How to copy, move folders and files. Group operation of copying, pasting, moving folders and files

IN operating system Windows has the ability to assign special attributes to directories. With their help, the properties of directories are changed, for example, none of the contents in them can be changed or they cease to be displayed on the hard drive. This article describes how you can show and open hidden (that is, with the Hide attribute enabled) folders on a computer running Windows systems 7.

General information

These parameters are necessary in order to protect directories with content important for system operation from actions inexperienced users. If you unknowingly delete or change any required file, Windows or some third party programs may not start working correctly.

However, there are often cases when users need to access hidden information. A striking example is the invisible AppData folder, which contains browser service data. If you need to clear the cache or make a backup personal information– requires access to AppData.

There are 2 pretty simple ways, how to open hidden folders: change Windows Explorer settings or remove the “Hide” attribute from the folder using a special bat file.

Explorer Properties

In order for you to be able to see hidden files and directories, you need to specially configure the program settings for working with file system on Windows. This program is called Explorer. To change its properties, follow these steps: simple actions specified in the instructions:

Creating a bat file

In order to change the attributes of directories and files, you can use special file With bat extension. Create a regular text (txt) document and add “.bat” to its name. Open the document using Notepad.

Copy the line “attrib -H /S /D” into the input field and save changes made. Now you need to transfer the program you created yourself to the directory in which the data you need is stored, and run it. This way you will remove the “Hidden” option from all available files and sections.

In this article we learned how to create, rename and delete folders with files. Now let's look at operations such as copy, paste, move, and , which you will use often.

In Windows, to work with files, folders and drives, you can use either the folder " Computer", or the program - that are installed when installing the Windows operating system. Folder " Computer" opens via " ", to launch the program " Conductor» right click on the button « Start" and select the menu item " Open File Explorer».

How to copy a folder or file

Copying is used to create a complete copy Windows object with all its properties (name, content, size) in another hard place disk or removable media. For example, to create a copy on a flash drive of your photos, music, documents, etc. When you copy, your original data on your hard drive or other storage device remains in place.

Let's look at copying a folder step by step, using the example of working in the disk browser " Computer».

How to insert a folder or file

As a result of the previous operation, our folder (or file) is on the clipboard, waiting to be inserted. Pasting is copying an object from the clipboard to some place or . To do this, follow these steps:

Move a folder or file using the Cut operation

The Cut operation is designed to move a folder or file to another location on your hard drive or removable media, without saving the original object. To move a folder or file, follow these steps:

  1. In Disk Explorer, select " Computer» required object.
  2. By right-clicking on the selected object, call up the context menu, in which click on the item “ Cut».
  3. The context menu will disappear, the folder (or file) will be copied to the clipboard. The object icon will fade.
  4. Paste the folder or file into the desired location by performing the above operation " Insert». Source object in its original location will be deleted.

Group operation of copying, pasting, moving folders and files

So far we have been operating with a single file or folder. But what if we need to copy or move several? Copying one file at a time, especially if there are many of them, is irrational. There is a technique for this called selection. To highlight necessary objects, press left button mouse and, without releasing it, circle the desired objects with the cursor. Selected files and folders will be in a rectangular area colored blue.

In the Windows operating system (OS), there are so-called hidden folders and files that are not displayed among public folders and files either on the computer’s hard drive or on various media(flash drives, external drives and so on.). However, it happens that the user needs to access them. How to open hidden folders in Windows? Let's consider several cases: with Windows XP, Windows 7, and also universal method With Total program Commander is an excellent PC resource manager.

