Mark Zuckerberg: biography, interesting facts and photos

From the Winklevoss brothers, who unsuccessfully argued that the idea of ​​Facebook was stolen from them, to the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, “DP” remembered the main ill-wishers of the founder and CEO of the most popular social network, Mark Zuckerberg.

He intends to demolish several houses, which, as it seemed to the head, spoil the view from his mansion in Palo Alto. The businessman purchased the mansion itself in 2011, and a couple of years later he also bought four cottages in the neighborhood in order to thus prevent the construction of a multi-story building. Mark Zuckerberg eventually rented out the purchased property to its former owners. In addition, the founder of the most popular social network bought the land from developer Mirsia Voskerichan, who was planning to build a multi-storey building. The latter even tried to sue Zuckerberg over this, claiming that he sold the land at a reduced price, since the businessman promised to recommend his developer to top managers of Silicon Valley, but in the end he did not.

Now Voskerichan and the residents of the houses that Mark Zuckerberg is planning to demolish will probably join the list of the latter’s haters. It is worth noting that by his thirtieth birthday the guy had already acquired ill-wishers. “DP” remembered those who had already expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of Zuckerberg and his company, sued him and tried to discredit the positive image of a modest billionaire who gives money to charity and always appears in the same clothes.

Regardless of What to rely on when compiling a list of those who dislike the head and founder of Facebook, brothers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss will in any case take leading positions on it. A couple of American rowers who invented the HarvardConnection social network back in 2002, designed for students at prestigious universities to communicate with each other, still claim that the idea for Facebook Mark Zuckerberg stole from them. In 2004, they even went to court. After 4 years of litigation, Zuckerberg agreed to an out-of-court settlement and paid the brothers total$65 million (in company shares and cash). The Winklevoss calmed down on this, but not for long: in 2011, apparently realizing that they had sold too cheap, they again initiated legal proceedings. But the court refused to satisfy the claim. Since then, the brothers managed to invest money in a new social network and come up with a Bitcoin exchange, but the glory of Facebook still haunts them. From time to time in interviews, the brothers carefully state that the idea of ​​​​creating popular network still belongs to them.

And in 2010, American businessman Paul Ceglia decided to sue Zuckerberg. He said that in accordance with the contract allegedly concluded with Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, he was entitled to 84% of the company's shares. The contract was declared a fake, and Ceglia himself was arrested in 2012 for fraud. But not calming down even after being taken into custody, Ceglia, 2 years later, again began to accuse Mark Zuckerberg - this time for the fact that the head of Facebook allegedly hacked personal computer businessman.

The Winklevoss brothers and Paul Ceglia aren't the only ones who hate Mark Zuckerberg for his creation. Numerous materials on the topic “why we don’t like Zuckerberg” are, as a rule, based precisely on users’ complaints about Facebook work. IN social network there is even a community called I Hate Mark Zuckerberg. There, users complain about the shortcomings of the news feed and express dissatisfaction with the fact that they were blocked for no apparent reason.

Brazilian Minister of Culture Juca Ferreira I haven’t joined the community yet, but I have complaints about Facebook management He already spoke out for an attempt to ban photography at a specially organized conference in 2015. Then the stumbling block of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture and the social network was a photograph of a girl of the Aymores nationality, taken in 1909 and published by the department on its Facebook page as an announcement of the opening of the Brasiliana Fotografica photo portal. The social network demanded that the photo be deleted, citing new rules that do not allow the publication of nudity. The department was somewhat annoyed by this request. At a press conference, Zhuka Ferreira called the actions of the social network “an attack on the sovereignty and legislation” of Brazil, as well as “a sign of disrespect for the cultural diversity of the country and the indigenous population of the country.” By the way, at first the department also considered suing the company’s management.

Mark Zuckerberg, apparently, has plenty of enemies in Russia. For example, priest Alexander Shumsky, cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki, 4 years ago called him a strange person related to the CIA. Naturally, the clergyman considered the meeting of such a suspicious person inappropriate. Well, to prevent anything terrible from coming out of Mark Zuckerberg’s visit to Russia, Alexander Shumsky proposed lowering the iron curtain altogether - if not for such suspicious elements as himself founder of Facebook, then at least for Russian scientists. Otherwise, when they see a billionaire from the CIA, they will rush to work in the USA.

