It is impossible to delete a file being used by another program. Using third party media. Simpler options

Even users who are not very familiar with computers know this simple operation, like deleting files and folders.

As a rule, it is carried out very simply, and unnecessary object instantly moved to the trash or deleted permanently.

However, in some situations, pressing the Delete button or using the Shift+Delete key combination does not lead to anything - Windows system 7 refuses to delete the file. What to do in such a situation?

How to delete files that won't delete in Windows 7

Causes of the problem

The file or folder may not be deleted by various reasons. Typically, the problem is that the object is busy with some process. Because of this, you cannot erase:

  • executive files (.exe) running games and other programs;
  • system files responsible for the functioning of Windows and hardware resources - drivers, etc.;
  • editable and viewable text and graphic files;
  • playable audio and video files;
  • files that are downloaded from the Internet or uploaded to the network using download managers, browsers, and torrent clients.

The solution to this problem is very simple - active process that uses the file to be deleted must be closed. This can be done in several ways, which will be discussed below.

Another reason is the user's lack of rights. Some files - for example, system and read-only files - can only be deleted System Administrator. You can get access rights through the file properties, the “Security” menu - in it you need to give yourself full access.

It is important to consider that Windows 7 does not simply give the user rights to delete certain files - without them, the computer may stop working normally. Therefore, if you do not have access to this feature, you should make sure that deletion will not cause harm before trying the methods below.

To delete undeletable files and folders, you can use:

  • system tools;
  • command line;
  • third party programs;
  • another system.

Closing an active process

If a file is not deleted because a process is using it, the system will throw an error when you try to delete it. The error window will indicate the name of the interfering process and information about the file being deleted. Windows 7 will prompt you to close the program and try the operation again.

The easiest way to “kill” an interfering process is to use the task manager. It opens in Windows 7 like this: press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Del and select Task Manager from the screen that appears.

The main manager window will show all active this moment processes. Find the one that was indicated in the error message, highlight it and click the “End task” button.

If required process is not found, just restart your computer and try to delete the file immediately after the system starts. If this does not work, start the computer in safe mode, in which only system processes, and delete the file in it.

If the explorer.exe process is interfering

Explorer.exe is the process responsible for displaying the desktop along with all the shortcuts, as well as the taskbar, start menu, and tray. Therefore, if you simply close it, you may not be able to delete the file - the folder containing it will be impossible to open. There are several solutions to this problem:

  • Open the desired folder in advance.
  • After closing the process, press Win+R, enter cmd. A command line will open in which you need to write the command “del file_address” (for example, del C:\Users\Public\document.txt).

To delete an entire folder, instead of del you need to write rmdir. If you supplement this command with the /s operator, the folder will be deleted regardless of problems with the individual files it contains.

After the problem is resolved, you need to return the desktop. To do this, restart your PC or press Win+R and write in the line explorer.exe.

Using a different system

If you cannot delete a file from inside Windows 7, you can temporarily run another operating system - for example, Linux. For this, LiveCD is used - an OS distribution that runs from a CD and does not require installation on HDD. Additionally, a bootable USB flash drive can help.

To boot from external media, when the computer starts booting (before the system starts), you need to press the Del key or Shift+F12 - you will be taken to the boot menu. By default, the first priority is hard drive(HDD), other devices are used if problems arise with it. By changing the priority to CD or USB, you will force the computer to start the system from a disk or flash drive, respectively.

There are two ways to work with external OS distributions:

  • via graphical interface;
  • via the command line.

In the first case, the system from the Live CD will boot exactly the same as regular Windows 7. To delete a file, you just need to find the desired folder and use standard movement Add to cart.

The command line is used when starting the installation Windows disk. At any time during installation you need to press Shift+F10. The commands used are the same - del and rmdir.

It is necessary to take into account that during the installation process the drives may have different designations - the system drive C:\ will remain the same, but additional local disks can change letters. To make sure that you are in the right directory, you need to use the command dir.

Application third party program

To unlock the deletion function, the DeadLock program is suitable. It's easy to use:

  • From the File menu, add the object to be deleted to the list.
  • Click on it right click mouse, select Unlock, then Remove.

You can also use it to move non-movable files. Additional feature- change of owner.

Analog of the program - Unlocker. Its disadvantage is that it clogs up the computer with unnecessary additional applications and adds itself to the context menu.

In this article we looked at how to delete files that are not deleted by Windows 7, we hope that you liked it, if we missed something or forgot to write about it, please indicate it in the comments.

