How to find out deleted browser history on your phone. How to find browsing history on Samsung phone

History in the browser takes the form of a log, which records web surfing events: which web page the user opened, what files he downloaded, etc. This option is indispensable when you need to quickly find the URL of interest that the user requested in the current Internet session. Or, for example, monitor the child’s actions on the Internet (what he requested in the search engine, where he went).

From this article you will learn how to view history in the Yandex browser in various ways, how to remove all data in it and a separate entry, as well as how to activate a mode that allows you not to save links to visited pages.

Managing history on your computer


You can open a history in Yandex in the following ways:

Method number 1: quick access to the latest entries on the current tab

To open the story in an open tab, hover over the left arrow button (located on the left side of the address bar). Then click and hold the left mouse button until the list appears.

It displays a maximum of 12 recent entries. To view all URLs, click "Show all history" at the bottom of the drop-down panel.

Method number 2: in the menu

  1. Click the "three stripes" button at the top right.
  2. In the Yandex browser menu, hover over the “History” section.
  3. In the panel that appears, click “History” again (links to the most recently visited pages are also stored and displayed here).

Method number 3: on the settings tab

If you don't know where the log is stored, on the options page, do the following:

1. Open the menu. Click the “Settings” item.

2. In the top horizontal menu, click the corresponding item, and the page on which the history (websites you have opened) will open will open.

Method number 4: using hot keys

To quickly access the magazine, hold down the “CTRL” and “H” keys together. If you suddenly forget this combination, you can look it up in the “History” submenu.



1. To erase an entry, hover the cursor over it in the list. In the window that appears, check the box.

2. You need to do the same with other URLs that you want to get rid of.

3. To clear the history selectively, above the list, click the “Delete selected items” command.

4. Confirm the action in the request message: click “Delete”.

Delete all data

1. On the tab with the log, on the right side, click “Clear history”.

Or press the keys - “Ctrl + Shift + Del”.

2. Specify for what time period you want to remove links. If you need to remove all records, set the value to “all time”.

3. Click “Clear...”.

Attention! Once you delete URLs, they cannot be restored.


If you want to view all previously opened pages from a specific site:

1. Point to one of the log entries with the URL of the domain of interest.

2. Click the triangle icon that appears.

3. In the mini-panel, click “More from the same site.”

To quickly find entries in the entire list for a specific request, use the search bar at the top right in the “History” section.

Is it possible to deactivate the journal?

There is no option in the Yandex browser to explicitly disable saving history. But you can use the special “Incognito” mode for private web surfing, which leaves no traces of visiting web resources and, accordingly, links in the magazine.

Let's look at how to disable history in the Yandex browser using this option.

“Incognito” is activated in two ways:

1. Click: Menu → Incognito mode.

2. Press the keys “Ctrl + Shift + N”.

When the mode is turned on, a “glasses” icon will appear next to the menu button.

A large, high-quality screen and high-speed Internet connection allow you to fully use the browser on your smartphone. You can find important information or visit an interesting site anywhere and at any time. At the same time, not everyone wants to advertise their browser search history and what pages they visit. It’s not for nothing that we separated the concepts of browser history and search history. These are different options, and if you want to completely remove traces of working with the browser on your smartphone, then you need to clear both histories.

It is worth noting that the browser history on the phone, if you are logged into your Google account from the device, will be synchronized with the account. This is done so that the search engine better understands your queries and produces the most relevant results in the future. This option can be disabled, or you can simply clear the search history from a specific device. In this article we will tell you how to view the browser history on your phone using the most popular browsers, and how to clear it from any device - smartphone, tablet or computer.

Laptop and computer

First, let's look at how to clear the browser history on a computer, since the operations in this case are largely identical to those that need to be carried out on an Android device. To clear the history you need to follow the link and login to your account.

You will be taken to a page that will display your entire search history for that account. To clear it, you need to go to settings (click on the “gear” in the upper right corner and select the “Settings” menu). After this, you will be able to clear your search history. You can also disable history tracking by the system on this page.

Clearing history on a smartphone

Let's look at several ways you can view and erase your search history and visited pages in your mobile phone browser. A universal method is to follow the link we provided above in your smartphone browser to clear the history from your computer. Settings and managing account history are also similar to the method described above.

In addition to what you learned about how to view browser history on an Android phone, you might also be interested in how to disable this option? The simplest solution, if you do not want to leave traces of visiting certain Internet resources, is to enable private mode or incognito mode in your web browser, depending on the application you are using. After activating this function, a new window will open in the browser, the history of which will not be recorded in your account. This technique will be useful if you do not want to completely disable synchronization and history tracking, but still want to keep individual search queries and visited sites secret.

