How to print a text document on a computer. Elena Iskhakova's blog

Although computers are found in almost every home today, some people still have very little understanding of them. Today, the Internet serves people not only as a source of information, but also as a source of income. But what good is it if a person doesn’t know or can’t do the simplest things.

And first of all, I would like to touch upon the issue of printing text. After all, it is known that this is a very useful skill, without which it is impossible to work on a computer today.

Today, on every personal computer you can find more than one special program, which allows you to create text electronic documents. They are the ones used for typing. In other words, Using these programs you can create a document layout V in electronic format, and then print it on a printer.

Today on the Internet you can download many this kind programs, but most often users use the following:

The first problem that a novice user who wants to master typing on a computer faces is finding and opening a typing program.

This can be done quickly if a person already knows which icon the program he needs has. If we talk about the popular program for printing Microsoft text Word, then it corresponds to an icon with the letter W.

However, if you do not find the icon you need there, then he can help you next way:

  1. Click on the "Start" button in the lower left corner, which will open a menu.
  2. Find the file search field in it. On most computers it's called "Find programs and files."
  3. Enter the name of the program you need in this field. To do this, you just need to type the word “word”, after which the assistant will find it for you Microsoft program Office Word.
  4. Similarly, you can type the word "wordpad" and a file finder will find where that program is located.
  5. Next, you need to click on the program, after which it will launch working window, where you can create a document, edit and save it, and print it on a printer.

Working with a document and editing text

When you run the program Microsoft Word, you will see a work area in front of you that looks like Blank sheet. It is in this place that typing and editing will take place.

As a rule, novice users, seeing a blank sheet of paper and many different buttons in front of them, do not understand what they need to do. They are even more confused by the keyboard because they don't know which buttons to press.

However, in reality there is nothing complicated here. It’s enough just to understand it well, and it won’t be difficult for you to learn how to type text on a computer. If necessary, you can find a special video where the process of typing text is shown online in all details.

All you have to do is repeat and remember everything. This will make it easier for you to work not only in the editor Microsoft Office Word, but also in others where a similar principle is used.

At first you will type text slowly and often with errors, but don’t stop, keep practicing. Over time, you will be able to consolidate the acquired skill and bring it to perfection.

Saving text

So you've created new document. Now you can save it immediately. This is done using the one located on the left top corner buttons. By clicking on it, you will call up a menu in which you need to find the “Save” item, click on it, and then select the format you need, for example, Word document.

You will then see a window with several options to choose from:

  • where to save the file (for quick search it is better to select Desktop);
  • what to name the file (come up with a name for the new document);
  • file format (no need to change anything here).

When you make a selection in each of the fields, you can click on the “Save” button. Your document will then appear on your computer's desktop.

Now you can perform a variety of operations with them: throw them onto a flash drive or send them via e-mail. You can also resume work or remove it from your computer altogether.

I want to give helpful advice Note: When printing a large document, save it often. This way you will not lose the text you have already typed in case of unforeseen situations.

Printing a document on a printer

Sometimes after typing, you need to print a document. To do this, you will naturally need a printer. If you already have it, then you must make sure that it is connected to the computer and configured correctly.

  1. Find the document you need to print and open it.
  2. Click on the button in the upper left corner that opens the menu, select “Print” from it, and then click “Print” again.
  3. A window with many settings will appear in front of you, but don’t be alarmed, there is nothing complicated about them.
  4. At this stage, you will have the opportunity to select a printer, if several are connected to the computer, the number of copies of the document, sheet format and other parameters.
  5. If you don't need to change special settings, then you can leave everything as default and immediately click OK.

Immediately after this, the printing process will begin, and in just a minute you will have your document in your hands. text format. In the same way, you can print all other files, adhering to the algorithm described above.

