Function keys far. Command line options. Managing the program interface

Whenever you use a computer, there is an aspect of working with files. File managers are designed to help in this sometimes difficult task. Each user has his own “favorite” from all their diversity. The user uses a specific program more often than others and, as a rule, its functionality suits him quite well. But there are situations in which the user’s desires remain unfulfilled. Some people lack convenience, some lack beauty, some lack speed, and some lack something else. In most such cases, a person resigns himself to the “shortcomings” of the used file manager, considering them inevitable. The purpose of this article is to show that sometimes a favorite program is fraught with ways to fulfill the user’s wildest desires. We will talk about one of the most common file managers, FAR. At the time of writing latest version is FAR 1.70 beta 5 build 1634, and we will talk about it. The author does not intend to increase the number of fans of this software product. The article will use examples to examine some possible user desires and ways to satisfy them. Practical conclusions must be made by everyone personally.

Note. Potential FAR capabilities almost endless, due to support external modules and macro commands. Therefore, we will consider only the standard composition and its capabilities. Everything related to additional plugins and add-ons can be found on the official website of the add-ons:

List of standard plugins

Before going directly to problematic situations, it is necessary to express a general recommendation for the entire article: "More detailed information about all the things described can be found in the standard FAR help (called contextually by pressing the "F1" key), help on external modules ("Shift+F2" in the help window), and also on the official FAQ pages ( And The article only describes the main ideas and directions for further research."

Wish 1. I have configured FAR settings and want to use them on another computer.
Execution. Save current settings can be added to the files "Far\FarSave1.reg" and "Far\FarSave2.reg" using the command file "Far\SaveSettings.bat". To restore the settings, just import the reg files into system registry(you can use "Far\RestoreSettings.bat").

Importing a reg file into the system registry

Wish 2. I want to receive more information at a glance on the file panel.
Execution. The information content of file panels will be significantly increased by enabling the "File Coloring" option in the "Options -> Panel Settings" window and setting this same coloring in the "Options -> File Coloring" window. You can ask specific color and even special icon symbol in order to immediately see the availability of groups of files and folders that interest you.

File coloring settings window

Wish 3. I have configured the FAR colors in "Options -> Colors" and "Options -> File Colorization" and want to use them on another computer.
Execution. Exporting and importing color settings can be done using batch files export_colors.bat and import_colors.bat from the "Far\Addons\Colors\" directory. In addition, in the "Custom Highlighting" and "Default Highlighting" directories you will find additional color schemes.

Directory "Far\Addons\Colors\"

Wish 4. In Windows, I can very quickly get to any of the frequently used directories (for example, "My Documents", "Desktop", etc.). I want the same thing for FAR.
Execution. FAR implements the "Folder Links" system ("Commands" menu). It allows you to provide fast access to frequently used folders. Create a link to current folder you need either from the "Folder Links" dialog box, or by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+0..9" in the file panel. After this, you can use "RightCtrl+0..9" in the panels to navigate to the folder recorded in the link. Also, “RightCtrl+0..9”, when pressed in the edit lines, will insert the link path at the cursor location.

Additionally, FAR can handle the "cd" command for the current panel. By calling it with the appropriate parameter when you need to go to a directory, you can achieve even greater flexibility than in Windows. You can call commands for execution in FAR in three ways: in the console, in custom menu and in macros (to be precise, a macro only automates the entry and execution of a command in the console). The first method does not provide the required convenience. But the second and third reduce the problem of going to pre-defined folders to pressing hot keys. The main user menu can be used and edited using the "F2" key. You can record and assign a macro command using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+." (the first click is to start recording, the second is to end), in this case it is necessary to correctly set the macro parameters “Empty command line” and “On the plugin panel”.

Edit Custom Menu Window

Wish 5. I work with three types of files: texts, images and audio recordings. They are stored in directories of the same name. I want to be able to launch from the user menu while in the text folder word processor, in the folder with images - graphics editor, and in the folder with audio recordings there is a sound mixer.
Execution. A local custom menu can provide a similar structure. You can create it using the command "Options -> User Menu". You can also edit it in the "FarMenu.ini" file of the corresponding directory.

Creating a Local Menu

Wish 6. One of the editors installed on my computer creates *.bak files ( backups changed documents). I want that pressing "Enter" on one of them in the current directory will delete all these temporary files.
Execution. To do this, just set the association for the mask "*.bak" using the menu item "Commands -> File Associations". Where as a command executed by "Enter" specify "del *.!`". Here "!`" is a metacharacter that is replaced by the file extension.

