Computer assembly designer. Correct selection of PC components

So, you have a desire to build a computer that fully satisfies your personal requirements, you have a certain amount of money to buy components, but... it all ends with your desire, you are not sure what and how to do next.

If no questions arise with this, and the components have already been purchased, then you can immediately start reading the article

STEP 1: What kind of computer do you need?

To build a computer from scratch yourself, first you need to decide what the future computer will be used for. Let me make a reservation right away that for ease of understanding, here and further we will use the following concepts:

Office computer– a simple low-power computer, designed primarily for working with office applications, not designed for powerful computer games.

Gaming computer– a powerful computer for processing graphics or running heavy games, for working with heavy programs.

What exactly should your computer be like? Maybe it will be a gaming PC. Or maybe you need a computer for working with office applications, for typing, and you don’t plan to process heavy graphics on it. This stage is one of the most important stages, because It is now that the approximate future configuration is being determined, and most importantly, how much money will have to be spent on assembling your future computer. For example, it makes no sense to spend a lot of money on assembling a top-end monster on which you only plan to work with text, and vice versa, assembling a simple computer for games will most likely greatly disappoint you.


So, you have decided what kind of computer you need. Now the time has come to decide on the future platform on which the computer will be built. It will be either Intel or AMD - the final price of the computer depends on the choice of platform, as well as which processor will be used in the future computer.

I won’t dare to say which is better, AMD or Intel; there have been fierce debates on this topic on the Internet for a long time. Each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages, but if we characterize them in general terms, we can say that the AMD platform produces cheaper computers with approximately the same power as the Intel platform. If you want to save money, or are limited on a budget, then I recommend taking a closer look at AMD, as a result you will get a pretty good computer for less money. Intel is better suited for gaming systems, Intel processors generally show better performance in games. If you're not building a computer for gaming, then AMD is probably the best choice.

STEP 3: Where is the most convenient place to select components?

The easiest way to select components for your computer is to use the price lists of stores in your city. I use the websites of large stores, which have information about the availability of components, prices, and reviews.

You can, of course, order everything through online stores, but personally I don’t find this method convenient. Ultimately, it's up to you how and where you buy your components.

STEP 4: Select the central processing unit (CPU)

So, we open the website of a computer store, or look at the price list and look for a processor for a future computer. You should not buy the cheapest processor if you plan to build a powerful computer. We pay attention to the processor clock speed, number of cores, cache levels. You can look for reviews about any processor that interests you.

More processors in the store are marked as OEM or BOX/cooler, be sure to pay attention to this! OEM processors do not come with a CPU cooler, while BOX versions come with a simple cooler. For gaming systems, this is not the best option, since the standard cooler often does not cope with the task, so it is best to look for the OEM version, and then separately purchase a good processor cooler for it. The BOX version is also suitable for an office or work computer. Remember that you will pay more money for the BOX version of the processor, because... the overpayment is for the cooler included.

In general, choosing a processor is a very important undertaking, and this is a rather large separate topic, which I will cover in future articles.

Once you have decided on the processor, remember its name socket as well as its thermal package (in watts) is very important information; it will be useful to you in the future when choosing a motherboard and cooling for the CPU.

STEP 5: Selecting the motherboard

The choice of motherboard is carried out taking into account which processor you selected in the previous step. Namely, what socket your processor runs on. Simply put, you can now select only those motherboards that have the exact same socket as the processor you choose. If the sockets of the processor and motherboard are different, you will not be able to install the processor on the motherboard.

When choosing a motherboard, focus on the following characteristics:

  • board form factor (ATX, microATX);
  • RAM type (DDRx, where x is DDR version) and maximum supported frequency;
  • number of SATA ports and their speed;
  • version of USB interfaces;

The first two characteristics are very important - they determine what kind of case for the system unit you will need, and what kind of RAM you can install, so remember them.

Another important point is the presence of an integrated graphics processor. For example, if you have it, you can save on buying a video card if you are assembling a regular office computer.

Advice:On the motherboard manufacturer's website you can find a list of supported, tested compatible processors and RAM models.

