How to configure computer shutdown? Shutdown the computer via command line, timer, cancel

Surely every PC user sooner or later wondered what would be nice if the computer itself could stop working at a strictly defined time that we need.

Such a useful function may, for example, be needed when we download movies at night and go to bed, because it is no secret that in many regions of Russia night Internet traffic is much cheaper than daytime traffic or is not charged at all.

And in this case, we will have to try hard not to oversleep in the morning in order to turn off the PC in a timely manner and stop downloading files.

How to set a timer to automatically turn off your computer

We may also simply forget to turn off our computer when we are late, for example, for work. In general, as they say, cases are different. Therefore, the function of automatically turning off a PC is absolutely necessary for everyone.

Setting a timer to automatically turn off your computer is an easily solved problem

In fact, there are an incredible variety of ways to solve this problem - from the built-in tools of the Windows operating system (all configurations - 7, 8, 10) to programs specially developed for this purpose.

The simplest and most accessible methods of how to set a shutdown timer on a computer or laptop and where you can download such a shutdown timer for free in Russian will be discussed in this article.

Set the shutdown timer using Windows tools

Perhaps the most accessible ways to set a timer to automatically turn off our computer are the useful tools provided in the operating system itself to solve this issue. I'll tell you about the two simplest of them.

Method 1. Set the timer via the command line

So, first we need to open the command line. This can be done in two ways - either through the "Start" menu - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Run", or by simultaneously pressing two "R + Win" keys on the keyboard.

Call up the “Run” window by simultaneously pressing “R” and “Win”

In the window that appears, enter the following: “shutdown -s -t N”.

Attention! N is the time value in seconds before the required automatic shutdown of the computer.

Let's say we need the PC to turn off after 10 minutes, therefore, through simple mathematical calculations in our heads, we get the value N = 600 seconds. We substitute this value into our formula “shutdown -s -t 600”, which in this form is entered into the “Run” window, as shown in the photo:

Write the required command in the "Run" line

A message appears warning you that the system will stop working in 10 minutes

Thus, there are 10 minutes left before the computer automatically turns off. After this time, the PC will be turned off and all programs will be closed. In this case, we will be given the opportunity to save our work, as is done when we normally end the session and turn off the computer manually.

Note: In order to force all programs to close when the scheduled time expires, we add the “-f” parameter to our formula.

To force the computer to shut down without saving open documents, add the "-f" parameter

If for some reason you change your mind about turning off the computer using the set timer, then you can cancel your action by calling the command line again, into which you now need to enter the command “shutdown -a”.

To disable the time counting timer before turning off the computer, enter the command shutdown -a

After executing this command, we will see a pop-up window indicating that the automatic shutdown of the computer has been cancelled.

A window will appear informing you that shutdown has been cancelled.

Naturally, this method of starting a timer is not entirely convenient for regular use. Therefore, it can be easily improved if you follow these instructions:

Note: In order to change the shortcut icon to any other one of your choice, right-click on our shortcut, then select “Properties”, then “Change Icon”.

We change the appearance of our icon at our discretion

Method 2: Windows Task Scheduler will help you shut down your PC automatically

Another simple way to set a time to automatically shut down your computer is to use the Windows Task Scheduler. To implement it, follow the step-by-step guide:

Simultaneously press the "Win" and "R" keys and call the command line;

In the line that appears, write the command “taskschd.msc” and click “Ok”, thus calling the Windows system task scheduler;

In the "Run" window, write the command "taskschd.msc" and click "OK"

In the menu on the right of the “Task Scheduler”, select the option “Create a simple task”;

In the task scheduler, click "Create a simple task"

Now come up with a name for the task and click “Next”;

Specify the name of the task at your discretion

We indicate the task trigger, for example, “one time” and click “Next”;

Set the required task trigger

Now set the date and time to run the task and click “Next”;

Specify the date and time when you want to run this task

Select "Run a program" and click "Next"

The last window of the Task Scheduler “Running a program” appears and the line “Program or script”, where we enter the command “shutdown”, and in the line “Add arguments” we write “-s”, click “Next”.

Fill in the lines “Program or script” and “Add arguments”

Now, strictly at the specified time, the task scheduler will launch a program to automatically turn off the computer.