Copying a text file to a flash drive

If you have learned to type text on a computer, then transferring it to a flash drive will not be difficult for you:

  • First of all, make sure that the flash drive is inserted into the USB connector.
  • Inspect the desktop - there should be a “My Computer” icon that you need to double-click on.
  • When the window opens, look for " Removable drive"and also double-click on it.
  • Now go to the folder where you saved the created text file. In our case, this is the “Desktop”. Right-click on the document, and then select “Copy” from the menu that opens.
  • Now again go to “Removable Disk”, right-click anywhere and select “Insert”.
  • After this, the copying process will begin, and soon the document will appear on the flash drive.

Many people may think that learning how to use a computer is very simple. However, this is not the case for everyone. There are still people who do not know the most basic things. Without knowing how to type text on a computer, it is very difficult not only to receive necessary information from the Internet, but also to communicate with other people. Therefore, those who have a problem with this need to urgently address it.

In fact, learning to type text on a computer is not that difficult. Difficulties arise only at the first stage when a person sees a lot of new things in front of him and is lost, not knowing what to do. But it will be easier for you to master this science if you learn to type text not alone, but with more experienced user. Then he will be able to tell you if you have any difficulties and help you learn typing faster.


Microsoft Word for beginners: tips, hints, instructions.

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When a person has achieved certain success in something, it is customary to congratulate him on this. After all, conquering new heights always requires the manifestation of enormous willpower. As well as large time and other costs. Well, how can you congratulate a person so that everyone can tell you at once? To help in this issue a certificate will come.


Find out the exact information about the person you are going to congratulate. Full name, age and occupation. If you happen to write a congratulation for or a student, be sure to specify educational institution, well, . If the person you are interested in is a worker, then find out his specialty and education.

Find the right one. Currently, it is quite possible to create it using various graphic and text editors on the computer, and then output it through a printer onto special paper. If this option does not suit you. Then the form can be purchased at a bookstore (there are standard sets) or order from a special agency that creates business cards.

Think over the text of your congratulations. Remember to respect the form of address and the solemn nature of the content. As a text, you can choose a poem that suits the meaning, an ordinary prosaic congratulation, or, by filling out the specially designated lines, simply write dryly to whom and for what.

If you decide to use poetry for beautiful and unusual text diplomas, then you must find ones that are truly suitable for the occasion. For this purpose, the simplest and at the same time the hard way- write them yourself. This option is good only if you are confident in yourself, like a poet. Otherwise, searching on the Internet can help you with your idea. Visit special services and forums, order work on the freelance exchange. Or just find someone from your circle who will be happy to create a poetic greeting.

Write the text using special for emphasis important points contrasting colors paste Make sure that the document is generally literate and clean. Remember the special semantic structure of the text diplomas. At the very top you should write the name of the document. Then write the name of the person who is awarded this badge

In our lives, there is always a need to save some data in written form so that it can be read in the future. The most simple carrier such information is plain paper. But for decades now, people have been entering such information into a computer and storing it there. In order to do this, you need to learn how to type.

The computers we use today have very high speed data processing, as well as large volumes for storing them, which is important. Modern PCs are much easier to manage than their predecessors, and the perception of the information provided is more convenient. Learning to type text is not difficult at all. You will need for this standard computer with keyboard or laptop. Popular OS contain which you will also need in order to print text.

I will show how this is done using the example of a device on which Windows “Piggy” is installed. As soon as you turn on your computer and it boots, launch the start menu, where you need to go to the programs section, and then expand the tab standard applications and launch Notepad or Wordpad. It will open before you Workspace editor, in which we will type letters and symbols on the keyboard. It is better to start with a notepad because it does not contain any complex tools and is easy to manage.

Now let's go directly to practice and start typing the text. For example, let’s take a few sentences: “I’m near my computer and learning to type text. It will be small due to the fact that this is my first attempt. Next time we can try something bigger.” Make sure that the this moment Russian keyboard layout is enabled. Otherwise, it must be changed to Russian. This is done using the key combination Alt and Shift or Contral and Shift, depending on what keyboard settings have been made on your computer.

