How to delete an old VK account. How to restore access to a page in contact if you have forgotten your login, password, phone number, or it has been hacked and deleted. If you restore a deleted page, will messages and other information remain there?

Good afternoon dear friends! Many users have a small problem when deleting their page - how to delete a VKontakte page if you forgot your login and password? Indeed, the main difficulty here is that a person cannot go into his profile settings and delete a page using the standard algorithm.

And if you also lost contacts for recovery - a phone number or email, then it’s even more difficult to delete them yourself. How to solve this problem? Will your page really remain on the social network, along with all the information that is listed there?

Deleting a VKontakte page if the login and password are forgotten or lost

In fact, it is quite possible to delete such a page! Here is a short, step-by-step guide if your login and password are lost.

Step I: Make sure that the profile you want to delete belongs to you, has the correct full name (or first and last name) and has at least one real photo with you. This is also a very important point, and if the full name is written incorrectly, incorrectly, there may be problems with deletion.

Hello! Please help me delete a VKontakte page whose login and password have been lost and there is no way to recover it either

STEP III: After some time, the support operator will respond to your request and ask you to send him the URL of the profile that needs to be deleted. In order to copy the URL, select it in the timeline at the top of the browser (screenshot), right-click and click “Copy”.

For reference: The waiting time for a response from support will be indicated when you submit your question. Sometimes the answer comes quickly, and sometimes you need to wait a little. It all depends on the workload of the operators.

STEP IV: Next, the operator will send you a short instruction of the following nature - you will need to provide them with a scan of an official document, identification card (passport, driver's license, student card), where your full name and photograph will be clearly visible. Along with this scan, you also need to provide support with a photo of you in front of the screen where your correspondence with the operator is open.

Attention! Don’t worry about the security of your personal data - support only needs your full name and photograph on the scan. Therefore, you can safely cover up all other data. You can “cover up” in any graphic editor.

STEP V: Take a scan and photo, send them to support (via the upload form) and wait. The operator will check your data and delete your profile for which you have forgotten your login and password.

That's probably all! Now you should wait a little again until the support person does his job.

That is, what should you do to delete a page with a forgotten login and password?

After making sure that the profile can be associated with you (your full name is indicated there and there is at least one of your real photo), write a request to VKontakte support, send them your profile URL. Next, prepare a scan of the document containing your photo and full name (cover up the rest of the data in any graphics editor), take a photo of yourself in front of the monitor with your correspondence with the operator, send the scan and photo to support. Then just wait, after a while the profile will most likely be deleted. If you are using a smartphone, here are the instructions.

What methods of deleting a VKontakte page do NOT work if you have forgotten your login and password?

You can find a lot of advice on the Internet about what to do in this situation. However, we must assure you that following methods are very unlikely to result in profile deletion from forgotten password and login:

  • You should not ask your friends to complain about a page that needs to be deleted, because if there were no violations in the profile, moderators most likely will not block it.
  • You should not try to complain to moderators about your page, which needs to be deleted. This won't work either desired result.

This is useful: people in the largest social network Runet (instructions)

You can restore your VK page different ways depending on how exactly it was lost (deleted or blocked). Below are step by step instructions for recovery in each case. In case they cannot be presented in the article and alternative method. If it doesn’t help you, then be sure to write to us in the comments and we will consider your problem personally.

What to do if your profile is deleted

If you deleted your VK page, you can restore it within 7 months. You don’t need to pay any money for restoration - if you see such a request on the page, then know that this is a scam.

Check your system for viruses to get rid of notifications that your profile is locked and you need to pay to unlock it.

To restore your VK page:

After clicking the “Restore” button again, you can fully use your VK account again - all friends, messages, posts and other information from the page will remain intact.

What to do if your account is blocked

If the VK page was not just deleted, but blocked for sending spam or other suspicious activity, then you can restore it using a special form.

The service will automatically find a page that meets your specified requirements. If the correct account is found, click "Yes, this is desired page"to regain access to your profile. A message with a code will be sent to the number associated with your profile. Enter it and click “Change Password”. If you do not have access to the phone or the message does not arrive, then click on the “Click here” link.

A small three-point questionnaire will appear - if you fill it out, you can return your page by linking it to another phone number. You need:

  1. Specify another number to which the VK account will be linked.
  2. Write the login you used to access your page before (number or address Email).
  3. Enter Old Password(You can leave this field blank).