Not in the most flattering way addressed to Viktor Shenderovich also had time to speak out about Zuckerberg, proposing that he be considered a “classic useful idiot.” However, the publicist and satirist also noted the genius of the billionaire, so it’s still not worthwhile to completely write him down as a hater of Mark Zuckerberg.

But Russian officials, with enviable regularly suggesting that Facebook should be banned could easily be added to this list. Although then, of course, one can also find Zuckerberg's enemies in China, Syria, Pakistan, Turkey, North Korea and other countries where the brainchild young billionaire already banned. However, they most likely don’t really favor him there.

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They have reason to think so.

To bookmarks

Mark Zuckerberg. Photo Getty

Since the beginning of 2017, the head of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, in the US states. He has dinner and chats with local residents, and also visits historical places to get to know the audience of his social network.

While Zuckerberg insists his surprise tour is just for informational purposes, coupled with changes in the entrepreneur's views, it raises questions about whether the social network leader is preparing to launch a political career or is trying to restore Facebook's tarnished reputation.

Rumors about the presidency

Mark Zuckerberg has ambitious goals that he sets for himself every year. In 2013, he decided to meet new people every day. In 2014 - write letters of gratitude daily. In 2015 he opened his own book club and 23 books in a year. In 2016, Zuckerberg ran almost 590 kilometers. In January 2017, his promises took on a different scale: the head of Facebook announced his intention to visit all American states by the end of the year.

Since then, articles about the political ambitions of the entrepreneur began to appear in Western media. , and put forward theories according to which Zuckerberg is thinking about running for the US presidency and is working on his image to do this.

The theory was reinforced by Zuckerberg's open religious views, without which no one is active, cooperation with former presidential campaign managers and a critical attitude towards the current government.

In addition, journalists were alarmed by the recent award of an honorary doctorate by the head of Facebook. Harvard University(he dropped out of Harvard back in 2005). Formally, a person without higher education, but the last leader of the country without a diploma was Harry Truman, who left office in 1953.

From South Carolina to Wisconsin

Mark Zuckerberg says the purpose of his trip to the United States is to see how the people brought together by Facebook really live.

In March, he visited an Episcopal church in South Carolina where nine people were killed in 2015. A month later, Zuckerberg visited Ohio at a rehabilitation meeting for drug addicts who use and (in 2015, 33 thousand people used them in the United States). He's in a juvenile detention center in Indiana and criticized local system re-education. In Alabama, Zuckerberg met with the crew of a shrimp boat. In Mississippi I visited a historical cemetery, in Michigan I discussed Trump’s immigration law with Muslims, in Texas I spoke with priests, and in Dallas I spoke with police officers. In early May, the head of Facebook visited a family farm in Wisconsin: he fed cows, rode a tractor, played with newborn kittens and dined on livestock meat.

By June, Zuckerberg 15 states out of 30 planned.

Mark Zuckerberg drives a tractor for the first time in Wisconsin, May 2017. Photos from personal page on Facebook

For security reasons, each location was given only a few hours' notice of Zuckerberg's arrival. Security and personal photographers travel with the head of Facebook. How The New York Times, Zuckerberg is coming to states that have lost active Democratic representation or the attention of journalists focused on the activities of Donald Trump.

Zuckerberg's journey by Mashable journalist Louis Matsakis. According to her, the Facebook founder visits stereotypical tourist places, the problems of which have already been revealed and repeatedly emphasized, and does not seek to take a fresh look at the country.

According to the journalist, this route is connected with Zuckerberg’s fear of exposing himself to attack, and the possible purpose of his journey is to restore Facebook’s reputation after the last presidential election.

Map of marked states where Zuckerberg has already visited. Click to enlarge image

Connection to the 2016 elections and criticism of the government

Following Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 election, Facebook was bombarded with accusations of indirectly supporting the president. Allegedly because large quantity fake news generated by the algorithms of the social network feed and its section for popular media materials, voters formed a false impression of the candidates, which influenced Trump’s victory.

