial antenna tuners for amateur radio conditions and applications are designed for a specific amount of input power in the range from 150 to 3000 W. They are equipped with additional features, for example, antenna selectors.

In most cases, it is possible to connect two single-ended (coaxial) antennas, one balanced line and a built-in 50-ohm “Dummy Load”. They must have an SWR/Watt meter installed.

There may be some differences, depending on the manufacturer and cost. All capabilities of a particular model are contained in the technical data sheet or instructions for use.
Radio amateurs themselves have developed many home-made devices to match their antennas, but the principle of operation remains “as solid as a rock.” It is based on an impedance transformer.

When working in the field, at the dacha or on an expedition, it is not always possible to use resonant antennas for each band. The choice of their design depends on the location of the radio station and the availability of supports for installing the antenna.
In many cases, it is possible to use only non-resonant wire antennas, or it is difficult to tune the antennas to resonance due to the lack of necessary instruments and time for this. To successfully work with non-resonant antennas, it is necessary to use matching devices (MD).


The control systems used in QRP expeditions have their own characteristics. They must be light in weight, have high efficiency and withstand power up to 50 watts. Most known matching devices incorporate variable inductance.

It is difficult to create a small-sized control system using variable inductances, which must have sufficiently large dimensions for the control system to operate effectively.

Therefore, two matching devices were made using only variable capacitors to configure them. One was designed to operate in the frequency range 1.8-14 MHz, the other for the range 18-30 MHz.

The control system circuit for 1.8-14 MHz is shown in Fig. 1, and for 18-30 MHz - in Fig. 2. When the low-frequency control system operates at 160 meters in parallel with C1, an additional capacitor C2 with a capacity of 560 pF is switched on.

When working on 40, 30 and 20 meters, the L2 part of the coil is used. C1 and C4 (Fig. 1) are variables, dual with an air dielectric with a maximum capacity of 495 pF. Sections of these capacitors are connected in series to increase the operating voltage.

The control system uses variable capacitors of the KPV type with a maximum capacitance of 100 pF for operation in high-frequency ranges. Each control system has an RF ammeter in the antenna circuit. The transformer used in it contains 20 turns of secondary winding. The primary winding is the antenna wire threaded through the ring.

For a current transformer, you can use a ferrite ring with an outer diameter of 7 to 15 millimeters and a permeability of 400-600. You can also use high-frequency ferrites with a permeability of 50-100, in this case it is easier to obtain a linear frequency response of the antenna current meter.


To linearize the frequency response of the current meter, it is necessary to use a shunt resistor R1 of the smallest possible value. But the smaller it is, the lower the sensitivity of the antenna current meter. The compromise value of this resistor is 200 Ohms. In this case, the sensitivity of the ammeter is 50 mA.

It is advisable to use standard instruments to check the correctness of the ammeter readings when working on different ranges. Using resistor R2, you can proportionally reduce the readings of the device. This makes it possible to measure the current of both high-impedance and low-impedance antennas.

The current of high-impedance antennas lies in the range of 50-100 mA with a power supplied to them of 10-50 W.

The inductors for the control system in Fig. 1 are wound on a frame with a diameter of 30 mm, L1 - 5 turns of PEL 1.0 in the lower part of L2, winding length 12 mm, L2 - 27 turns of PEL 1.0 with a tap from the 10th turn counting from the grounded end, winding length 55 mm. Inductors for the control system in Fig. 2 are on a frame with a diameter of 20 mm, L1 - 3 turns of PEV 2.0, winding length 20 mm, L2 - 14.5 turns of PEV 2.0 with a winding length of 60 mm.


The SU is used as follows. Connect it to the transceiver, ground and antenna. The coupling capacitor C4 (Fig. 1) or SZ (Fig. 2) is brought to a minimum. Using C1, the circuit is tuned to resonance according to the maximum glow of the VL1 neon. Then, by increasing the capacitance of the coupling capacitor and decreasing the capacitance of the loop capacitor C1, we achieve maximum current transfer to the antenna. Matching devices (Fig. 1, Fig. 2) provide matching of loads with resistance from 15 ohms to several kiloohms.

The control system for low-frequency ranges was made in a case made of foil fiberglass with dimensions of 280 * 170 * 90 mm, the control system for high-frequency ranges was made in the same case with dimensions of 170 * 70 * 70 mm.