Creating a Local Menu

Wish 7. I want to create a directory with my documents based on virtual disk, whose name is unknown in advance, i.e. it is entered during creation.
Execution. To determine the parameters of a command directly during its execution, FAR provides the metasymbol "!? ?<init>!", which is replaced by the data entered by the user. Here " <title>" And " <init>" - title and <a href="">original text</a> edit lines. Thus, it is enough to create a menu command like “subst!?What drive?Z!: “C:\My Documents””, and when executing it, change the default parameter (in <a href="">in this case</a>"Z") to the required drive letter. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Create a menu command to mount a virtual disk</i></p><br><b>Wish 8</b>. I would like to automate the execution of identical commands for several files at once. <br><b>Execution</b>. The "Apply command" command ("Ctrl+G") from the "Files" menu is used specifically for this. In this case, file names must be designated using the same characters as in the "File Association". <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Apply Command Dialog Box</i></p><br><b>Wish 9</b>. Every time I go to my "Unsorted" directory, I make sure that the files work fine <a href="">different types</a> more than thirty in one place is impossible. I would like to be able to avoid sorting them by directories, without sacrificing convenience. <br><b>Execution</b>. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to properly classify and organize files into folders, so as not to get lost in the multi-level structure. It’s much easier to throw everything into one directory and use the FAR “File Panel Filter” feature. By pressing "Ctrl+I" you can create a very flexible compound filter for the current panel based on the files present (by extension) and custom masks. It is convenient to set both inclusion and exclusion masks. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Setting up file panel filters</i></p><br><b>Wish 10</b>. I often copy files onto a floppy disk to transfer them to another computer. And, in order to protect myself from troubles with damage to some sectors, I create copies on the same floppy disk. This process takes a lot of time: you need to copy the first time, then create the directory "A:\Copy\" and copy the second time. I would like to simplify all these actions. <br><b>Execution</b>. Of course, this problem can be reduced to a simpler one. <a href="">different ways</a>. But the most interesting thing for the author is the use of the copy dialog option “Process multiple file names” for this. When enabled, the destination string can contain more than one target. The symbols ";" are used as separators between them. And ",". It is also recommended to enable the options “History in dialog input lines” and “Auto-completion in input lines” in the “Interface Settings” dialog - this will significantly increase the speed of completing the task considered. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Saving to floppy disk <a href="">automatic creation</a> copies</i></p><br><b>Wish 11</b>. I want to have a fast and <a href="">easy access</a> to the numbers of free and maximum available space on my disks. <br><b>Execution</b>. Free space on the current disk (in bytes) is shown in the file panels when the "Show" option is enabled. <a href="">free place</a>". The volume and utilization of the disk (in bytes) can also be viewed in the information panel ("Ctrl+L"). But the most convenient is to display <a href="">additional information</a> in the "Disc Selection Menu". The key combinations "Ctrl+5", "Ctrl+6" and "Ctrl+8" respectively switch the display modes of total and free space on the disk (hard), parameters of removable disks and parameters of CDs. True, with slow access to some of <a href="">external drives</a>(for example, floppy) it is not recommended to keep the display of removable disk parameters constantly on. Since the request for information occurs every time the disk menu is called up. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Disc menu with additional information</i></p><br><b>Wish 12</b>. I find it awkward to reach for the "Eject" button on the CD-ROM. I would like to perform this action using the keyboard. <br><b>Execution</b>. The FAR drive menu allows you to use the "Del" and "Ins" keys on the appropriate lines to open and close CD-ROMs (and other similar drives). In addition, the "Del" key allows you to disconnect <a href="">network drive</a> and remove the SUBST disk. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Disc menu</i></p><br><b>Wish 13</b>. When working in full screen mode, I significantly miss the panel <a href="">Windows tasks</a>. I would like to have access from FAR to active ones on <a href="">this moment</a> tasks. <br><b>Execution</b>. The FAR provides a “Task List” specifically for these purposes. By calling it either from the "Commands" menu or using "Ctrl+W", you can switch to the task window ("Enter" on the required line) and/or immediately complete the task ("Del"). <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Task list</i></p><br><b>Wish 14</b>. I've been using FAR recently, and I still need to perform some operations using <a href="">Windows Explorer</a>. I want more integration between the two programs. <br><b>Execution</b>. This desire can be divided into two parts: launching FAR "in the right place" from Explorer and launching "in the right place" Explorer from FAR. To ensure the first, there is a file "FARHere.inf" in the "Far\Addons\Shell\" directory. Once installed (in <a href="">context menu</a> In Explorer, select “Install” for this file, and check the last line of the file, it should contain the path to FAR on your computer), it will add the “Far Here” item to the Explorer context menu for any directory (or drive). This will open the current directory in FAR. Besides, <a href="">additional features</a> adds use of command parameters <a href="">FAR strings</a>. You can use the commands if necessary: ​​"far /e[<строка>[:<позиция>]] <filename>" - to open a file for editing (optional, specifying the line and position in the line); and "far /v <filename>" - to open a file for viewing. Launching Explorer from FAR does not require any special preparations. Simply by pressing "Ctrl+Enter" on any folder you can open it in Explorer. The same is true for disks in the disk selection menu. If the described options are for you not enough, then see Wish 22. <br><br><p><img src='' height="358" width="210" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><br><b>Wish 15</b>. I sometimes forget to switch keyboard layouts and discover this when I've already typed a lot. I don’t want to constantly retype the text. <br><b>Execution</b>. To solve QWERTY switching problems<->YTSUKEN" in the directory "Far\Addons\XLat\Russian\" there are reg files, one of which ("Qwerty.reg") contains tables for translating English letters into Russian, and the remaining files will allow you to assign hotkeys for the function of transcoding the file under the cursor So, having imported, for example, the file “CtrlShiftX.reg”, you can press “Ctrl+Shift+X” in the editor, <a href="">command line</a> And <a href="">dialog boxes</a> fix the consequences of typing with the wrong language. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Directory "Far\Addons\XLat\Russian\" and use of QWERTY conversion<->YTSUKEN"</i></p><br><b>Wish 16</b>. I know about the ability to switch character encoding using "Shift+F8" in the editor and FAR viewer. But I’m missing those encoding tables that are presented by default. I want more. <br><b>Execution</b>. In fact, in <a href="">standard delivery</a> enters enough <a href="">a large number of</a> coding tables. This is probably why they don't all connect to FAR at once. But you can always select the one you need in the "Far\Addons\Tables\" directory and import the corresponding reg file into the registry. After that, it will be available in the symbol table selection menu ("Shift+F8"). <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Using different character encoding tables</i></p><br><b>Wish 17</b>. In Wish Fulfillment 4, I read about macros. But I don't want to bother with the appointment <a href="">simple actions</a> to keys that are obvious to them. <br><b>Execution</b>. Especially for people with different habits for hotkeys, some common, but not implemented in FAR by default, combinations are presented in the "Far\Addons\Macros\" directory in the form of reg files. You will find their description in the file "Descript.ion". <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Directory "Far\Addons\Macros\"</i></p><br><b>Desire 18</b>. I often have to simultaneously view and edit a large number of <a href="">text files</a>. It is inconvenient to constantly go to the file panel, closing the current viewing/editing and looking for the next file to work on. I want more convenience. <br><b>Execution</b>. Present in FAR <a href="">whole line</a> functions that can provide <a href="">comfortable work</a> with several files at the same time. Switching between screens using the Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, and F12 keys allows you to open multiple copies of the built-in viewer/editor. In addition, pressing "F6" switches between the editor and viewer for the current file. Keys "+" (go to next file) and "-" (go to <a href="">previous file</a>) in the viewing window generally eliminate the need to go to the file menu if the work is carried out within the same directory. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Screen List Window</i></p><br><b>Wish 19</b>. I don’t want to remember which files and in which directories I edited or viewed recently, but to have quick access to them. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR stores the history of changing folders and the history of viewing and editing files (whether to store the history within one session or not is determined by the corresponding options from the dialog <a href="">system parameters</a>). To access the "Folder Change History" window, use "Alt+F12" in the file panels or in the console window. To access the "Viewing and Editing History" window - "Alt+F11" on the file panels, in the console window, in the editor or viewing window. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Window "Folder change history"</i></p><br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>"Viewing and editing history" window</i></p><br><b>Wish 20</b>. On their own <a href="">NTFS drives</a> I use hard (HardLink) and symbolic (SymLink) links. I would like to have the opportunity to work with connections at FAR. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR can create both hard and symbolic links on local disks whose file system supports these capabilities. Hard links have been implemented in NTFS since NT 4.0. Symbolic links, known as "directory junctions", are supported in NTFS since version 5.0 (Windows 2000/XP). To create the appropriate link, use the combination "Alt+F6" for a file or folder. In addition, FAR is able to display the number of hard links for each file in a separate column (by default, this is the last column in the 9th panel mode ("LeftCtrl+9")), as well as sort files by the number of hard links. <br><br><br><b>Wish 22</b>. I want to execute commands from the user menu of FAR itself, and not just external programs. <br><b>Execution</b>. FAR is capable of processing commands from external modules. The standard package includes a special plugin "FAR Commands", which, among other things, provides work with the editor, viewer and macros. The general syntax for plugin commands for use on the command line (as well as in user menus and file associations) is: "<префикс>:<команда> [<параметры>]". In this case, the prefix will be "far", the commands respectively: "view" - for the viewer, "edit" - for the editor, "macro" - for working with macros. We will consider the parameters in each specific case. For the command " view" the only parameter is the name of the file to be opened for viewing ( <a href="">general form</a>: "far:view FileName"). The "edit" command has similar options. The difference is that, if desired, you can specify the line or position at which you want to open the file for editing (general form: "far:editFileName", or "far:edit[line]FileName", or "far:edit[line ,column] FileName", square brackets are required). The "macro" command is used with the following parameters: "load" - loads macros from the registry, "save" - ​​saves macros to the registry, "post <sequence>" (<sequence>- sequence of key names as FAR stores them in the registry, for example “c d Space c:\Enter”) - execute commands corresponding to the key sequence. Accordingly, the general form is: “far:macro load”, “far:macro save” and “far:macro post” <sequence>". To fulfill a wish, the most interesting command is "far:macro post <sequence>", which makes it possible to perform almost any FAR action. In addition, you should pay attention to the use of other plugins from the command line ( <a href="">detailed information</a> You will find information about this in the help for a specific plugin). <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Creating a menu command for the action: “go to drive “C:” in both panels and exit FAR”</i></p><br><b>Wish 23</b>. I want to use the Explorer context menu in FAR. <br><b>Execution</b>. To work with the Explorer context menu, the standard FAR package includes the "EMenu" plugin. It is capable of displaying text and graphical context menus for files and directories under the cursor, for selected files and/or directories, as well as for disks. EMenu is launched in two ways: from the menu "Commands of external modules" ("F11") and using command line prefixes (rclk: [files] - show context menu, rclk_txt: [files] - show text context menu, rclk_gui: [files] - show graphical context menu, rclk_cmd:<команда>[files] - execute <a href="">given command</a> rclk_item:<название>[files] - execute the specified menu item). For convenience of calling the menu, keyboard macro commands are stored in the file "Far\Plugins\EMenu\Hotkey.reg". After importing it into the system registry, the following functions will be available: "Apps" - show <a href="">text menu</a>, "Shift+Apps" - show <a href="">graphic menu</a>, "Ctrl+Apps" - show a menu for choosing between a text and graphic menu. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Text context menu</i></p><br><b>Wish 24</b>. I want to work with groups of files and folders located in different places on my disk as if they were in the same directory. <br><b>Execution</b>. These and other opportunities are provided by <a href="">standard plugin</a> FAR "Temporary panel". You can call it either from the “External module commands” menu (F11), or from the disk panel, or using the appropriate command line prefix. The panel is also called up from the “File Search” window to place search results on it. By default, the plugin settings allow you to use up to ten temporary panels. To switch between panels, use the keys "Alt+Shift+F12" (show a list of all temporary panels), and from "Alt+Shift+0" to "Alt+Shift+9" (direct switching). Saving and subsequent return to the contents of the temporary panel is carried out using so-called file lists (by default, “*.temp” files). The "Alt+Shift+F2" keys create a list file based on the contents of the current temporary panel. You can load saved data by pressing "Enter" or "Ctrl+PgDn" on the list file. <br><br><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><br><p><i>Saving the contents of the temporary panel to a file</i></p><br>In conclusion, I would like to say that the tips discussed do not cover all the possibilities of FAR. It is worth paying attention to the use of file colorings, associations, and custom menus. Among the unaddressed issues, the following plugins are of great interest: " <a href="">FTP client</a>", "Network Browsing", "Print Manager" and "Module for working with archives". Remember, even the standard package contains a lot of opportunities to make your work easier. This article is only trying to say about their availability. Search and implementation of "wishes come true" rests entirely on the enthusiasm and perseverance of users. <br><br>Convenient settings and <a href="">fast work</a> to you. All the best! <br><br> <p>Among many other file managers, one cannot fail to highlight the FAR Manager program. This application was made based on the cult program <a href="">Norton Commander</a>, and at one time was positioned as a worthy competitor <a href="">Total Commander</a>. Despite the rather simple console interface, the functionality of PAR Manager is quite large, which contributes to the popularity of this application among a certain circle of users. At the same time, some users, despite the intuitive interface of this file manager, do not know some of the nuances of working with it. Let's look at the main points of the question of how to work in the FAR Manager program.</p> <p>Before starting to work in the FAR Manager program, it would be rational for a domestic user to install the Russian language of the program interface.</p> <p>After launching the application, to go to the program settings, click on the “ConfMn” (“Call Menu”) button in the bottom panel of FAR Manager, or simply press the F9 key on the keyboard.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>A menu appears at the top of the program interface. Go to its “Options” section and select “Languages”.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In the list that appears, select Russian as the main language.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The next window immediately opens, where we set Russian as the help language.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2><span>File System Navigation</span></h2> <p>Navigation through the file system in the Far Manager application is fundamentally no different from the navigation familiar to many users in <a href="">Total program</a> Commander, because FAR Manager has the same two-panel interface. To change the active panel, simply press the Tab key on your keyboard. To go up a level, you need to click on the colon-shaped icon at the top of the list of files and folders.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>For change <a href="">current disk</a>, in which navigation is performed, you need to click on the letter “and” at the very top of the list.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The folder names are <a href="">White color</a>, <a href="">hidden folders</a>– dull white, and files may be marked <a href="">different colors</a>, depending on the extension.</p> <h2><span>Actions on files and folders</span></h2> <p>Various actions with files can be performed using the buttons on the bottom panel of the program. But <a href="">experienced users</a> It is much more convenient to use keyboard shortcuts.</p> <p>For example, to copy a file from one directory to another, you need to have the folder with the file to be copied open on one of the panels, and the folder where the copying will take place on the other. After selecting the required file, click on the “Copier” button on the bottom panel.” The same action can be launched by simply pressing the F5 key.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Then, in the window that opens, we must confirm the action by clicking on the “Copy” button.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>All other actions on elements are performed using the same algorithm. <a href="">file system</a>. First of all, we need to select the element we need, and then press the corresponding button on the bottom panel, or the keyboard function key.