Universal timer programs for turning off a PC

Above, we looked at ways to achieve automatic shutdown of a computer or laptop at a designated date and time without resorting to third-party programs, but only using the Windows system itself. Now it’s worth talking about the software that will help solve this problem even easier.

The PowerOff program will help you cope with the task

And the first program that we will look at will be a small universal utility with a timer function PowerOff.

Run the executable file of the program

A multifunctional panel opens before us, with the help of which you can carry out not only a programmed shutdown of the computer, but also many other tasks.

Automatically shutting down the computer after a certain period of time is a feature of the Windows operating system that is not obvious to users. Moreover, it is implemented in software from Microsoft, but not everyone knows about it. You can also set a timer to turn off your computer in Windows 10 or earlier versions of operating systems using third-party programs that have a more user-friendly interface, but they must be downloaded separately. We suggest looking at a way to set a scheduled shutdown of your computer after a certain period of time using the command line.

How to set a timer to shut down your Windows 10 computer using the command line?

Attention: The method of automatically turning off the computer after a certain amount of time, described below, works not only on the Windows 10 operating system, but also in earlier versions - Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP.

Microsoft, when developing the Windows operating system, assumed that users may need to turn off their computer after a few hours or minutes. At the same time, even an experienced Windows user does not always know that the operating system has a built-in timer to turn off the computer. This is due to the fact that it does not have a graphical interface, shortcuts, and can only be accessed through the command line. To set a computer shutdown timer using standard Windows tools:

The Windows command line also supports a number of other commands related to the shutdown function. We suggest you familiarize yourself with them, since a combination of commands allows you to achieve the desired results in automating the process of turning off your computer at a certain time or after a specified period.

Windows Command Line Options

When using the shutdown command to shut down the computer, you should be aware of the parameters entered after it, which are specified by letter keys. The key can be written after the dash symbol (examples: -a, -p, -h) or slash (examples: /a, /p, /h). It is important to remember that all letters entered into the command line along with the shutdown function must be written in Latin characters (that is, in English).

Windows command line options for the shutdown command:

Please note: you can read for yourself the full list of parameters that are expected to be used with the shutdown command. To do this, just enter the following combination of functions “shutdown /?” on the MS DOS command line. To do this, launch the standard Windows command line (Windows + R key combination), enter the cmd.exe command in it, and then in the MS DOS command line window that opens, write “shutdown /?”.

How to create a convenient timer to shut down your computer on Windows 10 after a certain time?

If you regularly have to use the function of turning off the computer after an hour, two, or any other period of time, then the process of starting the countdown timer until shutdown can be automated as much as possible. Instead of regularly remembering the values ​​of functions for the command line, you can write them down once in a separate shortcut, by double-clicking on which the computer will begin counting down to the shutdown time.

Creating a computer shutdown timer shortcut on Windows 10 is simple:

By double-clicking the created shortcut with the left mouse button, you can easily run the command that is written in it. Thus, you can automate the process of setting a timer to turn off the computer after a certain time - 10 minutes, an hour, 5 hours or more. These shortcuts are often created by system administrators for employees who need to leave their computers turned on at the end of their shift to process certain tasks.

Often, especially in the evening, after work, many personal computer users like to watch a movie before going to bed. But it often happens that while watching this movie we can fall asleep, but our computer continues to work. How to make the computer turn off on its own (set a timer) will be discussed further.

In fact, from Windows version 7 and higher, this is very easy and quick to do. You need to run the command line in the “Run” window; you can do this by pressing the key combination “Win ​​+ R” or go to the “Start” menu - “Run”.

Here shutdown / s is a command to turn off the computer, -t – starts a timer, and 3000 in this example is the timer time in seconds, after counting which our computer will turn off on its own.

After we click "OK" on the screen we will see a message that the computer will turn off after a certain period of time, we need to click "OK" again to confirm this operation. Now you can safely leave the computer after the specified time, it will turn off.

