I forgot my VKontakte phone number. How to restore an old page in contact. Why was my application rejected? What to do in this case

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There are several options for logging into your account. If you have forgotten your password, it is not difficult to restore access to VKontakte. Having gone to the registration/login page, enter your login and click on the “forgot password” field, then follow the instructions and come up with New Password and you will be taken to your profile. But this only works if you know the login and have a phone number to which the page is attached. How can I log in if this data is not known? In this case, such a procedure will be interpreted as hacking VK, because what else can you call getting an account without knowing any data, even if it is your personal profile.

How else is access to the VKontakte page restored?

Modern VK rules provide for linking one phone number to one page. This means that when registering new account to this number, you automatically unbind old page. If this incident occurs to you and you need to log into an account that does not have a number attached to it, attach it before logging in. The system will give you a linking request; after confirming it, you will receive a code on your phone and will be able to log in. But, in this case, access to your new page will be closed; you will not be able to access it if you have forgotten your password. And how to return access to two VKontakte accounts is clear; attach a separate phone number to each page.

How to restore access to VK using an administrator

There are often situations when a person needs to gain access to a VK account, because the information he needs is there. This happens when the page is hacked by attackers, and the phone to which it is linked is missing. In this case, you should ask your friend to submit an application to restore access to VKontakte from his profile through site help. In this case, you will need documentary proof of your identity. After the administration checks you and decides that this account belongs to you, access to it will open. But this can take a lot of time, and people don’t always post on social networks private photos, so identification may not be successful. If there is nothing valuable old page was not there, please register again.

Greetings, dear friends!

We are in touch with you again and, of course, with new useful information.

Social media - most useful tool, with which we deal almost constantly. Not long ago the topic was discussed. It would be good if deleting the account was a conscious and informed decision. However, how to restore a VKontakte page if the data is lost or the account is blocked?

Or have you changed your mind and now you just need to restore your profile after deletion? Is it possible to do this after the 7 months allotted to VKontakte for reflection?

About all this in today's article.

Several standard cases and their variations are common:

  1. You deleted your profile and want to get it back.
  2. Your account has been blocked and needs to be restored.
  3. Lost password.
  4. Forgotten login.
  5. You no longer have access to your number or email.

We will analyze each case step by step.

Restoring a deleted page

If the deletion occurred on your own initiative and you remember all the data, getting your account back is very simple. How long before it can be restored? deleted page, is determined by the site's policy, which states that this is possible within 210 days (7 months).

Your actions:

We go to the main address of the site - vk.com.

Enter in standard fields login and password are the ones you entered the last time you logged in.

You will see standard image dogs on the avatar and a signature that the profile has been deleted. Having studied the information up to what point you can return it, click on the “Restore” button on the left side, as shown below in the screenshot.

The account will be restored exactly in the same form in which you left it - with all photos, videos, music and even dialogues.

By the way, if you are not sure that you want to completely lose the ability to resuscitate personal account VK, then you can extend the period.

You are given exactly 210 days. Record this time and, closer to the date, go to your page, restore it and delete it again. Ready! You have a new 210 days. This is no less than most of the year. The main thing is not to forget to log in on time and update the deadline.

Unblocking your account

Your page may be hacked or frozen for violating the rules of the site, which in the eyes of VK is often regarded in exactly the same way, because no one can say who exactly is acting in each specific profile, the owner, an outsider or a virus program.

The site system is designed in such a way that if you receive a ban, for example, for sending spam or insults, then you can return access to the frozen page almost immediately.

To do this, you will need a number that you will need to enter in the field provided. Everything is intuitive and simple - you receive a code that you send to the site and go to the form where you need to come up with a new password.

It should not be repeated with any of those that you have placed before. Otherwise, you simply won’t succeed, since the system will declare that given password has already been compromised.

After creating a new unique password you are redirected to the login address, where you need to log in with new data. Come in and receive your profile safe and sound.

An important point - if you suddenly realize that you do not have access to the linked number, then you can use another one that is not yet linked to any profile. But this may take longer and you will need to answer additional questions. In this case, you will need to log in with a new login (phone number).

Depending on the type of ban and its severity, reassigning the number may take several days. The system will provide relevant information in each specific case.

If you are blocked again, the ban period will be longer (one day, three days, a week, two weeks, and so on). With each new blocking the terms increase until a lifetime ban follows. In this case, any actions will be useless, and the linked number will be blacklisted. That is, you will not be able to register using it again.

What to do if you forgot your password?

If you just need to recover your password, then follow the link - https://vk.com/restore.

