Which protects your phone better, glass or film? Which safety glass company is better? How to choose a protective glass for a smartphone: criteria. How much does a protective glass cost for an iPhone?

When purchasing a smartphone, store employees often offer to purchase additional accessories for it. If everything is clear with the case. Without it, the phone body will quickly lose its attractive appearance, but with glass or film, not everything is so simple. Today we will figure out what to choose, and also consider the pros and cons of this type of protection.

Why do you need screen protection?

It is a well-known fact that a cell phone often tries to jump out of your hands and hit the tiles or asphalt. The risk of display death is quite high. Also, the screen can be scratched not only when dropped, but also if the smartphone is carried with hard or sharp objects in a pocket or bag, such as keys.

Watching a video or flipping through browser pages is not very pleasant when there is an annoying scratch or, worse, a crack on the screen.

This is actually why the manufacturers came up with it additional protection- films and glass.

Do I need to glue anything at all or can I do without it?

The principle here is that it is better to be safe than sorry. If you can find an inexpensive option for film or protective glass somewhere, it’s better to stick it on.

Even if you have a screen made using Gorilla Glass, Asahi or their analogues. Unfortunately, such glass can still be scratched or broken, although this is more difficult to do. Yes, yes, displays with tempered glass also get scratched. There are plenty of examples.

Pros of film

Films are much cheaper.

They are thinner and more invisible compared to glass. Properly pasted protective film almost invisible on a smartphone.

Even with poorly glued films, the performance of the sensor does not suffer. Unfortunately, this happens with crooked glass.

Pros of glass

Glass is much easier to glue than film. It is enough just to remove the protective layer and place it evenly on the phone, of course having first cleaned the screen of dust and dirt.

Glass provides additional protection when the device falls.

Glass, as a rule, has a good oleophobic coating, sometimes even better than that of the smartphone itself. This means that the finger glides well over the surface and leaves no fingerprints.


Our experience shows that screen protection is needed even if you purchase a smartphone with Gorilla Glass. And it is needed twice for a budget device.

If you choose between glass and film, we would recommend glass. It is easy to stick even for a beginner; it also has additional protection and an oleophobic coating. The durability in both cases is approximately the same and much depends on the accuracy of the owner of the gadget.

Have you ever broken your smartphone's display? According to research Motorola, every second gadget owner would answer this question in the affirmative. Moreover, 23% of users continue to use their smartphones, despite the fragments cutting their fingers broken screen. At the same time, 42% of owners smart phones refuse repairs due to the prohibitive cost of replacing the display. And it is not justified, because in addition to the glass itself, it can also break Touchpad“touchscreen”, and the matrix itself, and even the cable connecting the matrix and the touch-grid.

How do phones most often break? 50% of smartphone owners complained about the device accidentally slipping out of their hands, 32% about it falling out of their pocket, and 27% about the gadget falling from their lap when standing up. And 5% even managed to break their smartphone by throwing it against the wall. Why are we talking about this? Yes, despite the fact that latest developments engineers and well-promoted hit new products from companies, there are no unbreakable displays.

Scary? Not much, if you treat your gadget with care and know how to protect it. And one of these “safeties” is safety glass, which is popular today. They differ from the usual protective films in thickness, multi-layering, manufacturing materials and, most importantly, in the function of protecting the screen from cracks and chips. Of course, no one can guarantee a 100% protective effect when using protective glass, but still the likelihood of protecting the display with them increases significantly. Moreover, in addition to protection, they perform a number of other useful functions. Just look at what layers this glass consists of.

1. Silicone base. Silicone allows the glass to stick almost tightly to the screen, so it won’t move to the side.
2. Containment layer. He starts working when the damage is severe enough to break through all the protective layers of the glued glass. Thanks to it, the glass of the smartphone display will not crumble, and the crack will not spread further.
3. Anti-glare layer. It is responsible for maintaining image clarity under bright conditions. sun rays or in a brightly lit room.
4. Protective layer. This is the main defense that takes the entire blow. This layer is responsible for preventing scuffs, chips and scratches from appearing on the display.
5. Oleophobic layer. With it, the sticky stains of grease and moisture familiar to every display will not remain on the glass.

What are the differences between protective glasses for smartphones?