Place the cursor at the beginning of the first line and start typing the text. In order to do capital letter, you must click on the corresponding one together with the Shift button. Small letters are typed by simply pressing the corresponding buttons. There must be a space between each word. It is located at the bottom of the keyboard (a long button without labels). In this way, enter the proposed phrase, taking into account all spaces. Now about punctuation marks. The point is placed by pressing the key located to the left of right button Shift. The comma is placed in the same way, only at the same time as the period you must also press Shift. There is no need to place a space between the word and the period (or comma) placed after it.

If you make any mistake, you can delete it using two keys specifically designed for this. The first one is called “backspace” and is located one button above “enter”. It deletes the character that is located to the left of the cursor. We will see the second “delit” button to the right of the “backspace” (in laptops, the location of the keys may differ depending on the model). It deletes the character that is to the right of the cursor. For starters, this is enough for you. Practice.

Few people nowadays do not know how to print, photocopy or even scan. In the century modern technologies when in every house almost everyone in the family has their own personal laptop, there is hardly a person who cannot print a sheet of paper. But still, let's talk about how to print texts on a printer. It is quite possible that you do not know all the secrets of printing, or you simply have not had to print certain documents before.


Before you start printing, you need to make sure that the printer is turned on and connected to your computer or laptop. Yes, it may sound funny, but sometimes people forget this. You also need to make sure that there is enough ink in the printer (check the ID) or refill the device and count the sheets of paper. It's better to put a little more sheets, since sometimes the printer can feed several sheets at the same time, and if this is not noticed in time, the printing may be interrupted, and you will have to add paper and perform additional actions to resume it.

Be sure to check the print quality by printing one test sheet from this or any other document. It is possible that you will have to clean the printer (done using the "Maintenance" tab in the print window). We'll tell you how to do all this a little later.

Calling the print window

So, we checked the functionality of the printer and its connection to the computer. Now let's move on directly to how to print a Word document on a printer. First you need to open the print window. This can be done in several ways.

1. Find the print icon on the panel. This option is usually available in more earlier versions. For example, in the 2003 Office suite, the print icon is located at the top of the panel and is quite noticeable.

2. Click “File” and select “Print” from the drop-down menu. It's pretty known method which is used by most users personal computers. But it takes a lot of time.

3. Press the key combination Ctrl+P. Oddly enough, it is not known to everyone, although it is the fastest and simplest.

Setting the basic parameters

If you do not know how to print texts on a printer, then you should also remember what mandatory parameters should be specified when printing ordinary documents.

1. Number of copies, if you need more than one copy of a document or sheet.

2. The pages you plan to print.

3. What kind of printing do you need - single-sided or double-sided.

4. Page orientation - portrait or landscape.

5. Sheet size - A4, A5, other.

6. Size and parameters of fields.

7. Number of pages per sheet.

By default, it occurs on the page in one copy on one side. Orientation - portrait, A4 format. There is one sheet per page, and the document itself is printed from the first to the last page.

Printer properties

For those who are learning how to print texts on a printer, it will be useful to know that when printing text, you can additionally set the printer properties. This is not necessary to know, but is useful in some situations.

The main properties of the printer include:

1. Print quality. The default is standard, but if the printer is old and does not print clearly, it is recommended to set the quality to high.

2. Shades of gray. This property also increases the clarity of the print, especially if you are not printing text, but not very successfully scanned material.

These two parameters are set in the "home" tab. Another one useful thing- "Maintenance" tab. Here you can clean and check the print nozzles, clean the rollers and tray, and also select silent mode printer operation. We advise you to pay attention to these properties, as they will be quite useful at the print preparation stage. Having set all the parameters, click the “Print” button directly in the main settings window, and the device will start working.

Two-sided printing

How to print texts and documents on a sheet of paper on both sides? A function such as this has been created specifically for this. You can select it in the main print properties. All odd-numbered pages are printed first. The printer then asks you to turn the sheets over and insert them into the printer (usually the sheets are placed so that the beginning of the printed page is at the bottom). A program on your computer gives you hints on how to properly turn the paper over and insert it into the machine. After that, click the “Print” (“Ok”) button in the dialog box, and the printer will print all the even sheets. This way you get a finished printed document on both sides of the sheet.