Or click on “Forgot your password?” under the data entry field on the site.

You are prompted to enter a phone number or email. Enter the data. The check is quite simple, next step You are prompted to enter the last name specified in your profile.

If this is our profile, we confirm - “Yes, this is the right page.”

At the next step, the system offers to send a password to the linked phone. At the same time, if an email was entered as a login and not a number, this does not matter. You can receive the code via email through an extended application, which will be discussed below.

We enter the received code and get into a form where you are asked to come up with a new password. We come with new data.

If you forgot your login

As a rule, an e-mail or a number is used as a login (the system reacts the same to entering “+79...” and to entering “89...”) That is, both options are working.

If you don’t remember your login, then also under the input field on the main site click on the link “Forgot your password?” or enter in address bar– https://vk.com/restore.

This is the address of the recovery form. The system asks to enter a phone number or email, but we don’t remember them. Therefore, we find the entry below “If you do not remember the data or do not have access to the phone, click here” and follow the link.

If it is difficult or impossible to remember, the system offers to find you in a people search. To do this, click on the link under the input field.

You can use VK search even if you are not logged in. We search for ourselves by first and last name, if necessary, connect filters on the right by gender, age, country and city.

When found, click on “This is my page.”

The site takes us to the full access recovery form, where you will need to enter new number phone number to which the code, old email and password will be sent. Not prompted to enter old number, because if you remembered it and could use it, then, of course, you would have already entered.

In this way you can link new phone and revive your account via a code from an SMS or via your old email.

Thus, the actions in case of loss of the login essentially coincide with the loss of access to the old linked number. Because now, to register a page on the site, an e-mail is not required, but you can’t do without a number.

Lost access to linked phone and email

The actions in this case are identical to the instructions described above with the loss of the login, which, in fact, is the phone number and email.

If you can't use by old post, click the appropriate button, as in the screenshot below - “I don’t have access to mail.”

The system will immediately offer to send the code to a new one. specified phone number. Rebind new mail At this stage, it is impossible to restore the account from it.

Recover from phone

From your phone you can restore both a previously deleted account and a blocked one. Functional official application VK now allows you to go through all the steps to return lost pages if you have forgotten your login or want to do this using a new phone number.

Is it possible to restore an old page?

To return old page, which was deleted more than 210 days ago, you need to write directly to VKontakte support. It is better to do this through the “Help” tab, so you will know that your request was seen and taken into account.

You can also contact us at technical support via email: [email protected].

The format of the appeal and presentation of the problem should be as simple as possible and contain specific facts, how and when they were registered, what data you remember and whether you have the opportunity to use it now for recovery.

After you have been listened to, all that remains is to wait. feedback from the VK administration. Most likely, you will need to fill out a standard recovery form and attach a scan of your passport, as well as take a photo in front of the application to confirm that it is really you.

At the same time, if on your deleted account there were many personal photographs with a clearly visible face, the chances of recovery will be very high.


As you can see, resuscitation of deleted and blocked accounts can occur in different ways. My advice, as always, is simple and practical - use a link to mail (some people neglect it, as we see - in vain, through it you can regain access at an early stage) and store all the data in one safe place.

This can be an electronic key keeper, which is with you in the form of an application on your smartphone and is opened using your password, or a paper medium.

You get the idea – cleanliness and order of important data. Because VK support has made recovery a fairly simple procedure if you remember your data.

With this I say goodbye, good luck and organized order both in your social networks and in life in general!

The popular social network VKontakte tightened the rules for registering accounts several years ago. Now, to create a page, the user must indicate a valid number mobile phone, which will subsequently receive a message with a code.

Only after entering the resulting digital value will it be possible to create an account and use it. However, there are a number effective ways, how to register in contact without a phone number. I will tell you more about them in this article.

1. How to register in VK without a phone

VKontakte registration follows a specific template, with the main step being the link to the user’s mobile phone number. It is not possible to skip it, since otherwise it will not be possible to create a page.

But the system can be deceived, and there are at least two ways to do this:

  • using a virtual number;
  • indication current page on Facebook.

Each of the listed registration options provides a specific algorithm of actions, following which you can count on quick creation account and access to all options social network"In contact with".

1.1. Registration in VK using a virtual number

You can complete the registration procedure on social networks using a virtual number for receiving SMS. To do this, it is best to use a recognized international service Pinger (official website address – https://wp.pinger.com).

Step-by-step registration in the service is as follows:

1. Go to the site, select in the right top corner"TEXTFREE" options screen.

3. We go through a simple registration procedure for the service by first clicking virtual button"Sign Up" In the window that appears, indicate your login, password, age, gender, email address, and the displayed alphabetic abbreviation (“captcha”).

