Write to WhatsApp without adding a contact. How to add a new contact on Whatsapp

Popular messenger WhatsApp makes it possible to communicate with users who have this program. But sometimes the question arises, how to write to an unknown number on WhatsApp. That is, to a person who is not in the contact list. To do this, you need to follow a number of important rules.

How to send a message to a new user?

So how to write in whatsapp new number? The most important thing is that you must make sure that the person is loaded this application. Here is your algorithm of actions:

There is also a situation when you need to respond to a new number on WhatsApp. That is, you receive a message from an unidentified user (the numbers of his phone number are unknown to you). It looks like this. Instead of a name, a mobile phone number is simply indicated. In this case, you can easily communicate with him, despite the unfamiliar numbers. In other words, it is easier for you to write to a new number on WhatsApp when he sent the message first.

  1. Alexey 01/12/2019 at 08:46

    Hello! Please tell me how to remove CONTACTS photos on my device. Thank you! ↓

    1. Site administrator 01/12/2019 at 15:45

      No way - photos of contacts cannot be removed. ↓

  2. dsl 11/26/2017 at 12:03

    I make a video call first to an unknown subscriber and immediately hang up, then whatsapp stories I'm sending necessary garbage and there is no need to add strangers to your contacts ↓

    1. Andrey 02/18/2018 at 07:46

      1 ↓

  3. Dimon_28/rus 10.29.2017 at 12:52

    Damn right!!! Fuck some leftists in my personal phone book. Is it possible to make a messenger similar to SMS? Is it worth it? WhatsApp subscriber or not, whether he receives my message is the twentieth matter. The main thing is that I can send it to him without putting it in my phone. It's okay if it's one or two numbers. And if there are dozens of them, as colleagues correctly write, when selling an apartment, house, car, yacht? Then sit, go through them all and remember which one you need and which one you don’t. This shit is completely absurd!!! Trouble!!! ↓

    1. Sergey 02/03/2018 at 11:20

      This is so that smart people like you can’t send their garbage to everyone and it’s done this way. ↓

  4. Yuri 10/29/2017 at 11:00

    But in Viber there is such a function to send messages without saving the number. WHATSAPP FUUUUUUU ↓

  5. Pavel 10.25.2017 at 22:40

    Previously, at work I often received photos and asked everyone to send them to WhatsApp, but now at work I myself have to send photos and messages to numbers that I do not have in my contacts. I was just shocked that WhatsApp doesn’t allow this. Overall I'm disappointed, it's a total mess. It is not possible to use. The app has become useless to me. ↓

  6. Anton 05/26/2017 at 13:48

    The question remained unanswered. If you add your phone number to your contacts, it will no longer be unfamiliar. The whole point of sending to an UNKNOWN number is to avoid adding the number to your contacts. ↓

    1. Roma 05/28/2017 at 16:22

      Read more carefully - unknown number You cannot write to WhatsApp, only after it is in the contact list. ↓

  7. svmsvp 01/25/2017 at 10:37

    Dumb program, no function to send messages or call unknown numbers. I need to sell a car, they ask for photos, and in order to send them via WhatsApp, I need to add people unknown to me to the personal phone book of some account, to a SIM card, or to the phone itself. Is it really difficult to make a normal functioning application) ↓

    1. 169915 03/09/2017 at 11:43

      I fully support this. I also don’t need extra, incomprehensible people in my phone book. Yes, and unnecessary gestures to add a contact, then delete, if I haven’t forgotten ↓

    2. Sergey 03/09/2017 at 11:57

      I agree, the application is not finalized, I also had to add unfamiliar people when selling an apartment (((but it seems popular app such ↓

    3. Mary 04/26/2017 at 14:46

      A very valid point. Due to the inability to send messages to unknown numbers, the phone book is filled with completely unnecessary contacts. Once every six months you have to clean the book. Please make it possible to send messages without adding contacts to the phone book. ↓

  8. Natalya 12/08/2016 at 14:54

    I can’t write to DFM on WhatsApp, how to do this, it says that this number does not exist on WhatsApp, but the number is correct, I got it from their website ↓

Why we all love WhatsApp is the ability to exchange messages for free with everyone who also has it installed. But what if you want to stop all communication with a certain user? And is it possible to add a contact to WhatsApp yourself? Should I invite my friends there? Let's find out in this article.

Adding people to WhatsApp

Let's start simple - imagine that you are launching the application for the first time and want to add friends there to enjoy free communication with them. In this case, you do not need to take any action - just open the “Contacts” tab.

There you will find all the friends from your phone book who already have WhatsApp installed, and you can immediately write them messages, call them and send stickers.