How long does it take to print?

The time it takes to print the text will depend on your printer. Each device has its own. Usually it is about 10 pages per minute, there are printers that work much faster. Again, it all depends on the manufacturer, model and year of manufacture. So, home and office devices print at different speeds.

How older model, the longer it takes to print. We also note that various system breakdowns also affect the speed and quality of this process. Therefore, if your printer was purchased a long time ago and begins to fail, we recommend replacing it with a more reliable one. new model. Otherwise, be prepared for not only slow, but also rather poor-quality printing, errors such as jamming of sheets, printing with stripes, and the like. For example, the printer may ask you to insert paper into the feeder even though it is still there). Other minor annoying mistakes are also possible, which almost double the printing time.


So, we figured out how to print texts on a printer, what parameters need to be set when printing and where to find them, and how to start printing text. We also found out that speed, as well as print quality, directly depends on the printer: its type and release date. Determined what older device, the lower the print speed and quality and the higher the likelihood of various errors. We hope this information will be useful to you.

Modern users store documents and photographs electronically on their computers and laptops, but sometimes there is a need to print information. Nowadays there are many photo studios or retail departments everywhere that will provide you with such a service. But when the need to print documents or images arises constantly, it is better to get your own printer. The variety of types and models is endless, but they all perform the main action - they display information from the computer onto paper.

Before you print to a printer from a computer, you need to make sure that the device is detected by the system. When you connect the printer for the first time, drivers are installed to synchronize the device with your computer or laptop. It is also necessary to configure the parameters for correct operation.

Regardless of the model of the connected printer and its set of functions, the connection principle will be the same for wired devices.

Installing drivers

When you connect new equipment to a PC or laptop, the system begins scanning and searching for the necessary drivers. Most likely, Windows will find a suitable one software for your printer, but it will still be better to install drivers designed for specific model. They come on a disk along with the device, and can also be found and downloaded on the manufacturer’s website. Let's look at installing drivers from disk:

Setting up the printer for printing

Immediately before printing, indicate required parameters, which can be set in the program that opens the document. But the printer properties include functions such as improving print quality, which will increase the clarity of text or images if the ink is no longer fresh, shades of gray, color, selecting an operating mode, checking the printing nozzles, and cleaning.

Printing a document

The Microsoft Office package contains programs that require a printing function. Most popular for working with text Microsoft editor Office with a wide range of tools. Let's look at his example of how to print to a printer from a computer. You can start printing from the File button, from the printer icon at the top of the toolbar, or by pressing the hot keys Ctrl+P (in this way, printing will start without additional settings).

When you go to the print settings menu, you can set the necessary parameters. Determine which pages to print, if necessary, change the position of the text in relation to the paper size, etc. Available preview printing on the screen.

How to print on both sides of a sheet

Not every printer supports this feature automatic printing on both sides, but in some models this service is available. If your device has this capability, then simply check the box next to the Duplex option before printing.

If the printer does not print on both sides, you have to turn the sheets over by hand. Here it is important not to make a mistake and position the paper correctly so as not to apply the text on top of the side where it already exists.

If you need to print a large number of pages on both sides, turning each sheet will be problematic. Then use the print settings, where you specify to print the odd pages first, then turn the stack of sheets over and print the even ones. It is better to first check by printing a couple of pages whether you are inserting the paper correctly, because it will be sad to see how the printer began not to print on both sides, but to overlay text on top of the previous one. On the monitor screen you will see instructions on which paper position will be correct.

Printing the image

In any graphic editor It is possible to print photographs or pictures. You need to follow the same principle as when printing text. The setting involves editing the size, the ability to multiply the image up to required quantity or print several different pictures on one sheet.

In the same way, you can print Microsoft Excel tables and website text. The browser's File menu also assumes the presence of a printing service.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about working with the printer. The most important thing is to configure everything correctly for correct operation and timely service the device.