How to make an iPhone from Android? Photos on your iPhone are available to anyone

iOS 7 is a multifunctional operating system that not only supports the installation of a wide variety of applications in terms of capabilities, but also has a sufficient number of them. Modern iPhones and iPad are equipped with high-quality photographic sensors and can easily replace compact ones digital cameras. Moreover, they differ from specialized devices in this area in their image editing capabilities. The most necessary functions initial correction can be made directly from standard gallery iOS.

So how to edit photos in gallery on iPhone and iPad on iOS 7?

1. Open the Photos application of the iOS 7 operating system:

2. Select the image you want to edit:

3. Select the “Change” option using the button located in the upper right corner of the screen:

4. Rotate the image counterclockwise until its position is correct:

5. Use the automatic auto image enhancement function, which will independently adjust brightness, contrast, color and many others:

6. Apply one of the filters built into the application onto the image and confirm your choice by clicking the “Apply” button:

7. Remove red eye from the image, which you can read about in more detail at:

8. Crop the image in a free format or one of the generally accepted formats and confirm your choice with the “Crop” button:

9. Confirm saving all changes made by clicking the “Save” button:

Thus, using the basic functionality for editing images built into the iOS system gallery, you can carry out a small processing of them before sending them to family, friends and colleagues, or sharing them on social media or simply to preserve it in a more pleasant form in your home collection.

The most convenient way.

We have written repeatedly about in various ways download videos from YouTube to iPhone or iPad. However, in previous instructions, viewing downloaded videos was only available in third-party applications, which did not suit everyone. Fortunately, there is a simple and easy-to-use method that allows you to download videos from YouTube and Instagram directly into the Photos application, and only a few people know about this method. This is described in more detail in this manual.

Important! The method involves using the Documents by Readdle app (completely free), but in the end, videos from YouTube or Instagram will be saved into the Photos app in an extremely simple way.

Step 1: Download free application « Documents by Readdle» from the App Store.

Step 2: Launch Documents and go to the built-in browser.

Step 4. On the page that opens, select the site from which you want to download the video, for example, YouTube.

Step 6: Scroll new page before section Download Video with Sound and click on the button Download opposite the desired video resolution, for example, 720p.

Step 7. On the page that opens, click “ Save" Here you can give the downloaded video a title.

Step 8: Return to home page Documents application and select the folder Downloads».

Step 9. Click on the image icon three blue dots in the lower right corner of the downloaded video. Select " Move", specify the path to save the video " Documentation» → « All photos" and press " Move to “All photos”».

Ready! After completing these simple steps, you've saved your YouTube video directly to the Photos app. The easiest way to find a downloaded video is in the “Video” album.

The standard Photo application gives iPhone users the fastest and easy access to all photos and videos saved on the device. It even automatically sorts them into collections by date and place of creation, making a search specific files even more simple. The user cannot delete or change standard albums, however, he can create his own.

How to create a new album in the Photos app on iPhone and iPad?

Step 1: Launch the application Photo on your iPhone or iPad

Step 2: Click on a section Albums, located in the lower right corner

Step 3. Click on the "+" button (left top corner) in order to create new album

Step 4. Enter your name new collection and press Save

Step 5. Select all the photos and videos you want to appear in the newly created album. Don’t worry if you forgot to add some files - the album can be filled even after creation

Step 6: Click Ready

Step 7. Your new album is in the list and you can view the resulting result

But what to do if, for example, you created an album “Summer”, and the very next day you took several beautiful photographs that simply must be in it. To do this, you need to learn how to add pictures and videos to already created albums.

How to add photos and videos to already created albums on iPhone and iPad?

Step 1: Launch the Photos app

Step 2. Go to section Albums

Step 3. Select the album you want to add

Step 4: Click the button Choose located in the upper right corner

Step 5: Click Add and select the pictures you want to see in the album

Step 6: After that, click Ready and check the result

Everyone should know this:

A proprietary operating system is installed, which can only be found in portable Apple products. Its interface is quite different from Android. However, if you really want to, you can still make an iPhone from Android. Of course, this will not change the appearance of the device itself - an apple will not appear on its rear panel, but the design operating system will begin to resemble iOS, and this is already a lot.

Global iOS difference from Android is in the operating system menu. U Apple devices and other manufacturers is displayed different quantities icons And the programs themselves have a different external label. If you decide to make Android look like an iPhone, then this is what needs to be fixed first.

The easiest way to achieve change appearance operating system using a launcher. IN Google Play available a large number of similar applications. Basically, they offer a unique menu style that is unlike anything else out there. But there are also launchers that copy Apple’s developments.

Attention: the copyright holder regularly complains about such creations third party developers. Therefore, they do not stay on Google Play for very long.

We have already talked about some of these launchers told on the pages of our website. For example, a kind of long-liver is iLauncher - OS 9. The creators of this application regularly update it as soon as it comes out a new version iOS. The program can work on smartphones with the Android 4.1 operating system and higher.

The launcher does not make any major changes and therefore does not require special resources. It just changes the icons standard utilities. Shortcuts third party applications placed in bright colored squares with rounded corners. The launcher also eliminates the menu - from now on all icons are located on the desktop.

Something similar, but in an expanded form, is offered by OS9 Launcher HD, also called smart and simple by its developers. This launcher also changes the appearance of all standard and some additional applications. But along the way, some other useful innovations borrowed from iOS are also being introduced. For example, if there are some news in a particular program, their number will be displayed on the label. And there is also an analogue of 3D Touch! But it is called this function not by pressing hard (the pressure sensor in smartphones has Android based no), but double tap by the icon of any of the standard applications.