But what to do if you have new friend and you want to communicate with him on WhatsApp? To add a contact to WhatsApp, you don't even need to launch the application. Just enter the right person to your address book mobile phone, that is, enter its number, name and additional data (the latter is optional) and click the “Save” button.

After that, launch WhatsApp. Every time you start the messenger scans the phone book and pulls up new numbers. If the person whose phone number you just saved in address book, WhatsApp is also installed, then authorization will occur and you will see it in your friends list.

Of course, sometimes there are errors in WhatsApp, due to which newly added users may not be displayed. In this case, you need to do the following:
1.Open the “Contacts” tab and go to “Settings”.

2.Select the menu item with the people icon.

3.Tick the “All contacts” box - this will allow the messenger to pull up all numbers.

4.When the notification pops up, click OK to continue.

We invite friends to WhatsApp

But what if you have a friend in your phone book, but he himself is not in the messenger? The application developers took care of this too.

On both iPhone and Android, you can send an offer to install this messenger to any person whose number is stored in your phone.

Of course, this does not guarantee that the user will decide to install, but it may work. To try it out, open the “Contacts” tab, find the person you want and click “Invite”.

When you do this, a typed message will appear in your SMS correspondence with a proposal to install WhatsApp and a link where you can do this. All you have to do is click “Submit”.

After that your a friend will come an SMS message with a link, by clicking on which he can quickly download the application and install it on his device. Once this happens, you will see this person in your WhatsApp friends list and will be able to send them stickers and messages for free.

Removing unnecessary people from WhatsApp

If some contact on WhatsApp has become very annoying to you, you can easily delete it. This is usually needed in cases where you are overwhelmed unwanted messages or you just want to stop communicating with a certain person. If you decide to delete a contact from WhatsApp, you must understand that the deleted subscriber will no longer be able to send you messages or call you. If this is what you are looking for, follow these instructions:

1.Open the address book on your phone.

2.Select the person you want to delete.

3.Go to the menu and select “Delete contact”.

4.Now go to WhatsApp and check if the subscriber is still on your friends list. If you did everything correctly, it will disappear from there, since the messenger cannot pull up numbers that are not in the phone’s address book.

If you don’t want to delete someone’s phone completely, but simply don’t want to continue communicating on WhatsApp, then it’s better to use the blocking function, that is, add the user to the blacklist.

To do this, launch WhatsApp, open the Contacts tab and select the person you want to block.

In the chat window that opens, enter the main menu (3 dots in top corner).

In the list that appears, select “More”.

And in the “More” submenu – the “Block” item.

Once you click on it, WhatsApp will confirm whether you want to block that user and notify you that the blocked user will no longer be able to call or send messages to you. If you agree with this, select “OK”. After this, the subscriber will be blacklisted.

As you can see, managing your list of friends on WhatsApp is quite simple. Most of the actions can be performed without even opening the application - you just need to navigate your phone's address book well. By managing numbers in it, you automatically manage your contact list on WhatsApp. .

» How to add a contact to WhatsApp

Simple question " how to add a contact to whatsapp” often occurs among users who have recently started using this messenger. This is not quite as simple as it may seem and can cause some difficulties.

Usually, adding a new person to a communication program occurs directly from the menu of this program, and the addition also occurs only in it. But with WhatsApp, everything is somewhat different - you can add a contact to WhatsApp only after adding the person to your phone book. This is due to the fact that users are identified precisely by their phone number, and not by some additional nickname or digital number.

How to add a new contact to your phone

1. Click on the word “ Contacts"top left. Here we see all those who are already in our contact list and have WhatsApp. If the one we need is not here, then click on the button with the image of a man and a plus sign at the top right.

2. Adding a contact to your phone opens; on Android and tablet you can add it to your Google account. We add information about the new person, at least a phone number and name. Press the button " Save».

3. After saving, in a couple of seconds, the system will check whether the newly added number has a WhatsApp account. If you have an account, options will appear below the phone number: “ Whatsapp call " And " Write" This means that you can chat with a person through this application.

4. If this does not happen right away, then save the contact, go to the messenger contact list and click on the button with three dots. There will be an option " Update", select it.

5. If this does not help, then most likely your new friend does not use this application, and you will not be able to communicate through it. However, you can send him an invitation. To do this, go to the list whatsapp contacts, find the person you need there and click the “ Invite».

A message will be generated in the form of SMS with a download link and an invitation to join the conversation using the messenger. You need to send it and wait for the user to take advantage of your offer.

How to add a new contact to your computer

To add a contact to your computer and communicate through it, you must first add the contact to your phone. You can’t do without this action; after all, WhatsApp is, first of all, created for the phone and works on the basis of phone numbers, without them communication will not work. After adding it to your phone, the service will quickly synchronize your contacts, and you can find it on your computer.

