Skype Account: Free Skype account. Skype - what is it, how to install it, create an account and start using Skype

Hello, dear readers! With this article we open the series useful instructions about very popular program, which allows you to make video calls and chat over the Internet completely free of charge.

And more specifically, we will talk about how quickly we can create an account on Skype. Probably many of you this application well known, but still a large number of people face problems while working with it.

So, friends, in this article we will also download the program to your computer and show you a simple installation process. Therefore, the first thing we do is go to the official Skype website at this address and take the installation file from there:

Then we launch it, select desired language, we agree to the policy and terms of use of the application:

And here it is, the climax. Now you need to create an account on Skype so that you can log into your account and start free calls. To do this, click the “Create account” button:

If you suddenly don’t have a mobile phone at hand, you can indicate the address instead of the number Email. In the next window you will need to enter your first and last name. There is no need to be afraid, this is not a registry office, so we act boldly:

And at this stage we are awaiting verification. You need to enter the code from the SMS that was sent to the previously specified phone number:

Now all that remains is a small, but very important matter. We need to add a photo to our avatar so that people recognize us in searches, and also check that the webcam and microphone are working. After all, without them we will not be able to speak:

Well, that's basically all. We can safely say that Account successfully created in Skype. But we still need to focus on one thing important aspect which every user of the program should know.

Searching for a person in the application is carried out by following criteria: first and last name, telephone number and email address. Previously, there was a mandatory login, but now the developers have canceled it.

So, to make us easy to find among millions of other users, it is recommended to fill out as much detail as possible. personal profile. To do this, follow the path “Skype-Personal data-Edit my data”:

And we begin to fill out the proposed lines:

It’s also worth clicking on the “Show full profile” button to indicate your country and city of residence:

When searching for people it will look like this:

For those who still don’t quite understand the steps described above, you can watch a short video on this topic (adding contacts):

After the right person was found and he confirmed the friend request, you can start chatting with him or even make free video calls:

Well, again, those who perceive information better in video format can watch a short video on this topic:

And we, friends, will say goodbye at this point, since the topic of how to quickly create an account on Skype has already smoothly transitioned into a full-fledged manual on the main functions of the program.

If you suddenly have any questions or something in the material presented is not very clear, ask questions in the comments to the article. By the way, about many others useful functions applications can be found in video format on the page official service support.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It is impossible for a person to completely refuse to communicate with people around him. Perhaps some people prefer to have as little contact with people as possible, while others, on the contrary, prefer to have as much contact as possible, even at a considerable distance from them.

And especially in order to be able to support constant contact with your family, friends or business partners, a program such as Skype has been created (essentially).

What is Skype and how to install it

What is Skype? According to the developers themselves, it is free software which provides voice, text and video communication over the Internet between computers, mobile devices and even game consoles. As of the end of 2010, Skype had more than 660 million registered users.

  1. Making conference calls. The function allows for up to 25 subscribers, including the call initiator.
  2. Video communication. Skype makes it available as normal communication between two users and a video conference with the ability to connect up to 10 connections.
  3. Broadcast text messages. In essence it is a regular chat.
  4. Broadcast various files. Volume transferred files can be anything, ranging from several kilobytes to gigabytes of information.
  5. Transferring images from the monitor screen to the monitor of one of the subscribers.

Today, Skype software can be found on MacOS, Windows, Android, WindowsPhone, PSP, Xbox 360, PS 3.4 and other platforms. Given its versatility, accessibility, ease of use and other advantages, Skype is today the world leader in voice calls.

And if we consider the volume of the voice call market in 2005, where Skype owned only 2.9% of the total volume, then in 2012 this volume was already 34%. Needless to say, none mobile operators and subscriber networks will not offer the conditions that Skype offers!

And if you have not yet had time to appreciate all the benefits of using this free program, then today we will look at all the nuances that relate to installation and use just for you. First of all, let's look at how to install Skype correctly.

How to install Skype on your computer

Having looked at what this program is, we are very close to the question of how to install Skype. This is all done quite simply. Let's describe the installation in several steps:

Immediately after the application is downloaded, the user will be prompted to register with Skype system. Here you need to enter the data that is necessary for further use of the program.

How to create an account on Skype

When the user has figured out how to install Skype on a computer, it is necessary to understand how to use it in the future. Before use, you must go through the registration procedure, which, according to by and large, is standard and does not present any difficulties.

If you do not automatically receive registration form, then in the upper right part of the screen there is a button "Registration". A window will appear in front of you in which you need to enter some data. These include:

  1. Last name and first name. It is advisable to enter your real data so that you can be identified in the future on the Skype network.
  2. E-mail address. It is worth noting that you should only use an address that has not yet been used when creating other Skype accounts.
  3. Personal data. This includes gender, language, date of birth and place of residence.
  4. Mobile phone. It is not necessary to indicate it, but you can use it to complete the form and it will be able to help you quickly recover your password if you lose it.
  5. . These are necessary so that you can log in to your page in the future. I advise you to use the tips for choosing them given in the link.
  6. The last step is to enter data to confirm that the registration is carried out by a person and not a robot.