Hi all! Today I will tell you Howdelete a file or folder that cannot be deleted different ways, just in case you’ve already tried everything you could, but it still didn’t help. This article I decided to write because I myself once encountered similar problem, that my themes that were in the folder did not want to be deleted or moved. Why, they couldn’t even be opened or renamed.

Often when PC users try to delete such files, The following messages may appear: the file cannot be deleted, access is blocked, the disk may be full or write-protected, the file is occupied by another application, this process is busy, the folder is not empty. These errors occur for many different reasons, which you must first understand and understand what the problem may be before you try to do anything. So, there are not many reasons for this, here are some of them:

— You are trying to delete a file that is used by other programs. For example, if you were watching a movie or listening to music, but before you had time to close the player, you are already trying to delete the file being played, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to do this until you close all the corresponding applications that use this file in PC (personal computer) operation. It also sometimes happens that this file or folder is used by other applications, but you do not see them, although they are displayed in the task manager, which will be discussed below.

— You are trying to delete a file that is used by other users. For example, you downloaded it through a torrent tracker and then wanted to delete it, but for some reason it just doesn’t want to be deleted. The thing is that on the Internet you have this game another user is downloading, and until you turn off the Internet or exit the torrent program, the file will not be deleted.

-You don't have enough rights to do this. What does this even mean? Am I the owner of my computer or who? The fact is that you probably, like me once, could have placed your files or folders in the system folders Windows operation, to which access is prohibited for your own safety. This limitation was created to prevent you from ruining your computer by deleting some important file from operating system Windows.

— Files or folders that you wanted to delete were quarantined by your antivirus program. In other words, your antivirus program didn’t like something about them, so it blocked them so that they could not harm your PC in any way.

Ok, we figured out the reasons. Now all that’s left for you to delete your non-deletable file is to simply try all the methods that I described for you below.

How to delete a file or folder that cannot be deleted via a computer?

Method 1. Just restart your computer, in most cases this will be enough.

Method 2. Turn on task manager. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete if you have Windows 7 or XP and Windows + X if you have Windows 8. A window will appear in front of you, go to “processes”.

All programs that are currently running on your computer will be displayed here. Try to find exactly the one that might use your file. If it doesn’t work, then just select any one at random and click “end process” each time trying to delete the file again.

Method 3. Turn off your computer and turn it on again. During the boot process, press the F8 key many times. A black screen will appear in front of you, where there will be several options to boot your PC. Select "safe mode". As soon as the computer boots, try to delete the file or at least move it to another location.

Method 4. If the file is simply not deleted, but can be transferred, then you can proceed as follows. Just drag your file onto an empty flash drive and format it. Be careful, after this process everything will be deleted from it!

Method 5. Open your computer and find your non-deletable file on the desktop. At the top of the window, click “service”, then “folder options”, go to the “view” tab and uncheck the box if it is next to “use simple” general access to files" and save the changes. Try deleting your file or folder.

Method 6. Change administrator rights. Right-click on our file, select “property”, then in the window that opens “security” and click “advanced”.

Another window will appear, click on “owner”. Here simply select another administrator and click “apply”. For me personally this operation helped remove restrictions from my WordPress templates, which I wrote about.

Method 7. Disable all processes associated with this file. This procedure is very similar to the task manager, but it has a more powerful effect. Click "Start" on your desktop, then "Run." In the window that appears, enter msconfig and press OK.

Another window will appear in front of you. Here go to the “startup” tab and in the list of running processes try to find the name of your non-deletable file and uncheck it, and click ok.

How to delete files and folders that cannot be deleted using special programs?

Method 8. To solve this problem, a very cool and at the same time simple program“UnLocker”, which is capable of deleting non-deletable files in 90% of cases. You can download the program from the official website. During the installation process, be careful and uncheck the box where you are asked to install another application in addition to the program. If you don’t do this, then at the end of the installation your antivirus program will swear for a long time.

Over time, some applications and games become unnecessary for the owner. To uninstall them correctly, you need to know how to remove a program from your computer without leaving it in the registry unnecessary files. The rules are the same for both laptops and desktop PCs. You can uninstall using the built-in Windows tools or third party utilities.

How to completely remove a program from your computer

Some users think that they just need to click on the desktop shortcut delete button, but this is incorrect. Removing programs from a computer can be done in several ways, some of them leave invisible files on the system, others completely erase all data. If you don’t know how to remove unnecessary applications, over time you will accumulate so much “garbage” that problems with memory or system operation will begin.

