How can I recover messages in whatsapp. How to recover messages on WhatsApp. Returning chat if the memory card has been cleared

If you accidentally deleted a WhatsApp conversation, don’t worry - you can quickly restore it using an automatically created backup copy. Copies are created every night and stored in memory mobile device. The amount of available storage space is limited, so old backup file s are overwritten with new data.

Returning deleted messages

If you accidentally deleted a chat, then you need to reinstall WhatsApp and, when you turn it on, click the “Restore” button in response to the offer to return the lost correspondence.

Depending on the WhatsApp settings The backup file will be restored from the memory of the mobile device, Google Drive(for Android) or iCloud (for iPhone). In the application settings, you can independently specify the storage location and the frequency of copy creation at which messages will be sent.

This method may not work - there are several reasons for this:

  • The memory card or chat history is damaged.
  • The backup copy is out of date or not saved in memory (on cloud storage).
  • At reinstallation Whatsapp has a different number.

If you encounter one of the problems listed above, then you will not be able to return the deleted chat. Messages are not stored on WhatsApp servers, so contacting support with a request to restore correspondence is pointless. You can ask for it to be sent necessary messages the user with whom you deleted the chat in order to return at least part of the information.

U iPhone owners There is another option to return lost correspondence - you can restore your device from a backup created in iTunes. As a result of this action, the chat will take the form it had at the time the copy was created. All SMS sent and received after this moment will be erased. But they can be saved if you first create another file with the correspondence history.

Restoring old dialogues

If you want to restore a chat from a backup that was made a long time ago (not the latest date), then you will need file manager to find and rename required file. When returning old SMS, new messages will be overwritten, but they can be saved if you create them manually backup file(this is discussed in detail below).

Install the application again. When you see a notification that your chat history has been found, click Recover.

Manual creation of a back up file

So as not to worry about deleted messages cannot be returned, you can make a backup copy of them. In WhatsApp this is possible thanks to a special function:

Back up can be saved in the memory of your mobile device, sent by mail or placed on the cloud Google storage Drive. To return conversations that were saved in memory, you need to delete and reinstall WhatsApp.

Dear readers, today we will discuss with you how to recover correspondence on WhatsApp and how to recover deleted messages. Where is your chat stored? It all depends, of course, on the type of device you are using. For example, on Android smartphones, correspondence can be copied to a memory card, internal storage or Google Drive.

The archive of correspondence is stored in several places at once

Naturally, the choice of data storage location is in favor of cloud storage, since the risk of data loss is reduced. In the first two cases, you may be left without your information: sometimes backups on a memory card or phone are damaged.

How to recover deleted messages?

Let us say right away that for all cases the system is used cloud storage data, which is set by default as standard. Copies are created daily certain time and are stored for seven days. That is, if you logged in for the last time before your copy was created, then messages received after this time cannot be restored.

You can use the data recovery system for exactly 7 days

It is also worth considering the fact that if you created a copy, deleted the application and did not restore the messages within eight days, they will be deleted. This is relevant for those who do not use the cloud. In order to restore correspondence, you need:

  1. Delete the WhatsApp application from your device and reinstall it on your smartphone by downloading the program from official store applications (AppStore, Google Play and so on).
  2. When you launch the messenger, the utility will prompt you to enter a valid phone number. Here you need to take into account that if you write great room from the one on which the backup was saved, that is, there is a possibility that the system will not offer you a backup copy. The same applies to cloud storage accounts, only here everything is much stricter: if you use a different Apple ID, for example, you will not be able to restore anything on your iPhone.
  3. After entering the number and activating it, the application will offer you a return point indicating the date and its size, which you can restore. Click on the appropriate button and wait for the operation to complete. The more data is stored in the cloud, the longer this process will take. It is recommended to use.
  4. After all the data has been downloaded, you can continue to use the messenger as usual.

If there is no cloud storage type

If you don't use cloud type storing your messages and chats, then you can get back the deleted data in another way. This is relevant for users of devices running the Android operating system. For example, when transferring information to another phone. To do this, just copy the backup file stored in the /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases folder to the same folder on the new device. If necessary information If not, then it is likely that the data is saved on the phone itself or on Google Drive. In the first case, you need to check for documents in the same Databases folder only in the internal or main memory of the smartphone. In the second, you need to use the instructions suggested above.