Account recovery is only possible if your profile contains your photos. Anonymous pages It’s difficult to return without a photo, even if you provide full information about the old password and login.

If a profile is blocked for violating the site rules, then the blocking information will indicate the specific reason and expiration date of the ban. Before this period expires, access to the page cannot be restored.. If you did not violate the rules (your page was hacked and used by third parties), then report this to the support service - the procedure for contacting will be discussed in detail below.

What to do if your login and password are lost

The form described above will allow you to restore your VK page if you have forgotten your login and password. This is a fairly common problem among users, so the VKontakte administration has made the procedure as simple as possible, but safe - you can only restore your page, you cannot gain access to someone else’s account.

The page was found, but to restore it you will have to send a request in which you must indicate old number, available number, and account password. If your profile contains your photos, then you can do without a password, but then there is a chance that the VKontakte administration will reject your request.

Alternative method

If your profile was hacked and then blocked for actions that violate VK rules, you cannot remember your login (password) or you cannot find your account address, then try to restore access directly through the VKontakte support service.

Note: To use this feature, you need to be logged in to the site. If you decide to create a new page for your request, under no circumstances link it to the same number as the old one, otherwise you risk losing access to the old account. You can open a support page from another person's profile - it will be safer.

Very often, social network users abandon their accounts. However, all profiles and personal pages with personal data remain searchable on the Internet, as in search engines, and on the social networking sites themselves. And sometimes at the moment when it becomes necessary to delete your account and your public information, the problem arises of the inability to do this due to forgotten login or password.

I already wrote here how to cope with this unpleasant situation in Odnoklassniki:

Now the next topic is: How to delete a page in Contact (VK) if you forgot your password.

First of all, if you don’t remember or don’t know the password for a VKontakte page (account, profile) due to hacking or for some other reason, don’t be upset. After all, VK has special function to restore access.

With it, you will regain control of your profile and have the opportunity to delete your page on Vkontakte.

It turns out that for the recovery procedure you either must have access to the email address (e-mail) to which the account was registered, or the number mobile phone, specified in the profile settings.

If they are not there, then you should take a photo with the background open page and forward the data and request to the administration on the Vkontakte website. You can carry out the procedure here:

When control over your account is restored, you can go through standard procedure on deleting my page, which I wrote about in detail here:

One comment on “How to delete a page in Contact (VK) if you forgot your password”

Hello. Please tell me. In 2011, my common-law husband died. Initially, having a password and login, I did not delete his profile from the social network. Now I would like to delete it, but when I enter the password, it says that the password was entered incorrectly. What to do in such a situation?

Do you have access to the email to which his account is registered? Did the recommendations in the article not help?

Help please, I don’t have access to the VKontakte page, I need to delete it, how can I do this..
I can’t take a photo with the background because I can’t go to the page...
Help or something.

Well, you can create another account and go through it to your profile page.

Help me delete the first contact page! POPOVKINA OLGA. I forgot my login and password. Then I opened the second page OLGA POPOVKINA. I have the same pictures there. I don’t need two pages!

Please help me, someone on VKontakte created a group and added my photos there, that group has not been online for a long time, I even tried to ban that group, it doesn’t work, what should I do?

Now try to restore access:

Another problem is that the number attached to the page has not been there for a long time, and according to the extended recovery system, a confirmation document is required.

Then I don’t know how to help.

Hello! I forgot the password for the old page when I created it in 2012. Now there are two of my photos there and I would like to delete this page! Help me please. I walked along specified address but they don’t accept passport photos or am I uploading them incorrectly?!

It is better to clarify this issue with them.

How can you report a page?

Hello, my situation is much more complicated; a completely different person opened a page on VK with his data, there are only my photos. What should I do? HELP DELETE THIS PAGE

Try asking more than 10 friends or just everyone on the site to mark them as spam and block the page

Hello) if 10 people complain about my page, then my page will be frozen?)

Thanks for that too))

Hello, I would like to restore the page in Contact, but I just forgot the password and the number to which the page is linked, what should I do?

I don’t know any other ways, just what I outlined in the article.

Hello, tell me, I forgot the password for my page, I go to restore access, write my phone number, and he writes to me:
“An error occurred: too many auth attempts, try again later (code 1105)”, tell me what to do.

Hello. This message is “Too many login attempts, try again later.” The only thing you can do is try again later.

