How to remove yourself from Skype. Covering your tracks: how to delete messages in correspondence, your account and the Skype program. How to delete a Skype account using a Microsoft profile

In this article, we will tell you how to delete a Skype account, as well as how to completely get rid of its traces on your computer. If for one reason or another you have created several Skype accounts, but only use one, there is a chance that people looking for you in this program may get confused and add the wrong contact. This is why, and for a number of other reasons, it is better to delete non-working accounts.

How to delete a Skype account through technical support

So, how to delete a Skype page permanently? All you need to do is follow the steps below.

Step 1:
To get started, log in to your personal account. Go to the program.

Step 2

  • Now you need to open “Personal data - edit”, see screenshot:

Step 3

  • Next, click “Management”

Step 4

  • Open "Help"

  • Further "Contact us"

  • Further "Request for support"

  • When are you done with previous paragraphs, open the account closure page ( the path is this - Help - drop-down menu and then “Close account”)

Step 5
Click on the link in point 1:

Step 6

You can find out more about how in another article on our website.

Congratulations! Now you know how to delete a profile on Skype! Now let's figure out how to do this through the settings.


Here's how to permanently delete your Skype account through your profile settings:

  • To do this, you will need to clear all data. Log in using your username and password. In the program, on top panel with settings, click Skype, then “Personal information” and “Edit my information”.
  • Here you need to click "Show full profile".

  • Your account web page will open. Click "Edit profile" and delete all personal information.
  • Return to the program. Here you need to clean all contacts. Click on each one right click mouse and select “Delete”

  • Clear message history
  • Save all changes and exit your profile. After this, within a period of three days to a month, the account will no longer appear in searches, and then will be completely deactivated by the system. The main thing is not to accidentally enter it at this time

Deleting account information

To delete your Skype account completely, you need to get rid of the files and folders that remain on your computer. You can do this as follows:

  • Open up command line key combination Win+R
  • Enter the command “%AppData%” there, then click “OK”
  • In the opened folder with system files find the folder under called Skype and open it
  • Now find another folder that has the same name as your login. This contains all the information associated with your account. This is what needs to be removed. Thanks to this cleaning, you will definitely not be able to get into your old profile.

  • Read about that in another article.

Is it possible to delete Skype account completely by sending a letter to the program's customer support center? Yes, you can do it this way. But to do this, you must more or less speak English, since the deletion request can only be sent in this language.

How to delete Skype account completely from your phone

Step 1
Go to your account on your smartphone, click on your profile, then “Settings”

Step 2
Select an item "Account and Profile"
Step 3
Then choose the method to receive the code. In our case, this is a phone number. Enter the received code.

In today's article we will talk about how to delete skype account(Skype) forever, completely and irrevocably. Well?! Let's get started.

Yes, we all love to communicate online, we love to exchange experiences and impressions with our loved ones, even when we are far from each other. And how wonderful it is not just to “exchange” phrases, but also to see the interlocutor at the same time. Great for this "Skype", firmly established in our lives.

But what should we do if we have accumulated several Skype accounts: personal, for work, and maybe another one to communicate with a narrow circle of people, and so on. It is necessary somehow Delete your account, and perhaps a whole list of entries, but how to do this?!

Before you completely get rid of your account Skype, we need to make sure that we canceled all subscriptions, recurring payments And used all the money from the account. Otherwise, if we delete our account, all our savings will be lost.

Technical support advises you to apply for deletion by following link, and as a result, the account will disappear from search within 30 days. However, after following the link, I discovered that the Russian language is not supported and abandoned this idea. Perhaps by the time you read this article you will be more lucky and the Russian language will be enabled available languages or you can easily understand the English instructions.

How to delete your Skype account manually

If the first option does not work, then you can do it simpler and delete your old one account manually so that no one can find the account in the search. To do this, you just need to edit your profile.

How to delete your Skype login

To delete login on Skype when logging in - you need to delete one folder from linked files. It is located on the disk where your operating system(drive “C” by default). Then “Users”, in it we look for the hidden folder “AppData” (how to display hidden directories and I will tell you the files in one of next articles). In it we find the “Roaming” directory, and inside there is a folder with the “Skype” program. This is where your account will be saved. It looks like a directory with your login in the name, for example “vasya_pupkin_2016”. This is what needs to be removed!

