In contact social network. Brief overview of the full version. Interesting video - how you can register on Odnoklassniki without a phone number

In order to register and receive personal page(VK profile) you only need to take 5 steps.

Registration is not possible without:

  • Internet access.
  • Mobile phone.
  • Direct hands.

Step 1. Go to the page Under " Instant registration“There are two columns “Your name” and “Your last name”, fill it out and click the “Register” button.

Step 2. Choose the school where you studied. There are also two columns “Country of school” and “City of school”. We fill it out, the 3rd “School” will appear, write it down, then “year of graduation”, “class”. After filling out, photos with the names of people we may know will open below. If we know, we add them as friends (get added to friends) and move on.

Step 3. “University country”, “University city”, “University”, if you have studied, fill it out, if not, skip it and click “skip search for classmates”.

Step 4. Link the page to your personal mobile phone. Enter your phone number and click “get code”. After 5 seconds, you will receive an SMS with a 5-digit code on your phone, enter it in the last column (the link is free, it does not withdraw money from your account). After that, enter your personal password. And you are all registered in VKontakte, you have become part of a multimillion-dollar community.

Step 5. Enter your personal page. Upload your photo, edit, fill out exact information about yourself and chat with friends, listen to music, watch videos, play applications, share interesting news.

How to register on VKontakte without a phone number:

VKontakte login to your personal page.

No matter what they call it, the one that is loved by everyone and also the most popular social network in RuNet: “Contact”, “VK”, “”, “VKontakte”, etc. There may be many names, but the essence is the same, home page VKontakte, and the page on which you log into VK is located at: or you can go to, you will still be redirected to it. Good luck!

To enter the Odnoklassniki website, you must first register. If you are already registered with Odnoklassniki, then you can log into your profile or “my page” from the main page of Odnoklassniki by email address or

Login to the page is carried out by entering data in the login field - login and password that were specified during registration. Then click the “Login” button.

At the bottom of the page you can select your preferred language; by default, the language is determined by your location (by IP address), but if you wish, you can choose any of the ones presented.

If there is an error, a notification will be displayed - “The login and/or password is incorrect.” In this case, make sure that the login is entered correctly and the password is entered in English letters(the password can only be entered in English letters, numbers and punctuation marks). You can usually switch the keyboard layout to English using the Shift+Ctrl or Shift+Alt keys.

To check whether your password is entered correctly, enter it in the login line, then select it with the mouse (press and hold left key mouse and drag from the beginning of the word to the end), cut or copy (cut Ctrl+X, copy Ctrl+C), and then paste it into the password field. When a word is selected, the background turns blue. After this, do not forget to enter your login.

If you are still prohibited from accessing your Odnoklassniki page, try restoring access. To do this, click the line “Forgot your password” at the bottom of the login form.

Next, enter your login (the login can also be an email) or the phone number specified during registration. Whatever you enter, in any case a message will be sent to the mobile phone number specified during registration. In the second field, enter the captcha - the code from the picture. If the code is hard to see, you can replace the picture with another one by clicking “Show another picture”; you don’t have to enter the captcha in capital letters, can also be lowercase. After entering the data, click the continue button.

Within a few seconds, a message with a six-digit code arrives from number 7761. The code is only valid for 5 minutes; if you enter it later than 5 minutes, it will not be valid. In this case, we make another code request. Enter the code in the “Code from message” field and click the “Confirm” button.

In this article you will find detailed instructions how to open my page on Odnoklassniki, learn a lot about the resource and get acquainted with all the possibilities that you couldn’t even imagine.

Odnoklassniki is the most popular Russian social network according to FOM. Owned by Mail.Ru Group. Every day the site is visited by about 71 million visitors (according to Liveinternet statistics). The headquarters is located in St. Petersburg, in the Renaissance-Pravda business center.

If we have already convinced you a little that Odnoklassniki and everything connected with them is a very necessary thing in life, and you are ready to make your first trip to Okru, let’s start with the ABCs of the site. Visiting the site without registering should be a thing of the past. Now that you have your own profile, you can say with full responsibility: The social network Odnoklassniki is the place where I am registered.

