What photos to post on Instagram. Personal blog on Instagram (how to do it and what are the advantages)

Today, a person’s popularity is determined by the number of his followers on Instagram. Don't be discouraged, if you are not a star yet, it is never too late to become one. Grow your account and use our tips.


Part 1

Update your profile

  • Can't come up with a personal Instagram name? Use a name generator like spinxo.com/instagram-names.
  • Use the underscore (_) and/or other symbols. This will make the name more readable. But don't overdo it with symbols so that you can be easily found on Instagram.

  • If you always follow fashion and are constantly in trend, then try on the image of a stylist and tell your audience how to dress correctly and tastefully.
  • Are you a foodie? Share beautiful photos of food and write about it. Or maybe make a permanent column dedicated to the city’s restaurants?
  • You - fan of computer games? Make unexpected screenshots, video compilations, reviews and post them on your Instagram page!
  • Do you like sports? This topic and everything related to it- at the peak of popularity. The male part of the audience likes to look at “bikinas”, and the female part- imitate. Such accounts usually contain a lot of information about nutrition and training, as well as motivational photos and videos.

Part 2

Stand out with original photos and cool videos

  • Photos in the same color scheme- a good way to maintain a personal aesthetic on your Instagram. But remember that a large number of filters will make your profile look tacky. Check out the hashtag #nofilter to find similar examples.
  • There are people on Instagram who prefer to emphasize natural beauty and do not use filters based on this principle.

  • Special application for Instagram users- Boomerang. Make short videos, just a few movements are needed.
  • Download Snapseed, VSCO Cam or Aviary to edit your photos in high quality.
  • Want to make a collage of several photos? Use the Layout program.
  1. Take lots of photos, but choose the best ones for Instagram. You rarely get a good shot the first time, so take several photos so you have plenty to choose from. The requirements are still the same: quality, adherence to the theme and originality!

  • On Instagram, everything comes with experience. If you are no stranger to experiments, and you are ready to try and generate new ideas, then you will definitely be able to create interesting content and raise your profile to the TOP.
  1. Always give your photos ideas. There is always room for bold (and not so bold) experiments on Instagram. Change angles, scenery, location, try new filters and colors. Change your hand, after all!

As an example, start a blog (highlight it with hashtags) about your travels, give advice on city establishments, talk about a new hobby or about your attendance at training courses and your results.

Unfortunately or fortunately, stories are not saved in the profile at all. So you can use them for anything, you don’t have to keep yourself within the chosen topic of your account. Stories always appear at the top of the screen.

Part 3

Promote your profile

These signatures are of considerable importance for promotion, because with their help Instagrammers can search for other people with similar interests and unite into thematic communities.

  • For example, if you decide to post photos from your travels, you can use hashtags simply with the cities you visited, or somehow play on their names using phrases from films or aphorisms: #London, #tourist, #relaxing, #ParisILoveYou, # travel, #nature and others.
  • Hashtags used by photographers- by Instagram users: #photoproject, #pictures, #art, #photoftheday, #photoreport.
  • A few more popular hashtags on Instagram that are used everywhere: #nofilter, #instagood, #forever, #instagramers, #followme.

2. Subscribe yourself. Look for accounts that may be of interest to you and follow them. Try to be active: comments, likes, reposts and exchanges. It's not easy to become popular if you don't interact with other people yourself.

Such tags help you “highlight” your Instagram in front of a large number of people, and therefore find potential subscribers.

This is a cool topic in attracting new followers to your account.

Part 4

Constantly whet the interest of your followers

No new materials- no life! You don't want to lose your subscribers, do you? But don't go to the other extreme- It won't make people admire it either.

  • Post no more than 2-3 photos or videos per day on your page. If you don’t fit into this number, then use “stories” on Instagram. Don't clutter up your followers' feeds.

  1. Reply to comments. Show your audience that you are real and approachable. To reply to a specific person, type the “@” symbol and their name.

  1. Mention other Instagrammers. The statistics are that users who mention their followers in the comments are as much as 50% more popular than those who do not.