The only thing that spoils the impression of the launcher is the presence of advertising. It is located in a separate desktop, where theoretically you don’t even have to look. The developers also sent the Google search string here.

We can also recommend a launcher for installation CleanUI. Its main difference is that the icons are larger. As a result, not the largest number of them is displayed on the screen. The application not only eliminates the menu, but also changes the notification panel, whereas the two previous launchers did not really know how to do this. Otherwise, the functionality repeats the two solutions discussed above - here you can also block the display of any icons. But there is no analogue of 3D Touch here. But you shouldn’t regret it, because this function only applies to standard applications, and even then not to everyone.

Interestingly, CleanUI also has a separate desktop. But there is no advertising on it - there is only search string. It helps you search for contacts, Internet pages in “History” and other information.

Replacing the lock screen

Launchers only partially help turn Android into an iPhone. Their problem is that they are not able to change the lock screen. This is what they do individual applications- such as OS8 Lock Screen. When you launch this utility, you are taken to the settings window. The interface used here is English, but even without special knowledge, many points do not raise any questions. For example, it is immediately clear that the application allows you to put any image on the lock screen, set a password, and also enter any text.

As for the appearance of the lock screen, in this regard it is similar to its counterpart from iOS 8. Everything works very quickly, you can unlock the device in almost a split second if desired. You can also go to the Camera application without any unlocking. In short, the application does not provide anything unusual, it simply makes the smartphone even a little more similar to the iPhone.

Notification panel

Not all launchers can competently replace the notification panel. Therefore, you should definitely install iNoty Style OS 9(link removed due to complaints about harmful content). As you might guess, it brings to the system the traditional status bar present in iOS 9. After installing the utility, you will be taken to a relatively small menu. Here you need to enable iNoty, after which you can enjoy a full-fledged status bar.

This is not to say that the solution turned out to be functional. But it makes you think you're taking advantage Apple product. There are differences from the original status bar, but they are minimal.

You can also enable it in the application menu function panel. It will stretch out if you click on the small blue bar located at the bottom of the screen. This panel contains buttons that open the camera and calculator, as well as keys that allow you to turn off the device and use the flashlight. There are also buttons here wireless interfaces and a brightness level slider. Unfortunately, everything is spoiled by that same blue stripe - this element is displayed both in the menu and in many applications. Quite quickly the strip begins to irritate.

If you don’t like this implementation of the control point, you can try installing the application separately Control Panel - Smart Toggle .

Changing the keyboard and camera

Gradually we changed the main interface of the operating system. There's just one small thing left - the keyboard. With its help, we constantly type text in the browser, messenger and other programs. Therefore, it is logical that this element should also be replaced. This can be done by installing Apple Keyboard. This virtual keyboard, very similar to the one used in recent versions of iOS.

Unfortunately, the keyboard does not have Russian language. This is its main drawback. Well, as for the camera application, you can install it as GEAK Camera. Traditionally, this utility can not only take photographs, but also apply all sorts of filters to pictures.


By completing all the steps indicated in this guide, you can get a device whose interface is very similar to that found on iPhones. But you need to understand that you will not get real iOS. Yes, and all this will not work very quickly - after all, everything installed utilities consume a lot of processor power and a certain volume random access memory. Therefore, be sure that quickly enough you will be disappointed in your idea, returning to the usual interface of the operating room Android systems. After all, it works much more stable, and in terms of functionality it is more pleasing.

Apple's operating system for mobile devices has a convenient and beautiful interface. This attracts many users. Considering the high cost of Apple products, not everyone can buy an iPhone. But how can you turn Android into an iPhone? A launcher or full phone firmware will help you complete this task.

Visual changes only

The easiest way to install ios on Android is to make changes to the interface. This method is easy and safe because you don't have to download and then install third party firmware. You can download such programs from official store Google applications Play. Turning your gadget into an iOS device is not difficult. It will be enough to just launch the downloaded launcher.

Among the huge variety the most simple option is iLauncher - OS 9. It can be downloaded for free on Android. The application only allows you to set different shortcut icons, as well as partially change the design of the main window. Thanks to iLauncher - OS 9, you will be able to install the iOS interface. The key advantages of the launcher include:

In fact, this application imitates a regular theme, changing only the visual part. Users who have downloaded the application note its high stability and low resource consumption.

If you need such thorough elaboration as on the iPhone (gallery and more), then it’s worth installing latest version Espier Launcher 7 Pro applications, as well as several add-ons, which include:

Don’t know how to make such an interface on Android? Simply download the launcher or add-on installer (has apk format), and then run it. Once all the elements are installed, you can get started with your new graphical shell. Now you know how to install iOS on Android using third-party applications.

Full flashing

Advanced users have repeatedly wondered how to install iOS on Android. Is it possible to install ios instead of android? Yes! This is possible, although extremely risky. iOS firmware tailored for a specific Hardware Apple phones, so for android there may be problems. It is worth understanding that this is not a completely ordinary iPhone theme for an Android phone, but a full-fledged version of the operating system with all the functionality.

First you need to find the firmware version for your device. Various specialized forums will help you. Download only from sources you trust so as not to run into malware for Android. Possible problem is that for your device there simply will not be iOS versions. Then, at your own peril and risk, you can install firmware that is not intended for your device. Is it worth changing the OS? Here everyone will find the answer to this question for themselves.

To know how to flash your gadget, follow the following instructions:

This is the answer to the question of how to turn Android into a full-fledged iPhone with the same functionality. Is it possible to reflash your gadget back? Yes! It is necessary to proceed in the same way. Now you know all the ways to make an iOS smartphone from Android. We recommend using the last method only experienced users, since there is a chance to turn your device into a “