Hello! I have a serious problem, please help. I don’t remember the password on the old page, I got married, my last name has changed, I don’t have a phone number (the one that was attached to the page, I don’t remember the password either), my husband is very confused by the photos from that page and the comments under them. What should I do, please help me! I tried All! nothing helped, my husband and I fight over this.

If you don’t have access to the phone number or email account to which the page was registered, then it’s easier to change your husband than to delete such a page.

how boring everything is... there is no way to come up with a deletion function if there is no data... (lost). at least using your current phone number.

I forgot my login and password and number. I want to either restore or delete this page. And in the current issue I already have another page. Therefore it is not restored.

Well, to recover, you need to remember at least something. Otherwise it won't work.

I don’t use 2 VKontakte pages, but someone constantly visits one of them, the photos are mine, but I stupidly don’t remember any data, how to make the administration say the emails to which the pages are attached, then I would remember,

Good evening! The question is the same as everyone else’s, unfortunately... I remember the login, but not the password... The login is an old phone number, it’s been gone for a long time... It was installed on the phones automatic login to the page, after the repair I can’t remember the password...

Hello, I need to delete it urgently old account in contact, but the login and password were lost 2 years ago. But it’s impossible to take a photo with a monitor and a document, or rather, those photos are not loaded due to Low quality. What to do?

If the phone is old, then use it instead of the login, and make a password recovery request for it. You can also use E-mail instead of a telephone.

Good afternoon! How can I delete a VK page if I don’t remember my password or login! And my phone is broken and cannot be repaired? and the page number to which the page was linked no longer exists.

Greetings! I have the following case: someone created a clone of my page, with old photos of me, and sits on VK from it, using my data to play on football bets, judging by the wall.
How can I get this page removed?

Go to this user's page. In the menu on the left (at the very bottom) there is a button “Report this page”. Click and follow the instructions.

Hello, I had a page, now I want to delete it, I haven’t visited this page for about 5 years, I don’t know the login, password, or phone number, please help

What kind of need arose after 5 years?

Hello, I wanted to ask a question)
What should I do if I now have my own VKontakte page?
I also have 2 pages and haven’t visited them for 3-4 years
I forgot my password and number
I would like to remove them, what should I do?
Please tell me)
Thank you)

What kind of need arose after 3-4 years? It's easier to forget about them

There are no photographs needed, that's all there is to it

Good evening! I have an old page that I would like to delete, but I don’t have access because I abandoned it a long time ago. I don’t remember my login or password. What should I do? I need it very urgently, could you help?

Well, if you don’t remember anything at all and there is no mail or phone, then nothing will help.

Hello. Of course, I just logged in from my mom’s email... But I would like to ask you... I once registered on VK using my dad’s phone, but I wasn’t on the page for a little while. I realized that I had acted badly. And in general... I didn’t sit for so long that I forgot the password, but I remember the phone and I can’t delete the page, I told my mom everything, but my dad doesn’t know anything yet. I'm so afraid of this... Please help me.
I really hope for you.

Unfortunately, my knowledge is limited only to what I have outlined in this article. If you have access to your phone, then use the password recovery function; when you gain control of the page, you can delete it.

Hello. I want to delete my VK page. I don’t remember my old account password and login. it doesn't work please help

Do you still have a phone number?

My wife died, but my VKontakte page remained. I don’t remember what number it is attached to, and I deleted the email a long time ago. how to delete her page in contact?

Good afternoon Please tell me how to remove it old page in contact with? I don't have any access to it. Everything would be fine, but the page was hacked by someone and pornographic videos were uploaded.

You can file a complaint about such a page. Then she will be blocked.
You can also write to support

Hello. How to delete a page on VK if I don’t remember my login or password. I haven't been there for 2 years

Please help me remove VK from my phone, I don’t remember the password and login, now I’ve made a new one

In short, this is the case. I have an old page that I haven’t been on since 2012. I'm ashamed of this page. Because there are photos of me as a little girl and some of my friends can easily find her. I want to delete it, I entered the link, wrote the number, took a photo, but there is no passport. What should I do?

I have a page that I don’t go to and I just dream of getting rid of it in the end. It’s the same... there’s a lot of unnecessary stuff there extra photos…… I went to support to send this request. So I can’t send there.