What information you consider necessary to indicate on the page is your question personal choice. Representatives of the stronger sex do not really like to announce that they are already legally married; young ladies and ladies of elegant age prefer not to indicate their date of birth and other piquant details of their lives. Many people calmly post their photographs on the site, not forgetting to tirelessly notify the entire social elite of the site about all the important and not very important events in their destiny. Pictures telling about each new day of life appear on the user’s page with enviable consistency. Others “stick” an avatar with a strange animal or a fantastic creature on the page and do just fine without photo and video evidence of their biography.

You can log in to the Odnoklassniki website different ways. Here you need to consider what device you will be doing this from most often. Home desktop computer and your favorite work laptop will delight you with the speed of transition to Odnoklassniki. If the tablet and cellular telephone are only for your strict use and do not fall into the hands of your kids or inquisitive teenage children, then it would be useful to protect your personal space from prying eyes. This is where the technique of appearing in your personal oasis using the password and login mode comes in handy.

The social network Odnoklassniki is popular among residents of the planet of different age categories. Don't be upset if you don't have everything and it's easy to do right away. Being in the company of fellow social media enthusiasts will compensate you for the few unpleasant minutes you spent learning.

It's nice when it's free

For the Odnoklassniki network, it doesn’t matter at all how much money you currently have in your wallet and on your bank card. Almost all the activities that you can do while spending time on the site do not require any material costs. Registration and every entry to your favorite page, correspondence with friends from different parts of the world and exciting games. Speaking of the latter, the range of “toys” on this resource is so large that every visitor will definitely be able to find something to do according to their needs. Listen to your favorite music, collect a collection of interesting videos, copy them into a notebook delicious recipes, learn about new life hacks in various fields human existence is available on the site completely free of charge.

Do you remember how we used to congratulate each other on birthdays and annual holidays. Now you can find a beautiful playcast with soulful music or musical card on the resources recommended on the site, and then go back to your page. Every day, consumers come across offers to send free gifts to different topics, allowing you to surprise your friends with pleasant surprises.

A little about paid services

Not a single company in the world can exist without spending on its needs. The friendly team of the Odnoklassniki website also needs to earn a living. Considering how many pleasant bonuses users of the social network have, the site administration came up with its own currency, the so-called oki. You can buy them in all sorts of ways. You can pay for an expanded range of services from your account mobile phone, which you indicated when registering on the site, from a bank card, account, terminal or electronic wallet. Old-timers of the site who use paid resources, claim that the most beneficial ways Payments include using a bank card and transferring money from an electronic wallet. By depositing a small amount into your Oki account, you can buy yourself a VIP status, give exclusive gifts, turn into “invisible”, take part in bonus promotions, become the proud owner of an all-inclusive system, buy the right to temporarily use stickers, funny emoticons and other interesting bells and whistles offered to users for a nominal fee.

Stop signs telling about risks and dangers

Any activity, even the most exciting and safe, is fraught with risk. In order not to be wrecked when faced with pirates and espionage, it is worth discussing precautions. If you are logging into your page as usual, and you are told that you need to enter a password, there may be several situations that give rise to such a requirement.

Ways of communication, interest groups

Now you already know what awaits you if you decide to create an account. Proudly announce to others that this is my page, brag about it stylish design, post your first photos and start your colorful life on the social network. Now you can clearly and quickly navigate the labyrinths of the menu, tell your friends how to open my page, give gifts and write your first comments.

How to spend time on the site and not get bored, how to find new friends and fruitfully use the time that you have allocated for relaxation and entertainment. There are many answers to these questions and they will be different for different users. Of course, every “classmate” is free to decide for himself what and how to do on the Internet. Someone, inspired by the fact that the “green lights” of former students of his class or fellow students at the university are burning online, will be inspired by the idea of ​​​​organizing a meeting with school friends who have long scattered across cities and towns. Someone suddenly wants to become active participant groups of German Shepherd lovers or join fans of gardening.

You can visit the site again and again, and each time the feed will delight you with news from the lives of friends and acquaintances. The main thing in this process is not to lose important connections and be aware of the lives of people who mean something to you. The world has changed, now we focus on other signals: If I see that my friends are now in access mode on the site, it means they are alive, healthy and sitting at their computers.