Correct uninstallation manually or using third-party programs will help to avoid this. The most common utilities for these needs are the following:

  • Uninstall file;
  • Your uninstaller;
  • CCleaner;
  • Revo uninstaller;
  • built-in Windows tools.

Uninstalling programs in Windows 7

One of the common versions of this operating system has everything necessary resources to completely uninstall files. You don't need to download additional software to remove all unnecessary applications and games. You just need such an item as installing and removing programs in Windows 7. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • click on the “Start” button;
  • select “Control Panel” from the menu;
  • inside you need to find the “Install and Uninstall” section;
  • select from the list the application that should be uninstalled;
  • click on it and click on “Delete”;
  • wait until the procedure is completed.

Uninstall file

All official developers leave the option for the user to special problems, simply and quickly remove their product. There is a native uninstaller in the program, which, as a rule, is located along with all other files after installation and is called Uninstall. You just need to click on it, agree to uninstall and the file itself will perform all the actions without leaving hidden documents on the computer.

Utilities for completely removing programs

There is also special software that is designed to erase data from a computer, clean registries, and completely remove all components from a PC. Utilities will help you get rid of all hidden, inaccessible files. You can use the following software to remove programs:

How to remove an unnecessary program from your computer

Were described above different variants how to get rid of unused applications. You can choose any of the ways to remove unnecessary programs from a computer. The option with uninstallation through the “Start” button is the simplest, but there are also more advanced utilities that open up more opportunities for experienced users. You can not only remove unnecessary programs from your computer, but also work with the registry. Keep in mind that you can only perform these actions if you understand what you are doing. Otherwise there is a risk of erasing necessary documents.

Free Uninstall tool

It's easy simple utility, which is distributed freely on the Internet. The Uninstall tool can be used without purchasing a license. During installation, in addition to the main folder, hidden ones appear in other places on the PC, and registry entries are added. Removing them manually becomes difficult because the search does not always find them by name. The utility in question will help you in this matter; it detects all the “tails” that were created during installation. You need to do the following:

  1. Install the software.
  2. The application will launch, and the “Uninstaller” menu will open in front of you in the first window.
  3. From the list in the window, select unnecessary application.
  4. Information about the file will appear, it is possible to force it to be deleted.

How to remove a program using CCleaner

This powerful tool for working with the registry, all installed applications, games. Cleaning Computer CCleaner can be carried out in automatic mode or manually. The utility is capable of collecting data from the entire PC and offering to erase specific files. Externally, the main program window looks like standard tool Windows. To get rid of unwanted documents, you must do the following:

  1. Install and open the application.
  2. Select the "Service" tab.
  3. The first item in the menu will be “Delete”; you need to select the required line in the list.
  4. Click on the “Uninstall” button, the software itself will perform all the necessary actions and guide the user through the necessary steps.
  5. Please note that you need to click on the button indicated above, and not on “Delete”. This feature erases data from the registry, not the application itself.
  6. Then go to the “Registry” window and start scanning.
  7. Clear all unnecessary entries, which Ccleaner finds.

Revo uninstaller

Powerful utility, which simplifies the process of erasing data. With its help you can solve all the problems that may arise in this process. Revo uninstaller programs are removed like this:

  1. Launch the software, find in the main menu the icon of the document that needs to be erased. Right-click on the line and select “Delete”.
  2. It will pass first preliminary analysis, then the uninstaller will be launched.
  3. The uninstallation wizard will guide you through several steps, follow the necessary steps by selecting the desired uninstallation options.
  4. There might be some “tails” left, so go to the “Advanced” section and run the scan.
  5. The report must include all registry entries after the deletion took place.
  6. Click on “Select All” and then again on “Delete”. You don’t have to worry about the performance of Windows; only unnecessary data is removed from the registry.
  7. Do the same in the “Remaining files...” section.

What to do if the program is not uninstalled

Sometimes users may encounter a situation where a non-deletable file or folder. In this case, you will need special applications that remove the ban. Utilities for unlocking files LockHunter or Unlocker are considered popular. These options help you remove the lock from the desired element, which gives you the message “The file cannot be deleted.” Instructions on how to remove an uninstallable program:

  1. Download, install Unlocker, it will immediately appear in the OS context menu so you don't have to look for it.
  2. Right-click on the document that voluntarily does not want to go into the trash.
  3. In the window that appears, click on “Delete” and click “Ok”.