</p> <p>Below is a list of the names of the buttons on the bottom panel of FAR Manager, keys on the keyboard, and the essence of the actions performed when they are pressed:</p> <ul>F3 – “View” – View;</ul><ul>F4 – “Edit” – Editing;</ul><ul>F5 – “Copier” – Copy;</ul><ul>F6 – “Move” – Rename or move;</ul><ul>F7 – “Folder” – Create a new directory;</ul><ul>F8 – “Deleted” – Delete.</ul><p>Actually, the number of the function key for each action corresponds to the number indicated next to the button on the bottom panel of the program.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In addition, when you press the Alt+Del key combination, <a href="">complete removal</a> selected file or folder, without placing it in the trash.</p> <h2><span>Managing the program interface</span></h2> <p>In addition, there are additional options for managing the interface <a href="">FAR programs</a> Manager.</p> <p>To display the information panel, just press the key combination Ctrl+L.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Panel <a href="">quick view</a> files is launched by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Q.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>To return <a href="">appearance</a> panels to their default state, you just need to repeat the entered commands.</p> <h2><span>Work with text</span></h2> <p>FAR Manager supports viewing text files using a built-in viewer. In order to open a text file, just select it and click on the “View” button in the bottom panel, or the F3 function key on the keyboard.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After this, a text file opens. Using the same hotkeys, it is very convenient to navigate through it. When you press the Ctrl+Home combination, the file is moved to the top, and the Ctrl+End combination moves to the very bottom. Accordingly, pressing <a href="">Home keys</a> and End performs the same operations only not on the scale of the entire file, but within the line.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In order to select all the text, you need to press the key combination Shift+A, and copying the text to the clipboard occurs, as usual, using the key combination Ctrl+C.</p> <h2>Plugins</h2> <p>A set of plugins allows you to significantly expand the functionality of the FAR Manager program. To view the list <a href="">installed plugins</a>, and launch the desired one, click the “Plugin” button in the bottom panel of the program, or the F11 key on the keyboard.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>As you can see, a list of plugins pre-installed in the program opens. We will talk about the most important of them below.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The arclite plugin is a built-in archiver; it can be used to view, unpack and create archives.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Using a special case conversion plugin, you can carry out group conversion of letters from lowercase to uppercase, and in reverse order.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Using the network browsing plugin, you can view <a href="">network connections</a>, if available, and navigate through them.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>The special plugin “Process List” is a kind of analogue of the Windows Task Manager. But with its help you can only monitor the consumption of system resources by processes, but not manage them.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Using the NetBox plugin, you can download and transfer files over an FTP network.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>As you can see, despite the fairly powerful functionality of the FAR Manager program, which is also enhanced by plugins, working in this application is quite easy. It is thanks to the ease of working with the program and its intuitive interface that it attracts many users.</p> <p><a href="">Far Manager</a>- daily tool <a href="">system administrators</a> and computer geeks. But it can also be useful for ordinary people <a href="">Windows users</a> who need a free and effective tool for managing folders and files. Listed below are some Far functions and the hotkeys to access them.</p> <h2>1. Display modes</h2> <p>Change the width and number of columns in the active interface panel in which files and folders are displayed.</p> <ul><li>Ctrl + 1 - install <a href="">short mode</a> view (three narrow columns).</li> <li>Ctrl + 2 - install <a href="">standard mode</a> views (two middle columns).</li> <li>Ctrl + 3 - install <a href="">full mode</a> viewing (one wide and three narrow columns with service information).</li> <li>Ctrl + 4 - set wide viewing mode (one wide and one narrow column with service information).</li> <li>Ctrl + 5 - set detailed viewing mode (one as wide as possible and several additional columns with service information - occupy the entire program window).</li> </ul><h2>2. Sorting elements</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Sort files and folders on the active interface panel.</p> <ul><li>Ctrl + F3 - sort by element name.</li> <li>Ctrl + F4 - sort by extension type.</li> <li>Ctrl + F5 - sort by date modified.</li> <li>Ctrl + F6 - sort by size.</li> <li>Ctrl + F8 - sort by creation date.</li> <li>Ctrl + F12 - display a menu of sorting elements.</li> </ul><h2>3. View the size of files and folders</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>View the size of a selected file or folder using the F3 key. The value appears in the Size column or at the bottom of the active panel, depending on the selected view.</p> <p>To select a single item, press Shift and the down or up arrow on your keyboard. To make a mass selection, use Shift with the left and right arrows.</p> <h2>4. Simultaneous work with elements located in different folders</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Add files and folders from different directories to the Temporary Panel if you need to work with all of them at the same time. This will allow you to perform with elements <a href="">group operations</a> as if they were in the same directory. At the same time, their <a href="">real location</a> Will not change.</p> <p>To open the Temporary Panel, press F11 and select Temporary Panel. To add files and folders, simply drag them onto it using the mouse cursor. You can also find <a href="">necessary files</a> through <a href="">Alt combination</a>+ F7 and add search results to the “Temporary Panel” by clicking Panel in the search window.</p> <h2>5. Filter files by type</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Filter the list of files by extension to temporarily hide from the panel <a href="">extra elements</a>. To enable the filter, use the combination CTRL + I, select in the list that appears <a href="">required extension</a> and press spacebar. A plus sign will appear next to the selected file type. When you press Enter, files with other extensions will disappear from the current panel. To cancel filtering, press CTRL + I again and remove the plus with a spacebar.</p> <h2>6. View the list of processes</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Browse the list <a href="">active processes</a> right in the Far Manager window. To view it, open the drive selection window (ALT + F1/F2) and press 0. In this list, you can sort processes by size by pressing CTRL + F6. To delete a process, select it and press F8. To view <a href="">detailed information</a> about the process, use the F3 key.</p> <h2>7. Folder navigation</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You can quickly open <a href="">root folder</a> <a href="">local disk</a> by using <a href="">CTRL combinations</a> + \. <a href="">ALT keys</a>+ F12 - display folders that you have opened previously</p> <h2>8. Folder Identity Comparison</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If you want to check two folders to see if they are identical, open one of them in the left pane and the second in the right pane. Then press F11 and select Advanced Compare. In the window that opens, specify storage parameters and click OK. The program will display the sizes of both folders and highlight their files that do not match.</p> <h2>9. Record macros</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Use macros to automate <a href="">routine operations</a> with the program.</p> <p>To create a macro, press Shift + Ctrl + "." (dot) and perform several actions in Far. Then use this combination again and select a convenient key in the window that opens. Now, when you click it, the program will perform these actions automatically.</p> <p>For example, when creating a macro, you can right-click on a file and select “Properties” from the context menu, and then assign these actions to the J key. After that, you can quickly call up file properties using J.</p> <h2>10. Recoding in the built-in editor</h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Change the encoding of text files directly in the built-in <a href="">Far editor</a> Manager. To open the selected file in the editor, press F4. To change the encoding, press SHIFT + F8, select the new encoding from the list and press F2 to save the changes.</p> <h3>What is FAR</h3> <p>How to register a FAR</p> <p>Command Line Options Keyboard Commands</p> <p>Plug-in support Overview of plug-in capabilities</p><p>Panels: File panel Folder tree Information panel Quick view panel Drag and drop files Configuring file panel viewing modes Marking files Menu: Left and right panel menu File menu Command menu Options menu File search Command history Folder search Folder comparison User menu Disk selection menu File associations Operating room commands systems Links to folders Sorting groups File panel filter Switching between screens Task list System parameters Panel settings Interface settings File coloring File descriptions Viewer settings Editor settings Copy, move, rename and create links Built-in editor File masks Keyboard macros</p> <h3>How to use help</h3> <p>In the table of contents <a href="">help system</a> There are links (they function much like the hyperlinks familiar to every Internet user) that point to sections with more detailed information. To move between links you can use Tab and Shift-Tab. Pressing Enter will bring up the page corresponding to the selected link. The same result can be obtained by clicking the mouse button on the required link.</p> <p>If the text does not fit completely in the help window, a scroll bar appears. In this case, the text can be moved up and down using the cursor keys.</p> <p>Pressing Alt-F1 or BS takes you to the previous page.</p> <p>Shift-F1 brings up help content.</p> <p>Press Shift-F2 to get help on plug-ins.</p> <p>To switch between <a href="">full screen mode</a> You can use F5 to display help and display text in the window.</p> <h3>Panel control commands</h3> <h4>General commands</h4> <ul><p>Change <a href="">active panel</a> Tab</p> <p>Swap panels Ctrl-U</p> </ul><ul><p>Hide/show information panel Ctrl-L</p> <p>Hide/show quick view panel Ctrl-Q</p> <p>Hide/show folder tree Ctrl-T</p> <p>Hide/show both panels Ctrl-O</p> <p>Temporarily remove both panels Ctrl-Alt-Shift</p> </ul><ul><p>(works as long as we hold these keys)</p> <p>Hide/show inactive panel Ctrl-P</p> <p>Hide/show left panel Ctrl-F1</p> <p>Hide/show right panel Ctrl-F2</p> <p>Change the height of panels Ctrl-Up, Ctrl-Down</p> <p>Change width (if the command line is empty) Ctrl-Left,Ctrl-Right</p> </ul><ul><p>Restore panel width to default Ctrl-Numpad5</p> <p>Hide/Show ruler <a href="">function keys</a> Ctrl-B</p> </ul><h3>File Panel Commands</h3> <ul><p>Mark group Gray +</p> <p>Uncheck the Gray group -</p> <p>Invert Mark Gray *</p> <p>Mark files with the same extension as the current file Ctrl- <Gray +></p> </ul><ul><p>Unmark files with the same extension as the current one Ctrl- <Gray →</p> <p>Invert mark including folders Ctrl- <Gray *></p> <p>Mark files with the same name as the current file Alt- <Gray +></p> <p>Unmark files with the same name as the current file Alt- <Gray →</p> </ul><ul><p>Mark all files Shift- <Gray +></p> <p>Uncheck all files Shift- <Gray →</p> <p>Restore previous mark Ctrl-M</p> <p>Scroll long names and descriptions Alt-Left,Alt-Right</p> </ul><ul><p>Set short view mode LeftCtrl-1</p> <p>Set view mode to medium LeftCtrl-2</p> <p>Set full view mode to LeftCtrl-3</p> <p>Set Wide View Mode to LeftCtrl-4</p> <p>Set detail view mode to LeftCtrl-5</p> </ul><ul><p>Set description viewing mode to LeftCtrl-6</p> <p>Set viewing mode for long descriptions LeftCtrl-7</p> <p>Set file owner view mode to LeftCtrl-8</p> <p>Set file link viewing mode to LeftCtrl-9</p> <p>Set alternate full view mode LeftCtrl-0</p> </ul><ul><p>Remove/show files with the Hidden and System attribute Ctrl-H</p> <p>Toggle output of long/short file names Ctrl-N</p> <p>Hide/Show left panel Ctrl-F1</p> <p>Hide/Show Right Panel Ctrl-F2</p> <p>Sort active panel files by name Ctrl-F3</p> </ul><ul><p>Sort active panel files by extension Ctrl-F4</p> <p>Sort active panel files by modification time Ctrl-F5</p> <p>Sort active panel files by size Ctrl-F6</p> <p>Do not sort active panel files Ctrl-F7</p> <p>Sort active panel files by creation time Ctrl-F8</p> </ul><ul><p>Sort active panel files by access time Ctrl-F9</p> <p>Sort active panel files by description Ctrl-F10</p> <p>Sort active panel files by owner Ctrl-F11</p> <p>Display a menu of sorting modes Ctrl-F12</p> <p>Use sort by groups Shift-F11</p> </ul><ul><p>Show marked files first Shift-F12</p> </ul><p>If the active pane is a quick view pane, directory tree, or information pane, the catalog changes to the passive pane rather than the active pane.</p> <ul><p>Place marked names on the Clipboard Ctrl-Ins</p> </ul><p>(with empty command line)</p> <ul><p>Place marked names on the Clipboard Ctrl-Shift-Ins</p> </ul><p>(ignoring command line state)</p> <ul><p>Place marked full names into the Clipboard Alt-Shift-Ins</p> </ul><p>(ignoring command line state)</p> <ul><p>Place network (UNC) names of marked files Ctrl-Alt-Ins</p> </ul><p>to the Clipboard (ignoring the command line state)</p><p>Notes: 1. If the "Allow reverse sorting" option is enabled in the Panel Settings dialog, then pressing the same file sorting key again will change the sorting direction from ascending to descending and vice versa; 2. The Alt-Left and Alt-Right combinations used to scroll through long names and descriptions only work with the Left and Right keys not located on the numpad. This is because when you hold down Alt, the cursor keys on the numpad are used to enter characters through their decimal codes. 3. The Ctrl-Alt-Ins key combination works according to the following rules: * for network drives - network (UNC) name of the file object;</p> <h3>* for local disks - full name, taking into account symbolic links. 4. The key combinations Alt-Shift-Ins and Ctrl-Alt-Ins treat the name ".." as the name of the current folder.</h3> <p>Quick search in panels</p> <p>To position a file, you can use the operation</p> <p>quick search by the first letters of the name. To do this, hold down the Alt key (or Alt-Shift) and type the name of the desired file until the cursor moves to it.</p> <p>Using Ctrl-Enter, you can cycle through the panel elements in accordance with the file mask entered in the line.</p> <h3>In addition to regular characters, you can also use the characters "*" and "?" in the file name.</h3> <ul><p>General commands</p> </ul><ul><p>Command line</p> <p>Left symbol Left,Ctrl-S</p> <p>Right symbol Right,Ctrl-D</p> <p>Word left Ctrl-Left</p> </ul><ul><p>Word Right Ctrl-Right</p> <p>To the beginning of the line Ctrl-Home</p> <p>To the end of the line Ctrl-End</p> <p>Delete Del symbol</p> <p>Remove character on left BS</p> </ul><ul><p>Delete to the end of line Ctrl-K</p> <p>Delete word on left Ctrl-BS</p> <p>Delete word on the right Ctrl-Del</p> <p>Treat the following key combination as Ctrl-Q code</p> <p>Copy to Clipboard Ctrl-Ins</p> </ul><ul><p>Paste from Clipboard Shift-Ins</p> <p>Previous command Ctrl-E</p> <p>Next command Ctrl-X</p> </ul><h3>Clear command line Ctrl-Y</h3> <ul><p>Paste commands</p> </ul> Paste file name from active panel Ctrl-Enter <ul><p>In quick search mode, Ctrl-Enter does not insert the file name, but cycles through the elements of the file panel.</p> <p>Paste file name from passive panel Ctrl-Shift-Enter</p> <p>Paste full file name from active panel Ctrl-F</p> </ul><ul><p>Paste full file name from passive panel Ctrl-:</p> <p>Paste network (UNC) file name from active panel Ctrl-Alt-F</p> </ul><ul><p>Paste network (UNC) file name from passive Ctrl-Alt-panel:</p> <p>Paste path from left panel Ctrl-[</p> </ul><ul><p>Paste network (UNC) path from left panel Ctrl-Alt-[</p> <p>Paste network (UNC) path from the right panel Ctrl-Alt-]</p> </ul><ul><p>Paste path from active panel Ctrl-Shift-[</p> <p>Paste path from passive panel Ctrl-Shift-]</p> </ul><ul><p>Paste network (UNC) path from active panel Alt-Shift-[</p> <p>Paste network (UNC) path from passive panel Alt-Shift-]</p> </ul> Notes: 1. If the command line is empty, Ctrl-Ins will copy the names of the files selected in the panel to the Clipboard in the same way as Ctrl-Shift-Ins (see Panel Control Commands); 2. Ctrl-End pressed at the end of the command line replaces its current contents with a command from the command history, starting with the letters already entered, if such a command exists. <h3>To move on to the next such command, you can press Ctrl-End again. 3. Most of the commands described above are valid for all edit lines, including lines in dialogs and the built-in editor. 4. Alt-Shift-Left, Alt-Shift-Right, Alt-Shift-Home and Alt-Shift-End highlight a block on the command line regardless of the state of the panels. 5. Key combinations that allow you to get the network (UNC) name of a file object work according to the following rules: * for network drives - network (UNC) name of the file object;</h3> <p>* for local disks - full name, taking into account symbolic links.</p> <p>File management and service commands</p> <p>Call user menu F2</p> <p>View Ctrl-Shift-F3, Numpad 5, F3</p> <p>When NumPad 5 or F3 is pressed on a file, it calls the built-in, external, or associated viewer, depending on the file type and viewer settings.</p> <p>Ctrl-Shift-F3 always brings up the built-in viewer, regardless of file associations.</p> <p>When you press any of these keys on a folder, the sizes of the selected folders are calculated and displayed.</p> <p>Editing, Unpacking Ctrl-Shift-F4, F4</p> <p>F4 brings up the built-in, external, or associated editor, depending on the file type and editor settings.</p> <p>Ctrl-Shift-F4 always brings up the built-in editor, regardless of file associations.</p> <p>F4 and Ctrl-Shift-F4 for folders bring up a dialog for changing file attributes.</p> <p>Copy F5</p> <p>Copies files and folders. If you want to create a destination folder before copying, add a backslash (\) to its name.</p> <p>Rename or move F6</p> <p>Rename or move files and folders. If you want to create a destination folder before moving, add a backslash (\) to its name.</p> <p>Deleting files and folders. F8 and Shift-Del delete all selected files, Shift-F8 deletes only the file under the cursor. Shift-Del always deletes files without using the Recycle Bin. Using the Recycle Bin with the F8 and Shift-F8 commands depends on the configuration (local hard drives only).</p> <p>Destroying files and folders Alt-Del</p> <p>Destroys files and folders. Before deletion, the file is overwritten with zeros, truncated to zero length, and renamed to a temporary name.</p> <p>Show horizontal menu F9</p> <p>Quit FAR F10</p> <p>Show F11 plugin commands</p> <p>Change current drive in left panel Alt-F1</p> <p>Change current drive in right panel Alt-F2</p> <p>Built-in/external viewer Alt-F3</p> <p>Calls, depending on the file type, the associated viewer or the external viewer specified in the settings if the default is internal, or internal if the default is external.