Modern transmitting and receiving transistor technology, as a rule, has broadband paths whose input and output resistances are 50 or 75 Ohms. Therefore, to implement the declared parameters of such equipment, it is necessary to provide an active load with a resistance of 50 or 75 Ohms for both the receiving and transmitting parts. I would like to emphasize that the receiving path also requires a matched load!

Of course, in the receiver this cannot be noticed by touch, color or taste without instruments. Apparently, because of this, some shortwave operators “foaming at the mouth” defend the advantages of old RPUs such as R-250, “Mole” and the like over modern technology. Old equipment is most often equipped with an adjustable (or tunable) input circuit, with the help of which you can match the radio control unit with a wire antenna with “SWR = 1 on almost all bands.”

If a radio amateur really wants to check the quality of the matching of the “transceiver input - antenna” circuit, he just needs to assemble a very primitive matching device (MD), for example, a P-circuit consisting of two KPIs with a maximum capacitance of at least 1000 pF (if testing is also planned for low-frequency ranges) and coils with variable inductance. By turning on this control system between the transceiver and the antenna, changing the capacitance of the KPI and the inductance of the coil, the best reception is achieved. If at the same time the values ​​of all elements of the control system tend to zero (to the minimum values), you can safely throw away the control system and, with a clear conscience, work on the air and continue, at least listen to the bands.

For the transmitter path, the lack of optimal load can end more sadly. Sooner or later, the RF power reflected from the mismatched load finds a weak spot in the transceiver path and “burns out” it, or more precisely, any of the elements cannot withstand such an overload. Of course, it is possible to make a silo that is absolutely reliable (for example, by removing no more than 20% of the power from transistors), but then the cost will be comparable to the components of expensive imported equipment.

For example, a 100-watt silo, produced in the USA as a kit for the K2 transceiver, costs 359 USD, and the tuner for it costs 239 USD. And foreign radio amateurs go to such expense in order to get “just some kind of coordination,” which, as the experience of the author of this article shows, many of our users of transistor technology do not think about... Thoughts about matching a transceiver with a load are in the minds of such woe radio amateurs begin to arise only after an accident has occurred in the equipment.

Nothing can be done - these are today's realities. Examinations for obtaining licenses and upgrading amateur radio categories are often carried out formally. At best, the applicant for a license is tested on his knowledge of the telegraph alphabet. Although in modern conditions, in my opinion, it is advisable to place more emphasis on testing technical literacy - there would be fewer “group sex for long-distance work” and “discussions” about the advantages of UW3DI over “all sorts of Icoms and Kenwoods.”

The author of the article is pleased by the fact that less and less talk is heard on the bands about problems when working on the air with transistor power amplifiers (for example, the appearance of TVI or low reliability of output transistors). I competently declare that if a transistor amplifier is correctly designed and competently manufactured, and during operation the maximum operating modes of radio elements are not constantly exceeded, then it is practically “eternal”, theoretically, nothing can break in it.

I draw your attention to the fact that if the maximum permissible parameters of the transistors are not constantly exceeded, they will never fail. Short-term overload, especially transistors designed for linear amplification in the HF range, can withstand quite easily. Manufacturers of high-power RF transistors check the reliability of the manufactured product in this way - they take a resonant RF amplifier, and after the optimal mode and rated power are set at the output, a test device is connected instead of the load. Setting elements allow you to change the active and reactive components of the load.

If in optimal mode the load is connected to the transistor under test through a line with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms, then usually in the device under consideration the line segment is closed by a resistor with a resistance of 2.5 or 2250 Ohms. In this case, the SWR will be equal to 30:1. This SWR value does not allow obtaining conditions from a complete open circuit to a complete short circuit of the load, but the actually provided range of changes is quite close to these conditions.

The manufacturer guarantees the serviceability of transistors intended for linear amplification of the HF signal with a load mismatch of 30:1 for at least 1 s at rated power. This time is quite enough for the overload protection to operate. Operating a power amplifier at such SWR values ​​does not make sense, because the efficiency is practically “zero”, i.e. We are, of course, talking about emergency situations.

To solve the problem of matching transmitting and receiving equipment with antenna-feeder devices, there is a fairly cheap and simple way - using an additional external matching device. I would like to focus the attention of happy users of “bourgeois” equipment that does not have antenna tuners (and amateur designers too) on this very important issue.

All industrial transmitting and receiving equipment (including lamp equipment) is equipped not only with filtering, but also, additionally, with matching units. Take, for example, tube radio stations R-140, R-118, R-130 - their matching devices occupy at least a quarter of the station’s volume. And all transistor broadband transmission equipment, without exception, is equipped with such matchers.

