Is it necessary to cover the smartphone screen with film? Advantages of safety glasses. Protective film. What it is

In most cases, the film is a transparent plastic that has the property of sticking to the screen. Although this material is relatively inexpensive, there is one caveat here: the diagonal of the screen of a mobile device can be from 3.5 to 10.5 inches, which implies the need to find a film that is suitable in size. Another option is available - purchasing a large sheet of plastic, from which the required piece is subsequently cut out.

Disadvantages of transparent plastic

Many people think that transparent film is an ideal element of protection. touch display. This is not true. Problems can begin at the stage of gluing plastic to the screen. Air bubbles may appear under the film after its application, which will lead to the need to repeat the procedure.

Another drawback of the material is the appearance of scratches from objects that could not harm the screen itself. A lot of such damage leads to the need to remove the old layer and apply a new one, otherwise the appearance of the smartphone will be completely unpresentable.

Not ideal at all specifications films. It is advisable to keep in mind the following nuances:

If the decision to use film as display protection is nevertheless made, you should take into account the recommendations for its application. This step-by-step procedure might look like this:

  1. The screen must not only be cleaned of dust, but wiped with soapy water;
  2. Starting from the top of the device, apply the film to the touch surface.

Corning Gorilla Glass is a new technology

Question about protection touch screens mobile devices was taken more seriously with the advent of tablets on Android based. Corning quickly took stock of the situation, providing gadget manufacturers with the opportunity to apply a coating to the display even at the manufacturing stage of the device. The new product was protective glass, when applied there was no air cushion, the image was not distorted.

Although the new technology was used by tablet manufacturers, it still had one drawback - complexity tempered glass in installation. Everything changed in 2013 with the advent of Gorilla Glass 3, an even more advanced product from the same Corning. The glass has become 40% more resistant, and the comparative ease of installation has attracted attention to the company's products from smartphone manufacturers. Now, if we are not talking about cheap Chinese fake, almost all mobile devices in this category are equipped with such protection.

As practice shows, the Gorilla Glass screen cannot be scratched with a coin, key, screwdriver, etc. similar subject. Any doubts? You can easily verify this by searching the Internet for videos on the relevant topic.

When you still can’t do without a protective film

Gorilla Glass is able to withstand the effects of man-made materials almost flawlessly. The conclusion suggests itself: protective film need not. This is not entirely true. There is also sand, a substance that can leave scratches even on a screen with such a serious coating. This is the reason why mobile devices with LCD displays are not recommended to be taken to the beach. If, however, there is no choice, in this case it is worth sticking protective plastic on the display, which will save you from scratches.

The American company Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers conducted a study to find out how often people use smartphones. It turns out that the average user looks at the smartphone screen about 150 times a day. If you subtract the eight hours of sleep from a day, it turns out that a person looks at his gadget on average every 5-8 minutes. At the same time, hardly anyone always holds a smartphone in their hand: these devices are stored in a bag, in a pocket, placed on various surfaces, and regularly fall down. All this has a fatal effect on the safety appearance gadget in good condition. This is especially true for the screen, which is the most fragile part of the device.

After purchasing a new smartphone, we are pleased to look at the screen and move our finger across it, because it is new, smooth, perfectly even. But within just a few days the first scratch appears on the screen - an unpleasant moment, you must admit. And if you carry the device in a pocket or bag with keys, change, key fobs and other hard objects, the screen quickly becomes covered with scuffs and scratches. After falls, cracks and chips remain on it. As a result of active use, the smartphone begins to look “old” after just a few weeks. Unfortunately, none latest developments engineers in the field of glass manufacturing and advertising gimmicks will not save gadgets from such an unenviable fate. However, users can independently extend the life of their devices by resorting to a number of tricks: buying a case, installing a protective glass, or gluing a protective film.

Protective films for smartphones are designed to protect the device screen from mechanical damage, first of all, scratches, abrasions and chips. They are made from high-quality polymer, which is particularly durable. Of course, the film is unlikely to be able to save you from a fall or impact, but for those who carry a smartphone in their pocket or bag, this option is perfect. The main advantage of protective films over other screen protection options is that they are practically invisible on a smartphone. In addition, they weigh almost nothing and thus do not weigh down the already heavy modern smartphones, which will also be a plus for many. But before you press the coveted “buy” button, you need to figure out how to choose a protective film for your smartphone.