Think for yourself, decide for yourself whether to have it or not to have it

You, of course, remember very well that if you don’t have something, then you don’t have to lose it. Having your own page on Odnoklassniki will never be superfluous or useless. A clear menu, a wide range of free pleasures offered, wide range additional paid services, simple ways registration, entry and exit from your page, clear and professional work site moderators, millions of potential interlocutors and friends. Our goal today is not to encourage users to join the most popular social network.

A multimillion-dollar detachment that has found its charms on this resource, spending a lot of time studying news feed, listening to a music collection or watching a video, you have already made your choice. We walked with you short course familiarized with the capabilities of and its advantages, learned new terms and discussed the advantages of communicating on the Internet. We tried to talk about technical things in simple terms accessible language. No topic can be studied thoroughly at once. U good student Questions must remain, but how he will look for answers to them is a completely different story. We really hope that the information we have prepared for you will be a reliable help in mastering new opportunities for you.

Save it for yourself!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This is another article for those who are just beginning their acquaintance with the Internet (recently, for example, I wrote about that). Indeed, it is not always immediately clear to everyone how to get your own page, whether you can trust the system with your phone number (after all, without indicating it, registering a new user on this moment impossible), how you can get into Contact, and how you shouldn’t.

Also, many would not mind (well, in your sense, it’s just called that) what “status” is and why it is so important. Also: what is a “wall”, why sometimes you can’t log into VK, how to recover your password, how to contact technical support (including when you can’t log in with your username and password) and many others simple questions, which are not so easy to find answers on the Internet. By the way, we’ve already talked to you :)

Today I want to start from the very beginning - registration, options entrance in Contact (including without entering a login and password, although this is only possible from mobile devices, but it is possible), designing your page, and I also want to talk about solving common problems, preventing you from logging into VK and starting to enjoy communication (this also, unfortunately, often happens). Don't be afraid, it won't hurt, just a little ticklish 😛

Login to your VKontakte website page without unnecessary risk

Guys, I’ll immediately make a reservation that, contrary to logic, I want to start not with registering a new user, but with logging into this social network, because here lies a lot of nuances that will be useful for many to know. Firstly, your data from your VKontakte account may well be a source of income for all sorts of “radishes”, so I urge you to be vigilant. Secondly, it won’t always be great if other people (even strangers to you) gain access to your account, so you should think in advance about how to avoid this. But first things first.

Login to the page you created It's best to do it this way:

What to do if you can’t get into Contact?

Also right away (even before explaining the process of registering a new user) I want to go over the most common reasons, which cause problems with logging into this social network. Well, and show everything possible ways resolution of this, quite often (we are all people, we are all human...).

Most often, of course, the reason for the problems that arise with logging into VK is our own inattention, but it is not always possible to analyze where exactly we are doing something wrong and what is worth looking at first when similar problem came up, but I really want to communicate...

Why you may not be able to log in to VKontakte:

  1. Pay attention to something like button " Caps Lock» . You can find out whether it is turned on or not by the glowing eye either on the button itself (it is the leftmost one in the middle row of keys) or on the panel in the upper (or upper right) area of ​​the keyboard. If the eye is lit, it means the button was pressed by you or someone else, and thereby you activated the typing of all characters on the keyboard in upper case (instead of lowercase letters capital letters will be printed).

    Why is this so important? The fact is that the password you enter when trying to log in to VKontakte is case-critical, i.e. in it, the lowercase Latin letter “a” cannot be replaced by the same capital letter. Actually, if the password was visible when you entered it on the VK website, then you yourself would understand that something is wrong here, and you would start looking for the reason. But since the password is not visible when you enter it (each of the characters you enter is replaced by a dot), it is not easy to track it.

    For clarity, you can enter the password in some text editor, and then in the input field on the Contact website - this will completely eliminate the influence of unforeseen factors, for example, those associated with accidentally pressing the “Caps Lock” key

  2. Look at what position it is in input language switch on your computer. Typically this is indicated in the lower right corner of the screen (in the so-called tray). If it says “RU” or something else other than “en”, then you will need to switch the input language to English. You can simply click on this icon and select desired language, or you can use hotkeys (most often it’s either Shift+Alt or Shift+Control).

