Restore history in pure chrome. Use of third party programs. The method for restoring history is system rollback.

I thought I had everything under control until I saw it was all erased!

How is it possible, you ask, that the history in Chrome couldn’t be deleted by itself?! Well, I don’t know, maybe I accidentally derailed it myself. The question is: what to do about it now? I suffered for a long time, tried everything until I found THESE methods! They really saved my story from the sands of oblivion!

How to restore history in Chrome?

If you are reading this article, then most likely you have either already encountered this situation and want to know how to recover deleted history in Chrome or want to play it safe (God protects those who are careful). If there is a story valuable information, then with the help of these “tricks” there is a high probability that you will be able to restore it.

Trick #1 – Using a Gmail Account

This is the most popular way how to recover Chrome browser history. Thanks to the function of synchronizing your history and other settings with Google servers, your settings are saved in cloud storage and if necessary they can be easily restored. To synchronize, open the Google Chrome menu, find “Sign in to Chrome” and enter your address and password.

Next, go to “Settings”, at the top in the “Input” field you will notice a link to Personal Area and the “Advanced synchronization settings” button, where you can synchronize. As a result, history and other Chrome settings will recover.

"Trick" #2 - With help Handy programs Recovery

After installing and launching the program, you will see two windows. The second window will display a list of files deleted from your computer. Here you can find the log file of site visits, select it and restore it using the button in top menu. Then move this file to the “UserData” folder located in the Chrome directory.

To find out the address of its location, click right click mouse to the Chrome shortcut on the desktop. In the menu that opens, select “File location” - the folder you need will open. Paste the file, launch the browser and check the history.

Trick #3 – Viewing Cookies

If your story was deleted intentionally and you want to know, Is it possible to restore history in Chrome? in this case, it is worth saying that it is almost impossible to restore it, but you can “grab” some surviving website addresses from cookies. To do this, open the settings menu in the control panel. Click on the “Show” button additional settings", then in the "Personal data" field, click "Content settings".

In the window that appears, select “All cookies s and site data” and try to find what you need in this list.

Trick #4 – Check your browser cache

Another way to restore history in Google Chrome is to check the browser cache. But with its help you can only open recently visited sites. To see this list, launch Google Chrome, enter address bar command chrome://cache/. You will see a list of all recently visited sites.

These are the most effective and proven methods, how to restore history in chrome. So, using the arsenal in your hands, you have every chance to completely restore your history in Google Chrome without the slightest loss.

Browser synchronization makes it easy restore all user data, including history. For this method will be needed The account created before clearing your browser history.

Let's go to settings.

We find a button that allows login to account, and execute authorization.

Choose settings synchronization and tick the necessary items, namely, “ Story».

Click " OK"and history is restored. Synchronization supported majority modern browsers, including Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, Yandex and others.

Checking the cache

DNS cache stores contains a story last visits site from any application. To check it, press the hot keys Win(button with checkbox)+ R and open command line . This can also be done from the menu " Start", calling the window " Execute" and entering the command " cmd».

In the console we type the command ipconfig / displaydns and press the enter key. Appears list all visited addresses.

It is worth considering that not only addresses from one browser will be displayed, but also all last connections to the network, which can make searching difficult.

We restore using programs

Handy Recovery- program, restorative data deleted from the disk. Download from the official website and install.

We launch the utility and right window go to the folder where the browser files are stored. Path C:\ Users\Username\AppData is the same everywhere, and then we look for:

  • Local\Google\Chrome\ User Data\Default\local storage for Google Chrome
  • Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ For Mozilla Firefox
  • Local\Microsoft\Windows\History for Microsoft Edge
  • Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\UserDate\Default for Yandex
  • Roaming\OperaSoftware\OperaStable for Opera

Choose files containing the word " History" or " places.sqlite» for Firefox. Click on " Restore».