  • For example: you took a photo in a restaurant, indicate its name in the caption (for example, @ilpomodoro.moscow).
  • Stumbled across something that reminds you of another Instagram user? Send him this photo or repost it with a caption like “I just saw it and immediately thought of you, @[Username]!”

Try to take part in discussions under posts more often, respond to messages, and like other profiles.

When finished, sum it up and choose a winner!

  • Make this condition: subscribers should tag their friends under your posts so that they can also take part in the competition.

This is very useful: if people start unfollowing you, you should reconsider the content you post and think about what should be changed in this case.

If the photos you post evoke a great response from visitors, then you can safely continue in the same spirit.

  • Don't try to beg "likes" from other users and don't beg everyone to subscribe. Such beggars only annoy people.
  • Always be yourself, don't try to look like someone you really are not. If you are honest with your followers, the chances of your page being popular will skyrocket.
  • In a situation where you are offered to make a mutual subscription, agree to this step, if possible. This way you can get even more subscribers.

In order to open the options menu, you should go to your personal Instagram account. To access it, you should click on the icon on the far right at the bottom of the screen with the image of a man.

When it is open, tap on the button with three vertical dots at the top of the screen. This simple action will display a list of parameters embedded in the service.

So what options are available here? The first category, “Invite Friends,” focuses on adding users both from the social network Facebook and from recipients of your email correspondence. To invite friends from Facebook, click the “Invite Facebook Friends” button.

After a short time interval, a form will appear asking you to enter the login and password for your social network account. Let's do it!

After this, a simple form will appear confirming your Facebook authentication. By clicking OK, we will thereby call up a list of friends from Facebook who have not yet created an account on Instagram.

Having selected the desired people, click on the mini-button “Invite” to the right of the user name, after which the user you have chosen will receive an invitation from you to create an account on Instagram and connect to you.

The second button in the section, called “Invite friends,” is responsible for sending invitations via email, SMS, Bluetooth and other mechanisms, both popular and common, and not so popular. This point should be addressed last, since this method of “luring friends” has long been obsolete.

Go ahead! The next section “For subscriptions” also invites us to invite friends from social networks, but if the previous category was intended for those who have not yet registered on Instagram, then this section will serve specifically for those who have already registered, but have not yet subscribed. As you can see, there is a difference!

The first and last points are used to subscribe friends from the same Facebook and VK, respectively.

You could do the same thing when registering a new account, which was discussed. In fact, these options only duplicate the same functionality.

The second item “Find contacts” allows you to access the phone’s memory, the list of contacts on the SIM card, to invite you to connect to users from the smartphone’s address book. When you click it, a warning appears on the screen about synchronizing contacts between all servers with which you deal while working.

By agreeing to this by clicking the “Allow” button, you will thereby display an expanded list of contacts after synchronization. As usual, add yourself to your subscription by clicking the “Subscribe” button.

All the most important Instagram settings are concentrated in the “Account” section. What options are available to us here?

The first item, “History Settings,” allows you to hide your history for selected users and prohibit replies to messages for selected or all users without exception. What is meant by history here? These are photos you liked, new subscriptions and subscribers, as well as comments left under other images. If you want your story not to be visible to one or more selected users, select them in the "Hide story from" option.

The second option in the list of settings, “Edit Profile,” is intended for editing personal information in your personal profile.

You can change not only your phone number and mailbox, but also information about your active website and yourself. You can also change your own avatar.

The third item in line “Change password” allows you to start the standard procedure of replacing the current password with a new one if your account has been hacked, or you have decided to prevent it from being hacked in advance.

Another useful option is “Posts you liked.”

Here, in a structured list, you can find all the photos you have liked. The list belongs to the history category discussed in the “History Settings” section above.

How to block a user on Instagram?

The next Instagram settings item is used to display users you have blocked.

To block a user, you need to click on their name to open their profile. After this, you should tap on the menu button with three vertical dots at the top and select “Block” from the list that appears.

