Installation ddr. Operating modes of RAM and the advantages of these modes. Memory capacity for older PCs

Every computer owner has thought about improving it at least once. Some simply change the processor, others assemble and resolder the insides of the video card. But it's easier and cheaper to overclock a computer. This can be done if you add it random access memory. This method does not require special training or the expensive purchase of a new processor. But before you do practical solution question: “How to add RAM to a computer?”, you need to understand what it is and why it is needed.

What is RAM

Random access memory (RAM, RAM - random access memory, or RAM - Random Access Memory) is the place where all temporary data about the operation of programs is stored. Externally, the OP looks like several different microcircuits connected to the motherboard. It serves as temporary storage for everyone running programs and has a high speed of writing and reading data.

It should be noted that RAM is fundamentally different from memory hard drive. RAM stores information only for as long as the device is connected to power, i.e., as soon as the computer is turned off, all data on the RAM will be erased. Memory hard disk stores information until you delete it.

Modern RAM is very large and allows the computer to work on many tasks simultaneously. But their diversity is confusing inexperienced user. Let's try to figure out how to add RAM to a computer.

When should you change RAM?

Sometimes the user may not notice the signals with which the equipment notifies that in order to perform routine tasks more strength is needed. It is not difficult to understand the signals; the main ones are visible. You need to change RAM if:

  • the computer begins to slow down when executing programs;
  • laptop or desktop computer takes a long time to load and load programs;
  • Sites with “heavy” graphics and animation do not load;
  • you need to install powerful games or complex programs, and also run several processes simultaneously.

So, is it possible to add RAM to a computer and in what ways can this be done?

Ways to increase RAM

It is quite possible to improve the performance of equipment; today there are three main ways to increase RAM on a computer:

  • method of replacing planks;
  • Ready Boost installation;
  • swap OP.

All methods are simple, even a beginner can handle them. However, each technique has its own nuances.

Hardware method: RAM modules

The first method involves installing new RAM sticks to replace the old ones. But not everything is so smooth here: the new strips must be compatible with motherboard, as well as the processor. To use this method, you need to know exactly how to properly add RAM to your computer.

IN general case the procedure is as follows:

  • remove the cover system unit;
  • find the RAM mounts on the motherboard;
  • take out old memory, pulling out the fastening clips;
  • install new RAM;
  • secure the bar with holders.

This method allows you to quickly and effectively add PC performance.

Hardware Method: Ready Boost System

The essence of the computer improvement method is that a flash drive is connected to the USB input, which will serve as a source of additional RAM. Special software(Ready Boost) supported Microsoft Windows 7 and higher, can turn a USB drive into a data processing device.

Many users, when using the Ready Boost option, immediately try to take a larger drive, but this is not always necessary. The program can use external drives up to 256 GB on 64-bit Windows and only 4 GB on other OSes that support this feature.

Please note that when using this method Under no circumstances should you disconnect the USB drive. The technique of adding RAM can be used as an auxiliary, but as a permanent solution should choose something else.

Software method: swap file

Is it possible to add RAM to a computer using only the PC's reserves? New Windows versions have very useful function virtual memory. Essentially, these are hard drive reserves. To install, you need to go to: My Computer - Properties - Extra options, then select the "Performance" option, and in it - " Additional memory". Then you should set the necessary values. This method will benefit owners of old processors.

When it becomes clear how to add a RAM stick to a computer, connect a flash drive correctly, or use computer resources, you can immediately begin work, but first you should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each method. So, the most effective option would be to replace the RAM sticks.

Choosing RAM: compatibility with motherboard

Before purchasing new sticks, you should check the need to increase the performance of your computer. The technology may slow down various reasons, so first you need to check your laptop or PC for viruses that eat a huge share RAM. Next, you can clean your computer of unnecessary or outdated files and remove from startup those programs that are not needed when you turn on the PC. If everything is in order, you can select the appropriate device.

When choosing RAM, you must take into account that motherboard must be compatible with it. In order to understand which temporary memory sticks are suitable for the motherboard, you need to:

  • go to the website of the motherboard manufacturer;
  • select the desired model;
  • open the instructions;
  • see the list of recommended options for OP strips.