</p> <p>Built-in/external editor Alt-F4</p> <p>Calls an associated editor depending on the file type</p> <p>or an external editor specified in the settings if the default is internal, and internal if the default is external.</p> <p>Print files Alt-F5</p> <p>To print selected files, use the "Print Manager" plugin.</p> <p>Create file and folder associations (NTFS only) Alt-F6</p> <p>Using hard file links, you can have several different file names referencing the same data.</p> <p>Execute file search command Alt-F7</p> <p>Show command history Alt-F8</p> <p>Resizing the FAR Manager window Alt-F9</p> <p>In windowed mode, switching occurs from the normal to the maximum allowable size of the console window and back. In full screen mode, Alt-F9 switches the screen from 25 lines to 50 and back. See TechInfo#38 for details.</p> <p>Configuring parameters for plug-in external modules Alt-Shift-F9</p> <p>Execute the search folder command Alt-F10</p> <p>Show browsing and editing history Alt-F11</p> <p>Show folder history Alt-F12</p> <p>Add files to the archive Shift-F1 Extract files from the archive Shift-F2 Execute archive management commands Shift-F3 Edit a new file Shift-F4</p> <p>When creating a new file, the encoding that was set in the last opened editor is used. If the editor is opened for the first time in the current FAR session, the DOS encoding is used.</p> <p>Copying a file under the cursor Shift-F5 Renaming or moving a file under the cursor Shift-F6 Deleting a file under the cursor Shift-F8 Save configuration Shift-F9</p> <p>Select last executed menu item Shift-F10</p> <p>Launch, change folder, enter archive Enter Launch in a separate window Shift-Enter</p> <p>Shift-Enter on a folder brings up Explorer, showing the contents of the selected folder. In order to show the root folder in Explorer, you need to press Shift-Enter on the desired drive in the drive selection menu.</p> <p>Shift-Enter on a folder named ".." opens the current folder in Explorer.</p> <p>Change folder to root Ctrl-\</p> <p>Change folder, enter archive (also SFX archive) Ctrl-PgDn</p> <p>If the cursor points to a folder, then the current folder is changed to the indicated one. If the cursor points to a file, then, depending on the file type, either the associated command is executed or the archive is entered.</p> <p>Go to folder above Ctrl-PgUp</p> <p>Ctrl-PgUp on the root folder is affected by the "Use Ctrl-PgUp to select drive" option.</p> <p>Set file attributes Ctrl-A Apply command to marked files Ctrl-G</p> <h3>Add descriptions to tagged files Ctrl-Z</h3> <p>Other commands</p> <p>Copying text from the Alt-Ins screen <Gray +>This command allows you to select and place any area of ​​the screen on the Clipboard. To move the cursor, use the cursor keys or press the left mouse button. To select text, use the cursor keys while holding down Shift or holding down the left mouse button. Enter, Ctrl-Ins, right mouse button or double-clicking the left mouse button copies the selected text to the Clipboard, Ctrl-</p> <p>adds it to the current contents of the Clipboard, Esc unselects it and completes the operation.<.></p> <p>Record keyboard macro command Ctrl-</p> <p>History in the dialog editing lines Ctrl-Up, Ctrl-Down</p> <p>In the dialogue edit line history, you can use Enter to copy the current item to the edit line or Ins to mark the item. Marked items are not pushed out of history by new items, so you can mark frequently used lines to keep them in your history at all times.</p> <p>Clearing history in Del dialog edit lines</p> <p>Clearing the current unchecked history item in Shift-Del dialog edit lines</p> <p>Paste the file name into the dialog under the cursor Shift-Enter</p> <p>Place the cursor in dialogs on the default element PgDn</p> <p>Paste the passive panel file name into the dialog Ctrl-Shift-Enter</p> <p>This key combination can be used in all editing lines other than the command line, including dialogs and the built-in editor.</p> <p>In dialogs when the current control is a checkbox (a check box or Check Box):</p> <p>Enable ([x]) Gray +</p> <p>Off () Gray - - change state to indeterminate ([?]) Gray * (if the switch has a three-position state)</p> <p>Left-clicking outside a dialog is the same as pressing the Esc key.</p> <p>Right-clicking outside a dialog is the same as pressing Enter.</p> <p>Clicking the middle mouse button with the corresponding modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, Shift) in the panels is the same as pressing the Enter key. For a non-empty command line, its contents will be executed. This behavior is regulated in the settings.</p> <p>In Windows 2000/XP, FAR Manager can handle the mouse wheel.</p> <h3>Mouse wheel support</h3> <p>In Windows 2000/XP, FAR Manager can handle the mouse wheel:</p> <p>Scrolling a list while keeping the cursor position on the screen constant. Pressing the middle button is the same as pressing Enter (adjustable in the settings).</p><p>Editor</p><p>Scrolling text with constant cursor positioning (similar to Ctrl-Up/Ctrl-Down).</p><p>Built-in viewer, help system</p><p>Scroll all text.</p><p>Scrolling the wheel is similar to the Up/Down keys. Pressing the middle button is the same as pressing Enter. You can select items without moving the cursor.</p><p>In the dialogs, when you scroll the wheel for the edit line with history and the combo box, the list opens. Within a list, scrolling works the same as for a menu.</p><p>You can set the number of lines to scroll in panels, the editor, and the built-in viewer (see TechInfo#33).</p> <h3>Command Line Options</h3> <p>The following options can be used on the command line:</p> <ul><p>/a Prohibits the display of characters with codes 0 - 31 and 255.</p> </ul><p>May be useful when running FAR from telnet.</p> <ul><p>/ag Prohibits the display of pseudographic characters.</p> </ul><ul><p>/aw Disable TrueType font auto-detection for the console.</p> </ul><p>At startup, FAR tries to determine the console font type</p><p>Windows and if a TrueType font is set (for example, Lucida Console), then FAR will correctly display characters with a code less than a space.</p><ul><p>The option only works under Windows NT 4 and higher.<строка>[:<позиция>/e[</p> </ul>]] filename <ul><p>Editing the specified file. After /e, you can additionally specify a line and position in the line, which are set after the editor is launched.</p> </ul><p>For example: far /e70:2 readme.</p><p>/i Set a small (16x16) icon for the window</p><p>FAR consoles. In some configurations this option <p>May lead to unstable operation. <path>If not specified, the "core" plugins will not be loaded. You can use environment variables when specifying the search path.</p><ul><p>For example: far /p%SystemRoot%\Profiles\%USERNAME%\FAR <username></p> </ul>/u <username>. <p>Allows you to use separate settings for different users. <filename></p><p>For example: far /u guest FAR Manager will set the environment variable "FARUSER" to a value equal to</p><ul><p>View the specified file. If as</p> </ul><p>If you use `-', the data will be read from stdin (standard input). For example, 'dir|far /v -' will output the output of the dir command. If you use '-', the input stream is empty (for example, you did not specify the dir command in given example), then FAR will wait forever for the input stream to complete. This is a feature of the current version of FAR.</p><ul><p>/co Forces FAR to load plugins only from the cache.</p> </ul><p>Plugins are not detected. The /p option is ignored. It makes sense to use ONLY with a stable list of plugins. After adding, replacing or removing plugins, you must load FAR without this parameter.</p><p>If there is no cache, then the list of plugins will not be loaded.</p><p>/x Disable exception handling. This option</p> <p>intended for developers of external modules and</p> <p>In normal situations, specifying this option is not recommended.</p> <h3>You can specify up to two paths to directories, files, or archives on the command line. The first path is for the active panel, the second is for the passive one:</h3> <p>For directories and archives, FAR will show their contents;</p> <p>For files, a transition to the directory with the file will occur and positioning to the specified file, if it exists.</p> <p>Modules can be called either from the Disk Selection Menu or from the External Module Commands menu, activated using F11 or the corresponding Command Menu item. F4 in the "External Module Commands" menu allows you to assign hot keys to items in this menu, which makes it easier to call them later using</p> <p>keyboard macros. This menu is accessible from file panels and (F11 only) from the built-in viewer and editor. When called from the viewer and editor, not all modules will be shown, but only those that are specially created to work in this mode.</p> <p>You can configure plug-in parameters using the Plug-in Options command from the Options Menu.</p> <p>File processing operations such as copy, move, delete, edit, or File Search can work with modules that emulate file systems if those modules provide the appropriate functionality. Searching from the current folder in the Find File command requires less functionality than searching the entire drive, so try using it if Searching the entire drive is not working correctly.</p> <p>Modules have their own message and help files. You can get a list of available help by module by clicking:</p> <p>Shift-F2 - in the main FAR help Shift-F1 - in the list of plugins (context-sensitive help).</p> <p>If the plugin does not have a help file, then the context-sensitive help will not be called.</p> <p>If the active panel displays a file system supported by the plug-in, then the "CD" command on the command line can be used to change the current folder of that file system. Unlike the "CD" command</p> <p>"CHDIR" always treats the specified parameter as the name of a real folder, regardless of the file panel type.</p> <h3>External module parameters</h3> <p>You can configure plug-in options using the Plug-in Options command from the Options Menu.</p> <p>You can get information about a specific module by pressing Shift-F1 - context-sensitive help for configuring the module. If the plugin does not have a help file, then the context-sensitive help will not be called.</p> <p>When calling context help, FAR will try to show a topic named</p> <p>Config. If there is no such topic in the plugin's help file, the main help topic for this plugin will be shown.</p> <p>The F4 key in the "External Modules Parameters" list allows you to assign hot keys to items in this menu, which makes it easier to call them later using keyboard macros.</p> <h3>Plugin Features Overview</h3> <p>The FAR Manager shell has merged so closely with its plugins that it’s simply pointless to talk about it without talking about the plugins. Plugins incredibly expand the capabilities of FAR Manager, complementing and modifying them.</p> <p>Without going into details and personalities, we can note only some of these possibilities:</p> <ul><p>management of printers, both connected to a PC and networked</p> <p>syntax highlighting in program source codes</p> <p>work with FTP servers (with support for access through various</p> </ul><p>proxy types, automatic resuming, etc.)</p> <ul><p>search and replace characters simultaneously in multiple files with</p> </ul><p>using regular expressions.</p> <ul><p>tools for renaming groups of files with the ability to use</p> </ul><p>complex composite masks of wildcards and patterns</p> <ul><p>NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager</p> <p>work with non-standard text screen sizes</p> <p>recoding of texts taking into account national code tables</p> <p>manipulation of cart contents</p> <p>managing process priorities on a local or network PC</p> <p>auto-completion of words in the editor and working with templates</p> <p>editing the Windows system registry</p> <p>creating and changing Windows shortcuts</p> <p>all kinds of manipulations with files and text, making it comfortable</p> </ul><p>working with FIDO</p> <ul><p>encoding and decoding files in UUE format</p> <p>WinAmp program management and comment modification</p> </ul><p>MP3 files</p> <ul><p>processing Quake PAK files</p> <p>Working with various servers via ODBC + working with servers</p> </ul><p>ORACLE via OCI.</p> <ul><p>RAS service management</p> <p>launching external programs (compilers, converters, etc.) when</p> </ul><p>editing texts in the FAR editor</p> <p>Some sources of information that can be used to find specific plugins include:</p> <p>Website of the FAR Development Group (FAR Group)</p> <p>You can use the PlugRinG viewer plugin and all the latest plugins you can view and download to your disk directly from FAR.</p> <h3>Panels</h3> <p>Typically FAR shows two panels (left and right windows) with different information. If you want to change the type of information displayed in a panel, use the panel menu or the appropriate keyboard commands.</p> <p>For more information about panels, read the topics listed below:</p><p>File panel Folder tree Information panel Quick view panel Drag and drop files Marking files Configuring file panel viewing modes</p> <h3>Files panel</h3> <p>The Files panel displays the contents of the current folder. You can select files and folders and perform various file and archive operations. Panel control commands are described in the topic List of Commands.</p> <p>By default, the file panel uses the following viewing modes:</p> <p>Brief File names are displayed in three columns.</p> <p>Medium File names are displayed in two columns.</p> <p>Full Displays the file name, size, date and time.</p> <p>Wide Displays the file name and size.</p> <p>Detailed Displays names, sizes, packed sizes,</p><p>Time of last modification, creation, access and file attributes. Full screen mode.</p><p>Descriptions File names and descriptions</p> <p>Long File names, sizes and descriptions. descriptions Full screen mode.</p> <p>Owners Names, sizes and owners of files. files</p> <p>File links Names, sizes and number of hard links of files.</p> <p>Alternate Name, size (formatted with commas) full and date of the file.</p> <p>You can customize the file panel viewing modes yourself.</p> <p>Packed sizes make sense for files with the "Compressed" attribute</p> <p>on disks with the NTFS file system or for files inside archives. Owners and number of file associations also only apply to NTFS partitions. Some file systems may not support file creation time and file access time.</p> <p>If you want to change the panel view mode, select the desired one from the panel menu. After changing the viewing mode or current disc, the type of any panel automatically changes to the file panel.</p> <p>To position a file, you can use the quick search operation using the first letters of the name.</p> <h3>Folder tree</h3> <p>The folder tree panel displays the folder structure of the current drive as a tree. This allows you to quickly change the current folder, as well as perform operations on folders.</p> <p>FAR stores folder structure information in a file called Tree.Far, located in the root folder of each drive. If writing to disk is not possible, then this information will be saved in the hidden Tree.Cache folder, located in the same folder as FAR.EXE.</p> <p>You can use the quick search operation to position on a folder. To do this, hold down the Alt key and type the name of the desired folder until the cursor moves to it. Using Ctrl-Enter you can move to the next name corresponding to the entered string.</p> <h3>Information panel</h3> <p>The information panel contains the following data:</p> <p>Network computer and user names;</p> <p>The name and type of the current disk, its file system type, network name, total and free sizes, volume label and serial number;</p> <p>Memory utilization level (100% means that all memory is used) total and free sizes of physical and virtual memory;</p> <p>Folder description file</p> <p>You can view the contents of this file in full screen mode by pressing F3 or the left mouse button. To edit or create this file, press F4 or right mouse button. You can also use many of the built-in viewer commands (search, encoding selection, etc.) to view the description file.</p> <p>A list of possible folder description file names can be specified using the Folder Description Files command in the Options Menu.</p> <h3>Quick View Panel</h3> <p>The Quick View panel is used to obtain information about the selected item in the file panel or folder tree.</p> <p>If the selected item is a file, its contents are displayed. For file types known to Windows, the type name is also displayed.</p> <p>For folders, the Quick View panel reports the total size, total packed size, number of files and subfolders, cluster size of the current disk, actual file size, including underused cluster fragments. The total packed size is only applicable for drives with the NTFS file system.</p> <p>In Windows 2000/XP, the path to the source folders is also displayed for symbolic links.</p> <h3>Drag and drop files</h3> <p>File copying and transfer operations can be performed using drag and drop. Left-click on the original file or folder, drag it to another panel, and release the mouse button.</p> <p>If you want to process a group of files or folders, mark them before dragging them, left-click on the original panel, and drag the files to another panel.</p> <p>You can switch between copying and dragging by right-clicking while dragging. Also, to transfer files, you can hold down the Shift key while clicking the left mouse button.</p> <h3>Menu</h3> <p>To activate the menu, you can use F9 or click the mouse button on the top line of the screen.</p> <p>When activated by pressing the F9 key, the menu corresponding to the active panel is automatically selected. When a menu is active, the Tab key allows you to switch between left and right pane menus. If the Files menu is selected,</p> <p>"Commands" or "Options", the Tab key switches to the passive panel menu.</p> <p>The Shift-F10 combination allows you to select the last used menu item.</p> <p>Descriptions of specific menus can be read in the following topics:</p><p>Left and Right Panel Menu File Menu Command Menu Options Menu</p> <h3>Left and Right Panel Menu</h3> <p>The Left and Right menus allow you to change the left and right panel options, respectively. These menus include the following items:</p> <p>Brief Show files in three columns.</p> <p>Medium Show files in two columns.</p> <p>Full Show file name, size, date and time.</p> <p>Wide Show file name and size.</p> <p>Detailed Show name, size, packed size,</p><p>Modification, creation and access times and file attributes. Full screen mode.</p><p>Descriptions File name and description.</p> <p>Long Descriptions File name, size, and description.</p><p>Full screen mode.</p><p>File Owners File name, size, and owner.</p> <p>File links Name, size and number of hard links</p><p>Files.</p><p>Alternate Name, size (formatted using full commas), and date of the file.</p> <p>Information panel Change the panel to the information panel.</p> <p>Folder tree Change the panel to a folder tree.</p> <p>Quick View Change the panel to the Quick View panel.</p> <p>Sorting modes Show available sorting modes.</p> <p>Show long Show long/short names. names</p> <p>Panel On/Off Show/hide the panel.</p> <p>Change disk Change the current disk.</p> <p>File menu</p> <p>View View files, calculate folder sizes.</p> <p>Editing Editing files.</p> <p>Copy Copy files and folders.</p> <p>Transfer Rename or move files and folders.</p> <p>Creating a folder Create a new folder.</p> <p>Delete Delete files and folders.</p> <p>Archive Add the selected files to the archive.</p> <p>Unpack Unpack selected files from the archive.</p> <p>File Attributes Change file attributes and time.