After this, you will not be able to receive messages and notifications from this user, and your profile will not be available to him. Let's move on...

Another important element is the “Switch to company profile” option. If you run a Facebook page, using this tool you can link it to your Instagram account and publish photos for it directly from here. Agree, it’s very convenient.

How to make an Instagram account private?

The last option in this section is “Private Account”. If you set your account to private, only people you approve will be able to view your photos and subscribe to your updates. Changing this Instagram setting will not affect existing subscribers...

About settings

A rather significant category is the “Settings” section. Although there are no particularly important points here, it is still worth briefly going over the parameters.

The first item here is the “Linked Accounts” parameter. By logging into it, you can see which third-party services are linked to your account.

If you could link Facebook and VK through other items in the settings menu, then all other social networks are available only here. To link the service you have chosen, click on its name in the list.

The next point involves changing the Instagram interface language. Select the language you like, and all menu items will be immediately translated into it.

The “Push Notifications” setting is responsible for customizing the notifications received on your smartphone. By default, all notifications are enabled. You can set up notifications based on actions performed by other users. Each action is configured separately. You can set the corresponding actions to be performed from users you follow, from all users, or turn off this option for a specific action.

Now about the item “Data usage on the cellular network”. Here you can activate data saving when displaying photos and videos. The default is Normal mode.

The next element is “Download Quality”. You should only use this option if you are having difficulty publishing photos. In the case where your photos are published as black or black images in places, this can be corrected by selecting the “Basic” option here. Otherwise, leave the Normal setting untouched.

The last two points are responsible for saving original images and videos in the phone’s memory after publication. If, after publication, you no longer need these objects, uncheck the corresponding box.

All other settings are for reference purposes only, and there is no need for them for everyday work. The exception is the last menu items in this list.

The “Clear search history” item allows you to delete all names and accounts that you searched for. The “Add account” item will be able to attach an additional account to your active account so that you can work with two at once if necessary, and the last “Log out” item will help you log out of your current account.

So we have described for you all the main Instagram settings. In truth, only some of the indicated points are urgently necessary; you can resort to the remaining sections as needed, if the need arises. We hope that Instagram will give you a lot of pleasant moments and allow you to fully enjoy excellent high-quality images of topics that appeal to you.

Everyone has noticed that now the popularity of the social network Instagram is at its peak. Every owner of a mobile device is registered in the application and logs into it several times a day. Many people want to become popular and promote their account. Having become interested in this topic, people learn that one of the ways to promote is to use hashtags. The article will discuss what it is, how to make hashtags on Instagram and why it is needed. After all, there is no point in using them without understanding their essence.

What is a hashtag?

A hashtag is a tag word by which publications on social networks are grouped. For users, this grouping creates ease of navigation. More precisely, each user himself determines which category he wants to assign his post to. A hashtag is indicated by the # symbol.

Instagram uses these tags to group photos and videos. Using them you can find a photo related to a specific topic, as well as an event or place. Often, when you click on hashtags of interest, you will find a large amount of interesting information, people and very beautiful pictures.

Many people travel and view places hashtagged by other app users. This way you can contact and meet interesting people, ask them about a place or city, find out where you can go and what to see. That's why you should use hashtags on Instagram: it's not only interesting, but also useful.

Sorting by tags is an indispensable function, but recently a large number of users began to use it incorrectly - to increase subscribers and likes, as well as to promote their accounts. All this leads to spamming with unnecessary photos based on the searched tags. For example, a city tag has a very small percentage of real, live photographs. Most often you come across some kind of commercial services and advertising.

In addition to the fact that hashtags are used throughout the social network and are visible to other users who are not subscribers, they are also needed to sort personal content. Thanks to unique tags, you can divide all your publications on the social network into various topics. This is convenient for those who make a lot of posts. Everything is clear about the purpose. Now about how to make hashtags on Instagram.

How to tag photos

It's quite simple, but there are still some features.