The program will prompt you to select the path to which the files will be returned. You can immediately put the folder from which the data is taken, or you can select any other and copy it manually. To change the path, click on “ Review»

Check all three boxes and click on OK.

Let's look at the cookies

Cookies store information about actions on websites to improve the user experience, so by looking at cookies you can find at least some of the addresses visited.

They are stored in approximately the same directories, where is the browser history, i.e. go to C:\ Users\Profile name\AppData, and then:

  • Local\Chromium\User Data\Default\Cache\ for Google Chrome
  • Local\Opera\Opera\cache\ for Opera
  • Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\ for Firefox
  • Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\ for Internet Explorer

You can also open them from any browser by looking at the settings. They are usually located in the tabs with personal data, history or security.

As with the cache, this method can return a lot of "garbage" addresses that you did not directly visit, but which the browser could access.

We do a system rollback

To perform a system rollback, in the menu " Start"enter in the search bar" System Restore». Choose the appeared program.

In it we go to the section “ Recovery system files " and click " Further" Choose restore point from those offered by the program. They are created not only manually, but also automatically. We select the time period when the history has not yet been deleted.

Click on " Ready"and wait the required time. The changes made will be irreversible.

Sometimes you have to face a situation where by chance the story Google browser Chrome appears to be removed from the computer. If among the information contained there is something that you cannot do without, there are options to restore it.

You will greatly simplify your task in the future if you have account on Gmail. The developers have provided the ability to store the history of sites visited from the browser in your account. When you run with synchronization, your browser connects to a cloud service, thanks to which its settings are saved in the cloud and, if necessary, can be completely restored. To activate synchronization, open the browser menu, select “Sign in to Chrome” and enter your account information or “Logged in as...” if you have already signed in previously. Next, go to “Settings”, in top margin“Login” you will see a link to your Personal Account for setting up synchronization and a button “Additional synchronization settings”. All Chrome settings and history will be restored.

If you haven't signed up for Gmail before, you may be able to roll back the system to a state before the history was deleted. To do this, click on “Start” (bottom left corner of the computer screen), select “All Programs”, scroll down to the right, expand the “Accessories” item, then “System Tools” and select “System Restore”. Be careful when restoring your system recently installed drivers and programs can be removed. If a system rollback is not desired, you can restore your history using a 30-day demo version of the Handy Recovery program. After installing the program on your computer, two windows will open. The second will contain a list of all files deleted from your computer. IN this list

you need to find the log file of site visits, select it, and then, by clicking the corresponding button in the top menu, restore it. Now the recovered file should be moved to its place - to the “UserData” folder contained in the Chrome directory. The full address of its location can be found by selecting the browser shortcut on the desktop and right-clicking. From the menu presented, select “File Location”, and what you need will open. Insert the file, load the browser, check your browsing history. If the history was intentionally deleted, it will be difficult to restore it by other means, but if you need to find specific website addresses, you can “grab” them from cookies, if they are still intact. Open your browser settings. Click on the “Show advanced settings” button. Then, in the “Personal Information” field, click “Content Settings”. In the window that opens, click “All cookies and site data.” Try to find what you need in the list that has been created. history recovery, suitable for any browser. But when choosing and downloading a program, be careful; in addition to viruses, when downloading, you can acquire a number of problems with the program at the computer level, and judging by the reviews, getting rid of such spyware and their consequences is extremely problematic. Take care of the safety of the information you need on paper or Google synchronization.

You don’t always want to store the history of visited sites on your computer. Therefore, from time to time people clean it. But under certain circumstances, there is a need to restore the chronology of visited sites. Today we will find out how to restore history in Chrome. Is there any chance of successful implementation tasks?

Recovery - reality or lie?

It's hard to believe, but yes. It is indeed possible to recover deleted Chrome. But, as users note, this is not always the case. That is why it is recommended to think several times before getting rid of your browsing history.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the option to save history is disabled in the browser, then it is impossible to see the resources that a person has visited. What to do to bring the task to life?