    Why might this prevent you from logging into your VKontakte page? Well, again, because when you enter a password on the VK website, you do not see the characters that you enter, and if you have the Russian language selected, then you enter instead Latin letters their Russian counterparts, which live on the same keyboard buttons. VKontakte doesn’t understand you (but I understand 🙂) and mercilessly blocks your entry as if you were entering the wrong password.

  3. Sometimes a problem can be caused by an enraged one, which will automatically translate the layout into a language you don’t need. Usually he understands that a password is being entered and there is no point in misbehaving, but there are failures. Just in case, I’ll inform you that to force the translation of the typed word to another layout when Punto Switcher is turned on, just click on the Pause\Break key at the top of the keyboard.

    However I myself have not entered passwords manually for a long time Almost anywhere and at the same time I have no problems with entry. At the same time I get very secure storage for hundreds and thousands of passwords, to enter which you only need to press a combination of three keys. That is, on any site (Kontakte, Odnoklassniki, WebMoney, etc.) I type a three-finger key combination and log in (log in) without any problems. The key here is “any”.

    Interesting? Do you want to learn? Are you ready to spend half an hour and then not have any problems with passwords at all? Then read the manual for working with . Don't be lazy, because everything will pay off handsomely. Chesslovo :)

  4. Even with such a powerful resource as Contact happen local and even global failures. In the first case, problems with logging in may occur only for some users, in the second - for all. Most often the problem is local in nature. If you are sure that you entered the password correctly (and you did not forget it - it was securely saved, written down or remembered in the browser), then contact the social network's technical support service However, the problem is that you can write a message to technical support from the Vkontatka website only after authorization (login) on this page, and this is exactly what you have a problem with. What to do? Don't despair. Just write them an email at [email protected] with a description of the login problem. If so, then he can use it.
  5. If, instead of the Vkontatka website, you end up on an incomprehensible resource (maybe similar in appearance) or even just see a “white page”, then do not check for the presence of lines with there. If they are there, then feel free to delete them. All the details are described in the link provided.
  6. Problems with logging into your VKontakte page may also arise if infection your computer or mobile device viruses. In this case, for example, they may demand money from you for entry, which in no case should you do, because you will be deceived anyway. You just need to cure your computer and everything will work itself out. VK itself, by the way, offers you your Cezurity antivirus, which can be downloaded for free. For Android they recommend this product from a domestic developer.
  7. Your page could have blocked in VK itself (moderators). At the same time, a message appears indicating the timing and reason for the blocking, and also provides a link to security instructions that will help you avoid blocking in the future. It will not be possible to unlock it before the specified period and you should not fall for offers to do this for money from third-party craftsmen - this is a scam for money and nothing more.
  8. , that’s why it’s impossible to log into Contact (the burglar might have managed to change the password). In this case, you will need to go to this tab the account was linked to a phone number) or on this there was no connection to the phone or you no longer own this number).

What to do if you forgot your password and cannot log into VK?

You can try to find the password. How? Well, it all depends on your previous actions. For example, you could save it in your browser when you first logged in (logged in) to your VKontakte page. Don't remember? Did you save it?

If yes, then try going to and double click on the login line. If you do this in Chrome, Opera, Yandex Browser or Mazil, you will be offered a list of logins, and when you select the appropriate one, the password may be automatically entered. In the old Opera, you could press the keyboard shortcut Control+Enter.

Happened? No. It is quite possible that you saved the password when you first logged in, but it doesn’t want to come out. Can go inside the browser and get him out of there. How to do it?

If you couldn’t find the password to log into the social network, you can try to restore it (more precisely, get a new one):

Registering a new user in VKontakte

We finally got to registration. Actually, there’s nothing special about that, that’s why I wanted to push it back a little, because there was something to say about authorization (login) and the problems and nuances that arise, but here’s what... Well, registering a new user... Well, in VK ...

However, there are several nuances here too. Little ones like this:

  1. Firstly, recently When registering on VKontakte, they began to require you to indicate your mobile phone number. It would be nice if you just pointed it out. No, the entire account is linked to it, and you won’t be able to specify a set of numbers, because to confirm the number you will have to enter a confirmation code at one of the registration stages, which will be sent to your phone in the form of an SMS message. That is, you won’t be able to evade the exposure of your mobile phone.