Manufacturers even go to the extent of increasing the cost of this equipment - they are equipped with automatic control systems (tuners). But this automation is intended to protect the radio equipment from a stupid user who has a vague idea of ​​what and why he should turn on the control system. It is assumed that a radio amateur with a call sign must have a minimal understanding of the processes occurring in the antenna-feeder device of his radio station.

Depending on what antennas are used at the amateur radio station, one or another matching device can be used. The statement of some shortwave operators that they use an antenna whose SWR is almost unity on all bands, so that SU is not required, shows a lack of minimal knowledge on this topic. No one has yet managed to deceive “physics” here - no high-quality resonant antenna will have the same resistance either within the entire range, much less on different ranges.

What happens most often is that either an “inverted-V” is installed at 80 and 40 m, or a frame with a perimeter of 80 m, and in the worst case, the clothesline is used as an “antenna”. Particularly “talented” ones invent universal pins and “carrots”, which, according to the categorical assurances of the authors, “work on all ranges with virtually no adjustment!”

Such a structure is configured at best on one or two bands, and everyone goes ahead, “we call and they answer, what else is needed?” It’s sad that to increase the “operating efficiency” of such antennas, all searches lead to “radio extenders” such as the output unit from the R-140 or R-118. Just listen to those who like to “work in a group at a distance” at night on the 160 and 80 meter bands, and recently this can already be seen on 40 and 20 meters.

If the antenna has SWR = 1 on all bands (or at least on several) - this is not an antenna, but an active resistance, or the device that measures SWR “shows” the ambient temperature (which is usually constant in the room).

I don’t know whether or not I managed to convince the reader that it is mandatory to use a control system, but, nevertheless, I will move on to the description of specific circuits of such devices. Their choice depends on the antennas used at the radio station. If the input impedances of radiating systems do not fall below 50 Ohms, you can get by with a primitive L-type matching device - Fig. 1, because it only works in the direction of increasing resistance. In order for the same device to “lower” the resistance, it must be turned on in reverse, i.e. swap input and output.

Automatic antenna tuners of almost all imported transceivers are made according to the circuit shown in Fig. 2. Antenna tuners in the form of separate devices are often manufactured by the company according to a different scheme (Fig. 3). A description of this scheme can be found, for example, in. All branded control systems made according to this scheme have an additional frameless coil L2, wound with wire with a diameter of 1.2...1.5 mm on a mandrel with a diameter of 25 mm. Number of turns - 3, winding length - 38 mm.

Using the last two circuits, you can provide SWR = 1 to almost any piece of wire. However, do not forget - SWR = 1 indicates that the transmitter has an optimal load, but this in no way means high efficiency of the antenna. Using the control system, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. 2, it is possible to match the probe from the tester as an antenna with SWR = 1, but, except for its closest neighbors, no one will evaluate the efficiency of such an “antenna”. A regular P-circuit can also be used as a control system - Fig. 4. The advantage of this solution is that it is not necessary to isolate the KPI from the common wire; the disadvantage is that with high output power it is difficult to find variable capacitors with the required gap.

When using more or less tuned antennas at a station and in the case when operation on 160 m is not intended, the inductance of the SU coil may not exceed 10...20 μH. It is very important that it is possible to obtain small inductances up to 1 ... 3 μH.

Ball variometers are usually not suitable for these purposes, because the inductance is adjusted within smaller limits than in coils with a “slider”. Branded antenna tuners use coils with a “runner”, in which the first turns are wound with an increased pitch - this is done to obtain small inductances with maximum quality factor and minimal interturn coupling.

Sufficiently high-quality matching can be obtained by using the “poor radio amateur’s variometer” in the control system. These are two series-connected coils with tap switching (Fig. 5). The coils are frameless and contain 35 turns of wire with a diameter of 0.9...1.2 mm (depending on the expected power), wound on a 020 mm mandrel.

After winding, the coils are rolled into a ring and soldered with taps to the terminals of conventional ceramic switches with 11 positions. Taps for one coil should be made from even turns, for the other - from odd turns, for example - from 1,3,5,7,9,11, 15,19, 23, 27 turns and from 2,4, 6, 8 ,10, 14,18,22,28,30th orbits. By connecting two such coils in series, you can use switches to select the required number of turns, especially since the accuracy of selecting the inductance is not particularly important for the control system. The "poor radio amateur's variometer" copes successfully with the main task - obtaining small inductances.

