How to connect additional Internet for a tariff plan. How to connect additional Internet to MTS subscribers for Smart tariffs

If you use one of the tariff offers that are indicated in the title of the material, then you have the opportunity to take advantage of the offer of the MTS company and connect an additional Internet package at the specified tariffs.

This will allow you to save money that you will spend on access to the global network at a standard rate. More detailed information will be provided below

For those who like to use the mobile Internet, you don’t have to think about the number of available MB of traffic that is provided in the standard service package, since it can now always be extended by ordering an additional MTS Internet package. This offer is valid only for Smart, Hype and Ultra tariff plans.

Other tariff plans are not included in this promotion. But users of these packages will be automatically connected to an additional traffic package, which they will use until they are credited with the main Internet package.

Please note that an additional traffic package is activated only when the subscriber has exhausted the entire main traffic package. Otherwise, the additional package will not be connected.

Additional Internet in Smart, Ultra and Hype tariffs

As for additional Internet, for each tariff plan a certain amount of Internet traffic is allocated, which will depend on the tariff plan in which the subscriber is located. So here they are:

  1. In the MTS Hype, Ultra, Smart Zabugorishche, Smart +, Smart Top, Smart Unlimited tariffs, the user is provided with 1 GB of additional Internet traffic
  2. All other tariff plans will provide only 500 MB

As for the coverage area, these packages work both in the home region and throughout Russia. But in the Smart Mini tariff it is available only in the home region, but if you need access throughout the country, then you can activate the additional service “Smart Everywhere at Home”.

Additional packages will be activated automatically one by one until the main package according to the tariff is charged.

Cost of additional internet packages

And one of the most interesting questions is how much does an additional MTS Internet package cost?? The issue of price also depends on what tariff plan the subscriber is served with.

If you have a Smart Unlimited, Smart Top, Smart nonstop, Smart Zaugorishche, Smart + tariff, then the cost of such a package will be 150 rubles.

If the subscriber is on the Hype or Smart Mini tariff plans, then the cost of such a package will be 95 rubles. But in all other tariff plans, the cost of this Internet package will be 75 rubles.

As for the consumption and balance of additional traffic, you should pay attention to the fact that all unused traffic is not carried over to the next month and is not combined with the main package. It will simply be reset to zero as soon as the main traffic is credited.

How to connect additional Internet

As for the connection, so here it is connect additional Internet MTS possible in several ways. There is a simpler one - use a USSD request. To do this, the subscriber should dial the combination on the phone *111*936# and press the call button.

The connection is also available through the user’s personal account. But there are also times when the subscriber cannot connect on his own; to do this, you should check your tariff - you can read about that in another material.

After that, you should compare your plan with those that may be participating in the promotion.

Subscribers of the MTS operator using the Smart tariff can connect to the “Additional Mobile Internet” service on their phone or smartphone if they have completely exhausted the traffic provided for by the monthly payment.

This offer is available for almost all Smart packages from MTS:

  • Smart Mini (112013, 102014, 022015), Smart (022013, 102014) - 500 MB/ 75 RUR;
  • Smart+ (102014), Smart Nonstop/Top - 1GB / 150 rub.

The remaining traffic is monitored on

How to connect and disconnect a package?

The ability to use additional traffic is activated automatically immediately after switching or connecting to Smart series packages.

To turn off the Internet on MTS Smart Mini, send the USSD command *111*936# to the service and follow the voice menu prompts. Deactivation can also be performed in your Personal Account on the operator’s offsite.

Advice! When additional traffic is disabled, in case of exhaustion of the limit, in order to use the Network, you can activate the “Turbo buttons”.

Features of using the service

  1. Activation of the first package is available only after the default traffic volume has been exhausted. In turn, the second additional package becomes available only if the first one is completely exhausted.
  2. Unused service traffic is not carried over to the next month.
  3. Within 1 month, the “Additional Internet” service can be activated no more than 15 times. But after reaching this limit, the subscriber can still use the “Turbo buttons”.
  4. In Nonstop and Nonstop 082015 tariffs, the limit is calculated based on the depletion of the daily package by default.
  5. The initiator of the “Unified Internet” group can provide its participants only with the traffic of his main package, and use the additional one exclusively individually.
  6. In "Mini" tariffs additional. packages are enabled by default. To refuse them, you need to dial -*111*936# and go to item “2” of the voice menu.

Using the “MiniBit” and “Superbit” packages

“Minibit” is the optimal solution for those who rarely use the Internet on their device. It does not require a monthly fee and charges money from the subscriber in fact, directly on the days of going online.