How to correctly use hashtags on Instagram? In order to put them on a mobile device or personal computer, you need to put a hash symbol in front of the words in the description. After this, the word will automatically turn into a link. When you click on it, a search opens with all publications in which the same hashtag was used in the description or comments.

What you need to know

There are several nuances that you need to know in order to fully answer the question of how to make hashtags on Instagram.

  1. They can be placed anywhere in the text, as well as in comments. Most often, they replace words in the description, or are written in order through a space at the very end of the text. Some people write all hashtags in the first comment to the post.
  2. The hashtag can be written in both English and Russian. It may contain numbers.
  3. The tag may contain both uppercase and uppercase letters, but they will be considered the same thing.
  4. If you change at least one symbol in the tag, it will become a different hashtag.
  5. You cannot insert spaces into tags. In order to fit several words into one label, you need to write them either together or separate them with an underscore.
  6. Instagram has a function to remember all hashtags that the user has entered previously. Therefore, after writing the first letter, a list of possible options appears. Also, when you enter a hash and the first letters, the search system will automatically offer a list of the most popular hashtags. But you need to be careful, as the phrases may contain errors.

Now you know how to put hashtags on Instagram.

How many tags can you put?

It is stated that the maximum number of hashtags that can be written for one publication is 30. If the user accidentally writes more, they will not be published.

There are the most popular tags that can be found on the Internet. People use them either for promotion or to find a target audience.

Search by hashtags

With the release of the latest app updates, searching has become much more convenient than before. You can now search in four categories:

  • The best.
  • Tags.
  • People.
  • Places.

In order to find a photo using a specific tag, you need to go to the application, click on the search icon in the form of a magnifying glass, then tap on the search line, write the search word and select the “Tags” tab.

How to use hashtags to gain followers and likes?

Many people manage to promote their publications only through hashtags. But their scheme is very labor-intensive. First they publish a photo with one list of tags, then, after some time, they delete them and write a different list in the comments. Then everything is deleted again and the original version is written. It is not comfortable. How to make hashtags on Instagram so you don’t have to worry so much?

In fact, they are only an auxiliary element. It is best to take care of the quality of the content and put tags that make sense. Often, 30 useless tags bring less results than several thematic ones.

Firstly, all the most popular hashtags that people usually use last only a few minutes. If you click on them an hour after publication, then it will be impossible to find your photo, since it will go far down the feed. No one will simply see him.

Secondly, a large number of tags in the text prevents the subscriber from reading the post due to the fact that it does not look very beautiful.

Thirdly, if you use popular tags to group posts, then no one will notice them among many others.

  1. It is necessary to take high-quality photographs and a beautiful description of them.
  2. Use your own unique hashtags that will divide posts into different topics or categories.
  3. There is no need to add a lot of illogical and unnecessary hashtags.

Thus, if the account is interesting for subscribers, their number will grow, and accordingly, the number of likes will also grow.

Now it should be clear how to make hashtags on Instagram. On Android and iOS applications this is done the same way: tags are added to the description or inserted into the comment. This is not mentioned by chance. Many newcomers, having seen the application on the Google platform, ask about how to make hashtags on Instagram on an iPhone. Don't let this scare anyone, as their addition is identical on all platforms.

Do the letters “MF/ML” mean anything to you? If not, then this article is definitely for you. MF is mass following, or mass subscription on Instagram. ML – mass liking, or mass likes on Instagram. Both together are one of the most ancient, cheapest and most popular methods of promotion on Instagram.

There is still controversy surrounding mass following. There are those who are ready to be burned at the stake for using this method. There are also those who consider all other methods of promotion to be completely unnecessary. Which camp should I join? Let's figure it out.

How mass following works

Mass subscriptions and likes are used to draw attention to your account. When you see that some unfamiliar account has liked you, let’s say @ane4ka1992, are you wondering who this Anechka is? Will you check out her page? This is what we count on: what’s interesting and what you’ll look into. With this like, Anechka attracted attention to her account, you went to her page, looked at her posts, and, if they interested you, subscribed.