If for some reason you need to erase your account, but you don’t know how to delete your Skype login/how to delete Skype, don’t despair! We will look into this issue in detail.

How to delete your Skype account?

There are two types of profile/accounts in Skype: personal and managed. The latter belongs to the company that created it, while the former, on the contrary, is owned by the private individual who created it. It's a little easier with a managed account. Now you will understand in what terms.

First, I would like to draw attention to the “Terms of Use of the Product”, in particular, in clause 21.1 we see that “administrators have the right to redistribute and delete accounts.” That is, since you are the owner of the account, you are its administrator. In addition, if there are funds in the account, they can be withdrawn from Skype numbers and transfer to another account. When you delete your Skype account, your entire history, including calls, SMS messages and other contacts will be irretrievably lost. As stated in the terms of use, Skype has every right to cancel a managed account if it has been inactive for more than twelve months. Everything here is simple and clear. All you have to do is withdraw funds from your account, not use it for a year, and it will be deleted.

WITH personal account It's not that simple, it won't be removed after a while. Let's figure it out. It turns out to completely erase the profile/personal skype account impossible. But if you do not use it within three days, it will no longer be available when searching for subscribers. The Skype profile is not saved permanently; after three days it is automatically deleted from the network, but the next time you log into the network it is automatically restored, and it seems to you that the account has not been deleted.

How to delete a page/login from Skype?

First, we need to erase all personal data in the program itself. To do this, click on in the main program window. Then click on “show full profile” and delete all data about yourself.

You should start the process of deleting your account from Skype by filling out your profile with “garbage” - incorrect information

There is another way to delete personal data; to do this, click on your Skype login, otherwise open information about yourself in the main window of the program, then wait for the inscription “Management”. We get into Personal Area account management, that is, to your personal page on Skype. Click on “Change” and delete absolutely all of our personal data. Personal information can be replaced with a random set of letters and symbols, since we will not be allowed to leave empty fields, then click “Save”.

The login itself cannot be changed. We'll have to create new profile with a new name. But in the new profile, you can specify the old display username - this will make it easier for family, friends and colleagues to find you if you change your account. To do this, we will need to click on your name in the main window. An editable area will appear where you need to enter a new or old name. How to remove a user's login/account from the drop-down list when logging into Skype? To do this, we need to go to the address: (C:\Documents and settings\Your_user_name\Application data\Skype\).

We find the folder with the name of our login and delete it, this will delete the entire history of correspondence and calls. If it is important, you can first copy the folder to another location. Now, when you open the program in the user selection menu, you will not see the profile that you deleted.

In order for us to see them, we need to enable the display of hidden folders. For such purposes it is easier to use (no advertising), it is more convenient to use.

In order to display hidden folders V Windows Explorer, will be required in open folder Click Tools -> View -> Folder Options in the top panel.

A window will open in which we should click the View tab -> Extra options. Scroll down the slider and check the “Show hidden files, folders and drives”, then click “Apply”.

Now we will be able to see hidden folders in Windows Explorer.

How to delete Skype?

If you no longer plan to use Skype, you can delete it, like any other program, through the control panel

If you need to uninstall the program, this can be easily done through the Start menu -> All programs -> Skype ->Uninstall

Now you know the basic ways to delete your account and personal data from Skype.

The need to delete your Skype account may arise when different situations. For example, you stopped using your current account and changed it to a new one. Or you just want to delete all mentions of yourself on Skype. Read on and you will learn how to delete your Skype profile.

There are several ways to delete an account Skype recordings. The easiest way is to clear all information in your profile. But in this case, the profile will still remain, although it will be empty.

More difficult, but effective way is to delete your account through the Microsoft website. This method will help if you use a Microsoft profile to sign in to Skype. Let's start with a simple option.

Run Skype program.

Now you need to go to the edit profile details screen. To do this, click on the icon in the upper left corner of the program window.

