Examination cards in computer science 2nd year. Database management systems. Regional computer networks

1 ticket –beginning-

I generation, 1945-1954

Application of vacuum tube technology, use of memory systems on mercury delay lines, magnetic drums, cathode ray tubes (Williams tubes).

Punched tapes and punched cards, magnetic tapes and printing devices were used for data input and output.

The concept of a stored program was implemented.

II generation, 1955-1964 Replacement of vacuum tubes as the main components of a computer with transistors. Computers have become more reliable, their performance has increased, and energy consumption has decreased. With the advent of memory on magnetic cores, its operating cycle decreased to tens of microseconds.

The main principle of the structure is centralization.

High-performance devices for working with magnetic tapes, memory devices on magnetic disks.

III generation, 1965-1974 Computers were designed on the basis of integrated circuits of low degree of integration (MIS - 10 - 100 components per chip) and medium degree of integration (SIS - 10 -1000 components per chip).

An idea arose, which was implemented, of designing a family of computers with the same architecture, which was based mainly on software.

In the late 60s, minicomputers appeared. In 1971, the first microprocessor appeared.

IV generation, after 1975 The use of large integrated circuits (LSI - 1000 - 100,000 components per chip) and ultra-large integrated circuits (VLSI - 100,000 - 10,000,000 components per chip) in the creation of computers.

The beginning of this generation is considered to be 1975 - Amdahl Corp. released six AMDAHL 470 V/6 computers, which used LSI as an elemental base.

High-speed memory systems on integrated circuits began to be used - MOS RAM with a capacity of several megabytes. If the machine is turned off, the data contained in the MOS RAM is saved by automatic transfer to disk. When the machine is turned on, the system starts using a boot program stored in ROM (read-only memory), which unloads the operating system and resident software into the MOS RAM.

The first personal computers appeared in the mid-70s.

V generation The main emphasis when creating computers is on their “intelligence”; attention is focused not so much on the elemental base, but on the transition from an architecture focused on data processing to an architecture focused on knowledge processing.

Knowledge Processing - Use and Processing knowledge computer, which a person uses to solve problems and make decisions.

1 ticket –continued-

Development of computer technology. Its development is noted background And four generations of computers. Prehistory begins in ancient times with various devices for counting (abacus, abacus), and the first calculating machine appeared only in 1642. It was invented by a French mathematician Pascal. Built on the basis of gear wheels, it could sum decimal numbers. All four arithmetic operations were performed by a machine created in 1673 by a German mathematician Leibniz. It became the prototype of adding machines, used from 1820 to the 60s of the 20th century. For the first time, the idea of ​​a program-controlled calculating machine with an arithmetic unit, control, input and printing devices (albeit using the decimal number system) was put forward in 1822 by an English mathematician Babbage. His project was ahead technical capabilities of its time and was not implemented. Only in the 40s of the XX century. succeeded in creating a programmable calculating machine, based on electromechanical relays that can be in one of two stable states: “on” and “off.” This is technically simpler than trying to implement ten different states based on processing information based on decimal rather than binary number system. In the second half of the 40s, the first electronic computers appeared, element base which were vacuum tubes. The main characteristics of computers of different generations are given in Table. 1

With each new generation of computers, the speed and reliability of their operation increased while their cost and size decreased, and information input and output devices were improved. In accordance with the interpretation of the computer - as a technical model of the human information function - input devices are approaching the natural perception of information for humans (visual, audio) and, therefore, the operation of entering it into the computer becomes more and more convenient for humans.

A modern computer is a universal, multifunctional, electronic automatic device for working with information. Computers in modern society have taken over a significant part of the work related to information. By historical standards, computer information processing technologies are still very young and are at the very beginning of their development. Not a single state on Earth has yet created an information society. There are still many flows of information not involved in the scope of computers. Computer technologies today are transforming or replacing old ones, pre-computer information processing technologies. The current stage will end with the construction of global worldwide networks for storing and exchanging information accessible to every organization and every member of society. You just need to remember that computers should be entrusted with what they can do better than a person, and not use them to the detriment of a person or society.

2 ticket

Informatization of society- a global, civilization-wide process of active formation and large-scale use of information resources. In the process of informatization of society, the traditional technological method of production and way of life is transformed into a new post-industrial one, based on the use of cybernetic methods and means.

Information society- a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge

In the actual practice of the development of science and technology in advanced countries at the end of the 20th century. The picture of the information society created by theorists is gradually taking on visible shape. It is predicted that the entire world space will transform into a single computerized and information community of people living in electronic apartments and cottages. Any home is equipped with all kinds of electronic devices and computerized devices. People's activities will be focused mainly on information processing, and material production and energy production will be entrusted to machines.

Local area network (LAN)- a group of computers and peripheral equipment united by one or more autonomous high-speed digital data transmission channels within one or more nearby buildings. There are:

Depending on the data transmission technology: local networks with data routing and local networks with data selection;

Depending on the physical means of connection used: cable local networks and wireless local networks.

Telecommunications network is a general concept of a data transmission medium. This includes computer, telephone and some other networks.

A) Computer network- same as LAN

B) Telephone network - a communication network designed for speech transmission and consisting of:

From automatic telephone exchanges(switching nodes); And

From telephone sets and other devices (subscriber systems).

IN) Television network– designed to transmit moving images and their sound.

3 ticket

Computer- programmable electronic device, capable of processing data and performing calculations, as well as performing other symbol manipulation tasks. There are two main classes of computers:

Digital computers (computers) that process data in the form of numeric binary codes;

Analog computers that process continuously changing physical quantities, which are analogues of calculated quantities.

Backbone-modular principle.

The architecture of modern PCs is based on the backbone-modular principle. The modular principle allows the consumer to assemble the computer configuration he needs and, if necessary, upgrade it. The modular organization of the system is based on the backbone (bus) principle of information exchange. A highway or system bus is a set of electronic lines that link together the processor, memory and peripheral devices for memory addressing, data transfer and service signals. Data via the data bus can be transferred from the processor to any device or, conversely, from the device to the processor, i.e. The data bus is bidirectional.

Principles background Neumann - general principles, which form the basis of modern computers:

-1- the principle of program control, according to which a program consists of a set of commands that are executed by the processor one after another in a certain sequence;

-2- the principle of memory homogeneity, according to which programs and data are stored in the same memory;

-3- the principle of addressing, according to which the main memory consists of renumbered cells and any cell is available to the processor at any time.

4 ticket

Main components of a computer. The role of everyone in the information processing process.

The main components of a computer include:

1. Central processor

3. System bus

4. Controllers and devices for input/output and information storage.

The role of each of them in the processing process:

* The main part of an Electronic Computer is certainly the central processor. It reads data and commands from memory and performs the required operations on this data (and the number of operations is a priori f

fixed and represents the so-called machine code). After which, if necessary, it writes the results of its work into memory. It also controls input/output and information storage devices via


* The main role of memory is to remember, store and provide stored information to the processor. Memory stores both data and processor instructions. The memory is connected to the central processing unit via the system bus. The unit of storing information in memory is a byte. Moreover, a byte in most modern machines consists of eight bits. The bit is the minimum logical structure dostatchanya to describe the two

states. Memory is divided into RAM and ROM by type. RAM - Random Access Memory - is a temporary memory in which data is not saved when there is no power. ROM - Read Only Memory is a type of memory in which data is stored permanently until it is overwritten or erased.

* The system bus is a device that allows you to transfer data between the central processing unit, memory and controllers.

* A controller is a special device that allows you to communicate with peripheral devices, a kind of interface to the central processor. Controllers allow the central processing unit to manage input/output and storage. Input-Output devices are special devices that are used to enter data and/or commands into a computer or output work results. An example of an input/output device is touchscreen, modem etc.

5 ticket

Compound system unit. Purpose of each device.

1. Motherboard

2. Processor

Motherboard - the main board of the computer on which the electronic components, defining the processor architecture.

CPU- the main working component of a computer, which:

Performs arithmetic and logical operations specified by the program;

Manages the computing process; And

Coordinates the operation of all computer devices.