In order for this homemade tuner to approach “bourgeois” antenna tuners in its quasi-smooth tuning capabilities, for example, AT-130 from ICOM or AT-50 from Kenwood, instead of one biscuit switch, it will be necessary to introduce short-circuiting of the coil taps with “relays”, each of which will be switched on separately toggle switch. Seven “relays” switching seven taps will be enough to simulate a “manual AT-50”.

An example of relay switching of coils is given in. The gaps between the plates in the KPI must withstand the expected stress. If low-resistance loads are used, with an output power of up to 200...300 W, you can get by with the KPI from older types of RPU. If they are high-resistance, you will have to select KPI with the required clearances (from industrial radio stations).

The approach to choosing KPI is very simple - 1 mm of gap between the plates can withstand a voltage of 1000 V. The estimated voltage can be found using the formula U = Ts P/R, where:

  • P - power,
  • R - load resistance.
  • The radio station must have a switch installed, with which the transceiver is disconnected from the antenna in the event of a thunderstorm (or when it is turned off), because More than 50% of cases of transistor failure are associated with static electricity. The switch can be mounted either in the antenna switch or in the control system.

    U-shaped matching device

    The result of various experiments and experiments on the topic discussed above was the implementation of a U-shaped “matcher” - Fig. 6. Of course, it is difficult to get rid of the “complex circuit of bourgeois tuners” Fig. 2 - this circuit has an important advantage, namely that the antenna (at least the central core of the cable) is galvanically isolated from the transceiver input through the gaps between the KPI plates. But an unsuccessful search for suitable KPIs for this scheme forced us to abandon it. By the way, the P-circuit circuit is also used by some companies that produce automatic tuners, for example, the American KAT1 Elekraft or the Dutch Z-11 Zelfboum.

    In addition to matching, the P-circuit also acts as a low-pass filter, which is very useful when working on overloaded amateur radio bands - hardly anyone will refuse additional harmonic filtering. The main disadvantage of the U-shaped matching device circuit is the need to use a KPI with a sufficiently large maximum capacity, which suggests the reason why such a circuit is not used in automatic tuners of imported transceivers. In T-shaped schemes, two KPIs are most often used, rearranged by motors. It is clear that a 300 pF KPI will be much smaller, cheaper and simpler than a 1000 pF KPI.

    In the control system circuit shown in Fig. 6, KPIs with an air gap of 0.3 mm from the tube receivers are used. Both sections of the capacitor are connected in parallel. A coil with taps switched by a ceramic biscuit switch is used as inductance.

    The coil is frameless and contains 35 turns of wire 00.9...1.1 mm, wound on a mandrel 021...22 mm. After winding, the coil is rolled into a ring and soldered to the terminals of the biscuit switch with its short taps. Branches are made from 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26 and 31 turns.

    The SWR meter is made on a ferrite ring. The permeability of the ring when working on KB, in general, is not of decisive importance; in the author’s version, a 1000NN ring with an outer diameter of 10 mm is used.

    The ring is wrapped in thin varnished fabric, and then 14 turns of PEL 0.3 wire are wound around it (without twisting, in two wires). The beginning of one winding, connected to the end of the second, forms the middle terminal.

    Depending on the required task (more precisely, on how much power is supposed to be passed through the control system, and on the quality of the LEDs VD4 and VD5), silicon or germanium detection diodes VD2 and VD3 can be used. By using germanium diodes, higher sensitivity can be obtained. The best of them is GD507. However, the author uses a transceiver with an output power of at least 50 W, so ordinary KD522 silicon diodes work perfectly in the SWR meter.

    As a “know-how”, in addition to the usual one, an LED setting indication is used on the pointer device. A green LED VD4 is used to indicate the “forward wave”, and a red LED (VD5) is used to visually monitor the “reverse wave”. As practice has shown, this is a very successful solution - you can always quickly respond to an emergency situation. If something happens to the load while on air, the red LED begins to flash brightly in time with the emitted signal.

    It is less convenient to navigate by the SWR meter needle - you won’t be constantly staring at it during transmission! But the bright glow of red light is clearly visible even with peripheral vision. This was positively appreciated by Yuri, RU6CK, when he got such a control system (besides, Yuri has poor eyesight). For more than a year now, the author himself has been using mainly only the “LED setting” of the control system, i.e. Setting up the “coordinator” comes down to making the red LED go out and the green LED “blazing” brightly. If you really want a more precise setting, you can “catch” it using the microammeter needle. The M68501 device with a total deviation current of 200 μA was used as a microammeter. You can also use the M4762 - they were installed in the Nota and Jupiter tape recorders. It is clear that C1 must withstand the voltage supplied by the transceiver to the load.