After you have filled in all (or only some) data, you need to click on the “I agree - Next” button. You are registered in the system and can use it for communication. These are all the steps required to create an account on Skype.

How to use Skype

Every person who uses it for the first time special program, questions always arise regarding some of the nuances of use. And Skype is no exception, because in addition to creating an account (?), you need to make some settings for further communication with users.

So, you registered, entered your username and password and found yourself on home page your account. What should I do now and how to use Skype?

  1. All Skype settings are always set by default. That is why it is possible that a new user is unable to adjust the image or sound when communicating. To make adjustments, you need to go to the “Settings” section, where you can configure the microphone and webcam. To set up a microphone, you need to go to the “Sound Settings” subsection and select your audio device that is used on your computer. After this, you need to click the “Save” button.
  2. The webcam setup is carried out in the same way as the previous one. In the settings subsection, select the “Video settings” item. After installing your video device, you can immediately test its operation.
  3. The next step is to choose the people you are going to communicate with. In the "Contacts" section you need to go to the section "Search Skype subscribers» and in the window that appears, enter the nickname, name or email of the person you want to add. After search system I found the necessary contact, you can add it to yourself.
  4. To commit voice call you need to select the “Call” button, and for a call with a video call, select the button located nearby and called “Video call”. It should be noted that calls are only possible when the interlocutor is online. Offline You can only send text messages.

By completing all these points, registering and using Skype will not pose any difficulties for you. However, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so I suggest you watch a video tutorial on how to use this wonderful program:

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

You can watch more videos by going to

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If you want to use free Internet telephony, then you will need accounting Skype recording . The service is completely free and open to all Internet users. To register in the system you do not need to pay or have an invite invitation.

How to become a Skype user

Since you are not yet a Skype user, you need to go through the registration process for the service.

How to create a Skype account

If you have none of the above, then free Skype account will be created after completing the respiration procedure.

Registration on Skype

Do I need to provide real personal information on Skype?

It all depends on your goals and intentions. If you want to communicate with your friends, relatives and colleagues via Skype, it is better to write your real information. This will make it easier for your friends to find you.

It’s also better to place your photo in Skype profile. The fact is that you may have many namesakes, and when your friends look for you, it is quite difficult to choose from hundreds of Ivanov Ivans who exactly you are. But if there is a photograph, then it will be easy and simple to find you.

In addition, real personal data will help you restore your Skype account in the event of force majeure.

  1. If you forget your password, you can recover it by knowing the email address specified during registration.
  2. If you have forgotten your login and email address, you will need to write to Skype support and ask to restore your account. To confirm your identity, you will be asked to provide additional information, and may even be required to show photographs of your passport or other identification.

In principle, you can not restore your Skype account, but simply register again if you can no longer log into your account. old account. The problem here is that all your friends and relatives will look for you using your old profile. If you register new account, it's like losing cellular telephone, buy new SIM card and call all your friends again to inform them about the changes.

Many people are afraid to answer calls from unknown numbers, because there are too many scammers who got divorced. So there may be serious problems with restoring contacts in Skype. It is much safer to indicate your real data when registering and no longer worry about forgetting something. Everything can be returned in a matter of minutes.

3 votes

Good day, dear visitors of my blog start-luck. I am writing this article for adults, one might say the elderly generation, who are not particularly versed in computers. There is some information here that will be of interest to young people as well. For example, how to hide your last name, but first of all, it is important to me that everyone can register.

I am going to write in great detail and pay maximum attention to detail, so I will apologize in advance to those who already know everything. However, among my visitors there are also those who do not want to ask their grandson and son for help. They understand perfectly well that they can handle the task themselves. And that's great.

Sometimes it seems to me that the Internet can generally be divided into the “before Skype” and “after” eras. It was this program that made the Internet necessary for every person.

Before the advent of this program, the adult generation still doubted whether they really needed a computer and whether it would bring real benefits. Skype was the first program that made it possible to call abroad, long-distance and talk as much as you wanted without spending a penny.

Today I will tell you how to create an account on Skype. You can do this for free, but there are some subtleties, so I will try to write the publication in such a way that it is clear to everyone.

Make a decision - phone or mail

If you are interested in learning more about this, you can read the article about it from my blog. Registration, even in Skype, means creating a login and password.

It is carried out free of charge, but in order to confirm that you are real person, your identity must be verified via phone, email, Microsoft account, or Facebook. Foreign analogue of Odnoklassniki.

Just one thing is needed. You can do without email and everything else, but then you will need to enter your mobile phone number. It is possible without a Microsoft account and other data, but in this case you will have to insert the mailbox address.