IN general case The central processor contains:

Arithmetic-logical unit;

Data buses and address buses;


Command counters;

Very fast, small cache memory;

Mathematical floating point coprocessor.

A fast storage device directly connected to the processor and designed to write, read, and store executing programs and data.

HDD- a magnetic disk in which the information carriers are round aluminum plates (platters), both surfaces of which are coated with a layer of magnetic material. This plate or group of coaxially arranged plates, together with the read/write unit, are placed in a sealed box to protect them from dust, moisture and dirt.

6 ticket

Types of memory. Basic characteristics of memory. Properties of memory.

Read Only Memory - non-volatile memory, is used to store data that will never need to be changed. The contents of persistent memory are “hardwired” into the device during its manufacture for permanent storage. ROM can only be read.

A program for controlling the operation of the processor itself, programs for controlling the display, keyboard, printer, external memory, programs for starting and stopping the computer, and device testing programs are written to the permanent memory.

Random Access Memory- a fast storage device directly connected to the processor and designed for writing, reading and storing executable programs and data.

Characteristics: capacity, speed.

Properties: permanent, rewritable.

7 ticket

Infopmation. Properties of information. Unitsamount of information.

Concept of information. The term information comes from the Latin informatio, which means explanation, information, exposition. The concept of “information” has many meanings and therefore cannot be strictly defined. In a broad sense information - this is a reflection of the real (material, objective) world, expressed in the form of signals and signs.

In computer science, the concept of “information” means information about objects and phenomena environment, their parameters, properties and condition, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incomplete knowledge about them.

Properties of information (information requirements). At the same time, so that the information contributes to the adoption based on it right decisions, it must be characterized by such properties as reliability, completeness, relevance, usefulness, understandability. Let us also pay attention to such a property of information as adequacy - a certain level of correspondence of the image created with the help of the received information to a real object, process, phenomenon, etc., which allows us to talk about the possibility of clarifying, expanding the volume of information, and bringing it closer to greater reliability in the process of cognition.

Unit of information called bit (bit) - an abbreviation for the English words binary digit, which means binary digit.

8 ticket

Computer peripherals. TheirroleVprocessinginformation.

Peripherals intended for external processing data, ensuring their preparation, input, storage, management, protection, output and transmission over a distance via communication channels.

Basically, peripheral devices play the role of terminals from which the information processing process is controlled.

9 ticket

Computer software. Types of software. Ppikladnoeprogpammo provision.

Software - a set of programs:

Ensuring the processing or transmission of data;

Designed for repeated use and application by different users.

Based on the types of functions performed, software is divided into system, application and instrumental.

Application software software - software consisting of:

Individual application programs and application packages designed to solve various tasks users; And

Automated systems created on the basis of these (packages of) application programs.

10 ticket

Operating system.

Purpose. Operation nn th system(OS) - ensures the integral functioning of all computer components, and also provides the user with access to the computer’s hardware capabilities.

OS composition. The OS structure consists of the following modules:

basic module(OS kernel) - controls the operation of programs and the file system, command processor- decrypts and executes user commands received primarily through the keyboard;

peripheral device drivers - software ensures consistency between the operation of these devices and the processor additional service programs (utilities) - make the process of communication between the user and the computer convenient and versatile.

Loading the OS. The files that make up the OS are stored on disk, That's why the system is called disk operating system (DOS). It is known that in order to execute them, programs - and, therefore, OS files - must be located in random access memory (RAM). However, in order to write the OS into RAM, you need to create a boot program, which is not in RAM immediately after turning on the computer. The way out of this situation is to follow and those linen, step-by-step loading of the OS into RAM.

The first stage of loading the OS. In the system unit of the computer there is read only memory(ROM, permanent memory,ROM - Read Only Memory - memory with read-only access), which contains programs for testing computer units and the first stage of loading the OS. They begin to execute with the first current pulse when the computer is turned on (this is possible because the information in ROM is stored in the form of electronic circuits, which allows it to be saved even after turn off the computer, that is, it has the property energy independence). At this stage, the processor accesses the disk and checks for the presence of a very small boot program at a certain location (at the beginning of the disk). If this program is detected, it is read into RAM and control is transferred to it.

The second stage of loading the OS. The loader program, in its queue, looks for the base OS module on the disk, overwrites its memory and gives it control.

The third stage of loading the OS. The base module includes a main bootloader that searches for other OS modules and reads them into RAM. After the OS has finished loading, control transmitted command processor and the system prompts you to enter user commands.

Replace them with what is in RAM while working computer the base OS module must be present and commanding th processor. Therefore, there is no need to load all OS files into RAM at the same time. Device drivers and utilities can be loaded into RAM as needed, reducing the required amount of RAM allocated to system software.

11 ticket

operating room Windows system: purpose, advantages, disadvantages.

Windows operating system is a single-user operating system developed by Microsoft for personal computers.

Windows OS is multitasking and multithreaded, characterized by a windowed graphical interface.

12 ticket

The concept of an algorithm. Properties of the algorithm. Algorithm executor.

An algorithm is an accurate and understandable instruction to the performer to perform a sequence of actions aimed at solving a given problem. The name “algorithm” comes from the Latin form of the name of the Central Asian mathematician al-Khwarizmi - Algorithmi. Algorithm is one of the basic concepts of computer science and mathematics.

Algorithm properties:

1. Certainty

Each command must be clear and not subject to interpretation.

2. Discreteness

The algorithm must be broken down into simple steps(stages)

3. Effectiveness

The algorithm must lead to a solution to a given problem in a finite number of steps.

4. Mass participation

The algorithm is developed for a certain class of problems that differ only in the initial data.

Executor– abstract or real system, capable of executing the commands of the algorithm. The performer is characterized by: environment, elementary actions, command system, failures.

13 ticket

Types of algorithms

Sequence is the arrangement of actions one after another.

An algorithm in which there is a BRANCHING structure is called BRANCHING.

Branching is the choice of action depending on the fulfillment of some condition.

An algorithm that has a LOOP structure is called CYCLIC.

A cycle is the repeated repetition of some action.

14 ticket

Stages of solving problems on a computer.

Programming is a theoretical and practical activity related to the creation of programs. Solving problems on a computer includes the following main steps, some of which are carried out without the participation of a computer.

1. Formulation of the problem:

collecting information about the task;

formulation of the problem conditions;

determining the final goals of solving the problem;

determination of the form for issuing results;

description of data (their types, ranges of values, structure, etc.).

2. Analysis and study of the problem, model:

analysis of existing analogues;

analysis of hardware and software;

development of a mathematical model;

development of data structures.

3. Algorithm development:

choosing an algorithm design method;

choosing the form of recording the algorithm (flowcharts, pseudocode, etc.);

selection of tests and testing method;

algorithm design.

4. Programming:

choosing a programming language;

clarifying ways to organize data;

writing the algorithm in the selected language


5. Testing and Debugging:

syntax debugging;

debugging semantics and logical structure;

test calculations and analysis of test results;

improving the program.

15 ticket

Method consistent detail.

The process of solving a complex problem quite often comes down to solving several simpler subproblems. Accordingly, when developing a complex algorithm, it can be divided into separate algorithms, which are called auxiliary ones. Each such auxiliary algorithm describes the solution to a subtask.

The process of constructing an algorithm using the sequential refinement method is as follows. First, the algorithm is formulated in “large” blocks (commands), which may be incomprehensible to the performer (not included in his command system) and are written as calls to auxiliary algorithms. Then detailing occurs, and all auxiliary algorithms are described in detail using commands that are understandable to the performer.

16 ticket

Programming systems

Programming system - software system, intended for developing programs in a specific programming language. The programming system provides the user special means program development: translator, (special) program text editor, libraries of standard routines, software documentation, debugger, etc.

17 ticket

Text editor. Purpose and main functions.