    Tuning of the manufactured device is carried out using an equivalent load, which is designed to dissipate the output power of the cascade. We connect the control system to the transceiver with a “coaxial” of minimum length (as far as possible, since this section of cable will be used in the further operation of the control system and transceiver) with the required characteristic impedance; we connect an equivalent load to the output of the control system without any “long cords” and coaxial cables , turn all the control knobs to minimum and use C1 to set the minimum readings of the SWR meter during “reflection”. It should be noted that the transmitter output signal must not contain harmonics (i.e. it must be filtered), otherwise the minimum may not be found. If the design is made correctly, the minimum is obtained with capacity C1 close to the minimum.

    Then we swap the input and output of the device and check the “balance” again. We carry out testing on several ranges. I warn you right away that the author is not able to help every radio amateur who could not cope with setting up the described control system. If someone is unable to make a control system on their own, you can order a finished product from the author of this article. All information can be found here.

    LEDs VD4 and VD5 must be chosen modern, with maximum brightness. It is desirable that LEDs have maximum resistance when the rated current flows. The author managed to purchase red LEDs with a resistance of 1.2 kOhm and green LEDs with a resistance of 2 kOhm. Usually green LEDs glow weakly, but this is not bad - after all, it is not a Christmas tree garland that is being made. The main requirement for a green LED is that its glow should be quite clearly noticeable in normal transmission mode. But the color of the red LED, depending on the user’s preferences, can be selected from poisonous crimson to scarlet.

    As a rule, such LEDs have a diameter of 3...3.5 mm. To make the red LED glow brighter, the voltage was doubled - diode VD1 was introduced into the circuit. For this reason, our SWR meter can no longer be called an accurate measuring device - it overestimates the “reflection”. If you want to measure accurate SWR values, you need to use LEDs with the same resistance and make the two arms of the SWR meter exactly the same - either both with voltage doubling, or without doubling. However, the operator is more likely to be concerned about the quality of the matching of the transceiver-antenna circuit, rather than the exact value of the SWR. LEDs are quite sufficient for this.

    The proposed control system is effective when working with antennas powered through a coaxial cable. The author tested the control system for “standard”, common antennas of “lazy” radio amateurs - “frame” with a perimeter of 80 m, “inverted-V” - combined 80 and 40 m, “triangle” with a perimeter of 40 m, “pyramid” for 80 m.

    Konstantin, RN3ZF, (he has an FT-840) uses such a control system with a “pin” and “inverted-V”, including on the WARC bands, UR4GG - with a “triangle” on 80 m and the “Volna” and “Volna” transceivers Danube", and UY5ID, using the described control system, matches the silo on the KT956 with a multilateral frame with a perimeter of 80 m with symmetrical power supply (an additional transition to symmetrical load is used).

    If, when setting up the control system, it is not possible to turn off the red LED (to achieve the minimum readings of the device), this may mean that, in addition to the main signal, the emitted spectrum contains harmonics (the control system is not able to provide matching at several frequencies simultaneously). Harmonics, which are located higher in frequency than the main signal, do not pass through the low-pass filter formed by the elements of the control system, are reflected, and on the way back they “ignite” the red LED. The fact that the control system “cannot cope” with the load can only be indicated by the fact that coordination occurs at extreme values ​​(not minimum) of the parameters of the control unit and coil, i.e. when there is not enough capacitance or inductance. None of the indicated users experienced such cases when operating the control system with the listed antennas on any of the bands.

    The control system was tested with a “rope”, i.e. with a wire antenna 41 m long. It should not be forgotten that the SWR meter is a measuring instrument only if there is a load on both sides of it at which it was balanced. When setting to “rope”, both LEDs light up, so the tuning criterion can be taken as the brightest possible glow of the green LED with the minimum possible brightness of the red one. Apparently, this will be the most correct setting - for maximum power transfer to the load.

    I would like to draw the attention of potential users of this control system to the fact that under no circumstances should the coil taps be switched when emitting maximum power. At the moment of switching, the coil circuit breaks (albeit for a fraction of a second), and its inductance changes sharply. Accordingly, the contacts of the biscuit switch burn out and the load resistance of the output stage changes sharply. It is only necessary to switch the slide switch in receive mode.