Once the list of models has been studied, you can begin to select the appropriate option based on other parameters.

Technical parameters of RAM sticks

After determining compatibility, you should understand the necessary technical parameters. If you delve into all the details and follow the recommendations, solving the question of “how to install/add RAM” will not be difficult at all.

You should consider in detail the type and volume of memory, design features of the bar, operating modes, frequency and speed of operation, as well as some other parameters.

Type of memory

Today, there are several types of RAM: some of them are already outdated, others are so innovative that not all PCs support them.

The most sold (and therefore popular) are DDR3, or Double-Data-Rate, version three. Unlike the previous generation, DDR3 heats up less and has up to 2400 megahertz clock frequencies. Also this type RAM features low power consumption.

It is better not to mess with DDR1 and DDR2 memory standards, since they are outdated. There is also newest look- DDR4, which has clock frequency up to 4200 megahertz. This type of memory may not be supported by all devices.

Form factor

Form factor is the design features of the RAM strip. There are strips for laptops (SO-DIMM) and for PCs (DIMM). The first ones are usually small in size and have fewer contacts. When choosing RAM for a PC or laptop, these characteristics must be supported by the motherboard.

Frequency and data transfer rate

Frequency and transmission speed are among the most important characteristics, which should be given Special attention when choosing. Frequency refers to the amount of information a computer can transmit in a certain time. Accordingly, the higher the indicator, the better performance PC. When choosing, you also need to take into account the parameters that the motherboard supports.

Memory operating modes

New RAMs have special modes, on which the data transfer speed depends. There are four main types of modes:

  • Single Channel Mode - works when installing one bracket or with modules of different sizes; this is the slowest mode.
  • Dual Mode is symmetrical; strips of equal volume are installed in the connectors, and the speed is doubled compared to the first mode.
  • Triple Mode - uses three channels, and all have the same capacity, however, the data transfer speed of triple mode may be weaker than that of Dual.
  • Flex Mode - flexible mode, involves installing two bars with different volumes, but the same frequency.

The most popular option today remains the symmetrical mode (Dual Mode).


The characteristic is as important as the data transfer speed, and remains one of the key ones today. The idea is extremely simple: the more memory, the faster the PC runs.

When choosing a RAM strip, you should take into account the goals and tasks for which the PC will be used in the future. If this is work with office programs and Internet surfing, then 2 Gigabytes will be enough. Work involving the use of heavy programs, e.g. graphic editors or software for video processing, then 4 GB of RAM will be enough. For modern games 8 GB of RAM is enough. Today, RAM has been developed with a large capacity, but there are very few programs that allow you to use the full potential of such devices, and they are rarely used by average users.


Timing is the delay time between a command sent to the device and its execution. The parameter also determines how fast the computer or laptop will work. If the values ​​are large, and therefore the delay is significant, the RAM processes the information slowly. The lower the latency, the higher the data processing speed.

There is also a direct relationship between timings and OP frequency. How greater value frequencies, the longer the timings. Therefore, when choosing, you should be guided by the golden mean.


There are many manufacturers of PC components. The best option- be guided by brand reputation, reviews of performance and reliability, and pricing policy companies. On this moment popular are:

  • Corsair.
  • Adata.
  • Kingston.
  • Kingmax.
  • Transcend.

Each produce provides a wide the lineup, so choose the RAM according necessary characteristics, quality and price are a no-brainer. And in general, figuring out how to add RAM to a computer and how to choose RAM strips is not difficult. It is enough to be superficially oriented in the technical characteristics.

Important information

Before the beginning self-installation It is necessary to study all recommendations and instructions. The following tips are general:

  1. When replacing slats, be sure to insert them all the way and secure them with clips. Otherwise, the computer will not see the components and will not boot.
  2. When choosing the RAM frequency, consider the support of the board and OS. Otherwise, your computer may experience problems.
  3. Even new ram necessary for powerful games, you shouldn’t spend your entire allocated budget on sticks larger than 8 GB.
  4. When working on the installation, you must act carefully, since the planks are fragile. You should also be sure to disconnect the PC from the network and carry out all manipulations exclusively with dry hands.
  5. The system may have a limitation on full use memory. In this case, even installing the brackets will not help add RAM. It turns out the following: the user added RAM, the computer does not use it. Also, one of the reasons is often a limitation in the motherboard. In addition, the board may not be installed correctly.