Text editor - a program for entering and changing text data: documents, books, programs, etc. The editor provides modification of lines of text, contextual search and replacement of parts of text, automatic page numbering, processing and numbering of footnotes, paragraph alignment, checking the spelling of words, building tables of contents, printing text on a printer, etc.

18 ticket

Spreadsheet. Purpose and main functions

Spreadsheets are a computer program that supports the presentation of data in the form of tables consisting of rows and columns, at the intersection of which cells (table cells) are located. The value in a numeric cell of the table is either specified explicitly or calculated using the formula associated with the cell. Spreadsheets are a tool for analyzing (financial) information.

19 ticket

Database Management Systems

Database management system - a complex of software and linguistic tools for general or special purpose, which implements support for the creation of databases, centralized management and organization of access to them by various users in the conditions of the adopted data processing technology.

The DBMS is characterized by the model used, means of administration and development of application processes.

The DBMS provides:

Description and compression of data;

Data manipulation;

Physical placement and sorting of records;

Failure protection, data integrity support and recovery;

Working with transactions and files;

Data security.

The DBMS defines the data representation model.

20 ticket

General principle 1: to convert a number to some number system with base M (digits 0, ..., M-1), in other words, to M-ary SS, you need to represent it in the form:

C = an * Mn + an-1 * Mn-1 + ... + a1 * M + a0.

a1..n - digits of a number from the corresponding range. an is the first digit, a0 is the last.

Compare this notation with the representation of a number, for example, in the decimal system.

From a system with a larger base to a system with a smaller one

Obviously, to find such a representation one can

1. divide the number by M, the remainder is a0.

2. take the quotient and do step 1 with it, the remainder will be a1...

The desired number will be written in the new number system using the resulting digits.

General principle 2: If the base of one system is the degree of another, for example, 2 and 16, then the translation can be made based on the table:

2 -> 16: we collect fours (16 = 2 4) numbers from the end of the number, each four is one of the digits in hexadecimal. Example below.

16 -> 2 - vice versa. We create fours according to the table.

From a smaller base to a larger one:

We simply calculate C = an * Mn + an-1 * Mn-1 + ... + a1 * M + a0, where M is the old base. Calculations, naturally, proceed according to the new number system.

For example: from 2 to 10: 100101 = 1*25 + 0*24 + 0*23 + 1*22 + 0*21+1=32+4+1=37.

Generally speaking, you can do a lot of clever tricks - they are in the example implementations :)

Many questions are asked regarding fractions and negative numbers.

Negative - the module of the number does not change when moving to another SS, therefore: remember the sign, apply the standard method - put the sign. Next I will talk about positive numbers

Decimal fractions - I move the comma, remembering by what power of the base I multiplied.

For example, moving a comma from the 4th place from the end in a ternary number is the same as multiplying it by 34

121201,2112 * 34 = 1212012112.

After the standard procedure with positive numbers, divide the resulting fraction by this factor. If you get a periobic fraction, that means this is your destiny. Remember: in the 3-digit system 1/3 = 0.1, and in the decimal system - 0.(3). It is a thankless task to operate with decimal fractions.

Ordinary - the correctness of the fraction is preserved relative to transformations, which means the same - the standard for the numerator and denominator.

21 tickets

File system. Files and folders. File name and type. File properties and attributes. Actions with files and folders.

File system- part of the operating system that allows writing and reading files on disk media.

The file system defines the logical and physical file structure, identification and associated file data.

File- a set of related records (clusters) stored in the external memory of a computer and considered as a single whole. Typically, a file is uniquely identified by specifying the file name, its extension, and the path to the file. Each file consists of attributes and content. There are text, graphic and sound files.

Folder – directory with files.

File Properties – size, creation date, location address, file type, summary.

Attributes 1.Read only 2.Hidden 3.Archive.

Actions with files and folders.

1. Open 2. Close 3. Cut 4. Copy 5. Paste 6. Send 7. Delete 8. Create a shortcut 9. Perform some action with another program (anti-virus scan).

22 ticket

Elements of algebra of logic. Logical expressions. Logical operations. Truth tables.

A logical expression is an expression in which the operands are objects on which logical operations are performed.

The result of executing a logical expression is one of two logical values: either True or False.

How to create a truth table?

According to the definition, the truth table of a logical formula expresses the correspondence between all possible sets of variable values ​​and the values ​​of the formula.

For a formula that contains two variables, there are only four such sets of variable values:

(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1).

If a formula contains three variables, then there are eight possible sets of variable values:

(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1),

(1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1). The number of sets for a formula with four variables is sixteen, etc.

In general, for a formula containing n variables, the number of possible sets of variable values ​​is always 2n.

A convenient form of recording when finding the values ​​of a formula is a table that contains, in addition to the values ​​of variables and formula values, also the values ​​of intermediate formulas.

23 ticket

External memory computer. Different kinds information carriers.

Under external memory Computers usually mean both storage media (that is, devices where it is directly stored) and devices for reading/writing information, which are most often called drives. As a rule, each storage medium has its own storage device.

Winchester is installed inside the system unit and externally is a sealed metal box, inside which there are several disks combined into one package, magnetic read/write heads, a mechanism for rotating the disk and moving the heads. The main characteristics of the hard drive are:

Capacity, that is, the maximum amount of data that can be written to the medium;

Performance, determined by the time of access to the necessary information, the time of reading/writing it and the data transfer rate;

Uptime, which characterizes the reliability of the device.

Disk drives for working with laser (optical) discs - drives CD-ROM(Compact Disk Read Only Memory) - used for using various types of CDs.

Optical disk drives are divided into three types:

Non-writable (CD-ROM - read-only memory on a CD);

Write once and read many times (CD-WORM);

Rewritable (CD-RW, CD-E).

Work principles.

When recording, a CD is processed by a laser beam (without mechanical contact), burning out the area that stores a logical one, and leaves intact the area that stores a logical zero. As a result, small depressions, so-called pits, are formed on the surface of the CD. When reading, a laser beam of lower intensity is directed onto the surface of the disk, the change in the characteristics of the reflected beam is analyzed, which are translated into digital code.

The main characteristics of the CD are:

Capacity, which is 500-700 MB;

The data transfer speed from the media to the RAM is, depending on the drive, from 150 to 4800 KB/s;

The average access time required for the drive to locate the required data on the storage medium. Depending on the drive, it ranges from 80 to 400 ms.

Tickets for the state (final) certification in computer science in oral form for the course of basic general education are compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089). At the same time, they take into account the content of the currently existing Mandatory minimum content of basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 19, 1998 No. 1236) and the Mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated June 30, 1999 No. 56), which are almost completely implemented in primary school.

The sets of tickets fully reflect the federal component of the state standard of basic general education and also include some well-established topics in the computer science course, which continue in high school and are subsequently traditionally present at entrance exams to colleges and universities. The examination material presented is independent of the specific implementation of the subject content in existing textbooks. The kit can be considered universal, since the content of the theoretical part is focused on the federal component of the state standard of basic general education, and the content of the practical part involves testing the level of competence in the field of ICT. This implies that when solving specific task course in computer science or from any related field of knowledge must be based on theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of information and communication technologies.

The set consists of 20 tickets.

The content of the exam questions is developed on the main topics of the computer science and information technology course, combined in accordance with the state educational standard for the subject into the sections: “Information Processes” and “Information Technologies”. The content of the section “Information Processes” is divided into the following topics: “Presentation of Information”, “Transmission of Information”, “Information Processing. Algorithms”, “Computer”, “Information Processes in Society”. The content of the “Information Technologies” section consists of the following topics: “Text processing technology”, “Graphics processing technology”, “Numerical information processing technology”, “Technology for storing, searching and sorting information and databases”, “Telecommunication technologies”.

A set of tickets for computer science has the following structure: each ticket contains two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part involves an oral response from students with a possible demonstration on the computer of the illustrative part necessary for the answer. This can be a description of the objects of study, their essential features, properties, connections between them, i.e. revealing the essence of the studied object. The qualitative characteristics of assimilation of the studied material may differ. In some cases, this is the completeness and consistency of the generated knowledge, and in other cases, it is the strength and effectiveness of students’ knowledge; there may be a case of independent and prompt application of knowledge by students. The described qualitative characteristics are criteria for assessing student learning outcomes.