    On the one hand, this is significant increases safety work and it is now much more difficult for hackers to hack and steal your VKontakte account, because to do this they will have to have access to your mobile phone, or in some cunning way force you to provide the confirmation code that came to it (however, this is possible due to social engineering).

    On the other hand, if something happens it will not be difficult to find you in real life(for example, to the competent authorities), because it is quite difficult to buy a SIM card from us without a passport. Those. You you lose anonymity, and with it permissiveness, which many will not like.

  2. Secondly, only one phone number can be linked to one profile (account) on VKontakte. This makes life much more difficult for those who different ways earns money in VK and he needs to have and constantly create more and more new accounts. Of course, they find a way out, but... ordinary users, if you want to have several accounts in Contact, you will have to splurge on a certain number of SIM cards. If you try to enter a previously used mobile phone number during registration, it will not work, or you will be offered.

These are the nuances - trivial for some, but problematic for others. Actually, the registration process itself begins with filling out on the page fields with your first/last name and clicking on the button "Register".

They will also ask you about your gender, but already literally next step registration of a new user in a non-alternative form will be offered indicate your mobile phone number and immediately press the confirmation button to enter the code received at this number. You won’t be able to evade or cheat at this step. If you have nothing to fear, then feel free to enter your mobile phone number and continue the registration process.

Then a multi-step wizard comes into play, helping the system collect as much information about you as possible. more information so that in this social network there would be as few unfilled profiles as possible. Here you are asked to select the school you attended, university, add friends, connect pages from other social networks, etc. If you wish, you can skip all this by clicking the button of the same name at the very bottom of the VK registration wizard window.

Everything after this New user ends up on his completely new and still practically unfilled VKontakte page. Actually, this is the so-called "My page", which can also be accessed by selecting the appropriate item from the left menu.

Your avatar will be placed here (usually a photo of a person or a funny drawing of some kind), some general data will be provided (including the status that is displayed under your first and last name (by the way, I already wrote about that).

To edit the data displayed on your page, you can use the buttons shown in the screenshot. Entries to the “wall” are entered through the line, again shown in the screenshot. You can, for example, enter there just a link to some page on the Internet, and smart Contact itself will pull out the picture, title and description of this page. You can (Contact profile), or to a group or public, if the need arises. Under your photo (avatar) you can track the level of completion of your profile.

I also advise you to wander through the tabs of the item "Settings"(from the left menu) to meaningfully establish your level of openness on this social network. For example, you probably shouldn’t post it in general access your address and telephone number (at least only to your friends on VK), etc. Think, adjust and start communicating.

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

You might be interested

Why VK won’t load and the browser won’t log into VKontakte
How to restore a page in Contact (if access is lost, deleted or blocked) How to create or delete a group or page on VKontakte - how to delete a public page on VK
How to unlink your phone number from your VKontakte page?

Users of VKontakte have access to a set of capabilities characteristic of many social networks: create a profile with information about yourself, produce and distribute content, flexibly manage privacy, interact with other users directly, as well as through the mechanism of groups and meetings, track via news feed activity of friends and communities. Interface "VKontakte" and its international version available in more than 50 languages.

Payment system

According to the creators, the VKontakte payment system should become a serious competitor for projects such as Yandex Money and Webmoney, since the network does not charge users a commission for paying for purchases in online stores, and many stores provide social network users with discounts of 2% or more . Within payment system The “Wish Lists” service and the “Product Search” catalog have been implemented, actively using the capabilities of this social network. The network provides a large number of Ways to top up your ruble account:

Operators and fees charged:

June 2011



Site rating according to as of 09/06/2011
A country Place
USA 939


At the end of November, free registration was opened, which required modernization of the server part. At the same time, it was launched advertising campaign to attract new users. The most active promoters were awarded prizes - Apple products: iPod video, iPod nano, iPod shuffle.



VKontakte launched a service "Professional contacts", a special division for finding highly paid employees for financial, legal and IT companies e.

In February, services for opinions and suggestions were launched, a redesigned rating system was introduced with vote validation via SMS, and the site interface became available in Ukrainian. At the same time, according to, VKontakte has become the most popular Internet resource in Russia, and in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet the site was second only to Google and

In March, it was announced that they were working on the internationalization of the resource, the launch of a WAP version of the site and a new video search service, which had accumulated more than 20 million videos at the time of its opening.