If everything is done correctly, then the question is: “How to add RAM to a computer?” will be resolved quickly and without additional complications.

In modern (and not so modern) systems, many strive to make memory work in dual-channel and triple-channel modes.

In this article we will look at how these modes are implemented and what benefits will be obtained as a result of their implementation.

The operating principle of two-channel and three-channel memory modes is to use two and three channels, respectively, for combined access to a memory bank.

In the usual single-channel mode, one channel is used to access memory and there is no parallelism that is present in the modes mentioned above.

To install memory in multi-channel mode (two or three), the following general rules should be observed:

  • It is necessary to install memory modules at the same frequency. All sticks will operate at the frequency of the slowest memory module.
  • It is advisable to install modules of the same memory capacity.
  • It is required to select strips from one manufacturer.
  • It is desirable that the memory sticks have the same timings;

I would like to note that, at the moment, the above points are not prerequisite memory operation in dual-channel or triple-channel mode. But for complete confidence and to reduce the percentage of any failures, it is better to follow them.

Much more important is the correct installation of memory modules directly into the connectors on motherboard.

Features of installing slats in different modes

Single-channel memory mode (single mode)

This basic mode, in which memory sticks can be installed in any order and with various parameters(manufacturer, volume, frequency, etc.)

As for one module:

Same for several:

Dual mode memory operation

IN two-channel mode Modules 1 and 3 operate in parallel with modules 2 and 4. That is, variations are possible in installing two memory modules in dual-channel mode, and four – also in dual-channel mode (2 each).

For convenience, manufacturers of motherboards with multi-channel support paint DIMM connectors in different colors:

To operate two memory modules in dual-channel mode, you need to install them in connectors of different colors (often, but it’s better to check in the instructions for the motherboard). This way we install modules in channel A and channel B:

For four modules everything is exactly the same. This results in “two dual-channel modes”:

Three-channel memory mode (triple mode)

Everything is identical with the dual-channel mode, but there are already variations with three and six memory modules.

With the connection everything is the same as in two-channel mode, but here connection in progress 3 or 6 memory sticks per channel:

Also on sale are boards that support four-channel memory mode. These “monsters” have 8 slots for installing memory. An example of such a motherboard:

Benefits of multi-channel mode

The main advantage multi-channel mode is, of course, increasing the resulting performance of the entire system. But what will the real increase be? In games and most everyday tasks, the increase will be no more than 5-10%. If we are talking about more specific tasks (remember our favorite rendering), then here the increase in productivity will be more significant - perhaps 30% or more, especially when calculating complex projects that require extreme throughput random access memory.

Operating speed personal computer directly depends on the correct selection and installation of all its components. Correct selection and installation of RAM memory modules is the most important key to the successful operation of your PC.

In the previous article we looked at . In this article we will look at the issues of selecting RAM and its proper arrangement in the motherboard connectors.

Basic recommendations applicable to all types and types of memory:
– it is best to install DIMM modules with the same memory capacity;
– the modules must match the operating frequency (Mhz), if you install modules with different frequencies work, then in the end they will all work at the frequency of the slowest memory;
– for installed RAM cards, it is advisable to combine timings and memory latencies (delays);
– it is better to select modules from one manufacturer and one model.

Some enthusiasts try to buy modules from the same batch, but this, it seems to me, is already a perversion!

These tips are not strictly followed; situations vary. If memory modules differ from each other in manufacturer, volume and operating frequency, this does not mean at all that they will not work. In this case, there are no special memory layout secrets - just installing them is enough.

There are also no special features when installing already outdated types of memory such as SDRAM (there is one rule - the more, the better).

