Windows 10 black screen and circle. Correction using the integrated video adapter. Delays after installing system updates

Sometimes it happens that as a result of the supposedly successful installation of Windows 10 OS or its update, after a reboot, instead of correct operation system, the user sees a black screen in front of him. This is a rather unpleasant situation that requires certain actions.

Let's try to figure out why the black screen appears and how we can fix this problem.

This problem is difficult to diagnose and the user simply needs to try one by one different ways its elimination.

Method 1: Waiting

No matter how funny it may sound, it is a fairly common situation when a black screen occurs after installing updates and rebooting personal computer. If before turning off the PC there was a message that an update was being installed, and after rebooting a black window with a cursor or rotating dots appeared, then you need to wait (no more than 30 minutes) until the system is updated. If nothing has changed during this time, use other options to solve the problem.

Method 2: Checking the Monitor

If absolutely nothing is displayed on the screen, then you should check the serviceability of the display. If possible, connect the monitor to another device and see if it displays anything. At the same time, the problem may be another monitor or TV connected to the PC. In this case, the video signal can be sent to the second device, so nothing will appear on the main monitor.

Method 3: Check your system for viruses

Malicious software is also quite common cause black screen appears in Windows 10, so one more possible variant The solution to the problem is to check the system for viruses. This can be done either using Live disks (for example, from Dr.Web, which can be downloaded from their official website), or in safe mode using regular portable utilities ( , ).

What's happened safe mode and how you can get into it can be read from the publication below.

Viruses can result in damage to important system files and removing malware alone will not be enough. In this case, it is necessary to reinstall the system or roll it back to the latest stable version.

Method 4: Reinstalling drivers

A fairly common cause of a malfunction that manifests itself in the form of a black screen is a malfunction of the video card driver. Of course, just looking at the monitor you cannot say that this is the reason, but if all the methods described earlier did not help solve the problem, then you can try reinstalling the video card drivers. This task is for inexperienced user quite difficult, since the most easy way to do this, go into safe mode, which is disabled by default in Windows 10, without graphic pictures before your eyes. In other words, everything will have to be done blindly. Most best option such work looks like this.

  1. Turn on your PC.
  2. Wait for some time (required for the system to boot).
  3. If a password is set, blind enter the required characters.
  4. Wait a little longer.
  5. Press the key combination "Win+X".
  6. Click the button "up arrow" 8 times in a row and then "Enter". This kind of action will trigger "Command line".
  7. Enter the command bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network and the key "Enter".
  8. After this, you must also type shutdown /r and also press "Enter".
  9. Wait until your PC beeps and start counting to 15. After this time, press "Enter".

As a result, Windows 10 will start in safe mode. Next, you can begin removing drivers. You can read how to do this correctly in the publication at the link below.

Method 5: System Rollback

If none of the above methods helped get rid of the problem, then the only way out is to roll back the system from a backup to the previous one working version, where there was no black screen. You can learn more about backups from the article on our website.

The reasons for a black screen are quite varied, so identifying a specific one is sometimes quite difficult. But despite the cause of the malfunction, in most cases, the problem can be solved using the above methods.

One of the most unusual situations is when a black screen appears after updating or installing Windows 10, as well as rebooting the system. This happens at the most inopportune moment and many users decide to reboot the operating system to quickly correct the situation. In this article we will try to figure out this problem without reinstalling the system.
Mostly similar problem happens as a result of faulty drivers NVidia video cards And AMD Radeon, but there are also other reasons. The instructions below describe a situation (it is the most common) in which the same symptoms appear, namely the sound and operation of the device, while Windows 10 loads, and on the monitor there is only a black screen and a mouse pointer (and not always).

Note:Sometimes the black screen problem can happen because a second monitor is connected. You can solve this this way: first, disable it, if this does not affect the result, then try to log in blindly (the action diagram is described below in the Reboot section), then press the Win + P keys, as well as down and Enter.

Note 2: After the login screen, a black screen appears, in this case, you need to follow these steps. Press the on/off key in the lower right corner of the login screen, then press Shift and “Reboot”. In the list that appears, select the following items: Diagnostics, then Advanced options and finally System Restore.

Reboot Windows 10

An effective way to correct the problem is considered turn on Windows 10 again, for AMD video cards(ATI) Radeon will require a device reboot and shutdown quick launch systems.

Method 1 This will have to be done blindly. When the device boots with a black screen, then you need to press the Backspace key (it deletes characters). As a result, there will be no lock screen saver and all characters in the password entry line will be deleted if they were entered by mistake.