A service from Yandex would also be suitable, but unfortunately, there is no such publication on my blog yet. If you want, you can subscribe to my blog newsletter and be the first to know about the release of this article and many others that will be no less useful.

Don’t be afraid to enter your phone number; you won’t be charged for it.


Now open the browser. I will act through Yandex. Any other will do: Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox and so on. It’s just that this one seems to me the most familiar to the audience for whom I am creating this article.

Now we have two options: either open Skype in a browser, in which case you can use the program online. Just visit this site periodically and chat with friends, or you can download Skype on your computer.

Online service

Let me first open Skype in a browser and show you how to operate through it. I suggest you do the same. I click on the transparent white button and get to this page. At the very bottom, under the “Login” button there is a link: New account. Click on it.

You can enter your mobile phone number in the fields provided for this and Any combination of letters without spaces on English language that you can remember. Next, you will receive a message to this number, you will paste the code into the field on the site and complete the registration.

I prefer to click on “Use” existing address» and register via email. I'll click on this link.

In the window that appears, you will have the opportunity to “get new address email from Microsoft." The link is located below. I don't recommend doing this. There will be too many complications later with confirmation.

Just enter your existing email address and create a password.

Now enter your first and last name. If you don't want your last name to be displayed to other people on Skype, you can use your middle name. If you put a dot in this field, it simply will not appear on your profile, but next step they will let you through.

Now enter the verification code. Most likely, it has already arrived on your phone if you registered through it or in an email if you used this method when registering.

This is what the letter looks like. The code is highlighted in bold.

That’s it, you can go to the program by clicking “Get Started”.

Ready. Now, if I go to the official website, then select the option “Open Skype in the browser” and enter the phone number and email address and password that I just came up with, I will be taken to this window.

That's it, you can use it online version programs.

If you can’t get into your account at the entrance, try using only the information that goes before “” or “”. That is, if you registered using mail [email protected], then enter only primer.

Software installation

If you want to have Skype program on your computer, then when you log into the website, select the blue button: “Download”.

The blue “Download for Windows” button is back.

The program has started downloading to your computer. If you, like me, use Yandex Browser, then it will appear in the right top corner. Just click on the icon when the download is complete.

Agree to the terms and wait until the program installs.

When you log into the program, you can also “Create an account.”

There is little left: check the equipment and set a profile picture. Click on "Continue".

Check the sound, how the microphone works and make sure the camera is working. In fact, you can do without it, it’s much more convenient. Click Continue.

The same button again.

You can “Take a photo” for your avatar right now, from the camera, or by selecting the “Browse” button, find a suitable picture on your computer.

Click “Use this image.”

That's it, all that remains is “Use”.

Ready. You are in the program. The next time you log in, you will immediately be taken to this window, without even having to enter any data.

If you ever need to, read the article on my blog on how to do this exactly so that there is nothing unnecessary left on your computer.

By the way, whatever you say, creating websites is not much more difficult. I can recommend you well " From zombie to internet entrepreneur » , video lessons that also easily and simply tell you how websites are created. I am sure you have something to tell the world!

Well, that's all, see you again and good luck in your endeavors.

Skype is known to hundreds of millions of users around the world. With its help, you can contact acquaintances and friends for free, no matter where they are on the planet. In order to take advantage of all the features of the messenger, you need to create an account Skype recording. There are several ways to do this.

The application belongs to Microsoft Corporation, so if you have an account with it, you can also use Skype without going through additional registration.

First, you should download the program from the developers’ website and install it on your device. Next, you need to launch the application and in the window that opens, click the “Create account” button. After completing these steps, a window will appear in front of the user allowing register in the Skype application. Initially, it is proposed to use a mobile phone for this. However, there is another registration option where you only need a valid email address. In order for a Skype account to be linked to an existing e-mail, you must do the following:

To create an account, you can create a new email directly during registration. To do this, you should adhere to the following algorithm.

After this, the new account page will open. Please note that the email will be registered to In order to use another zone, you must first do Mailbox and only then start creating an account in the messenger.

Create an account by phone number

In Skype you can link your account to mobile phone. When logging into your account, you will need to enter your number and created password. The first line of the registration form requires you to select a country. In the next one, enter the number without a code, and in last line Write the password and press the Next button.
The next step is that in the window that opens you need to enter the numbers from the SMS, which the program will send to specified number phone. Upon completion of registration, you are prompted to write the first and last name displayed in the user profile. This completes account creation and a free Skype account becomes available.

Please note that your mobile number or email address can only be used once for registration. In other words, you won’t be able to register a new account using the data you’ve already entered twice.

If Lost Skype password, then you need to use special form, in which indicate the e-mail or mobile number specified when creating the account. When viewing the profile, you will notice that the prefix “live” is added to the login. In the case when a mobile number was used for registration, then after it there will be a set of numbers and Latin letters. If you entered an email address to create an account, then after live the login from the email will be entered.