Clearing history in different browsers

We will also dwell in detail on how to open the browser history on the phone in the most common and popular mobile browsers today. The most popular search engines today are Yandex and Google, and the most common browsers are Firefox, Chrome and Opera. We will focus on these three applications for Android smartphones.

On the main browser interface, find the History tab. In this menu, you have the opportunity to clear the history of the sites you visit by clicking on the “Clearing browser history” button located at the bottom of the page.

The Chrome mobile application is installed by default on all Android devices. In the browser interface, you need to go to the settings menu (click on the three dots located in the upper right corner) and select “History”. Once you see the sites you've visited, you can clear your history.

This browser has a History tab, just like the Firefox we reviewed earlier. Go to this menu, where you can see all the Internet resources you visit. You can also go to this menu by clicking on the browser logo (top left) and selecting “History” in the drop-down window.

I would like to note that for comfortable surfing and searching the Internet using a smartphone, you need to have a powerful device with a large, high-quality screen on which it will be convenient to view content without unnecessary strain on your eyesight. When preparing this material to test the function of clearing browser history on an Android device, we chose a smartphone from the young British brand Wileyfox, whose products are distinguished by reliability, performance and an affordable price, truly impressive for devices of this level.

Why Wileyfox?

The British company Wileyfox first introduced its smartphones to the market in October 2015. Each device received those functions and options that are most in demand among consumers. First of all, it supports dual-SIM mode and works with 4G LTE mobile data networks (to access the Internet, you can use a card from any slot, you just need to specify it through the menu). Also, each model has a stylish design and excellent technical characteristics.

For comfortable work in an Internet browser, searching and launching various resource-intensive applications, the flagship smartphone models are ideal: Wileyfox Swift 2 Plus and Wileyfox Swift 2 X. These are powerful devices with excellent technical characteristics. A powerful processor, sufficient RAM, the latest OS versions, a high-speed Internet connection and a high-quality screen are the most important criteria for a model that will be used to visit numerous Internet sites.

Wileyfox Swift 2 Plus

It will be very convenient to open and browse Internet sites on a high-quality 5-inch IPS 2.5D display with HD resolution. Thanks to IPS and ONCELL Full Lamination technologies used in the manufacture of the screen, the display provides the widest possible viewing angles and excellent image quality.

The ability to use several browsers simultaneously, open a large number of tabs in them without freezing and instant response to your actions is ensured by a powerful 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 MSM8937 processor with a frequency of 1.4 GHz, as well as 3 GB of RAM. Thanks to this hardware, you don't have to worry about running out of resources to run the most powerful and heaviest applications.

You can order Wileyfox Swift 2 Plus for only 11,990 rubles.

Wileyfox Swift 2 X

Wileyfox Swift 2 X, equipped with an excellent Full HD display with a diagonal of 5.2 inches, will be even more convenient for working with Internet browsers. The screen is made using IPS and ONCELL Full Lamination technologies, which guarantees the widest viewing angles and no distortion of the transmitted image. The slightly curved edges of the 2.5D screen give the device a pleasant aesthetic appearance.

It is also worth mentioning the powerful 8-core Cortex A53 MPcore processor (1.4 GHz), which will ensure instant switching between running applications and open browser windows. The presence of 3 GB of RAM also contributes to the fastest operation of the smartphone. The most resource-intensive applications will not be able to slow down the processor, since it is paired with the Adreno 505 graphics accelerator.

The smartphone has 32 GB of internal memory and supports microSDXC memory cards up to 128 GB. Thanks to this, you will not have problems with a lack of space to store files, images and videos downloaded from the Internet.

When ordering on the official Wileyfox website, Swift 2 X costs only 12,990 rubles.


We briefly discussed how you can view the history of requests and pages visited in the browser of your smartphone. In addition, now you know what criteria you need to pay attention to first when purchasing a new model if you plan to use it for surfing and working with browser applications.

During normal use of Android, dozens of different files are saved on Samsung Galaxy, Lenovo, Meizu, Sony and others phones that are necessary to speed up page viewing.

Over time, the number of elements can reach very large sizes, which begins to slow down the phone, in particular the browser. Therefore, you should clear your browsing history from time to time.

Most browsers, like Yandex or Chrome (the most popular) collect information when opening sites.

Most often this is search history, data, filled out forms, cookies, and also cache, which are specific to individual sites.

In the application settings, you can decide whether your browser will remember specific information, as well as how long it will be stored.

If your browser or Android phone is starting to slow down - the reaction to the review is getting more and more, it's time to clear your browsing history.

Not only in Yandex or Chrome browsers you can delete your browsing history. The same can be done in the Android applications YouTube, VK, calls, Internet downloads, Instagram, Viber, Skype, as well as keyboards.