STEP 6: Select RAM

Selecting RAM is not that difficult. The main thing to remember is that it must be exactly the same type that the motherboard you choose supports. For example, it will not be possible to install DDR2 memory into a motherboard slot designed for DDR3 memory.

Ideally, you should choose memory with the maximum frequency supported by the motherboard. Supported memory frequencies must be found in the motherboard description.

Now about the main thing - the amount of memory. For a simple office computer, which will not have any special performance requirements, the simplest memory with a minimum capacity of 1-4 gigabytes is sufficient. Your gaming computer should have 8 GB of memory or higher.

Advice: If you are going to install more than one stick of RAM, then I strongly recommend buying memory in sets. The set usually comes with 2 or 4 strips. This will allow you to avoid many troubles associated with computer operation in the future.

STEP 7: selecting cooling for the CPU

Cooling for the central processor can be with a universal mount, or maybe with a specialized one for a specific socket. When choosing cooling, look at the supported sockets (the socket of the processor you choose should be there), as well as the power dissipation in watts - it should be equal to or higher than the thermal package (TDP) of the processor. If the CPU heatsink is weak, it may cause it to overheat.

For gaming systems with a powerful processor, it makes sense to buy good cooling, the power dissipation of which significantly exceeds the TDP of the processor.

Also pay attention to the height of the cooler if you want to install a tower-type cooler. If it is too high, this will need to be taken into account when choosing a computer case.

STEP 8: Graphics Card

If you are assembling a gaming computer, then this is as important a step for you as choosing a processor. If this is a simple office computer for which graphics performance is not important, then you can do without purchasing a video card at all. Many motherboards have an integrated graphics processor, and the monitor can be connected directly to the motherboard. If the board does not have a monitor output, then you can either look for a motherboard with integrated graphics, or buy a simple video card.

The situation is completely different if you are building a powerful computer for graphics processing or gaming - you simply cannot do without buying a good gaming video card.

First you need to decide on the base manufacturer of the video card. There are two of them - NVidia and AMD. AMD is as always - cheap and cheerful, for less money you get approximately the same (and sometimes higher) performance as a similar NVidia video card. However, AMD lacks technologies such as PhysX, CUDA, and other interesting things that only NVidia video cards have.

I consider it pointless to argue about which video card manufacturer is better; you yourself can search the Internet for reviews about certain video cards and make your own difficult choice.

When choosing a video card, do not only go for video cards with a large amount of memory. Pay attention to the memory bus bandwidth, this is a fairly important parameter - the higher it is, the better.

Once you have made your choice, remember the length of the video card; this may come in handy later when we select the system unit case. Otherwise, it may happen that the video card you choose simply will not fit into the case.

STEP 9: Hard Drives

The main parameters of a hard drive are speed and capacity. The loading speed of the operating system and all other programs depends on the reading speed. In the vast majority of computers, the biggest bottleneck affecting boot speed is the hard drive. Therefore, if the speed of loading the system and programs is critical for you, take a closer look at solid state drives - SSD drives. Unlike classic hard drives, they have no mechanical elements - these drives are like a large ultra-high-speed “flash drive” with a SATA interface.

Due to the high cost of SSD drives, they often resort to using at least two drives simultaneously - an SSD and a classic HDD. You can install the operating system and programs on the SSD, and use the HDD to store your files.

Personally, I recommend using an SSD on any computer if your budget allows. As practice shows, even old laptops from 5-7 years ago with an SSD installed instead of an HDD seem to gain a second life and work much faster, not to mention new computers. The SSD has virtually no effect on performance in games, but it has a fantastic effect on the response speed of the system and all programs. J For example, on a fairly powerful computer with an SSD installed, the Windows 7 operating system, including a bunch of startup programs and plus Kaspersky antivirus, is completely loaded in 7-9 seconds!