Web client available on phone and computer

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

  1. Is it possible to read deleted messages or correspondence? You can use the method described above. There is no other way you can read them. If they were deleted only on your device, you can ask your interlocutor to send you these messages. Please also note that you can restore correspondence only before the program created new copy. You can view this time in the application settings and, if necessary, adjust it to your requirements. Please note that if any memory sectors where the backup was located are damaged, you will also not be able to recover lost messages.
  2. Can't restore chat and messages. Why? If it was disabled in the program settings backup, then you will not be able to get your chats back. iPhone users should pay attention to the version of the device's operating system: correspondence that was saved in the cloud on iOS 8 or 9 cannot be restored on an iPhone running the seventh firmware. On all platforms, make sure there is free memory for storing information. For example, if there is no space left on Google Drive for at least one photo from WhatsApp, then it will not be uploaded there. latest version your chats.
  3. I do not use cloud storage OneDrive or Google Drive, where are the backups located? They are located on a memory card or in the memory of a smartphone. It all depends on the copy settings, which should be viewed in the WhatsApp settings. There you can find out exactly where the files are located.

The utility is very popular among users

Let's sum it up

Today we learned a lot of new things in terms of using the messenger: how to restore chat, messages or correspondence in WhatsApp. We also answered the most popular questions regarding the recovery of this data in the program. To summarize, we can briefly describe this process:

  1. Uninstall and reinstall the messenger client through the application store.
  2. Enter and confirm your phone number.
  3. Click the appropriate button to return the information.
  4. Wait for the operation to complete.

We hope our tips helped you recover the necessary data.

We hope everything worked out for you and there are no questions left. Share your successes in the comments. How do you copy messages to WhatsApp - iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive or external memory?

WhatsApp is one of the leading applications in the messaging niche with mobile phones. The popularity of the application is evidenced by the fact that it is available on almost all known smartphones and mobile devices. operating systems. Majority active users held many interesting dialogues, useful correspondence and even saved passwords. They are very upset if, due to some kind of failure, system rollback or message deletion, personal data is lost. In fact, there is no reason to be sad; the history of correspondence is easy to save.

Method to recover new messages in WhatsApp

The easiest way to get correspondence for the last 7 days is to delete the application and install it again. WhatsApp messenger automatically synchronizes with servers and sends backup copies to them. The data on the server is updated every day. The history is uploaded to the server with iOS storage and with Android SD cards. When you reinstall the application, the entire history for the week will be downloaded from the server to the phone and added to the “Messages” section.

The main window after installation shows the message “Recover/Restore Chat History”. At the bottom you need to click the “Restore” or “Restore” button.

How to recover chat history more than 7 days old

There is a recovery method, but it is somewhat more complicated to implement:

  1. On Android, go to the SD card database, located along the path /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases.
  2. Inside the destination directory are displayed various files having last entry- db.crypt. The record format is as follows: msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt, where YYYY-MM-DD is the time the file was created.
  3. You need to select any suitable file with a date and rename it to msgstore.db.crypt. The user will only have to cut out the date the file was created.

All that remains is to re-install whatsapp messenger and click on the “Restore” button on home screen. The restoration will take place from the created file. In this way, you can restore the entire message history, regardless of how old it is.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Modern communication often comes down to correspondence World Wide Web. Social media and a variety of programs help people talk to each other without leaving home and without interrupting their daily routine. WhatsApp has become very widespread. This messenger is in great demand. Of course, all dialogues conducted with its help are saved. But sometimes you have to get rid of certain messages. After which you often need to think about how to restore correspondence on WhatsApp. We will have to solve this problem later in the article.

Is there a chance

Yes, there is such a chance. But you'll have to resort to some tricks. Situations can be different, so recovery also involves several different methods of solving the problem. So how to get back conversations that were previously deleted from WhatsApp?

Removal and reinstallation

The first technique helps well when we're talking about oh by chance remote chat. IN such a case You can return the dialog by reinstalling the corresponding application.