For distribution false information also Twitter and Google, but the main blow fell on Zuckerberg’s social network. BuzzFeed analysis showed that in the last three months of the presidential campaign, fake political news actually turned out to be more popular on Facebook than real news.

Facebook has been condemned by politicians, including Barack Obama, and general dissatisfaction with Trump has deepened Americans' attitudes toward the social network, which allegedly helped put the Republican in the White House. Zuckerberg initially called the allegations false, but then stepped up the fight against misinformation.

From left to right: Amazon founder, Alphabet executive and Facebook board member meeting with Mike Pence and Donald Trump. Photo Getty

Over the past few years, Zuckerberg has been meeting with executives regularly. various countries. In 2011, he communicated with then US President Barack Obama, in 2012, in Moscow for a meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in 2014, the importance of Facebook with the Prime Minister of India and the President of Mexico, in 2015 with the President of Brazil, and in the summer of 2016 year the possibility of returning the social network to China and with the head of the Vatican.

Something changed in December 2016. Then Donald Trump held a conference with representatives of major technology companies, including Google, Tesla, Apple, Amazon and Facebook. The meeting was mostly attended by company heads, but Facebook was represented at the event by board member Sheryl Sandberg instead of Zuckerberg.

The journalists were never explained why the head of Facebook did not come to the meeting. And in January 2017, Zuckerberg issued Trump's decree on immigrants. That same month, he became two former presidential campaign managers for George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The head of the social network explained that they will be involved in a charitable organization founded by Zuckerberg's wife.

Political career potential

By law, the President of the United States must be at least 35 years old. In November 2020, when the country holds new elections, Zuckerberg will be 36 years old. His current political views are unknown.

Zuckerberg before leaving the Vatican, August 2016. Photo from personal Facebook page

However, journalists made assumptions about Zuckerberg back on January 25, declaring that he was not going to run for president. According to the entrepreneur, he is focused on developing the Facebook user community and working on the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative charity project.

However, the Facebook founder may change his mind in the future. Before the start of the 2016 presidential race, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said several times that she did not plan to participate in the elections. In case Zuckerberg is using a similar tactic, Vanity Fair journalist Nick Bilton's main talking point for critics of his presidential campaign is personal data security. Mark Zuckerberg's company has the personal data of more than two billion people, and all of it can be used to his advantage.

Business Insider conducted its own investigation and revealed the details of this story

Business Insider spoke with people who were at the origins of Facebook, with sources close to the company, studied documents and personal correspondence of Zuckerberg, and in its own way told this corporate story, which became the central plotline of the film "The Social Network."

Ahead of $16 billion IPO Facebook, it became known that the co-founder of the company Eduardo Saverin renounced his US citizenship to save on taxes.

The only reason this is possible is that Saverin no longer works at Facebook. In 2005, he left the company after his partner Mark Zuckerberg eroded his share and removed him from business.

Saverin's exit from Facebook became the central plotline of the film "The Social Network." "Of course, The Social Network is just a movie. But it's based on true story. Here's the story, writes Business Insider. – The story of Saverin’s conflict with Zuckerberg, who, in his opinion, took away from him by deception a huge share Facebook shares. And the story of how Zuckerberg decided Facebook problem, which could have prevented the company from becoming the Internet giant it is now."

As the publication emphasizes, the narrative is based on the testimony of people who were at the origins of the company, sources close to it, as well as on the basis of correspondence between Zuckerberg and his proxies and the first lawyers.

Eduardo Saverin

How it all began

In late 2003, Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg asked a Harvard student named Eduardo Saverin to deposit $15,000 in a bank account that they could both access. As Mark told him, money is needed to pay for servers to host a site that he wants to develop. The site will be called Eduardo agreed.

Why did Zuckerberg choose Saverin as his first business partner? Zuckerberg himself does not talk about this, but the publication draws some conclusions thanks to instant messages that he wrote at different times.

In one message, Zuckerberg described his new partner, Saverin, as "the head of an investment society." Severin was rich, Zuckerberg suggested, because "apparently insider trading is not illegal in Brazil."

