Glossy or matte screen surface. Excessive contrast of glossy monitors. Matte or glossy screen finish - what's the difference?

Any user modern technology will be delighted to buy a brand new monitor or laptop. But often, already in the store, the question arises, which matte or glossy laptop screen is better? To answer this, you should analyze the pros and cons of both options. Moreover, it is better if you figure out this issue yourself, and do not follow the lead of sellers who are often interested in selling certain models technology. In order not to leave the store without purchasing anything at all, prepare in advance and decide for yourself which monitor is better to buy. Actually, we will study and solve this issue in this article.

Features of glossy screens

  • The main features of glossy screens are brighter and more saturated shades, high color reproduction and significantly pronounced black color.
  • But when such displays are used, glare and reflections become more noticeable.
  • When choosing which monitor is better - matte or glossy, keep in mind that even when the device is turned off, fingerprints are visible on the screen.
  • If they hit him Sun rays, then the image deteriorates significantly. Because of this, it becomes completely impossible to work on it.

Important! The glossy surface puts a lot of strain on the eyes.

Features of matte monitors:

  • Matte “brothers” are distinguished by a special anti-reflective coating, which prevents reflection.
  • Matte displays are convenient to work at any time of the day and under any conditions.
  • They don't put as much strain on the eyes as glossy screens.

Important! The only caveat is that they do not convey colors well and look dull and faded.

Under what conditions should matte and glossy monitors be used?

If you are wondering which screen surface is better - matte or glossy for home use, then consider the following factors:

  • If the lighting in the room is not very bright, then a glossy display with the most saturated colors is ideal.
  • If you plan to work in a room with bright lighting or even outdoors, then a matte screen will be preferable. But remember that it will not protect you one hundred percent from glare. Be that as it may, you will have to hide all light sources located near the screen.
  • In many offices and workspaces, workplace lighting sources such as floor and Wall lights. Therefore, in such situations it would be appropriate to use matte displays. Due to all their properties, they make the highlights not so sharp, in other words, they blur them.

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  • Glossy surfaces when working with graphic pictures, objects are able to artificially increase the contrast, as a result - they turn out to be more saturated and bright. But excessive contrast only visually creates a feeling of false beauty. Therefore, if you often come across such images in your work, then it is better to give preference to a matte monitor.
  • If you just intend to read news on the Internet or watch movies, play video games, or use a graphics editor for personal purposes, then gloss is the ideal option for you. Reflections are not so noticeable on it, and in films entertainment and color saturation are very important.
  • Please also note that glossy screens on laptops consume a minimum of energy, since with less power the picture looks brighter and more colorful.

Important! Naturally, it is impossible to foresee in advance the conditions under which a brand new computer will be used in a month or even a few days, because situations vary. For example, you can buy a device with a glossy screen, but you will be sent to work outside, then you will need to buy an anti-glare film that will quickly solve this problem. But of course, it won’t be possible to completely convert the monitor to glossy.

Which monitor to choose for working with numbers or text?

If you are buying a computer to work with numbers and texts, then when deciding which screen coating is better - matte or glossy, keep in mind that it should be as comfortable as possible for the eyes and so that it can be used in a variety of conditions:

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  • Experts advise in such cases to buy matte monitors, because, unlike their glossy counterparts, they are not so rich in colors and bright. But if the sun's rays hit them, they do not glare, and the text is readable.
  • If your first priority is the maximum need to convey the tint range of the image in a room with secondary lighting, then it is better to consider a glossy model.

Important! If you previously worked on a computer with a matte monitor and suddenly switched to a glossy one, then at first it will be difficult for you and you will feel discomfort in your work.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern monitors

To decide whether to choose a matte or glossy laptop screen, you should definitely remember their pros and cons.

The advantages of glossy screens include the following:

  • Clearly defined black color.
  • Richer, brighter shades and excellent color rendering.
  • They are ideal for working with graphics, watching videos and processing images.

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The disadvantages of glossy surfaces are:

  • Negative effect on vision.
  • Glare appears when sunlight hits the monitor.
  • Development of fingerprints.

Advantages of matte screens:

  • Presence anti-reflective coating.
  • Comfortable conditions when working with numbers and texts.
  • Minimal response in games.

Disadvantages of screens with matte finish:

  • Low level of color rendering.
  • Dull and faded colors.
  • The presence of grain in inexpensive models.

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What do we think about when choosing a laptop or monitor for home computer? Who said "price"? IN in this case We are more concerned with a set of user properties, and the more often we use an element, the more important it is for us.

