Is it possible to delete the appdata local temp folder? Temp folder: what is it and why is it needed? Video: disk cleaning using Windows

Not all users, of course, but many, if they do not encounter the Temp folder in everyday work, have at least heard and know that it exists in Windows systems. Why this is needed, what functions it performs, and whether it can be removed will now be discussed. Let's take Windows 7 as an example, although the fundamental difference is in which system to take as a basis, in in this case No.

Temp folder: what is it and why is it needed?

So, you can understand the purpose of this directory using the usual interpretation of the abbreviation Temp from the word temporary. The main interpretation, if we speak in simple language, means "directory for storing temporary files".

If anyone doesn’t know, in the process of its operation the operating system itself or the programs installed into it for their own needs create exactly the temporary files necessary for correct installation or operation. The files in the Temp folder usually have the extension .tmp, some of them are deleted automatically, for example, upon completion of some process, some remain in the system, and if the process associated with them is in the active stage, let's say it is running in background, then it’s simply not possible to get rid of such files. So it turns out that the contents of this directory, in fact, are the most common computer garbage, which can and should be gotten rid of, but do this without harm to the system.

Where is the Temp folder in Windows?

Now a few words about where exactly you can find the temporary files directory. The fact is that the Temp folder in Windows is not the only one. Many will be surprised, they say, why have several folders in the system. Here it is worth paying attention to the use of multiplayer mode. The directory in which the files are saved is created for each specific user, not counting the main directory in the system itself.

Thus, as a rule, the Temp folder in Windows 7 can be located either in the root system partition(in most cases this is drive “C”), either in the system directory (Windows) or in the Local directory located in AppData folder user section (Users\"User name"). On Windows XP Local folder is called Local Settings.

In principle, in order not to rummage through the same “Explorer” for a long time, you can use the built-in search system, in which the string %Temp% is set as a criterion. This is done in order to find all existing directories that may be hidden. If the search is carried out in manual mode, you should enable display hidden objects in the “View” menu of standard “Explorer” or any other file manager. By the way, some temporary files may also have this attribute.

How to clean the Temp folder using the simplest method?

If we talk about whether it is possible to remove Temp folder from any location, let’s make a reservation right away: it is under no circumstances recommended to do this. Another thing is to clean up its contents. There are several ways to do this.

In the very simple version You should go into it, select all the files, and then delete. How to make the selection is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But, as you know, it is best to use combination Ctrl+ A, and not marking with the cursor, and even more so by executing the corresponding commands from different main or additional menus.

But here a small problem may arise. The fact is that some files may be involved in some process, and it will not be possible to simply delete them. First, you will need to shut down the active services that use them, but the easiest way is to not have to figure out which process is blocking the files, just restart the computer and try to delete again. But this method does not always work.

Disk Cleanup Tool

One of the most effective methods can be called disk cleanup. It is the “native” tool of the OS that allows you to delete temporary files without damaging the system or those running in this moment and services.

To do this, use the disk properties menu, where you need to click on the cleanup button and select the items to be deleted. Is it possible to delete the Temp folder this way? No. As such, the directory remains on the disk, but its contents are completely cleared.

Cleaning via the command line

You can use and to clean out the temporary files directory, but entering long commands for each partition seems impractical.

The easiest way to create executable file with the .bat extension (for this you can use a regular Notepad and write the following commands in it:

DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Windows\Temp\*"

DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Temp\*"

DEL /F /S /Q /A "C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Temp\*"

Name - This method of launching a BAT file allows you to clear all folders that are present on the system, without special effort. As practice shows, it is best to save such a file directly on the desktop in order to always have it at hand and execute it if necessary. this operation within just a couple of minutes.

Using third party utilities

Now a few more words about how the Temp folder is cleared. What it is is probably already a little clear. Let's see how to get rid of its contents using special programs, usually called optimizers.

Any such package has a special module for searching and deleting temporary files, and it makes absolutely no difference where they are located. And, as a rule, it is involved in cleaning and optimizing the system by default, although if available necessary knowledge can be produced own setup. Let's explain with an example the simplest utility CCleaner.

Here in the cleaning section you need to pay attention to the tabs located on the right side (Windows and Applications). In principle, to carry out deep cleaning you can select all items, including not only temporary files, but also memory dumps, clipboard, system message history, etc. In fact, all this information can also be classified as temporary objects, or, more simply put, as ordinary computer garbage. Everything else is simple. We activate the analysis process, and after issuing the results, we confirm the deletion of files using the appropriate button. As you can see, nothing complicated. By the way, it is the use of such programs that allows for the most complete and safe cleaning.


Here, in fact, is a brief summary of everything on the topic “Temp folder: what is it and how to clean it.” Naturally, in this case, means of optimizing directories of this type themselves using settings were not considered variable environments. But I think the average user doesn’t care by and large and it's not necessary.