What are the differences between protective films?

Smartphone model and screen diagonal

Modern protective films are three types: dimensionless, for fixed screen sizes, for a specific smartphone model.

Dimensionless films are a rectangular sheet of plastic of a certain diagonal with a grid marking, from which the user can independently cut out the desired shape. The advantage of this option is its versatility: this film will fit any smartphone, and you don’t even need to know its diagonal. The downside is that you won’t always be able to cut a perfectly even rectangle. And if you want to cover the entire surface of the glass with film, including the speaker and buttons, such complex shape It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to cut it evenly and beautifully.

Protective films for fixed screen sizes are polymer rectangles of a certain diagonal, suitable for screens of the same diagonal. They are quite universal if you know this parameter of your smartphone.

Protective films for a specific smartphone model are an ideal option for those who want to cover the entire surface of the glass with film, as well as for those who do not want to spend a lot of time choosing. The disadvantage of this option will be the high cost of protective films for top models.

Film type

There are three main types of protective films: glossy, matte and mirror. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Glossy films are the most common. They the best way convey the color of the image without distorting it. Such films hide perfectly small scratches on the surface of the screen and resist the appearance of new damage. There are glossy films marked “transparent” and “super transparent” - they are completely invisible on the screen.

However, glossy films have a number of disadvantages. Firstly, in the sun and in bright light, glare appears on them, interfering with viewing the image. The solution is to turn the brightness to maximum. Secondly, fingerprints remain on them, so the film will have to be wiped regularly. Thirdly, the effect of finger sticking may occur. In this regard, gaming enthusiasts should not use glossy films. Fourthly, due to their minimal thickness, they provide protection worse than other types of films.

Matte films have a higher density, so they better protect against scratches and abrasions. Thanks to the matte surface, the light is scattered on them, practically without reflection, which helps to avoid glare. Some models are labeled as “anti-glare,” which means they have improved resistance to glare. Also, dirt sticks to such films worse, and fingerprints do not remain at all. It is also important that their surface ensures smooth sliding of the finger.

However, among the many advantages, matte films have a big drawback: the image with them is slightly blurred and becomes grainy. Nowadays, when many users purchase smartphones for the sake of the perfect image, this is indeed a significant disadvantage. But the problem is still partially solved by increasing the brightness to maximum. Another drawback for many may be the thickness of such films - they are immediately visible on the screen.

Mirror protective films are similar in their characteristics to glossy ones, but have interesting feature: When the screen is off, they reflect the image, allowing you to use your smartphone as a mirror. At the same time, such films “glare” even more than glossy ones, which makes them not very popular among users.

Fixation method

There are films with two methods of fixation on the screen: static and adhesive-based. Static films have a thin silicone layer. This allows them to be easily and tightly attached to the glass without the formation of bubbles. The main thing is that they can be removed and cleaned many times. Adhesive films are difficult to paste a second time, as bubbles will appear.

Number of films included

A protective film does not serve a smartphone forever - when active use The gadget will need to be replaced in a few months. Therefore, many manufacturers include two or more films in a set for the convenience of users.

Do you need a protective film on your phone screen? Some smartphone owners despise films and don’t understand why all these extra steps are needed. Others, on the contrary, add a protective coating to the phone screen immediately after purchase. I myself don’t really like films and would rather walk around with a screen covered in scratches than fight for additional layer on glass. However, there are times when people ask for help, asking how to stick the film correctly and the first time, so today we’ll talk about this little sacrament.

Why do you need film?

The screens of all modern Meizu smartphones are covered protective glass, this material is stronger than plastic, but it can also be scratched. Glass prevents cracks from appearing on the display when you constantly use the phone. But keep in mind that no glass will protect you from coins or keys in your pocket. A woman’s handbag also poses many dangers to a phone; the smartphone does not always end up in the pocket reserved for it, it encounters small objects and gets scratched. Practical people stick the film on, even if it becomes unusable after a month, but the costs are low, you can regularly update the coating on the screen.