Smartphone model

If other parameters affect the level of protection of glass and the ease of use, then this is the first and most main characteristic, without paying attention to which, you will throw money down the drain. All protective glasses are made for specific smartphone models. Of course, there are many Chinese glasses that are adjusted to the screen diagonal, but they may not suit you. The first option is that the glass will be smaller or more display your smartphone. Second, the glass will fit, but there may not be any cuts for the front camera, buttons, speaker or front sensor. In this case, all that remains is to throw away the glass: after all, cutting it is strictly forbidden - this way you will destroy its structure and, consequently, its strength.

Glass thickness

This is the first of two characteristics responsible for the reliability of protective glass. The thickness of most materials affects their strength - the same with glass: the thicker it is, the stronger it is. But do not forget that thick glass visually enlarges the smartphone and becomes inconvenient. Moreover, it has been noticed that some thick glasses lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the sensor. Therefore, it is best to adhere to the “golden mean” in this matter. Modern glass comes in thicknesses from 0.15 to 1 mm. If you are not going to go mountaineering with a phone in your pocket, then it is better to choose a thickness from 0.28 to 0.5 mm.

Glass strength

The strength of glass is measured using the Mohs scale, which measures the surface's ability to resist scratches, cracks and chips. To create the gradation, ten natural minerals were used, which scratched each other and lined up in a Mohs line. But do not forget about the peculiarities of the shape of the protective glass: it is thin and rectangular. In this regard, if a damaging surface hits the front part, the most durable glass will perform its function better, but if it falls on the end, only less durable and, therefore, more elastic glass will be able to absorb the impact. Therefore, it is best to choose the optimal middle option - 9H.

Type of coverage

In addition to protecting against damage, safety glass has other functions. There are several types of glass coatings: glossy, matte, oleophobic, ultra-transparent and private.

Glossy glass is standard option, not having any additional functions. This glass conveys the image most accurately, maintains the brightness of the backlight, and is almost invisible on a smartphone.

Frosted glass helps to cope with the bright light falling on the display - the picture does not fade and retains colors. This is especially true in bright sunlight or in a bright room. But the disadvantage of such glass was a slight distortion of the image.

Oleophobic coating is already a standard for most manufacturers today. Most often, its presence is not even indicated on the packaging. But still, not all models have it. And it is needed to prevent moisture and grease from getting on the glass.

Ultra-transparent glass speaks for itself: it is not visible on a smartphone.

Privacy glass will appeal to those who do not want others to see their smartphone screen. Its feature is the darkening of the screen at an oblique angle. That is, you can see the image only by holding the device directly in front of you. This option is perfect for those who often travel on the subway or view personal data.

Type of glass

To give glass aesthetic appeal, engineers have come up with several types of processing of sharp glass edges: 2D, 2.5D and 3D.

Sharp edges are removed from the edges of 2D glass without careful grinding of the edges, since they are recessed deep into the body or covered by a side edging. Thus, the user does not see the thickness of the glass: only the front surface of the coating is open to him.

Protecting the display of a mobile device is something that interests many users. Any mechanical damage to the screen can be accompanied by very serious problems. There may be slight freezes in the operation of the sensor, or the screen module may completely fail. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a protective coating to each model. It provides cell phone protection different conditions. However, when purchasing protective glass, you must follow certain recommendations. In our article you will learn how to choose a protective glass for your smartphone.

What is safety glass?

The protective coating is made from specialized “ tempered glass" And it is pre-treated with chemical compounds. If you compare it with ordinary film, you can understand that a device with protective glass is several times thicker, which indicates its reliability.

Before choosing a protective glass, you should learn a little about the features of this display protection.

High-quality protective glass that is glued to the phone consists of several layers:

  1. Silicone base;
  2. Containment layer;
  3. Anti-glare;
  4. Safety;
  5. Oleophobic.

In addition, there are three types of these glasses:

  • Matte;
  • Glossy;
  • Private coverage.

Frosted glass distorts the image at least a little, but their advantage is that in bright light, the image on the screen of a mobile device does not fade.

Glossy coatings are considered the most common. It is not visible on the display, but it performs 100 percent protective functions.

Privat-coating is a darkened type of glass that has some special features. The image on the phone can only be seen from a right angle; when looking from the side, you can only see a black screen.

Below we describe how to choose protective glass based on characteristics such as thickness and strength.