The practical part contains a task that must be completed on a computer. The main goal of this section of the exam is to check the graduate’s level of competence in the field of ICT (the ability to operate with theoretical knowledge and studied software, the ability to use it to solve practical problems).

Each of the tasks is focused on testing the ability to perform a certain set of operations with a specific software package, but at the same time they also demonstrate general knowledge and skills in the field of “Informatics and ICT”: launching programs for execution, reading and writing data files, choosing the optimal format for storing and presenting objects. Setting this format allows us to identify the degree of mastery of information and communication technologies sufficient to continue education. Thus, both special (subject) skills that are formed in the process of studying specific educational material and rational skills are tested. educational activities, i.e. ability to plan academic work, rationally organize it, monitor its implementation.

  1. Construction of algorithms:
    • to control the training executor (basic algorithmic structures);
    • for processing quantities with implementation in a programming language (branch, loop, array or auxiliary algorithms).
  2. Working with the file system, with a graphical interface. Organization of individual information space. Working with archivers and anti-virus programs.
  3. Creating and editing text documents, including those that include objects (tables, images, etc.).
  4. Creation of graphic images using a graphics editor. Input an image through a scanner or from a digital camera. Digital image processing.
  5. Database creation. Organization of information search in databases.
  6. Working with a spreadsheet. Constructing charts and graphs using tabular data. Conducting a computational experiment in a spreadsheet environment.
  7. Create a multimedia presentation based on templates.
  8. Searching for information on the Internet using query language.

The set of tickets includes applications with practical tasks on given topics.

Preparing and conducting the exam and evaluating the answers.

The approximate preparation time for students to answer the tickets can range from 10 to 40 minutes. The response time for a ticket should generally not exceed 15 minutes.

Evaluating the examinee's response expert (consists of several opinions of members of the examination commission).

The examination committee is recommended to first accept the practical task, which is assessed dichotomously: passed/fail. The practical part for the selected ticket accepted by the commission means that the student can already qualify for a grade of “3” or satisfactory. Then, when answering the theoretical part of the ticket orally, the student can add one or two more points to the existing points, depending on the quality of preparation. Thus, a cumulative grading system is used, corresponding to the traditional five-point scale.

The answer to the ticket as a whole is rated as “4” if, when answering the theoretical part of the ticket, minor errors were made, sometimes the sequence of presentation was violated, or some insignificant elements of content were missing.

The answer to the ticket as a whole is graded “5” if the student, when answering the theoretical part of the ticket, demonstrated systematic, complete knowledge and was smart on the question posed. The student presented the content of the question coherently, in a concise form, consistently revealed the essence of the studied material, demonstrating the strength and applied orientation of the acquired knowledge and skills, and did not allow it in terminology;” errors and factual inaccuracies.

Ticket 1

  1. Concept of information. Types of information. The role of information in both wildlife and people's lives. Language as a way of presenting information: natural and formal languages. Basic information processes: storage, transmission and processing of information.
  2. In the educational executor environment, draw a rectangular frame along the edge of the screen (drawing margin) using an auxiliary algorithm (procedure).

Ticket 2

  1. Measuring information: content and alphabetical approaches. Units of information measurement.
  2. Prepare a poster for the play "Pinocchio", prepared by the theater studio "Yunost". In preparation text document use various sizes, styles and types of fonts. Prepare a list of characters and performers using a table. Use embedded objects: picture, symbol, WordArt.

Ticket 3

  1. Discrete representation of information: binary numbers; binary encoding of text in computer memory. Information volume of the text.
  2. In graphic Paint editor open the dog.jpg file. Complete the doghouse and any other missing details. Color the resulting drawing.

Ticket 4

  1. Discrete representation of information: coding of color images in a computer (raster approach). Presentation and processing of audio and video images. Multimedia concept.
  2. Create a folder named NEW in the C:\EXAMEN folder. Copy the LORA folder and the gramota.doc uspev.xls files to the created NEW folder from the C:\WORK folder. Go to the C:\EXAMEN folder and rename the LORA folder to the STAR folder. Move the STAR folder to the C:\WORK folder. Remove the NEW folder from the C:\EXAMEN folder, and the STAR folder from the C:\WORK folder. Empty trash. Display the contents of the folder C:\WORK\TEST\DATA in full form (Table), sorting it by file size (descending) Determine which file in the folder C:\WORK\TEST\DATA has the most big size. Display the contents of the folder C:\WORK\TEST\DATA in full form (Table), sorting it by the time the files were created (ascending). Create a folder named ARJ in the C:\EXAMEN folder. Zip all files from the DATA folder and place the archive in the ARJ folder.

Ticket 5

  1. The process of information transmission, source and receiver of information, information transmission channel. Information transfer speed.
  2. Prepare based on ready-made template presentation on the topic “Computer devices”, consisting of at least 5 slides. Apply animation effects to objects. Set up automatic slide show.

Ticket 6

  1. The concept of an algorithm. Algorithm executor. System of performer commands (using the example of a training performer). Properties of the algorithm. Methods for writing algorithms; flowcharts.
  2. Create database table structure Students, containing the following fields: last name, first name, class, address, date of birth, weight. Determine the primary key of the table. In table mode, enter 10 records about students from your school into the database (field values ​​can be set arbitrarily). Add a “height” field to the table structure after the “date of birth” field. Remove the "weight" field from the structure. Fill in the “height” field in the table (optional). Display the fields “Last names”, “First name”, “Class for students whose height is above 175 cm (use a query), sorting them in alphabetical order of last names. Remove from the table information about students with the name “Vladimir”.

Ticket 7

  1. Basic algorithmic structures: following, branching, loop; image on block diagrams. Breaking a task into subtasks. Auxiliary algorithms.
  2. Working with a spreadsheet. A deposit of size N was made to the bank at P% per annum. Determine the annual increase in the contribution and the amount of the contribution in Chern K years.

Ticket 8

  1. Quantities: constants, variables, types of quantities, Assignment, fruit and output of quantities. Linear algorithms for working with quantities.
  2. Find answers to questions using the search engine Rambler server(www.rambler.ru) or Yandex (www.yandex.ru) Indicate the address of the information source.

    1) Where and when was the last All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics held? Who became the winner of the Olympics?

    2) Where and when was the last international Olympiad in Informatics held? What is the composition Russian team and its result?

Ticket 9

  1. Logical values, operations, expressions. Logical expressions as conditions in branching and cyclic algorithms.
  2. Develop a hypertext document “Video Library”, which contains a list of video films (at least three) and links to information about the actors and directors of the films. In turn, the actor and director pages contain links to film summaries.

Ticket 10

  1. Introduction to programming: programming language (using the example of one of the high-level languages); examples of simple programs with linear and branching structure.
  2. Create your own folder in the exam folder. Copy several text documents from the My Documents folder into it. Archive all text files into a RAR archive. Create a self-extracting archive of the same files in your own folder. Compare the volume of two created archives. Extract the files from the first archive into the newly created ARCHIVE folder. By using antivirus program check for viruses in the Exam folder.

Ticket 11

  1. The main components of a computer, their functional purpose and operating principles. The software principle of computer operation.
  2. Write an algorithm in Pascal programming language to find the circumference of a circle. Explain the progress of the algorithm and the purpose of the main program commands.

Ticket 12

  1. Computer software, composition and structure. Purpose of the operating system. Team interaction between user and computer. Graphical user interface.
  2. Develop a “Video Library” presentation containing hyperlinks that contain a list of video films (at least three) and links to information about actors and directors of films. In turn, the actors' and directors' pages contain links to film annotations.

Ticket 13

  1. The concept of a file and file system for organizing data (folder, hierarchical structure, file name, file type, file parameters). Basic operations with files and folders performed by the user. The concept of archiving and virus protection.
  2. Open the SPORT database. Change the size of the "Country" field to 20. Create a request to display the last name and country for athletes from the USA. Create a request to display the number, last name, scores for the rings and crossbar for athletes who received a score of at least 9.500 on the rings.

