How to delete a skype profile completely. Remove skype account, Microsoft registration from PC and phone

Skype is a popular instant messenger designed for making video and audio calls, transferring documents and for general correspondence between people. Using this program makes life much easier. But sometimes there is a need to give it up. on Skype"? Is it even possible to do this? Or will you have to accept the fact that deleting a previously created profile is impossible? The answers to all these questions will definitely be found below. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

Deleting a profile - reality or fairy tale?

Skype is used for different purposes. For example, for work or personal communication. Users can have multiple accounts. Sometimes there is a need to delete specific profiles.

Is it possible to bring the idea to life? Yes. Each person, if desired, has the right to be removed from the system. But often getting rid of a profile is not so easy. Especially when you consider that deleting an “account” can mean different operations.

Removal methods

"Skype"? To do this you can use:

  • manual removal;
  • submitting a request to technical support;
  • get rid of the account under which you logged into Skype on a specific PC.

In the latter case, the profile is not deleted. Only information about a specific account is erased. More precisely, login information in the Skype window.

Technical support

So, if you want to get rid of your Skype profile forever, you can contact technical support and bring your idea to life. Typically, a profile is deleted from the search system after a month. But before taking decisive action, you need to disable all subscriptions and cancel your application account.

How to delete your Skype account? To do this you will need:

  1. Go to the link
  2. Login to your profile.
  3. Write a letter to technical support with a request to delete the profile.
  4. Wait a while and follow the link that will be given to confirm the operation. After 30 days, the profile will disappear from the Skype search engine.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the letter requesting deletion must be written in English. All other communication with service support also requires knowledge of English. Otherwise, you can forget about using this technique.


How can I delete it in another way? The following advice will help you cope with the task yourself. Usually all actions come down to editing an existing profile.

As a rule, the following actions help:

  1. Log in to Skype using your username and password.
  2. Go to the Skype section - "Personal data" - "Edit my data..." / "Edit profile".
  3. Erase all user information.
  4. Delete avatar.
  5. Change date of birth. It cannot be deleted.
  6. Delete all contacts. To do this, you need to right-click on the interlocutors one by one, and then select “Delete”.
  7. Go to "Tools" - "Settings".
  8. Go to the "Chats and SMS" section.
  9. Click on "Chat Settings".
  10. Click on the “Delete correspondence” button and confirm your actions.

Now all that remains is to exit your profile in the program and wait 30 days. After this time, the account will be deleted.

Deleting a login

The last tip is to delete data about users authorized on the computer. This means deleting the login that is written when logging into the system.

Typically, this technique does not require any special knowledge. How to delete your Skype account this way? To do this you need:

  1. Open the start menu on PC.
  2. In the search bar write %appdata%.
  3. Open the folder and log into Skype.
  4. Delete the folder with the login that you want to remove from the list of profiles when logging into the application.

Once the operation is completed, you can look at the result. After restarting Skype, a person will see that the login in the login window has been deleted! How to delete a Skype entry about logins? The answer to this question will not be a hassle.

In this article, we will tell you how to delete a Skype account, as well as how to completely get rid of its traces on your computer. If for one reason or another you have created several Skype accounts, but only use one, there is a chance that people looking for you in this program may get confused and add the wrong contact. This is why, and for a number of other reasons, it is better to delete non-working accounts.

How to delete a Skype account through technical support

So, how to delete a Skype page permanently? All you need to do is follow the steps below.

Step 1:
To get started, log in to your personal account. Go to the program.

Step 2

  • Now you need to open “Personal data - edit”, see screenshot:

Step 3

  • Next, click “Management”

Step 4

  • Open "Help"

  • Further "Contact us"

  • Further "Request for support"

  • When you are done with the previous steps, open the account closure page ( the path is this - Help - drop-down menu and then “Close account”)

Step 5
Click on the link in point 1:

Step 6

You can find out more about how in another article on our website.

Congratulations! Now you know how to delete a profile on Skype! Now let's figure out how to do this through the settings.


Here's how to permanently delete your Skype account through your profile settings:

  • To do this, you will need to clear all data. Log in using your username and password. In the program, on the top panel with settings, click Skype, then “Personal information” and “Edit my information”.
  • Here you need to click "Show full profile".

  • Your account web page will open. Click "Edit profile" and delete all personal information.
  • Return to the program. Here you need to clean all contacts. Right-click on each one and select “Delete”

  • Clear message history
  • Save all changes and exit your profile. After this, within a period of three days to a month, the account will no longer appear in searches, and then will be completely deactivated by the system. The main thing is not to accidentally enter it at this time

Deleting account information

To delete your Skype account completely, you need to get rid of the files and folders that remain on your computer. You can do this as follows:

  • Open the command line using the Win+R key combination
  • Enter the command “%AppData%” there, then click “OK”
  • In the folder with system files that opens, find the folder called Skype and open it
  • Now find another folder that has the same name as your login. This contains all the information associated with your account. This is what needs to be removed. Thanks to this cleaning, you will definitely not be able to get into your old profile.