Zuckerberg also partnered with Saverin because he gave the impression that he knew a thing or two about business. Saverin was the kind of guy who wore sharp suits to lectures, and many people, including Zuckerberg, thought he had ties to the Brazilian mafia.

Zuckerberg: Eduardo will pay for my servers.

Friend: There are suckers born every day.

Zuckerberg: He thinks he will make money.

Friend: what do you think?

Zuckerberg: I ​​don't know about business.

Zuckerberg: I'll be satisfied if I do something cool.

So it appears that Zuckerberg was getting closer to Saverin because he had money and an understanding of how to make it work. Zuckerberg himself, meanwhile, wanted to “do something cool.”

So, Saverin’s money was received to pay for the servers, and in February 2004 was born. This instantly becomes a sensation at Harvard. Students from other universities immediately demanded an expansion of the site, and Mark and his colleagues granted their request.

By April, the site was so successful that Zuckerberg, Saverin, and a third Harvard sophomore named Dustin Moskowitz founded a limited liability company, The Facebook. Two months later, on June 10, 2004, Harvard officials noted the amazing popularity of

It was best moment in relations between co-founders.

Gathering Storm

Six months later, Zuckerberg and Moskowitz moved to Palo Alto, where they decided to continue working on the project in a rented house. Saverin went to New York for an internship at Lehman Brothers.

As can be seen from instant messages During this period, before Zuckerberg left for the West Coast, he asked Saverin to work on three things: “Start a company, get funding, and create a business model.”

Almost immediately after the move, the relationship between the co-founders began to deteriorate.

At first it was just a cultural misunderstanding. One awkward instant message exchange shows how different the lives of Zuckerberg in Palo Alto and Saverin on the East Coast were:

Saverin: so you guys often go to parties and stuff?

Zuckerberg: We don't have fun at all.

Zuckerberg: But that's OK because business is fun.

Saverin: hah, yes, this is entertainment. Although, seriously, nothing fun?

Zuckerberg: That's enough.

But then Saverin did something that really angered Zuckerberg: he launched unauthorized advertisements on Facebook. What’s even worse is that these advertisements were required for a project that Saverin created single-handedly – ​​the employment site Joboozle.

Zuckerberg exploded email:

"You're building Joboozle knowing that at some point Facebook will probably want to make some sort of job search service. What's amazing to me is that you're doing a project that will eventually compete with Facebook, and that's "That's bad in itself. But advertising it on Facebook, even for free, is just vile."

But what finally destroyed the relationship between Saverin and Zuckerberg was Facebook's need for funding.

As became more popular, it increasingly needed money to continue growing. Finding investors was not difficult. Already in July famous people Silicon Valley likes Mark Pincus, Ride Hoffman and Peter Thiel are lining up to give Zuckerberg money for development. Things were going so well that Mark soon decided to commit himself to the company and not return to Harvard.

But there was a challenge: getting Saverin to complete the conversion of the company under Delaware law, a critical step in securing financing agreements.

The situation was becoming critical because without external funding, could only develop with money from the Zuckerberg family.

Ultimately, Zuckerberg decided to fix the problem by getting rid of Saverin.

In a message to Moskowitz, he explained why:

"He had to start a company, get funding and create a business model. He failed on all three counts... Now that I'm not going back to Harvard, I won't have to worry about getting beaten up by Brazilian thugs."

"Dirty Tricks"

When Zuckerberg and Moskowitz moved to Palo Alto in June 2004, they met Sean Parker, an Internet startup founder best known as the co-founder of Napster. Parker soon joined

Parker's first task was to do what Saverin should have done but didn't: help Facebook raise money. Parker managed to get money for Napster, and he had connections in Silicon Valley. He was quickly able to prove that he was capable, and Zuckerberg only strengthened the idea that Saverin was not valuable to the company.

But there was one problem: How could Zuckerberg remove Facebook's third-largest shareholder and co-founder?

After meeting with Peter Thiel, who would soon become Facebook's first outside investor, Mark and Sean discussed Saverin's problem via instant messages. Zuckerberg hinted at a cool solution based on some of the "dirty tricks" used by Thiel.

