Restore WhatsApp from backup. How to recover a Whatsapp conversation after deletion. How to Read Deleted Messages on WhatsApp

How more contacts from a user on the network when communicating through whatsapp messenger, the more information he accumulates. Many correspondences are important for the owners of their gadgets and they want to keep them for a long time.

However, there are situations when the system itself fails mobile phone or tablet. As a result, data that was needed may be lost.

In order to avoid similar problems developers of mobile operating systems and applications decided to introduce a function Reserve copy data. This system process, which is copied to hidden mode activity software behind certain period time.

Users have the right to independently select and configure such processes. These functions are mainly present in system settings devices. IN mobile applications there is also a similar function.

Reserve copy of whatsapp is created in the settings of the application itself. By going to a separate tab, you can make a copy and save the desired piece of information. The peculiarity of such copying in the application is that the files are sent to the backup every night between 2 and 3 am. This background loading is the default.

How to create a backup in WhatsApp:

In the WhatsApp application, go to " Settings-Chats-Copy-Create a copy" for Iphone and " Settings-Chats- Backup copy chats-Backup» on Android

Note! You can set up a backup plan in the Application Settings by going to " Settings-Chats-Copy" for Iphone and " Settings-Chats-Chat backup» on Android

Consequently, further overwriting of files occurs later. This was done in order to save space on the device. The user can independently save more old copy. To do this, you need to change the name of the copied file.

Recovery process

For ease of synchronization, all data can be copied directly not to the device, but to the user’s cloud storage. Depending on its model and type of device, these may be different systems, but they all work on the same principle.

How to restore a backup copy of whatsapp? To do this, you will need to uninstall the application itself. There is no data recovery function. It becomes active only after reinstallation.

Next, you need to download WhatsApp again and install it. After installing and activating the phone number, the system itself will offer to search for saved copies of data and chats and restore them. Then become active button « Restore».

By clicking on it, a dialog box appears asking you to perform a search. If you previously link to cloud storage. Then the program will start looking for files there too.

This is the most popular messenger, which was released for modern smartphones.

Attention: Starting recently, all backups for Android OS phones are copied using the Crypt7 format, which requires a special key to decrypt, which can be found in the phone’s memory. If you do not have root rights, then you need to familiarize yourself with the materials on retrieving encryption keys from the database of your device.

One of the most popular functions of the program is sending multimedia files. Using the application, you can send each other photos, pictures, videos, voice files, music, geolocation and much more. One of the biggest advantages of the application is that all functions are available in it for free, you only pay for Internet use according to the tariffs of your operator. Now you can download the application for most models: Vastapp for Android, Vastapp for iOS, Vastapp for BlackBerry, Vastapp for Windows Phone And .

Sometimes people accidentally delete necessary information, and then spend hours on the Internet looking for a solution to the data recovery problem. It is quite logical to assume that since you are reading this article, you are also looking for how to get data and messages back to your WhatsApp. Regardless of the conditions and reasons, “resurrecting” data does not present any difficulties, but you still have to try a little. Well, let's get started.

Often, the application itself copies messages once a day, so in any case you will not lose too much information, if at all.

Recovering data that was deleted no more than 7 days ago

If you want to return the old ones, the “life” of which is no more than a week, then everything is quite simple: delete the application from your smartphone and install it back. When you launch the application, it will automatically offer to restore your correspondence history; you just need to agree and all data no older than 7 days will appear on your phone again.

It is important to understand that when you restore your message history to your phone, you will lose the history that you have now, unless you saved it along with old chats.

WhatsApp data recovery

To save valuable data from your messenger, there is a whole service called “Recover Messages”. With its help, you can recover deleted or accidentally missing data from your favorite WhatsApp account. True, you will first have to make a copy of the contact database and WhatsApp settings to your PC. How to do this?

