Unwanted update numbers to windows 7 x64

Sometimes Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe and other EXE system errors can be related to problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe file, but when those programs are uninstalled or modified, sometimes "orphaned" (incorrect) EXE registry entries are left behind.

Basically, this means that while the actual path of the file may have changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows Registry. When Windows tries to look up these incorrect file references (file locations on your computer), Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe errors can occur. Additionally, a malware infection may have corrupted registry entries associated with PeoplePC Online. Thus, these corrupt EXE registry entries need to be fixed to fix the problem at the root.

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %%product%% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe-related registry problems. Using a registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as the one causing the Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that eliminating registry errors can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we do NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Using Registry Editor incorrectly may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before you manually repair the Windows registry, you must create a backup by exporting a portion of the registry that is associated with Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe (eg. PeoplePC Online):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe-related key (eg. PeoplePC Online) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the PeoplePC Online key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, such as "PeoplePC Online Backup".
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your Windows-KB890830-V1.4-ENU.exe-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

Every user of modern operating systems knows that the release of updates is designed to improve the use of the device, speed up its operation, bring new functions and add a lot of useful things to the system. However, sometimes this rule does not apply to the Windows operating system from Microsoft. As time and experience show, not all updates released by Microsoft are useful for your PC, and sometimes they can even worsen the performance of the system. If you have not yet upgraded to Windows 10 or have decided for some reason to return to Windows 7, this article will be useful for you. In it we will talk about which updates are not recommended for installation, how to skip them, and why exactly they are not needed on your system.

How to control downloading and installation of updates in Windows 7

Users who have installed a clean version (without pre-installed updates) of the Windows 7 operating system recently know that after the computer is started for the first time, the OS begins to download all past updates and install them in order to bring the system up to date. As a rule, there can be a dozen, two, or even several such updates.

The process of downloading and installing so many updates can take several hours. During installation, the computer is usually inaccessible for work and the screen only displays a request not to turn off the computer's power. After a rather long process, the system may report that the installation of some of the updates failed and an equally lengthy process of rolling back changes will begin. During this time, the computer will reboot several times and it will most likely be impossible to interrupt this process (at least without harming the system).

In order to avoid wasting time and accumulating errors in the system, disable automatic system updates and manually install only the most necessary files from the Update Center. To do this, do the following:

  • Open Windows Control Panel and select the Windows Update category.
  • In the left column, select Configure Settings.
  • Disable automatic system updates by selecting “Search for updates, but download and installation decisions are made by me” in the drop-down menu.

What Windows 7 updates should/shouldn't be installed

You can definitely ignore the installation of the following updates

KB2859537 / KB3045999 / KB2872339 / KB905474 / KB971033 / KB2882822 / KB2862330 / KB2864058 / KB2952664 / KB3035583 / KB3021917 / KB2990214 / KB302 2345 / KB915597 / KB2823324 / MS13-063 / KB2876063 / KB2873872 / KB2843638 / KB2843639 / KB2868846

All of them are either not very useful or not noticeable at all to the end user and will only take up your time and cause errors.

  • KB2955164- not the most important update, not intended for home PCs.
  • KB3045999- an update that causes a “blue screen of death” to appear.
  • KB2859537- causes error 0xc0000005 when launching programs.
  • KB2882822- disrupts the operation of USB ports.

After excluding these updates, you should be left with no more than a dozen important and critical updates, the installation of which is definitely recommended.

A person who has been in close contact with computer technology for a long time knows that not all programs are equally useful. By downloading any utility from the Internet, you can catch a virus that will harm your computer. Same with operating system updates. They, of course, do not contain viruses, but they can cause crashes, critical errors and slow down the system as a whole. Therefore, it is very important to know which 7 cannot be installed.


The first and main advice is not to install the latest “updates”. There are cases when Microsoft itself recalls failed patches and service packs. Therefore, if your OS has detected a whole list of fresh files, do not rush to download them. Wait a month or two. The list will certainly get shorter. This will make it easier to understand which Windows 7 updates cannot be installed.

Unlicensed OS

Most update problems usually occur on pirated operating systems. Due to the fact that the assemblies are done by hand and you have to assemble the "axis" in parts, they use custom settings that differ from the official drivers. As a result, a whole list of “killers” of unlicensed OSes appeared. So, what updates cannot be installed (Windows 7 x64)?

  • KB2872339;
  • KB2859537;
  • KB2882822.

These three updates lead to a conflict with the system kernel. As a result, applications stop loading, critical system errors and other unpleasant problems occur. This is due to the incompatibility of the kernel and some cracks and activators.