Ticket 14

  1. Informational resources society. Fundamentals of information security, ethics and law.
  2. 10 districts of the Moscow region were selected to conduct the experiment. The sown areas and the average yield in the region are known.

    District nameCrop area (m)Average yield (t/ha)
    Dmitrovsky 93 12
    Domodevsky 65 17
    Klinsky 98 15
    Lytkarinsky 64 17
    Lyubertsy 102 17
    Maryinsky 155 14
    Mytishchinsky 207 16
    Orlovsky 307 19
    Reutovsky 134 21
    Semenovsky 45 14

    Determine the amount of crop harvested in each district and in the experimental districts of the region as a whole, as well as the average yield for all districts. Identify areas with the lowest and highest yields.

Ticket 15

  1. Technologies for working with text documents. Text editors and processors: purpose and capabilities. The main structural elements of a text document. Fonts, styles, formats. Basic techniques for editing a document. Embedded objects. The concept of hypertext.
  2. Create an algorithm for Pascal language to find the amount of a deposit in a bank after N years, if the initial amount of the deposit is M. Explain the progress of the algorithm, the assignment of the main commands of the program. Draw up a block diagram of the algorithm.

Ticket 16

  1. Technologies for working with graphic information. Raster and vector graphics. Hardware input and output of graphic images. Application programs working with graphics. Graphics editor. Basic tools and operating modes.
  2. Convert the number 24110 to hexadecimal, octal and binary number systems. Add the numbers 1101112 and 1110002. Perform the test. Multiply the numbers 10102 and 11102. Perform the test.

Ticket 17

  1. Tabular databases (DB): basic concepts (field, record, primary key of a record); data types. Database management systems and principles of working with them. Search, delete and sort data in the database. Search conditions (logical expressions); order and sort keys.
  2. Write an algorithm in Pascal to find the largest of three numbers entered from the keyboard. The numbers entered are different. Draw up a block diagram of the algorithm. Explain the progress of the algorithm and the purpose of the main program commands.

Ticket 18

Ticket 19

  1. Basic principles of organization and functioning of computer networks. Internet. Information resources and computer network services: World Wide Web, file archives, interactive communication. Purpose and capabilities of e-mail. Searching for information on the Internet.
  2. Processing digital photos in a graphics editor. Elimination of defects. Launch graphic Gimp editor. Upload a photo file suggested by the teacher. Correct any defects in the photograph. Save the image code with a different name.

Ticket 20

Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Tickets by subject

“Informatics and ICT” for secondary vocational education students.

Tickets have the following structure: each ticket contains two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part involves an oral response from students with a possible demonstration on the computer of the illustrative part necessary for the answer.

The practical part contains a task that must be completed on a computer. The main part of this part of the exam is to check the graduates’ level of competence in the field of computer science (the ability to operate with theoretical knowledge and studied software, the ability to apply what has been learned to solve practical problems.)

Each of the tasks is focused on testing the ability to perform a specific set of operations with a specific software package, but it also demonstrates general knowledge and skills in the field of Computer Science.
The approximate preparation time for students to answer tickets can range from 10 to 30 minutes. The response time for a ticket should generally not exceed 15 minutes.
Criteria for assessing oral response.
Rating "5"

  1. Knowledge, understanding and deep assimilation by students of the entire volume of material.

  2. Absence of errors and omissions when answering, maintaining the culture of oral speech.

Rating "4"(good) – set:

  1. Knowledge of all studied material.

  2. The ability to highlight the main points in the studied material, generalize and draw conclusions based on facts and examples.

  3. Minor (non-gross) errors and shortcomings in the answer, compliance with the basic rules of oral speech culture.

Rating "3"

  1. Knowledge and assimilation of the material at the level of minimum requirements, difficulty in answering independently, the need for minor assistance from the teacher.

  2. Difficulty answering modified questions.

  3. The presence of a gross error, several minor errors in the answer, a slight non-compliance with the basic rules of speech culture.

Rating "2"

  1. Knowledge and assimilation of material at a level below the minimum requirements of the program, separate ideas about the material studied.

  2. Difficulty answering standard questions.

  3. The presence of several gross errors, a large number of non-blunders in the answer, significant non-compliance with the basic rules of the culture of oral speech.

Criteria for assessing practical work.
Rating "5"(excellent) - set if:

  1. completed the work in full in compliance with the required sequence of actions;

  2. carries out work in conditions that ensure the receipt of correct results and conclusions;

  3. complies with safety regulations;

  4. in the answer, correctly and accurately completes all records, tables, pictures, drawings, graphs, calculations;

  5. performs error analysis correctly.

Rating "4"(good) – set:

  1. if the requirements for rating 5 are met, but 2-3 shortcomings are made, no more than one error and one shortcoming.

Rating "3"(satisfactory) – set if:

  1. the work has not been completed in full, but the volume of the completed part is such that it allows you to obtain the correct results and conclusions;

  2. Errors were made during the work.

Rating "2"(unsatisfactory) – set if:

  1. the work has not been completed in full and the amount of work performed does not allow us to draw correct conclusions;

  2. the work was carried out incorrectly.

Questions on the theoretical part.

  1. Information. Classification of information. Types of information. Properties of information.

  2. Measuring information. Basic approaches to measuring information. Units of information measurement.

  3. Information processes. Characteristics of basic information processes.

  4. Evolution of computers. Functional diagram of a computer. Principles of computer construction.

  5. Backbone – modular principle of computer construction.

  6. Computer architecture. Personal Computer. PC composition. PC user specifications.

  7. Binary coding. Arithmetic foundations of computer construction.

  8. Logical foundations of computer construction. Basic logical operations and means of their implementation.

  9. Software control of computer operation. Software classification.

  10. System software. OS. Purpose. Main features.

  11. PC memory. Types of memory and their main purpose. Information carriers.

  12. The concept of file and file system. (folder, hierarchical file structure, file type.) Basic operations with files.

  13. Text processing systems. Text editor. Purpose. Main features.

  14. Numerical data processing systems. Spreadsheets. Purpose and main capabilities.

  15. Image processing systems. Graphic editor. Purpose. Main features.

  16. Database management systems. Database. Main features.

  17. Multimedia technologies. Purpose. Main features.

  18. Computer networks. Purpose. Main features. Topology of local networks.

  19. Principles of organizing global Internet networks. Methods for searching information on the Internet. Search engines.

  20. Internet information services. Email. Teleconferences.

  21. WWW (World Wide Web) technology.

  22. Protection of information in computer systems. Basic software for information security.

  23. Information society. Main features and main features of the information society. Information culture.

  24. Algorithms. Properties of algorithms. Methods for describing algorithms.

  25. The concept of a model. Material and information models. Formalization as the replacement of a real object with its information model.
Questions on the practical part.

  1. Practical task to search for information on the global computer network Internet. IN search engine Yandex find a biography of M. Gorky.

  1. Practical task. Installing the program from storage media (floppy disks, CD-ROM disks).

  1. Practical task on creating an archive of files and opening the archive using an archiver program. Create an archive of the “Technical School” folder on your desktop

  1. Practical task. Constructing a drawing in a graphics editor. Create a house in a graphic editor. Flip it from top to bottom. Tilt vertically 45 degrees.

  1. Practical task. Development of a multimedia presentation on a free topic

  1. Practical task. Creating, converting, saving, printing a drawing in a vector graphics editor.
Build a content structure diagram basic course computer science according to the following model.


Information and information Technology

Computer information technology

Basic course

computer science

Management processes

Information Modeling


  1. Practical task. Creating, converting, saving, printing a picture in a raster graphics editor. Draw your family tree in a graphics editor.

  1. Practical task on constructing a table and graph of a function in a spreadsheet environment.

Create charts based on the table provided.


Grain harvest results (t)

year 2001




2005 year




61 000



















  1. Practical task. Create, edit, format, save and print a table in a text editor environment
Create the table below using the drawing method.