  1. You need to connect your smartphone, tablet or other device to your PC and copy a file called msgstore.db.crypt to it. You can find it at /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases, i.e. it is on the memory card. If you are using an Apple device, then you should look for this file in network folder at net.whatsapp.Whatsapp/Documents/ChatStorage.
  2. After copying these small files, go to and look for an option called Select SQLite File. After clicking, you will need to download the file that you copied from the device to your computer.
  3. Accept the terms of licensed use of the site and agree to its rules by clicking on the I accept the terms of use checkbox. After this, the Scan button will appear, you also need to click on it.
  4. How long the scan will take depends on two factors: the size of the data and your internet speed. When the procedure is finished, you will see an option that allows you to recover deleted or previously lost data. Messages after recovery will be displayed on the site.

Recovering message history via iCloud cloud service for iPhone phones

Usually many users apple devices They regularly connect them via iTunes or iCloud, so the chances that the method described above will work for this type of phone are quite small. Want to save your chat? Nothing could be simpler. First of all, synchronize the phone itself and iCloud. To return messages, go to the settings of the WhatsApp application itself,

and in the “Chat Settings” section, select the option “ Backup restore messages."

Don't forget to check if you saved the correspondence and if there is anything to restore. The easiest way is to delete the application and then download it again via App Store and install. After entering the number, the system itself will ask if you would like to restore your correspondence history.

You can also synchronize with iCloud via internal menu application settings. To do this, go to settings and select Back Up Now. In addition, you can independently set the parameters for how often you want to do automatic copies chats.

Technical requirements for synchronizing the application and iCloud service:

  • Version operating system not lower than 5.1;
  • Active connection to the cloud;
  • The Documents and Data option must be enabled in iCloud settings;
  • Free space on the cloud where all data will be sent;
  • Enough free space on the device to which the recovery will be performed.

How to view WhatsApp database using PC

For this action you will need additional program WhatsApp Viewer. You need to use it as follows:

  • From the phone’s memory, “pull out” the file named msgstore.db.crypt5. The path to it is as follows: /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases. You need to copy it to your computer;
  • Launch the application you downloaded previously;
  • In WhatApp Viewer itself, find File > Open > Select file;
  • Next you need to enter your username and password. This is the same data that you use to log in Google service Play. If you have several accounts, try using the selection method to determine the appropriate one.
  • After logging in and authorizing, a list of dialogs will appear on the left side, by clicking on which you can read the correspondence history.

Application version 1.4 can only show text files and photos, while geolocation, audio files and other data are not available. Plus, you will only see thumbnails, not full images. good quality. Also, you will see not the names of your friends, but their phone numbers - the nickname display function does not work yet.

Sometimes the application crashes, so if you encounter problems, just try the same steps again. If anything, the author of the program is Andreas Mausch, you can find him on the Internet and ask questions, thank him, or point out problems with the application.

How to restore WhatsApp backup file on your PC

Step 1. Find a backup copy on your mobile and transfer it to your PC. You can find it at sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases/msgstore.db.crypt if you are using a phone with Android OS.

If you have root rights, you can also take the databases:

- /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/msgstore.db

- /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/wa.db

When extracting information from copies of msgstore.db or wa.db, in addition to numbers, the names of friends from the contact list will also be available.

For iPhone, the application backup file is located at

- net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Documents/ChatStorage.sqlite

Sometimes it happens that users do not see or find this file. Then you will have to do it manually. To do this, connect your device to your PC and copy your iPhone without using encryption.

Next you need to download the application iPhone Backup Extractor. A basic one is enough to get the job done free version. Launch the application and click on the backup file that was created a couple of minutes earlier. Then set the mode to “Expert Mode”, select “Application”, and inside find the folder “net.WhatsApp.WhatsApp”. Then “Extract Selected”. Among all the received files there will be one with the name “ChatStorage.sqlite”. It contains all your data from the WhatsApp application.

Step 2: Download WhatsApp Xtract 2.1 or version 2.2 on your PC and start the extraction process.

Step 3. Install on your PC Python language. Don't worry, you won't need to program anything.

Step 4. Open the folder where you previously extracted the archive called WhatsApp Xtract. In it, find the file install pyCrypto.bat and run it as administrator.