OFF Timer
A small, lightweight Russian program for one-time shutdown of the computer at a specified time.
Pros: no need to install, the software is Portable, launched and works. This quality is quite common for programs of this type - I didn’t like it, I deleted it. The program has a minimum of settings, which are very easy to understand even for a child. Works great on any Windows because it uses the same shutdown tools. It can successfully replace the standard “Shut Down” button of Windows OS. In general, a simple and reliable solution for minimalists and people who like minimal settings

Sleep timer is a program for those who like to fall asleep to a specific background. To turn off a “meowing-snoring” computer, just run the program and indicate to it the time interval and the action after the specified time interval has elapsed (switch to standby mode, turn off the computer, reboot, etc.). The computer shutdown timer comes in a portable version and does not require installation and is compatible with all versions of the Windows operating system.
Download uSleepTimer (downloads: 18)

The program is an analogue of the usual button to turn off Windows, with the only difference being that an item for selecting a shutdown timer is added to the drop-down menu, with a certain range. After installing the program, a red button will appear on the desktop and in the quick launch panel, after clicking which this very menu will appear. In this review, the specified program is presented solely for its objectivity. For those wishing to experiment, both a setup file and a portable version are offered for download. So to speak, try first, because how.

An excellent, high-quality and easy-to-use gadget for managing the operating system. It is easy to install, like all gadgets - by simply clicking on the file. You can always turn it off or on, and it will quietly “sit” in the Windows gadget store, waiting in the wings. The computer shutdown timer takes up very little disk space and desktop space. The AutoShutdown interface, when minimized, is actually an alternative replacement for the standard menu button for shutting down Windows. The requested action is performed immediately after clicking the button and confirming. The AutoShutdown settings window is a timer setup window in which you can specify a task and set a timeout before it is completed, or specify the exact time to complete the task. The gadget has the ability to change the background background. AutoShutdown functionality allows you to configure automatic shutdown, reboot, sleep mode, standby mode, hibernation, logout.)

SM Timer management is very simple, the program is free, I think these are the main advantages of any software. All you have to do is set the time and click OK. The timer immediately minimizes to the tray where the clock is and will perform the selected action at a certain time. You can control SM Timer through the same icon, by double-clicking on it, or through a menu called up by right-clicking on the tray icon. In general, convenient, easy and most importantly free!

At the moment, Switch Off is the best program of its kind, distributed free of charge. This is exactly what a standard menu button to turn off Windows should look like. The program is displayed in the tray as a regular shortcut and allows you to turn off or reboot the system in one motion (either immediately or after a specified time). Minimum settings, maximum simplicity and convenience. Using the Switch Off program is very simple - you just need to select the desired task and time to complete it (if necessary) from the drop-down menu. The program has virtually no settings. Just a drop-down menu for selecting a task and time

Switch Off is an English-language program. To enable the Russian language, after installing the program, go to the “Options” menu and select the “Russian” language

In conclusion, the most powerful and feature-rich tool for shutting down a Windows computer is the PowerOff timer. The program is simply crammed with all sorts of bells and whistles, which suggests the adequacy of its authors and its users. PowerOff's functionality is incredibly extensive and allows you to accomplish such feats as scheduling your computer to shut down at a different time each day or shutting down your computer after listening to a specified number of music tracks.

8. Program Off timer 2.5. - is designed to automatically turn off the computer at a certain point in time, regardless of any other conditions.

The shutdown timer will automatically close all programs running on the computer before shutting down the computer. 10 seconds before triggering, a countdown window will open, in which you can, if desired, cancel the computer shutdown.

The program does not require installation, has a very simple interface in Russian, and is distributed free of charge.

Shutdown One method to shut down a computer after a certain time is the shutdown command. To start the timer, open “Start” - “Run” and enter shutdown –s –t 600

As a result, a window will appear. It is worth noting that this method of automatically turning off the computer works in Windows 7 and higher. To disable the timer, run the command shutdown –a and as a result the following notification will appear. Not everyone will be able to use the command line to specify the time to shut down the computer using a timer.

Therefore, it is necessary to improve the process. This can be done in 2 ways: by creating a bat file; creating a shortcut on the desktop. To automate using a bat file, create a text document and specify the following commands in it: echo off cls set /p timer_off="Vvedite vremya v sekundah: " shutdown -s -t %timer_off%

After that, click “File” - “Save As” and enter 1.bat The next stage of automation is to configure the autorun of this executive file when Windows boots. To do this, drag it to “Start” - “All Programs” - “Startup”.