Clearing the screen

Before gluing the film or protective glass, you need to do a simple operation. It's best to do this as soon as you get it. new phone from the box. Everything is simple here: take your fresh Meizu out of the packaging, remove the shipping film from the screen, and stick your own. You don’t even have to wipe or clean the screen on a brand new phone protective layer will get up the first time.

In other cases, you need to clean the display from dirt and degrease. An excellent option is a monitor cleaner or special wipes. But don’t overdo it, you shouldn’t pour chemicals on the screen generously; lightly moisten a napkin and wipe it.

We start cleaning the screen along the edges, then move on to the central part, making movements from the center of the display to its edges. If necessary, we re-collect the dirt that has gathered around the edges. Final stage like this - wipe the display dry with a napkin. For operation Any will do non-woven or lint-free material, such smooth rags are often included with glasses.

Where to stick?

It is best to perform the operation at home in a quiet environment. Some people remember the advice of “experienced” people about a bathroom with the switch on. hot water, where the steam “nails” the dust. In fact, the trick with the bathroom only spoils the result, and it’s not always convenient to work there, so it’s better to stick it in any clean room.

In order not to act as an ebonite stick and not attract dust particles, there are special electrostatic bracelets. Naturally, there is no point in buying one just for gluing film. An ordinary battery removes electrostatic charge no worse. They put their hands on it, that’s the whole procedure, although it sounds strange, yes.

How to stick it correctly?

We cleaned the smartphone screen, turn it over with the display facing down and place it on a lint-free cloth to avoid dust. If the screen does get dirty, then there is no need to blow on it, it is useless. You can take a pear from the photographer's arsenal. Alternatively, metal tweezers will come in handy if you electrify them, for example, on your hair. Then the dust itself will stick to it without contacting the surface.

It is best to stick the film from top to bottom: this way the film bends better, it is easier to level it, and the backing gradually stretches out. The number 1 on the backing sticker will tell you on which side of the tread the adhesive layer is applied. Peel off the backing by the sticker and fold it a third from top to bottom. In this case, it is better to hold the film itself on the sides, without touching the adhesive layer with your fingers.

Measure seven times, glue once!

It is better to stick it the first time; with each new attempt, the adhesive properties of the coating will get worse and worse. We adjust the top edge to the screen, center it and glue part of the film. To avoid the appearance of bubbles, bend the film into a U shape and slowly lower it onto the screen, not forgetting to pull out the backing. At the bend, level it with your finger with a little effort. If the appearance of a bubble could not be avoided, carefully peel off part of the film to this place, releasing the air. Apply again, leveling the surface.

Closer to the bottom edge it will be more difficult to bend the film, so we lower it onto the screen, and the backing will not allow it to stick. Slowly pull out the remains, do not forget to level the surface with pressure. It is much easier to remove the backing at an angle; first one edge will lie flat, then the other.

Suitable for the final touch a plastic card. The main thing is not to overdo it; you shouldn’t press too hard, as you can damage the top layer. That's it, the film is installed.

Remove the top protective layer by pulling the sticker with the number 2 and continue to use your Meizu smartphone, but with a transparent film on the display.

Glue the glass

If you install glass rather than film, it is easier to start from the side. Such protection almost does not bend; it will be difficult to glue it evenly, starting from the top or bottom. As in the first case, we bend the backing, apply one side to the screen, and press it as we pull out the backing. To avoid bubbles, it is better to press the glass in the center of the smartphone, smoothing the remaining areas with movements from the center to the sides.

A special technique for those with straight arms

To obtain a high-quality result in a dusty room, moisten the film with water. First, remove the protective layer marked with a sticker with the number 1, place the film under the stream, and then shake it well. We try on the coating and apply it to the screen over the entire surface at once. After this, we expel particles of liquid and air from under the film using a plastic card using movements from the center to the edges.

This option is not the safest; there is a high risk of damaging the phone with water. I would recommend using it only in exceptional cases.


If something went wrong during the installation process, for example, dust or air got under the film, then I recommend not gluing the remaining part, but dealing with the problem area. If the covering is glued completely, then it is not so easy to pick it up; as a rule, a corner or edge is bent. It is better to throw away such film, it will not fit tightly to the screen.

