Tempered glass for phone. How to glue protective glass to a smartphone. How to glue protective glass on your phone and all stages of preparation

Do you want to protect your phone from damage as much as possible? Then you should think about purchasing and sticking protective glass! We will tell you how to glue protective glass yourself in this article!

Why protective glass?

Despite the fact that many manufacturers install special Corning Gorilla Glass on their phones, which in theory should protect the display from scratches and cracking during an accidental fall, as practice shows, they provide little protection and it is better to add additional protective glass.

Protective film or glass

Protective film and protective glass are not the same thing! Glass is much denser than film, does not impair the clickability of the screen and color rendition, better protects the display when the phone falls from a height, and can improve image quality in bright sunshine, thanks to anti-reflective coating. Therefore, when the question is what to choose, film or glass, it is better to give your preference, of course, to protective glass.

By the way, it is worth noting that protective glass is much easier to glue than film!

How to ideally stick protective glass?

If you are going to glue the protective glass on your smartphone yourself, especially for the first time, then it is best to do this in a pre-steamed bath, this is necessary so that all the dust has settled, or in a well-cleaned room, after closing all the windows, turning off the fans and air conditioning .

1 Open the package and remove all the contents; there should be a protective film, a wet wipe (number 1), a dry wipe, adhesive film or tape, and stickers on the table in front of you.

2 Wipe your phone display thoroughly wet wipe, to remove greasy deposits, and then dry, then go over the entire screen with an adhesive film to completely remove the dust.

3 Take the protective glass in your hands and determine its lower part, which will be glued to the phone’s display, and the upper part, on which you will press. The bottom one is marked with the number 1, and top digit 2.

4 Place the protective glass and carefully peel off the bottom protective film (1),
then slowly center the glass and apply it to the phone display.

5 Using smooth movements, preferably with a dry cloth, smooth the glass from the center to the edges of the display and then carefully press it along all bases of the screen. You must do everything quickly so that no dust gets in the first time, otherwise the adhesive layer will hold worse if this is the second attempt.

6 When the protective glass is glued to the phone display, carefully remove the top protective film (2). Hooray! You managed to stick a protective glass on your smartphone!

Watch also the video version on how to correctly and ideally stick protective glass on your phone.

Do you still have additional questions? Write them in the comments about what you did or vice versa!

To protect your gadget from damage as much as possible, you need to know how to apply protective glass. You can do this yourself, since there is nothing complicated in this process.

Required materials and tools

Externally, the protective glass on a smartphone or telephone resembles an ordinary film made of polymer material. Externally, it is thin and flexible, but specially hardened to withstand impacts and scratches. There are no traces of damage from a knife, scissors, or keys.

Even if the blow is so strong that the glass is damaged, it will not shatter into small and dangerous fragments, but will remain in a broken but unified state.

It is clear that such protection is thicker than a film, since it consists of five components: an oleophobic coating, a protective, anti-reflective and containment layer, as well as a silicone substrate. This allows you to protect the screen from scratches and prevents the formation of streaks. The gadget becomes bulkier and heavier, which does not affect the operation of the sensor at all.

Required tools:

  • Actually the glass itself.
  • A special spatula for smoothing or a regular plastic card.
  • Cleaning cloth. You can replace it with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.
  • Microfiber cloth.

Sometimes scissors and tape may be required. As a rule, the purchased set contains everything necessary materials, in order to glue the glass yourself without any problems.

Step-by-step instructions on how to stick protective glass

The main thing is to choose the right protection for the display of a particular gadget. Every protective screen is not universal, as it is produced for a specific model. Of course, you can simply contact specialists, buy suitable glass from them and ask them to glue it (for additional fee, of course). But there is an option to do it all yourself.

To phone

It is not difficult to apply a protective glass to your phone. The main thing is that it lies flat and completely coincides with the borders of the screen.

How to do it:

  1. Clean the room, wash your hands. The room should be light enough to see even the smallest specks of dust settling on the glass.
  2. Prepare the necessary tools.
  3. Degrease the screen with antistatic agent or alcohol. Then wipe dry.
  4. Disinfect your hands, take the glass (only by the edges to avoid fingerprints), remove the film.
  5. Align it and lightly lower it onto the screen. It will be immediately fixed thanks to a special adhesive coating.

If a speck of dust suddenly gets under the glass, don’t worry. You need to carefully lift it and remove the dust with a piece of tape.