Recovery methods

When thinking about how to restore history in Chrome, you need to fully understand that users have a certain freedom of choice. You can act in a way that is convenient for a person.

In general, among the methods for restoring history in Chrome, the following solutions are distinguished:

  • using a Google account;
  • working with cache;
  • application third party programs;
  • studying "cookies";
  • rollback the operating system.

In reality, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. Let's look at each technique in more detail.

Google Mail

How to restore history in Chrome? It's no secret that Chrome is the brainchild of Google. This company has its own Post service. It will be useful to us.

Browser settings when using Gmail stored on cloud service, which helps to restore the history of visited sites. But only when the person initially worked in the browser using Gmail authorization.

You can restore deleted history in Chrome like this:

  1. Open browser.
  2. Click on the button with three dots. A menu will appear.
  3. Go to the "Settings" section.
  4. Click on the "Sign in to Chrome" button.
  5. Enter the information from the email you are using.
  6. Return to "Settings".
  7. Click on "Advanced synchronization settings".
  8. Select the data you want to restore and wait for the process to complete.

Usually this is the method of recovery that takes place in practice. You can use it, as already mentioned, only if you have mail on Google.

Working with the cache

How to restore Chrome browser history? The following tip helps you see only the most recently visited sites. That's why full story You won't be able to get visits.

You just need to look into your browser cache. To do this you will need:

  1. Open browser.
  2. In the address bar write chrome://cache.
  3. Click on "Enter".

Now you can see recent history visits. This technique always works, but it often does not satisfy users.


How to restore history in Chrome? The following tip helps you get data about sites that have ever been visited, without any guarantees. It is used to track resources that use cookies.

To catch websites in this way you need to:

  1. Open in
  2. Go to the "Show advanced settings" section.
  3. Select "Customize Content".
  4. Click on "All cookies".

A window will appear in which you can see some of the pages the user has visited. But such a technique is almost never used in practice. This is due to the fact that it does not provide any guarantees of success. Therefore, it is better to spend time on some other technique.

System Restore

How to restore history in Chrome? You can take a very radical route - roll back operating system for some time ago. Success requires mandatory have a rollback point that was created before the browser was cleared.

The algorithm of actions in this situation will be as follows:

  1. Open "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Service".
  2. Select "System Restore".
  3. Specify the desired restore point.
  4. Click on "Next".

You can wait for the operation to complete. After some time, the OS will roll back and browser data relevant for the selected date will reappear.

Additional utilities

How to restore Chrome browser history? This can be done by using various third-party programs. It is recommended to give preference to software called Handy Recovery. It is safe and working.

Recovery requires following the guide:

  1. Launch the application and select drive C.
  2. In the right window go to User folder Data. It is located on the path AppData/Local/Google/Chrome.
  3. Mark the User Data folder.
  4. Click on "Restore".
  5. Place a check mark on all items available for marking.
  6. Click on "Browse" and select the directory into which the information will be uploaded.
  7. Click on "Ok".

All that remains now is to open the browser and look at the desired menu item. This technique really works.

Let's look at the story

How can I view history in Chrome? This is not as difficult to do as it seems. Enough:

  1. Open browser.
  2. Click on "..." in the upper right corner.
  3. Hover your cursor over the "History" item.
  4. In the menu that appears, click on the line “History...”.

From now on, it’s clear how to restore history in Chrome and watch it. All the suggested tips really work in practice.

We use the Internet every day. In this case, there is often a need to return to a previously visited web resource. Therefore, users often wonder how to recover deleted history and browser bookmarks. There are several return methods necessary information. But first, let’s find out why the list of sites may disappear.

Why did the list of visited web resources disappear?

Usually, the browser history does not disappear on its own. But the following options are possible:

  1. The history was deleted when clearing the cache.
  2. CCleaner program incorrectly configured. To avoid encountering such a problem in the future, carefully review the program settings.
  3. When you restart, the browser automatically deletes the history. To check this, go to settings.