But in modern computers, motherboards support special operating memory modes. It is in these modes that the operating speed RAM memory will be the most effective. Therefore, to achieve best performance operating modes should be taken into account DIMM modules and them correct installation. Let's look at the most common RAM operating modes today.

RAM operating modes


Single Mode (single channel or asymmetric mode) – this mode is implemented when only one memory module is installed in the system or all DIMMs differ from each other in memory capacity, operating frequency or manufacturer. It doesn’t matter in which slots or what memory to install. All memory will run at the speed of the slowest memory installed.

If there is only one module, then it can be installed in any memory slot:

Two or three different modules Memory can also be installed in any configuration:

This mode is more of a necessity when you already have RAM, and the first place is to increase the amount of memory and save money, and not to achieve best performance PC. If you are just buying a computer, of course, it is better to avoid such a memory installation.


Dual Mode (two-channel or symmetrical mode) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each DIMM channel. Modules are selected according to operating frequency. On motherboards, the DIMM sockets for each channel are different colors. Next to them is written the name of the connector, and sometimes the channel number. The purpose of the connectors and their location along the channels must be indicated in the motherboard manual. The total amount of memory is equal to the total amount of all installed modules. Each channel is served by its own memory controller. System performance increases by 5-10%.

Dual Mode can be implemented using two, three or four DIMMs.

If two identical RAM memory modules are used, they should be connected to the same connectors (the same color) from different channels. For example, install one module in the slot 0 channel A, and the second - into the connector 0 channel B:

That is, to enable the mode Dual Channel(interleaved mode) should be done the necessary conditions:
– the same configuration of DIMM modules is installed on each memory channel;
– memory is inserted into symmetrical channel connectors ( Slot 0 or Slot 1) .

Three memory modules are installed in a similar way - the total memory volumes in each channel are equal to each other (memory in the channel A equal in volume in the channel B):

And for four modules the same condition is satisfied. There are two parallel dual modes at work here:


(three-channel mode) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each of the three DIMM channels. Modules are selected according to speed and volume. On motherboards that support three-channel memory mode, 6 memory connectors are usually installed (two for each channel). Sometimes there are motherboards with four connectors - two connectors make up one channel, the other two are connected to the second and third channels, respectively.

With six or three sockets, installation is as simple as with dual-channel mode. If four memory slots are installed, three of which can work in , the memory should be installed in these slots.

(flexible mode ) – allows you to increase the performance of RAM when installing two modules of different sizes, but the same operating frequency. As in dual-channel mode, memory cards are installed in the same connectors of different channels. For example, if there are two memory sticks with a capacity of 512Mb and 1Gb, then one of them should be installed in the slot 0 channel A, and the second - into the slot 0 channel B:

In this case, the 512 MB module will work in dual mode with the 512 MB memory capacity of the second module, and the remaining 512 MB of the 1 GB module will work in single-channel mode.

That’s basically all the recommendations for combining RAM. Of course, there may be more layout options, it all depends on the amount of RAM, the motherboard model and your financial opportunities. Motherboards with support also appeared on sale four-channel mode memory work - this will give you maximum performance computer!

If your computer works slowly, freezes when working with programs and playing games, then one of the optimal ways To increase its performance at the hardware level is to install additional RAM on the computer. In this article we will look at step-by-step the process of adding or replacing RAM.

Selecting the desired type of RAM

Before you go to the store to buy a new memory module, you need to find out what type of RAM your motherboard supports. Exist following types RAM: DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3 L and new type DDR4. They They vary in size, so if you buy the wrong type, it simply won't fit into the connector. There is also a division into DIMM form factors (for desktop computers) and SODIMM (for laptops).

To find out the type, you need to carefully read the instructions for system board. If you already have memory modules installed, take one of them and look for the settings sticker. It shows the DDR type. Most modern computers have DDR2 and DDR3 memory installed.

Counting the number of RAM slots on the motherboard

The number of slots for memory modules on a motherboard can be 2,4,6,8, and even more on a server motherboard. Most motherboards have 2-4 connectors. You should pay attention to the maximum amount of memory that your motherboard supports.