If dust does get onto the adhesive layer during the process, the easiest way to remove it is with a regular needle. Carefully pick up the speck, trying not to damage the coating, and continue installation. Sometimes paper tape is used for this, which does not leave marks on the surface of the adhesive layer.

There is nothing difficult in installation, the main thing is to thoroughly clean the screen before installation and take your time. Good luck!

11 months ago

The display is rightly considered the most damage-sensitive part of a smartphone. Even those who take good care of their gadget still cannot prevent small scratches from appearing on their smartphone.

People feel differently about this. In most cases, they believe that this is inevitable. However, there are also those who allow the opportunity to sell a smartphone some time after purchase. In this case, the gadget must be in good presentation. This means that your smartphone must be kept in excellent shape. And some preventive work is needed.

To determine how often Americans use a smartphone, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers conducted a study. It was found that the average user looks at the screen very often. About 150 times a day. If you subtract 8 hours from the daily time when a person sleeps, then the result is that a person glances at his smartphone every 5-8 minutes.

It is clear that there is no point in holding the gadget in your hands all the time. And therefore, in most cases, a place is reserved for a smartphone in a pocket, briefcase, or bag. They are often placed on some surface, where they come from at certain intervals fall. And with each such fall, the smartphone may become deformed. And especially the screen. After all, we must admit that it is this that is considered the most fragile part of the device.

IMPORTANT! Manufacturers, in order to increase the safety of the device, usually use it in gadgets safety glasses which are highly durable. However, experts still recommend that users additionally use film on the screen.

There are films on which scuffs and scratches can be easily wiped off with a rag. There are also ones that can be washed. They are designed for repeated use. There are also films that have an anti-reflective effect. Note that the lion's share of all films, due to their rough surface, significantly reduces the brightness of the screen. Such a surface may make it necessary to press harder, otherwise the sensor will not work.

Protective film. What it is?

Before we talk about choosing a film, and which film is best suited for a phone, there is a reason to determine what it is.

Film is a highly durable accessory. High quality polymer is used for its manufacture. The degree of protection depends on how plastic it is.

Protective films have their own purpose. They must protect the gadget’s screen so that it is not damaged. First of all, they protect the screen from chips, scratches, and abrasions. Of course, the film is of little use in protecting the gadget from impact or falling. However, for anyone who puts their smartphone in a bag or pocket, the film will work very well. It's an easy way to protect your screen that everyone can afford.

What is the advantage of screen protectors over other options to protect your screen? The film on the screen is almost impossible to notice. In addition, the weight of the protective film is minimal. And therefore, any smartphone does not gain weight from this.

In most cases, the screen protector is a thin sheet of plastic and is designed to a certain model gadget.

IMPORTANT! Please note that there are also universal blanks. They are suitable for those smartphone displays that have a certain diagonal. This is a rectangular sheet with a grid. This grid allows you to cut a film that fits the size of your mobile device.

Types of protective films

There are two types of protective films, which are divided according to how they are fixed on the display.

STATISTICAL. To stay on the surface, they use a thin silicone coating without glue. They stick well to the surface if it is clean and smooth. This leaves no bubbles. They are designed to be removed many times, re-glued and washed.

GLUE BASED. To read, they can be removed. However, keep in mind that gluing them again is very problematic, since bubbles form.

Also, protective films are conditionally divided into 3 types:

DIMENSIONLESS. This is a sheet of plastic of a rectangular shape and a certain diagonal. It has a grid layout. From it, everyone can easily cut out the shape they need. The advantages of this type are its versatility. After all, such a film will fit any smartphone. Moreover, the user does not even need to know what diagonal the device has.

IMPORTANT! The disadvantage of this type is that, unfortunately, not in all cases the user can cut a perfectly even rectangle. In the case when you intend to cover the entire surface of the glass, including the buttons and speaker, it is not always possible to cut the film evenly and beautifully.

FOR FIXED SCREEN SIZES. Protective films for fixed screen sizes are polymer rectangles with a certain diagonal. They are suitable for screens of the same diagonal. For those who know the parameters of their smartphone, such films are universal.

FOR A SPECIFIC SMARTPHONE MODEL. Protective films for a specific model are considered an ideal option for those who want to cover the entire surface of the glass with film. As well as for those who have little desire to think long about the choice. Flaw this option The problem is that you have to pay dearly for protective films for top models.