According to Parker, Thiel learned these tricks from one of the Valley's legendary venture capitalists, Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital (the company that funded Google, Yahoo, PayPal, Zappos and many other big tech companies).

Parker: Peter (Thiel) tried some dirty tricks. It's all very much like Moritz's classics.

Zuckerberg: huh, really?

Parker: Only Moritz does it better.

Zuckerberg: This is pathetic.

Parker: I bet he got it all from Mike.

Zuckerberg: Well, now I took it from him and will try it on Eduardo.

In later emails and instant messages, we see what dirty tricks Zuckerberg intended to use to get funding for without waiting for Saverin's signature.

His plan was to reduce Saverin's stake in by creating a new company in Delaware instead old company(a limited liability company registered in April in Florida), and then divide the shares in the new company, but so that Saverin gets nothing. Mark discussed this plan with trusted people over instant messaging services several times.

For example:

Confidant: How are you going to get past Eduardo?

Zuckerberg: I'm going to buy an LLC.

Zuckerberg: And give him fewer shares in the company that bought him.

Trustee: I'm not sure the desire to reallocate shares is worth getting involved in a potential lawsuit.

Zuckerberg: No, I'll do it because now I have to run everything with Eduardo, and this way I can get control.

In another letter, Mark writes:

"Eduardo is uncooperative in every way... We must hand over our intellectual property new company and just win the lawsuit... I'm just going to shut him down and then sue him. And he will get something, I’m sure, but he deserves something...”

Zuckerberg pulled the trigger, sending an email to his lawyer asking him to go ahead with the plan.

In this email, Zuckerberg writes about Saverin: "Is there a way to do this without making it so obvious to him that we are diluting his stake to 10%?"

In his response, Zuckerberg's lawyer offers a prescient warning:

"Because Eduardo is the only shareholder whose stake is being diluted, there is a significant risk that he could demand shares, particularly from Dustin and Mark, but also from Sean."

The plan worked

In mid-summer 2004, Zuckerberg's plan to eliminate his partner went ahead without a hitch.

July 29, 2004 new company was founded in Delaware. She acquired the old company.

Before the deal, Facebook shares were distributed as follows: Zuckerberg 65%, Saverin 30%, Moskowitz 5%. After the transaction, the shares of the new company were distributed in a new way: Zuckerberg had 40%, Saverin - 24%, Moskowitz - 16% and Thiel - 9%. The remainder, approximately 20%, went into reserve for future employees. From there, a good share of the shares went to Eduardo's replacement, Sean Parker, the new executive director

On October 31, 2004, Saverin signed a shareholder agreement that distributed his 3 million shares of common stock in the new company. In addition, through this agreement, he transferred all related intellectual property and voting rights to Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg became the sole director of Facebook.

On January 7, 2005, Facebook issued 9 million shares of common stock in the new company. He took 3.3 million shares for himself and gave 2 million to Sean Parker and Dustin Moskowitz. This share issue immediately diluted Saverin's stake in the company from approximately 24% to less than 10%.

Mark's plan was a success - Eduardo was eliminated as a partner.

7 min. reading

Updated: 01/10/2017

If you look at the top ten richest people in the world according to Forbes for 2013, you will see that for the most part these are elderly, experienced people who are over 70 years old.

– 74 years old, – 83 years old, Amancio Ortega – 78 years old, Charles Koch – 78 years old, etc. Well, it turns out like in the song “my years are my wealth”? And financial success does not come to those who have not “grown” to the required degree of business experience and life wisdom?

The exception among wealthy people is those whose wealth is greater than their age. He has not yet reached his retirement years, but ranks 2nd in the ranking of the richest (58 years old and a fortune of 67 billion dollars). It’s not in vain that we remembered the legendary founder of the corporation, because journalists strive to compare our today’s hero, Mark Zuckerberg, with him.

And if Bill Gates became a billionaire at 31, then Mark - at 22! And although Zuckerberg’s fortune is 19 billion dollars, and Gates’s is 67, Mark’s age is half that of Bill’s - only 29 years. Zuckerberg also ranks 3rd on the list of the most influential businessmen in the world in 2013.