As a result, every time you turn on the computer, you will see the following window. Specify the time (in seconds) after which you need to save the data and turn it off. But automatically shutting down your computer using the command line is a difficult task because a lot can go wrong. It is much easier to create a shortcut on the desktop, after launching which the countdown would begin.

Create an empty shortcut on your desktop and specify C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -t 3600 in the object location. This way you can set your computer to automatically shut down an hour after you launch the shortcut. Using the task scheduler You can turn off the computer at a specified time using the task scheduler. . To do this, enter taskschd.msc in Run.

As a result, the program interface will open. In the “Actions” menu located on the right, select “Create a simple task” and enter its name (for example, auto shutdown of the PC). After this, you need to specify the start time of the task. In order to configure the computer to turn off and on according to a schedule, select the “At startup” option. At the next stage, you must select the action - “Run the program”.

Then specify shutdown as the script to be executed, and –s in the list of arguments (as in the screenshot) Before clicking “Run Program,” specify the execution time. Using programs There are many programs for automatically turning off the computer, but in this article we will consider the capabilities of only the most popular: PowerOFF; Sleep timer; SM Timer. PowerOFF The functionality of this utility goes beyond the usual timer for turning off the computer. As a result, you will be able to configure: countdown; shutdown after inactivity Windows; triggered by the system clock.

It is worth noting that this computer shutdown program can turn off, lock or put the PC into sleep mode. Please note that when you close PowerOFF, the timer to turn off the PC stops working - to avoid this, minimize the program. Shutdown Timer This program will help simplify the setup of auto-shutdown of your PC. It has a beautiful design and autostart along with the operating system. The disadvantages of a simple timer for a computer include: installing additional software when installing an application and shutting down all open programs. SM Timer You can set the computer to auto-shutdown using SM Tuner.

There are 2 modes for this: turning off the PC at a specified time or after an interval. Let's summarize. To automatically turn off the laptop, you can use: the shutdown computer shutdown command; task Manager; special computer shutdown programs. It is worth noting that installing a timer on a computer is very simple - and some of them do not require installation. To deeply customize your PC's operating time, use PowerOFF.

If you need to set a one-time shutdown timer on your computer, use the shutdown command or the task scheduler. By the way, the latter can replace most specialized timers. A significant disadvantage of timer programs is that they are very easy to disable, which means that you won’t be able to control the operating time in this way. So use Windows Task Scheduler or parental control software. Programs of this class include: + Child Control; Kids PC Time Administrator; ChildWebGuardian Pro

I liked the OFFTimer program the most.
After downloading the archive, you should unpack it to any place convenient for you. After unpacking, run the OFFTimer.exe file and set the computer shutdown time

Computer shutdown timer 1After setting the shutdown time, click the “Enable timer” button, that’s all! Now just minimize the window by clicking on the corresponding button. The program will be minimized to the system tray; when you hover over it, you will see information about the time the computer was turned off

Computer shutdown timer 2 As you can see, this is the simplest program for turning off your computer at a specified time. I doubt there is anything simpler.

But, if this functionality is still not enough for you and you want to use the computer shutdown scheduler by day, for example, then I’ll tell you about another program.

Computer shutdown timer PowerOff

The PowerOff program, unlike the one described above, can do much more. At the same time, it has a more customizable interface.

After downloading the archive, you need to unzip it, I suggest doing this in a separate folder, since the program will create settings files and event logs during use. I unzipped it into the C:temppoweroff folder. After unzipping the program, run it

Computer shutdown timer PowerOff 1 As you can see, the abundance of settings is impressive! But there is nothing complicated, in principle everything is simple.

The program is divided into tabs; when you start the program, the “Timers” tab opens in which, in fact, you will need to specify the shutdown time or use a countdown timer to turn off the computer after a certain period of time.

In the same window, you can specify what to do after the timer expires; shutdown, reboot, sleep mode, hibernation, end of session, etc. are suggested. For every taste, as they say.

In the “Diary” tab you will be shown all scheduled tasks that can be specified in the “Daily Settings” tab.