</p> <p>Apply command Apply the command to the selected files.</p> <p>File Descriptions Add descriptions to the selected files.</p> <p>Mark group Mark the group of files specified by the mask.</p> <p>Unselect Unselect the corresponding preset</p><p>File group mask.</p><p>Invert flag Invert the current file flag.</p> <p>Restore mark Restore previous mark after</p><p>File processing or group marking operations.</p><p>Some commands from this menu are also described in the topic</p> <p>File management and service commands.</p> <p>Command menu</p> <p>File Search Search in the folder tree for files that satisfy</p><p>The specified mask. This command is described in more detail in the topic Finding a file.</p><p>Command history Show previous commands. This team</p><p>Described in more detail in the topic History of commands.</p><p>Video Mode Select the number of lines on the screen.</p> <p>Search for a folder Search for a folder in the folder tree.</p><p>For more information about this command, see the Find a Folder topic.</p><p>Browsing history Show browsing and editing history</p><p>Files.</p><p>Folder history Show folder change history.</p><p>Browsing history and folder change history items are moved to the end of the list after selection. You can use Shift-Enter to select an element without changing its position.</p><p>Swap panels Swap the left and right panels.</p> <p>Panels On/Off Show/hide both panels.</p> <p>Compare folders Compare the contents of folders.</p><p>For more information about this command, see the Compare Folders topic.</p><p>User menu Allows you to edit main or local</p><p>User's menu. To insert an item, use Ins, to delete - Del, to edit - F4.</p><p>File Associations Shows a list of file associations.</p><p>Ins can be used to insert a new association, Del to delete, and F4 to edit.</p> <p>Sorting groups Allows you to edit the specified</p><p>User of the sort group.</p><p>Panel filter Allows you to control the contents of the file panel. files Additional information about this command</p><p>Contained in the File Panel Filter topic.</p><p>Commands Shows a list of available external plug-in modules.</p> <p>Screen List Shows a list of open screens.</p> <p>Task List Shows a list of active tasks.</p> <h3>Options menu</h3> <p>System parameters Calls up the system parameters dialog.</p> <p>Panel Settings Calls up the panel settings dialog.</p> <p>Interface settings Calls up the interface settings dialog.</p> <p>Languages ​​Select the main language and help language.</p><p>Parameters Configure the parameters of plug-in external modules of external modules.</p> <p>Confirmations Turn confirmations on or off</p><p>For some operations.</p><p>Panel modes Configure file panel viewing modes. files</p> <p>File descriptions Update modes and file description names.</p> <p>Description files Names or masks of files displayed in the information panel as descriptions of folders</p><p>Folders.</p><p>Program settings Settings for the external viewer program. viewing</p> <p>Editor settings Settings for external and built-in editor.</p> <p>Colors Change the color of different elements</p><p>Interface or changing the entire color palette to either black and white or the default one.</p><p>File coloring Editing file coloring.</p> <p>And the appearance of the screen.</p> <h3>Confirmations</h3> <p>In the Confirmations dialog, you can enable or disable confirmations for the following operations:</p> <p>Overwriting destination files while copying files;</p> <p>Overwriting destination files during file transfer;</p> <p>Drag and drop files;</p> <p>Deleting files;</p> <p>Deleting folders;</p> <p>Interrupting operations (pressed the Esc key);</p> <p>Disabling a network device from the drive menu;</p> <p>Reopening the file in the editor;</p> <p>Clearing the list of edit/view history, transitions and</p><p>Executed commands;</p><p>Exit FAR.</p> <h3>Creating a folder</h3> <p>This function is used to create folders. You can use environment variables in the input line, which are converted to the value it contains before the folder is created. It is also possible to create several subfolders at a time: to do this, separate the folder names from each other with the "\" character. For example:</p> <p>%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%\Folder3</p> <p>If the "Process multiple folder names" option is enabled, you can create multiple folders at a time. In this case, the folder names must be separated by the delimiter character ";" or ",". If this option is enabled and the folder name contains the ";" character (or ","), then it must be quoted. For example, if you enter</p> <p>C:\Foo1;"E:\foo,2;";D:\foo3, then folders will be created with the names: "C:\Foo1", "E:\foo,2;" and "D:\foo3".</p> <p>Search for a file</p> <p>This command is designed to search for one or more files and folders in a folder tree, according to one or more comma-delimited or semicolon-delimited masks. It can also be used with file systems supported by</p> <p>external modules.</p> <p>Additionally, the text that should be contained in the searched files can be specified. In this case, the Match Case option can be used to perform a case-sensitive text search.</p> <p>The Whole words only option will allow you to search only text that is separated from the rest of the text by a space, tab, carriage return, line feed, or standard delimiters, which by default are: !%^&*()+|():"<>?`-=\;",./.</p> <p>The Using Character Table drop-down list allows you to select a specific character table used to search for text or causes FAR to use all tables available to it, if All Character Tables is selected, to search for text in files with different encodings.</p> <p>To search for files in archives, you need to set the Search in archives option. At the same time, it significantly slows down the operation and does not allow searching in nested archives.</p> <p>The Search folders option allows you to include in the search list folders that match the search mask. In this case, the counter of found files also takes into account found folders.</p> <p>The search can be performed on all drives except removable drives, on all drives except removable and network drives, in all folders, starting from the root, starting from the current folder, only in the current folder or in marked folders (in the current version of FAR, search in directories that are symbolic connections, are not made). The search scope is saved in the configuration. You can also select a search drive in the search dialog. This option exists if the Search entire disk option is selected.</p> <p>During or after completing a search, you can use the cursor keys to move through the file list and the buttons to perform desired actions.</p> <p>The following buttons are available during or after completing a search:</p> <p>New Search Start a new search operation.</p> <p>Go Abort the search, change the current folder and place</p><p>The cursor is on the selected file.</p><p>Watch View the selected file. If the search is not completed,</p><p>It will resume after viewing is complete.</p><p>Panel Create a temporary panel and fill it with the found</p><p>Files.</p><p>Stop Stop searching. Available during search.</p> <p>Cancel Close the search dialog.</p> <p>F3 and F4 can be used to view and edit found files. Editing and viewing are also supported for plug-in file systems. Note that saving changes in the editor using the F2 key for plug-in file systems will cause a Save to operation instead of the usual Save.</p> <p>Search for a folder</p> <p>This command is designed to quickly find the desired folder in the folder tree.</p> <p>To select a folder, you can use the arrow keys or type the initial few characters of the folder name.</p> <p>Press Enter to go to the selected folder.</p> <h3>Team history</h3> <p>Command history shows a list of previously executed commands. In addition to the cursor keys, the following keys are available:</p> <p>Re-execute the Enter command</p> <p>Re-execute the command in a separate window Shift-Enter</p> <p>Place a command on the command line Ctrl-Enter</p> <p>Clear Del command history</p> <p>To go to the previous or next command directly from the command line, you can use the Ctrl-E or Ctrl-X keys</p> <p>respectively.</p> <p>To select a command, in addition to the cursor and Enter keys, you can use highlighted letters.</p> <p>To save command history after exit, use the appropriate option from the system parameters dialog.</p> <p>Notes:</p> <p>1. Long commands in Windows 9x/Me before being placed in history</p><p>Viewing and editing history</p> <p>File viewing and editing history shows a list of previously viewed or edited files. In addition to the cursor keys, the following keys are available:</p> <p>Reopen the file for viewing Enter or editing</p> <p>Place filename on command line Ctrl-Enter</p> <p>Clear Del history list</p> <p>Copy the contents of the current history position Ctrl-C to the Clipboard without closing the list or Ctrl-Ins</p> <p>Open file in editor F4</p> <p>Open file in F3 viewer</p><p>Or Numpad 5</p> <p>Elements of viewing and editing history after selection are moved to the end of the list. You can use Shift-Enter to select an element without changing its position.</p> <p>To save the history of viewing and editing files after exiting, use the appropriate options from the system parameters dialog.</p> <p>Notes:</p> <p>1. Long paths to files in Windows 9x/Me before being placed in history</p><p>Trimmed to 511 characters.</p><p>Folder change history</p> <p>Folder change history shows a list of previously visited folders. In addition to the cursor keys, the following keys are available:</p> <p>Go to the specified folder Enter</p> <p>Place folder name on command line Ctrl-Enter</p> <p>Clear Del history list</p> <p>Copy the contents of the current history position Ctrl-C to the Clipboard without closing the list or Ctrl-Ins</p> <p>To select an item in the history list, in addition to the cursor and Enter keys, you can use highlighted letters.</p> <p>Elements of the folder change history after selection are moved to the end of the list. You can use Shift-Enter to select an element without changing its position.</p> <p>To save the history of changing folders after exiting, use the appropriate option from the system parameters dialog.</p> <p>Notes:</p> <p>1. Long paths in Windows 9x/Me before being placed in history</p><p>Trimmed to 511 characters.</p><p>Task list</p> <p>The task list shows currently active tasks. Each line of the list contains the title of the task window.</p> <p>From the task list, you can switch to the task window or delete a task using the Del key. Be careful when deleting tasks. This operation is performed immediately and any unsaved information from this task will be lost. Therefore, deleting tasks should be used only when necessary, for example, if the program has stopped responding to user requests.</p> <p>The task list can be called up either from the Command Menu or using Ctrl-W. In the latter case, the task list can also be called up from the viewer or editor.</p> <p>Ctrl-R allows you to refresh the task list.</p> <h3>Compare folders</h3> <p>The compare folder command can only be executed when both panels on the screen are file panels. It compares the contents of the folders displayed in these panels. Files that are present in only one panel, or files whose modification date is more recent than files with the same name in another panel, become flagged.</p> <p>Subfolders are not compared. To compare files, their name, date and time are used, but not their contents.</p> <h3>user's menu</h3> <p>The User Menu is designed to make frequently used operations easier. It contains user-defined commands and command sequences that can be executed using this menu. The user menu can include submenus. Special metacharacters are supported in both commands and menu command titles. Notice that the symbol!? <title>?<init>! can be used to enter additional parameters immediately before executing the command.</p> <p>To edit or create a main or local user menu, use the User Menu command</p> <p>from the Command Menu. There can be only one main user menu. The main menu is called up if there is no local menu for the current folder. The local menu can be located in any folder. You can switch between the local menu and the main menu at any time using the SHIFT-F2 keys. You can also call up the local menu from the parent folder using the BkSpace key.</p> <p>You can add a separator to a custom menu. To do this, you need to add a new menu item (command), in which you specify “-” (minus) as the “Hot Key” and leave the “Label” field empty. You can remove such a separator only through Alt-F4</p> <p>To execute a command from the user menu, select it using the cursor keys and press Enter. You can also use the hotkey assigned to this menu item.</p> <p>You can delete a submenu or menu item using the Del key, insert a new submenu or menu item using Ins, and edit an existing submenu or menu item using F4. Press Alt-F4 to edit the menu as a text file.</p> <p>Numbers, letters and function keys (F1..F12) can be used as hotkeys to access menu items. If F1 and F4 are used, their original functions are lost. In this case, Shift-F4 can be used to edit the menu.</p> <p>When editing or creating a menu item, you need to enter a hotkey for quick access to this item, the title of the item that will be displayed in the menu and the sequence of commands to be executed if this menu item is selected.</p> <p>When editing or creating a submenu, simply enter a hotkey and the title of the submenu.</p> <p>Local menus are stored in FarMenu.Ini text files. The main menu is stored in the Registry by default, but it can also be kept in a file. If you create a local menu in the FAR folder, it will be used instead of the main menu stored in the Registry.</p> <h3>File associations</h3> <p>FAR Manager supports file associations that allow you to set various actions for launching, editing and viewing files specified by a mask.</p> <p>You can add new associations using the File Associations command in the Command Menu.</p> <p>You can set multiple associations for one file type and select the desired association from the menu.</p> <p>The following actions are available in the list of associations:</p> <ul><p>Ins - add a new association</p> <p>F4 - change current association settings</p> <p>Del - delete current association</p> </ul><p>If there are no associated startup commands for this file and the Use standard types option is set</p> <p>in System Settings, then FAR tries to use Windows associations to launch this file type.</p> <h3>Setting up a file association</h3> <p>FAR allows you to specify six commands associated with a specific file type, specified by a mask:</p> <p>Enter run command Executed when Enter is pressed</p> <p>Run command by Ctrl-PgDn Executed when Ctrl-PgDn is pressed</p> <p>View command Executed by pressing F3</p> <p>Alternative command Executed by pressing Alt-F3 view</p> <p>Edit command Executed by pressing F4</p> <p>Alternate command Executed by pressing Alt-F4 editing</p> <p>The association can be described in the Association Description field.</p> <p>If you don't want the panels to go dark before executing the associated command, start the command with an "@" symbol.</p> <p>Associated commands can use special</p> <p>metacharacters.</p><p>Notes: 1. If there are no associated startup commands for a given file and the Use standard types option in System Preferences is set, FAR attempts to use Windows associations to launch that file type. 2. The operating system commands “IF EXIST” and “IF DEFINED” allow you to make associations more “smart” - if you have assigned several associations for one type of file, then only those associations for which the conditions are met will appear in the menu.</p> <h3>Metacharacters</h3> <p>Associated commands, custom menus, and the Apply Command command may use special metacharacters:</p> <p>Symbol "!" ! Long file name without extension!~ Short file name without extension!` Long file extension without name (ext) !`~ Short file extension without name (ext)!.! Long file name with extension !-! Short file name with extension !+! Similar!-!, but if the long file name is lost</p><p>After executing the command, FAR will restore it</p><p>!@! The name of the file containing the names of the marked files!$! Name of a file containing short names of marked files!& List of marked files!&~ List of marked files with short names!: Current drive!\ Current path!/ Short name of current path</p> <p>!?<title>?<init>!</p><p>When the command is executed, this character is replaced with user input. <title>And <init>- title and source text of the edit line.</p><p>It is allowed to use several such symbols in one line, for example: grep !?Search for:?! !?In:?*.*!|c:\far\far.exe -v -</p><p>!# Prefix "!#" specified before the association symbol</p><p>file, causes it (and all subsequent ones) to link to the passive panel (see note 4).</p><p>file, causes it (and all subsequent ones) to link to the active panel (see note 4).</p> <h3>For example, !^!.! denotes the name of the current file in the active panel, and the construction!#!\!^!.! - a file on the passive panel with the same name as the name of the current file on the active panel.</h3> <p>Notes: 1. When processing metacharacters, FAR only substitutes what they mean (file name, extension, etc.). No additional characters (for example, quotation marks or last names of the FAR developers) are substituted and you must do this yourself if necessary. For example, if the program used in associations requires the file name to be in quotes, then you would write program.exe "!.!" rather than program.exe !.!. 2. For associations!@! and!$! The following modifiers are allowed: "Q" - enclose names with spaces in quotation marks;</p> <p>"S" - use "/" instead of "\" in file paths;</p><p>"F" - use full path;</p><p>"A" - use ANSI encoding. For example, association!@AFQ! - the name of the file containing the names of the marked files with the full path in ANSI encoding; file names containing spaces will be enclosed in quotes. 3. Metacharacters!@! and!$! in the selection menu (when several associations are specified) are shown as is, the conversion occurs at the moment the command is executed. 4. The prefixes "!#" and "!^" act as association switches. The effect of these prefixes extends to the next similar prefix. For example: if exist !#!\!^!.! diff -c -p !#!\!^!.! !\!.!</p><p>"If the same file exists on the passive panel as the active one under the cursor, then show the discrepancies between the file on the passive panel and the file on the active panel, regardless of the name of the current file on the passive panel"</p><p>Copy open Allows you to copy files that are open for writing by other programs.</p><p>This mode is convenient when you need to copy a file that has been open for a long time, but it can be dangerous if the file is modified at the same time as the copy.</p><p>Create Folders If the new folder name contains only uppercase and lowercase letters and this option is checked,</p><p>Then the folder will be created in capital letters.</p><p>Inactivity Time Shuts down FAR if within</p><p>There were no mouse or keyboard keystrokes for the specified interval, FAR was waiting for command line input, and there were no background editing or browsing screens.</p><p>Save history Causes command history to be saved before command completion and restored after</p><p>Launch of FAR.</p><p>Save history Causes folder history to be saved before folder completion and restored after</p><p>Launch of FAR. To view the contents of your folder history, press Alt-F12.</p><p>Save history Causes saving browsing history</p> <p>viewing and editor and editor before completion and its</p><p>Recovery after running FAR.