Purchase report.


price, rub.


















































Cottage cheese








10. Practical task. Constructing charts based on tables in a spreadsheet environment.

Enter the given data and create a pie chart.

Sample exam papers in computer science

Ticket No. 1

1. Information and information processes in nature, society, technology. Information activities person. Give examples.
2. Object-oriented programming. Objects: properties and methods. Object classes.
3. Practical task on carrying out calculations using a spreadsheet.

Ticket number 2

1. Information processes in management. Feedback. Show with an example.
2. String values. String functions and expressions.
3. The task of determining the result of executing an algorithm according to its block diagram or notation in an algorithmic language.

Ticket number 3

1. Language and information. Natural and formal languages.
Algorithmic programming. Basic ways of organizing actions in algorithms.
Practice task on plotting a function using a spreadsheet.

Ticket number 4

1. Binary number system. Writing numbers in the binary number system.
2. Computer. Its composition: backbone-modular construction of a computer.
3. Task to develop a fragment of a knowledge testing program.

Ticket number 5

1. Information coding. Coding methods. Give examples.
2. Basic characteristics of the computer (bit capacity, amount of RAM and external memory, etc.).
3. Practical task on creating, converting, saving and printing a drawing using a graphic editor.

Ticket number 6

1. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of information. Properties of information (novelty, relevance, reliability, etc.). Units for measuring the amount of information.
2. External computer memory. Various types of storage media, their characteristics.
3. Practical task on working with files (copying, renaming, deleting).

Ticket number 7

1. Functional diagram of a computer. Basic computer devices, their purpose and relationship.
2. Methods of writing algorithms (descriptive, graphic, in an algorithmic language, in a programming language).
3. Practical task to search for files.

Ticket number 8

1. Software control of computer operation. Computer software.
2. Basic types and methods of organizing data (variables, arrays, lists).
3. Practical task on working with disk (formatting, creating a system floppy disk).

Ticket number 9

1. Folders and files (file type, file name). File system. Basic operations with files in the operating system.
2. Logical addition. Truth table.
3. Practical test task and<лечение>floppy disk from viruses.

Ticket number 10

1. Legal protection programs and data. Data protection.
2. Basic logical devices computer (adder, register).
3. Practical task on creating, editing and printing text using a text editor.

Ticket number 11

1. Stages of solving a problem using a computer (building a model - formalizing the model - building a computer model - conducting a computer experiment - interpreting the result).
2. Modeling as a method scientific knowledge. Material and information models.
3. Practical task to search for information in a database using given parameters.

Ticket number 12

1. Formalization of models. Give an example of formalization (for example, converting a descriptive model into a mathematical one).
2. Multimedia technology.
3. Practical task on sorting information in a database according to specified parameters.

Ticket number 13

1. Description of the state of the object and description of changes in the state of the object using static and dynamic information models. Examples from various subject areas.
2. Arrays and algorithms for their processing.
3. The task of translating a number written in decimal system numbering, binary, octal and hexadecimal systems.

Ticket number 14

1. Algorithm. Properties of the algorithm. Possibility of automation of human activities.
2. Computer operating system (purpose, composition, loading). Graphical interface.
3. The task of developing a program to count the number of occurrences of a specific character in a given piece of text.

Ticket number 15

1. Algorithmic structure<ветвление>. Branching commands. Give an example.
2. Presentation and coding of information using sign systems. Alphabetical approach to determining the amount of information.
3. The task of determining the truth of a compound statement.

Ticket number 16

1. Algorithmic structure<цикл>. Repeat commands. Give an example.
2. Perform arithmetic operations in the binary number system.
3. The task of determining the amount of information with subsequent conversion of units of measurement.

Ticket number 17

1. An example of developing an algorithm using the method of sequential detailing. Auxiliary algorithms.
2. Information modeling. Basic types of information models.
3. Problem on adding and subtracting binary numbers.

Ticket number 18

1. Basics of the programming language (alphabet, operators, data types, etc.).
2. Basics of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
3. Practical task on organizing a request when searching for information on the Internet.

Ticket number 19

1. Text editor. Purpose and main functions.
2. Binary coding of text information. Various Cyrillic encodings.
3. Practical task for installing a software product.

Ticket number 20

1. Graphics editor. Purpose and main functions.
2. Logical multiplication. Truth table.
3. Provide an example of an email address and explain its format.

Ticket number 21

1. Spreadsheets. Purpose and main functions.
2. Internet addressing: domain name system and IP addresses.
3. Task to develop a search program maximum element in the array.

Ticket number 22

1. Databases. Purpose and main functions.
2. Computer viruses: methods of distribution, protection against viruses.
3. Practical task on developing a Web page.

Ticket number 23

1. Information resources on the Internet: Email, teleconferences, file archives. The World Wide Web.
2. Information. A probabilistic approach to measuring the amount of information.
3. The task of constructing a block diagram of an algorithm written in natural language.

Ticket number 24

1. Hypertext. WWW (World Wide Web) technology.
2. Visual object-oriented programming. Graphical interface: form and controls.
3. Practical task to determine the information capacity of storage media.

Ticket number 25

1. The main stages of the development of computer technology. Informatization of society.
2. Local and global computer networks. Purpose of networks.
3. Task to develop a program using two-dimensional array and nested loops.

Computer science is a science that studies the structure and general properties of information, the laws and methods of accumulating the processing and transmission of information using computers and data transmission channels.

Computer science areas:

    Information theory.

    Practical fundamentals of computer technology (architecture of computer systems, computer networks, interfacing computers).

    Programming (software, programming languages, computers and operating systems, hardware).

    Computational methods (computer graphics, simulation).

    Artificial intelligence.

    Information Technology.

    The concept of information, its measurements, quantity and quality of information. Information resource. Forms and methods of presenting information.

Information – information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and states, which reduce the degree of uncertainty about the completeness of knowledge available about them.

Properties of information: 1) understandability, 2) usefulness, 3) relevance, 4) reliability, 5) completeness and accuracy.

The computer processes information only in digital form. It can only be in two states. In computing, a bit is the smallest piece of computer memory required to store one of the two characters 0 or 1, used for internal representation of data and commands.

1 bit, 1 byte = 8 bits, 1 KB = 1024 bytes, 1 MB = 1024 KB, 1 GB = 1024 MB…

    Information and information technologies.

    Signals; coding and quantum signals. Number systems.

    Composition and purpose of the main elements of a personal computer. Peripherals. Concept and main types of computer architecture. Their characteristics.

    Central processor. System buses.

Processor is a central device (or set of devices) of a computer (or computing system), which performs arithmetic and logical operations specified by an information conversion program, controls the computing process and coordinates the operation of peripheral devices of the system (storage, sorting, input-output, data preparation, etc. .). A computer system may have several processors running in parallel; Such systems are called multiprocessor systems. The presence of several processors speeds up the execution of one large or several (including interrelated) programs. The first microprocessor was created in the 1970s. by INTEL at the request of one of the Japanese companies.

Bus - data transmission highway between RAM and controllers. The system bus can be simplified to represent a set of signal lines, combined according to their purpose (data, addresses, control), which have certain electrical characteristics and information transfer protocols. The main responsibility of the system bus is to transfer information between the processor (or processors) and the rest of the computer's electronic components. Buses differ in capacity, signal transmission method (serial or parallel), bandwidth, number and type of supported devices, as well as operating protocol. Buses can be synchronous (transmitting data only on clock pulses) or asynchronous (transmitting data at random times), and also use various arbitration schemes (that is, a way of sharing the bus between several devices). If information is exchanged between a peripheral device and a controller, then the data line connecting them is called a data interface, or simply an interface. Among the interfaces used in personal computers, the EIDE and SCSI standards stand out.

    Storage devices: classification, principle of operation, main characteristics. System memory: RAM, ROM, cache. External memory: hard drive, tape drive, floppy drive, CD drive.