For example, the disc writing speed in optical drive will rank somewhere in the back, since few people burn CD-Rs these days. But the screen is the element that is literally constantly visible. Therefore, from its properties user experience and comfort depends very seriously.

One of the most frequently asked questions When choosing a laptop or monitor: is a glossy or matte screen finish better? Of course, this question cannot be answered unequivocally. If gloss was better in everything, no one would offer matte screens, and vice versa.

Both glossy and matte screens. So your choice ideally depends on where and how you'll be using your laptop or monitor.

Advantages and disadvantages of a glossy screen

Glossy screens today are more often installed in laptops, although you can also find monitors for desktop computers, covered with a shiny reflective layer. What are the advantages of such displays?

  • More high contrast. Text and pictures look clearer on glossy displays.
  • Bright colors. The glossy finish does not dampen the monitor's natural light as much, making colors appear brighter and more saturated. It also guarantees deep, truly black color. This is especially effective when watching videos. Watching films with abundant night scenes or shadowed images on such screens is a real pleasure!
  • Spectacular appearance. On store shelves and in studio photos, devices with shiny displays look very attractive.
  • Protection. What shines like glass is sometimes glass. It will better protect the screen from minor scratches than cheap plastic “protection”. But even if it’s just a film with improved reflectivity (and this is most often the case), it’s still additional reliability.
  • Less battery consumption (for a laptop). The film provides a subjectively brighter picture, which means the screen can be less backlit.
  • If necessary, you can stick an anti-glare film on a glossy screen to make it matte. It can not only eliminate glare, but also hide the contents of your screen from prying eyes on the side. If necessary, the film can be removed, the screen will not be damaged. But you can’t make a matte screen glossy in this way.

It is worth mentioning here that the advantages also have a downside:

  • The glossy screen reflects light very well. It doesn't matter if the sun is bright electric lamp or point sources light - they will be reflected perfectly on the screen, regardless of whether it is on or off. Even if you turn on your laptop at full brightness in the sun, you run the risk of discovering that your screen is more like a mirror: it shows you better than the image.
  • The gloss is whimsical to the angle of inclination. You may have to tilt the screen in one direction or another every second to find a comfortable angle and see at least something on the screen other than your face.
  • Gloss is a criminologist's dream. He shows fingerprints without even trying to disguise them. This is especially annoying if your laptop touch screen, and you are actively using it.

Pros and cons of a matte screen

As soon as gloss came into fashion, users began to actively protest. Apparently, they protested not because they seriously thought whether a matte or glossy laptop screen was better: they were simply left with no choice. Some have even switched from MacBooks to Windows devices. This is not surprising, since Apple is always at the forefront of change, sometimes leaving the user no chance to enjoy the “good old times.” If you want to remember the intensity of those disputes, read what they are now writing about new iPhones without audio jack.

However, matte screens have whole line advantages due to which they have never stopped being offered:

  • Nice job on the light. If your laptop has a matte screen, you can safely take it to the beach, work on the terrace of a cafe or in a hall filled with lights. All that brightness won't stop you from focusing on the picture on the screen.
  • Less sensitivity to tilt angle. Glossy laptop or you will have to turn the monitor a lot to find a comfortable angle. Matte frees you from this unnecessary fuss.
  • Conservative style. Matte screens are often equipped with business laptops, for which functionality is more important than design delights. There, the user does not have to watch videos and photos so much as work with documents and the Internet.
  • Resists dirt well. You will still have to wipe it from time to time, but it takes a lot of effort to scratch such a screen until it looks unbearable.

The disadvantages of matte displays directly follow from their advantages:

  • Less bright colors. More precisely, less catchy. The absence of a reflective film strangely turns out to be more visible than its presence. When watching videos and photos, because of this, the picture turns out to be not so rich, and the black color is not “radically black” at all.
  • Grain. With the same low pixel density on a glossy screen, it will be less noticeable than on a matte one.
  • Irreversibility. You will not make a matte screen glossy by gluing a film on it (but the opposite is possible).


You should choose a matte or glossy laptop screen based on where, how and how much you use your computer or laptop. Glossy screens in general case are better suited for multimedia and entertainment purposes, matte ones are better suited for working with documents, the Internet, for design or video editing, as they provide more “honest” colors.

And remember that a glossy screen can be made matte using a special film, and then removed. Therefore, the difference between these two types of screens is quite subtle and easily overcome.

When buying a laptop, you should immediately pay attention to its display. Laptops come with a glossy or matte screen finish. Therefore, having decided on the capabilities of the laptop and its display diagonal, do not lose sight of the screen covering itself.