How to recover deleted history in google chrome

If you are actively using google chrome, create an account on Gmail. Due to the fact that all settings are stored on the cloud, they can be easily restored. But for this you need to synchronize your browser and email.

  1. Let's go to Chrome.
  2. Enter your account details – login and password.
  3. Let's go into settings.
  4. Click “Advanced synchronization settings”.
  5. Check the “history” box. You can synchronize all settings.

Now the list of visited sites can be returned at any time.


Another simple way to recover deleted history in Chrome is to check the cache. True, this way you can only access recently visited sites. You need to enter about:cache in the address bar. You can also download a special program ChromeCacheView.

To completely recover lost data, you need to use the Handy Recovery utility (download at

  1. Install the program.
  2. Two windows appear. We select the second - here is a list of files deleted from the computer.
  3. Find the “UserData” folder. Path: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data. Some folders will be invisible (at default settings). Open access to hidden folders and repeat the steps described above.
  4. Recovering "UserData".
  5. In the window that opens, mark all three points.
  6. Click “Browse” and select a recovery location. It is recommended to select the same folder – “UserData”.
  7. Click "OK".

The utility will recover deleted data. All that remains is to open Chrome and go to the desired site.


If the history was deleted on purpose, it is very difficult to restore it. But you can try to find required addresses in cookies.

  1. Let's go to settings.
  2. “Show additional settings” (button at the bottom of the list).
  3. Click “Content Settings”.
  4. Open cookies.

If you're lucky you'll find it on the list lost address.

System rollback

Before you recover deleted history in google chrome using this method, make sure that there is a data recovery point on your computer.

  1. Start menu.
  2. “All programs” – in utilities look for “System Restore” (you can simply enter search bar).
  3. Select "System File Recovery". Click “Next”.
  4. We decide on a recovery point. We confirm the action.
  5. We confirm the system rollback. This process will take certain time. After automatic reboot you can launch chrome.

Be careful with system rollback because this action cannot be undone. This will remove recently downloaded programs and drivers. Therefore, if a system rollback is really necessary, take care of data safety.

If you accidentally closed a bookmark, you can restore it. However, unlike Mozilla Firefox, this process is much more complicated in Chrome.

Don't close your browser. If you do close it, do not open it: a copy of the bookmarks file is erased every time you start Chrome.

Recovering deleted bookmarks:

  1. Let's launch Windows Explorer.
  2. Enter C:\Users\NAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default (under your name Windows user).
  3. There are two here similar file– Bookmarks (these are bookmarks on this moment) and Bookmarks.bak (backup file). That's what we need. Close the browser windows and delete the first file. We rename the second one, removing .bak. If you find two Bookmarks files, go to the folder properties and open hidden extensions.
  4. Open the browser and find the desired bookmark.

How to recover deleted history in Opera

This process is in many ways similar to working with chrome, so we will not go into detail on each point.

  1. Checking the cache. To do this, enter the command opera:cache.
  2. Cookies. Go to settings, click “Advanced”, select “cookies”.
  3. System rollback. Don't forget about the restore point!
  4. Special programs. In addition to the well-known Handy Recovery, you can use Recuva UnErase and Undelete Plus.

You can independently save a history file of the pages you visit. To do this, find the “History” file (path to file: AppData – Roaming – Opera Software – Opera Stable). We copy it to any folder on the hard drive - this is our backup file.

How to recover deleted history using backup file:

  1. Close the browser.
  2. Copy the file to Opera Stable.
  3. We launch the opera and look through the history.

Remember that information about the sites you visit is always saved on your hard drive. Therefore, restoring history is restoring remote file. And in most cases this is possible. But before you use drastic methods such as rolling back the system, make sure that the information is really necessary. It may be better to just search the Internet for the site again. Also be careful with programs. Despite all their advantages, they often affect the operation of the OS. Download them only from official sites and scan them with an antivirus.