    Information for meticulous and “demanding” readers - the author of the article is aware that the SWR meter installed in the control system is not a precision high-precision measuring device. Yes, such a goal was not set during its manufacture! The main task was to provide the transceiver with broadband transistor stages with an optimal matched load, I repeat once again - both the transmitter and the receiver. The receiver, like a powerful silo, fully requires high-quality coordination with the antenna!

    By the way, if in your “radio” the optimal settings for the receiver and transmitter do not coincide, this indicates that the device was not properly configured at all, and if it was done, then most likely only the transmitter, and the receiver’s bandpass filters have optimal parameters for other load values.

    An SWR meter installed in the control system will show that by adjusting the elements of the control system we achieved the parameters of the load that was connected to the ANTENNA output of the transceiver during its configuration. Using the control system, you can safely work on the air, knowing that the transceiver is not “puffing up and begging for mercy,” but has almost the same load for which it was configured. Of course, this does not mean that the antenna connected to the control system began to work better. Don't forget about it!

    For radio amateurs dreaming of a precision SWR meter, I can recommend making it according to the diagrams given in many foreign serious publications, or buying a ready-made device. But you will have to fork out some money - indeed, devices produced by well-known companies cost from 50 USD and above CB - I don’t take into account the fancy Polish-Turkish-Italian ones. A successful, well-described design of an SWR meter is given in.

    A. Tarasov, (UT2FW) [email protected]


    1. Bunin S.G., Yaylenko L.P. Shortwave Radio Amateur's Handbook. - K.: Technology, 1984.
    2. M. Levit. Device for determining SWR. - Radio, 1978, N6.
    3. http://www.cqham.ru/ut2fw/

    When a purchased imported transceiver is paired with its old, reliable power amplifier (PA), which has served the owner faithfully for many years, a situation often arises when the PA excitation power is reset. The reason is the large input impedance of the PA, which differs from the output impedance of the transceiver.

    For example, the input impedance of RA with OS:

    on 3-x GU-50 lamps about 85 Ohm; on 4 G-811 lamps about 75 Ohms;

    on GK-13 about 375 Ohms;

    on GK-71 about 400 Ohms;

    ontwo GK-71 about 200 Ohm;

    on GU-81 about 200-1000 Ohms.

    (Data taken from descriptions of RA designs in amateur radio literature).

    TOIn addition, the input impedance RA is not the same across ranges and reacts to changes in the settings of the output circuit. So, for RA on a GU-74B lamp the following data on input resistance is given: 1.9 MHz - 98 Ohms;

    3.5 MHz – 77 Ohm;

    7 MHz – 128 Ohm;

    14 MHz – 102 Ohm;

    21 MHz – 54 Ohm;

    28 MHz – 88 Ohm.

    ExceptIn addition, the input resistance of the RA with feedback changes during the period of HF oscillations from several tens and hundreds of Ohms to several kOhms.

    From the given figures it is clear that coordination of the transceiver with the RA is clearly necessary. Typically, such matching is performed using either parallel LC circuits or P-circuits installed at the lamp input. The method is certainly good, it provides matching with an SWR of no worse than 1.5, but it requires 6-9 circuits and two switch bars.

    Butthey cannot always be placed in the existing old RA: there is no space and that’s it. Throwing away an old, good RA is a pity, but making a new one is troublesome.

    In foreign military, civilian, and amateur radio equipment, broadband HF transformers have long been widely used to match 50-ohm units. They make it possible to coordinate these blocks with other circuits with a resistance that differs from 50 Ohms and lies in the range of 1 - 500 Ohms. Such broadband RF matching transformers can also be used to match transceivers with PA. They are small in size and you can always find a place to place them in the body (in the basement of the chassis) of the old RA.

    In Fig. 1a. a diagram of an HF transformer on a toroidal ferrite core with a transformation ratio of

    oppositions 1 ׃ │≥ 1…≤ 4 │ , depending on the connection point of the output tap.


    And in Fig. 1b is a diagram of an HF transformer with a resistance transformation ratio of 1 ׃ │ ≥4…≤9 │ , also depending on the connection point of the outlet tap.

    For transceiver output power up to 100 W, two 32 x 16 x 8 ferrite rings with a permeability of about 1000, or a larger diameter, but not with a smaller cross-section of the core, can be used as a toroidal core.

    If the input resistance of the PA is less than 200 Ohms, then the transformer is wound according to the circuit in Fig. 1a, and if it is more than 200 Ohms, but less than 450 Ohms, then according to the circuit in Fig. 1b.