4. If everything previous actions performed correctly, click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the screen, after which a window will appear with several telephone numbers. Choose the number you like.

5. After clicking the arrow, a window will appear in which received messages will be displayed.

View selected number virtual phone There is always an option in the Options tab. When registering in VK using the method in question, you should enter the USA in the country selection field ( international code of this country begins with “+1”). Next, enter the virtual mobile number and receive a code for it with confirmation of registration. You may need your Pinger account later if you lose your password, so you shouldn’t lose access to the service.

On this moment creating an account using the virtual number service is considered one of the most efficient and effective methods registration on social networks. Its main advantage over other options is anonymity, because a virtual phone number cannot be tracked or proven to be used specific person. However, the main disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of restoring access to the page if access to Pinger is lost.

IMPORTANT! Many Internet users have difficulty completing the registration procedure in foreign virtual telephony services. This is due to the fact that many providers block such resources in order to prevent illegal activities in the open spaces " world wide web" In order to avoid blocking, there are several options, the main one of which is changing the computer’s IP address to a foreign one. In addition, you can use anonymizers, for example, Tor browser or ZenMate plugin.

If you are having trouble using Pinger, there is an online great amount services providing virtual numbers phones (e.g. Twilio, TextNow, CountryCod.org, etc.). A number of similar paid services, with a simplified registration procedure. All this allows us to assert that virtual telephony I solved the problem for many users of how to register in VK without a (real) number.

1.2. Registration in VK via Facebook

The social network “Vkontakte” is one of the most advertised Russian sites, which is in demand far beyond the borders of the Russian Federation. The desire of the owners of this resource to cooperate with other world-famous social networks, in particular with Facebook, is quite justified. As a result, page owners in the mentioned service have the opportunity to simplify Vkontakte registration. For those who do not want to “share” their data, this is a unique chance to register on VK without a phone and deceive the system.

The algorithm of actions here is quite simple and the first thing you should do is use an anonymizer. It’s best to go to the “Chameleon” service, since home page there are already links to all popular social networks or dating sites in Russia. This resource allows you to access pages in Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Mamba, even if they are blocked by the site administration.

Many people will naturally ask why they need to use anonymizers. The VKontakte social network automatically recognizes from which country you came to the registration page. This is roughly what the registration procedure looks like for residents of Russia and most post-Soviet countries:

And this is what the same page looks like, but if you access it outside the Russian Federation:

There is a discreet button in the lower right corner of the screen Login with Facebook. Click on it, after which the input window instantly appears email address and password:

After filling out the fields you will be directed to own page“Vkontakte”, which you can later edit at your discretion. To implement the presented method, you need a page on Facebook, but the procedure for creating an account there does not require entering a mobile phone number (only an email address). Facebook registration is one of the most understandable, as a result of which it will not cause any particular difficulties even for an untrained computer user.

By latest rumors the foreign analogue of Vkontakte is going to tighten the rules for using the resource, so the described method may soon become outdated. But for now, Facebook remains in an accessible way How to register in VK via email without a phone number. Its advantages are quite obvious - anonymity and simplicity. It also takes a minimum of time to create a page, especially if you already have an account on Facebook. The method has only one drawback: it is the impossibility of restoring data lost by the user (password for logging into your account).

1.3. Registration in VK via email

Many users are concerned about the question how to register in VK via email. Previously, one email account was enough to create an account, but since 2012, the management of the social network introduced mandatory rule binding to a mobile phone. Now, before specifying an email address, a window pops up asking you to enter a mobile number, to which a message with a personal code will be sent within 1-2 minutes.

Previously, many users indicated an 11-digit landline number instead of a mobile phone, launched the “Let the robot call” function, and then created a page using the code suggested by the computer. Main advantage this method it was possible to register on VKontakte for free and unlimited amount once. In practice, it turned out that on the same landline number an endless number of pages were registered from which spam, offensive messages or threats were sent. Due to user complaints, the administration of the social network was forced to abandon the option of creating an account through landlines, leaving the ability to receive the code only on mobile networks.

No matter what anyone claims, Today it is impossible to register in VK via mail without a mobile phone number. At the same time, to email must be provided full access, since with its help it appears additional opportunity recover a lost password or receive up-to-date news about innovations on the social network. Email may also be needed when the page is hacked. By sending a corresponding request to the technical support service, a letter will promptly be sent to your inbox with instructions on how to restore access.

To summarize, it should be noted that the topic of how to register on VKontakte for free, without a real mobile phone number and entering personal information, is rapidly gaining momentum. Increasingly, hundreds of programs are appearing on the Internet to hack or bypass established registration rules. Most of them are spam or harmful viruses, which are not useful in solving the problem. The VK administration is making great efforts to reduce the number of fake accounts and protect its users. As a result, only two are considered effective listed methods creating pages without specifying personal number phone.

If you know other options on how to register in VK without a number, write in the comments!

The social network VKontakte stores a huge amount of information about a person if he actively uses it. These are correspondence with loved ones, photographs and much more, which I would not like to allow outside viewers to see. To eliminate as much as possible the likelihood that someone will read your correspondence, you need to set the maximum complex password. This often leads to the person who set the password forgetting it. In such a situation, the social network VKontakte allows you to recover your password, and this can be done in several different ways, which will be discussed in this article.

How to recover your VKontakte password

Recovering the password from the VKontakte social network is very simple if you remember the login or phone number to which your account is registered. If you do not have access to this phone number, advice will also be given below on what to do in this situation, but for now let’s consider the simplest option, what to do if you forgot your VKontakte password. Follow these steps step by step:

After completing all the described steps, you can log into your VKontakte account using old login and a new password.

How to recover a VKontakte password without a phone number

Using the method described above, you can log into your account only if you have the mobile phone number to which it is registered. Accordingly, without access to this phone, you will not be able to receive an SMS message with a confirmation code. However, if there is no longer access to the phone number, this does not mean that the VKontakte account is lost. It is possible to restore access to it if you have forgotten set password, in the following way:

Important: If there are no Personal Photos, and you do not have access to the phone number to which the page is linked, it is almost impossible to recover the password.

It is worth noting that using the method described above, you can restore access to the page by forgetting not only your phone number, but also another login, in particular, your email. In fact, with this option, restoring access to the page occurs in “ manual mode» with the involvement of a VKontakte support service employee.

There are only two ways to restore access to the page if you do not have a phone number associated with it (lost, stolen, the page was hacked, blocked, etc.). There are no other options. Both methods are here, read:

The first method, the fastest, is to restore the SIM card

If the old number was registered in your name or in the name of someone close to you, you can restore your SIM card at a mobile phone store if you go there with your passport. This is done quickly and inexpensively. Even if you don't remember the number you had, at least remember mobile operator and go to their salon - they will remind you of the number and restore your SIM card. After this, you will quickly restore access via SMS, and then, if necessary, link the page to a new number (it will unlink from the old one).

If you have already created another page for this number or simply linked it to another page, then it is no longer possible to restore access via SMS, and only the second method remains.

The second method, without SMS - application for restoration

It only works if the restored page contains your real first and last name, and also contains your real photo. The page is restored to the new mobile number (it should not be linked to another page). This method takes time - from one to several days.

The page must have Your photo, where the face is clearly visible. It’s better if it’s in the “Photos from the Page” album (that is, it’s on the main photo or was there at one time). It might also be on an album called “This Is Me” or something like that (but not “My Friends”). It is possible even in hidden album, but if the photo is in “Saved” or on the wall (the “Photos on the Wall” album), it will not work. If the photos on the page were deleted (for example, by a burglar), then this must be indicated in the comments to the application. And the page must be real first and last name. In exceptional cases, the page is restored if only the last name is fake (and you agree to change it to a real one). A fake cannot be restored this way.

Better do it from computer or at least from a tablet.

Attention: a link to your application will be sent to the phone number you indicated as available - you can always go to it and see what’s going on with your application. They may ask you to send something else, so don’t be lazy and check from time to time. The application will be reviewed by the support service, so you will have to wait (a day, two, three - usually no longer).

How do I know that the application has been approved and the page has been restored? An SMS will be sent to the phone number you indicated as available. You will be sent new login information: login and password (the password can be changed after the first login). See also:

Another way to access restoration is to open the full version of the VK website, click on "Forgot your password?", there will be a link below "If you don't remember your details or don't have access to your phone, click here." Click on the words "Press here", and you will be directed to a request to restore access to the page.

In future highly recommended link your page to your current mobile phone number to avoid hacking, and also to be able to quickly restore access if you forgot your password. If you change your number, you need to change it in the VK settings!

Why was the application rejected?

Read about why the application to restore the page was rejected and what to do in this case:

How can I restore access to a page that does not have a number associated with it?

Could it be that there is no number associated with the page? Yes, if you registered another page for the same number. In this case, it is possible to restore access to a page to which no number is associated only, that is, through a full recovery.