It's even easier with subscriptions. If you see that Anechka has subscribed to you, it is quite possible that a desire will appear in your soul to subscribe in return, at least out of politeness. This is exactly what Anechka is counting on.

Of course, now almost everyone knows about this method of promotion and the effectiveness of mass following has decreased. When a person sees that a pizzeria from Vladivostok has subscribed to him (when this person himself lives in Saratov), ​​of course, there is no desire to subscribe in return. Many even close their accounts on purpose in order to rid themselves of such “dead” subscriptions. However, the problem here is not mass following as such, but that it is used incorrectly. They like and follow not their target audience, but random people. And, of course, they infuriate you with such actions.

You can like and subscribe to other accounts manually (long and tedious), or you can use special programs(saves time and effort). Both are gray methods of promotion.

Why mass following and mass liking are illegal

Officially, you cannot use mass following and mass liking to promote your account. Yes, everyone uses it. Yes, at your own risk. And yet, mass following and mass liking are a “gray” method of promotion. There are two reasons for this.

Firstly, Instagram considers unwanted likes and follows to be spam. Therefore, even if you manually actively subscribe and like, it is still mass following and mass liking, and you are violating the Instagram User Agreement. If you violate it too actively, you may get a restriction on your actions (you won’t be able to like or subscribe for a while). If you continue to maliciously violate, you may get a ban.

Secondly, Instagram does not allow the use of third-party services, and in order to save time, mass calls are usually transferred to services.

Do not enable third-party services on new accounts!

Instagram has limits on actions. These limits vary depending on the age of the account. If the account was created recently, then third-party services cannot be enabled on it at all. Due to the huge amount of spam and bots, Instagram monitors new accounts especially closely, so when using third-party services on a young account, the likelihood of a ban increases.

The older the account, the more actions it can perform per day without arousing suspicion. The approximate daily limit for an account that has existed for several years is 1,500 actions.

The creators of the services, of course, know about the limits and rules of Instagram, so before you start, be sure to study the chosen service and read the instructions.

How to increase the effectiveness of mass following

Mass following is not magic. He will not bring subscribers to you by the hand. Mass following (and/or mass liking) is just a way to attract attention to your account. Whether the account will be able to retain this attention depends on the quality of the design and content of your page. This is why it is extremely important before you start promoting conduct an audit and put your profile in proper shape so that people want to subscribe. Otherwise, your masspholl will work “idle”.

Three main mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of mass following:

  • The word "shop" in the nickname;
  • Logo on the avatar;
  • A huge number of subscriptions.

When a person sees that another shop, store or cafe has subscribed to him, he immediately understands that this happened automatically and will not even go to your page. Well, it’s obvious to everyone that administrators of shops and cafes have their own personal pages from which they like their real friends. And through work pages people like people not for love, but for promotion.

Same thing with the logo. It is obvious to everyone that the brand likes pages not out of great love, but out of work. Out of love, we like our former classmates from our personal accounts.

And even if you managed to hide your commercial interest and even if you managed to lure the reader to the page, when he sees that you are subscribed to 5,000 accounts, he will realize that you did not subscribe to him out of love. Well, what kind of love is there when you have 5000 people like him?

Another important component of the effectiveness of mass following is setting up the service. The problem with pizzerias from Vladivostok that like Muscovites is that they have configured the service incorrectly. As a result, they spend actions (and we remember about limits and a limited number of actions per day!) on those people who will never order anything from them. And in this case, mass following is ineffective not because the method is bad and outdated, but because it is used incorrectly.

When choosing a “donor” for your actions, proceed from the interests of your target audience. If you make jewelry and know your competitor’s account, it makes sense to set up mass following for that competitor’s followers. Since they like these types of jewelry, it is quite possible that they will like yours too.

You can also set up mass following to subscribers of opinion leaders of your target audience. Who is the authority for your clients? Whose opinion do they trust? Surely, they are subscribed to his page, and you can launch a mass fall on them.