How to open hidden folders XP

This is done in two ways: through Windows Explorer and through the Control Panel. In the first case, double-left-click on “My Computer” (usually this shortcut is on the desktop) or press Win+E at the same time. Now in top menu select “Tools”, and then select “Folder Options”. In the window that opens, select “View” and find the “Show hidden folders and files” item there. Here click “Apply” and then “OK”. In the second case, open the “Start” menu (on the desktop in the lower left corner) and go to “Control Panel”, where you select the “Folder Options” section. Next, find the same items as in the first menu: “View” - “Show hidden...” - “Apply” - “OK”. That's all - now your hidden folders will be shown. I note that they will be displayed in the form of translucent icons so that they can be distinguished from publicly available ones. Usually this system files and you can change and delete them only if you know exactly what you are doing - otherwise, some programs, or even the entire system, may stop running, be sure to take this into account. Well, now let's talk about Windows 7, opening hidden folders in which it will also not be difficult, since the method of action is approximately the same, so we will describe only some differences.

How to open hidden folders in Windows 7

In “Seven” in the “Control Panel” there is a corresponding section called “Folder Options”, and an item in “Folder Options” - “Show hidden folders, files and drives”. If you want to do the same through Explorer, the top menu in Win 7 is not available by default, so you need to press Alt to turn it on. Now click “Tools”, then “Folder Options”, well, then everything is as usual. Well, as promised, a few words about Total Commander.

We open access through Total Commander

Launch this program and select “Configuration” in the top menu, and then “Settings”. In the left part of the window, find the “Panel Contents” item; by clicking on it with the left mouse button, you will see a list of options in the right pane. In the top block, find the item “Display files” and check the box next to “Show hidden/system files”, then click “Apply” and “OK”. That's the whole simple procedure. Just remember that hidden folders and files must be handled very carefully. By the way, if you want to hide some information from prying eyes, you should not use this method, it is better to archive the data and protect it with a strong password, and the method of hiding folders is rather just for convenience.

Some system folders in Windows are hidden from the user so that he does not accidentally delete or change important files, on which the operation of the OS depends. Besides, general access to folders is usually limited. To remove these restrictions, you must set the appropriate settings.

To make hidden folders visible, open the Start panel and click on Computer. At the top left, find the Organize option, expand the drop-down list, and select Folder and Search Options. In the window that appears, open the “View” menu, scroll down the list and under the option “ Hidden files and folders" select "Show hidden folders, files and drives". Click OK. You have gained access to all hidden directories. Sharing a folder will allow accounts to different users obtain rights to exchange files and other permitted actions within it. Access can be done both locally and over the network. By default, Windows 7 has one shared folder - Public

. You can store videos, music, photos and other files in it for sharing or viewing. obtain rights to exchange files and other permitted actions within it. Access can be done both locally and over the network. By default, Windows 7 has one shared folder - To make a folder accessible to all users, open “Computer” – “System disk” – “Users”. Click right key mouse over the “General” folder and select “Properties”. Click on "Sharing". In the window that appears, select “Everyone” and click “Add”. Select allowed actions in shared folder : Read only will only allow you to view files, reading and writing will allow you to exchange data and download new ones to other users. public access." In the File and Printer Sharing and Folder Sharing subsections, select Enable and click Save Changes.

Now identify any folder you wish to share. Log in and select “Sharing” from the top tabs. Select "Specific Users" from the list, and then select the accounts to access or the "Everyone" option. Confirm your actions by clicking "Share". You can send a link to the shared folder by email or copy it into a notepad and share it as needed. You can share folders with people who don't have account OK on the computer. To do this, you must enable the guest account. Open Start, go to Control Panel and select Add or Remove Accounts. Click on the Guest account and click Enable. To give a Guest access to a shared folder, in the folder properties, go to the “Security” tab and click on “Edit”. Click "Add" and then enter the word "Guest" in the name field. Click

, then assign access rights in the Group Permissions tab. It is not recommended to share root directory system disk , and Windows folders obtain rights to exchange files and other permitted actions within it. Access can be done both locally and over the network. By default, Windows 7 has one shared folder - and "Users". Even if you bypass the restrictions imposed by the system, this may negatively affect the operation of the computer. Use the folder to exchange data obtain rights to exchange files and other permitted actions within it. Access can be done both locally and over the network. By default, Windows 7 has one shared folder -.