But SSDs also have one drawback: once you get used to the speed of work on an SSD, you will no longer be able to calmly work on any other computer with a regular HDD; it will seem too slow to you. J


Everything is simple here - if you plan to use laser discs (CD, DVD, Blu-ray, etc.), then you definitely need a disk drive. Personally, I haven’t used it for a long time, since you can install the operating system from a flash drive, and all the necessary drivers are available on the Internet.

In general, of course, it is better to install a CD-ROM, especially if you have no experience in assembling and configuring computers. The discs that come with the components will help you out a lot at first.

When choosing a CD-rom, you should pay attention to the supported disc formats.

STEP 11: select the system case

It’s quite easy to choose a case - choose the one you like best. The main thing is to consider which components you chose in the previous stages. Pay special attention to what size motherboard you have. For example, if it is ATX size, then the case must support installing an ATX board. Additionally, do not forget that if you choose a tower cooler for the processor, it may not fit in a small case - carefully look at its dimensions. Also pay attention to the dimensions of the video card so that it can be installed in the case without any problems.

Cases come with or without a pre-installed power supply. If for an office computer the option with a pre-installed unit is still suitable, then for a gaming computer be sure to choose a case without a power supply, it can then be calculated and purchased separately.

STEP 12: calculating the power supply

The power supply is one of the most important parts of the computer; it determines how all other components of the system will work, how protected they will be from voltage surges and other misfortunes of electrical networks. What you definitely shouldn’t do is try to save money on a cheap power supply, no matter what kind of computer you build.

Pay attention to power supplies with energy efficiency labels 80plus, they come in five types: bronze, silver, gold, platinum and titanium. If the block is at least marked with the 80plus label, then this is already good.

Those labeled titanium are, accordingly, generally the best power supplies; they provide up to 95% efficiency. And this, in turn, speaks about the quality of manufacturing of the power supply - such a unit consumes less energy than other similar units with lower efficiency.

Look at what connectors the power supply has, they should be enough to connect all devices. Be sure to pay attention to the power supply diagram of the motherboard and processor! If the motherboard, for example, has a 24 pin power supply, then the unit must have a 24 pin power output (or 20+4 pin, this is the same). The same goes for processor power. Also pay attention to whether there is an additional power connector on the video card and whether there are the necessary connectors on the power supply.

The power supply must provide power higher than that consumed by all the computer hardware at peak load. Otherwise, at best, the computer will simply turn off. In the worst case, it’s better for you not to know what will happen, just take my word for it.

STAGE 13: additional and very necessary little things + peripherals

You may also need:

  • fans for air ventilation inside the case;
  • thermal paste
  • cables, cables, adapters;
  • periphery

Fans must be purchased if the case you choose does not have them. Choose the largest fans that your chassis can support. The larger the fan, the more air it will be able to move, while making less noise than its smaller counterparts.

Thermal paste will be needed to install the cooler on the processor. Typically, a boxed processor comes with thermal paste, but as practice shows, it is better to buy high-quality thermal paste and use it.

You will also need SATA cables to connect hard drives and CD-ROMs. Motherboards often come with several SATA cables, so keep this in mind.

I did not move the periphery into a separate stage. The choice of periphery is a purely individual matter. You can choose a keyboard, mouse and monitor without my help

STEP 14: Check

The final stage of choosing components is a mental check to see if you have chosen everything you need correctly? Check again all components in size so that they can be installed in the case without problems, check that there are enough slots on the motherboard for all components, whether you have enough wires on the power supply and whether there are all additional wires for connecting disks and CDs. ROM, for example, SATA cables. Despite its apparent simplicity, do not ignore this stage. It’s better to check everything again now than to later try to exchange the wrong part you bought for the one you actually need.

If someone doesn’t understand something, welcome to the comments.

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Are you planning to get a new computer? You have 2 ways - buy ready-made or assemble it yourself. The advantages of the first way are obvious: bring it, connect it and use it. No extra hassle. Convenient, but... if you decide to do this, you will most likely overpay. And inside the sealed system unit there may not be what you expected. For example, cheap “noname” hardware sold to you at a High End price, or a slightly adjusted defect that, at best, will fail before the warranty period expires. And at worst, right after it ends.