LockHunter works on the same principle. When you install it, when you right-click on any document, it will be in the menu new line“What is locking this file?” When you activate the item, a note will appear in which the path to the document and the processes that prevent it from being erased will be written. To get rid of a document, you just need to click on the “Delete it!” option.

How to remove a program from a remote computer

Sometimes it’s easier to do everything yourself than to explain to a person who doesn’t understand the issue. You can remove programs from remote computer. This can only be done by users who have experience handling computers in local network. Use of another PC must be approved by the owner. To work you will need the built-in WMI utility, you need to do the following:

  1. Press Win+R key combination, write cmd.exe to run command line.
  2. Next, enter wmic.
  3. Next, you need to get a list of what is installed on the remote machine. Write the following: node: computer name product get name– and confirm the action with the enter button.
  4. You will receive a list and, for example, you need to erase the game “Klondike”.
  5. Again, type the following from the wmic utility: node: PcName product where name = “Klondike” call uninstall.
  6. Confirm your decision with the "Y" button.
  7. A message about deletion will appear on the screen and additional options will be indicated.

How to remove portable programs

There are utilities that do not require installation. They are simply copied to the hard drive and run from the executable exe file. Removal portable programs completely carried out by a simple key combination Shift+Delete. If you want to send the folder to the trash, then simply Delete will suffice (this will leave you the opportunity to restore the data if necessary). Such cases do not require additional cleaning of the registry.

What programs cannot be removed from your computer

The main thing in this process is not to get carried away, because you can erase something truly important. There is a list of folders that should not be touched complete removal programs. Some data is responsible for the operation of the entire operating system and overwriting it will lead to the computer not working. You cannot delete anything from the following folders:

  • ProgramData – if you don’t know what the folder is responsible for, then you shouldn’t erase anything from it;
  • Windows is the main folder of the OS, all components of the system are located here;
  • Program Files– installed software, only if you understand what the folder is responsible for can it be erased;
  • Users – user data;
  • Boot – system boot files.

Video: Ways to remove programs

Why are files not deleted from the computer and flash drive? Methods for deleting undeletable files.


Almost all users personal computers sooner or later they encounter a problem when, when trying to delete specific file an error window pops up on the screen from a computer or flash drive. Often such files cannot be deleted due to residual software processes, however, there are a number of other reasons why this problem may occur.

From our article you will learn why files may not be deleted from your computer, flash drive or SD card and you will learn several ways to delete them.

Why are files not deleted from a flash drive, SD card, or Windows computer?

As mentioned earlier, the inability to delete a file from a computer may be due to a number of reasons:

  • At the time of deletion, the file is being used by some program or process;
  • The file is used by a network user;
  • The user does not have the rights to perform this action;
  • The disk on which the file is located is write-protected;
  • The file is damaged or infected with a virus;

Obviously, before taking drastic measures, you need to close all programs and processes that may be using the file, make sure that the file is not open in any computer accounts, and that you have the administrator rights necessary to delete the file. You also need to check your computer for viruses.

In addition, on cases such removable media Like USB flash drives and SD cards, there are special switches that block the possibility of any changes to the information on them. If you are trying to delete a file from a flash drive or SD card, then try moving the switch to a different position and try deleting the file. If this doesn't help, move on to the next section of our article.

How to delete a damaged file that cannot be deleted from a computer, SD card or flash drive using standard Windows tools?

  • Quite often it happens that it is difficult for the user to independently determine the program or process that is using the file and preventing it from being deleted. In such a situation, loading the operating system in safe mode can help.
  • The thing is that when starting Windows in safe mode the operating system blocks automatic start non-system processes and starts only services that are important for its operation. Therefore, if a file cannot be deleted due to some third-party program, then you need to boot the computer in safe mode and try to delete the file again.
  • In order to load the operating system in safe mode, restart the computer and, almost at the very beginning of its boot, press the "" key on the keyboard several times. F8" You will see a list of download methods Windows. Use the arrows to select the line " Safe mode " and press " Enter" to continue.

  • After loading the operating system, go to your flash drive or open the directory on your hard drive where the file is located and try to delete it. If this method I couldn’t help you, then move on to the next section of our article.

How to delete a damaged file that will not be deleted from your computer, SD card or flash drive: virus scanning

As stated earlier, possible reason, according to which the file does not want to be deleted from information carrier, maybe a virus. To exclude this option, use free program Dr.Web CureIt to scan the directory with the file. You can download the program from this link .