Safety glass thickness

The protective glass on the iPhone and other models differs in thickness. The greater the thickness of the protective surface, the greater reliability it provides. The glass thickness ranges from 0.15 to 1 mm. However, with a large thickness, the appearance of the device is disfigured. Therefore, it is recommended to choose average values ​​– from 0.28 to 0.5 mm. At the same time, the elegance will be preserved appearance and the display will be protected.

IN Lately Manufacturers use various tricks to sell faster own goods. They come up with various additional super-characteristics that their product supposedly possesses. As a result, buyers do not buy what they really needed. Therefore, you should always pay attention to two points when purchasing:

  1. Strength level;
  2. Thickness of protective glass.

When choosing, remember to strike a balance between flexibility and protection. By choosing protective glass with a lower degree of protection, you can expect that with frontal impacts protective accessory won't cope. You also need to remember that thickness does not in any way affect the resistance to fingerprints or scratches.

Strength – important parameter, and it is better to always purchase glass with a level of 9H. It provides maximum protection when the phone falls on its end. However, a value higher than 9H can make the glass inelastic and thus susceptible to breaking upon impact.

Recently, new glasses with an additional level of protection have begun to be produced. They have an oleophobic coating, as well as 2.5D processing. The price of such protective glasses much higher than usual, and therefore you need to understand - “Do you need such glass or can you find some cheaper option?”

How it works

Choosing a great security accessory can literally save your phone's life. It works like this:

  • If the surface of the screen is damaged, it is the protective glass that takes the load;
  • Due to the rigidity of the glass, the impact impulse does not extend to the display itself;
  • Due to the strength of the protective glass, no traces of impact remain on the surface of the phone.

However, you should not think that by purchasing protective glass you will be able to throw your mobile phone upside down into concrete. With a strong impact, the display coating may be destroyed and the entire force of the impact will fall on the cellular display and it will be impossible to save the device.

How to choose protective glass

To avoid being in a stupid situation due to constant tricks unscrupulous sellers, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Any of the protective glasses is manufactured under a certain model phone. You should check before purchasing that the holes for the camera and speakers match;
  • The packaging of the purchased glass must indicate its strength;
  • When choosing thickness, you need to make a choice based on your own preferences. We determine under what conditions the phone will be used. For everyday use, medium thickness is suitable;
  • Choose a suitable coating for yourself. You should choose between glossy and matte finishes.

Additional services are imposed by almost every seller. Gluing protective glass in a chain store varies from 200 to 600 rubles. And considering that the protective glass needs to be changed 4-5 times a year, this comes out to a decent amount. There is nothing difficult in the gluing process, and it can be done at home, thereby saving a decent amount.

Which company to choose protective glass

Because of huge amount From companies that produce protective glass, you can easily stumble upon a fake. Therefore, you should carefully choose this protective accessory. You should not save money, because the integrity of the display in the event of mechanical damage directly depends on the protection. It should be understood that if the glass is called armored glass with 2.5D processing, and the packaging says that the hardness of this glass is 9H, it cannot in any way be equivalent to the cost of ordinary film. Having encountered this, you can immediately understand that this is a deception.

However, cost is not always an indicator of quality. Basically, some of the expensive glasses are produced for models such as iPhone or Samsung. You can save money when purchasing protective glass in the Aliexpress online store.

Here is a list of trusted manufacturers that produce excellent protective accessories:

  • Mocolo;
  • Bradno;
  • Nilkin.

If we talk about Russian manufacturers, it is worth highlighting the following two companies:

  • LuxCase.

In almost all salons cellular communications You can buy a protective glass for Samsung or iPhone.

How to stick protective glass

At first glance, the process of gluing this protective accessory may seem like a rather labor-intensive process. However, after performing several similar actions, you can feel like an expert in this field.

Necessary tools for the procedure:

  • Napkin;
  • A napkin pre-impregnated with cleaner;
  • Scotch;
  • Glass cleaning solution;
  • The protective glass itself.
  1. Wash your hands with soap and prepare the necessary tools;
  2. Wipe the entire surface of the smartphone with a damp cloth;
  3. If any dust particles remain, remove them using prepared tape;
  4. Remove the film from the protective glass;
  5. Install the protective accessory so that all holes coincide with the phone buttons;
  6. Press lightly until the glass sticks on its own.