In early April, it was announced that more than 10 million people use the network, viewing 600 million pages daily. At the same time, “questions” services were launched, as well as “applications”, which made it possible to add interactive flash programs to the site. A little later, advanced privacy settings appeared.

From June to the end of October, a competition was held among application developers based on the VKontakte API, with the winners, determined every two weeks, receiving an Apple iPhone.

At the end of October, the launch of the “User API VKontakte” project was announced, within the framework of which it became possible to create your own social networks in non-CIS countries.

By the beginning of December, according to independent LiveInternet statistics, the service was visited by larger number users than the social network Odnoklassniki.

year 2009

In January, 13.09 million unique Russian users visited the VKontakte website, more than Odnoklassniki. In April, 14.3 million unique users visited the VKontakte website, and 7.8 million visited Odnoklassniki, which is almost 2 times less.

On September 5, VKontakte bought the domain for further promotion in the international market. The transaction amount was not disclosed



The liquidation of the payment system will take place in several stages. First, the administration will close the wish service, which allowed the user to choose gifts for himself that his friends could buy for him. However, for another month, users will be able to pay for goods in online stores that are partners of the resource using the internal currency of the social network. Then all online stores will be disconnected from the payment system. The company notes that the closure of the payment system will affect a small number of users (less than 1%). At the same time, pay for other social network services (targeted advertising, additional functions in games and applications) users will be able to use payment terminals and bank cards. So, at the beginning of June 2011, the VKontakte administration allowed users to link bank cards to social network accounts.


For a long time there was no information about the owners of the site accurate information, which gave rise to rumors. Subsequently, the Vedomosti newspaper, referring to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, published a list of founders of VKontakte LLC, which was registered on January 19, 2007: Vyacheslav (60%) and Mikhail (10%) Mirilashvili (respectively, the son and father of entrepreneur Mikhail Mirilashvili) , Pavel Durov (20%) and Lev Leviev (10%).

In the fall of 2010, in preparation for the IPO of Group (spun off from Digital Sky Technologies) it became known that the company owns 24.99% of the social network. In addition, Group received an option to purchase another 7.5% for $112.5 million, thus valuing the entire company at $1.5 billion.

As of August 2011, according to JPMorgan, the shareholders of VKontakte were Group (39.99%), the Mirilashvili family (40%), Pavel Durov (12%), Lev Leviev (8%). According to other data, Mirilashvili has 42%, and Leviev 6%. .

Subsidiary projects

In frame

"In frame"- public video service launched in October 2007 . At the time of leaving the testing stage, in March 2008, more than 20 million videos were available in the database. The service synchronized information about video files with VKontakte and allowed anyone to view videos of users who opened it with privacy settings for public viewing. The possibility of automatic authorization was available for users of the social network. The service allowed viewing videos in HD quality, limiting its size to 2 GB.
In 2010, the VKadre project was closed and its staff was disbanded.

In state

"In state"- a social network designed to post vacancies and resumes. The site, launched in June 2008 by Pavel Durov and Andrey Urusov, is managed by Professional Contacts LLC. The project quickly gained popularity. Thus, by the beginning of August, more than 600 thousand people had posted their profiles. The explosive growth is due to the fact that the site is closely integrated with VKontakte, whose users can automatically post their profiles. According to the site, at the beginning of 2009, more than 2 million resumes were posted.

The project should contribute to the payback of VKontakte: the profit projected by management in 2009 is 5-10 million. It is expected that these indicators will be achieved through employers who post vacancies for a fee and receive full access to search options. Experts from HeadHunter, the largest recruiting site on the Runet and a competitor to “In the State,” note that with a market turnover of $30 million in 2007, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the stated figures.

In the Union

April Fool's interface "VKontakte" 2008 and 2011 (April 1, 2010 there was a pre-revolutionary style with pre-revolutionary names and words, as well as a brown header instead of blue).


It is widely believed that VKontakte, like some other foreign-language social networks, copies not only the idea of ​​Facebook, but also the design and architecture of the site. It is often called clone English speaking network