As for deleting these directories, as is already clear, this is not worth doing, although some users delete them without a twinge of conscience. But here, as they say, it’s a double-edged sword: for some, the system will automatically create a directory when rebooting, while for others it will crash altogether. So it’s better not to take risks, but to use either standard or third party tools cleaning. It will be much safer this way.

The Temp folder is a storage area for temporary files on the Windows system.. Its task is to temporarily preserve necessary files during the operation of certain programs and the system in general. These could be fragments of text that you copied into MS Word, or temporary files that appeared as a result of using the browser.

There is no space on drive C, what should I do?

Can't figure out why the quantity free space on the disk is gradually decreasing - read the article to the end and you will understand why this happens and how to deal with it.

It's all about temporary files that appear during the installation and operation of programs and the system itself. These files are contained in the Temp folder, which is created automatically and located in the Windows directory.

In most cases, such files are created while using a particular program, and upon completion of work in which temporary files are automatically deleted. But, as practice shows, some temporary files still remain on your computer, take up space and simply clog up your disk.

In a day or two, you may not notice that the amount of free space on your disk is gradually decreasing. When you actively use your computer, the Temp folder becomes a whole collection of unnecessary files, which the system forgot to delete. The total volume of such files is often more than 10 Gigabytes, which becomes very noticeable.

Therefore, if you want to clear up space on the C drive, you will have to delete temporary files that have accumulated on your computer while working. The Temp folder itself cannot be deleted., since it is in it that temporary files that you use when working in certain programs are stored. You can only delete its contents. Moreover, it is recommended to do this procedure periodically, since the Temp folder can very quickly become clogged with unnecessary files.

I think you have figured out what the Temp folder is and the problems it can cause. Let's take a closer look at the process of cleaning the Temp folder.

How to clear the Temp folder?

To clear the Temp folder, you can use one of the following methods. One of the most common ways to clean up the contents of this folder is to manually delete all the files that are in it. To do this you need:

  • go to Windows folder and find a folder in it called Temp and open it.
  • You will see a number of files that the system forgot to delete. Therefore, select them and press Shift+delete, and permanently delete the contents of the folder.

This procedure can also be performed through the Disk Cleanup operation:

  • go to My Computer, select the drive where the system files and press right key;
  • from the selected menu, select “Properties”;
  • after that, in the “General” tab you will see the “Disk Cleanup” button, which you need to click;
  • From the proposed cleaning options, you should select the “Temporary files” item and put a checkmark next to it and then confirm the deletion. This way, you will clear the contents of the Temp folder and increase the amount of free space on your computer.

It is advisable to carry out this procedure at least once a month. This way you will get rid of unnecessary files, which, in addition to taking up space, also slow down the system.

Is it possible to delete the temp folder? I, too, once asked this question, I thought, why do I need it at all - is this a folder on the computer? Every week on the computer, disk space (C:) disappeared somewhere. And what do you think? The temp folder was to blame for everything. It got bigger and bigger, and free memory less and less.

Later I found out that this is just a temporary folder and there is no important files for a computer, it can be removed without harm to the system. I would even say it is necessary, there is not one temp folder on the computer, but several, and they all take up memory. Now I’ll tell you in detail and show you what this folder is used for in the system, and how to delete it correctly.

Why do you need a temp folder on your computer?

Programs for further installation on computer. Almost all programs are packed (compressed) to reduce their size; when you run the program installer, the files are unpacked for further installation. Simply put, it stores everything that is no longer needed, just garbage. This means you can safely delete the TEMP folder.

How to delete the temp folder correctly?

We delete not the folder itself, but its contents - this can be done manually, it is usually located in these places:

  1. C:\Windows\Temp
  2. C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp
  3. C:\Users\All Users\TEMP
  4. C:\Users\All Users\TEMP
  5. C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temp

Only one important note, if you are still using XP, then in this operating system absent Users folder, for it Document and Settings, but otherwise everything is absolutely the same.

In rare cases, programs themselves create such a folder, and we do not know its location, but Windows has built-in garbage removal tools, including cleaning the temp folder. About complete removal garbage I already had an article, using this method I deleted 20 gigabytes of junk, including all the temp folders scattered throughout the computer.

In the article about extreme cleaning everything is already written about deleting the temp folder, but in short, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the properties of drive C (right button-->Property)
  • Press the “Disk Cleanup” button (the system will think a little)
  • The “Delete” button will complete the matter

Video on how to move the temp folder

The Temp folder in Windows can greatly slow down the performance of the system, on the Internet who is saying what and it is very difficult to understand all the opinions, what are these temporary files for in general? If you still need to delete the temp folder, then how? this process automate? To be honest, I’m used to taking information from books, but I had a problem with this question, so I had to turn to your Internet and you were the first to come across!