Who is he, after all?

Meet Mark Zuckerberg, creator of the world's largest social network Facebook networks. Haven't you heard of this? Are the sites Twitter, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki familiar to you? Even if you don't like to spend free time on online communication, you've probably heard of them. All of these sites were created in 2006, 2 years after Zuckerberg's brainchild. And although Facebook was not the first social network in the world, it was the one that became a real breakthrough.

More than 1.4 billion accounts are registered on Facebook (for comparison, VKontakte has 228 million users). This figure can be comparable to the world population in the 17th century! And if we talk about our time, then among the 7 billion people living on the planet, about 20% of people are Facebook users.

The scale is impressive. It seems Zuckerberg's dream is starting to come true: “The thing that really excites me is fulfilling the mission of creating an open society.”

For what Zuckerberg created " new system sharing information and changing lives,” he receives the title “Person of the Year 2010” from Time magazine.

The slogan “liberty, equality and fraternity” is certainly a good one. But let’s not forget about the other side of this noble idea - profits. Mark's invention brought him fabulous income and the title of the youngest billionaire in the history of mankind!

After all, people registering for Facebook, represent a huge database. Majority large companies The USA, Europe and Asia have their own virtual representation on Facebook, and every 4th advertisement posted on social networks is from Zuckerberg’s company. Facebook's net profit for 2013 was $1.5 billion.

How can we not quote Mark himself? “The older I get, the more convinced I am that voyeur service is The best way make money."

I remember an online joke: “In connection with the emergence Facebook-a, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, psychologists intend to exclude exhibitionism from the list of perversions.”

In 2006, Zuckerberg refused to sell Facebook for $750 million and was right – by 2014, the social network’s market value had increased to 150 billion!

Mark's biography will be short. He has not yet lived a long life full of ups and downs, and therefore he will boast not about the quantity, but about the quality of the past years.

What helped a boy from an intelligent Jewish family achieve worldwide fame?

Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in White Plains, New York. Mark was the only heir, but he had three sisters. The family was quite wealthy, Mark’s dad worked as a dentist, and his mother was a psychiatrist. It is no secret that in the United States these professions are among the most paid.

At the age of 10, his parents gave Mark his first computer - a Quantex 486DX with Intel processor 486. Young Mark decided to take it up like an adult and began reading special books on programming.

Science came easily to him; the teenager happily comes up with various programs, such as, for example, a computer version of a strategic board game"Risk".

For his own entertainment, Mark develops the Synapse program, which is a self-learning music player. Synapse independently generated a list of tracks, having previously remembered what kind of music a music lover prefers and at what time of day.

The Synapse story is notable because Zuckerberg refused Microsoft, who offered the teenager to buy his development. Mark was also not interested in the invitation to cooperate from this largest corporation. Later he simply posted Synapse on open access. Perhaps he was already guided by his credo?

“If a person has brains, he simply does not have the moral right to work not for himself, giving most of his time and the results of his achievements to his employer”

I understand that after these words, people working “for their uncle” will not immediately sign a letter of resignation. But let this idea make you think about at least creating your own additional source income.

Our hero was not a typical "nerd" sitting best years life in front of the monitor. His parents tried to raise a harmonious personality, developed in all respects, and they succeeded. Modern parents should not let their children's passion for computers take its course, but encourage them to engage in physical education, so that the child does not suffer from scoliosis or myopia.

Mark was actively involved in sports and was an excellent fencer. In addition to good performance in mathematics and natural subjects, he also found it easy to foreign languages. Now Zuckerberg can read French, Latin, ancient Greek and Hebrew, and recently learned Chinese, because his wife has Chinese roots.

They say that it was at the prestigious private school Phillips Exeter Academy, where Mark studied, that the idea was born creation of Facebook. At school, new students were given a directory containing photographs and coordinates of all classmates. It was this that schoolchildren called “The Facebook,” literally “The Book of Faces.”

After school, Mark continues his education at Harvard with a degree in psychology. Success always follows on the heels of those who follow unbeaten paths. For the art history exam, Mark had to study half a thousand paintings, and there were only 2 days left before the exam.