Clearing search history on Android

NOTE: All pictures were taken on a Samsung Galaxy A3 phone - yours may have some differences.

To clear your search history, launch the Google search app and follow the instructions below.

Click on the button marked with three lines in the top left corner of the screen behind the Google logo.

Select Settings.

The screen will open a number of different options. Go to "Personal Information".

Now select “Track Activity”.

Scroll down the screen and tap on "MANAGE HISTORY"

Now in the search, click on “Three dots” and select “Select delete option”.

Now click on “Today” (below “Delete by date”).

Now all that remains is to select all the time and click “Delete”.

That's it - your search history is completely cleared. Congratulations.

How to delete browsing history in the Chrome browser on an Android phone

Removing website browsing in Chrome on a smartphone or tablet is quite simple.

Launch Chrome on your Android phone and click on the button in the top right corner of the screen with three dots on it.

From the drop-down menu, select "History".

In the window that appears, you can manually delete pages from memory individually or clear all browsing data at once - select “Clear history”.

Specify for what time and what data and click “DELETE DATA” (I select all time and all data).

If you plan to do this often, select "don't ask" - the device will remember your choice in the future.

Deleting browsing history on an Android phone in the Yandex browser

The process of clearing your browsing history in the Yandex browser is similar to deleting it on a computer.

Select the “Confidentiality” tab, open the “Clear data” section and indicate what data you want to delete.

To do this, put little birds next to the lines. The last step is to click “Clear data”. If a confirmation request appears, we confirm it.

ATTENTION: there you can also prohibit saving visited sites in the Yandex browser on your phone, then you will no longer need to clean and delete them in the future.

That's all. In the near future I will write how to clean and delete saved memory in YouTube, VKontakte, calls, downloads, Instagram, Viber, Skype, and keyboard applications. Good luck.

The modern Internet user visits millions of web pages, maintains access to dozens of sites, and adds hundreds of resources to bookmarks (and services like Pocket or Evernote). All sites remain in the browser's memory for some time to speed up the subsequent loading process. Search engines “suggest” queries to the user using the previous search history. Even contextual advertising is selected based on the interests of a particular user. That is why the question “on the phone in Yandex?” is of interest to many modern users who have not yet fully understood the functionality of mobile browsers.

Why delete history at all?

Deleting history is a common procedure, which is carried out by standard functions of mobile or desktop (for laptop or desktop computers) browsers. You should delete the history of visits to websites to protect confidential information used for authorization on certain resources (social networks, online banking, email, State Services, etc.) or to avoid unnecessary questions from the owners of the equipment or those with whom the computer (tablet, smartphone) is shared. This simple step will help effectively protect the user's personal data.

In addition, deleting the Yandex search history on your phone may be necessary when transferring the device to other hands, even in cases where this is a temporary situation (for example, when the smartphone is sent for repair). From time to time, clearing the log of visits to web resources is also useful for the equipment itself: an accumulation of temporary files clogs the hard drive and RAM of a computer, tablet or phone, which slows down the operation of the device.

Disabling search suggestions in Yandex

How to delete history on a phone in Yandex? Often it may not even be necessary to completely delete your browsing history, but rather to disable search suggestions that are generated based on previous user requests. Search suggestions are options that are automatically suggested by the search engine when you type the beginning of a phrase into the search bar. As a rule, Yandex or Google offer the most popular options on the Internet, but on mobile devices (or laptop and desktop computers where the corresponding mail service is logged in) the user’s request history is taken as a basis.

You can delete Yandex on your phone and disable search suggestions as follows:

    you need to go to the Yandex home page or the Yandex Mail service;

    you should go to “Personal Settings”, and then select “Other Settings” and “Search Suggestions”;

    then you need to select “Clear query history” and turn off the “My queries in search suggestions” and “Favorite sites” functions.

Thus, not only will the entire search history in the device be completely destroyed, but also the function of search suggestions based on the user’s previous queries on the World Wide Web will be disabled.

How to delete history on your phone in Yandex browser?

We can also talk about deleting the visit log not in Yandex itself (i.e. disabling search suggestions), but in the browser from the search engine. How to delete history on a phone in Yandex? There are two ways to keep your personal data from prying eyes in the mobile version of Yandex Browser.

The first method is a function of the smartphone, not the mobile browser itself. So, you need to go to any page through a browser in which the history should be deleted and press the function key of the smartphone, calling up the settings. You should select the “History” item (in some models “Personal settings”) and click on the “Clear history” line. All search history will be deleted.

The second option on how to delete history in Yandex on your phone is to use the capabilities of the Yandex Browser itself. You need to select the “Settings” icon in the open browser window from a popular search engine, click “Privacy”, and then “Clear data” or “Delete browsing data”. In this way, you can not only delete the cache, clear the log only for certain periods of time, or delete some (not all) partitions. You just need to check the appropriate boxes and save the changes with the “Clear history” button.

