Unlinking your Skype account from your Microsoft account. Microsoft bought Skype. Cons and pros

Most official programs that are used on modern computers require mandatory registration, unless they are pirated copies. But there is a group of software that uses the capabilities of the network for its full functionality, or, conversely, works only if the Internet is available. These programs require the creation of your own account in their environment - personal registration with a login and password, in order to avoid unauthorized access to them from outside.

Skype also belongs to this group of programs. This program provides the opportunity for free communication between everyone who has installed it on their computer, allowing them to correspond, exchange text files, images, and send videos, regardless of distance. In addition, it provides the possibility of voice and video communication. And all this is completely free. What is necessary to receive such a range of free and interesting services is to install the program and register.

A little history of Skype development

The importance of the opportunities that are provided to the holders of this program cannot be overestimated today in the age of ever deeper introduction of electronic and computer technologies into the life of every person. It is their achievements that provide a person with opportunities that were previously difficult to even foresee. Due to the fact that today’s pace of development in the production of information, change, and life itself has finally increased so much, people have less and less time for personal communication. In addition, the expansion of areas of interaction, the expansion of boundaries not only territorial, but also moral and professional, the growth of mandatory contacts with foreign partners, require frequent absence from the family and those who work. This is a situation where a person is at home less often than at work or on business trips, studies, and old means of communication, postal mail, letters no longer meet modern requirements either in the speed of information transfer or in their quality, the availability of modern systems and technologies , software that allows you to simplify, speed up, and increase the quality of communication is simply necessary.

It is Skype that occupies a leading position among modern means of communication due to its versatility and full compliance with today's speeds, needs and costs. Already in September 2003, computer users were able to familiarize themselves with the full version of this program proposed by its developers - Niklas Zennström from Sweden and Janus Friis from Denmark. The presence of voice chat with conferencing functionality added to the ability to send free messages has attracted the attention of most computer system users.

But the Skype developers did not stop their development there, and very soon the program developed into exactly what is familiar to all its users today. The ability to conduct video calls for free alone is worth it. Taking into account the growing competition in this area, in order to increase the number of their users, the creators of the program are now forced to constantly look for options to improve the operation of the program, expand the services it provides, and the capabilities of this software application.

Registering a Skype account

In order for registration to be successful, it is best to start with Microsoft account.

Let's look at the process of registering for Skype using this particular account.

  1. First you need to go to the page itself registration .
  2. In the window that opens, you need to perform simple steps - enter the email address that will subsequently be used for official exchange of information with the Skype system and, by clicking on I ACCEPTcontinue.
  3. At this stage, you need to take into account that if an account has already been created with Microsoft, then you will immediately need to go to step 7. If it is missing, you need to start filling out the account creation page, the window of which will appear on the desktop.
  4. Here you will need to enter a password, login, the required data to create a profile and organize the protection of the account itself. After completing the filling, you must click on “I accept.”
  5. You will receive a link requiring you to click on it to confirm the newly created account, which will be sent to the mailbox specified during registration. However, it is important!!! Attention! Without confirming your account via the link, the registration process will not be completed, which means you will not be able to continue setting up Skype. If you do not receive such a notification to your main email, you need to check your Spam folder. Often such letters end up there.
  6. If previously created first Skype account, which was linked to another mailbox - there will be a need to link it to an already configured entry in Microsoft.
  7. After completing registrations with Microsoft and Skype, the account page provides the opportunity to download Skype by selecting the option of the device on which this process will be performed, editing and setting up. Attention! When logging into Skype from your device in the future, be sure to select the “ Microsoft account».

For those who decide to use the service of this software, you can add one important detail. Among the modern instant messengers offered today by various software developers, it is really difficult to find a program that would have all the capabilities that Skype itself provides. You can find those that are best suited for transmitting written information, or those that provide some other service different from Skype services, but to comprehensively meet the user’s requirements in many areas - no. That is why good old Skype is still in great demand today, constantly expanding its capabilities.

Let's take for example the Skype program, which is designed to allow people to communicate for free with friends and colleagues. In this case, we must create accounts so that we can find our friends, call or send them messages in real time. Thanks to the account, Skype remembers and saves the entire list of our contacts, messages, full name and other data.

What is a Microsoft account?

If a regular Skype account is considered a person’s passport, then a Microsoft account can be called a foreign passport. The fact is that using a Microsoft account we can log in and manage our profile not only on Skype, but also on Outlook.com, OneDrive, Xbox and Windows 8. Agree, this is much more convenient and secure.

Why then do you need a login, and even an account password?

A login and password are needed so that we can log into Skype - when we enter a login and password, Skype checks the data and if they match, it will consider that we are the true owners of the account. The password is only needed for this process, which is usually called authorization. Unlike a password, a login is also used for other tasks, for example, when we want to find a person and add him to our contact list. Knowing only his full name, we definitely won’t be able to find him on Skype, because this is the same as finding Ivan Vasilyevich in Moscow. But with the help of a login that is unique, we can easily find the right person. The same thing works the other way around - knowing your login, other people can easily find us.

It turns out that the most important thing here is the password?