Good day! The problem I have is that I can't restore the page. The login and password have been lost. I have already tried to restore it, but my application is rejected. I don't need my page, it causes me inconvenience. I want to delete it, but I need to restore it in order to erase it, but it doesn’t work. Help me please.

Well, here are the only options:
1. You need a phone number;
2. Needed Mailbox;
3. Recover by sending a photo.

Hello! I forgot my password, and the phone to which the page was attached was lost, on the page there is a photo of me only with glasses, I sent a photo without glasses, but my application for restoration was rejected... What to do.

If you were rejected because of the lack of glasses, then you just need to put on glasses and take a photo again.

Hello, what should I do if VK support service refused to delete a video on another user’s profile? The video is of me, posted without my consent. Help me please.

Good afternoon. Please help me delete your stories on VK. I don’t remember my password or login

Hello. I returned the phone to factory settings. After that, I accidentally created a new page with the same account. I deleted the new one, but I can’t log in to the old page. What to do? Help me please.

I had VK in my bookmarks, but when the bookmarks disappeared, I tried to enter the password and login again, the phone to which my account was attached does not work, I tried to attach another one, it doesn’t work, as a result I can’t access the page at all, what should I do?

There are no photos on the account, I don’t know the password. When restoring, they write that it is impossible to connect the absence of a photo. What to do?

If there is no mail, no phone, no photo, then no way.

Please help me delete this page

A page was created in my name and my TIN by another person,
on which he compromises me, how can I remove it?

Try filing a complaint.

Don't even try to recover your account over the phone. NOT RESTORED. Requires login last name. DO NOT remember? Everything, none re-registration, nor proof of what they wrote and who will help. This Usmanov gang will not let you in. REMEMBER THAT YOU NEED TO REMEMBER the link or last name.

Hello. I created the page in 2012 - I was 9 then, and now 15. I have changed a lot (my face is completely different), and the avatar is a photo of me as a child, so you can’t recognize me in the photo. Please tell me what to do?

Hello! Here's what I have... the page was linked to a number, it sat without problems for many years, but during this time it changed the number, and after years, this number was apparently assigned to another person! But he took it and changed the password, and sits on my page, won’t give it to me, I try through mail, and again he quickly changes everything by number! I really want to delete the page, but I can’t.

It’s easier to forget about the page. It's unlikely that anything will be done.

Hello, I have this... It turns out I wanted to change the password for the page, but forgot the old one, after that, when I clicked on the function (forgot password), I entered my phone number, and then the last name from my page, but it knocked out that this page I’m already busy with another person, what should I do? Please help me..

Hello. Please tell me, I also want to delete the old page, but I don’t remember the password..... I didn’t change the phone number, but new page also linked to this number....What should I do in this case??

You need to change the phone number on one of the pages, then each will have its own and there should be no problems with deletion.

Good evening, I can’t log into my account even with all your recommendations. By old mail I can’t log in, it’s blocked by the number either. Because we don’t have this company now. There is someone already using my account. Help me log in and delete my account

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today we’ll talk about blocking accounts on social networks. I'll tell you how to solve it various problems and save both locked and lost account on the social network VK, and recently I already wrote an article.

Modern reality: a person cannot survive without water, without food and... without access to his social accounts. networks -))). There are few things that upset us more than losing access to our VKontakte page or having it blocked. But readers of our blog do not need to be afraid of such an unpleasant situation, because we have considered everything possible ways solutions to such a problem, each of them will be described in detail.

Most common problems with access are associated with the following situations:

  • forgot your login and/or password for your profile;
  • there is no way to restore the profile because the linked number is currently unavailable;
  • the account was not linked to any number at all;
  • the service does not send a “Verification Code” in any way to resume login;
  • you deleted the page yourself, and the deadline for possible renewal has already passed;
  • the profile is frozen due to viruses, spam messages, or suspicious user activity.

All these problems can be solved, just follow our instructions -))).

How to restore a page in contact if you forgot your login and password

According to the statistics of such requests, most often login problems arise due to the fact that users simply forget the password to their page. Don’t panic right away; first, try to find him.

If you have saved the password in your browser (when you first log in to websites, most browsers ask the same question: “Save your password?”), it is enough:

  • open VK again;
  • make two quick clicks within the “Login” field;
  • From the proposed options, select your login (or phone number, if the page was registered with it).