    If the input impedance of the PA is unknown, a transformer should be made according to the second scheme, which, in case of poor matching, can be switched to the first option. To do this, you will need to turn off the middle winding and connect the outer windings, as in Fig. 1a.

    The transformer windings are made simultaneously for the first option with two, and for the second - with three wires, slightly twisted, making 8 turns. In this case, from each turn of one wire a branch is made in the form of a ring (twist). Then the beginning of one winding is connected to the end of the second, and the beginning of the second winding is connected to the end of the third, which has taps. PETV wire with a diameter of 0.72… 0.8 mm. The rings (ring) must first be wrapped with tape made of fluoroplastic or varnished fabric.

    Photo No. 1 shows two HF transformers made according to the second option.

    Photo No. 1.

    One transformer is made without twisted wires (in one row), soldered with taps on the switch strip, the other (smaller) - with twisted wires, both transformers have 9 taps (7 from the winding and plus 2 outer ones).

    results transformer testing .

    1. Transformer without twisting wires. Input impedance 50 Ohm. The output impedance is transformed into the following values ​​(starting from the connection point of windings 2 and 3) along the 200 Ohm taps; 220 Ohm; 250 Ohm; 270 Ohm; 300 Ohm; 330 Ohm; 360 Ohm; 400 Ohm; 450 Ohm. (Figures are approximate). SWR by range (across all taps): at 3.5 MHz; 7 MHz; 14 MHz no more than 1.3; at 21 MHz no more than 1.5; at 28 MHz - 1.8 (up to 300 Ohms), and then SWR ≥ 2.

    When this transformer is turned on according to the first option (with the middle winding turned off), the output resistance is transformed into the following values: 50.70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 170, 200 (Ohm). SWR on all bands (across all taps) is no more than 1.4.

    2. The transformer with twisted wires showed the best results. The output resistances are the same as those of the first transformer, but the SWR is much lower: on the ranges 3.5; 7: 14 MHz no more than 1.2; at 21 MHz – no more than 1.4; at 28 MHz – 1.5 - 1.65. When the transformer is turned on according to the first scheme, the SWR is even better.

    The transformer is connected to the gap between the input connector RA and the transition capacitor going to the lamp (to the cathode). If possible, you need to install a biscuit switch. In this case, you will need to select 2 - 3 positions at which the lowest SWR will be obtained on all bands. If this is not possible, then you will have to look for a compromise; you will need to find one tap from the transformer winding with an acceptable SWR on all ranges. Select a tap and measure the SWR for the RA to operate in operating power mode.

    To match the transceiver with the RA, you can use simple matching devices based on a G-filter according to the diagram in Fig. 2, in the form of a separate unit connected between the transceiver and the RA with short sections of RF cables. (Possible with built-in SWR meter).


    Frameless coil – 34 turns, wound on a mandrel with a diameter of 22 mm with 1.0 mm wire. Branches from the entrance are made through 2 +.2 + 2 +3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 5 and another 6 turns. The coil is bent into a semi-arc and soldered with short taps to the contacts of the biscuit switch.

    In switch position 1, the coil is short-circuited (bypass is turned on), and in position 11 the entire coil is connected. Capacitor, doubled from tube receivers. Instead of a variable capacitor, you can select constants for each range, switchable using a second biscuit. Such a control system allows you to match the transceiver and PA with an input impedance of 60 - 300 Ohms. (Photo No. 2).

    Photo No. 2

    But control systems in the form of a separate block have a significant drawback: in the reception mode, when the “bypass” is turned on in the RA, the output of the control system turns out to be mismatched with the antenna. However, this does not significantly affect the level of the received signal, because Usually the low-resistance antenna resistance is loaded onto the higher-resistance, now (for the antenna) input of the control system.

    When setting switch The bib is only necessary when the gear is off!


    1. E. Red.Reference book on high-frequency circuitry. - World. c.10 – 12.

    2. WITH. G. Bunin, L. P. Yaylenko, Shortwave Radio Amateur's Handbook. – Kyiv, Tekhnika, 1984. p. 146.

    3.B.Semichev. HF transformers on ferrite magnetic cores. – Radio, 2007, No. 3, pp. 68 – 69.

    4. A. Tarasov. Do you use a matching device? – HF and VHF, 2003, No. 4, No. 5.

    5 .I. S. Lapovok. I am building a HF radio station - Moscow, Patriot, 1992. p. 137, p. 153.