Of course, when choosing a laptop in a store, the sales assistant usually asks for what purposes you are choosing laptop, and will be able to tell you which version of the laptop screen is more suitable (matte or glossy).

However, it doesn't hurt to know what the difference is. In fairness, it is worth noting that sometimes users themselves do not know whether they need a matte or glossy screen and which one is better to buy a laptop. In most cases, for modern user it's not important.

Matte screen finish or glossy - what's the difference?

When choosing a laptop for yourself, first of all, you need to decide on your goals. If you plan to use the laptop mainly as a multimedia portable entertainment center, then it makes sense to buy laptop with glossy screen. On such a screen there will be a more saturated and juicy image with excellent brightness levels. Ideal for working with video and graphic editors a laptop will do with a glossy screen finish. But there is one minor drawback to a screen with a glossy finish - glare. Compensation for this inconvenience will be a large supply of brightness in combination with a wide range of shades.

Matte finish screen well suited for those who need a laptop primarily for working with numbers and text documents. On a laptop with a matte screen, your eyes don't get tired so quickly when long work in front of the monitor. Unlike a glossy screen, the matte coating of the display will not please you with a rich and bright image, but when bright light hits the screen, there will be no glare and the image will remain well readable.

These are, perhaps, all the main differences between a matte screen and a display with a glossy finish. It is quite difficult to judge which screen covering is better, because everyone chooses the most suitable one for themselves. If you will be using your laptop more often in a dimly lit room, a laptop with a glossy screen will do. And if you use a laptop in more frequent sunlight, of course, you should choose a laptop with a matte screen finish. We hope that this article will help you make the right choice when buying a laptop.

Many people, planning to buy a new netbook, laptop or monitor, are faced with the fact that the type of coating on the screens of these devices is matte or glossy. A number of questions immediately arise about the differences between a glossy screen and a matte one. In this material we will try to help you understand which of the screens fits better in your particular case - glossy or matte.

Glossy screens: pros and cons

The question of whether a glossy or matte laptop screen is better will soon disappear by itself. Most manufacturers have been producing gadgets with glossy screens exclusively for several generations. But the opinion of manufacturers is most likely dictated not so much by user convenience as by the presentation of the device on the shelf. First of all, a laptop with a shiny, glossy screen has a better presentation than its counterparts with matte screens. The main advantage of screens of this type is the quality of the picture and color rendition in rooms where direct rays of light do not fall on them. Otherwise it is created mirror effect, and the user will not be able to see anything except his own reflection. The advantage of such screens is that the picture on them is much brighter and more contrast, and the black color is much more saturated. In conditions of diffuse lighting in a room, the viewing angle of the image on a glossy laptop screen or monitor will be much greater than on a matte analogue.

Matte screens: pros and cons

If you choose a device with a matte screen, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will be inferior in color and brightness to its glossy counterparts. This feature of these devices is caused by applying a special anti-reflective layer to the surface of the screen. The picture will be not so “lively” and a little grainy, but where the monitor is exposed to light or direct sunlight, the image on a matte screen will be clearly visible, unlike a glossy one. You need to be careful with such screens; you should not touch them with greasy hands; if stains appear, it will be quite problematic to erase them.

Before purchasing, be sure to consider the conditions in which you will use the device most often. If there is a window behind your workplace, then it is better to give preference to a matte screen. Well, if you want to use the device in a room illuminated by diffuse light, and you are picky about image quality, then it is better to choose a glossy one.

Today it is impossible to imagine modern world without internet and computer. Everyone has such equipment in their home. However, to make using your computer comfortable, it is important to choose the right monitor. On this moment There are different types of coatings: glossy and matte. We'll look at what's better in today's article.

Features of glossy monitors

Key Feature are more saturated and vibrant colors. The black tint is especially pronounced on such monitors. What to choose - matte or glossy monitor? Glossy monitors have high color rendering.

But it must be said that when using such a screen, glare and various reflections may be noticeable. This gives heavy load on the eyes. Other disadvantages include pronounced fingerprints and dust, so maintenance of such a coating should be frequent.

Features of matte monitors

With the same design, LCD panels are distinguished by a special anti-reflective coating. This is what prevents reflection. Thanks to this coating, you can work with your computer under any conditions. The strain on the eyes will be minimal. But at the same time, such monitors have poor color reproduction. They are duller and faded. Therefore, you won’t be able to get maximum pleasure from watching movies or playing games here, especially in daylight hours days.

terms of Use

If you are purchasing a monitor for your home computer, you need to think about the lighting in the room. From this characteristic you can already decide which monitor is better - glossy or matte. If the room is not too bright, you should give preference to glossy panels with rich color rendition. However, if you plan to work in a room where there is constant bright lighting, or are choosing a monitor for the office, it is better to choose a matte screen.