Assembling a computer from separate components is a troublesome, but smarter way. Firstly, such a purchase is 10-25% cheaper. Secondly, you will know exactly what your iron “pet” is made of. And thirdly, you can handle this on your own, even if you have no idea about the compatibility of the parts. Online configurator services will come to your aid, and this article will teach you how to use them.

Before starting assembly, check for yourself:

  • What tasks will the new PC be used for?
  • What budget do you have?

The most economical option is office class computer. The range of tasks for which it is intended is small. This includes working in undemanding applications, the Internet, listening to music, watching videos on YouTube, and simple games. Such a machine (turnkey kit) will cost approximately 15-25 thousand rubles. It usually includes:

  • Inexpensive motherboard.
  • An inexpensive processor, like an Intel Celeron with a built-in graphics core, so you can save on a video card. Or plus a budget video card.
  • Box cooler.
  • Hard disk drive (HDD).
  • 2-4 GB of RAM.
  • Case with built-in power supply, peripherals.

Mid-budget option - multimedia PC. These are most often purchased for the home. Multimedia computers are used for a variety of tasks, excluding heavy games and particularly resource-intensive applications. The cost of assembly is 30-60 thousand rubles. As a rule, it contains:

  • A motherboard based on a modern chipset with a large set of slots and USB (optimally with support for USB 3.1).
  • Modern Intel Core i3-i7 processor or AMD equivalent.
  • Cooling system (processor cooler + 1-2 case fans).
  • Multimedia or gaming class video card.
  • SSD+HDD (the first is for the operating system, the second is for data storage)
  • 8-16 GB of RAM.
  • Power supply 500-650 W.
  • Multimedia monitor.
  • Housing, peripherals, expansion boards.

Expensive option - gaming pc. The price of a computer for gaming on average starts from 60,000 rubles, the upper threshold is not indicated. Assembly usually includes:

  • Gaming motherboard.
  • Modern Intel Core i5-i7 processor or AMD equivalent.
  • Productive cooling system of air or water type.
  • 1-2 gaming video cards.
  • A discrete sound card (if the built-in audio sounds good, you don’t have to buy it).
  • SSD+HDD.
  • From 16 GB of RAM.
  • Power supply from 550 W and more powerful.
  • 1 or more gaming monitors.
  • Case, gaming keyboard, mouse and other accessories.

Let us separately highlight servers and specialized computers, for example, for video editing, mining, etc. Their price can be anything, but it is usually quite high. The composition of the configuration is determined by its purpose.

How to allocate a budget when purchasing components

Start building the assembly of your future computer with the key and most expensive part. This is, as a rule, a processor, and when buying a gaming PC - a processor + video card combination. And sometimes - a monitor.

Secondly, we select:

  • Motherboard.
  • Cooler.
  • Power unit. We determine the required power after selecting the remaining components, but we allocate funds in advance, since it is impossible to save on the power supply.

The third line is where you can save money. Of course, savings should in no way affect the quality of the devices. This category includes parts that you can postpone the purchase of if you don't have enough money. Or buy in smaller quantities than planned.

  • RAM. If you can’t buy everything at once, you can get by with one module for a while.
  • HDD.
  • Expansion cards (sound card, TV tuner, DVD/Blu-ray drive, etc., optional for PC operation).
  • Periphery. If you don’t have enough money for expensive gaming devices, you can use regular ones for a while. This is better than cutting the budget for a video card or power supply.
  • Frame. The cost of system unit cases does not always reflect their quality. Some manufacturers increase prices only for decoration - lighting, unusual shapes, etc. If decoration is not the main thing for you, feel free to buy a case with a regular design. The main thing is that it is roomy (especially important for long video cards and tall tower coolers), with a convenient location of the compartments (the power supply is at the bottom, the disk shelves are across, there is a compartment for cables), as well as with an ergonomic placement of buttons and connectors on the "muzzle".

Assembling a computer using the online DNS store configurator

Let's figure out how to use the online configurator using the computer store DNS service as an example. The choice fell on it, since it has a device compatibility check and everything else is very simple and clear. For example, let’s assemble a gaming system unit in a minimal configuration.