    V. Kostychev, UN8CB


    The matching device, hereinafter referred to as the SU, ensures coordination
    output impedance of the transmitter, with the antenna impedance and
    additionally provides harmonic filtering, especially
    transistor output stages, and also has the properties of a preselector
    input part of the transceiver. Tube output stages,
    have a tunable P-circuit at the output, and a larger range
    in accordance with the antenna. But anyway, calibrated
    P-circuit of a tube PA at 50 or 75 ohms and connected through the control system,
    will have much less harmonics at the output. Its use
    as a filter, preferably, especially in densely populated areas.
    If you have well-tuned antennas and PA, there is no need
    use SU. But when there is only one antenna, for several bands,
    and it is not possible, for various reasons, to use others
    antennas, SU gives good results. Using the control system, you can agree
    any piece of wire, bringing SWR=1, but this does not mean that your
    the antenna will work efficiently. But even in the case of configured
    antennas, the use of control system is justified. Take at least the different seasons,
    when changes in atmospheric factors (rain, snow, heat, frost, etc.)
    significantly affect the antenna parameters. Bourgeois transceivers have
    internal tuners that allow you to match the transceiver output to 50 ohms,
    with an antenna, usually in a small range from 15 - 150 ohms, depending
    depending on the transceiver model. For matching within large limits, they are used
    external tuners. Inexpensive bourgeois transceivers do not have a tuner, therefore,
    so that the output stage does not fail, it is necessary to have a good
    tuned antennas or control systems. The most common L-shaped and
    T-shaped, in the form of a U-contour, symmetrical, not symmetrical control units.
    The choice is yours, I settled on a well-proven
    itself to the T-tuner circuit, from the article W1FB, published on TFR UN7GM,
    An excerpt from which is given below:

    To view the diagram in real size, left-click on the diagram.

    The above circuit ensures coordination of Rin = 50 ohms with a load R = 25-1000 ohms,
    providing 14 dB more 2nd harmonic rejection than Ultimate's
    ranges 1.8-30 MHz. Details - variable capacitors have a capacity of 200 pF,
    for a power of 2 kW at peak, the gap between the plates should be about 2 mm.
    L1 - coil with a slider, maximum inductance 25 mH. L2 - 3 turns
    bare wire 3.3 mm on a 25 mm mandrel, winding length 38 mm. Setting method:
    for tube transmitters, move the switch to position D (equivalent
    load), set the transmitter to maximum power
    reduce the power to a few watts, turn the switch to
    T (tuner) - put both capacitors in the middle position and adjust
    L1 achieve a minimum SWR, then adjust the capacitors again, achieving
    minimum SWR - adjust L1, then C1, C2, each time achieving the minimum
    SWR until best results are achieved
    apply full power from the transmitter and once again adjust all elements in
    within small limits. For small powers of the order of 100 W, 3-wire is well suited
    sectional variable capacitor from the old GSS G4-18A, there is an isolated

    Based on considerations, make it for centuries, for decent power and for everything
    occasions, I purchased KPE, switches and a variable inductance coil
    from radio stations R-130, "Mikron", RSB-5, RF connectors SR-50, equivalent to 50 ohm 20 W
    (internal) and external (for setting up the PA, etc.) 50 ohm 1 kW, 100 μA device.
    All this was placed on a chassis measuring 380x330x170, supplementing the control system with an antenna switch
    and RF output indicator. The chassis is made of 3mm thick duralumin,
    The body is U-shaped, made of metal 1 mm thick. Installation should be short
    conductors, for “ground” use a bus throughout the chassis, starting from the control unit input
    and all circuit elements, ending with antenna connectors. Chassis can be
    do much less based on your components. If there is no coil
    with variable inductance, a variometer can be used, with acceptable
    inductance, or a roller switch with a coil. Position the coil
    as close to the switch as possible so that the leads from the coil are as short as possible.
    The control system can be supplemented with the “Artificial soil” device.

    When using random antennas, poor grounding, this device leads to
    resonance grounding system of the radio station. Ground parameters are included in the antenna parameters,
    therefore, the better the grounding, the better the antenna performs. You can also
    supplement the control system with protection against static charges by installing it on the antenna connector
    resistor 50-100 kohm 2w to ground.
    Radio amateurs are creative people, so sharing experiences is always useful.
    I will be glad if I helped someone decide on the choice of control system on a visual basis
    example. And once again I want to remind you that the control system is a compromise, with a very low
    Efficiency of the antenna-feeder device, it turns into a heating device
    device Friends - build normal antennas, no matter the cost!
    Ivan E. Kalashnikov (UX7MX)