Yes, that's exactly what it is. After all, our login is known to everyone, plus, it can be easily found in the Skype directory. That's why the password should be complex - not too short or explicit, and it is advisable to use a variety of random characters. In order to create complex passwords, it is best to use a password generator and write down the resulting password so as not to forget it.

And how to create and manage an account?

Creating an account is the process of filling out a special form with all the necessary data. However, on each site or service, the process of creating an account will be slightly different, but in the end it all comes down to the fact that you need to enter a login, come up with a password, indicate some other data and, in most cases, correctly enter the robot protection code (also known as captcha). Once you have filled out and submitted the form, you will be able to access your new account (although in some cases, especially when you need to provide your email, you must confirm that you entered a real email address). I’ll try to show below a couple of examples of how you can create accounts on different sites, and also, for each of them, add links to authorization and reset your account password:

Skype account

. Description:

A Skype account is used only so that people can use Skype and communicate with each other. Of course, all this is joy, it doesn’t cost a penny.

. To come in:

To log in, first you must download free Skype and launch it on your computer or phone. If you want to log in to the site and edit your profile, follow the link login.skype.com/login

. Restore:

If you've forgotten your Skype password, recover it at login.skype.com/recovery

. Delete:

You need to contact the support service support2.microsoft.com/skype/hostpage...wfname=skype since you cannot delete your account on your own.

Microsoft account

. Description:

A Microsoft account is needed so that people can use all of the corporation's devices and services. With a Microsoft account, a user can access Skype, OneDrive, Windows 8, Office 365, Xbox Live, Outlook.com or Windows Phone.

. Create:

Creating a Microsoft account is possible on the page signup.live.com/signup.aspx where you need to fill out a form with the following required fields:
  1. Last name and first name: your friends will be able to see your name across all Microsoft services
  2. Username: use your favorite email or create a new one
  3. Password: at least 8 characters, which must contain letters, numbers and symbols
  4. Date of Birth: needed to adjust some settings according to your age
  5. Floor: if you do not want to indicate your gender, select “Not Specified”
  6. Captcha: just enter all the characters you see in the picture

After you have filled in all the required fields, click the button "Create an account".

. To come in:

To sign in to your Microsoft account, go to login.live.com/login.srf

. Delete:

You can delete your own Microsoft account at account.live.com/closeaccount.aspx

Facebook account

. Description:

A Facebook account allows you not only to manage your profile on facebook.com but also to log in to many other sites and services (including Skype).

. Create:

To create an account for Facebook you need to fill out all the fields on the page facebook.com/r.php
  1. First and last name: so that others know who you are and can find you
  2. Email address or mobile phone number: to restore access
  3. Password: any length and any characters
  4. Date of Birth: to determine your age group

After entering the data, click the button "Registration"

. To come in:

To log in to Facebook, go to the next page.

Good afternoon, dear readers! For some time now Skype has been asking me to enter my Microsoft account. This causes confusion and misunderstanding for many. It would seem that before everything was simple - you have an account to log into the messenger, you log in - everything works. Why it was necessary to invent some other account is not entirely clear. Today we will try to understand what a Microsoft account means, why Skype asks to add it, and what relation it has to it.

What is a Microsoft account in Skype

Once upon a time, to use Skype you had to create your own account. It could not be used in any other applications.

However, after the messenger was purchased by Microsoft, it became possible to use one common account for a large number of applications, including logging into Windows.

Now, having created an account in Skype or one of the other Microsoft applications, you can use it in all Microsoft programs.

Let's recall some of them:

  • Skype;
  • Office Online;
  • Xbox;
  • OneDrive;
  • Outlook;
  • Store.

For many users, this approach means convenience and a lower risk of losing accounts, getting confused in them, or accidentally blocking them.

If skype requires a microsoft account - what to do

You may have used separate Skype access all your life. But one day we encountered the fact that after updating the messenger requires you to enter your Microsoft account.

In this case, enter the appropriate account, and if it does not exist, create it.

Creating a Microsoft account - linking to Skype

If for some reason you do not yet have a Microsoft account, you can create one.

For creating:

  • go to your Microsoft account page;
  • search for "Don't have an account? Create it!
  • answer all the questions presented in the form that appears. Please note that you can use an existing email address or phone number as a name. You can also create a new email;
  • click “Create an account”;
  • confirm your intentions by following the instructions in the message that was sent to the mailbox you specified during registration.

Now, after confirming the creation of your account, you can use it and also link Skype to your account.

It's easy to do:

  • when logging into the messenger, indicate the email you used to create your Microsoft account, as well as your password;
  • In the window that appears, answer that you agree to merge your Microsoft and Skype accounts.

How to unlink skype from microsoft account

Previously, if you used linked access, you could easily unlink access to the messenger from Microsoft. You may still see this feature.

Look for it this way:

  • Log in to your Skype account in a browser. This can be done by entering your data directly in the browser, or by clicking on the “Account” option in the program;
  • open account settings;
  • if you see “Unlink”, click on that phrase. The connection between the accounts will be broken.

However, some, or perhaps all, users currently do not have this feature. All that is available now is changing the password. It is impossible to remove a link between two accounts.