Therefore, when deciding how to restore correspondence in WhatsApp in this case, the user must:

  1. Turn on your smartphone.
  2. Go to the "Settings" of your mobile device (you will need to contact the "Application Manager" service).
  3. Select WhatsApp from the list.
  4. Click on "Delete".
  5. Install the program again.
  6. Confirm the number.

A message appears indicating that a chat backup has been detected. You need to click on the "Restore" button. After this, all conversations with users will be returned. This is the first answer to the question of how to restore correspondence on WhatsApp.

Old copies

But there are other techniques that can help bring your idea to life. Whether it is possible to restore correspondence on WhatsApp, the user can decide in several ways. And he must choose the appropriate algorithm of action on his own.

The previously suggested trick suggests restoring the last backup of your chats. But sometimes it happens that a person needs more old correspondence. Luckily, you can return it too! How exactly? It is enough to use the following algorithm actions:

  1. Delete WhatsApp. How to do this has been discussed before.
  2. Install and launch any file manager on your mobile device.
  3. Go to the folder located at: sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases. The document can be on the memory card or just on the phone.
  4. Select a file that is suitable for restoring correspondence.
  5. Change the document name to "msgstore.crypt8".
  6. Install a previously deleted messenger.
  7. Upon startup, a message will appear indicating that a backup copy of your data has been detected. You need to click on the “Restore” button and wait for the process to complete.

This is another way that helps deal with recovery WhatsApp data. From now on, it’s clear how to restore correspondence on WhatsApp. There is just one more point that will have to be taken into account in advance.

Preparation in advance

It's about creating a backup copy of your data. If a person is wondering how to restore correspondence on WhatsApp, he needs to make a document in advance that will be used in the future. Otherwise, the correspondence is deleted once and for all. This means that it will not be possible to restore it.

Back up files are created without much difficulty. To do this you must adhere to a certain sequence actions. Namely:

  1. Launch your phone and WhatsApp.
  2. Open application settings.
  3. Select the "Chat Settings" menu item.
  4. Click on the "Backup" function.
  5. Wait a few minutes.

It is recommended to regularly carry out the previously described procedure. Then you won’t have to think too much about how to restore correspondence on WhatsApp after deletion. According to the previously described algorithms, the task is implemented without difficulty.

Accordingly, if there are no backup copies of the data, you don’t even have to try to recover the lost data. As has already been said, there is no way to return them under such circumstances.

So, let's repeat how to restore correspondence on WhatsApp after deletion. The procedure is as follows:

  • to create a backup copy of data (the process is carried out in advance);
  • uninstalling WhatsApp and reinstalling the application;
  • selecting the "Restore" command when starting the program for the first time.

Some users of the messenger, designed for instant transmission of text and media files, accidentally erase important information in it that came from other people. Therefore, they are always interested in whether it is possible to recover deleted messages in ? If such a nuisance has happened to people, then they do not need to despair, since there are several ways to return lost information. They differ from each other and depend on the time when the correspondence took place. To restore recent texts and attached material, you need to completely delete the messenger. After this, a file is downloaded that allows you to install the program using any in a convenient way or visiting an app store. After installation, the messenger starts.

Then you must agree to the terms of service or enter the same real phone number. Next, a window will open in which the person will see information that the dialed number is associated with a saved data. internal memory gadget correspondence. The service will offer to restore it or skip it. However, you can return correspondence only once per this moment. To do this, you need to press the button with the corresponding inscription. After simple manipulations The owner of a mobile device will understand well how to recover deleted messages on WhatsApp. He will be able to see the lost material in the “Chats” section.

How to recover older messages on WhatsApp?

If you accidentally delete information, you may erase information that was transmitted much earlier than the last text or media files. If such a situation arises, then the owner of the gadget is also always interested in how to recover messages on WhatsApp?

To resolve this issue you should:

  • Always create a backup. This can only be done within a week. Otherwise, all information will be lost forever.
  • Make sure that the same number is used for both copying and restoring.
  • Manually start saving transferred texts and media files. To do this, the user must enter the program settings and click on “Chats and calls”, and then select backup.

In order not to look for information on how to recover deleted messages on Whatsapp, you need to use the messenger carefully. If, nevertheless, the correspondence was erased, then the material presented above will help eliminate the error.