Types of protective films

The market offers a whole sea of ​​the most different types films. Therefore, it makes special sense to talk about what types of films there are for a mobile device, as well as to dwell in detail on their advantages and disadvantages.

GLOSSY. These are the most common types of films.

- Hides small scratches on the display and also prevents new ones from appearing.
- Does not allow color distortion, does not allow the image on the screen to be blurred.
- Very thin. Does not have any effect on screen sensitivity. Excellent color rendition. Cheaper compared to other types.
- Can be seen in stores glossy films, which are marked “transparent” or “super transparent”. You won't see those on the screen at all.

- If there is bright light, and if the sun is shining, then such films begin to glare, and it always interferes when you look at the screen. In such cases, it may be recommended to enable maximum brightness.
- Since the films are smooth, there are always fingerprints on them. You can get rid of such marks very easily. It is enough just to wipe it.
- It is more difficult to stick on than other types.
- In some cases, the effect of finger sticking appears. This is why it is not recommended to stick glossy films on those who like to play.

MATTE OR ANTI-GLARE. Matte film takes second place in popularity.

- Matte coating does not allow light to scatter on it. And therefore it is practically not reflected. As a result, there is no glare. Eat individual models, which indicate that they are “anti-glare”, that is, they counteract glare much better.
- You won't see fingerprints on film. They don't stay. Dirt practically does not stick to such films.
- Matte films have increased density. This is good protection against abrasions and scratches.
- The tactile sensation is better. After all, your fingers simply glide over the matte surface.
- It is easier to stick such a film because it is denser and thicker.

Buying it will cost about 20 percent more than buying glossy film. Distorts the image so much that it blurs and becomes grainy. The eyes can get used to this, but it will take some time for them to get used to it. Nowadays, when most of the users buy smartphones to get the perfect image, this becomes a big disadvantage.

IMPORTANT! Mudes the color rendition. This is why the colors on display are duller compared to the film look described above. The thickness of such films is another disadvantage. They are immediately visible on the screen.

MIRROR. This type of film for a mobile device is extremely rare.

The surface of such a film creates a “mirror effect”. However, once you turn on the display, it becomes invisible.

This kind - reliable protection screen from both scratches and abrasions. In addition, it can give the gadget an extraordinary and attractive look. Unfortunately, the surface has to be cleaned frequently. After all, fingerprints are very noticeable on it, and color rendition is slightly worse compared to the types described above.

How is the film applied?

First you need to clean the surface of the screen. There should be no dust on it. To do this, it is best to use a microfiber cloth, which should be slightly damp. As a rule, it is included with a protective layer.

In most cases on protective film there are cutouts. For an accurate hit, you need to attach it to the screen so that each hole matches. There is no need to remove the transport layer.

Next, using adhesive tape, glue the protective layer to the side of the case on one side. Moreover, the adhesive tape must be glued so that it is possible to lift the film and remove the lower part from it.

Then carefully remove the lower protective part, which has sticker 1 and the inscription: “Please peel off this mask before application.”

IMPORTANT! Please note that you must not touch the adhesive base of the protective film.

We place the film on the screen evenly, avoiding distortions. It may turn out that this operation will not work the first time. Then you need to carefully peel it off and repeat the operation again.

Then you have to get rid of the bubbles under the film. The scraper included in the kit is quite suitable for this. But you can also use a plastic card.

Carefully remove the top layer. There is a sticker on it, marked with the number 2. On it you can also see the inscription: “Please off peel this mask after application.”

IMPORTANT! Please note that you need to choose only those films that are made by well-known manufacturers.

Popular manufacturers

The highest quality films are those produced under the brands Nillkin, Belkin, EasyLink, SGP, Jekod, Cellular Line, DiGi, Ozaki. These films differ from others not only in dimensional accuracy, but also in strength. They also have a small thickness.

Nothing is eternal. And the protective film too. It needs replacing within a few months. Considering that the smartphone is usually used actively, these terms are optimal. And given the rapid wear of the film, most manufacturers include at least a couple of films in the kit. This is very convenient for users.

As for the cost of the protective film, it usually ranges from three hundred to five hundred rubles. In addition to the film, you will also have instructions for the sticker at your disposal. As well as a special lint-free cloth and installation card.