Scanning occurs as follows:

Step 1.

  • Download and run the program Dr.Web CureIt.
  • In the main program window under the button " Start checking» click on the link « Select objects to scan».

Step 2.

  • In order not to carry out full check system disk computer, in the window that opens, click on the link “ Click to select files and folders", then mark your flash drive or directory with the file with a marker and click " OK».

Step 3.

  • After selecting the directory, click the button Run scan" and wait for the verification process to complete.
  • If the program detects threats, it will prompt you to select the action that needs to be applied to them. If the threat is not located in a file that is important to you, you should select the action “ Delete».

How to delete a damaged file that cannot be deleted from a computer, SD card or flash drive: a program for deleting files that cannot be deleted, force deletion of files

In the event that all programs and processes that could use the file are closed, and the antivirus has not detected any threats, but the file still does not want to be deleted, it will come to the rescue special utility Unlocker. You can download it from this link.

The program takes up virtually no space on your hard drive and allows you to delete damaged and locked files in just a few clicks. The process of deleting a file using this program is as follows:

Step 1.

  • Download and install the program.
  • After installation, open the directory with the file you want to delete and right-click on it to open the context menu.
  • The line " Unlocker" Click on it.

Step 2.

  • A small window will open showing the processes blocking file deletion. Complete them with the " Complete all».
  • If no blocking processes were found, then immediately select an action for the file " Delete" and press " OK».
  • If the file is not deleted immediately, restart your computer and check the directory.

VIDEO: How to delete a folder or file that cannot be deleted?


First, reboot - perhaps the folder was actually occupied by some process, and this will solve this problem.

Also check if you have installed this folder any that you are working with and which is running, and check if there is any data encryption in the properties. Also, the folder should not have the name system folder.

If all of the above steps do not lead to success, open the folder with the file that is not . Go to the folder properties in the “Tools” section and open the “View” tab. Check to see if the “Use simple file sharing” checkbox is checked. If it is there, remove it, click OK and close properties. After that, right-click on the file and bring up properties. In the “Security” tab, open “Advanced” and uncheck all the checkboxes for reading and execution. Try the locked file now.

It may also help you good guide Total Commander, displaying blocked files and folders. If you find an encrypted file, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and look in the processes to see if there is anything there that matches the name of the locked file. If the process is found, stop it and delete the file.

If all these methods lead to nothing, use the last and most effective way to delete folders and files - download and install the Unlocker program. This program will allow you to delete even locked files and folders, as well as rename them, move them and perform other operations. After you install the program, right-click on the folder or that you want to delete. You will see the Unlocker icon appear in the context menu - click it, unlock the file in the window that opens and delete it.

Video on the topic


  • deleting folders

PC users create and delete daily files using familiar and familiar commands. Sometimes it happens that a number of documents simply cannot be deleted. Those who are familiar with the computer only at the user level are perplexed by this turn of events. However, there is a way out; you can clean your computer even if there is no access to the files to be deleted. access.


There are many reasons why you cannot delete a file from your . The whole point may be in the structure of the file, its purpose, features of the operating system, etc. Sometimes files may be busy with another program (most often or daemon tools). In this case, you just need to close the programs or restart the computer (the main thing is to this program was not in). If the usual way fails, go to the “Task Manager” and close unnecessary process.

Video on the topic


But you should also understand that if the file cannot be deleted, perhaps it is necessary (system). There will be no harm in deleting downloaded images or various types of garbage, but it is not recommended to touch system files.


  • how to delete a file that is not accessible

Tip 3: How to uninstall a program if it cannot be uninstalled through the Control Panel

Some applications are installed on a computer via a virus and remain hidden in the system, causing various inconveniences to users. You can remove a program if it cannot be removed through the control panel using system registry, and also with the help special applications.


If the program is through the control panel, that is, it is simply not in the list installed applications, try to find the place where it is installed. To do this, search through the Start menu for the name of the program. If there is a program shortcut in the main menu or on the desktop, right-click on it and select Properties. Click "File Location" to navigate to the desired folder. You can also find out the location of the program by clicking Ctrl combination+ Alt + Del and selecting the name desired application in the list of current system processes.

When you locate the application folder, locate the uninstall service file in it, usually called Uninstall, and run it to begin uninstalling. If the file with appropriate name missing, you can delete the entire application folder at once. Usually this is enough to stop its activity. However, some virus programs leave behind traces in the system, causing harm to it.