Mass following will not bring subscribers to you by the hand. Mass following only draws attention to your account!

When starting mass following, keep track of how many people subscribe to you in response. So you will understand whether it makes sense to spend time on this channel. You can track response subscriptions manually (checking each new subscriber) or use services that monitor this themselves. For example, the One Million likes service automatically counts conversions and marks the quality of the channel: good, bad or ordinary.

During registration link You can use the service for free for 5 days, and then get a 5% discount.

When working with a “donor” you also need to take into account that not all 100% of his subscribers are your target audience. All subscribers have a share of commercial accounts, there are abandoned accounts and simply those who are not your target audience. There is no need to spend limited actions on them, so you need to set up filters.

Thanks to filters, the service will skip unnecessary accounts and only like the target audience. You can load lists of stop words into filters. Usually these are words related to sales: delivery, store, order, etc. When the service finds a stop word in the account description, it skips that account and moves on to the next one.

You can filter abandoned accounts (by date of last post), accounts without avatars, accounts with a large number of subscriptions (mass followers). You can even filter out foreigners by setting the filter to Russian. The more precisely you configure the service, the more efficient its operation will be.

For example, this is what the filters in One million likes look like:

To use or not to use massfol - everyone decides for themselves. Mass following and mass liking are not the most elite, but quite a working method of promoting an account. It only works in combination with good content, correct profile design and proper service settings.

Most importantly: BE CAREFUL!!! Don’t chase speed, remember the limits, don’t enable services on young accounts! The security of your account is your responsibility! It’s not for nothing that Instagram can only be used from the age of 13. It is assumed that users are adults, capable of thinking for themselves and being responsible for their decisions.

Does mass following infuriate you? How often do completely irrelevant stores subscribe to you? Express your outrage in the comments :)

We've released a new book, Social Media Content Marketing: How to Get Inside Your Followers' Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.


A personal blog on Instagram is a popular platform on a social network for expressing your thoughts, communicating about interests and promoting your products/services.

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Today, more than 800 million people are registered in it. Some people simply share their impressions and news with friends and acquaintances. And some people prefer to present for a large audience. Such people are called .

If you are not yet a member, but you want to expand your target audience’s reach, show and sell your products, and earn money from advertising, we advise you to register right now. The promotion process takes a lot of time and the sooner you start, the better.

How to make a personal blog on Instagram

It's very easy to create. You can work from a smartphone or laptop or computer. It will be more convenient to use your phone while maintaining a social network. All you need is an email. Enter it, the name by which you will be known and the password. Or log in with your Facebook account if you have one.

Then the system will ask you to post a photo and connect the page to Facebook. Skip this moment or do it. If you tie it right away, you will save yourself from unnecessary actions in the future. So, everything is ready, you can talk about your life, hobbies, post beautiful pictures, look for readers and even become popular. But still, your profile at this moment is deprived of some opportunities for development.

What does a personal blog on Instagram mean for a company?

There are two types of accounts: simple and commercial. The second is more functional and allows you to recognize and attract more target audience. What is the difference? Outwardly, a regular Instagram page is almost no different from a personal blog, except for the gray mark under the username and a few advantages that it provides.

Why is this necessary?

  • Choose the appropriate category and name. Click next.
  • Add your contacts (one is enough).

If you later decide to switch back to the regular version, just go to the menu again and click “Switch to account.” Gray mark and all options will disappear.

Themes for Instagram for personal blog

To attract people and gain thousands of subscribers, just beautiful photos are not enough. It is necessary to develop a promotion strategy and profile concept. One of the components of a successful Instagram is. You need to publish posts regularly and at a certain time. Marketers advise posting no more than 1-2 posts a day, morning and evening. Try to make the page lively and in the same style.

If you're creating an account to make money from advertising and don't have a theme chosen yet, stick with the one you like. The second important factor is that you must understand what you want to talk about if we are talking about serious areas (nutrition, sports, medicine). The most popular are invariably blogs about the beauty industry, travel, lifestyle (about life), cooking, fitness, and handicrafts. But you can develop your niche. If they are interesting, you will find your audience.