  • Read about that in another article.

Is it possible to delete a Skype account completely by sending an email to the program's customer support center? Yes, you can do it this way. But to do this, you must more or less speak English, since the deletion request can only be sent in this language.

How to delete Skype account completely from your phone

Step 1
Go to your account on your smartphone, click on your profile, then “Settings”

Step 2
Select an item "Account and Profile"
Step 3
Then choose the method to receive the code. In our case, this is a phone number. Enter the received code.

Many users who create several Skype accounts end up communicating in only one. This causes some inconvenience for people who want to add you to their address book. Having found several profiles belonging to one person in the search, it is impossible to understand which one is active! To avoid misleading your friends, we recommend deleting your Skype account after creating a new account.

It should be said that it is impossible to completely remove a profile, but there are several tricks that allow you to hide the required page from the general search. We will tell you about them.

How to delete a Skype account?

  1. Open the "Account Information" section.
  2. Select "Personal Information".
  3. Click on the “Edit” command (it’s in the upper right corner).
  4. Now you should erase all information about yourself (you can leave a random set of characters in this place).
  5. Click the “Save” command.

You can also change your email address to no longer receive notifications from the service, change your profile photo, or delete it altogether. As you can see, it is impossible to delete a page on Skype forever, but you can replace all the information about yourself and even if someone you know sees the profile, they will never understand who it belongs to.

Another important point: the less often you log into your account, the more likely it is that it will not appear in search results! To prevent the application from reminding you about existing accounts when logging in, just delete the folder with the old profile from your PC’s hard drive.

How to delete a Skype account using a Microsoft profile

If you used a Microsoft account when registering, then the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Use your Microsoft account to log into the program through the official website.
  2. Go to the Account Details tab.
  3. Open "Personal Information" and select the "Edit" command.
  4. Erase all information using the above method and do not forget to save the changes.
  5. Now you can forget about the existence of this account.

To completely delete your Microsoft account, you must use all funds from your personal account. Please remember that after this action, work with certain company services will be unavailable.

Most users who use the popular Skype program very often create several accounts and then use only one of them. And then the question arises: how to delete a Skype account that is no longer needed. After all, it only gets in the way, since many friends are trying to call or write messages on that page, and you have been using another account for a long time.

It should be noted right away that you will not be able to completely delete your account. But you can perform several actions, thanks to which your friends will no longer confuse your accounts and will not be able to find in the Skype search the “account” that you do not want to use. First, you need to log into Skype using the login that you wanted to delete, and then perform a few simple manipulations:

  1. Go to the "Account Information" section.
  2. Select the item called "Personal Information".
  3. Click on the “Edit” item, which is located in the upper right corner.
  4. Now erase your first name, last name and other data about yourself by putting any random characters in the appropriate fields.
  5. After this, click on the “Save” button.

Additionally, you can also change your email address so as not to receive news from the Skype service, and also remove your old avatar, thanks to which old acquaintances could recognize you. Thus, you will not be able to remove yourself from Skype completely, but you will do everything possible to ensure that no one finds your account by name, surname or other data. But at the same time, it is important to know that some users to whom you left your old Skype login will be able to try to contact you using it.

Another important point is the fact that the longer you do not log into your old account, the greater the chance that it will no longer appear in other users' searches for the program.

Then, to make logging into Skype as convenient as possible from your computer, you can delete from its memory all data about an account that is no longer needed. To do this, just get rid of the folder with the old profile on the hard drive of your PC.

Delete your Skype account information using your Microsoft account

If you used a Microsoft account to gain access to your account, then to erase your personal data you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Use this same account to log into Skype using the website.
  2. Click on the “Account Details” section.
  3. Go to the “Personal Data” tab and click on the “Change” button.
  4. Erase all information about yourself as described above, and then save the changes.
  5. After this, you can forget about the existence of this account.

If you want to completely delete your Microsoft account, do not forget that then you need to withdraw or spend all the funds in your personal account. In addition, you will no longer be able to use certain company services, for example, Xbox Live or Outlook.

Thus, you can get rid of your old Skype login in several ways, although you will not be able to completely delete it. If you still want to erase all data about your old account, you can contact Skype support. There is a small chance that they will help you delete your old account completely if there are compelling reasons for doing so, but this operation will take at least two weeks.

In parallel with the development of social networks, various instant messengers, photo and cloud services, as well as VoIP and email services, privacy when communicating online is becoming an increasing priority. As has been happening for the last 5-10 years, companies are trying to get information about you, as a potential client and customer of their own products, that interests them, namely: your hobbies, lifestyle, what purchases you make online, etc. And so it is everywhere: from the ubiquitous banners on your favorite portal to putting likes on Facebook or VK.

These nuances are not spared by Skype: if necessary, any correspondence can be retrieved, opened and read (although this is not done in an open manner, as is the case with banking services and invoices issued for a financial period). In order to protect yourself from personal information falling into third hands, this article will talk about how to delete message history on Skype (or a separate selected message), completely get rid of your account in this VoIP service, uninstall the application on your computer; how to clear history on Skype or... delete SMS.