Step 5. In the same folder, as an administrator, run the files “whatsapp_xtract_iphone.bat”, “whatsapp_xtract_android_crypted.bat” or “whatsapp_xtract_android.bat”, depending on the backup used. You can simply drag the desired file to whatsapp_xtract_drag’n’drop_database(s)_here.bat.

Now everything is ready. As soon as the .bat file is downloaded, all your messages, correspondence and other data will be displayed in the browser that you use by default.

How to recover deleted messages on WhatsApp

In this article, we will talk about how to read a deleted message on WhatsApp, as well as which applications to use to read deleted messages.

We have been waiting for a long time for the appearance of a function that will allow us to delete messages on WhatsApp, because in the life of any user there are moments when a message contains grammar mistake, or it is sent to the wrong recipient.

Fortunately, we can now take advantage of this new feature, but you may not know that there is also a method that allows us to view all messages deleted by the interlocutor in WhatsApp messenger. So, let's look at how to read deleted messages on WhatsApp.

How to read deleted messages on WhatsApp?

When your interlocutor deletes a message, you will immediately see « This message deleted". In any case, even the most incurious person will be interested in what message was sent to him, and most importantly, why the interlocutor deleted it?!

Figure 1. You will see something similar when your interlocutor deletes the message.

All you need to read deleted messages is an app that records or creates a log of all your notifications and incoming messages. Below we provide a list of applications that you need to download on your smartphone:

It's worth noting that you'll only be working with one of these apps. The two apps provide the same functionality, but their differences lie in the layout and interface. Whether your WhatsApp message has been deleted by your contact or not, this app will keep a record of every notification you receive. However, to do this we will have to provide him special access.

Figure 1. Grant access to the applications: Notif Log Free and Notification History.

This access will override other apps so that it can collect notification data. The first time you open one of the two apps, it will ask for permission.

From that point on, it logs every notification it receives, including messages that were subsequently deleted. All you have to do is go to the log and check the notifications that have been deleted on WhatsApp. It's very easy and simple.

As you can see, the interlocutor Richard deleted a chat message and the Notification History app recorded the contents of the deleted message (We have highlighted it in a red frame in the 3rd image below).

Figure 2. Reading deleted messages in the notification log. Sometimes emoji smileys are displayed in strange code.

Have you ever wanted to recover a deleted WhatsApp message sent by your interlocutor?

If you accidentally deleted WhatsApp chat history, messages and attachments on Android phones like Samsung galaxy, LG, HTC, Lenovo, Motorola, you can restore them. In this article we will show you various ways recover deleted WhatsApp data. We will explain how to get back your deleted WhatsApp messages or chat history along with the app, we will also recommend a more powerful Android data recovery that is easy to use and free to download.

  • Method #1: How to restore WhatsApp chat history from recent backups?
  • Method #2: How to restore WhatsApp chat history from old (not the most recent) backups?
  • Method number 3. How to restore Last messages WhatsApp chat without loss new history chat?
  • Method number 4. How to restore deleted history WhatsApp chat without backups?

#1. Recovering WhatsApp chat history from recent backups

If you have backups of your WhatsApp chat history, you will be able to restore it from the backup. If you have deleted any history or messages without backup, you can recover lost WhatsApp messages, attachments from automatic backups. Because WhatsApp automatically creates backups every day at 4 am (your local time) and saves them to the internal memory of your phone (assuming there is enough free space) or to the external microSD card of your Android phone. What you need to recover WhatsApp messages is to uninstall WhatsApp, then reinstall the chat app again. During the installation process, you will be prompted to restore your message history. Just click

Restore and all messages for the last 7 days will be restored.

#2. Recovering WhatsApp chat history from old (not recent) backups

You can follow the instructions below to restore WhatsApp messages or chats from backup:

  1. Uninstall WhatsApp.
  2. Open the database or backup folder copy whatsapp. Decide which backup file needs to be restored.
  3. Rename this file from "msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt7" to "msgstore.db.crypt7".
  4. Install WhatsApp.
  5. When the recovery question pops up, tap Restore.