The password will appear automatically. It will be depicted in dot format. But you can see it! To do this you need:

  • select password dots in the “Password” field;
  • right-click within it;
  • from the appeared context menu select the “View element code” section;
  • in the fragment highlighted in blue, look for the word “password” and enter “tex” instead;

  • On the main screen, the password will be displayed in the format of letters and/or numbers. Write it down somewhere for yourself so you don't forget again.

If the password was not saved by the browser, you will have to restore it (more precisely, get a new password to log in). The algorithm of actions will depend on the ability to use the phone number to which the page is linked, or the email that was used during registration.

1. You have access to the number:

  • follow the link “Forgot your password or can’t log in?”;
  • in the input window that appears, enter the linked mobile number;
  • We are waiting for the corresponding SMS.
  • We follow the steps that the Recovery Wizard offers us.

2. Do you have access to the email address to which the account was registered?

We follow the algorithm described above, finding in email box corresponding letter from VK support service.

3. The page was not linked to the number, or access to that mobile phone was impossible (you need to restore it without the phone number)

You cannot do without the help of the “VK login access recovery service.”

To do this, you will need to enter the address of the VK page to which you want to return access. It is not at all necessary to remember this address, because you can find it through a search (which, fortunately, works without first entering any page):

  • enter the first and last name indicated on the page;
  • in the list that appears (based on your avatar), select your profile;
  • will be highlighted below additional link"this is my page";
  • Next, the recovery wizard will “ask” you to clarify the following data:
  • the old phone number to which you linked the page;
  • a new number to which she will now be linked;
  • your login with which the page was registered;
  • the password you previously used to log in (since we don’t remember it, we leave the field blank);

You can find out that the submitted application for renewal has been approved (or not approved) only on the page to which the site will redirect you after pressing the “Submit Application” button. In order not to lose her, you should copy her address from the address bar and “visit” her regularly until a letter from the administration appears on the screen about the result of processing the request. New Password will be sent to the specified mailing address. There you can also find information that the profile is attached to a new mobile number. Since the password in the letter was generated automatically, we recommend changing it immediately upon logging in to one that is easy to memorize.

Sometimes it happens that the data received in an email message is not suitable (we see the information “The login or password was entered incorrectly”). This is a glitch of the system itself. You will have to re-create a request to renew your profile, and in the “Notes” field tell about what happened. After these steps, access will be returned 100%. BUT! Repeated restoration can be requested only after the period of 24-48 hours has expired. There is nothing to do, you will have to wait.

The page was not linked to the number (or now there is no access to the number), and the page contains fake (untrue) data (name, surname)

If you don’t know how to restore your VKontakte page if you forgot your login and password, and even if the page doesn’t contain your first and last name, we will tell you the algorithm of actions:

  • in accordance with the requirements of the Recovery Wizard, indicate the data from the page (fake first and last name);
  • We clarify your real full name information;
  • we send a photo or scanned image of documents that confirm the new full name data, “included” with them you must also provide a selfie with a monitor, on the screen of which the access restoration page will open.

Only after access to the page is restored will your full name be replaced with your real name, be prepared for this.

The page is linked to a new number, but it does not receive a verification code, without which it is impossible to restore the profile

There are also such cases: the new mobile number is entered correctly (with a “+” entered at the beginning and the number is indicated in international format), restarting the computer (laptop or tablet) and/or phone does not help - the SMS still does not arrive. In such a difficult situation, the only way out is to write email to the address . In the letter you need not only to state the essence of the problem, but it is also advisable to leave links to the account to which you are trying to regain access, attach several, which will confirm that you did everything correctly and the problems with logging in were not caused by your mechanical error in the data entry process. An answer with recommendations from the administration will come to your email, but you will have to wait up to 5 days for it.

How to restore a contact page after deletion

Before you restore deleted page in contact (which you deleted yourself), you need to check whether seven months have passed since the deletion, because your next actions depend on this. If less than the specified time has passed, you can restore it in just a few clicks:

  • after deletion, log in again to VK using your username and password;
  • Click on the “Restore” button, which will appear on the screen under the inscription “Page deleted”. Or click on the “Restore your page” button, which is located next to the date until which you can still restore your account in this simple way.

Before you restore a page in a contact that has been deleted for more than seven months, remember as much data as possible that will confirm the fact that you are its owner. Because you can’t do without Contact technical support, which you can contact from the VK page or contact via mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .

By the way, if you believe the reviews of VK users, even this is not always possible to restore access. But we still need to try to do everything possible while there is at least some chance of recovery -))).

If you need to resume an account that was deleted by the service administration, carefully read the next section of the article.

Let's figure out how to restore a VK page that has been blocked (frozen)

The reasons for blocking a VKontakte service page are different:

  • Your gadget, through which you regularly log into your account, is “infected” with viruses, which caused advertising data about attackers to be sent from your account; because of this “suspicious activity,” the page was frozen;
  • Your gadget is infected with viruses that modify the account login page and, for example, may require payment a certain amount for user access. Because of this, they can also block, for now malicious virus will not be destroyed;

To solve the first two problems, you need to clean the gadget from the malware that caused similar situation. A regular scan and “treatment” with a stationary antivirus is not always enough.

If your tablet or phone is “sick with a virus”, the administration of the service, like many users who have previously encountered similar problem, we recommend using mobile version Kaspersky antivirus.

  • Your actions caused a reaction from other users who marked the distributed content as spam and, accordingly, the moderators “reacted” to outside complaints in this way. If this is the problem, the page that opens instead of your profile will have information about the reasons for denying access.

“Instructions” are also provided, following which you can renew your account, but this will not do without changing your password. By the way, it is at this moment that you can add a mobile phone on the page if there is no number associated with it, or change the number associated with your account.

The service will send an SMS to specified number With verification code. After entering a new password, you need to click on the “Unfreeze page” button.

Sometimes a specific date is specified until which the account will not be available for use. Contacting the administration will not help. So all that remains is to wait for the specified number. Why can’t I restore before the specified time? This is simply the policy of the service, and there is no point in arguing with it.

  • The page is blocked for serious violations of the service administration’s policies, and they can even be blocked for such violations forever. And you shouldn’t trust the “craftsmen” who promise to restore access “for a fee”, this is impossible, they just want to deceive you for money.

You can also try to “bring back to life” a page that has been blocked forever -))).

You need to look for help in technical support (at the bottom of the page you will find a link where you can ask questions, or, as in this case, forgive, after all, unfreeze the profile). It is very important to think carefully about the text of the letter to them, because it must indicate all the reasons why certain actions were carried out that caused the blocking. If you were “punished for good reason,” that is, for actions that grossly contradict the service’s policy, we recommend that you ask the moderators for forgiveness and tearfully promise to “never do that again,” perhaps your request for unfreezing will still be considered.

  • “Suspicious page activity” is probably the most common reason for blocking.

Before you restore access to a page on VK that was blocked precisely for this reason, make sure that you have access to the mobile number associated with your profile, because you will also need to confirm the identity of the profile owner via SMS. Come up with a new one, really. strong password, if this “suspicious activity” is not the work of you, but of those “attackers” who hacked the profile. It is better to make the new password radically different from the previous one, so as not to encounter this problem again.

If on the monitor when you log in again, you see a message that to log in you now need to send an SMS to the specified number - this is another option for a “money scam.” You need to double-check the gadget again with an antivirus, and clean the browser of incomprehensible extensions, which, by generating pages exactly similar to VK and forwarding them to them, can also lure money from users in a similar way.

We hope that my instructions helped restore access. If none of the methods outlined above helped, describe your situation in the comments to the post, and we will try to solve your problem as soon as possible.

If the material was useful, please subscribe to the blog newsletter. Don't forget to like and repost the article. All the best!!!

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. personal and public (public) pages. It goes without saying that some of them are deleted (for example, for spam, swearing, suspicious activity, etc.). But there are times when the user himself wants to remove all traces of his presence from VK, including his personal page.

This possibility is provided by the Contact functionality, but there are a number of points that are definitely worth paying attention to and which will be mentioned in this article. It is noteworthy that it is possible to delete even a page to which you have long lost access, as well as a public page on VK that you changed your mind about maintaining and decided to close.

How to delete your page in Contact?

  1. , where all the available information about you, and there is also a wall.
  2. A public (official) page that you can create on VK, for example, to present your business, brand, or simply to maintain a page on a certain topic (humor, fan club, hobby, etc.). Read more about them in the article "".

Both types of these pages can be deleted, but most often it is necessary to delete “My Page” in VK, where it is stored personal information, correspondence, etc. There may be a lot of reasons, but the essence is the same - it is possible to do this, but everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Actually, that’s why this question arises so often among many users of this social network and that’s why this article appeared.