Recovering Deleted Data

What to do if the question “How to delete history on a phone in Yandex?” was successfully resolved (and accordingly, the browsing history was cleared), but after a while it was necessary to return to a specific web page visited a week or month ago. Even in a saved history, finding a specific resource is usually quite difficult, what about the situation with a deleted log?

Theoretically, it is possible to recover this data, but in practice, the procedure is only feasible for advanced users. And even then, often restoring deleted browser history is not worth the effort - it’s easier to try to find the missing web page by typing the same query in the search bar. If there is still a need to restore history, then it is better to contact a specialist, but you should not independently install programs from the Internet that promise to restore damaged files.

Such software, firstly, may contain viruses, and secondly, it is unlikely to help with browser history. While such programs are capable of restoring temporary and autosaved files, the deleted search log is certainly not within their competence.

How to clear cache in other mobile browsers?

In any other mobile browser, the most convenient way to delete browsing history is using the software of the smartphone itself. How to do this was described above - the first way to delete history. In addition, you can use the functions of a specific browser; as a rule, the option to clear the browsing history is located in the section of the user’s personal settings or privacy settings.

The Yandex web browser is considered one of the most popular tools for Internet surfing. It is not surprising that its mobile version is in very high demand. However, not all owners of mobile gadgets know how to delete history in Yandex on Android or Apple devices. It turns out that this is easy to do.

Where is the history in the Yandex browser on Android?

In general, the history of pages visited on the Internet in any system and for any browser is stored in a special cached data folder on the internal Cache drive or in the History directory. As a rule, these directories are located in the folder with the installed program; shared directories reserved by the system do not count.

But when solving the problem of how to do it in Yandex, of course, you won’t have to rummage through system folders. The solution is much simpler, because this procedure can be performed directly in the browser itself.

How to clear history in Yandex on Android devices?

Let's start with the simplest. The question of how to open a history in Yandex on Android on any mobile device is solved quite simply. You just need to use the browser shell, having first closed all active pages (the history button will be displayed on the main panel at the bottom, by clicking on which you can view the list of visited resources).

Now, actually, let's see, in Yandex on Android. To do this, when the program is running, use a button with three lines on the main panel. After clicking on it, you need to select the settings menu (gear-shaped icon) and go to the data clearing line. Then all that remains is to confirm their deletion in a new window.

iPad and iPhone

The question of how to delete history in Yandex on Android is already generally clear. For Apple devices, the cleaning scheme is not fundamentally different. On iPad only, use the plus button, go to history and, to delete one page, move the desired line to the left, then press the delete button. To clear all views, you should use the settings menu, which is called up by pressing the button with three lines, followed by selecting the privacy section, which contains the clearing line. In principle, you can even set the history to be canceled in the same section.

On the iPhone, a similar procedure is performed almost exactly the same way, but after entering the corresponding section by pressing the button with three lines, you need to tap on the icon with the image of a clock. That's all.

Optimizer applications

To solve the question of how to delete history in Yandex on Android or any other mobile system, you can use a simpler solution, which is designed for the laziest users.

So, for example, as an alternative, we can suggest the use of optimizer programs that have automated system care products in their arsenal.

There is probably no need to explain that such powerful utilities as CCleaner can either terminate currently unused background services, but also clear the cache or browsing history in absolutely all browsers installed on the system. In this case, it doesn’t even matter which OS is used.

Conclusion and general rules

As a final recommendation, it remains to add that the problem of how to delete history in Yandex on Android or another OS is not limited to clearing visits. Sometimes you should clear the cache of the program itself. For example, in Android systems this can be done through the settings menu, where the applications section is selected. There you just need to find your program, enter its settings and tap on the clear cache button. At the same time, it is advisable to use the delete data button (it won’t hurt either).

But in general, if you give, so to speak, practical advice, so as not to fool yourself, it is best to turn to professional utilities for help, rather than do such things manually. As is already clear, deleting files from the corresponding folders is a completely thankless task, and therefore it is better to simplify the cleaning process for yourself in advance.

This, I must say, is more profitable both in terms of time spent and in terms of saving energy. Naturally, the matter is not limited to just the two programs that were described above, because in the same Google Play repository or in the AppStore you can find dozens (if not hundreds) of such applications. And each program is unique in its own way. There are even those that allow you to save battery power to unimaginable limits, not to mention speeding up your mobile device by clearing RAM or removing all kinds of software garbage in the form of residual files or even too large unused programs. But in general, as is already clear, the simplest solution is obvious, because automation looks much simpler than manual removal.