You can find the WhatsApp backup files in the /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases folder and you will see that they are saved with the name “msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt7”. Please note that the WhatsApp backup folder may be located in your phone's memory or external memory.

What are the disadvantages of restoring chats from WhatsApp backups?

  • Automatically generated backup files WhatsApp chat and message histories are only valid for 7 days after the last save. Make sure you import your chat history before it expires! It will not be possible to find or restore data from backups older than 7 days.
  • You will lose new WhatsApp messages . Current chat stories that have not yet been backed up will be lost after restoration. That is, you will lose all messages that you have sent or received since the backup was created.
  • You cannot recover chat messages if your SD card and/or chat history is damaged.
  • You cannot restore chat history if you have another phone number, where you have backed up your chats.
  • If you perform a manual backup, the last automatic backup of files will be overwritten.

#3. How to recover recent WhatsApp chat messages without losing new chat history?

We know that new messages sent/received after a backup and deleted before the next backup cannot be restored. If you want to keep a copy new whatsapp messages, you can create a copy manually through WhatsApp > Menu Button > Options > Chat Options > Conversations Backup . Typically, a manually created backup file is saved as “msgstore.db.crypt7” in the /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases folder. Rename this chat backup file to something like "msgstore.db.crypt7.newest" or "msgstore.db.crypt7.current". However, no simple way Merge your new, old and recovered messages.

#4. How to recover deleted WhatsApp chat history without backups?

If you just remove some very important messages without backup, how can you get them backed up? We recommend this Android data recovery tool, which is easy to use and you can download it for free. You can restore whatsapp messages without backup using this data recovery tool on Android next way.

  1. When you deleted by mistake WhatsApp chat history, your messages will actually be saved on internal memory your phone or SD card until they are completely erased from your mobile phone when you save new files or data on your phone. So don't use your phone at this time to prevent the data from being overwritten by new files instead of deleted ones.
  2. Install a data recovery program to Android mobile phones on your Windows PC.
  3. Use data recovery to check your Android phone. It supports up to 2000 Android devices, including Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola, Lenovo, Nexus, ZTE, Huawei, Xiaomi, Blu or other Android based phones and tablets.
  4. Give back yours lost messages WhatsApp and export them from your mobile phone to your computer.

Now download data recovery software for Android mobiles below and follow the steps below to recover deleted WhatsApp messages without backups on Samsung or other Android phones. Note: This is a program specifically for the worker Windows desktop and Mac, and you won't be able to download it to your phone or other computers. This file contains both trial version, so full version programs. You can order license key online to get it e-mail, and then unlock the full version by entering the key you have already purchased.

Step 1: Enable USB Debugging option on your Android.

Here step by step guide shows how you can enable USB debugging on Android phones, or if you are a phone user Samsung Galaxy, let's see how to enable USB debugging on Samsung Galaxy phones.

Step 2: Connect your phone to your computer via USB

Launch Android data recovery on your computer. Use your USB cable to connect your mobile phone and computer. The data recovery software can automatically detect your mobile phone and establish a connection between the data recovery app and your phone.

Step 3: Analyze your mobile and scan it for deleted WhatsApp messages on Android

The Android data recovery software will now analyze your phone. It will check your Android version, driver support, etc. Before allowing Android data recovery software to scan your phone, you can select the file you would like to recover. But this is not necessary, you can leave the default settings, then the data recovery assistant will scan all files and data on the phone. It is recommended to select a specific file type that you want to recover, in in this case these are WhatsApp messages and documents as this can narrow down your search and save you a lot of time. See screenshot of the content below.
You can also use this program to recover lost photos, video, contacts, text messages, call history, music, etc.

  • Step-by-step recovery deleted photos and video from mobile Samsung phone galaxy
  • Step-by-step recovery of deleted text messages from Samsung mobile phone
  • Recovering mobile data after resetting to factory settings

Step 4: How to recover deleted WhatsApp chat history without backups?