Please note: even a matte screen will not provide 100 percent protection from glare. But their number will be much smaller. The matte surface makes glare less harsh. They are washed out as much as possible.

To work comfortably with a glossy monitor, you should remove open light sources. These are floor and wall lamps, as well as chandeliers. Some people wonder how to make a glossy monitor matte. You can polish the surface, but experts do not recommend this. Thus, it is significantly reduced throughput, the picture becomes cloudy. Therefore, you should decide in advance what the monitor coating should be - glossy or matte.

Anti-glare film

It is impossible to predict all the conditions in which we will work. So, the situation may change the very next day after purchasing the monitor. And suddenly there is a need for a matte finish. You can do it on a glossy monitor by gluing an anti-glare film. But you need to understand that it is not as effective as the coating on a matte LCD display. Therefore get full protection glare won't work.

It is very easy to apply this film:

  • At the first stage, you should make sure that it fully matches the dimensions of the monitor (you must remember that not only the diagonal is important, but also the aspect ratio).
  • Next, you need to degrease the surface. The presence of dust and other dirt is excluded. Otherwise, after gluing on the screen, these defects will be significantly visible.
  • Then the film is glued from one corner to the opposite and carefully smoothed out.

Is a glossy finish beneficial?

If you are working with graphic objects, such monitors artificially increase contrast. As a result, the image is more saturated and bright. Also, the glossy monitor is great for watching movies, surfing the Internet and playing games. Such a monitor is no less relevant when working with graphic editors. In addition, these screens require less electricity. Because of this, such screens are often used on laptops.

Selecting a screen for working with texts

Which is better - glossy or matte monitor screen? If you are planning to buy a monitor for work, the first priority is eye comfort and the ability to use the screen in any conditions. Experts recommend giving preference to matte screens. Yes, unlike glossy, there will not be a bright and saturated picture. However, the bright light that hits the monitor will not cause glare. This makes it easier to work with text and numbers. The image will always remain clearly readable.

But if you need a monitor for working with images, it is better to give preference to glossy solutions. At the same time, it is important to organize workplace so that glare is eliminated as much as possible. It is better to operate this monitor in dim lighting.


Here are the characteristics of a glossy monitor using the Dell S2316H as an example:

  • Screen diagonal - 23 inches.
  • The matrix response time is 6 ms.
  • Display brightness is 250 candelas per square meter.
  • Contrast - 1000:1.
  • Horizontal viewing angle - 178 degrees.
  • Display resolution (maximum) - 1920 by 1080 pixels.
  • The pixel size is 0.26 by 0.26 millimeters.
  • Maximum amount flowers - 16 million.
  • Backlight type - LED.
  • Rated power- 23 V (0.3 in standby mode).

Below are the specifications matte monitor"Dell R2417N":

  • Monitor diagonal - 23.8 inches.
  • The matrix response time (from gray to gray) is 6 ms.
  • Brightness - 250 candelas per square meter.
  • Dynamic Contrast- 4 million to one (face value - 1000:1).
  • Viewing angle (vertical and horizontal) - 178 degrees.
  • The pixel size is 0.27 by 0.27 millimeters.
  • Number of colors - 16.7 million.
  • Rated power - 19 V, in standby mode - 0.3 V.

As you can see, the characteristics of these monitors are quite similar. Therefore, many cannot decide which is better - a matte or glossy monitor. Next we will summarize all of the above.

Let's sum it up

Which is better - matte or glossy monitor? First, let's highlight the advantages and disadvantages of glossy solutions. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • High color rendering.
  • Bright and rich colors.
  • Pronounced black color.
  • Suitable for working with graphic objects, as well as for watching movies.

Among the disadvantages:

  • Contaminants are visible on the surface.
  • There are glares when exposed to sunlight.
  • Your eyes get tired faster.

Now let's highlight the advantages of matte screens:

  • Anti-reflective coating available.
  • Less eye fatigue.
  • Suitable for working with texts and numbers.

Among the disadvantages:

  • Less response in games.
  • Faded and dull colors.
  • Graininess (mainly relevant for cheap options).

So, which is better - a matte or glossy monitor? As you can see, both have their pros and cons. If you need a monitor for gaming, watching movies, or working with images, you should give preference to glossy solutions. Matte ones will be relevant when working with texts (which is why such screens are widely used in offices) and are undemanding in terms of lighting, since glare is invisible.