Let's start with choosing a processor. To do this, go to the service page and click the “Add” button in the first line.

The left column of the next page contains the characteristics of the CPU, and the right column lists the products from the store’s assortment. We select an Intel brand processor with a free multiplier (for overclocking). After we noted the parameters of interest, the service automatically found suitable models. Having selected one of them - Intel Core i5-6600K without a cooler, click “Included”.

  • For a gaming computer.
  • GPU manufacturer - NVIDIA.
  • GPU model - GeForce GTX 1080.
  • Memory capacity - 8 GB.

They may be different for you. In general, when choosing components for a gaming PC, focus on the system requirements of the most resource-intensive game you are going to play on it. Then you can't go wrong.

Our choice fell on the GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1080 WINDFORCE OC. We add it to the kit and move on to selecting the motherboard.

In order for the service to display only those motherboards that are suitable for the selected processor, at the top of the table of filters (characteristics) we put the “Compatible” label.

From the rest we noted:

  • For a gaming computer.
  • Form factor - ATX (full-size).
  • Based on the Intel Z270 chipset.
  • With USB 3.1 type A and C ports.

Next to the name of each product there is a short list of its characteristics. To open the full description, just click on the catalog line.

The kit included the Gigabyte GA-Z270-Gaming K3 board.

We noted:

  • Tower type.
  • Copper base.
  • 4-pin connection connector.

The choice fell on DEEPCOOL GAMMAXX 200T.

The next components are RAM and SSD. Let's take 2 Kingston HyperX FURY Red 16 GB sticks and a 512 GB Plextor M8SeY solid-state drive.

Finally, let's select a power supply. The total power consumption of our assembly is 352 W (to find out, click on the button shown in the screenshot at the top of the page).

It is advisable that the rated power of the power supply exceed this value by at least 25-30%. We got almost 2 times more, and that's not bad.

There are no compatibility issues with our build. When they are there, the first button on the panel (with puzzles) turns red. The hardware is optimally selected, the only thing missing is the system unit case. But we will buy it sometime later, since the price of all this stuff was as much as 124,993 rubles.

You can save your build in your personal account on the DNS website (registration is required) and, if you want, make a purchase there. But we do not advise you to do this right away, since similar configurator services are also available in other stores, where prices may be lower, the assortment may be richer, and delivery times may be shorter. Let's get to know them.

Regard store configurator

The computer configurator with compatibility check allows you to quickly assemble a system unit with the technical characteristics required by the user. Using our online designer, you can easily assemble a reliable office machine, a home multimedia system unit, or a powerful gaming configuration.

Computer assembly online

Nowadays, like many years before, assembling a computer from independently selected components is popular. This is a good opportunity to choose what you want. Nothing limits you; there are hundreds of options available for assembly, among which there is sure to be one you like.

Our online store offers the opportunity to assemble a computer online through the configurator. In it, this process is presented in the form of categories of components, from the processor to the power supply. Each category contains an expanded range of models with descriptions of characteristics for ease of selection.

To simplify the selection of components, the configurator has a compatibility filter for the main components of the assembly. For example, by selecting a specific processor, the following components are automatically filtered by compatibility. Also, you will be presented with a choice to install the operating system. After completing the assembly process, you receive the final result based on three parameters: price, technical data, rendered image. After placing an order and confirming it by phone, our specialists assemble this kit and check its functionality.

The advantage of this method of purchasing a system unit is that you not only choose the components you want, but also have the opportunity to choose the brand or manufacturer of the part.

Having assembled a certain configuration and completed by pressing the assemble/buy buttons, the assembly is assigned a specific serial number, by typing it in the product search bar, you can find this PC and send a link to it to friends or acquaintances for consultation or recommending them for purchase.

An important feature of our configurator is the “get an expert’s opinion” function. By sending your request through this form, you will receive a detailed response with a recommendation to the email you specified.