You should not install the KB971033 update. It changes the activation system. As a result, the OS begins to display a message stating that you are using an unlicensed version and requires activation.


What other Windows 7 updates cannot be installed? 2015 was one of the richest years in “surprises”:

  • KB2862330;
  • KB2864058;
  • KB2965768;
  • KB2993651;
  • KB2982791;
  • KV2973201;
  • KV2970228;
  • KV2975719;
  • KV2975331.

These updates “like” to completely crash the system, interfere with the launch of applications and render the OS completely inoperable. Open windows may disappear or become invisible. One could call this mysticism, but this is no laughing matter, because the system becomes completely inoperable.

You can download everything. Having disabled it on a pirated operating system, you must understand one thing - downloading updates will not change anything. The main thing is not to install them. Always manually check what exactly the Update Center suggests installing.

Don't install updates all at once. Especially if a long period of time has passed. The situation here is the same as with hardware drivers. Having installed everything in a bunch, knowing which Windows 7 updates cannot be installed will not help. Software conflicts may occur and older patches may be placed on top of newer ones. This won't lead to anything good.

Before updating your system, always create restore points so you can roll back the latest changes. This way you will protect yourself from the most unpleasant consequences. However, if Windows activation disappears, you will still have to try to hack it again.

Don't believe that it is necessary to update the system. The main argument of some users is that the operating system's protection is being updated. Actually this is not true. Antivirus programs and utilities to protect against adware will protect your computer from most dangers. The one that is updated through the center serves to secure the computer “on the spot”. Roughly speaking, this is the last barrier that an attacker must overcome. But no one needs home computers. Nobody will hack them. And in large firms and corporations, in any case, there is licensed software that is not scary to update.

So, have you found out which Windows 7 updates cannot be installed? It is not necessary to update the operating system if everything works like a charm for you. You can give yourself a headache without getting anything meaningful in return.

Greetings to all readers and computer enthusiasts on my blog!

Many people often ask questions about Windows 7 updates. In particular, about the problems, the need for the procedure itself, as well as the impact of patches on the general condition of the systems and computer. This is what we will talk about today. Today I will talk about this in more detail. Go!

Why are updates needed?

Any operating system is still quite crude. For example, the same seven had problems with network security in the initial editions. Even some ports could not be opened because they were blocked in the OS code. Then the first service pack (SP1) appeared. He laid the foundation for fixing all bugs by Microsoft itself.

It is noteworthy that at that time almost no one was working on Windows Vista, since it was considered a complete failure and did not justify itself, both in terms of ease of use and in terms of security.

You can always download any updates on the Microsoft website. Even the operating systems themselves have a special center that independently downloads all the necessary software. In addition, all the necessary software can be downloaded manually. It is also available on trackers, although downloading from there is more dangerous, especially from little-known sites.

This should be done regularly, since patches not only increase the level of network security, but also help stabilize and speed up the system.

This is especially true for powerful computers with processors of 4 or more cores, as well as 4 or more gigabytes of RAM.

Do I need to install all the updates?

Great question. I will try to explain more clearly and in simpler language. The update can be divided into two groups.

  • Important ones related to computer hardware (that is, hardware). And so, which do not need to be set without fail.
  • The second group includes patches that relate to office programs, time zones, and language packs.

Although system administrators advise installing all available software, if there is little space on your hard drive, then it is better to select only the most necessary patches.

For example, relating to hard drives, processors, graphics modules, firewalls, network cards, security policies, administration and other important sections and topics. It is especially worth installing service packs, rather than individual parts of updates.

Let me give you an example. We have a powerful computer. New updates have been released for the Ryzen processor from Microsoft itself, which increase the speed of the operating system on this hardware. Plus, the update includes software that adds language packs to Microsoft Office programs.

What do you think is more important to download and install? Of course, software for hardware. Especially if you don’t use the office often and don’t use other languages. In this case, system administrators advise downloading the software separately, in parts, and not through the automatic update center.

What security updates are needed?

If a computer is connected to a global network, there is always a danger of penetration into it. Theft of personal information and hacking of accounts on various social networks. Which updates to download for the security system? In a word, everything. First, you should take care of the firewall. It is precisely this that is an invisible shield between the global network and the user. Of course, you can install more advanced software from third-party developers, but Microsoft software does the job just fine.

Next, you need to take care of the network ports that hackers are often used to using. For example, having shared (made available for outside use) a port, there is no doubt that if a cunning and unscrupulous programmer notices this, he will definitely take advantage of it.

This is especially true for PAT viruses with backdoor code. Let me explain more clearly. Imagine a remote administration program. For example, Teamweaver or R-Admin. You can control your computer from another machine, in the same way as the one you are currently sitting at. This kind of software actually uses ports. Now imagine that another person can drive your car.