</p><p>To view the files included in this list, press Alt-F11.</p><p>Use If this option is enabled, then pressing standard Enter types on a file whose type is known to Windows files and is not in the file associations</p><p>FAR, a Windows program designed to handle this type of file will be launched.</p> <p>Automatic When selecting CDROM from the disc selection menu</p><p>mount CDROM FAR will push in the open CD drive tray.</p><p>Disable this option if automatic mounting of CD drives does not work correctly (this may occur due to errors in the drivers of some CD drives)</p><p>Path to Specify the full path where FAR will search for personal plugins "personal" plugins in addition</p><p>To the "basic". You can use environment variables when specifying the search path.</p><p>Auto-Save If this option is enabled, FAR will automatically save the configuration.</p> <h3>The current folders of both panels will also be saved.</h3> <p>Panel Settings</p><p>Show hidden Allows the display of files with attributes and system files Hidden and System. This mode is also</p><p>Can be toggled with Ctrl-H.</p> <p>File colorization Allows file colorization</p><p>Auto change folder If this option is enabled, then moving</p><p>The cursor on the folder tree will cause a folder change in another panel. If this option is disabled, you must press Enter to change folders from the folder tree.</p><p>Gray + and Gray *. Otherwise, these commands only work on files.</p><p>Sort names Apply sorting mode by folder extension by extension not only to files, but also to folders. At</p><p>With the option enabled, sorting by extension works the same as in FAR 1.65.</p><p>If the option is disabled, then in the sorting mode by extension, folders will be sorted in the same way as in the sorting mode by name.</p><p>Allow reverse If this option is enabled and the current file panel sort sort mode is re-selected,</p><p>This will set the reverse sorting mode.</p><p>Disable The mechanism for automatically updating the panel, auto-updating when the state of the panel file system changes... will be disabled if the number of file</p><p>Objects will exceed the specified value.</p> <p>The automatic file system tracking mechanism only works for FAT/FAT32/NTFS file systems. A parameter value equal to zero corresponds to the “automatic update is always enabled” state. To force a panel refresh, use Ctrl-R.</p> <p>Show headers Allows the display of file panel column headers.</p> <p>Show line Allows display of the status line in the file panel.</p> <p>Show summary Allows display of summary information information in the bottom line of the file panel.</p> <p>Show free Allows display of free space on the current disk.</p> <p>Show bar Allows the scroll bar to be shown in the scroll bar in the file panes and folder tree pane.</p> <p>Show quantity Allows display of the number of background screens. background screens</p> <h3>Show letter Show the current sort mode of the sort mode in the upper left corner of the panel.</h3> <p>Interface settings</p><p>Clock in panels Show clock in the upper right corner</p><p>Screen.</p> <p>Clock Show the clock while editing when editing and viewing files. and viewing</p> <p>Mouse Use mouse.</p> <p>In panels, the middle mouse button. Pressing the middle mouse button in panels is equal to Enter, which is equivalent to pressing the Enter key.</p><p>Show Ruler Show the function key assignments of the keys on the bottom line of the screen. This option</p><p>Can also be switched using Ctrl-B.</p><p>Always show menu Show menu at the top of the screen, even</p><p>When it is inactive.</p><p>Saving your screen Launching the screen saver</p><p>After a specified period of inactivity in minutes.</p><p>The entered lines can be called up using the mouse or Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down. If you do not want to keep this history, for example, for security reasons, turn this option off.</p><p>Permanent blocks Do not deselect when moving in the cursor input lines in input lines in dialogs,</p><p>On the command line and in folder history.</p><p>Set Format Change the format of the FAR command line. command line You can use the following variables:</p><p>$p - current path $n - current drive letter $g - symbol > $ - $ symbol</p><p>Use Right Set this option if you are experiencing Alt as AltGr problems using combinations</p><p>Right Alt to enter characters in Windows 9x, or disable it if you prefer to use Right Alt for quick searches.</p><p>This option is only relevant when running under Windows 9x, and is ignored under Windows NT.</p><p>Show general Show the general indicator while the copy indicator is in progress during a copy operation. This</p><p>May require additional time before copying begins to calculate the total file size.</p><p>Show information Display average speed information about copying time, copying time and</p><p>Approximate time until the end of the operation in the copy dialog.</p> <p>Since this function takes time to collect statistics, on small files with the “general copy indicator” turned off</p> <p>you may not see anything.</p><p>AutoCompletion Enables the use of autocompletion in input lines on input lines that have</p><p>History or in combined lists.</p> <ol><p>When the option is disabled, you can use the Ctrl-End key combination to auto-complete lines. The auto-completion operation does not work while recording and running a macro.</p> </ol><p>Use Ctrl-PgUp Key combination Ctrl-PgUp in the root folder for selecting a disk:</p> <ol><p>for local drives will bring up a menu</p> </ol><p>disk selection;</p><p>for network drives will call the plugin</p><p>Network (if there is a plugin) or menu</p> <p>Select drives (if the Network plugin is missing).</p> <p>Built-in viewer</p> <p>F1 Help F2 Line break (on, off) Shift-F2 Line break type (by letter, by word) F4 Switch text/hex mode Alt-F5 Print file (using plugin</p><p>"Print Manager".</p><p>F6 Switch to editor</p> <p>F7 Search Shift-F7, Space Continue search Alt-F7 Continue search in reverse direction F8 Switch text viewing mode DOS/Windows Shift-F8 Select custom character table</p><p>(see notes)</p><p>Alt-F8 Change current position</p> <p>Alt-F9 Resizing the FAR Manager window Alt-Shift-F9 Opening the viewer settings dialog NumPad5,F3,F10,Esc Exit Ctrl-F10 Position to the current file without exiting.</p> <p>F11 Call the menu "Commands of external modules"</p><p>Go to next file - Go to previous file Ctrl-O Show custom screen Ctrl-Alt-Shift Temporarily show custom screen</p><p>Ctrl-B Hide/Show functional line</p><p>Keys</p> <p>Ctrl-S Hide/Show scrollbar Alt-BS, Ctrl-Z Return to previous position RightCtrl-0..9 Set bookmark 0..9 in current position Ctrl-Shift-0..9 Set bookmark 0..9 in current position position LeftCtrl-0..9 Go to bookmark position 0..9</p><p>Ctrl-Ins, Ctrl-C Copy selection from search result</p><p>Text to Clipboard.</p><p>Ctrl-U Reset the resulting selection</p> <h3>Search.</h3> <p>Notes: 1. Custom symbol tables are located in the "Addons\Tables" folder of the FAR folder in the form of .reg files.</p> <p>You can enter the value as a decimal offset, percent, or hexadecimal value.</p> <p>You can also specify a relative value - just indicate the + or - sign before the number</p> <p>Hexadecimal values ​​are entered in one of the following forms:</p><p>0xNNNN, NNNNh, $NNNN</p><p>The decimal offset is specified in the form NNNNd.</p> <p>50% Go to the middle of the file (50%) -10% Go 10% back.</p><p>If you had 50%, it will become 40% 0x100 Go to offset 0x100 (256) +0x300 Go 0x300 (768) bytes forward</p> <h3>If you explicitly specified a percent sign "%", or a hexadecimal form ("0x", "h", "$"), or a decimal form ("d"), then the marked radio buttons are ignored</h3> <p>Search in the viewer</p> <p>The following modes and options are available to you for searching in the viewer:</p><p>Search text</p><p>Search for an arbitrary test typed in the Search line.</p><p>In this mode, the following options are available: Match case - the search will take into account the case of the entered characters Whole words only - when searching, only the whole word will be searched</p><p>Search hexadecimal code</p><p>Search for a fragment corresponding to hexadecimal codes typed in the Search line.</p><p>Reverse search</p> <p>Change the search to reverse - search from the end of the file to the beginning.</p> <p>Built-in editor</p><p>Cursor Commands</p><p>Left Symbol to the left Ctrl-S Symbol to the left, but the cursor will not be</p> <p>Move to previous line when reaching start of line</p> <p>Right Symbol to the right Up Line up Down Line down Ctrl-Left Word left Ctrl-Right Word right Ctrl-Up Scroll the screen up Ctrl-Down Scroll the screen down PgUp Page up PgDn Page down Home To the beginning of the line End To the end of the line Ctrl-Home To the beginning file Ctrl-End To the end of the file Ctrl-N To the beginning of the screen Ctrl-E To the end of the screen</p><p>Removal</p><p>Del Delete a character (can also delete a block,</p> <p>Depending on Editor Settings)</p> <p>BS Delete a character on the left Ctrl-Y Delete a line Ctrl-K, Alt-D Delete to the end of a line Ctrl-BS Delete a word on the left Ctrl-T, Ctrl-Del Delete a word on the right <Gray +>Add block to Clipboard Ctrl-D Delete block Ctrl-P Copy block to current cursor position</p><p>Ctrl-M Move block to current cursor position</p><p>(only in permanent block mode)</p><p>Alt-U Move block left Alt-I Move block right</p> <p>Alt-F5 Print file/selected block</p><p>(using the "Print Manager" plugin).</p><p>F6 Switch to viewer F7 Search Ctrl-F7 Replace Shift-F7 Continue search/replace F8 Switch between DOS/Windows text Shift-F8 Select custom character table</p><p>(see notes)</p><p>Alt-F8 Go to the specified line and position Alt-F9 Resize the FAR Manager window Alt-Shift-F9 Open the editor settings dialog</p> <p>F10, Esc Exit Shift-F10 Save and Exit Ctrl-F10 Position to current file</p><p>No way out.</p><p>F11 Call the menu "Commands of external modules" Alt-BS, Ctrl-Z Cancel the action Ctrl-L Prohibit modification of the edited</p><p>Text</p><p>Ctrl-O Show custom screen Ctrl-Alt-Shift Temporarily show custom screen</p><p>(works as long as we hold these keys)</p><p>Ctrl-Q Consider next combination</p><p>Keys as character code</p><p>RightCtrl-0..9 Set bookmark 0..9 at the current position Ctrl-Shift-0..9 Set bookmark 0..9 at the current position LeftCtrl-0..9 Go to bookmark position 0..9 Shift-Enter Paste to the cursor position the name of the current</p><p>File on the panel.</p><p>Ctrl-Shift-Enter Insert the name of the current one at the cursor position</p><p>File on the passive panel.</p><p>Ctrl-F Insert full name at cursor position</p><p>Editable file.</p><p>Notes:</p> <p>1. Custom symbol tables are located in the folder</p><p>"Addons\Tables" FAR folders in the form of .reg files.</p><p>Before using any of the tables, you need to install it: to do this, simply press Shift-Enter on the corresponding file.</p> <p>2. Alt-U/Alt-I shift the current line if the block is not selected.</p><p>3. Alt-code of the symbol on the additional keyboard inserts into</p><p>The edited string is a character with the specified code, and no conversion to the current editor encoding is performed.</p><p>4. If you drag a file name from Explorer into the editor</p><p>FAR, then it is inserted into the current line only in OEM encoding (DOS), the current editor encoding is not taken into account. This feature will be changed in future versions of FAR.</p><p>5. If the block is not selected, then Ctrl-Ins/Ctrl-C mark the current</p> <p>Line as a block and copy it to the Clipboard.</p> <p>You can also specify the format for representing the newline character:</p> <p>In DOS/Windows format (CR LF) Two characters will be used as a line feed sequence - carriage return and line feed (CR LF), accepted in DOS/Windows.</p> <p>In UNIX format (LF)</p> <p>The UNIX line feed (LF) character will be used as the line feed sequence.</p> <p>In MAC (CR) format, the MAC carriage return (CR) character will be used as the line feed sequence.</p> <p>Go to the specified position</p> <p>In this dialog you can specify the row and column to go to.</p> <p>You can enter two numbers - a row and a column. Number separator - one of the set of characters: ",.:;" or space.</p> <p>If you enter ",Column", the editor will jump to the specified column in the current line.</p> <p>There is also the possibility of switching over percentages. Enter 50% and you will go exactly to the middle of the text.</p> <p>Reopening a file in the editor</p> <p>FAR Manager tracks all attempts to re-open already edited files in the editor. The reopening rules are as follows:</p> <p>1. If the file has not been modified, then with the “Reopening the file in the editor” option disabled in the confirmation dialog, the transition to editing the current file occurs without additional prompts.</p> <p>2. If the file has been modified or the "Reopen the file in the editor" option is enabled, then there are three options:</p> <p>Current - Continue editing the same file.</p> <p>New copy - The file will be opened for editing in a new one</p><p>Editor's copies. In this case, be careful: the contents of the file on disk will correspond to which copy of the editor this file was last saved in.</p><p>Overload - Current changes are not saved to the editor</p><p>The previous contents of the file are loaded (since the last save).</p><p>Warning: The path to the file being edited does not exist</p> <p>When opening a new file in the editor, you specified the name of a non-existent folder. Before saving the file, FAR will create such a folder, provided that you specified the correct path (for example, a path starting with a non-existent drive letter would be incorrect) and that you have sufficient permissions to create the folder.</p> <p>Warning: The file has been modified by an external program</p><p>The modification date/time or the size of the edited file on disk is not</p><p>match those that FAR remembered the last time this file was accessed. This means that another program, another user (or even yourself in another editor window) has changed the contents of a file on disk.</p><p>entered by an external program will be lost.</p> <p>Disc selection menu</p> <p>This menu allows you to change the current panel drive, disconnect from a network drive, or open a new plug-in panel.</p> <p>Select the menu item with the corresponding drive letter to change the current drive, or the item with the module name to create a new module panel. If the panel is not a file panel, its type will be changed to a file panel.</p> <p>The Del key can be used to:</p> <p>Disconnecting from a network drive.</p> <p>Removing SUBST disk.</p> <p>Removing discs from CD-ROMs and removable drives. On Windows</p><p>NT/2000/XP requires administrator rights to remove a disk from a ZIP drive.</p><p>You can close the CD-ROM using the Ins key.</p> <p>Ctrl-1 - Ctrl-8 switch the display of various information:</p><p>Ctrl-1 - disk type;</p><p>Ctrl-2 - network name</p> <p>(and the path associated with the SUBST disk under NT);</p> <p>Ctrl-3 - disk label;</p> <p>Ctrl-4 - file system;</p> <p>Ctrl-5 - total and free disk space;</p> <p>Ctrl-6 - display parameters of removable disks;</p> <p>Ctrl-7 - display plug-in names;</p> <p>Ctrl-8 - display CD parameters.</p> <p>Disc selection menu settings are saved in the FAR configuration.</p> <p>When the "Use Ctrl-PgUp to select a disk" option is enabled, the Ctrl-PgUp key combination is similar to the Esc key - refuse to select the disk and close the menu.</p> <p>Shift-Enter brings up Explorer showing the root of the specified drive (works only for drives).</p> <p>Ctrl-R allows you to refresh the drive selection menu.</p> <p>Disabling a network device</p> <p>You can disconnect a network device from the Drive selection menu using the Del key.</p> <p>Option [x] Restore at login is available for changes only for network devices that are permanently connected.</p> <p>Confirmation can be disabled in the "Confirmations" dialog</p> <p>File coloring</p> <p>For a more convenient and visual presentation of files and folders on panels, FAR Manager provides the ability to color highlight file objects. File objects can be combined according to various criteria (file masks, file attributes) into groups and assigned their own colors.</p> <p>File colorization can be enabled or disabled in the panel settings dialog (item "Options|File Colorization").</p> <p>You can change the parameters of any coloring group from the "Options" menu (the "File Coloring" item).</p><p>Files.</p><p>Ctrl-Up - Move the group up.</p> <p>Ctrl-Down - Move the group down.</p> <p>Coloring groups are analyzed from beginning to end. If a file is found to belong to a group, then membership in other groups is not checked.</p> <p>Editing file coloring</p> <p>The Edit File Coloring dialog allows you to change the parameters of the file coloring group. Each group definition includes:</p> <ol><p>one or more file masks;</p> </ol><ol><p>inclusion attributes;</p> </ol><ol><p>exception attributes;</p> </ol><p>and the marked name under the cursor. If you want to use</p><p>Default color, set color to "Black on Black";</p><ol><p>optionally any symbol can be specified to indicate</p> </ol><p>belonging to a group of files. It can be used</p><p>Both together with color highlighting and instead of it.</p><p>If you turn off the "Match with mask(s)" option, then file masks will be excluded from the analysis, and the comparison will be carried out only by attributes.</p> <p>A file belongs to a coloring group if:</p> <ol><p>mask analysis is enabled and its name matches at least</p> </ol><p>one mask (if mask analysis is disabled, the file name is not</p><p>Matter);</p><ol><p>it has all the attributes of inclusion;</p> </ol><ol><p>it has no exclusion attributes.</p> </ol><p>The Compressed, Encrypted, and Symbolic Link attributes are used only on NTFS drives. Moreover, the attributes "Encrypted"</p> <p>and "Symbolic link" is used only in Windows 2000/XP.</p> <p>Viewer settings</p> <p>In this dialog you can change the parameters of the external and built-in viewer.</p> <p>External viewer</p> <p>Run with F3 Launch external viewer</p><p>By F3.</p><p>Run by Alt-F3 Launch external viewer</p><p>By Alt-F3.</p><p>View command Command to launch an external program</p><p>View. Use special characters to specify the name of the file you are viewing.</p><p>Network (if there is a plugin) or menu</p> <p>If you don't want the panels to go dark before starting the viewer, start the command with an "@" symbol.</p><p>Save Position Save and restore file position in recently viewed files.</p><p>This option also causes the symbol table used to view the file to be saved, if this table was manually set by the user, as well as the file view mode (hexadecimal or normal).</p><p>Auto-detection If you are using multiple character table tables, you can enable this option to</p><p>Auto-detection of the table of the file being viewed.</p><p>Tabs.</p><p>Switch by pressing Ctrl-S in the viewing window.</p><p>Show arrows If text is shifted to the left or text remains to the right of the shift, the viewport will</p><p>Show arrows on the side to indicate this.</p><p>If an external viewer is assigned to the F3 key, it will only launch if the associated</p> <p>There is no viewer for this file type.</p> <p>Changed settings do not affect previously opened embedded viewer windows.</p> <p>The settings dialog can also be called up from the viewer by pressing Alt-Shift-F9. The changes will take effect immediately, but will only apply to the current session.</p> <p>Editor settings</p> <p>In this dialog you can change the default settings of the external and built-in editors.</p> <p>External editor</p> <p>Launch with F4 Launch external editor with F4.</p> <p>Launch with Alt-F4 Launch external editor with Alt-F4.