After Skype became the property of Microsoft, the developers made it possible to combine access to all applications. It’s easy to link your old messenger account to your Microsoft account. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to untie them.

Video review

After two giant companies, the former developer of Skype and Microsoft, merged into a single entity, users increasingly began to have problems logging into the messenger. Now accounts are merged on, and when logging into Skype, the system requires a Microsoft account. How to find a way out of this situation will be discussed further.

How to sign into Skype without a Microsoft account

Previously, it was possible to authorize using only your Skype login. Today this is not entirely true. Only those who managed to register before the merger of corporations can log in without a Microsoft account by entering their login and password. But even these users have difficulties. Every time the messenger is updated, it stubbornly insists on connecting the existing login with a Microsoft account. This is not the only possible problem - or writing.

It is currently impossible to separate the tandem; the accounts are not detached from each other. This also does not give a person the right to come up with a login on their own, since now you can register through a phone number and e-mail.

What to do in this case? You can try to log into Skype using your .

  • The existing copy of Skype is deleted.
  • Next, go to the official website of the application and download the client again.
  • Install the program.
  • During the registration process, select “Authorization with Skype account” in the pop-up window.

Why does Microsoft restrict users so much?

Microsoft Corporation has limited the actions of its subscribers for the following purposes:

  • thanks to two-way authentication, fraudsters will not be able to hack accounts;
  • attackers will not be able to register profiles with a name similar to the person they are trying to impersonate;
  • it will be much easier due to the reliable data provided;
  • You can only add one account per mailbox;
  • a single password for all services will reliably protect and keep personal data secret.

Using other messengers as an option to solve the problem

Due to unimproved work and a large number of different bugs, people often search for . There are many programs similar to this messenger, for example:

  • Viber
  • Hangouts
  • CacaoTalk
  • Bleep
  • Jitsi
  • Linphone
  • CommFort

All programs have their pros and cons. Some have already managed to acquire large audiences, and some are at the testing stage. After reading the detailed description of each of them, you can choose a worthy replacement for Skype for yourself.

The article tells everything about the Microsoft account for logging into Skype.


Skype is one of the most popular instant messengers used all over the world. The program is so well known that it does not need any introduction. But still, many users ask questions about some of the nuances that they have with Skype.

For example, many people want to know why Skype requires an account “ Microsoft"when working with her? People are also interested in how to link or unlink an account " Microsoft» to your Skype account? We will consider these questions in today's review.

About your Microsoft account

To answer these questions, let’s first take a brief look at the account “ Microsoft" Many users are likely aware of this. Account " Microsoft" - this is the usual username and password for logging into the system " Windows" That is, in this case only the owner of such an account will be able to log in and work on the computer. Other users can create their own accounts, or log into the computer as “ Guest».

In addition, as we already understood, the account “ Microsoft"can be linked to Skype, as well as to many other programs from the company" Microsoft" According to the creators, this is convenient.

So, let's fix the following. Users can log into Skype either under their own account, created specifically for this program, or under the account “ Microsoft", under which users log into the operating system " Windows» on their computers.

For some, this may be useful, but for others, on the contrary, it will only create unnecessary problems. Below we will tell you how to link an account “ Microsoft» to Skype and vice versa - unlink. It's up to you to decide what to do best. We will only tell you about two advantages that users will receive from combining their Skype account with the account " Microsoft»:

  • To log into your computer, Skype (and other programs), you will have one login and one password. In principle, it is very convenient.
  • If you lose your password, you can freely recover it using the services of the official company " Microsoft" You can recover your password using your phone or your email.

How to combine Skype and Microsoft accounts?

To log into Skype using the account " Microsoft", it will need to be combined with your Skype account. That is, you must already register both accounts for yourself in advance.

Link account " Microsoft"to Skype on a computer and phone running " Windows Phone» is possible using one general instruction. Below we provide instructions for " Windows Phone»:

  • We go into the Skype program

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • Next, to log in with your account “ Microsoft", you need to enter your login and password. As a rule, email is the login in this case, which makes the task easier.

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • Once in the new window, click on “ Continue»

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • After this, the program will ask if you already have a ready-made Skype account? Click on " Yes»

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • Next, enter the password and login for your Skype account and click on “ Merge accounts" That's all.

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

How to disconnect Skype and Microsoft accounts?

It’s worth saying in advance that to unlink an account “ Microsoft"from Skype you will need to visit the official website" Skype" That is, this cannot be done through the Skype program. So, we take the following steps:

  • We go to the Skype website, in the upper right corner click on login and then on “ My account»

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • After this you will need to log in to the site. Enter your Skype login and move on

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • After that, enter your Skype password and move on.

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • The authorization process on the site will begin.

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • Next, the system will offer you to use its capabilities. You can ignore this and move on, as shown in the screenshot.

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • On the new page at the very bottom, click on “ Account settings»

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

  • Next, opposite the account “ Microsoft" Press " Cancel connection" After that, your accounts from Skype and “ Microsoft» will be disconnected from each other.

Skype requires a Microsoft account, what to do? How to log into Skype using a Microsoft account? How to link and unlink Skype from a Microsoft account

Video: How to create a Skype account through Microsoft (lesson #2)