If voids unexpectedly form in which air accumulates, you can use by bank card. Do not press too hard on the screen; bubbles after gluing may disappear within two to three days.

How to remove protective glass if it breaks

Unfortunately, no matter how professionally the protective accessory is applied, there may come a time when it will have to be removed. This need may arise in the event of a strong mechanical damage, which will be received as a result of an impact or other similar circumstances. It should be understood that protective glass is much more difficult to remove from a cell phone display than regular film.

Armed with a bank card, you need to pry off the protection from any edge, and then walk the card under the glass, thereby unfastening the glass from the display itself. After this, you should walk over the screen with a dry cloth, removing dust particles.


In conclusion, we can say that there is nothing difficult in choosing a protective glass, as well as in gluing it to the display itself. After reading our article, you learned how to choose protective glass, and after carefully reviewing the instructions, you will be able to stick it on or remove it without anyone else’s help.

A mobile phone or smartphone can easily get scratched, fall and break. To minimize such force majeure cases, various protective glasses and films have been invented. It was films that covered the displays of the very first cell phones. With the development of industry, safety glass soon appeared. Now many people are faced with the question: how to choose between them?

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What types of protective films are there, and what are their advantages?

Matte (anti-glare):

  • Better glide compared to other types of films;
  • Fingerprints are practically invisible on the screen;
  • Protected from new scratches;
  • You can use your phone even in bright conditions.


  • Almost invisible on a smartphone screen;
  • Color rendering quality is not degraded;
  • Minor scratches will not be visible on the screen;
  • Protect your device from new damage.

Shockproof (available in both matte and glossy):

  • High degree of protection against appearance deep scratches and cracks;
  • The sensitivity and brightness of the screen remain the same as without film.

Each type of film has disadvantages. Glare on the display may occur during use glossy finish and fingerprints will be visible on it. Due to the anti-glare properties on the screen with matte film a grainy effect may be present.

It is more rational to select a film for the screen of a smartphone of a certain brand. But if such a move is not possible, there is an alternative - to choose a film that fits the diagonal of the smartphone. If the smartphone is in a case, then it is best to use a glossy film. For those who play games on their phone, read a lot of literature, or often surf the Internet, a matte film is suitable.

  1. Carefully wipe the smartphone screen so that there are no small grains of sand, fingerprints, or dust left on it, which prevents the film from properly gluing. Under no circumstances should you use alcohol or alcohol-based substances. Wipes for cleaning LCD monitor screens are best.
  2. Remove the film from the original packaging. There will be a paper petal on one of its edges. You need to gently pull it to gradually (but not immediately) separate the protective film from the transport film. The main thing is not to touch with your hands inner side coverings. Then you need to firmly apply the film to the smartphone screen and, pressing with your fingers, stick it. It happens that you cannot glue the protective accessory the first time, so you can try again.
  3. When pasting, bubbles may appear on the screen. It is enough to swipe the plastic card across the display several times to make them disappear. If the bubbles do not go away, then the problem is with the quality of the film.
  • Do not glue the film close to the edges of the display.
  • If the film is glued unsuccessfully, it can be removed and washed under running water. Please remember that this manipulation may damage the coating. Low quality and render it unusable.
  • During operation, periodically wipe with damp cloths.
  • The maximum service life of the accessory is 1 year.
  • If, after gluing the film, dust is noticeable underneath it, then it is better not to try to re-glue it, because this can damage it.
  • It is best to apply a protective film after purchasing a new phone. This way there will be no dust or air bubbles.
  • Paper tape will help get rid of dust on the display.

Protective glass recently replaced films. In itself, it is tempered glass treated with various substances (chemical compounds and impregnations). This accessory is almost 5 times thicker than regular film. Any protective glass consists of the following layers:

  • The silicone base secures the glass and smartphone display together.
  • If the display is damaged, the glass will not shatter and the crack will not spread further. All this thanks to the containment layer.
  • Anti-glare. In bright daylight and artificial lighting The display will be bright and the image on it will be clear.
  • Actually protective layer, which protects the smartphone from scratches, abrasions and other possible damage.
  • The oleophobic layer protects against moisture and grease.

Advantages of safety glass:

  • Strength;
  • Impacts and falls from heights are not scary.
  • No color or brightness distortion;
  • Long use;
  • Easy to install yourself.