What posts to include in your content plan

There are several varieties. Often one note combines two materials.


They are needed to increase your engagement rate. They show how many likes they give you and comments. What does this include:

  • Polls.
  • News.
  • Humor.
  • Competitions and promotions.
  • Motivational stories.
  • Congratulations.
  • Collections of films and books.
  • Texts from users.
  • Distracted thoughts or ideas that you want to talk about.

You can add commercial elements to them. For example, in surveys, find out about customer preferences, arrange a draw for your products.

Useful (educational)

Such materials are suitable for Instagram advertising services. Let's say you are a psychologist or designer. In this case, you need to build trust with your audience since they don't know you yet. Such posts will also be useful for goods. Tell us about new products or how to maintain the quality of an item for a long time. Write a short, meaningful text. If it takes up a lot of space, be sure to break it up into blocks.

  • Adviсe.
  • Instructions.
  • Interview.
  • Comparative reviews.


What to write? Your proposal should be readable (paragraphs, graphic elements). Complete it with a beautiful, appropriate photo. Style and presentation depend only on your target audience and what you are advertising.

  • Description of the service or product.
  • Reviews.
  • Story about the company.
  • Work with objections.
  • Presentation of a new product.
  • Announcement of competitions and promotions.

Where to get ideas

If your muse has left you, don't be upset. Finding a topic is easy. One of the most common ways is to ask account visitors. By the way, this can even become an entertainment and commercial post. Ask your audience what they would like to read about. There are several other ways to get out of creative stagnation:

  • Competitors. Look through them, but do not copy, but tell us about your view of the events.
  • Groups on other social networks and YouTube channels.
  • Your old texts. Rework them, write how your point of view has changed.
  • Meeting newly arrived users.
  • Interview.
  • Show off your favorite places in your city.
  • Visit a park, botanical garden or animal nursery and film a mini-report.

How to create a personal blog on Instagram and gain subscribers from scratch

Before you can emerge from the shadows with a new page, it needs to be filled. Friends, relatives and acquaintances will be your first visitors. If you already have a business and are developing it, add Instagram to business cards, flyers, and website. In order to increase your audience, come up with some beautiful, meaningful notes that will interest your target audience.

Do this even if you don't have a single reader. No one will pay attention to an empty account. Be sure to fill out the profile header. It is important to write down who you are and what your personal blog is about. List the main topics – there shouldn’t be too many of them. Choose one, two, three. Use emojis, but in moderation. Add links to other resources if you have them. A good example is in the screenshot. The craftswoman indicated that she makes jewelry and loves wildlife. Indeed, both themes can be seen on her Instagram. Added contacts that make it clear where the order will come from and a link to the Etsy store.

Subscribe to pages that interest you, leave comments, participate in (). Follow the statistics. Which texts and photos are responded to most often, at what time. Experiment. For example, if you see that there is no user response during the recommended morning hours, try early evening. Communicate with those who read you, respond to comments. Promoting Instagram requires daily engagement.

  • Take photos in good light. The best is during the day, without direct sunlight.
  • Use filters from third party apps. For example, VSCO, Snapseed.
  • Don't post just photos, no text. Today, the text format is becoming increasingly popular in this social network. Often people subscribe because of interesting thoughts.
  • Do not put the most popular ones, only those relevant to your topic. Come up with your own.
  • Make a video. There are also statistics on it and they say that short posts are liked by other users.
  • Be yourself. Don't copy famous accounts or competitors. Add humor and zest to your posts.

So, you have learned what a personal blog on Instagram is, how to create it and connect additional functions. With its help, you can promote your products and services and earn money from advertising. The key to success is a well-thought-out strategy and lively, entertaining content. Instagram is not easy. In order to achieve your goals, you will need patience and regular work on texts and photographs. However, nothing is impossible, make a content plan, watch the statistics, be inspired by successful accounts and you will succeed.