Computer RAM is a storage device that stores information in digital form. From the RAM, the computer processor takes programs and initial data for processing, and the results obtained are written into it. RAM got its name for its speed; The processor hardly has to wait when reading and writing data. For RAM, the designation RAM (random access memory, that is, random access memory) is also used. When you turn off your computer, the contents of RAM are usually erased. Its capabilities depend on the amount of RAM installed on the computer. Many computer programs will not run if there is insufficient RAM or will run very slowly.

Cache memory is a type of ultra-fast computer memory used to speed up access to data from RAM. Cache memory stores copies of the most frequently used areas of RAM. Since access time to cache memory is several times less than to RAM, and in most cases the necessary information is in cache memory, caching can significantly speed up your computer. Modern microprocessors have their own built-in storage device, which is also used as cache memory. In the technical literature it is called the first level cache. Cache memory based on static memory (SRAM), which is located on the motherboard, is called level two cache (L2 cache).

    Data input/output devices, their types and main characteristics. Keyboard. Coordinate input devices. Video and sound adapters. Purpose of the variety and main characteristics. Scanners. Printers. Plotters. Monitors.

Input devices are hardware for converting information from a human-readable form to a computer-readable form.

Direct input devices: manipulators, touch devices, scanning devices, speech recognition devices.

Manipulators are mice, joysticks, trackballs, trackballs.

Mice are various types of information input devices: roller, optical, laser, wireless.

Joystick is a device in the form of a control stick, created specifically for games.

A trackball is a trackball that resembles an upside-down mouse. It is not moved on the table, but the ball is rotated with your fingers; it is convenient when there is little space on the table.

Touch or tactile devices are a surface that is covered with a special layer; when you touch a certain place on the screen, you select a task.

Track pat is a small tablet under a thin film where a network of semiconductors is located. Operated by finger pressure.

A light pen is similar to a regular pencil, on the tip of which there is a special device - this is a light-sensitive element.

A graphics tablet or digitizer is used to create or copy drawings or photographs; the image is converted into digital form, and the created images are close to real ones. It is enough to use a special pen or finger to make a drawing on a special one. Surfaces (the pattern will be displayed on the screen).

Scanning and speech recognition devices.

A scanner is a device designed to enter graphic or text information from a sheet of paper of various origins into a computer. Allows you to enter a two-dimensional image into a computer and converts the intensity value into binary code, which is transferred to the computer memory. Scanners: hand-held, sheet-fed, flatbed, slide scanner, drum.

Using a regular microphone, speech is entered into a computer and converted into digital code. Most speech recognition systems can be tuned to the characteristics of a voice.

Information output devices: monitors, printers, plotters, sound output devices.

Monitor is a device that displays text and graphic information on the screen. The quality of a monitor is characterized by its resolution. Main characteristics of the monitor:

    Screen size, diagonal in inches.

    Resolution – the maximum number of pixels horizontally and vertically.

    Grain size.

There are monitors based on cathode ray tubes and liquid crystal monitors.

Printer – devices for printing text and graphic information on paper. There are letter, thermodynamic, matrix, inkjet, and laser printers.

Plotter is a plotter, a device for automatically drawing from drawings, diagrams, drawings, maps on paper. Pen plotters were the first to appear and are traditionally widely used. More modern technology is used in inkjet plotters. Pen plotters can be divided into three groups: plotters that use a friction clamp to move the paper along one axis and move the pen along another; drum (or roll plotters), which use a special tractor to move continuous perforated paper tape; flatbed plotters, in which the paper is stationary and the pen moves along both axes. Various models plotters can have one or several feathers of different colors (usually 4-8). There are three different types of nibs: wick (filled with ink), ballpoint (similar to a ballpoint pen) and with a tubular writing unit (incographs). Plotters usually communicate with a computer via a serial, parallel or SCSI interface. Some plotter models are equipped with a built-in buffer (1 MB or more).

In the 1990s, pen plotters began to be replaced by inkjet plotters, which operate 4-5 times faster. Using two ink cartridges, the inkjet plotter provides a resolution of at least 300 dpi and has two operating modes: finishing and sketching. Sketch mode reduces ink consumption by almost half.

    The concept of system software: purpose, structure, capabilities. OS.

    Operating system, user management system, command languages. Organization of personal and corporate information support.

OS is a group of interrelated programs that acts as an intermediary between the computer hardware and the user, providing management of computer resources and processes, using these resources in calculations. Resources: microprocessor, main memory, peripheral devices. The OS provides ease of computer management and allows the user to free up more operations. Functions: 1) receiving tasks or commands formulated in the appropriate language from the user using the appropriate manipulator (mouse) and processing them; 2) receiving and using requests to start, suspend and other programs; 3) loading programs to be used into RAM; 4) initiation of the program (transfer of control to it); 5) identification of all programs and data; 6) ensuring the operation of file management systems (FMS) and DBMS, which allows increasing the efficiency of all software; 7) execution of several programs on one processor, creating the appearance of their simultaneous execution; 8) providing functions for organizing and managing all input-output operations; 9) planning and dispatching of tasks in relation to specified strategies and service disciplines; 10) organization of mechanisms for exchanging messages and data between executing programs; 11) protecting the program from the influence of another, ensuring data safety; 12) provision of services in case of partial system failure; 13) ensuring the operation of the programming system, with the help of which the user prepares his programs. Based on the number of simultaneously performed tasks, single users are distinguished: 1) single-user (MS DOS, PC DOS); 2) multi-valued (OSIZ, UNIX, Windows). Unambiguous include tools for managing files, peripheral devices, and means of communicating with the user. Multitasking additionally controls the division of shared resources between tasks. Multitasking can be non-preemptive (Netware, Windows 3\95\98) and preemptive (Windows SNT, OS\2, UNIX). In the first case, the active process, upon completion, will itself move to OS control to select another process from the queue; in the second, the decision to switch is made by the OS. Based on the number of concurrent users: OSes are divided into single-user (MS DOS, Windows 3 earlier versions 05) and multi-user (UNIX, Windows NT). In multi-user systems, there are means to protect user information from unauthorized access. By interface type: non-graphical (MSDOS) and object-oriented (Windows). By type of resource use: network (Nowell MS Windows NT (XP) UNIX) and local (MSDOS). Main functions: - providing an interface (user, hardware-software, software); - ensuring automatic startup - organizing the file system, - maintaining the file structure on media.

    Organization and means of human-machine interface, multimedia and hypermedia.

    Fundamentals of computer graphics. Computer graphics and animation systems.

    File structure. Utility software.

A file system is the part of the operating system that controls the placement and access to files and directories on a disk. Closely related to the concept of a file system is the concept of the file structure of a disk, which refers to all the files located: the main directory, subdirectory and the files themselves. Volumes of sectors, clusters, and tracks are allocated for their storage. A cluster is the smallest unit of disk space that can be allocated to files. The smallest file occupies one cluster, large ones – several dozen clusters. 1 sector = 512 bytes. A floppy disk typically has 80 tracks, each track containing 18 sectors. A cluster is a group of related sectors. Cluster for floppy disk 1.2 sectors (0.5121 KB).

    Modeling as a method of cognition.

A model is an analogue of the original that reflects the essential features of the object being studied. Modeling is a method of cognition that consists of creating and studying models.

Modeling is one of the key types of human activity and always precedes its other types. Building a model allows you to make informed decisions on improving objects and creating new ones. Modeling is a creative process, and therefore it is very difficult to put it into a formal framework.

    Classification and forms of presentation of models.

There is an information and computer model. Modeling in a graphic editor environment is a graphical model, modeling in a text editor environment is a text model. The forms of representation of the information model include figurative-sign and sign (formal) models.

Figuratively iconic models:


    structural (table, diagram);



Iconic models:

    special (formulas, notes);


    algorithms (programs in a programming language).

Verbal models can describe situations, events, processes occurring in life. One type of sign models is verbal - a description of a mental model in natural language.

    Modeling methods and technologies.

    Information model of the object.

