The effect of torn paper.

Errors In this tutorial we will create a very simple paper cut out effect. Despite the simplicity of implementation, we will get a cool, realistic effect! Suitable for beginners, but it also contains a couple of techniques that we have not seen before in other lessons. We strongly recommend that you go through the lesson and experienced users!

Adobe Photoshop


1 Step

Draw a template according to which you want to do the work. Outline it using the Pen Tool. Fill your objects with the color you like.

2 Step To add a shadow for the top of the letter, double-click on its layer in the Layers menu and select Drop Shadow. Adjust the parameters to get desired effect

. Uncheck Use Global Light.

3 Step

Add an Inner Shadow layer style.

4 Step

Repeat Step 2.

5 Step

To edit the shadow separately from the fill layer, select Layer > Layer Style > Create Layer from the menu. Now in the Layer palette you will have two layers: a separate letter and a separate shadow.

6 Step
Use the Eraser tool to erase parts of the shadows. Now let's add textures. Create new layer and fill it up gray

. From the menu, select Filter > Noise > Add Noise/Filter> Noise> Add Noise.

7 Step

Set the layer's blending mode to Soft Light in the Layer palette.

Hi all! In today's lesson we will create Effect torn holes in.


You'll learn how to use the Fill, Straight Lasso, Lasso, Brush, Rectangular Marquee, Frame, and Move tools, how to scale images, use layer styles, layer masks, clipping masks, and much more. Create in Photoshop ( ) Ctrl + N new document

with parameters as in the figure below. Create a new layer and name it “Hole”. To rename a layer, double-click the layer name in the Layers panel, enter a new name and press


Activate the Straight Lasso tool and create a selection in the form of a polygon, as in the image below. To reset the colors in the color panel to the default (black and white), press the D key on your keyboard. To switch between main and background color press the X key.

Deselect ( Ctrl + D).

Create a new one below the “Hole” layer empty layer and call it “Chunks”.

Activate the Lasso tool and create a selection, which will later become pieces of torn paper. Draw so as to capture part of the black fill from the “Hole” layer

Press and hold the key Shift to add to the selected area and create a selection on each side of the polyhedron.

In the color panel, enter the color # as the main shade e 6 e 6 e 6 and using the Fill tool, fill the selection on the “Pieces” layer with this color.

Remove selection (Ctrl+D).

Go to the “Hole” layer and double click On the layer in the layers palette, open layer styles. In the Outer Glow tab, change the color to black (#0000000).

In the Layers panel, right-click on the Outer Glow layer style icon and select Create Layer.

After this step, the Outer Glow style will be on a separate layer. This layer can be edited like a regular layer. Right-click on the “Outer Glow Hole” layer in the Layers panel and select “Create Clipping Mask.” With this step we will attach the Outer Glow Hole layer to the underlying Chunks layer and the top layer will only be visible within the bottom one.

Go to the “Pieces” layer and double-click on it to open the layer styles. In the “Shadow” tab, enter the following settings.

In a way that is already familiar to us, we form a layer from the layer style (RMB on the layer style icon Shadow - Create Layer). In the window that appears, click “Ok”.

Activate the Rectangular Marquee tool and create a selection, as in the image below.

Go to the “Shadow Pieces” layer and go to the menu Filter-Distortion-Distortion. Enter the settings as in the figure below.

Deselect (Ctrl+D) and in the layers panel lower the transparency of the shadow layer.

Above the “Pieces” layer, create a new empty layer and call it “Edges”. Using a clipping mask, attach the “Edges” layer to the “Pieces” layer (right-click on the layer in the layers panel - Create Clipping Mask).

Activate the Brush tool and select a soft round brush. To open the list of brushes loaded into the Photoshop program, right-click on the canvas with the Brush tool active. In the color panel, set the base color to black and draw the edges of the torn paper on the “Edges” layer.

In the Layers panel, lower the transparency of the “Edges” layer.

Above the “Edges” layer, create a new empty layer and name it “Center”. Add a clipping mask to the “Center” layer.

In the color panel, set the white tint as the main one and use a soft round brush to paint the central part of the torn pieces of paper, thereby creating volume.

Lower the transparency of the “Center” layer.

You can stop at at this stage, but we will go further.

Above the background layer, place the “Winter” image in the document (File-Place). Hold down the keys Shiht and Alt to maintain proportions, and so that scaling occurs from the center, and drag the corners of the frame to stretch the image across the entire canvas.

Place the “Summer” image above the “Hole” layer. As in the previous step, scale the image, making sure that the “Winter” and “Summer” layers are the same in size. For convenience, you can temporarily disable other layers by clicking on the “eye” icons next to the layers.

Add a clipping mask to the “Summer” layer to attach it to the “Hole” layer.