, copying files there to the appropriate directories: music to the “General Music” folder, photos to the “General Images” folder, etc. This method will always come in handy if you have difficulty accessing a regular folder that is not related to In the previous article from the “Desktop” category, I told and showed how to set up, which increases the productivity of working at the computer.

This topic is somewhat related... Open any file using the keyboard. Only in this case will our memory be useful to us. But it's better to use a note on a piece of paper or. Whatever is convenient for you, the main thing is not to forget the key combination that we will set for quick launch

programs or opening a file. This time we will not search for programs through, but will immediately launch them using the keyboard, or rather three simultaneously pressed keys. This useful feature , just like the toolbar, makes it possible to leave everything open source software

Open any file using the keyboard

Also the majority standard commands Windows can be executed via the keyboard.
Here are some of them

​Shortcut keys

F key

  • F1 Call help for the current application
  • F2 Rename selected object
  • F3 Calls the search dialog in the current folder
  • F4 Expand the address menu drop-down list in Explorer or Internet Explorer
  • F4 +Alt Close current application
  • F5 Refresh the contents of the window or desktop
  • F6 or Tab Switch between Explorer panels
  • F6+Ctrl Go to the next program window
  • F10 or Alt Go to the Explorer menu (File, Edit...)
  • F10+Shift Call context menu selected object

Ctrl key

  • Ctrl+[drag object] Copy object
  • Ctrl+Tab Switch document windows in an MDI application, open a dialog tab
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab Open previous tab dialogue
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del Opens the application manager (if double clickhot reboot PC)
  • Ctrl+A Select all objects
  • Ctrl+B Opens the “Organize Favorites” window
  • Ctrl+C (Ctrl+Insert) Copy selected objects to the clipboard
  • Ctrl+G Go to folder
  • Ctrl+F Open search bar
  • Ctrl+H Open “Journal” folder
  • Ctrl+L (Ctrl+O) Open the address input dialog in Internet Explorer
  • Ctrl+N Open a new application window
  • Ctrl+P Open the “Print” window
  • Ctrl+R Refresh content active window
  • Ctrl+S Save document
  • Ctrl+V Paste objects from the clipboard
  • Ctrl+W Close the active application window
  • Ctrl+X Cut selected objects to clipboard
  • Ctrl+Z Restore just deleted file

Shift key

  • Shift+Win+M Maximize all windows
  • Shift+Del Delete files without moving them to the trash
  • Shift+[drag object] Move object
  • Shift+Ctrl+drag file
  • Shift+Enter Open a separate Explorer window for the selected folder

Alt key

  • Alt+[left arrow] Back navigation in the Browser
  • Alt+[right arrow] Forward navigation in the Browser
  • Alt+[down arrow] Open drop-down list
  • Alt+Space Call the menu of the current window (Close, Move...)
  • Alt+Tab Switch between applications with display of the selection panel
  • Alt+Esc Switch between applications without displaying the selection panel
  • Alt+Shift+Tab Switch between applications in reverse order
  • Alt+PrintScreen Copy the contents of the active window to the clipboard as a graphic.

Usage special key“Windows”

  • Win Call up the Start menu
  • Win+D Collapse/expand all open windows, including dialog boxes
  • Win+R Open the “Run” dialog
  • Win+M Minimize all windows except dialog boxes
  • Win+F1 Open Windows Help
  • Win+E Call Explorer
  • Win+F Call up the search menu for files and folders
  • Win+Tab Switch between running windows applications.
  • Win+Break (Win+Pause) Calling the “System Properties” dialog

Additional keys

  • Del Delete selected objects to the Trash
  • PrintScreen Copy desktop contents to clipboard as graphics
  • Backspace Move up one level in the folder tree in Explorer
  • Tab+Shift In a dialog box, switch between controls in the opposite direction
  • Space Click on a highlighted button or set/uncheck a selected option
  • Enter Click on the highlighted button
  • Tab In a dialog box, switch between controls

Download this list to your computer and use it as a cheat sheet. Follow the link and at the bottom right of the document click “Save”

Some laughter!!

This is useful to know: