How to find out your ID on Skype. Caller ID function in Skype, what is it? What is an ID in Skype?

A Skype login serves two purposes: to log into your account, and as a nickname through which other users contact you. But, unfortunately, some people forget their login, while others do not even know what it is when they are asked to give their contact information for communication. Let's find out where you can see your Skype login.

To log into your Skype account, fortunately, you don’t always need to enter your login. If you have already logged into this account on a specific computer, then most likely, the next time you start the Skype program, you will log into it automatically, without entering your login and password. This will last until you manually log out of your account. That is, there is a high probability that, even without knowing or remembering your own login, you will be able to visit your account.

But this cannot go on forever. Firstly, one fine day the program may still require you to enter your login and password (if you log in from another computer, this will definitely happen), and secondly, until you provide your Skype login, none of the other users will be able to contact you. How to be?

It should be noted that, depending on the specific procedure of your registration, the login may or may not correspond to your mailbox entered during registration. You need to look at your login directly in Skype.

You can find out your login in Skype 8 either by directly logging into your account, or through another profile if you cannot log into your account. Next we will look at each of these methods in detail.

First of all, let's look at how to find out your login while in your account.

Method 2: View login from another profile

If you are unable to log into your account because you have lost your login, you can ask one of your friends to look it up in your Skype profile.

Find out your login in Skype 7 and below

In similar ways, you can find out your login in Skype 7. In addition, there is an additional option that will help you find out the necessary information through "Windows Explorer". All these methods will be discussed below.

Method 1: View login as an authorized user

Method 2: How to find out your login if login is impossible?

But what if you have already encountered a problem and cannot log into your Skype account because you do not remember the account name? In this case, there are several options to solve the problem.

But, this method will only help if you can contact those people who are listed in your contacts. But what to do if you have always communicated with them only through Skype? There is a way to find out your login without contacting third parties. The fact is that when a user logs into a specific Skype account for the first time, a folder is created on the computer’s hard drive in a special directory, the name of which is the name of the user’s account. In the vast majority of cases, this folder is stored at the following address:

C:\Users\(Windows Username)\AppData\Roaming\Skype

That is, to get to this directory, you will need to insert your Windows username into this expression and enter it into the address bar "Conductor".

But both methods described above (contacting a friend and viewing the profile directory) are only suitable if you remember your password. If you don’t remember your password, then just knowing your login will not help you get into your Skype account using the standard method. But, even in this situation, there is a way out if you remember the phone number or email address that you entered when registering in this program.

Mobile version of Skype

If you prefer to use the mobile version of Skype, available on both iOS and Android, then you can find out your login in it in almost the same way as in the updated PC program - from your own or someone else’s profile.

Method 1: Your profile

Method 2: Friend Profile

Obviously, much more often users wonder how to find out their Skype login when they simply do not remember it, and therefore cannot log in to the application. In this case, the only thing you can do is to ask for help from any person from your contact list with whom you communicate somewhere other than Skype - ask him to look at your login in this program.

Note: If you know your email and Microsoft account password, try using this information to log in to Skype - the developer company combined these profiles a long time ago.


As you can see, there are quite a few ways to find out your login if you don’t know it or have forgotten it. The choice of a specific method depends on which of three situations you are in: you can log into your account; you can’t log into your account; In addition to your login, you also forgot your password. In the first case, the problem is solved in an elementary way, and in the latter case it is most difficult.

Skype is a popular free program all over the world for making video calls and instant messaging. In addition to communicating with other users of the program, it can also be used to make calls to landlines and mobile phones. This service is paid and requires the use of Skype ID. This is a fixed set of numbers that determines the subscriber number in this program, serves to identify the caller, or is used to make a call to a specific subscriber on the phone.

Subscriber identification service

Skype ID or caller identification is a completely free service, it is set by the user himself on the settings page of his own account. The Skype ID can be exactly the same as the subscriber's phone number or consist of any set of numbers that was specified by the owner of this account or assigned by the service itself.

If you use this option, you may need to find out your Skype ID. Let's look at a way to do this.

How to find out your ID?

To find out your ID in the program, you need to do the following:

  1. Log into your own account on
  2. In the “Function Management” section, select “Subscriber Identification”.
  3. On the page that opens, make all the necessary settings by entering the required data.

The entered phone number will serve as the user ID.

When talking about user ID, they often mean Skype number. It can also be installed and configured in the “Manage Features” section of your personal account.

It is worth noting that, unlike ID, this function is paid. But with its help you can get a number, thanks to which the user can call from any phone.

The easiest way to find out your Skype ID is to call your own mobile phone from the program. The number or sequence of numbers that appears is the subscriber’s identifier.

ID for calls on the Internet

A significant portion of Skype users use the program only for free calls within the Network. How can you find out your ID, and why is it even needed in this case?

If you use the messenger only for communication within the service with another subscriber, the user login specified during registration is used as an ID. His loss is not at all uncommon.

When installing Skype on a PC and adding the program to startup, Skype will automatically log into the user's account. In this case, you will not be able to see your ID when logging in.

But you can see it directly in the window of the running program: in the upper left corner of the Skype window, near the program logo, the user’s login will be indicated, which acts as a user ID when making calls on the Internet.

Determine ID/login on your computer

If the system was not reinstalled after installing the program, you can find the login using the program files on the computer. To do this, you need to open the folder with the program, which is located in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Skype. The name of one of the folders located in the program directory will be the user ID/login. Typically, the name of such a folder begins with “live”, followed by the user name in the system.

If the operating system was recently reinstalled, you will not be able to find out the login this way. You will need to use the account recovery function, which is available on the program’s official website. Having specified all the necessary information for recovery, the user’s login information, including ID, will be sent to the user’s email.

Other data recovery methods

When registering on Skype, the user must indicate his email address, where various messages are received from the service’s support team. If such letters are saved on the server, you can view them - usually the user login is indicated there. It is clear that this method will not lead to a positive result if you are in the habit of regularly emptying your email inbox of various mailings.

If you actively use Skype to communicate with your friends, you can ask them for help - both the username and login are displayed when sending messages and making calls. Therefore, everyone with whom you communicated through this program can help you.

Thus, in the popular Skype messenger, two user IDs are used at once: one of them is for making calls to phones - landline or mobile, the second is for communicating within the Internet. If the user has lost or forgotten one of these identifiers, this is not a problem, they can be easily found. We discussed above exactly how you can find out your Skype ID, so no one will have any problems.

Skype is a popular free program all over the world for making video calls and instant messaging. In addition to communicating with other users of the program, it can also be used to make calls to landlines and mobile phones. This service is paid and requires the use of Skype ID. This is a fixed set of numbers that determines the subscriber number in this program, serves to identify the caller, or is used to make a call to a specific subscriber on the phone.

Skype ID or caller identification is a completely free service, it is set by the user himself on the settings page of his own account. The Skype ID can be exactly the same as the subscriber's phone number or consist of any set of numbers that was specified by the owner of this account or assigned by the service itself.

If you use this option, you may need to find out your Skype ID. Let's look at a way to do this.

How to find out your ID?

To find out your ID in the program, you need to do the following:

  1. Log into your own account on
  2. In the “Function Management” section, select “Subscriber Identification”.
  3. On the page that opens, make all the necessary settings by entering the required data.

When talking about user ID, they often mean Skype number. It can also be installed and configured in the “Manage Features” section of your personal account.

It is worth noting that, unlike ID, this function is paid. But with its help you can get a number, thanks to which the user can call from any phone.

ID for calls on the Internet

A significant portion of Skype users use the program only for free calls within the Network. How can you find out your ID, and why is it even needed in this case?

If you use the messenger only for communication within the service with another subscriber, the user login specified during registration is used as an ID. His loss is not at all uncommon.

When installing Skype on a PC and adding the program to startup, Skype will automatically log into the user's account. In this case, you will not be able to see your ID when logging in.

But you can see it directly in the window of the running program: in the upper left corner of the Skype window, near the program logo, the user’s login will be indicated, which acts as a user ID when making calls on the Internet.

Determine ID/login on your computer

If the system was not reinstalled after installing the program, you can find the login using the program files on the computer. To do this, you need to open the folder with the program, which is located in C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Skype. The name of one of the folders located in the program directory will be the user ID/login. Typically, the name of such a folder begins with “live”, followed by the user name in the system.

If the operating system was recently reinstalled, you will not be able to find out the login this way. You will need to use the account recovery function, which is available on the program’s official website. Having specified all the necessary information for recovery, the user’s login information, including ID, will be sent to the user’s email.

Other data recovery methods

When registering on Skype, the user must indicate his email address, where various messages are received from the service’s support team. If such letters are saved on the server, you can view them - usually the user login is indicated there. It is clear that this method will not lead to a positive result if you are in the habit of regularly emptying your email inbox of various mailings.

If you actively use Skype to communicate with your friends, you can ask them for help - both the username and login are displayed when sending messages and making calls. Therefore, everyone with whom you communicated through this program can help you.

Thus, in the popular Skype messenger, two user IDs are used at once: one of them is for making calls to phones - landline or mobile, the second is for communicating within the Internet. If the user has lost or forgotten one of these identifiers, this is not a problem, they can be easily found. We discussed above exactly how you can find out your Skype ID, so no one will have any problems.

A special unique number is used to allow users to see who the call to the device is from. In this article, we will take a closer look at what a Skype user ID is, why it is needed, how to find it, and how to use this information.

What is ID

Skype messenger ID is a unique set of numbers that is generated in one of three ways:

  • Compiled by the user himself,
  • Automatically assigned by the program
  • Matches the subscriber's phone number.

Having figured out that this is a user ID in Skype, let's look at what it is used for.

First of all, a set of numbers is used for initiation. When making an outgoing call from the program to mobile phones, subscribers will see exactly this number on the device screen. This is convenient, because in case of a missed call, you can call back at the specified phone number.

Where to find it

Now you know what it is - Skype ID. You can find out or change your number as follows:

  • Log in to the program using your username and password;
  • Enter the “Account Management” menu;

  • Select “Subscriber Identification”;

  • Open the tab - you will see a unique code that can be changed.

If for certain reasons you cannot enter the settings, you can find out the code as follows:

  • Sign in to Skype;
  • Call the mobile number that is currently at your fingertips;

  • Write down the numbers on the screen.

Data for online calls

We figured out what it is - Skype ID, which is used for calls to phones. But the vast majority of subscribers use the application only for network calls. In this case, the identifier is the login that was specified when registering the account. You can see your login in the open program window - it will be indicated in the top line, next to the logo.

If you are already logged in

It is much easier to find out your Skype username if you have already logged in. But in this case, you should not confuse login and name. The name can be changed at any time, but the login will remain the same as it was chosen during registration. How to find out your username on Skype in this case:

  • first you need to click on the name next to the profile avatar in the upper left corner;
  • a field will open on the right side of the working window for viewing the user’s personal information and editing it;
  • next to the words " Accounts" and the login is located;
  • at the very top of the window, in large letters, it is not the login that is indicated, but the name under which the subscriber is seen by other participants in the call. Sometimes the name matches the login, sometimes not. You can edit your name at any time. To do this, just click on it and enter a new one. But the login login itself will remain the same.

If you are not logged in

Most often, a login is required in order to log into the system. But what if it is forgotten?

  1. It is enough to go to the login recovery page at and enter the email address specified during registration in a special field there;
  2. receive a service letter with a special service link and security code. You will need to follow the link and enter the received code. Important! The code is only valid for three hours;
  3. All academic records associated with this email address will appear on the screen. All that remains is to choose the one you need.

You can also ask another user to look at the login in their personal data. To do this, he will need to right-click on the contact’s name and select “View personal information.” Next, a window will open in which you can see your login.

Similar actions to restore the login are performed both in the version for PC and for mobile platforms.

From the operating system

There is a way to find the login in the operating system itself. This may be useful, for example, if there is no Internet connection. Need to go to the address C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Skype. This is where the service folder is located, which bears the name of the login.

The same effect can be achieved through the “Run” command. You will need to enter the following in the text field of the window: %APPDATA%\Skype. Finally, if absolutely nothing helps, you can always contact the Support Service and describe the situation that has arisen.