The result of building an information model is pivot table. When modeling, not all, but only some properties of the object are taken into account. When creating a model, we obtain a sign model, which is the result of solving this problem.

    Algorithmization. The concept of an algorithm and an algorithmic system, properties of an algorithm.

An algorithm is a method or method for solving a problem, written down according to certain rules, ensuring the unambiguity of its understanding and mechanical execution. Algorithm properties:

    Discreteness – this property means that each algorithm is divided into separate actions (steps); an algorithm is a sequence of actions that need to be performed.

    Certainty - this property means that each command of the algorithm must be understandable to the performer.

    Efficiency - this property is that each algorithm leads to a result after a certain number of steps.

    Mass character - this property lies in the fact that each algorithm compiled to solve one problem must be executed to solve problems of this type.

Ways to describe the algorithm.

    Verbal and formulaic description, i.e. description using words and formulas.

    Graphic description, i.e. description using block diagrams. A flowchart is a system of interconnected geometric shapes. Each figure represents one stage of problem solving. The execution order is indicated by arrows, as well as a number in the upper corner next to each block.

A linear algorithm consists of a sequence of operations that are performed only once in the order in which they appear. A branched algorithm contains a block for checking a condition and, depending on the result of the check, one or another sequence of operations is performed, and the form of branching can be either complete or abbreviated.

    Basic concepts of programming languages. Development of programming languages.

Basic concepts of programming languages: class, object, event, object properties, processing method.

    Structures and data types of a programming language.

Data types uniquely define the internal representation of data, i.e. the range of their possible values; permissible actions on data (operations and functions). Classification of data types:

Standard: logical, integer, real, character, string, address, file.

User-defined: simple: enumerated, interval, addressable.

composite: arrays, strings, files, records, sets, procedural.

Logical (boolean), integer (integer, shorting, begle, word), real (real), character (char).

    Broadcast. Compilation and interpretation.

Usually programs are written in a symbolic language close to English. The program text written by the user is called the source module. This text is incomprehensible to the computer, and to transform the source module into an object module (a set of machine instructions), translators are used: interpreters and compilers. The interpreter provides command-by-command translation of program text with simultaneous translation into machine codes of commands. Simultaneously checks errors. Disadvantages: the interpreter is slow, checks and translates every time. Advantages: using an interpreter it is easier to debug a program. The compiler translates the entire program into machine code at once, creates an object module, and then the program is executed regardless of the source text. Advantages: programs run faster. Pseudo-compilation – creating a compilation + interpretation. Are compiled separate areas commands

    Evolution and classification of programming languages.

The lowest level is machine language, i.e. the internal language of the computer in which the program is ultimately presented and executed. To develop algorithms, languages ​​are mainly used high level.

    Universal high-level languages ​​enable the creation of various programs.

    Problem-oriented languages ​​for specific classes of tasks. (artificial intelligence).

    Object-oriented languages fourth generation are based on creating a model of the system as a collection of objects.

    Database command languages ​​are designed to extend the ability of the database management environment to create custom functions.

The evolution of the Basic programming language. It was intended as a universal language for beginners. The first version of this language contained a small number of the most necessary commands; only an interpretation mode was provided. The modern version of the language is used in ultra-modern systems based on client-server technology. At the same time, it is used for example programs in books, articles, and software instructions. Creating vba for microsoft office. With it you can create your own interfaces for office applications.

    Purpose and basics of using artificial intelligence systems; knowledge bases, expert systems, artificial intelligence.

    Fundamentals of computer communication. Principles of network construction.

A computer network is a group of computers connected to each other by a data transmission medium. Subscriber is any object that consumes or generates information. Station is equipment that receives information. A subscriber system is a combination of a subscriber and a station. Physical transmission medium is the space in which an electrical signal (communication line) is located, complete with data transmission equipment. Computer networks: local, regional, global (Internet); narrowband (a network cable can transmit only one signal at any time), broadband (several signals simultaneously, each of them has its own transmission frequency).

    Computer communications and communication equipment.

    Network service.

    Programs for working on the Internet.

    Information security and its component.

    Information security methods. Organizational measures to protect information.

Ensuring information security on an offline computer. Standalone computer- not connected to global network or works within a small LAN protection methods: 1) creating backup copies of information; 2) setting the attributes “hidden” or “read-only”; 3) use of passwords when opening, editing or copying files; 4) checking for viruses; 5) regular updating of virus programs.

Ensuring information security in an interactive environment

Interactive environment - an environment in which there is a relationship between a large number of different elements with their communication capabilities (example: Internet regional, territorial,

corporate and LVM) email. Protection measures:

1) you should not open documents received from an unknown sender; 2) do not disclose your password to anyone; 3) do not disclose your personal data; 4) installation of shielding systems; 5) restriction of access based on identification; 6) access restriction based on identification - IP address based on this access method can either be allowed or not; 7) protection of web applications - Secure HTTP (S-HTTP); - Secure Sochets Hayer (SS); - SecureElectronic. All this ensures confidentiality of data for the connection between the web server and the Transcation (SET) browser, a newer browser - a program for reading web documents. 8) Informing information (cryptography) a key is applied to the information - encryption method: symmetry kgk, cryptographic strength asymmetry to and to 2 Public Private; 9) shorthand - a technique for hidden transmission (hidden storage) of information.

    Antivirus products.

    Classification and characteristics of computer viruses. Methods of protection against computer viruses.

A computer virus is a computer program capable of spontaneously reproducing and spreading without the user’s knowledge and against his will; disrupting the performance of computer software (hence its name by analogy with a pathogenic virus). First appeared in the early 1980s. in USA. Antivirus programs are being developed to combat them.

Part 2.

    Initial information about the table processorExcel. Concept table processor and spreadsheet. LoginExcel. Window structureExcel. Data types inExcel. Data entry and editing. Selecting blocks of cells, columns, rows, worksheet. Deleting data. Saving and opening files. Preparation for printing and printing of tables. Preview and print.

    Navigation through the table. Model and cell addresses inExcel. Relative and absolute addresses cells. Cell name. Create notes in cells. Quickly jump to cells. Navigate the worksheet using the keyboard. Windows and panels.

    Copying and reorganizing tables. Inserting and deleting cells. Rows, columns. Copy and move. Special copying.

    Formatting tables. Formatting numbers. Data alignment. Installing fonts. Lines and borders. Colors and patterns. Row height and column width. Auto-formatting. Design styles. Creating templates and using them to build tables.

The FORMAT-CELLS command dialog box appears. We select the format we need. We can also introduce a custom format. Format string – a list whose elements are separated by semicolons, consisting of a maximum of 4 sections. Section 1 – presentation of positive numbers; Section 2 – presentation of negative numbers; Section 3 – representation of zero; Section 4 – text presentation. Formatting characters are used to fill sections. # - replaceable, thousands separator; 0 – required; _ – for spaces.

(Aligning data, setting fonts, lines and borders, colors and patterns - in the format dialog box). Command FORMAT-ROW-HEIGHT, FORMAT-COLUMN-WIDTH. Select a range of cells. FORMAT-AUTOFORMAT command - table templates with different formats appear. The FORMAT-STYLE command will open a dialog box, select or change the style.

1. Determine the type of template you require:

Book template. Create a workbook containing the sheets, standard text (such as page headings, row and column labels), formulas, macros, styles, and other formatting that you want in workbooks created from this template.

Sheet template. Create a workbook containing one sheet. Place on this sheet the formatting, styles, text, and other data that you want to appear on all new sheets of the same type.

2. To view the drawing of the first page of the template in the Preview field of the Templates dialog box (General Templates task area, A new book), on the File menu, click Properties, click the Document tab, and then select the Create Preview Drawing check box.

4. In the File Type window, select Template.

5. In the Folder list, specify the folder in which the template should be saved.

6. Enter a name for the macro in the File name field. Perform one of the following actions.

Book template. To create a default book template, enter book. To create a custom workbook template, enter any valid file name.

Sheet template. To create a default workbook template, enter a worksheet. To create a custom worksheet template, enter any valid file name.