Then you need to switch the layout, if necessary, usually in Windows 10 the default is Russian, and you can switch using Win keys+Space then enter own password your account. After that, click and wait for the system to boot.

The next step is to reboot the device. This can be done by pressing the Win + R buttons, after 10 seconds again enter the following combination: shutdown /r, then Enter (you may need to switch the layout if the default is Russian). After a few seconds, press Enter and wait until the device reboots. After the operations have been completed, the image may appear on the monitor again.

Method 2Another method of rebooting the system in the case of a black monitor is to: press the Backspace button, spacebar or any character after the device is turned on, then the Tab button 5 times (as a result you will see the on-off icon), then Enter and the “ button Up", at the end - Enter. After the complex operation has been completed, your device will reboot.

Your computer does not restart in either the first or second case, then it is recommended (but it may be unsafe) to force shutdown the device by long pressing the power button. After that, turn on the device again.

After performing the above steps, a picture appears on your monitor, in this case the problem lies in the functionality of the video card drivers as a result of fast startup (it is installed by default in Windows 10). To prevent the error from happening again, you need to disable the default fast startup.

The process of disabling fast system startup:

Using Integrated Video

Your device has an output for connecting a monitor to motherboard, not from discrete video card, then it is recommended to turn off the computer and connect it to this output, then turn on the device again.

There is a chance that an image will appear on the screen after turning on the device (in the case when the integrated adapter in UEFI is not disabled) and it will be possible to roll back the video card drivers (using the device manager), reinstall them, or use system recovery.

Removing and reinstalling video card drivers

If the method described above does not resolve the problem, then it is recommended to remove the video card drivers from the system. This must be done in safe mode or with low resolution screen. Let's look at how to do this on a black monitor (there are 2 methods for different situations).

Option No. 1 On a black screen, press the Backspace key several times, then the Tab button 5 times, then Enter, then the up button while holding Shift, and Enter again. After completing the combinations, you need to wait a little until the diagnostic and recovery menu loads, as well as a system rollback - the user most likely will not see all this.

1) Press the down Enter button 3 times, the down button 2 times, Enter and the left button 2 times.
2) For devices with BIOS and MBR, do the following steps: down button and Enter. For devices with UEFI: press the down key 2 times, then Enter. If your software on your computer is not known, then you need to press “down” and when you get into UEFI settings(BIOS), you need to press the down button and Enter twice. Then press Enter again.

The device will reboot and provide boot options. Using the numeric buttons 3 - this is F3 or 5 - F5, launch the low-resolution video mode or enable safe mode with boot network drivers. After loading, you can try to restore the system in the control panel, or remove the video card drivers, then restart Windows 10, after which the image should appear, and reinstall the drivers.

Option No. 2If the user cannot boot the computer the previous way, That:
  1. login with password.
  2. On a black screen, press the Win+X buttons.
  3. then press up and enter 8 times. This will open a command prompt from the administrator side.
In this line you need to enter English layout combination of commands: bcdedit /set (default) safeboot network, then Enter. Then enter the commands shutdown /r and Enter again, after a few seconds or after sound signal press Enter and wait a little longer for the device to reboot: this should happen in safe mode, because you will need to remove the video card drivers or enable the system restore process. To use the normal download in the future, you need to enter in the command line bcdedit (default) /deletevalue safeboot).

Check the registry

You may see a black screen after logging in due to the installation of a third-party software, which is not compatible with Windows 10. You can check this in the registry. But here you need to remember that such a solution involves changing the registry. And if you make changes to this registry incorrectly, it can cause serious problems. Before taking any steps, it is recommended to do backup copy registry

Note: if the user has bootable flash drive with Windows 10 or a recovery disk, it is recommended to use them. In this case, you can use restore points or a system reset.

We have listed all the manipulations that need to be carried out if a black screen occurs when starting a personal computer.

Recently I noticed a strange bug with loading Windows 10 on my laptop. It happens in the following situation.

1. Windows updates are installed on the computer.
2. Next, the computer goes into reboot.
3. The computer starts to boot
4. A blue image appears Windows logo in the middle of the screen
5. Then the screen turns black and a spinning circle appears in the middle at the bottom of the screen and spins endlessly. In this case, first you can see a flashing indicator on the computer case hard activity disk, but after some time the disk activity disappears, and the circle on the screen continues to rotate endlessly.