</p> <p>Command Command to launch the external editor. edit To specify the name of the file being viewed</p><p>Use special characters.</p><p>Reverse search</p> <p>If you don't want the panels to go dark before starting the editor, start the command with the "@" symbol.</p> <p>Spaces instead of Replace the Tab character with the number of spaces corresponding to the tab.</p><p>Permanent blocks Do not remove block mark when moving</p><p>Cursor.</p><p>Del removes blocks If there is a marked block, Del will</p><p>Delete this block, not the character under the cursor.</p><p>Auto-indent Enables auto-indent as you type.</p><p>Text.</p><p>Save Position Save and restore file position in recently edited files.</p><p>This option also causes the symbol table used when editing the file to be saved if this table was manually set by the user.</p><p>Save bookmarks Save and restore bookmarks to</p><p>Current positions in recently viewed files saved using RightCtrl-0..9 or Ctrl-Shift-0..9</p><p>Auto-detection If you are using multiple symbol table tables, you can enable this option</p><p>To autodetect the table of the edited file.</p><p>Auto-detection of the table of the file being viewed.</p><p>Tab size Number of spaces when displaying a character</p> <p>Cursor out of bounds Allow the cursor to move outside of the string line.</p><p>Block When you open a file for editing, editing a file with the “read-only” attribute, a file with the R/O attribute, the editor also goes into prohibit mode</p><p>Warn when Before opening a file for editing, opening a file with a read-only attribute using the R/O attribute will display a warning message.</p> <p>If an external editor is assigned to the F4 key, it will only be launched if there is no associated editor for that file type.</p> <p>Changed settings do not affect previously opened editor windows.</p> <p>The settings dialog can also be called up from the editor by pressing Alt-Shift-F9. The changes will take effect immediately, but will only apply to the current session.</p> <p>Auto-detection of symbol table</p> <p>If you use several character tables and have installed a table with the distribution of character frequencies for your language (for example, for the Russian language the table "Addons\Tables\Russian\Dist.Rus.reg" should be installed), then FAR will try to select the most suitable for viewing/editing suitable character code table. Note that correct detection is not guaranteed, especially for small or atypical text files.</p> <p>You can find some symbol tables in the "Addons\Tables" folder of the FAR distribution.</p> <p>Setting file attributes</p> <p>This command allows you to change the attributes and time of both individual files and groups of files and folders. If you don't need to process files in subfolders, deselect the Process subfolders option.</p> <p>File attributes</p> <p>For selected objects (files and folders), control switches have 3 states:</p><p>[x] - the attribute is set for all objects (set for all) - the attribute is reset for all objects (reset for all) [?] - the attribute is not for all objects (do not change this attribute)</p><p>If the selected objects have the same attributes, then the control switches will be 2-position - set/reset. The exception is the case when folders are found among the selected objects - in this case, all control switches will be 3-position.</p> <p>If the state of the control switches at the time of execution of the attribute setting command has not changed (compared to the initial state), then the specified attribute will not change.</p> <p>If there are no folders among the selected objects, the "Process subfolders" option will not be available.</p> <p>The Compressed and Encrypted attributes can only be changed on NTFS drives. Moreover, the Encrypted attribute is used only in Windows 2000/XP. Both attributes are mutually exclusive, i.e. You can only set one of them.</p> <p>For symbolic links, the dialog displays information about the original folder (NTFS/Windows 2000/XP only).</p> <p>date and time</p> <p>Three different file times are supported:</p> <p>Last modification time (Modification);</p> <p>File creation time (Creation);</p> <p>Last access time.</p> <p>For drives with the FAT file system, the hours, minutes, and seconds of the last access time are always zero.</p> <p>If you do not want to change the file time, leave the corresponding field blank. You can click the Blank button to clear all date and time fields and then change a specific part of the date and time, such as just the month or just the minutes. The remaining field values ​​remain unchanged.</p> <p>The Current button allows you to fill the file's time fields with the current time.</p> <p>The Original button fills the file time fields with the original values. Available for a single file object.</p> <p>For symbolic links (supported only in NTFS/Windows 2000/XP), the date and time are not set.</p> <p>Folder links allow you to quickly access frequently used folders. To create a link to the current folder, press Ctrl-Shift-0..9. After this, to go to the folder written in the link, just press RightCtrl-0..9. If RightCtrl-0..9 is pressed on an edit line, then the link path will be inserted into that line.</p> <p>In edit mode (F4) you cannot link to the plugin panel.</p> <p>File panel filter</p> <p>Using a filter, you can define a set of file types that will be shown in the file panel.</p> <p>The filter menu consists of two parts. At the top there are custom filters. Using the Ins, Del and F4 keys you can add, delete and edit them. Each custom filter includes an optional title and file mask, or multiple file masks separated by commas or semicolons.</p> <p>At the bottom of the filter menu are masks of all files currently contained in the active file panel.</p> <p>The spacebar, "+" and "-" keys can be used to select filter menu items. Items selected with a space or "+" are marked with a "+" symbol. If such elements are present, then only files that satisfy them will be shown. Items selected with "-" are marked with a "-" symbol and all matching files will be excluded from the Files panel.</p> <p>The marking of custom filters is saved in the configuration.</p> <p>When a filter is used in a panel, it is indicated by a "*" after the sort mode letter in the top left corner of the panel.</p> <p>File descriptions</p> <p>Descriptions can be used to associate text information with a file. Descriptions of files in the current folder are stored in this folder in a special file - a list of descriptions. It contains at the beginning of each line the name of the file being described, and the description text separated from it by spaces.</p> <p>Descriptions can be viewed in the corresponding viewing modes of the file panel. By default, these modes are Descriptions and Long Descriptions.</p> <p>Command Description Files (Ctrl-Z) from the File Menu</p> <p>is intended for adding descriptions to selected files.</p> <p>Description list names can be changed in the File Descriptions dialog from the Options Menu menu. In this dialog you can also set the mode for updating local descriptions. Updating can be disabled completely, allowed only if the current view mode of the file panel shows descriptions, or always allowed. By default, FAR sets the "Hidden" attribute on created description lists, but you can disable this by turning off the "Set the "Hidden" attribute on new description lists" option in the same dialog. Also here you can specify a position to align new descriptions in the descriptions list.</p> <p>If the file with descriptions has the Read-Only attribute, then FAR does not update the descriptions and, after renaming/deleting file object operations, an error message will be displayed. When the option is enabled</p> <p>Update definitions file with read-only attribute FAR will attempt to update definitions correctly.</p> <p>If enabled in the configuration, FAR updates file descriptions when files are copied, moved, or deleted. But if the command also processes some files in subfolders, then the descriptions for these files are not updated.</p> <p>Configuring file panel viewing modes</p> <p>The file panel can display information using 10 predefined modes: short, medium, full, wide, detailed, descriptions, long descriptions, file owners, file links, alternative full. Usually this is enough, but, nevertheless, if desired, you can change the parameters of these modes or even completely replace them with new ones.</p> <p>File Panel Modes command from the Options Menu menu</p> <p>allows you to change viewing mode settings. First, she asks you to select the desired mode from the list. In this list, mode 0 corresponds to the view mode invoked by LeftCtrl-0 (alternate full), mode 1 corresponds to the short mode (LeftCtrl-1), mode 2 corresponds to the middle mode (LeftCtrl-2), and so on. After selecting a mode, a dialog appears in which you can change the following parameters:</p> <p>Column Types - Column types are encoded using one or more letters separated by commas. The following column types are allowed:</p> <p>N - file name</p><p>Where: M - show flag characters O - show names without paths (intended mainly for plugins) R - align names right These characters can be combined, for example NMR</p><p>S - file size</p><p>P - packed file size</p><p>Where: C - format file size with commas T - use 1000 instead of 1024 as a divisor if the column width is not wide enough to show the full file size</p><p>D - file modification date T - file modification time</p> <p>DM - date and time of file modification DC - date and time of file creation DA - date and time of last access to the file</p><p>Where: B is the short (Unix-style) file time format;</p><p>M - use of text month names;</p> <p>A - file attributes Z - file description O - file owner LN - number of hard links</p> <p>If the column type description contains more than one file name column, the file pane will be displayed in a multi-column form.</p><p>File attributes have the following designations:</p><p>A - Archive R - Read Only H - Hidden S - System C or E - Compressed or Encrypted L - Reparse point</p> <p>Column width - allows you to change the width of the panel columns. If width is 0, then the default value is used. If the width of the column with name, description or owner is 0, it will be calculated automatically, depending on the width of the panel. To work properly with different screen widths, it is highly recommended that each view mode have at least one column with an automatically calculated width.</p> <p>To use the 12-hour time format, you need to increase the standard width of the file time column or the file time and date column by one. When zoomed in further, these columns will also show seconds and milliseconds.</p> <p>Status line column types and Status line column width - similar to “Column types” and “Column width”, but for the panel status line.</p> <p>Full screen mode - show the panel in full screen instead of half the screen.</p> <p>Align file extensions - show file extensions aligned.</p> <p>Align folder extensions - show folder extensions aligned.</p> <p>Show folders in capital letters - show all folder names in upper case, regardless of actual case.</p> <p>Show files in lowercase - show all file names in lowercase, regardless of actual case.</p> <p>Show file names from uppercase letters in lowercase - show all file names that contain only uppercase letters in lowercase letters. By default this option is enabled, but if you want to always see the real case of the file name, turn it off as well</p> <p>Show folders in uppercase letters and Show files in lowercase letters. All these options only affect the way files are displayed; FAR always uses real case to process them.</p> <p>Use case-sensitive sorting - use case-sensitive sorting for file names.</p> <p>Sort groups</p> <p>Sorting groups can be used in the file panel in conjunction with sorting by name or extension. They are activated by pressing Shift-F11 and allow you to set file sorting rules that complement the existing ones.</p> <p>Each sort group consists of one or more comma-separated file masks. If the position of one sort group in the general list of groups is higher than that of another group, then when sorting in ascending order, all files belonging to this group will be higher than those belonging to the other group.</p> <p>The Sort Groups command from the Command Menu allows you to delete, create, and edit sort groups using the Del, Ins, and F4 keys. Groups located above the menu separator belong to the beginning of the file panel, and all files included in these groups will be located above files that are not included in them. Groups below the menu separator belong to the end of the file panel, and all files included in these groups will be located below files that are not included in them.</p> <p>File masks</p> <p>File masks are often used in FAR commands to select individual files and folders or groups of them. Masks can include the usual characters allowed in file names, "*" and "?", as well as special expressions:</p> <p>* any number of characters;</p> <p>Any character;</p> <p>Any character in square brackets.</p><p>Both individual characters and their ranges are allowed.</p><p>For example, the files ftp.exe, fc.exe and f.ext can be selected using the f*.ex? mask, the *co* mask will select both color.ini and, the *.txt mask can select config.txt , demo.txt, faq.txt and tips.txt.</p> <p>Many FAR commands allow you to specify multiple masks separated by commas or semicolons. For example, to select all documents, you can enter *.doc,*.txt,*.wri in the Mark Group command.</p> <p>It is allowed to enclose any of the masks (but not the entire list) in quotation marks. For example, this should be done when the mask contains one of the delimiter characters (comma or semicolon), so that such a mask does not get confused with the list.</p> <p>In some situations (file search,</p> <p>file panel filter, file tagging, file associations, sorting groups and file coloring) you can use exclusion masks. An exclusion mask is one or more file masks that must not match the names of the required files; it is separated from the main mask by the "|" character.</p> <p>Examples of using exclusion masks: 1. *.cpp All files with the cpp extension. 2. *.*|*.bak,*.tmp All files except files with the bak and tmp extensions. 3. *.*|</p> <p>Error - the special character | was entered, but the exception mask itself was not specified. 4. *.*|*.bak|*.tmp Error - special character | cannot occur more than once. 5. |*.bak Treated like *|*.bak</p> <p>Separated by a comma (or semicolon), file masks are listed, and with the help of "|" inclusion masks are separated from exclusion masks.</p> <p>File tagging</p> <p>To handle File Panel files and folders, they can be selected in several different ways. Ins marks the file under the cursor and moves the cursor down, Shift-Cursor keys allow you to move the cursor in different directions.</p> <p>Gray + and Gray - select or unmark a group using one or more comma separated</p> <p>file masks. Gray * inverts the current mark. The Restore Mark command (Ctrl-M) restores the previously selected group. <Gray +>Ctrl- <Gray → выбирают или снимают пометку со всех файлов с тем же расширением, что и у файла под курсором.</p> <p>and Ctrl- <Gray +>Alt- <Gray → выбирают или снимают пометку со всех файлов с тем же именем, что и у файла под курсором.</p> <p>file masks. Gray * inverts the current mark. The Restore Mark command (Ctrl-M) restores the previously selected group. <Gray *>and Alt-</p> <p>inverts the current markup, including folders. If the Mark Folders option in the Panel Settings dialog</p> <p>enabled, it works the same as Gray*. <Gray +>Shift- <Gray → выбирают или снимают пометку со всех файлов.</p> <p>and Shift-</p> <p>If no file is selected, only the file under the cursor will be processed.</p> <p>Copy, move, rename and create links</p> <p>The following commands can be used to copy, move, and rename files and folders:</p> <p>Copy selected files F5</p> <p>Rename or move selected files F6</p> <p>Rename or move a file under the cursor Shift-F6, regardless of the mark</p> <p>Create file and folder associations Alt-F6</p> <p>If the "Process multiple file names" option is enabled, then the input line can indicate either one target for copying or moving, or several. In the latter case, the targets must be separated by the delimiter character ";" or ",". If the target contains the symbol ";" in its name (or ","), then this target must be enclosed in quotation marks.</p> <p>If you want to create a destination folder before copying, add a backslash to its name. Also in the copy dialog, you can press F10 to select a folder from the tree of the active file panel or Alt-F10 to select from the tree of the passive file panel.</p> <p>Shift-F10 allows you to open the tree taking into account the path contained in the input line (if several paths are listed there, then only the first of them is taken into account). If the "Process multiple file names" option is enabled, the selected folder is added to the contents of the input line separated by a semicolon.</p> <p>The ability to copy, move, and rename files for plug-ins depends on the functionality of the specific plug-in.</p> <p>If the file being copied to already exists, it can be overwritten, skipped, or the contents of the copied file can be appended to its end.</p> <p>If the disk to which files are copied or transferred becomes full during the operation, you can either cancel the operation or replace the disk and select "Split", after which the copied file will be divided between the disks. This feature is only available if the "Use system copy function" option in the System Options dialog is turned off.</p> <p>The Copy Permissions option can only be used for the NTFS file system and allows you to copy file permission information.</p> <p>The New/Updated Files Only option will allow you to copy/overwrite new and updated files without question. Updated means a file whose modification date and time is greater than the modification date and time of the target file.</p> <p>Option "Use system copy function" from the dialog</p> <p>System options enable the use of the Windows CopyFileEx function (or CopyFile if CopyFileEx is not available) instead of the internal file copy implementation. This can be useful on NTFS because CopyFileEx performs more efficient disk space allocation and copies extended file attributes.</p> <p>When migrating files, FAR considers Windows 2000/XP symbolic links to determine whether the operation should be a copy-and-delete operation or a direct transfer (within the same physical drive).</p> <p>FAR treats a copy attempt to con in the same way as a copy to nul or to \\.\nul - that is, the file is read from disk, but not written anywhere.</p> <p>A move to nul, \\.\nul, or con operation does not delete files.</p> <p>The "Copy permissions" and "Only new/updated files" options only apply to the current copy session.</p> <p>Hard and symbolic connections</p> <p>On NTFS partitions, you can also create hard (HardLink) links for files and symbolic (SymLink) links for folders using the Alt-F6 command.</p> <p>Hard links are used for files. Symbolic links - for folders and drives.</p> <p>Hard connections</p> <p>A HardLink is just another entry in the folder for a given file.</p> <p>When a hard link is created, the file itself is not physically copied, but only appears under another name or in yet another location, and its old name and location remain intact. From this point on, the hard link is indistinguishable from the original entry in the folder. The only difference is that a hard link does not create a short file name, so it is not visible from DOS programs.