Now click the Next button at the bottom right corner of the screen at the top to allow the recovery tool Android data scan your Samsung smartphone or other Android device. This tool can find lost files and data in internal memory or external data storage. The results page will be grouped into different categories and you can open any of them to browse and find the data and also recover any item or data to your computer and mobile phone.

You can choose to restore certain whatsapp data, chat messages, photos, videos, attachments. You can select and export any or all of them to your computer. Data recovery program is compatible with almost all Samsung smartphones and others Android phones like HTC, Motorola, Sony, Lenovo, Huawei and ZTE, LG. you can with the help of applications.

Refer to this guide if you are using WhatsApp on iPhone: Steps to Restore WhatsApp chats on iPhone. However, it will not be possible to merge your new, already recovered messages with your old WhatsApp messages.

Sometimes, for some reason, personal or group chat in the messenger, as well as correspondence history. Don’t panic and regret that nothing will be saved and you won’t be able to recover important data. Our portal will tell you how to recover messages in . This is done easily and very quickly, you do not need to carry the gadget in service center or receive technical support advice.

Restoring correspondence in Whatsapp is possible in several ways.

Where is the message history stored?

If you accidentally deleted unnecessary things, this is not a problem. You can always recover deleted messages on WhatsApp. The messenger developers made sure that users would have the most convenient and comfortable experience working with this functional software.

Don't know where it is stored? If you are the owner of an Android-based gadget, look for it in the following sections:

  • memory card;
  • internal storage of a phone or tablet;
  • Google Drive (if connected and activated).

Creating backups to cloud service will help preserve Whatsapp correspondence.

Recovering deleted messages on WhatsApp is possible for those who use the cloud service. The data is stored for 7 days and then deleted. are created regularly, information is not lost.

Remember! Mobile client developers are too concerned about data confidentiality in Lately. Therefore, the history is not stored on the software servers and it will not be possible to restore WhatsApp correspondence through technical support.

How to create a backup in the cloud

iCloud Google Drive or in other words, cloud service is a very important and useful innovation for owners modern gadgets. To make a copy in case of data loss of all group and personal chats, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Go to Application Settings.
  2. Find the Chats tab there.
  3. Click on Copy.
  4. Confirm Create a copy.

Select the Chats tab in the settings menu.

Click on the line Chat backup.

Copy chats for later saving.

In order not to bother yourself constantly in case all daily text files are important to you, activate the function automatic copying. The program will do everything for you, and with enviable regularity.

Such actions will allow you not only to copy short text messages, but also to save transferred photos and videos. Your iCloud account It belongs entirely to you, you can adjust its content at your own discretion. You can add or exclude any video at any time by first copying it to another device or media.

Creating a copy in a cloud service is not a minute process, it may take some time, be patient and Do not under any circumstances interrupt the procedure until the program notifies you of its completion.. The transfer speed of files depends on their type (videos and photos take longer to transfer than texts), as well as on the speed of the Internet connection and the current amount of history.

If you make copies daily, it will take very little time!

An easy way to get your history back

  1. Remove whatsapp app from your mobile gadget.
  2. Download this program from the Market (you can updated version) and install it again.
  3. Follow the installation process carefully. A message will appear on the display asking you to restore your correspondence history.
  4. Agree by confirming the operation.

Remove the application from your device.

Download the messenger at Play Market by clicking the Install button.

Allow chats to be restored from backup.

How to get information in iOS devices

This method of recovering deleted correspondence on WhatsApp is often used:

  1. Check the archive, this is easy to do in the Chats section.
  2. Find the list of dialogs; deleted files often remain there.
  3. Check iCloud, first look at its settings, make sure it is active.
  4. Access to the messenger must be enabled.
  5. Make a copy.
  6. Reinstall mobile client and use the function of restoring from previously made copies.

Restoring correspondence on an iPhone is done via iCloud.

If you do everything right, then necessary files will be saved, the user has access to them at any time. On our portal you will only find practical advice, how to prevent the loss of very important data from your mobile client.