On a smartphone


  1. Wash your hands to randomly Do not put dirt on the screen.
  2. Remove the cover. Remove old coating, if any.
  3. Place the gadget on the table and wipe the screen with a special napkin.
  4. Remove the protective film from the glass and apply it to the screen, holding it on both sides. In this case, the edges of the protection must match exactly, and the cutouts must align with the speaker or buttons.
  5. Carefully lower it onto the screen and light movements fix by sliding your finger from top to bottom in the center.

If dust suddenly gets under the protection during work, it must be removed with tape or a dust collector, and the whole process must be repeated from the beginning.

To tablet

In the case of a tablet, the procedure is almost the same. You just need to be more careful, since the device has big sizes, therefore it is difficult to calculate as accurately as possible perfect installation glass

There are the following tricks for this:

  1. Place the device on a clean surface. They say that it is best to do this in the kitchen or bathroom, since there, due to the high moisture content in the air, there is little dust that can settle on the already prepared and cleaned screen.
  2. Place the protective glass side with the protective film on the screen.
  3. Check that all holes match.
  4. Take a piece of tape and glue one part of it to the glass (in the center), and the second to the back panel.
  5. Again, make sure that the glass fits evenly. Correct if necessary.
  6. Apply tape on the right and left sides. Roughly speaking, it should look like a book with a front cover in the form of glass, and a back cover in the form of a tablet.
  7. After all the preparations, clean the screen, remove the protective film from the backing and glue the glass. Scotch tape will help you do this without much difficulty, since everything is already calculated in advance.

A telephone is a rather expensive thing that accompanies us every day. At the same time, I really want to preserve its original appearance for as long as possible and protect it from various damages. The most weakness smartphone is the screen. Despite modern technologies, the display continues to collect numerous scratches that negatively affect its appearance. The only one reliable way To protect your display from scratches, stick on a protective glass. But this is not so easy to do. In order for it to serve for a long time and reliably protect the screen, you need to clearly know how to stick it on the phone.

Of course, salon employees cellular communications will kindly offer their services. But for this you will need to pay a considerable amount. Therefore, it is better to glue the glass yourself. In addition to the savings Money, available good experience. In addition, you will do it yourself more efficiently, since store employees do not have enough time to follow all the technology of the process.

Advantages of glass over film

Film is much cheaper, but it has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it wears out and fades faster. Secondly, the film does not protect against chipping upon impact. These parameters are quite enough to purchase glass and reliably protect the device.

The actual advantages of glass include the following parameters:

  • it is almost impossible to scratch;
  • looks like new for a long time, does not fade, does not wear out;
  • reliably protects not only from minor damage, but also from strong mechanical impact;
  • securely attached to the display thanks to the silicone base.

In addition to the above advantages, there are some disadvantages:

  • increases the thickness of the phone;
  • has a high cost compared to alternative ways protection.

Considering that the shortcomings are not critical, glass always remains the most aesthetic and practical way to protect the screen.

Characteristics of safety glass

At first glance, such protection appears to be a monolithic part, but this is a mistaken opinion. It actually consists of five layers. Moreover, its thickness does not exceed 0.3 millimeters.

The first layer is an oleophobic coating. Thanks to it, your finger glides across the screen with ease, and dirt is removed without difficulty. special effort. The second layer is protective. It is this that provides a solid foundation that protects against mechanical damage. The third layer protects against glare. The fourth holds back the fragments, preventing them from flying away if the glass is damaged. The last layer consists of silicone, thanks to which it is securely attached to the surface of the display.

Technology for gluing protective glass

Before you stick the protective glass on your phone, you need to prepare all the necessary equipment. Minimum set tools consists of an alcohol wipe and a clean, lint-free rag. Also, you need to remember to wash your hands and preferably wipe them with alcohol. This is done in order not to leave stains on the screen and protective glass. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time removing contaminants.

Glass gluing is carried out in several stages:

If everything is done correctly, the procedure can be considered complete and you can enjoy the result.

  1. If the phone is completely new or recently purchased and still has the factory film on it, then there is no need to degrease and wipe the display. The factory film reliably protects the screen from dust and grease. It is enough to remove it and immediately stick the glass.
  2. If you didn’t manage to stick it evenly the first time, you can try again. To do this, you need to very carefully unfasten the edge of the glass and remove it from the screen. After this, repeat the procedure according to the instructions. The main thing to remember is that there are few attempts, since after each peeling off the silicone base is damaged.
  3. If dust gets between the film and the screen, you need to carefully peel off the glass, remove the dirt, and then repeat the gluing procedure.
  4. If a previously damaged or even broken protective glass is stuck on your phone, you can remove it using any plastic card. This method is the most effective and safest.