How to delete history and messages on Skype (including SMS)?

As with all other web services, communication in Skype occurs through a “client-server” chain, that is, when you send a message to your friend on Skype, the message “settles” in the meantime on the Microsoft server through which you communicate. There may be several such servers, and they may be physically located in different parts of the globe, but this does not change the essence: all messages pass through an intermediate node, where they can be stored indefinitely. How to delete your Skype history or individual messages?

The first method of erasing correspondence will come in handy for those who need to delete a separate message sent to one of the users (this means only sent posts that were not received). To delete a post, right-click on the line with the desired message and select “Delete” from the menu to clear the history of correspondence in Skype.

Deleting messages on Skype is easier than you thought

If you wish, you can not delete the message at all, but simply correct the message - the “Edit message” item is suitable for these purposes. You can delete messages in Skype that are no more than an hour old from the date of the post; after this period, the corresponding buttons in the pop-up menu will disappear. In this case, the posts will disappear not only in your working Skype window, but also on the server.

An alternative method will completely erase the entire correspondence history for all recipients. You can complete the procedure for deleting messages by selecting the “Settings” option in the “Tools” section in the main Skype menu. Next, on the parameters form, go to the “Security” category and on the “Security Settings” tab, click the button on the right “Clear history”. After a moment, a small dialog box will appear in front of you confirming the deletion of the correspondence (i.e. Skype history). After confirmation, the entire history will be erased.

A similar button with the same purpose is available in the “Chats and SMS” section. Click on the “Open advanced settings” button and you will immediately see the same button repeating the identical operation.

By the way, you can delete SMS messages in Skype in this way if this is necessary to protect against leakage of confidential data. Along with text posts, SMS messages, calls, files you exchanged, and voice messages will be destroyed. Moreover, it will not be possible to return everything back.

Important Note: In the Skype application, only two methods presented above are currently available to erase messages or history. In particular, if you need to erase correspondence with an individual, it is not yet possible to do this. As soon as such a function is added by the development company, you will be one of the first to know about it on the pages of our portal.

How to delete an account (user account) on Skype?

If they switch to another Skype account, many don’t even think about what to do with the old one, and simply stop logging into it. At the same time, when trying to find you in the address database, the search engine will still show an old account with personal information that is no longer used in the list of accounts. To avoid such confusion, it is better to delete the Skype account that you no longer need completely, so that the service's search engine no longer stores your personal data and does not try to associate new contacts with the old login. Next, we will describe in detail how to perform the procedure for deleting a user record - one of the methods on how to delete Skype.

Before deleting your account, check if you have used all the money in the account. Since deleting your account will permanently destroy the history of all financial payments, purchases, and the wallet itself, it is better to spend all the money before taking action to destroy your Skype account.

If the preliminary preparation is completed, we can proceed to the main part. You will not be able to delete your Skype account yourself; to do this, you will have to contact support. It operates 24/7 and is completely free. By clicking on the link provided and leaving a request to delete your account, 24 hours will pass before the data is deleted by the support team. If you were unable to leave a request directly, write an email to this address, and after the same day the account will disappear. It is necessary to take into account that even after the account disappears from the database, your old contact will still be in the list of friends who added you, and only they can delete it themselves.

While you are waiting for a response from the service operator, we can do one more useful thing, namely, erase all data about yourself in the old account. After this, the entire connection between the old and new login will forever disappear into oblivion, and it will be almost impossible to track you after such deletion.

Log in to your old Skype account and erase the values ​​in those fields where your personal information is indicated, namely: email address, phone number, status, avatar and name. All this is on the profile page (in the main menu, section Skype -> Personal data -> Edit my data).

Delete your profile in the Skype application

Some values ​​cannot be completely erased (in particular, the date of birth), so just change them to any other, arbitrary ones. The only thing that cannot be changed in the profile is the login.

Another important point: before deleting your Skype account, you need to make sure that . If it is activated, then even after all the efforts described above, a fixed amount of money will be withdrawn from your account every month. This can be done by logging into the account service through a browser on the official Skype page and selecting the “Author” section. Top up your account" in the "Account Information" category below.

How to remove Skype from your computer?

As for deleting a profile, the step-by-step instructions in the previous section of the article will give you a clear and precise answer to resolving this problem. If you are going to remove the application itself (i.e., uninstall Skype from your computer), this is done in exactly the same way as uninstalling any other application in Windows - through the control panel.

Note. After deleting the Skype application on your PC, it would be useful to install another messenger on your computer. We suggest you go to the section where applications with similar functionality are collected (we recommend reading our review on this topic). If you suddenly want to launch Skype without installing the program on your computer or Android device, try it: it works through a browser and, therefore, does not require installation.

Summary. Typically, the user himself has the right to manage his account. Delete it, block it, or import/export settings using synchronization - all this can be done by the account owner himself. However, this is not the case with Skype. However, despite the rather long response time of the operator, deleting your Skype account or uninstalling Skype from your computer is not extra work, and the efforts made for this will certainly pay off in the future.