At first I interrupted this "freeze" by forcefully turning off the computer by holding the power button for more than 6 seconds. When rebooting, this picture usually repeated again and I had to forcefully turn off the PC again. After 5-10 attempts at such violence on the computer, it was still possible to load Windows and after that further downloads took place without problems until installation next updates(It was not possible to find out which ones exactly). When some special updates were installed again, my PC again froze when loading on a black background.

This chaos continued until one day I decided to disconnect all peripheral devices from the computer, namely: 2 external monitors, USB camera and USB adapter for mouse and keyboard Logitech Unifying USB Receiver. The computer immediately froze and Windows continued loading. This turned out to be the whole point USB adapter Logitech Unifying USB Receiver. If it is connected to USB port, then Windows periodically after some updates freezes on a black background, and if it is not connected to the USB port, then no problems appear with loading.

Advice: if you have problems loading your PC or instability of your PC, try to disable all peripherals or reduce them to a minimum, leaving, for example, only wired keyboard. If you have a laptop, you can turn off everything except charging. If you have system unit and you can open it, then try to pull everything out in the same way additional fees, connected to PCI slots,PCI-E. Of course, if the motherboard does not have a built-in video card, then it makes no sense to remove the video card from PCI-E, otherwise you will not see anything on the monitor. If there is another video card, try installing another one. If the shutdown additional devices solved your problem, then next time try to disable them one by one to determine exactly which device is “buggy”.

Now, when Windows freezes on boot, I do the following:

1. I pull out the Logitech Unifying USB Receiver from the USB port
2. I'm waiting full load Windows, without connecting the USB Receiver, otherwise it causes strange brakes in the OS
3. I send Windows to reboot
4. Waiting for the full Windows boot
5. Now I connect the Logitech Unifying USB Receiver to the USB port
6. I continue to work on the PC

I hope this solution will help all those who have a similar problem.

One of the most unpleasant and, it must be said, completely non-standard situation is when a black screen appears out of the blue during an update or after an update of Windows 10. The reasons for this phenomenon are unclear to many. And users begin to panic and search for a solution. But don't despair. Even if you are experiencing a black screen after updating Windows 10, there is a solution. By the way, it is also suitable for those who updated the installed eighth version to “ten”. Let’s make a reservation right away: it’s not that simple, so be patient.

Why is there a black screen after updating Windows 10?

At all this situation is quite non-standard, since there are completely different cases. For example, a black screen (with or without a cursor) may occur when Windows update 7, 8 or subsequent modification 8.1 to the tenth version. It can also be observed in an already running Windows 10 during or after its own updates.

Let's look at several reasons that may influence this. As a rule, there are several of them:

  • previous discrepancy installed drivers video cards;
  • Explorer service failures;
  • Fast startup enabled;
  • re-licensing.

In addition, two more varieties are worth noting separately. Firstly, after upgrading to Windows 10, the black screen disappears after a while, and the system returns to normal. Secondly, the black screen “hangs” constantly, but the control elements (at least the keyboard) work. In principle, the solutions for almost all situations are generally the same. But let’s consider them based on the root causes (about mechanical problems computer systems out of the question now).

Restoring the system using the standard method

So, after upgrading to Windows 10 - black screen and no reaction to boot again installed system. What to do? Naturally, the most simple solution It may be possible to restore the system to the original operating system if you have an installation disk or bootable flash drive.

All this is simple when a disk or flash drive is available. And if they are not there, what then? Don't give up. There is a way out: you can remove the black screen after upgrading to Windows 10 using built-in tools, and at the same time return to old system. This is all the more good because the G8, when updated to the tenth version, is not destroyed, but is, so to speak, in a deactivated state.

What will need to be done? First of all, call the “Task Manager” using the standard three-finger combination Ctrl+ Alt + Del, and then create in it new task cmd (command line launch) running as administrator. In the window that appears, write shutdown line/r /o /f /t 00, followed by a reboot.

Now in the action selection window we use diagnostics, after which we additional parameters select system restore. When the process is complete, the computer will reboot again, and then the old working system will appear in front of you.

Windows 10: how to fix black screen during update?

The above situation is not the only one of its kind. IN in this case The solution concerned exactly when a black screen appears after upgrading to Windows 10. But what should you do if it occurs precisely during the update process? The reason for this, apparently, is - outdated drivers graphics accelerator.

If you see a black screen when installing Windows 10, in principle, you can do the simplest thing, although it may seem barbaric to many. We produce forced shutdown and reboot the terminal or laptop. When restarted, the system will check HDD for errors (maybe even in and load the desktop.