</p> <p>When the file size or date changes, all corresponding folder entries are updated automatically. When you delete a file, it is not physically deleted until all hard links pointing to it are deleted. The order in which they are removed does not matter. When you delete a hard link to the recycle bin, the number of links in the file is retained.</p> <p>FAR can create hard links, display the number of hard links for each file in a separate column (by default, this is the last column in the 9th panel mode), and also sort files by the number of hard links.</p> <p>Hard links are supported in NTFS starting with NT 4.0. You can only create hard links on the same drive as the source file.</p> <p>Symbolic connections</p> <p>NTFS since version 5.0 (Windows 2000/XP) supports symbolic links (SymLink). Symbolic folder connections in Windows 2000/XP are known as "directory junctions" - a technology that allows you to map any local folder to any other local folder. For example, if the D:\SYMLINK folder points to C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 as its target, then a program that accesses D:\SYMLINK\DRIVERS will actually access C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS.</p> <p>FAR can create symbolic links only on local disks whose file system supports this feature (Windows 2000/XP/NTFS 5.0). Unlike hard links, symbolic links do not have to point to the same drive.</p> <p>You cannot directly make symbolic links to CD-ROM folders, but you can get around this limitation by mounting a CD-ROM disk to a folder on an NTFS partition.</p> <p>Error: copying/transferring "to itself"</p> <p>You cannot copy/transfer a file or folder “to itself”.</p> <p>This error also occurs in Windows 2000/XP if there are two folders, one of which is a symbolic link to the other.</p> <p>Warning: Source file contains more than one data stream</p> <p>The source file contains more than one data stream, or the destination file system does not support multithreading of file objects.</p> <p>Streams are a feature of the NTFS file system that allows you to associate additional information with a file (for example, information about its author, title, keywords, etc., as well as any other data). This information is stored with the file and is not visible in any way when using programs that do not support streams. Specifically, streams are used by Windows Explorer in Windows 2000/XP to store additional file properties. FAT/FAT32 file systems do not support streams.</p> <p>In order to copy the entire file object (with all streams), enable the "Use system copy function" option in the system settings dialog.</p> <p>If you copy a multi-threaded file object to a non-NTFS volume, you will also lose data - only the main thread will be copied.</p> <p>If a folder has multiple data streams, additional streams will only be copied when you use the Transfer function (F6).</p> <p>Error: plugin not loaded</p> <p>This error appears in cases where:</p> <p>1. For normal operation of the DLL module, dynamic</p><p>A library that is missing on your system.</p><p>2. For some reason, the module returned information about</p><p>No further downloading allowed.</p><p>3. The plugin DLL module is corrupted.</p> <p>Switch between screens</p> <p>FAR allows you to open multiple copies of the built-in viewer and editor. Use Ctrl-Tab, Ctrl-Shift-Tab or F12 to switch between panels and screens with these copies. Ctrl-Tab</p> <p>switches to the next screen, Ctrl-Shift-Tab to the previous one, F12 displays a list of all available screens.</p> <p>The number of background editing and viewing screens is displayed in the upper left corner of the left pane. You can disable the display of the number of screens using the Panel Settings dialog.</p> <p>Apply command</p> <p>Using the Apply command item from the File Menu, you can apply a command to each marked file. The file name must use the same characters as in File Associations.</p> <p>For example, "type!.!" will display all marked files in turn, and the command "rar32 m!.!.rar!.!" will transfer all marked files to RAR archives of the same name. The command "explorer /select,!.!" will launch Explorer and place the cursor on the current file or folder.</p> <p>See also "Operating system commands"</p> <p>Operating system commands</p> <p>FAR Manager independently processes the following operating system commands:</p> <p>Cleaning the screen.</p> <p>Change the current disk to the specified "disk" in the panel.</p> <p>CD path or CHDIR path</p> <p>Change the current path on the panel to the specified "path". If a drive name is specified, the drive is also changed. If the active panel displays a file system supported by the plug-in, then the "CD" command on the command line can be used to change the current folder of that file system. Unlike "CD", the "CHDIR" command always treats the specified parameter as the name of a real folder, regardless of the type of file panel.</p> <p>Display or change the current code page number. "nnn" is the code page number. CHCP without a parameter will show the current code page number.</p> <p>SET variable=</p> <p>Set the environment variable "variable" to the value "string". If "string" is not specified, then the "variable" environment variable will be removed. Some</p> <p>FAR Manager sets environment variables independently at startup.</p> <p>IF EXIST filename command</p> <p>Execute "command" if "filename" exists. The prefix "NOT" indicates the opposite condition, i.e. execute command "command" if</p> <p>"filename" does NOT exist.</p> <p>IF DEFINED variable command</p> <p>The command is similar to IF EXIST, but checks for the existence of the "variable" environment variable. If the environment variable "variable" exists, then the command "command" will be executed.</p> <p>"IF" commands can be nested, for example the "command" command</p> <p>if exist file1 if not exist file2 if defined variable command</p> <p>will only be executed if file "file1" exists and file "file2" does not exist and the environment variable "variable" is defined.</p> <p>Notes:</p> <p>1. If the command syntax differs from those indicated, then</p><p>FAR Manager transfers control to the operating system command processor.</p><p>2. The listed commands work in:</p> <ol><p>Command line</p> </ol><ol><p>Apply command</p> <p>user's menu</p> <p>File associations</p> </ol><p>Environment Variables</p> <p>Once launched, FAR Manager sets the following environment variables that are available to child processes:</p> <p>FARUSER is the username specified in the /u parameter</p><p>Command line.</p><p>FARLANG is the name of the current interface language.</p> <p>Keyboard macros</p> <p>Keyboard macros can be used to override standard FAR keys or key combinations, or to create new keyboard commands.</p> <p>To set a macro command, press Ctrl-<.>(Ctrl and period key), the desired key sequence, again Ctrl-<.>and the key or key combination to which this macro will be assigned. While a macro is being recorded, an "R" symbol appears in the upper left corner of the screen.</p> <p>To remove a macro and return a key to its original function, press Ctrl- twice<.>and then the key to which the macro is assigned.</p> <p>In addition to the standard FAR key combinations, you can assign macro commands to Ctrl-Shift-<буква>, Ctrl-Alt-<буква>and Alt-Shift-<буква>.</p> <p>FAR supports several independent sets of macros: shell, viewer, editor, and some other types of macros. Sets of macro commands are saved using the "Save parameters" command</p> <p>from the Options Menu.</p> <p>To set additional parameters for a macro, start or end its recording using Ctrl-Shift-. instead of Ctrl-. and select the desired options in the dialog that appears.</p> <p>Some key combinations (particularly Enter, Esc, F1, Ctrl-F5) cannot be entered directly because they have special functions. To assign a macro to one of these key combinations, select it from the drop-down list.</p> <p>Macro parameters</p> <p>To set additional parameters for a macro, start or end its recording using Ctrl-Shift-. instead of Ctrl-. and select the desired options in the dialog that appears:</p> <p>Allow output to screen during execution</p> <p>If you disable this option, FAR Manager disables screen redrawing during macro execution. All changes will be reflected after the macro is completed.</p> <p>Execute after launching FAR</p> <p>Allows you to execute a macro immediately after launching FAR Manager.</p> <p>Conditions for executing a macro:</p> <p>Empty command line</p><p>[x] - execute only if the command line is empty - execute only if the command line is not empty [?] - ignore the command line state</p><p>On the plugin panel</p><p>[x] - execute only if the current panel is a plugin panel - execute only for a file panel [?] - ignore panel type</p><p>Run on folders</p><p>[x] - execute only if there is a folder under the cursor in the panel - execute only if there is a file in the panel under the cursor [?] - execute for folders and files</p><p>Block/files marked</p><p>[x] - execute only if there are marked files/folders on the panel or a block is selected in the editor - execute if there are no marked files/folders or block in the editor [?] - ignore the state of the block/file mark</p> <p>Far Manager is a free program for working with files (in other words, a file manager), which allows you to work both in windowed mode and with the command line. This “hybrid” file management allows not only advanced users, but also beginners to work with the program.</p> <p>In order to install Far Manager, download the installer for free from the developer’s website in the downloads section. Far Manager has an official website - If the version of the program you are using is lower than 2.0, it is advisable to register it, otherwise the functionality provided to the user will be limited. For example, the unlicensed version does not save Far settings, which is quite inconvenient. The Far Manager registration process is very simple and does not take much time. For residents of the former CIS and Russia, this procedure is free (up to version 1.61). You can register Far file manager by entering the command “far –r” in the console. In the window that appears, enter the following values: “xUSSR registration” and “name of the current day of the week.” Click “OK” and use the full version.</p> <p>Far2.0 does not require registration, since from this version the program comes as open source. All functions are available by default.</p> <h2>How to work in Far Manager - basics</h2> <p>To decide how to work in Far Manager more conveniently, you need to consider both available options:</p> <ul><li>Using a graphical (window) interface and menu.</li> <li>Using commands entered into the console.</li> </ul><p>Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so both methods are most often used. Next, we'll take a closer look at both the GUI and the most commonly used commands entered into the command line.</p> <p>The appearance of the program is quite simple - the main window is divided into 2 equal parts, which display files from the selected folder or disk. Below them is the command line and a list of commands called using the hotkeys F1 – F12 and Alt+ F1 – F12.</p> <p>The transition between panels is carried out with the Tab button. Using the arrows you can move through the list of files in the section. Moving through sections is carried out using the Enter key.</p> <p>In order to view the result of executing commands entered into the Far Manager command line, you need to hide one or both panels. There are also hotkeys for this action: Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2 for the left and right panels, respectively. When pressed again, the panels will be displayed.</p> <p>By default, the headlight manager menu language is English, but the program also supports the Russian version. To change the language, you need to call up the menu bar (by pressing F9 or LMB-clicking on the top of any of the panels). In the “Options” menu, select the “Languages” item and select Russian from the proposed list (main and help).</p> <p>To change the directory in one of the panels, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt+F1 for the left panel (or Alt+F2 for the right). Or you can simply left-click on the directory name in the current panel and select the “Change disk” sub-item in the “Left” or “Right” menu.</p> <p>The main functions of any file manager are file system management. That is, creating, deleting and copying (moving) files and groups of files.</p> <p>You can create a new file in Far Manager in the current directory by pressing Shift+F4. You will need to enter the name and extension of the new file:</p> <p>Moving a file or group of files to another directory is done using the F5 (copy) and F6 (move) buttons. In order to perform these operations for a group of files, you need to mark them (Insert button on the keyboard). All marked files are highlighted in yellow.</p> <h3>Plugins in Far</h3> <p>There are additional routines that expand the range of Far-plugin capabilities. The most commonly used plugins in Far provide:</p> <ul><li>Interaction with FTP and SFTP servers.</li> <li>Using regular expressions to match and replace characters (and groups of characters) in a file.</li> <li>Control of external devices connected to the PC (for example, printers).</li> <li>Highlighting syntax in program texts.</li> <li>Working with the Windows registry.</li> <li>Working with the basket.</li> <li>Renaming groups of files using templates.</li> </ul><p>In addition to plugins, there are a number of useful functions implemented by default in Far Manager; we will look at how to use some of them and how to call them in more detail.</p> <p>Various modes for presenting information about files. There are 9 such modes in total. You can change the file system display mode in Far Manager using the CTRL+ key combination. Accordingly, there are only 9 available modes:</p> <ol><li>Brief. Part of the file name is shown (or the full name + extension if they add up to less than a certain number of characters).</li> <li>Average. Most of the file name is shown (or the full name + extension if they add up to less than a certain number of characters).</li> <li>Full. In addition to the name (if applicable) and extension (if applicable), the size of the file or folder is displayed, as well as the date and time of its creation or last modification.</li> <li>Wide. The full file name and size are displayed.</li> <li>Detailed. In addition to the name, information is displayed about the size, compression ratio, date of creation and last modification of the file, as well as the time of the last access to it and its attributes.</li> <li>View descriptions. The name and short description of the file (if any) are shown.</li> <li>View long descriptions. The name, size, and full description of the file (if any) are displayed.</li> <li>View file owners. The file name, size, and owner are displayed.</li> </ol><li>Various file sorting modes in the panel. There are also only 9 of them; the keyboard shortcut in Far Manager to change the sorting mode is CTRL+. CTRL+F12 displays information about all available modes with the current one displayed:</li> <h4>Setting up an FTP connection in FAR</h4> <p>As mentioned earlier, you can work with FTP and SFTP servers in Far Manager; we will look at how to use these functions further. Depending on the Far Manager build, the FTP plugin may or may not be installed. It’s very easy to check its presence - if there is an FTP item in the disk change menu, then the plugin is there, if not, you can always download and install it.</p> <p>The FTP panel displays a list of servers available for connection. If it is empty, you need to add a new connection. This can be done using the Shift+F4 key combination in Far. FTP setup in this case will require entering the following server data:</p> <ul><li>FTP server name or IP address.</li> <li>User login and password required to access the server.</li> </ul><p>In addition, you can add a text description for this connection, which will help the user more clearly navigate the list of available FTP servers.</p> <p>Attention! If the password field is left blank when creating a new connection, the password will be requested each time you try to connect to the FTP server. This connection option is preferable from the point of view of security and safety of personal data.</p> <p>Once the creation of a new connection is successfully completed, its name will appear in the list of available servers. By highlighting it with the cursor and pressing Enter, you will be taken to the root directory of the FTP server. Transferring files from your computer to the server and vice versa occurs in the same way as when working with files on local storage.</p> <p>Far Manager is very convenient to use for transferring your own website files to a virtual server. Usually, no questions arise during the transfer, but in case of emergency situations or simply incomprehensible moments, it is better to consult a professional. Such people work for us at RigWEB. Our support team is ready to help customers at any time, so call us! We promptly resolve problems that arise and answer all user questions.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="comment_box" id="comments"> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu" id="nav_menu-2"> <div class="menu-mainmenu-container"> <ul id="menu-mainmenu-2" class="menu"> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Internet</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Programs</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Instructions</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Browsers</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Windows 10</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Android</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">iOS</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Connection</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="widget"> <div class="heading star">The last notes</div> <div class="popular_posts"> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/5479fa0a6316038346158a6ddff8716b.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="How to adjust color on a computer?" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">How to adjust color on a computer?</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/e2246a2aaf0fc5a159ab9be5368abb8e.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Why do we need virtual machines?" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">Why do we need virtual machines?</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/ebf6845ec22c902c4e0441d1a9715a3f.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="How to disable Android updates: applications and system How to disable auto-updates of Android applications on Google Play" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">How to disable Android updates: applications and system How to disable auto-updates of Android applications on Google Play</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/3404ff711166dc8ce98ba37faa4a8648.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="How to transfer contacts to xiaomi" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">How to transfer contacts to xiaomi</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/bcb6a25eeec206a5c7065b9ba02e7acf.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Jabra Halo Smart review: long-lasting Bluetooth headphones Made in China" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">Jabra Halo Smart review: long-lasting Bluetooth headphones Made in China</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="widget"> <div class="heading star">Popular</div> <div class="popular_posts"> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/c98242ba821ae36a1ca2e73887a79b8c.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Highscreen Zera S - 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