At first glance, the process may seem complicated and time-consuming. In fact, the entire procedure will take no more than ten minutes. The main thing is not to be afraid. Using the tips from the article, you can reliably secure your smartphone and gain good experience. The main thing is to believe in yourself and remember that not a single person who glues protective glass has graduated from a specialized institute in this area.

Technological progress does not stand still: telephones, which previously could only make calls, today combine great amount functions without which we can no longer imagine our lives. We sell a huge variety of accessories for our “favorites”: cases, protective glasses and films, plugs for the headphone slot, pendants - it’s too much to list. Some of this is just decoration, some is a necessity. The latter also includes protective glass for your phone. How to glue and what functions does it perform? And is it really necessary?

Why is it necessary?

Before you figure out how to properly glue the protective glass onto your phone, it’s worth understanding why it’s even needed. In terms of its functions, glass is the same as film, but the latter can only protect the screen from scratches; in the event of a fall, the probability of a happy outcome is very small. Those glasses that are widely available are tempered, so that if the phone is in danger of being broken, it will take the entire blow.

It may crack, individual pieces may break off, but otherwise everything will be fine - replacing it is much cheaper than the entire display. There is another type of protection, currently available only in China - liquid glass. It is applied to the screen like a regular varnish, and after drying, according to the manufacturers, it will be able to protect the screen from water. In fact, such a coating increases the sensitivity of the sensor and also visually increases the brightness of the display, but does not perform any protective functions at all. This type of protection is not visible on the display. That is why more and more people today are wondering how to glue protective glass onto a phone, iPhone, or any other company’s device in order to save money on repairs.

Where to glue?

So, how to glue protective glass to your phone screen? Firstly, it is better not to improvise, but to follow the instructions on the package. In addition, often in places where such accessories are sold, stickers are offered as additional service(for a certain fee most often). If you decide that this is too simple, then proceed to gluing yourself.

Necessary equipment

So, we have a protective glass for the phone. How to glue it yourself? First, you need to stock up on everything you need for this simple operation. The glass set includes wet and dry wipes - one degreases the surface, and the other removes dust and small debris from it.

You will also need tape or adhesive tape to remove dust; they can also be used to pre-fix the glass, adjusting it to a specific smartphone (most often the glass is universal, so it will also need to be correctly positioned on the display, taking into account the features of a particular model).

Preparing the display

How to glue protective glass on a Samsung phone, iPhone, Lenovo and others? Before starting work, you should wash your hands with soap - this will help get rid of excess fat. In addition, you need to clear your workspace.

Next, the display is degreased (to do this, you need to use one of the napkins from the kit, but if they are not there, just moisten a cotton pad with alcohol or perfume) - you need to wipe it very carefully, without leaving a single streak. Excess alcohol is removed with a dry cloth, dust particles are wiped off with it (the most persistent ones will have to be removed with tape, simply pressing it to the dusty place) and the remaining stains are wiped off.

And gluing

So, we have prepared the display. How do you glue the protective glass onto your phone? First, if it is dirty, it is wiped off in the same way as the display. After this, you must, holding the glass by the edges so that it does not get dirty again, remove the film covering the adhesive layer from it.

Holding the glass as close to the screen as possible, you should find the optimal position for it (you need to align it with the main button and speaker), and you can help yourself with the help of narrow strips of adhesive tape that can be glued along the intended border of the glass. After correct position picked up, the glass is pressed against the display.

Elimination of defects

So, we figured out how to glue protective glass to a Lenovo phone or any other smartphone. But what to do if there is an air bubble underneath? In this case, you need to press the cloth tightly against the glass and move it up and down, as if squeezing out excess air. As for dust, which can also get underneath it, just use something flat (for example, a credit card) to pick up the edge of the glass, and then carefully remove it.

If you remove it too quickly and without special care, you can damage the plastic as well as the adhesive layer, which means you will have to buy a new one in any case. Having removed it and holding it with the adhesive side down (if you turn the glass over, dust and debris will instantly attach to the glue, and cleaning it is not at all easy), you need to wipe the display from any debris (you can also use tape, small pieces of which can easily remove dust), after which, following all the instructions, the glass is glued again.