I'll describe it right away official way, which the Contact administration offers to those who wish to delete all traces of their presence on this social network. Actually, you still won’t be able to delete all the tracks (although you can cheat), but more on that below.

So, the removal instructions suggest that we go from the left menu to the “My Settings” tab, scroll to the bottom of the page that opens and click on the inscription “ delete your page ».

A form will open where you will be asked to select one of the reasons that prompted you delete your personal page from VK, or you can write your own version of the explanation. Doesn't matter.

What’s important is that although the deletion will happen instantly, The contact will keep a copy of the deleted page for about seven months in case you are during this time (in this case, everything will be restored: recordings, video, audio, photos, and personal correspondence stored in your account). Those. In essence, this is not a deletion, but a temporary suspension of access to the page.

True, if during this time you do not press the “Restore” button (it will appear every time with the login and password from deleted account), then your data stored on “My Page” will be permanently deleted (probably not completely deleted, because once you are exposed, consider that you are hooked, but removed from public access).

Please note that you only delete posts (and media files) on your own VKontakte page. But all posts, comments, likes and other traces of activity left by you on other VK pages will be saved. And your first and last name will still appear there.

Unfortunately, there is no way to delete posts from other people’s pages (they will remain there forever). But before deleting your page, you can make a trick with your ears - replace your real name with a fake one (made up). This will be easy to do in “My Page” editing window. And after that, you can begin the official account deletion procedure described above.

Please also note that , will still remain in the database of this social network. To avoid this, link it to a newly created account (if you still plan to continue hanging out on this social network). In a couple of weeks he will get rid of old page and it can be submitted for removal.

There is also Not official way deleting your page from VKontakte. It is notable for the fact that the process itself takes not seven months, but only about two, but there is no exact guarantee that by following the instructions described below you will achieve the desired result (the internal kitchen of VK is constantly undergoing changes and some cartoons may no longer work).

To do this, just come in to the VK privacy settings page and close yourself off as much as possible outside world, choosing wherever possible from the list possible options items like “Only me” or “No one”. After this, access to your page will be as limited as possible for everyone except you. And if you don’t log into your account for a couple of months, then there is a high probability that such a page will be taken and automatically deleted (which is what we need).

How to delete a page in Contact, access to which has been lost

It is quite possible that a VK page you created a long time ago has become a hindrance that you would like to get rid of. However, often, behind the veil of years, the opportunity to gain access to it is completely lost. Previously, for example, all accounts were linked to email addresses, and not, as now, to a phone number. It is quite possible that you have this moment You no longer have access to the Email that was used during registration, but you still want to delete the page. What to do?

In principle, the situation is not so rare, so this possibility is provided in the Contact structure. True, in order to avoid people trying to delete other people’s pages in this way (out of malice or malicious intent), the deletion process itself will be possible only if on your page were indicated real name and last name, and yours were also posted real photos.

In this case, you can delete a page on VK, even without having access to it, by following a number of steps:

That’s it, after this all you have to do is wait for a response from VK technical support and, if necessary, perform some other actions. But most often your page, when providing the above photographs, will be deleted from the VKontakte social network database without any problems.

If you mature over time, you will be able to open new page(with the same full name), but try not to lose your login and password (now to your account, which increases security and simplifies the process of restoring access if necessary).

How to delete a public page (public) in Contact?

Everything here is a little trickier, but essentially nothing complicated either - you just need to know the sequence of steps. It is not possible to directly delete a group or public from VK (in the manner of “My Page”), but it will be possible to make a trick with your ears, which is nevertheless offered as a recipe and in official instructions on using this social network.

How to delete deleted VKontakte friend pages?

If you come across many accounts in your friends list where a sad head of a sheep (or dog?) is depicted, and when you go to the page you get a message that it has been deleted, then this is not entirely convenient.

Actually, you can easily get rid of them, although this may take some time. In other words, we need to delete deleted (by various reasons) pages of our friends in VKontakte. There can be many reasons for deletion;

To clear your list of Friends from “dead souls” (they have a sad sheep-dog displayed instead of an avatar), you will need to go to the page to view all your friends and opposite a friend whose page was deleted from Contact for one reason or another, click on the button located to the right "Unfriend":

Although you can leave temporarily blocked users as Friends, because they “may come to life” over time.

Well, something like this.

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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