The “Diary Settings” window provides a multifunctional planning tool

In the “Hot Keys” tab, you can configure hot keys for various system control actions
In the “Scheduler” tab you can schedule certain actions to be executed automatically

In the “Program Settings” tab, as you may have guessed, the program settings are presented))

In the “Program Log” tab, a log of the execution of scheduled tasks is recorded

At the moment, there are quite a few ways to set the laptop timer to turn off. Below we will look at a few of the most basic ones. But first, it’s worth understanding the basic options, which are not too complicated and understandable to every user.


It is worth noting that the function of automatically turning off both a personal computer and a laptop is quite important and useful in the daily life of users. She can help when you need:

  • download any important file or document, and there is no way to wait for the process to complete;
  • in your absence, control the amount of time the child spends in front of the monitor screen;
  • using some third-party utilities, automate some processes, which will help simplify working with the device. For example, controlling a third-party computer or transmitting commands over a network.

Now let's move on to directly considering the question of whether it is possible to set a shutdown timer on a laptop?

Command line

  • You will see a notification that the installed counter has been disabled and the session termination has been cancelled. The timer can also be canceled by pressing the "Shutdown" key.

Second option

Now let's talk about whether it is possible to set a laptop on a shutdown timer using the task scheduler. It is worth noting that this method is the most convenient, as it allows you to contribute much more. To complete this procedure, follow the instructions below:

  • Using the keyboard shortcut "Win" + "R" launch the "Run" program;
  • in the window that opens, enter the command "taskschd.msc";
  • as soon as the required program starts, pay attention to the left column. Here you need to activate the task scheduler library;
  • then move to the right column and click on the line called “Actions”;

  • after that, select creating a simple task;
  • then in the name column, indicate the name and activate the next button;
  • The next step in the instructions on how to put a laptop on a shutdown timer is to set the frequency of the procedure. It can be configured to suit you. After this, press the Next key again. Repeat two more times;
  • A program or script window will open in front of you. In this place you need to enter "shoutdown";

  • go to the add arguments field and enter "-s -f", respecting the space;
  • Before putting the laptop on the shutdown timer, confirm the changes by pressing the Next button. Then activate the ready button;
  • To check the success of the operation, you need to re-enter the task scheduler and pay attention to the middle column. The currently running task should be displayed there.

If there is a need to cancel it, then simply call up the context menu of this object with the right mouse button and select the line with the inscription: “Delete”.


Is it possible to set a laptop shutdown timer using a shortcut? Of course it is possible and quite easy. In order to correctly implement this procedure, do everything according to the following algorithm:

  • anywhere on the desktop, call the context menu with the right mouse button and activate the subroutine for creating shortcuts;
  • In the window for specifying the location of the object, enter "C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -s -t 600". Instead of 600, you can specify any number you need (in seconds). This will be the time counting down until the computer turns off;
  • after that another window will open. Here you need to specify the name of the shortcut. Again, you can enter what you consider necessary;
  • then just save all changes. Now, after you activate this program, the computer will start a timer, after which the current session will be terminated;
  • but you should also take care of the cancel button for this function. Right-click on the desktop again and activate the shortcut creation program;
  • specify "C:WindowsSystem32shutdown.exe -a" as the object location;
  • Give the shortcut a name and save your changes. Now, after its activation, the previously launched timer will stop working.


Quite a useful utility that allows you to configure. Before putting the laptop on the shutdown timer using this method, let’s look at a few important points regarding this utility. First, you should familiarize yourself with its capabilities.


This software is quite versatile and allows you to install other useful tools in addition to setting the shutdown time. Among them:

  • the ability to set up shutdown not only by timer, but also by a specific time or a set schedule;
  • the user can choose what the system should do after the shutdown time has expired;
  • there is a built-in task scheduler and diary;
  • the utility automatically starts along with the operating system;
  • ability to work with WinAmp using hot keys. The program itself can also be controlled with their help.

Additional functions

Using this utility, you can also automate and perform a number of the following useful actions. Among them are:

  • send the computer to sleep mode;
  • lock the system;
  • remotely launch another device;
  • send commands over the network;
  • restart the computer;
  • terminate user sessions.