The “Minibit” connection is carried out with the command - *111*62# (→ item “1”). And the shutdown is *111*62# (→ “2”).

Plus, activation and deactivation of the minimum “BIT” can be carried out on the MTS office.

BIT traffic monitoring is provided via USSD request - *217#.
All owners of “Super Bit Smart” are provided with 3GB of traffic every month + additional packages of 500 MB (up to 15 activations/1 month). The service is valid in all regions of the Russian Federation.

“Superbit” is activated automatically after consuming 5 MB of traffic in the following tariff plans: “Super MTS”, RED Energy, “Your Country”, “Per Second”. Before activation, payment is made according to the “Mini” tariff.

To disable this service, send *111*8650#. If you want to refuse only additional packages (+500 MB) within the “Super” tariff, send “1” in an SMS to 6290.

03.27.15, 16:09  MTS    0

MTS is a large cellular operator that has quite a few services in its arsenal. The most popular service is for accessing the network. For different tariffs it is connected optionally, for some it is provided, and for some you need to connect it manually. If users have no problems with connection, then with disconnection it’s the opposite! Having tested the quality and speed of the Internet, some subscribers rush to turn it off as unnecessary.

Disable MTS Internet on your phone

The most common device consuming Internet services these days is the telephone. When using it, a lot of money is spent, and additional packages of megabytes can be added to the machine. Not all MTS subscribers like this approach and they rush to disable it for their phone. There is no single command to refuse a service. For each tariff or option you need to dial your own combination of numbers. Let's look at several popular tariffs for which people want to disable access to the global web on their phone.

Disable additional Internet on MTS

Conditions for providing additional Internet on MTS

The additional Internet service is tied to the Smart tariff line - very popular tariff plans, because the user receives good benefits for a monthly payment.

These are the conditions under which additional megabytes are provided.

As you can see, the service is activated when you switch to a tariff, but you can only disable it manually. This approach is not very convenient, because if you initially do not want to use additional traffic, but do not know about the connected option, then unbeknownst to you, the money will be debited at the most inopportune moment.

The easiest way to disable additional megabytes of traffic on MTS is

  • Dial combination *111*936# call button. In the information message, enter the number of the desired item (disable number 2)
  • or via the Internet assistant ()
  • To refuse additional traffic packages for the “BIT” option, send an SMS from your phone with the text “1” (without quotes) to the number 2520, to restore them again, send an SMS with the text “2” (without quotes) to the number 2520 from your phone ."
  • To refuse additional traffic packages for the “SuperBIT” option, send an SMS with the text “1” (without quotes) to 6280 from your phone; to restore them again, send an SMS with the text “2” (without quotes) to 6280 from your phone .

Disable Internet on MTS BIT

MTS has several versions of BIT options. Let's see how you can refuse each of them using just your phone.

  • Let's start with the youngest option - mini BIT disable it by typing on your mobile phone *111*62# (next select item 2);
  • The next oldest is option BIT. It gives a little more advantages and we will disable it as a team *111*252*2#
  • The last most expensive service that gives the most Internet is Super BIT, you can refuse it like this *111*628*2#

Disable Internet on Smart Mini tariff

The Smart mini tariff has very modest characteristics regarding Internet traffic. People who choose this plan usually value calls over access to the network, so they just need to turn off data on their phone. And those who want to turn off such a small amount of GB and add more will have to use additional services or change the tariff.

Disable Internet on Super MTS tariff

One of the options can be activated on the tariff - BIT or Super BIT.

To disable options, you can use the following methods:

  • — “BIT Smart”: dial on your mobile phone *111*8649# or send an SMS with the text 8649 to number 111;
  • — “SuperBIT Smart”: dial on your mobile phone *111*8650# or send an SMS with the text 8650 to 111.

If options are disabled, they cannot be reconnected.

Disable internet for MTS day

Internet for a day is a convenient function for those who do not need constant access to the network. The terms of service are shown in the picture.

You can disable the option in 2 ways:

  • By dialing *111*67# on your phone
  • By sending an SMS to number 111 with the text 670
  • or through the MTS assistant service

Disable Internet on Maxi tariff

A message for those who are trying to get rid of the Internet on the Maxi tariff. There is no way to disable traffic as such. The tariff needs to be completely changed. If you do not have enough Internet resources, you can use additional services.

If you don’t know yet, read the information on our website.

The “Smart” tariff gives its users, in addition to wide communication opportunities and unlimited calls to MTS subscribers in Russia, sufficiently large traffic for Internet surfing. A 5 GB package is already included in the basic services of the tariff plan.