Now you need to clear all data in your profile. To do this, select each line (name, phone, etc.) and clear its contents. If you can’t clear the contents, then enter a random set of data (numbers and letters).

Now you need to delete all contacts. To do this, click right key Click on each contact and select “Remove from contact list”.

After this, log out of your account. To do this, select the menu item Skype>Log out of account. records.

If you want your account information to be erased from your computer as well (Skype saves information for quick login), then you need to delete the folder associated with your profile. This folder is located at the following path:


It has the same name as your Skype login. Delete this folder to erase profile information from your computer.

This is all that can be done if you are logging into your account using something other than your account. Microsoft entry.

Now let's move on to complete removal profile.

How to completely delete your Skype account

So, how can you delete your Skype page permanently?

First, you must have a Microsoft account with which you sign in to Skype. Follow the steps to close your Skype account. Here is a link where you can completely delete your account.

Enter your password and go to your profile.

Now you need to enter the email associated with your profile, to which a code will be sent to go to the deletion form Skype profile. Enter your email and click the “Send Code” button.

The code will be sent to your Mailbox. Check it out. There should be a letter with a code.

Enter the received code on the form and click the submit button.

A Microsoft account deletion confirmation form will open. Read the instructions carefully. If you are sure that you want to delete your account, then click next.

On next page check all the boxes, confirming that you agree with what is written in them. Select the reason for deletion and click the “Mark for Closing” button.

Now all that's left is to wait until Microsoft employees will review your application and delete your account.

These are the ways you can get rid of your Skype account if you no longer need it.

Majority modern users having popular program Skype, quite often they create several accounts at once, and then use only one of them. And then the question quite reasonably arises of how to delete your Skype account. After all, two or three accounts are clearly not needed. Moreover, they even interfere, since many of your acquaintances try to call or write messages to an inactive page, while you have been using a different account for a long time.

It should be immediately noted that it will still not be possible to delete the account completely. But you can perform a few special, simple steps, thanks to which everyone looking for you will stop getting confused in your accounts. You will eliminate the possibility that they will not be able to find exactly the “account” in the Skype search that is your contact and is valid. First, you need to log into Skype using the login that you plan to delete, and then perform a few simple manipulations.

  1. Go to the section called “Account Information”
  2. Select “Personal data” there
  3. Click on the “Change” option located on the right top corner
  4. Next, you need to erase your first and last name and other information about yourself; instead, put any character sets you like in the appropriate fields
  5. After everything, you need to click the “Save” button.

Additionally, you can, as an option, also replace that address Email, to which the profile is attached. This is necessary so as not to receive news from Skype service. Do not forget to also remove your avatar, thanks to which those who are looking for you could recognize you. Thus, of course, you do not completely remove yourself from Skype, but you do everything possible so that no one can find you, either by your first name, last name, or other data. True, it is important to know that some of the users to whom you once left old login from Skype, they will still try to get in touch with you using it. And this is logical.


The longer you do not log into your old account, the greater the chance that it will eventually cease to appear in the search for this program for all users.

How can I make logging into Skype more convenient?

Then, in order to make logging into Skype as convenient as possible for you, at least from your personal computer, it would be advisable to delete from its memory data about no longer needed accounts. To do this, you need to erase the folder with the old profile on your PC hard drive.

If you used a Microsoft account to gain access to your account, then in order to erase personal data you will need to perform slightly different steps. You need to use the same account in order to access Skype using the website. Next, you need to click on the “Account Information” section and go to the tab called “Personal Data”, where you click on the “Change” button. When this is done, erase all information about yourself. This has been described in detail above. Then you will need to save the changes.


If you want to completely remove the “account” from Microsoft, do not forget that then you will need to withdraw or spend all the funds available for personal account. In addition, you will no longer use some of the company's services, for example, Xbox Live or Outlook.


So you can get rid of an old or no longer needed Skype login in one of several ways. Although you still won’t be able to completely remove it. If you still want to erase any data from your old account, you can try contacting support Skype programs. There is a small chance that they will still help you delete your old account completely. But, only if there are good reasons for this. Although such a seemingly simple operation will take at least a couple of weeks.

Delete a profile on Skype

Deleting data on Skype