Temp folder in Windows

If I was the first to get caught, then I will try not to let the entire community down with my answer. What is the Temp folder in Windows and temporary files in general for? There are many processes constantly going on in the operating system, both belonging to Windows itself and to various third party programs. In the process of work, in order to preserve the intermediate or unfinished result of their activities, everything running applications create temporary data files and actively use them. Temp folder in Windows is a temporary file storage.
Without a doubt, it is necessary to delete temporary files from the Temp folder, since too many files in this folder can negatively affect the performance of the entire operating system.

How to clear the contents of the Temp folder in Windows? The operating system is not always able to delete temporary files on its own, so this burden is shifted to us. In addition, many programs do not delete temporary files at all. Sometimes we ourselves incorrectly turn off the computer and do not allow temporary files to be deleted on their own; they simply do not have time for this.
Let's take the operating room for example. Windows system 7, there are as many as five temporary folders in it, but the programs mainly use the first Temp folder and the second, they need to be cleaned first. You can delete the contents of folders manually, or you can automate the process using the method given at the end of the article.

Let's take the first folder C:\Windows\Temp, in a day of working on the computer it has accumulated only 33.7 MB, although in a week it can accumulate several gigabytes, let's delete all the files. I don’t remember many cases where the Temp folder in Windows accumulated several tens of gigabytes on users’ computers.

You can also delete temporary files used when visiting various pages on the Internet using regular program Windows Cleanup disk. Start and type and Enter, select drive C, and at the same time delete other temporary files.

We automate the process of cleaning the Temp folder in Windows, create batch file script. If difficulties arise, you can play it safe and create a recovery point. Start, right-click on the My Computer icon ->Advanced settings -> Environment Variables.

In this window, we need to change the Value of the TEMP and TMP variables to C:\Windows\Temp. Select the TEMP variable and click Edit.

Enter the value C:\Windows\Temp and OK

We do the same with the Value of the TMP variable


Next, open any text editor and paste this code.
pushd %TEMP% && rd /s /q . > nul 2>&1
pushd %WinDir%\TEMP && rd /s /q . > nul 2>&1
We save the file in the root of drive C, under any name, but with the extension .cmd, for example alex.cmd.

Now let's launch the editor group policies: Start - Run and enter the command gpedit.msc

Computer configuration - Windows Configuration- Scripts (start/stop).

Almost all operating systems have directories for storing temporary files, created by programs when performing installation, reinstallation software or additional actions. As a rule, when the need is complete, Windows itself deletes all created temporary files from the Temp folder, and most often this happens when the computer is restarted. It happens that for some reason the described directories were not freed, in this case it is best to use , also, the utility can be run for prevention about once a week. How to clear the Temp folder in Windows 10 and above earlier versions, manually, read on.

Consequences of non-deleted temporary files located in large quantities, can be critical, namely, it takes up a lot of space on the hard drive, programs that access such documents begin to get confused, and in the end, all this affects, as well as its loading. Not every user knows where the Temp folder is located in the operating system and how to get to it. Below are instructions to help you do this using several ways.

Location of Temp directories

There are four Temp directories to store cache entries that Windows uses most often;

  • C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp;
  • C:\Users\All Users\TEMP ;
  • C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temp;
  • C:\Windows\Temp.

Accordingly, where “user name” you need to insert the name of the user’s folder. Last line list (C:\Windows\Temp) this is the location of the directory for storing the cache, but it belongs to the system and therefore you should not go there unless absolutely necessary.

I'll bring you small example from own experience when the system Temp folder can be cleared in Windows 10 and below. Once, one person approached me with a request. He started having problems with the Internet, and the support service said that they had done it and everything was fine. In general, it turned out that his OS was simply completely clogged with various garbage and needed global cleanup systems from all this rubbish. So, in that case I cleared it system folder for temporary files.

For the convenience of people working with the OS at a professional level, that is, programmers, system administrators and the like, special variables were created, by typing which you can immediately find yourself in the Temp directory in Windows. The method will be described below, for now I’ll just say that this can be done using system utility"Run". The values ​​themselves are as follows:

  1. %APPDATA% - equivalent to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming.
  2. %TEMP% or %TMP% - will be equal to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp.
  3. %SystemRoot%\Temp or simply TEMP or TMP - will go to the path C:\Windows\Temp.
  4. APPDATA - will open the following directory: C:\Users\Username\AppData.

Ways to clean up the Temp folder in Windows

To free these directories, you can use two methods. The first is to manually navigate to the required path described in the first list through Explorer. The second, faster and, as practice shows, convenient, is to use the “Run” utility mentioned above. Also, using the latter, you can use the second list.

To do this, click on the "Start" icon on your desktop right click mouse and select the “Run” line in the menu that appears. You can also use the hot keys “Win+R” to call this program. Then, in the utility field, enter the path described in the first list, knowingly replacing the user name with the current name. At the end, click on “ENTER” or the “OK” button located in the utility window at the bottom right. Once you are in the desired directory, you can delete in the usual way, for example, using