Zuckerberg showed non-standard approach- created a website on which he displayed these 500 paintings, and asked fellow students to describe them. After 2 hours, each picture was overgrown with comments from students, which helped our innovator get a pass.

For the creation of another site - Facemash - Mark was punished by the Harvard administration. All the student did was hack computer network university, and, taking photos from there, posted them in pairs on my website.

The site worked on the “hot or not” principle, i.e. “hot thing” or “not”, and invited everyone to comment on the attractiveness of the characters. The result of Facemash’s 2-hour work was 500 visitors, and soon the server crashed due to the number of thousands of users.

The site was closed, and Mark was accused of hacking and invasion of privacy. The charges, however, were dropped, and Mark saw that the simple idea of ​​comparing photos worked well. And I seriously thought about creating a social network.

Facebook celebrates its birthday on February 4, 2004. In addition to Zuckerberg, his fellow students, Eduardo Severin, Dustin Moskowitz, Andrew McCollum and Christopher Hughes, also worked on the creation of the site.

The opening of the project was accompanied by a scandal. A week after its launch, undergraduate students, the Winklevoss brothers and Divya Narendra, accuse Zuckerberg of stealing the idea.

In 2003, Mark was hired by them to complete the creation of the social network According to them, Zuckerberg did not give them the results of his work, but he used the results to open his website. Mark denies the accusations and says that he embodied an idea that was “flying in the air.”

He is convinced that a person “Whoever makes a comfortable chair should not pay everyone who makes the chairs.” However, in 2009, Zuckerberg had to pay his opponents $45 million to settle the case that went to trial.

Who knows how much truth there is in these accusations, but the proverb “winners are not judged” is still in use among the people. In response to all the speeches of spiteful critics, Zuckerberg replies: “You can’t make 500 million friends without making a single enemy.”

Facebook was originally developed for Harvard students to communicate. It was loved for the ease of searching for information and the availability of photos, and soon the site brought together students from other universities. Since 2006, Facebook has been opened to all users over 13 years of age.

In your new project Mark invested all the money his parents raised for his studies, but the rapidly growing business required additional cash injections. Zuckerberg goes to Silicon Valley to find investors for Facebook. The energetic guy is lucky - on the street he accidentally meets Sean Parker, co-founder of the file-sharing network Napster.

He, in turn, introduces him to Peter Thiel, co-founder of online payments PayPal. Peter immediately saw gold mine and invested half a million dollars in Mark’s project. Zuckerberg is no longer returning to Harvard.

The Facebook team rents space in Palo Alto, one of the cities in Silicon Valley. Mark knew how to understand personnel: “We acquired talent, which, for me, is one of the best things that could be done.” Now, for example, the management of current operations is not managed by Mark himself, but by an experienced manager from Google. The company's staff is working hard to ensure that the site "does not allow you to move away from the monitor."

At the company, Mark maintains the image of an eccentric billionaire. Somewhere he really is like that, somewhere he plays along, because according to the reviews of his partners (by the way, most of them purchased the “ex” prefixes), he is not as simple as he seems.

These famous “pajama” negotiations, when Mark discusses serious topics in carelessly wrinkled clothes and flip-flops on his bare feet! And the answer Microsoft representative to the offer to meet at 8 am and discuss business cooperation - “I won’t be able to come, I’m still sleeping at this time”! And Mark’s refusal to meet with Yahoo’s authorized representative because “a girl is coming to see me.” Somehow all this looks like a polite “fuck you”... Our bastard designs his business cards even cooler - the inscription on them reads “I’m the director here, bitch!”

Well, the rich Generation Next have their own quirks. Remember ours, who explains his quirks primarily by the desire to stand out from the crowd. Mark's are not so strange - the guy still loves to walk and ride a bike.

Mark celebrated his wedding with his beloved girlfriend Priscilla Chen not on an exotic island, like, and not in a luxurious mansion, entirely decorated with fresh flowers, like. Relatives and friends, supposedly invited to Priscilla's graduation party, suddenly discovered that they were at a wedding ceremony!