Go to the system registry, which contains information about all installed programs. Click Win combination+ K and enter the word Regedit. Go to the HKEYCURRENTUSER tab, then Software and find the name of the application you need in the list, then delete this tab from the registry. Do the same on the HKEYLOCALMACHINE tab.

You can uninstall a program if it is not uninstalled through the Control Panel using the Revo Uninstaller application, which can be found and downloaded online. Launch it and scan the system for installed programs. Revo Uninstaller even reveals hidden services. You can also activate “Hunting Mode” in the program, after which a green icon will appear in the system tray. Click on it and move the cursor to the icon or folder of the application you are interested in, and the program will automatically remove it from the system.

If the program is not removed from the control panel and is disrupting the system, try using the System Restore service, which is in the list utilities in the Start menu. Specify desired point recovery, for example, the day before a malicious application was accidentally installed. Once the restore is complete, the system will return to the previous operating state, and malware will be missing.

In the Windows operating system, the same operation can be performed in different ways. Some people are used to managing computer resources using a mouse, others using a keyboard. To quickly remove folder, you just need to understand which method is the easiest and most convenient for you.


To delete files from the Recycle Bin, move the mouse cursor to the “Recycle Bin” icon on the desktop, right-click on it and select “Empty Recycle Bin” from the drop-down menu. Confirm your actions in the request window. Alternative option: Open the Trash item and select the same command from the Common Tasks panel.

The very same folder can be deleted in the following ways. Move your mouse cursor over unnecessary folder, right-click on its icon and select “Delete” from the context menu. In the request window, confirm the operation by clicking on the “Yes” button. The folder will be placed in the trash.

Another option is more suitable if you need to delete several folders at once. While holding down left button mouse, select the folders you want to delete. Repeat the steps described in previous step.

If you're more comfortable using a keyboard, select folder that you want to add to your cart, click Delete key. When the system asks you to confirm the transaction, click Enter key.

In the event that you cannot remember in which directory the folder is located, first use the “Search” component. Click on the "Start" button or Windows key, select “Search” from the menu. In the window that opens, set the search criteria and click the “Find” button. When the folder you are looking for is found, delete it using any of the methods described above, directly from the search engine window.

The Windows operating system allows you to easily operate any files, be it programs or user files. But sometimes the user is faced with a situation where he cannot delete a file.

First of all, try to understand why the file cannot be deleted. There are several reasons why you may not be able to do this. First of all, you may be trying to remove an important system file. The second reason may be an attempt to delete a file from a running program. Finally, the file being deleted could be a virus file that has anti-deletion mechanisms. If you need to delete or replace an operating system file, the easiest way to do this is by booting from a second OS - if you have one installed on your computer. If it is not there, you can boot using bootloader Live disk CD. This is a shortened but fully functional version of the operating system. It is useful in many cases - for example, if it is impossible to boot the computer from the main OS. With its help, you can also delete the file of your main operating system. But do this carefully - if you delete a file important to the OS, it may not boot. If a message appears saying that you are trying to delete a file running program, stop her. This can be done in the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) or use any suitable program showing the list running processes and allowing you to stop them - for example, with the AnVir program Task Manager. This program will allow you not only to view the list of running processes, but also to see their location executable files and autorun keys in the registry. In addition, it shows the degree of danger of running processes. If, after deleting a file and restarting the computer, it appears again, we can say with a high degree of confidence that it is a virus file. To remove it, you need to find the autorun key and all components associated with the virus file. The virus can copy itself into several folders, so deleting one file and the launch key may not be enough. Especially if you have an infected program and every time you start it, the virus takes up residence in the system again. Therefore, the first thing to do is such a case, this is to scan your computer with an antivirus with new databases. To delete files that do not want to be deleted, you can use Unlocker program. This is very convenient utility, embedded in the context menu. Just right-click on the file that cannot be deleted and select Unlocker from the context menu. Then in the menu, select the option of your action with the file - delete, rename, move. Some Unlocker files cannot be deleted immediately, they will be marked for deletion and deleted during the next computer restart.

Video on the topic

How often do you find folders on your hard drive that you can't delete? The problem is really unpleasant. Sometimes such a folder does not contain a single item. Most often, this is caused by a system crash or a slight computer freeze. Another possible reason could be that a file in this folder was not successfully deleted, or that a hidden or system file was located in this folder.