Moreover, you won’t even know about it, but he will have access to your files, see what you are doing, can even copy information, and you won’t even notice. That's why you should always monitor the release of new updates. Better yet, install additional software. For example, NOD32, Kaspersky or the same free Avast.

What should I know before downloading and installing?

Firstly, installing update packages may interfere with activation. For those who use licensed products from Microsoft, there is nothing much to worry about. You will only need to re-enter the code that is indicated on the box with Windows. But those who use assemblies and repacks will have a more difficult time.

In this regard, only installing a beta version of the operating system or searching for an activator can help, which in theory is illegal, so I warn you right away. It’s smarter to just find Windows with updates already integrated for the last day and install it, especially if you haven’t taken down the system or cleaned it for a year or two.

There is nothing complicated about this, by the way, here are a few articles from my blog on this topic:

I also want to warn you that after installing the service packs that you download on foreign sites, the time zone in Windows may well change. This is due to the fact that the update package was most likely originally downloaded for another country. Subsequently, the programmer translated it into Russian, took out everything unnecessary from it, and then packed it back. Therefore, I always recommend downloading updates from the Microsoft website.

Of course, maybe they will install something on your laptop that you don’t particularly need, however, this way you will at least be confident that nothing bad will happen to your current system and there will be no failures that could lead to failure of the hardware or the graphical shell itself.

What problems might arise?

I’ll give you some advice right away - don’t update without the Internet. If difficulties arise, you simply will not be able to find the answer on the Internet, and this is important, since if the software fails, it must be fixed immediately, or, in the worst case scenario, you will have to reinstall the operating system.

So, let's move on to common problems and their solutions.

Updates take forever to download.

This often happens on crookedly made Windows OS repacks. There can be many reasons. For example, a poorly written activator completely ruined the registry. Because of this, when updating automatically, the system simply does not understand what updates it actually needs. For 32 or 64 bit, for seven or eight, for one processor or another. The registry is an integral part of the Microsoft graphical shell. And if there is something wrong with it, it will certainly affect the operation of the system in the future.

The computer sees the update, but does not install it.

Here again, there is some kind of problem with Windows itself. Most likely, the wrong update package was downloaded. If the service pack is downloaded manually, then it is likely that such updates are already on the computer. Or you downloaded older version packages. In general, the software itself or the operating system should warn about this during installation. However, if we are dealing with an assembly from a novice programmer, then it is quite possible that there will be no notification about this.

In this case, I advise you to connect the automatic update center and download everything through it. Otherwise, it is better to refuse installation of the data that you downloaded.

An error appears - not applicable to this computer.

Often such a sign appears due to incompatibility between software versions and the machine itself. For example, you see a 64-bit seven. And the service pack is designed for 32-bit. Accordingly, the system will not allow it to be installed.

Therefore, it is important to download the software that is designed for your system.

It is also likely that you are trying to install software that is written for Vista or XP. Double-check everything, if necessary, download the software from another server or torrent.

Updates heavily load the system.

Most likely, after installing the packages, you have not yet rebooted. This happens when the computer processes still display any actions related to updates. Or unpacking and installation of files continues in the background. Before rebooting your laptop, make sure that the updates have finished installing. Otherwise, you will then have to delete everything and install it again, since the installation process is not renewable.

Read carefully what this or that program says during installation, since Microsoft products are always supplied with instructions for subsequent actions.

Files load the processor.

Maybe you opened the program twice. One version installed perfectly, the second one hangs in the background and loads the processor. In such cases, you need to find it in the task manager. Open it and look for the most power-consuming computer file. Then simply click on the task.

Perhaps unpacking is happening in the background, and it is not the processor itself that is slowing down, but the hard drive. This happens with cheap models. Their recording speed is quite high, but the ability to simultaneously work with many sweats is small. Hence the brakes on all systems.

Data loads memory.

Quite a common occurrence. Check, maybe you have a torrent running and are downloading a large file? The memory is heavily loaded when rewriting to a hard drive or extracting information from it. Or when there are many running processes with the wrong priority. For example, you have some Photoshop running in the background, and its priority is real time.

Close all running programs until you have installed all the updates.


Well, that's all. Let me remind you that the latest updates, which were quite large and useful, were released in August 2017 and April 2017. Download and install. If you have any problems, you can always visit my blog and find the answer.

By the way, subscribe to the site and you will be notified when new material is published. Share the article with your colleagues and friends on Facebook and other networks. Remember, it is better to find a solution to a problem online than to try to do something yourself without experience! See you again on the site, my dear readers and gadget lovers!