Choosing a manufacturer

Many companies are developing RAM. The results of their work differ in both price and quality. We do not recommend purchasing memory from little-known manufacturers.

IN last years The following manufacturers are popular:





AMD Radion;




We purchase RAM

When going shopping at a specialized computer store, you need to know exactly what RAM you need and whether it will be compatible with the motherboard.

Preparing to install RAM

Step 1. Turn off the computer's power. Disconnect all cables and cords connected to the back of the case.

(Monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.)

Step 2. Remove the side cover from the housing. Place the computer case in such a way that it is convenient to work with it. It will be most convenient if you lay it on its side. Gain access to the motherboard by carefully moving away the nearby wires.

Step 3. Next, you should get rid of static charges. They can damage installed components on the motherboard. To do this, simply touch the case or battery with your hand. For some, this advice may seem ridiculous, someone will say that nothing will happen and nothing will be damaged, but as they say, “God protects the best,” so it’s better to play it safe and listen to the advice.

Step 4. Locate the RAM slots on the motherboard. IN modern boards Manufacturers make 2 or 4 connectors. These are identical in size and parallel to each other. You can see what they look like in the photo below.

Step 5. If you are replacing old memory with new one, then you need to remove the old module. Gently press the two white outer latches. The module will come free and can be easily removed.

Step 6. Take a new memory stick, being careful not to touch the microcircuits and contacts located on it.

Installing RAM

If you have one memory module or several modules of different sizes, then insert them into any slot, skip everything written below and go to step 7.

Modern motherboards are capable of operating in two, three, and four channel modes. The advantage of using multi-channel mode is that two, three or four channels communicate with each other, increasing throughput. This significantly speeds up the system.

Most budget motherboards come with dual-channel mode. The connectors may be the same color, but they are often different and alternate. For example, blue, black, blue black. Yellow, red, yellow, red.

To make RAM work in dual-channel mode, you need to install identical memory modules in slots of the same color.

For example, if you have two 1 GB sticks, then they need to be inserted into connectors of the same color, say blue.

When it comes to installing identical modules, this means that they should not only be of the same volume, but also identical in their technical specifications(frequency, delay, timing, manufacturer).

To avoid mistakes, it is better to buy a set of two or four planks.

If you have successfully selected and purchased the RAM module you need, let's install it correctly in our computer. All the parts inside the system unit do not require significant physical effort to handle, so relax a little. Before work, it would be a good idea to read the manual that came with your motherboard; it must have its own instructions for installing RAM.

  • Note: If you have a laptop, then read the article -.

First of all, we remove static electricity from ourselves by touching the unpainted parts of your system unit with our hands.

We perform all actions with the computer turned off. Disconnect power cord from electrical outlet. We remove the side cover of the system unit and find the slots for RAM on the motherboard. Usually there are from two to four. Each RAM slot has special latches on the edges on both sides; they must be carefully pressed to the sides.

Note: Some motherboards are designed in such a way that install RAM the video card will interfere with you, then remove it.

Now look carefully at any slot for installing RAM, it has a special protrusion.

Now take out the RAM module and you will see a special slot or recess on it.

So, we pressed the two latches of the RAM slot to the sides, and carefully insert our RAM module into the slot.

If you bought the RAM module correctly, then when installing the module into the slot intended for it on the motherboard, this cutout should definitely fit into the protrusion. If the cutout and protrusion do not match, then the RAM module is not designed to work on this motherboard.

The module should fall into the guides without any distortions, now the most crucial moment, lightly and carefully press the module from above on both sides with your thumbs, it should fall into place, and the latches should click into place.

If the latches do not click into place, look carefully to see if the module is fully seated in the slot; if it is fully seated, then fix the latch yourself. I think everything is clearly visible in the screenshots.

Let me remind you that if you have two RAM modules with the same capacity and identical characteristics, and the motherboard supports dual-channel RAM mode, insert the modules into the same colored slots.

We put the cover of the system unit back, connect all the cables and turn on the computer.

How to remove RAM

If you need to remove RAM from the slot, it is very simple to do so, just unlatch the latches and remove the RAM module.