To search for the user you just added, go to the web service at https://web.whatsapp.com/ and use the search bar in the top left.

Features of adding a phone number

When adding a phone number to a contact, you must carefully enter it in accordance with the simple rules indicated in the table.

  1. Enter the number, starting with the plus sign “+”;
  2. Dial “+7” for Russian numbers;
  3. We remove everything extra characters(“0”, spaces, etc.) before the beginning of the number and at the end of the number.

If you are adding a foreign number, check that the number is entered correctly by following the link: https://www.whatsapp.com/faq/ru/general/21016748.

Correspondence with an unknown number

What to do if you receive a message from unknown number and want to add him to your contact list?

In this case, when you open a message from an unfamiliar number, WhatsApp will offer you two options - block or add the user. These options will appear as buttons at the top of the chat.

Press the button " Add" and select, add a number to existing contact or create a new one, opens standard window to add a new user.

After saving the number, you will see messages already under the recorded name.

When downloading the messenger to the device, the user does not think about how to add a contact to WhatsApp. But over time, such a need arises when new friends arrive among the participants.

Option 1. Add on your phone.

For those who use a smartphone as a communication platform on WhatsApp, the instructions for adding will consist of the following steps:

  1. Add the subscriber to the contact list on the device.
  2. Make sure the format is correct (international version with a plus sign and country code).
  3. Go to WhatsApp messenger.
  4. Go to section Contacts.
  5. Select subsection MenuUpdate.
  6. Wait for the update to complete.
  7. Check if there is new contact on the list.
  8. Start communication.

Note! The contact can only be displayed if the subscriber also has WhatsApp installed and the account is valid. Otherwise, you won't be able to start communicating with a friend.

You can add a friend from scratch - by sending him an invitation to WhatsApp.

How to add a new contact to WhatsApp - step-by-step instructions:

  1. Enable messenger.
  2. Open section "Settings".
  3. Further - "Contacts"- specific subscriber.
  4. Go to subsection "Tell a friend».
  5. Select notification method: SMS, social network, letter by mail.
  6. The friend will receive an invitation with a link to download and install the messenger.

The first option is suitable for adding contacts to Android, iOS, Windows.

Option 2: Add on your computer.

How to add a contact to WhatsApp if the software is installed on your computer?

You can enter data manually:

  1. Launch the messenger on your computer.
  2. Click the button "Menu"(top right corner).
  3. Select subsection "Contacts".
  4. Click the person icon (top right).
  5. In the window that opens, enter your phone number and name (no other information is required).
  6. Confirm by clicking on the icon "Ready".
  7. Send the person a verification greeting message.

Note! For Android versions, there is an option to batch download data via an SD card or USB connection. But the process requires installing an emulator and may not work for the web version. The best option is to add it manually.

Adding contacts is fast process for those users who have read these instructions. And now you can invite a friend to the chat software in one click. Have fun meeting new friends!

By installing the application on own smartphone or tablet, the user, of course, strives to immediately take advantage of all the features that the program offers.

First of all, start free, meaningful communication with friends and loved ones. However, a logical question arises,how to add a contact to WhatsApp on your phone, if the subscriber does not use popular software.

Phone numbers from the address book of the user's mobile device, which consist of account– that is, their owners are registered and use the application, they are added to the “ Contacts" V background(automatically). Well, let's look into this issue.

Adding contacts to WhatsApp on Android

In answer to the question, how to add a contact to WhatsApp, we present to your attention the following step by step instructions:

  • Let's go to the section " Chats»;
  • Click on the chat icon in the lower right corner;
  • In the tab that appears, the user will see a phone book - numbers and status of subscribers. In a situation where a particular subscriber does not use (is not registered) in the program, the option “ Invite».
  • After activating this option, a window will pop up in which you need to compose an SMS message asking you to install the program on your computer. mobile device the desired subscriber.

Perhaps the subscriber the user is interested in is not in his address book - a common problem. In such circumstances it should be added desired contact, for which we perform the actions in the following order:

  • We activate the icon in the form of a silhouette of a man with a plus sign, located in the upper right corner of the desktop.
  • In the standard window that appears, enter the name of the person of interest and his phone number. Then we save the new contact.
  • We return to the contact list and activate the “Update” option - a symbol of 3 vertical dots located in the same upper corner. This procedure is necessary for the new contact to appear directly in the list.

How to add a contact to WhatsApp on iPhone

  • Let's go to the section " Chats» at the bottom of the application
  • Click on the icon in the upper right corner
  • A list with contacts will open, as well as the function new contact or A new group

Important! Entering a new phone number must be in full compliance with international standards.

If new number registered in the program, the message “ Mobile" Otherwise, when the subscriber does not use popular software, the option “ Invite" In this embodiment, we carry out the procedure described above.