We reviewed the main types of protective films. And everyone, taking into account what has been said, must make their own choice. After all, it is important for someone that there are no fingerprints on the film. And therefore, the loss of image quality comes into the background for him. Is it important for someone to have high quality image. At the same time, it is not difficult for him to frequently wipe the screen from fingerprints.

It's no secret that buying a modern smartphone can cost a considerable amount of money, which in some cases can hit the consumer's wallet hard. This is why so many products are produced to protect the appearance of a smartphone. After all, no one wants to spend money only to end up with a scratched screen. Many people still use screen protectors to protect their smartphone displays, but is there any point in doing so? Nowadays, films are gradually losing their relevance, although they were once considered a necessary accessory. This is due to the development of new types of glass and coatings, the availability of which replaces the need to purchase film.

Bye this type protection has not completely exhausted its meaning, let us remind you how the film is used correctly and what it is. When we talk about her we're talking about about a sheet of transparent plastic that is glued over the screen. For various phones There are corresponding films that have cuts for the speaker, microphone and buttons. To apply the protective film, you must clean the display thoroughly. with a special napkin, adding a little soapy water, then lean the material and press top part screen. You should pay attention to ensure that the film adheres tightly to the display without forming bubbles or cracks. Thus, the result of a simple operation that requires little time and money will be some kind of screen protection from external influences. If the display gets scratched, it is most likely the outer layer, the film, that will be damaged, which can be easily replaced.

The only thing simpler than this operation is the built-in protection of your smartphone. The developers also came to this fair conclusion, having equipped most of the modern mobile devices with a new product called “ Gorilla Glass» from Corning. Innovation has high protection from scratches due to the structure of the material from which it consists. Gorilla Glass-based screens are made from tempered glass. It was the development of new displays that drove protective films out of the market, since they are simply not needed. The contents of your pockets (keys, coins, etc.) will not harm Gorilla Glass. If previous versions developments coped with the direct impact of a kitchen knife, the second generation of coating, introduced by Corning in 2013, has even greater resistance to external influences. According to company representatives, a new version 40% more scratch resistant than the previous one. Moreover, Gorilla Glass 3 is already being prepared for release.

People who still use protective films on the screens of modern smartphones today are confident in their necessity, since they periodically notice new scratches appearing on the films. Users are confident that if their phone were not protected, damage would have appeared on the display. In fact, Gorilla Glass material is stronger and more durable than thin plastic. In addition to the obvious advantages of built-in screen protection over using film, there are a number of others. If you managed to stick it properly, after a while you will definitely become the owner of a phone whose screen has a couple of scratches (in fact, they are on the film), the color rendition of which is disrupted (the film distorts real colors. Moreover, during long-term use it will have time to fade). And if you fail to stick the protection evenly, in addition to all of the above, bubbles and unevenness will become your companions, as well as sharp edges of the film, which will remind you of themselves every time you just put the phone against your ear.

So, all the shortcomings are described, but is the fact that protective films are useless clear? It would be dishonest to confirm it and urge people to abandon plastic, if only because Gorilla Glass is not made from the most durable materials in the world. For example, modern screens Ordinary sand can be harmful. Individual grains that settle on your hands or otherwise fall onto the surface of the display can leave quite noticeable scratches. Therefore, when going to the beach, you can pay attention to outdated way protection. Although Gorilla Glass exposure to most metals is not harmful; screens can be damaged by stones, other types of glass and simply very durable alloys. If you are planning an extreme pastime, then again it is worth remembering the protective film. If the screen of your smartphone is exposed to unusual external influences, most likely, a mark will remain on the plastic, which can later be replaced.

The films have a coating that does not leave fingerprints. Modern smartphones also have in their equipment oleophobic materials, capable of repelling fat deposited on your fingers. So, if your phone screen can reduce the risk of fingerprints, all you have to do is wipe it down. But the user remains calmer if the brunt of the grease falls on the replacement film, rather than on the display, which may not be able to cope with fingerprints.

Protective film today cannot be called an essential purchase. Modern devices have built-in security features that are sufficient to everyday use. But in some cases you shouldn’t neglect the film, because replacing it is much easier and cheaper than an expensive screen.