You need to choose glass strictly for the type of smartphone, because each model has its own speaker layout and front camera, and cutting or sawing the coating is strictly prohibited. It is important to pay attention to the strength of the glass and the conditions of its use. There is not much difference between glossy and matte finish, the owner chooses it in accordance with his desires and preferences. Almost everything service centers and stores offer for small fee 200-700 rubles to stick this accessory. You shouldn’t agree to this, because this manipulation can be done in a few minutes without much effort.

How to stick glass on your phone yourself:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Clear mobile device from dust using special means.
  3. Remove the transport film from the glass.
  4. Place the glass evenly along the edges of the display and wipe with a dry, clean, lint-free cloth.
  5. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, you can repeat everything again.

What is better to choose: film or glass?

In all respects, it is better to choose protective glass. It is much stronger and will last much longer than plastic coating. In turn, the film will protect against minor scratches. But if the phone falls, then this accessory will be powerless. To those who Cell phones very expensive, you should not save and it is better to give preference to glass.

Popular brands of protective films:

The highest quality films are from the following manufacturers:

  • Belkin;
  • Cellular line;
  • EasyLink;
  • Jekod;
  • Ozaki.

All products of these brands are durable, accurate in size and thin in thickness. Lower prices for joint production between Russia and China. But their quality leaves much to be desired. It is better to avoid branded films from well-known cell phone brands: they are not inferior in quality to Belkin, DiGi and the rest of the first group, but will cost much more.

Well-known manufacturers of tempered glass

The American company Corning produces a line of protective glass called Gorilla Glass. Every year new technical modifications are released, which differ from previous ones in thickness and quality. Now ultra-thin glass is only 0.4 mm thick.

The Japanese concern Ashani Glass and their DragonTail, which is becoming a world leader and will soon supplant Gorilla Glass. All due to the relatively low cost and light weight of glass.

iPhone owners are tied to the sapphire glass manufacturer GT Advanced Technologies. Sapphire is one of the most durable substances, but its synthetic version is used in glass. Main disadvantage This accessory is quite expensive, exceeding even Gorilla Glass.

The lowest cost of film is approximately 100 Russian rubles. And the most expensive one does not exceed 1000 rubles. Of course, it all depends on the type of film and country of manufacture. Prices for protective glass are higher: from 200 to 3000 rubles.

A smartphone is a rather expensive and fragile thing. No one is safe from an accidental fall. To avoid having to change the sensor or touchscreen later, it is better to purchase a protective film or glass and protect yourself from such an unpleasant situation. Moreover, there are plenty of goods in this category on the market. And what to choose: film or glass, the owner decides independently, relying on his financial opportunities and preferences.

The screen of a smartphone is the most important and at the same time the most fragile part of it. It can get scratched by simply lying in your pocket next to your keys or falling on the sand. To prevent such situations, there are screen protectors: films or glass for the screen.

Why protect your screen with film or glass?

Replacing the display with Apple devices- a rather tricky procedure, and on Samsung it is very unprofitable.

On Android devices, especially cheap ones, stabbing and scratching the display is even more disadvantageous. Yes, for the sake of simplicity Samsung Galaxy J1 worth 6 thousand rubles display module with a touchscreen it will cost 3,200 rubles - more than half the cost of the phone. To prevent such unpleasant expenses, it is better to use a screen protector.

Currently, the most popular protectors are made of plastic film or chemically treated tempered glass. Both can effectively protect the screen from scratches, cracks, chips, paint stains and other damage, but there are differences.

What is the difference between glass and screen film?

The glass protector is much more difficult to scratch.
  • Appearance. Glass protectors look clunkier than film protectors because they are thicker. This is especially noticeable on sleek devices iPhone type 7 or HTC One.
  • Easy to install. Incredible but true: glass is easier to glue than film. If you have glued a film protector, then you know how difficult it is to do it smoothly and without air bubbles. We even wrote a whole instruction about this -!

Overall, the choice between film or glass for the screen is a choice between aesthetics and protection. If you are generally careful with your device and are only bothered by scratches and fingerprints, choosing a film will be a smarter choice. But if you often drop your device, but don’t want to change screens every now and then, it makes sense to purchase more durable glass.