To prevent this situation in the future, we update the video card drivers. This can be done from the “Device Manager”, but if you have some utility at hand like Driver Booster, and even better, because the driver will be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website (and not only for graphics chip, as well as for all other devices that need driver updates), and then automatically integrated into the system. After this you can try to make Windows installation 10 again.

Entering Safe Mode

All this related to the fact that it was after upgrading to Windows 10 that the black screen was the result of system failures or conflicts with drivers. But what to do if the installation of “ten” seemed to be successful? And suddenly the cursor appears before the user’s eyes, but the system does not want to start, although initial process loading clearly indicated that the system was trying to work?

It's not that simple. If there installation disk, there will be no problems. We perform the sequence as shown below (transitions from the diagnostic menu):

Otherwise you will need secure login mode. But problems arise with him. The fact is that the standard pressing of the F8 key when Windows startup does not work in the tenth version (why it had to be removed is still unclear). However, not on all devices, but sometimes pressing F8 10-20 times while holding down the Shift key works.

In the next window, click on the continuation line and, finally, in the boot options window, press the F4 key (safe mode). Next comes a reboot, the system boots into safe mode.

How to restore your system in safe mode

In principle, even if “ten” was installed, you can easily return to the old system, however, with one caveat: if the user did not delete the files of the previous “OS”. Otherwise, nothing will work.

This can be done in the security and recovery section, where there is special link return to the previous system. That's all. The process will complete automatically, followed by a restart with the previously installed “seven” or “eight”.

If you need to restore the top ten itself after its own update, you need to command line(even at the loading stage) type sfc team/scannnow and press the enter key (the process of scanning and restoring system files is activated). The process can be quite lengthy, so you will have to be patient. You can reboot the system and check its performance using shutdown commands-t 0 -r -f.

But when you enter safe mode, you can simply activate the recovery process and select control point, which preceded the emergence of such a situation.

Installing drivers and uninstalling updates

Another step that you can take when booting into safe mode relates to How to do this, which was described above, so there is no point in dwelling on this in detail.

Regarding the update packages that could cause this crash, you should go to the update center and look at the latest installed packages. Latest updates should be uninstalled, then set manual search updates, and those that caused critical failure exclude from the list. In principle, automatic updates can be disabled altogether. Windows doesn't recommend doing this, but there's nothing wrong with it. Most of the updates concern the security system, office applications and only sometimes - drivers. But if the user has the same Driver Booster package, the drivers will be updated through it. In addition, the program itself will issue a notification about the need for an update ( free version). Pro version this will generally update all the drivers in background. The user learns about this only from a message about successful installation.

Starting the Explorer service manually

Let's consider another unpleasant situation when, instead of the expected start of the system, after loading Windows we have a black screen and a cursor (in some cases the cursor may be missing). The reason is a failure in the Explorer service, which was unable to load the Desktop. It will have to be launched manually.

We go to the “Task Manager”, as described above, after which we find the explorer.exe service in the process tree and forcefully terminate the process. Next, create a new task in the file menu and enter explorer.exe in the start line. If nothing happens, you can try to find the file yourself by clicking the browse button. As a rule, the file you are looking for is located in the Windows root directory on system disk. This may partially solve the problem. As a last resort, we use the same safe mode and scan the system with recovery, as described above.

Enabling Fast Launch

Safe mode is also good because it allows you to change some key parameters that affect the performance of the system. Here we're talking about about the so-called quick start mode.

It is turned on from the power section in the standard “Control Panel”, where you first select the actions of the buttons, and then the unavailable parameters. Place a check mark next to the quick launch line, save the changes and reboot the system.

Getting rid of Windows Activation Technologies

Finally, one of the reasons may be reactivation. If a copy Windows licensed, there shouldn’t be any problems, but sometimes the activation file is what causes trouble after upgrading to Windows 10. In this case, the black screen may “hang” constantly.

We use safe mode, in the folder properties we specify the display hidden elements, after which we find the folder of the same name. As a rule, for 64-bit systems it is located directly in the system directory (C:\Windows), but for systems with 32-bit architecture it can be located in the System32 section, where you need to go first to the Tasks folder, then to Microsoft, and finally - Windows. We delete the folder with all its contents and reboot.


So we looked at the main causes of failures after upgrading to Windows 10. A black screen is, of course, an unpleasant thing, but, as we see, it is possible to deal with this type of failure, even if it occurs in an already working system. Naturally, some of the above methods will be somewhat difficult for many users to understand or apply in practice, however, if you show a little patience, you can fix the problem yourself, rather than running into some service center, and even pay money for it, albeit small, but it’s still a material cost.