This tutorial is about creating realistic effect torn paper with coffee stains. The lesson trains skills in working with layers.

The purpose of the lesson: to continue working with layers, working with different types of brushes.

Description: when created of this image we will work with layers, textures, brushes. Using brushes we will create jagged edges as well as coffee stains. In the end you should get a picture like this

Creating a document

2. Fill with any color.

3. Duplicate the Background layer. Press CTRL+J. Click right click on a new layer and rename it “Note”.

Creating torn edges

1. Using the Lasso Tool, create a selection as shown below:

2. Delete the selection. Select Edit->Cut. We do the same with the remaining sides of the square. We get:

Let's make the edges of the note even more uneven, for this:

2. Go to the “Brush Mark Shape” tab. Select the standard radius brush

17px, set the following parameters:

Set the Intervals value to 47%.

Check the box next to “Shape Dynamics”. Set size fluctuations to 100\%.

Angle fluctuations 61\%.

Check the box next to the “Scattering” tab. Check the box next to “Both axes”. Set the counter value to 2 and the counter fluctuation to 98\%.

Check the box next to “Smoothing”.

Press F5 again to remove the brush settings from the screen.

3. Create a new layer.

5. Do the same for all sides. The result should be:

Merge these two layers (the layer with the square and the layer with the “torn” edges). For this:

1. Right-click on Layer1 -> Merge with Previous.

Working with textures

Apply the following settings to the “Note” layer:

1. Go to Layers->Layer Styles->Pattern Overlay.

2. Select the most recent pattern.

For better effect You can add a texture, for example, wood, under the layers of paper.

1. Click File->Open.

2. Select required file. Click OK.

3. In the window that appears on the right, in the Layers tab, right-click on Background and select “Create a duplicate layer.”

4. In the Document tab, select Coffee, give the layer the name “Tree”. Close the file


5. In the “Coffee” file, move the “Tree” layer to the last place.

6. Right-click on this layer and merge it with the Background layer.

Editing an Image

Let's create a shadow under the note. For this:

1. Duplicate the Note layer.

2. Select the object and fill it with black.

3. Give the layer the name Shadow.

4. Move the shadow layer below the paper layer.

5. Do: Edit->Transform->Warp.

6. Deform the bottom edge of our shadow as shown in the figure:

7. Blur the shadow a little:

a) Filter->Blur->Gaussian Blur with a blur radius of 13px:

We see that the shadow is unevenly visible. Let's fix this. Using the Warp tool,

Let's adjust the shadow, this should add more realism to the image

The next step is to apply the crumpled paper texture. (You can download it here

1. Click File->Open. Select the desired file. Click OK.

2. In the window that appears on the right, in the Layers tab, right-click on Background and select “Duplicate Layer”.

3. In the Document tab, select Coffee, give the layer the name “Paper”. Close the file


4. In the “Coffee” file, move the “Paper” layer above the other layers.

7. Press Ctrl+X to delete the area we do not need.

Change the Blend Mode to Multiply. For this:

1. Go to Layers->Layer Style->Blending Options.

2. Change the blending mode to Multiply. Click OK.

Now let's add more details. To do this you need this file

1. Load this file in the same way as the “Paper” file. Name the layer Texture.

2. Move the layer above the others.

3. In the Layers tab, right-click on the Texture layer.

4. From the list, select Create Clipping Mask. Set the opacity to 26%.

Working with brushes

Let's add some coffee stains. To do this, you will need new brushes, you need to download them. (Link to brushes

1. Select the Brush Tool and press F5 to display the brush settings.

2. Click on “Manage Sets” at the bottom of the screen.

3. In the window that opens, click Upload and go to the folder where the brushes are stored.

Select the desired file.

4. Create a new layer.

5. Select a dark brown color and add a few spots on a new layer.

You need to remove those parts of the brush that extend beyond the paper area.

1. Go to the Paper layer, and with Ctrl pressed, click on this layer.

2. Go to the Stains layer and click Select->Invert to invert the selection.

3. Press Ctrl+X to delete the area we do not need.

Work with text

Let's write the text on the note:

1. Select the “Horizontal Text” tool.

2. Select some area and write text.

3. Select Segoe Script font size 36pt. Change the color to dark blue.

Move the text if necessary. Change the Blend Mode to Hard Light.

When you are in love, everything in the world seems beautiful and romantic. What great pleasure, for example, comes from flipping through photographs of you and your loved one. Such joint photographs allow you to carefully store the most pleasant episodes in your memory.

But everything changes radically when the relationship breaks down and you want to erase from your memory any memories of the once a loved one. I hope this never actually happens to you. Today’s Photoshop tutorial is dedicated to creating a small sentimental composition symbolizing a breakup. More specifically, we will learn how to turn an ordinary couple photo into a torn one.

Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS4 (and higher)
Complexity: average
Lead time: 1 – 1.5 hours

Before and After Picture

Step 1
Open the stock photo in Photoshop.

Step 2
Name this main layer “Pair”, then duplicate it (Ctrl + J).

Step 3
Increase the size of the canvas using the Crop Tool (C). Create another new layer under all existing layers.

Step 4
Fill the newly created layer with black.

Step 5
Select the Couple layer. Select the Lasso Tool (L) and create a selection similar to the one shown below:

Step 6
Duplicate this layer (Ctrl + J). Please note that only the selected area was copied. Name this layer “She”.

Step 7
Hold Ctrl and click on the She layer. Then delete this area from the Couple layer (created in step two). Name this layer “He”. Below, just for clarity purposes, I have hidden the “He” layer.

Step 8
Go back to the “He” layer and select its contents again. Go to the menu Selection> Modification> Expand (Select> Modify> Expand). Expand the selected area by 7 pixels.

Step 9
Create a new layer. Select the Brush tool, set the size to 30, and Hardness: 65%. Create a new layer and paint the edges of the photo with white. You will notice that only the area under the mask will be painted. Try to vary the strip thickness white. Name this layer “Break”.

Step 10
Duplicate the gap layer (Ctrl + J).

Step 11
Select the Smudge tool, set the brush size to 8, Hardness to 0% and strength to 40%. Finish the edge of the tear. The goal is to soften this boundary.

Step 12
Select the “He” and “Break” layers, then merge them (Alt + Ctrl + E). As a result, the original layers will remain, and in addition to them, another merged layer will be created.

Step 13
Open the Blending Options window and apply the layer styles Drop Shadow, Inner Glow and Bevel and Emboss.
Set them up as follows:

Drop Shadow:
Angle: 130 degrees

Inner Glow:
Mode: Screen
Opacity: 75%
Color: black

Bevel and Emboss:
Style (Mode): Outer bevel
Depth: 50
Size: 2
Soften: 1
Angle: 130 degrees

Step 14
Using the Move tool, move the layer created on last step, separating it from the layer with the guy.

Step 15
Make the gap layer created in step 10 visible and change its thickness using the Eraser Tool.

Step 16
Repeat steps 11 to 13 for the girl portion of the photo.

I recently met one very interesting technology creating the texture of crumpled paper and that is why, in fact, this lesson appeared. Also in the lesson there is another interesting technique for creating a torn edge on a figure. But first things first. First, let's create a background and decorate it with noise. Then we’ll create a rectangle and use a quick mask and filter to make it have jagged edges. Let's create two more copies of the layer. From the bottom layer we will make a shadow and transform it a little. On the top layer we will create the effect of crumpled paper and apply an overlap. And on the middle layer we will darken the places with a brush. And as it darkens, the texture of the paper will appear.

Step 1.
Create a new document in Photoshop measuring 1280 x 1024 pixels and fill it with black.

Step 2.
Let’s use “Filter” > “Noise” > “Add Noise...”.

Step 3.
We got this background texture.

Step 4.
Select an area in the middle.

Step 5.
Press Q on the keyboard to enter quick mask mode.

Step 6.
In the menu, select “Filter” (Filter)> “Design” (Pixelate)> “Crystallize” with a value of 3.

Step 7
Press Q again to exit quick mask mode. We received a selected area with torn edges.

Step 8
Create a new layer and fill the selected area with white. Immediately make 2 more duplicates of this layer and turn them off for now.

Step 9
The bottom layer using the layer style “Color Overlay” (Color Overlay) paint the layer with color #919191. Reduce the layer opacity to 50%.

Step 10
From the menu, select “Edit” > “Transform” > “Warp” and stretch the corners a little to give a shadow. For clarity, you can turn on the layer with the top white shape created in Step 8.

Step 11
We got this result. Immediately go to the layer with the top white shape.

Step 12
Activate the Gradient Tool. IN top line settings, select a simple black and white gradient, “Linear gradient” (Linear) and the blending mode “Difference” (Difference). Hold Ctrl and click on the layer to select the shape. After this, use short strokes to randomly poke the mouse over the entire area of ​​the rectangle. It should look something like this.

Step 13
Remove the selection and apply Filter > Stylize > Emboss.

Step 14
Then press Ctrl+L and adjust the levels, as in the picture below.

Step 15
We got this result.

Step 16
Change the layer blending mode to “Overlay” (Overlay). Turn on the second layer with the white shape (above the shadow layer and below the layer from the previous step) and go to it. It should look like the picture below.

Step 17
Activate the Burn tool and a large soft brush We begin to trace the figure. The texture of the paper should begin to appear.

Step 18
As a result, we get this texture of crumpled paper.