Try it and see for yourself - assembling a computer online is easy and simple! In case of difficulties, you can always get advice from our specialists on all issues that interest you.

Dear customers! In order to ensure the safety of the equipment, delivery of assembled PCs is possible only in Moscow and within 40 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

The warranty on Regard computers is 2 years!

The warranty on the assembled PC is 2 years - during this period, the Regard warranty department will independently diagnose and identify the faulty device.

For individual components inside the system unit, the warranty period can be more than two years (it is indicated in the warranty card) - such equipment is serviced in the Regard warranty department throughout the entire warranty period.

Branded stickers mark only components installed by assembly staff - violation of the integrity of the sticker, its damage or traces of re-sticking lead to loss of warranty on the system unit.

We leave access to the computer case - if necessary, you can always add other components to the PC, as well as clean it from dust without losing the warranty.

You compile - we collect!

Over the past decade, the computer has become an integral part of the life of any modern person. A computer is a universal tool that can perform both work and entertainment functions. Having long ceased to be an expensive luxury, a modern computer has become an affordable necessity.

Today there are a huge number of computers and components for them on the market. Due to such diversity, the question increasingly arises of which computer to buy and how much it can cost. Depending on the planned tasks, you can buy a good computer with expensive components and high performance - for multimedia use; Or you can buy a computer cheaply - to perform simple office tasks. Fans of modern interactive entertainment should buy a gaming computer - these are powerful machines for which there are practically no limits to what is possible. In any case, the variety of existing products will allow you to buy a computer for any need.

If you want to buy a computer, our online store may be the ideal solution. Assembling a computer online is easier, more convenient and cheaper than at a retail outlet. The Regard online store is exactly the place where you can buy a computer quickly and with significant savings for your budget. We will help you assemble a computer for both home and office use, and we will select a computer configuration that will fully satisfy your goals and objectives.

To assemble your computer yourself, we suggest you use our new product – “System Unit Configurator”. This extremely convenient feature will allow you to visually create the desired configuration of your computer and related peripherals. As you select components, our PC configurator will display an approximate image of the resulting system. The price is calculated in real time - this is convenient if you plan to buy a computer within a certain budget. Once the configuration is approved, we assemble the computer free of charge.

In our store you can buy a computer of any configuration - components are presented widely and in all price ranges. You can build a computer on both the Intel and AMD platforms - we offer a full range of processors and motherboards for both brands. For convenience and clarity, you can use our new computer configurator.

If you find it difficult to buy a computer on your own, our consultants will be happy to offer you their recommendations.

The PC Configurator is an easy way to assemble a computer online and check the compatibility of components.

Let's start assembling. When selecting components, the appearance of the installed units is visualized. The price is calculated automatically online, consistently forming the cost of the finished PC. The designer program will help you assemble and buy a system unit from scratch in a couple of clicks. Assigns an identification number to the assembly and saves the link.

Assembling a computer is a fascinating process. Available - top-end GEFORCE RTX video cards, latest generation Intel processors, RAM with passive radiator cooling and RGB backlighting, high-speed SSD drives, plus capacious HDD drives. Choose Asus Msi Gigabyte motherboards, spacious cases on aluminum chassis, Corsair, Thermaltake, Seasonic power supplies. Our designer knows how to solve difficult problems. Allows you to assemble a gaming computer, a productive graphics station, or a machine for professional audio digitization.

When you have configured your PC, click the “place an order” button. Fill out the standard form, then you will receive an email with confirmation and contents of the order. Edelweiss store managers will contact you, answer your questions and agree on the time and conditions of delivery or pickup. The sales department will configure the selected PC, deploy licensed software (if you select an OS), and install the necessary drivers and utilities. The service will test your PC with specialized software at full load for 4 hours.

Additional bonuses for clients

  • recommended configurations have been prepared
  • using the code, discuss the benefits of assembly with an engineer
  • the ability to quickly select a computer at a price online
  • product customization
  • free delivery in Moscow
If you encounter any difficulties during self-assembly, please contact our managers. Consultants of the Edelweiss online store are always in touch and will be happy to help.