Doesn't hold up!

But what should you do if you bought a protective glass for your phone, you know how to glue it, but it still doesn’t stick to the screen? In this case, there are two possible options for such “disobedience” of the accessory: either the protection and/or display were poorly prepared (it is clear that in this case you will have to repeat the entire operation, strictly following the instructions), or the glass does not fit on specific model smartphone and does not stick due to the fact that its edges touch the protruding parts of the phone (the same start button).

In any case, if for some reason it does not stick immediately or comes off, you need to start all over again, try again, and then, in case of failure, if possible, consult with a specialist who can point out errors, if any. There is.


So, protective glass is not just an alternative to film. It will not allow the display to break if dropped even from a height of human height - the protection itself may crack, but the main thing is that the smartphone will not be damaged. Special tests were carried out which showed that the protective glass would not withstand anything other than a direct blow with a hammer - but a collision with such force is very unlikely in real life. Replacing the entire display (and most often it is this that is replaced, since it is usually impossible to separate the glass and the sensor itself) will cost almost half the cost of the phone, while the protective glass is several times cheaper, and you can replace it yourself without overpaying specialists. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, use this type of protection, which will save your smartphone and your nerves.

Every smartphone needs protection. Even if you purchased an iPhone, do not refuse to put on a protective glass. After all, replacing a protective glass is several times cheaper than replacing a screen. With a protective glass on your smartphone, you won't be afraid of scratches and other damage if you know how to properly stick the protective glass on your smartphone at home. The task is not an easy one, but if you follow these instructions, you can easily glue the glass at home, without asking third parties for the service.

If you encounter this for the first time, you may find it very difficult process. But once you practice, you will be able to glue glass without difficulty and without bubbles.

Let's move away from the topic a little. I will say on my own behalf, I personally do not buy glass in the city. I buy glass on Aliexpress. Previously, of course, I bought glass in stores in the city and also paid to have it glued on. And now I buy glass for myself and friends on Ali, since I haven’t noticed a difference in quality, and the cost is 3-5 times higher. So I advise you to take several glasses from different sellers for your smartphone and try to stick them on. After all, you must admit that if you spoil glass bought in the city for 700 rubles, it will be very sad. And on Aliexpress you can buy 4-5 glasses in one day. and enter your smartphone model and select.

And so, let's return to the process of gluing glass. It makes no difference whether you glue the glass onto an iPhone, tablet or some other device, the process is the same everywhere.

The display of a smartphone is very sensitive to mechanical damage, no matter how much it was purchased for. A phone in your pocket can get scratched by anything, coins, keys, or even nails. And if there are already scratches on the screen, then when gluing there will be bubbles that are almost impossible to remove.

What you need for gluing glass:

  • Alcohol wipe
  • Dry cloth
  • special liquid for cleaning TV or computer screens
  • tape or dust bag
  • glass

Usually everything you need for gluing comes with the glass.

The most important thing is the room in which the gluing will be done. This should be a room with minimal dust. A kitchen or bathroom is best. The bathroom has the highest humidity and therefore a minimum of particles in the air, which is exactly what we need. Run a hot shower for a few minutes to raise the humidity and you’re good to go. Yes, gluing will not be entirely comfortable, it will be stuffy, but it’s worth it, the glass will be glued perfectly, without lint or bubbles.

Wash your hands with soap, then place the equipment, protective glass for iPhone 6 or other phone on a clean, smooth surface.

Before starting the procedure, remove old film from the device. To do this, slightly pull the edge at a 60 degree angle.

Use a cloth with alcohol to wipe off dirt from your phone screen to ensure a perfectly clean surface.

If there are dust particles left, we go over the surface with tape or a dust collector.

We take the glass out of the packaging and remove the film from it. We install the protection so that it matches the central button of the gadget and the speakers. Slide your finger down the center from top to bottom to secure the overlay. If the air remains, we expel it with a credit card or the device that comes with the kit.

There is no need to try with all your might to squeeze out the remaining small bubbles. if you overdo it, you can crush the screen) After a couple of days, they will disappear on their own if you did everything correctly and if it is not the villi that are creating the bubbles.


The videos below will help you apply protective glass at home. without outside help. The protective glass will protect against negative impact and the phone will remain in an attractive form longer. The protection will protect the device from scratches and also absorb shock when dropped. However, the sensitivity of your phone's sensor will remain the same.

On iPhone

On Samsung

On Lenovo

On xiaomi