You've probably encountered a situation where you need to step away, but you can't turn off your computer because certain tasks are running. In such a case, you can schedule an automatic shutdown of the computer according to a schedule. Windows 10 has built-in shutdown scheduling mechanisms, although not every user will find them. Here we have collected all the ways you can set a computer shutdown timer.

How to set the Windows 10 sleep timer using the Run command

Click Win+R and enter the command shutdown -s -t 60. The number is responsible for the number of seconds after which the computer will automatically turn off.

In this case, the shutdown will occur after 1 minute. You can set any time you prefer. Just remember that it is indicated in seconds.

How to Schedule Your Computer to Automatically Shut Down Using the Command Line

How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer Using PowerShell

Other commands for the computer shutdown timer

You definitely noticed that after the main command shutdown There is also an additional argument that indicates to the system the nature of the action being performed. Using these arguments, you can assign additional commands and not only turn off the computer using a timer, but also reboot or put it into sleep mode.

It looks like this: shutdown -s -t 60. Instead of a letter - s you need to substitute one of the following:

  • r- reboot. The team will look like shutdown-r-t 60 . Stands for reboot after 60 seconds.
  • h– hibernation. Shutdown-h-t 60 . If you enter this command, the computer will go into hibernation after 60 seconds. You can set any time, as in the previous command. In both cases -t is responsible for time in seconds, followed by any amount of time you specify.

How to set an automatic shutdown timer using Task Scheduler

  1. Open the built-in operating system Task Manager. To do this, click Win+R and enter the command Taskschd.msc. Alternatively, you can press menu Start and enter into search Task Manager. There are also other launch options, but these two are the fastest.

  2. On the right side of the window, click Create a simple task.

  3. The window for creating a simple task will open. On the tab Create a simple task provide a name and description if you need the latter. Click Further.

  4. On the tab Triggers set value One time.

  5. Click Further and in the next step set the time when the computer will automatically turn off.

  6. Next, you need to tell the system the action it needs to perform. Select on the next window Run the program and press Further.

  7. Near the point Program or script click Review.

  8. An Explorer window will open in the system folder system32. Find the file in it shutdown.exe. It is he who initiates the process of shutting down the computer.

  9. Click OK.
  10. In field Add arguments enter -s. Click OK.

  11. Click Further, review the options you specified and click Ready.

For a single shutdown, this method may be too complex. But unlike scheduled shutdown using the command line, Task Scheduler allows you to make this procedure regular. For example, turn off the computer every day at 22:00. Trigger timing options can help you sort this out and set a schedule that works for you.

Set Windows 10 sleep timer from shortcut

If you need to use sleep timers frequently, you can create shortcuts on the desktop or anywhere else in the operating system. Opening this shortcut will take over the task of activating the shutdown, reboot, or timed hibernation command.

  1. Right click anywhere and select Create – Shortcut.
  2. In the first step, enter the command shutdown-X-tY. Instead of X indicate the letter s to turn off, r to reboot or h for hibernation. Instead of Y– the time you need in seconds.
  3. Next, name your shortcut and save it.

You can also create a shortcut to cancel shutdown/reboot or hibernation. Everything is done exactly the same, only the command is specified shutdown-a. Once the shortcuts are created, you can move them, rename them, or change the icons as you wish.

How to stop your computer from automatically turning off in Windows 10

If you set a scheduled PC shutdown using the command Execute, Command line or PowerShell, then you can disable everything using a very simple action.

Click Win+R and enter shutdown -a. The system will then notify you that the automatic logout has been cancelled. You can run the same command in Command Prompt or PowerShell.

If a scheduled shutdown is set in the Task Scheduler, then the cancellation process will be slightly different.

There are also a large number of third-party programs that help schedule a shutdown, reboot, or sleep mode in Windows 10. Often, there is no need for such solutions due to the fact that the system already has the necessary mechanisms built in that can regulate the automatic shutdown of the computer. They work quite simply and effectively, which cannot always be said about third-party programs.

Also note that the scheduled shutdown method is not suitable if you want to use it as a parental control. To do this, Windows 10 has separate mechanisms installed that work differently, much more efficiently and reliably.

In addition, pay attention to the settings of the application that occupies your computer for a long time. Often, programs with a long period of task execution have an option to automatically shut down after completion. In this case, you won’t need system methods, not to mention third-party ones, at all.