5 GB of traffic offered by the “Smart” tariff is enough for active network surfing. This is convenient for those who do not want to download games, videos and music, but are content with communicating on social networks and using electronic mail services.

The package is convenient for business people making transactions online, including through banks and e-wallets.

How to connect?

By activating the tariff plan, no additional Internet connection is required.

Reference! After the quota is exhausted, an additional 500 MB package worth 95 rubles is activated by default.

Each month extra. packages can be connected no more than 15 times. The packages are valid on the MTS network throughout Russia.

The balance of additional traffic does not carry over to the next month.

How to disable?

If you do not want to spend additional funds, it is possible to disable additional activation. default packages by command *111*936# - challenge.

How to find out the remaining traffic?

You can check the remaining traffic by sending a combination *217# — call, or in your personal account on the company’s official website.

How to add traffic?

In order to extend traffic on the “Smart” tariff, you can order additional Internet by dialing *111*936# - challenge.

There are additional commands:

  • *111*526# — call — activation/deactivation of a 500 MB package;
  • *111*527# — call — 1 GB package.

You can use it if necessary. It is activated by sending the command:

  • (price - 30 rub.) to connect, dial *111*05*1# ;
  • (cost 95 rub.) - *167# — challenge;
  • (175 rub.) — *467# ;
  • (300 rub.) — *168# ;
  • (450 rub.) — *169# ;
  • (900 rub.) — *469# .

Internet distribution

The tariff offer allows you to use it, which provides for the distribution of traffic to other subscribers from any mobile device. The cost of the service is 100 rubles. from every device.


The data transfer speed depends on the communication standard:

  • EDGE provides up to 474 Kbps;
  • 3G - up to 50 Mb/s;
  • 4G - up to 300 Mb/s.

Actual speed depends on network load and coverage quality.

Useful on the topic

Access points -,

In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, you can disable the activation of additional traffic packages. The 5 GB offering is quite sufficient for those who use network resources in a small amount.

TP "Smart" is not intended for a modem. If a SIM card with a tariff is used in a modem, Internet access is limited. For modems it is better to use .


The advantage of the “Smart” tariff plan is unlimited communication and preferential conditions for calls to numbers of other operators. A modest package of 5 GB monthly will not suit every user. For more active use of Internet resources, you can choose other company offers.

Modern mobile devices (from tablets to smartphones) have already come close to the functionality of a desktop computer and require an increasing amount of mobile traffic for work and entertainment online.

If you use mobile Internet services from the MTS operator, then you have probably already appreciated its high speed (especially in the 4G standard). If suddenly the speed drops sharply or the connection stops altogether, the problem most likely lies in the exhaustion of your mobile traffic limit. What to do in such a situation? Let's consider all possible options.

Almost all current MTS tariff plans include some amount of mobile traffic. But when actively using a tablet or smartphone, it is not enough. Therefore, the company has developed special tariffs that provide additional GB volume.

Hype tariff

Provides up to 7 GB of Internet + unlimited access to all social networks and some online games. Monthly subscription fee – 700 rubles.

Tariff Smart Unlimited

Increases the size of mobile traffic up to 10 GB. Monthly subscription fee – 700 rubles.

Ultra tariff

Provides up to 15 GB of Internet, huge packages of minutes and SMS. But it is also quite expensive - 2,000 rubles per month.

MTS Connect 4 tariff

Designed specifically for tablets and desktop computers. Provides from 3 to 30 GB within the Internet-mini, Internet-maxi and Internet-VIP options. The cost of connection and daily access fee will depend on the choice of the most suitable option.

How to buy traffic without changing the package on MTS?

The options listed above in the MTS Connect4 tariff can be purchased not only for a tablet, but also for any other mobile device. In this case, the amount of traffic provided and its cost will look like this:

  • Internet mini –3 GB – 1050 rubles.
  • Internet maxi – 10 GB – 1850 rubles per month + unlimited internet at night (from 01 to 07 o’clock).
  • Internet VIP – 15 GB – 2500 rubles per month + unlimited internet at night (from 01 to 07 o’clock).

Turbo buttons – if traffic is needed one-time

The above methods of increasing mobile traffic are best used by those who consume large volumes on a monthly and daily basis. If there is not enough traffic for several days before the start of a new tariff period, “Turbo buttons” from the Mobile Telesystems company will come to the rescue.

Each “Turbo button” adds a certain amount of MB or GB and is valid for a strictly limited period of time.

Turbo button 100 MB

Based on the name, 100 MB of Internet will be added to you for one day (24 hours). The service is disabled either when the time or MB volume is exhausted - whichever expires first.

Price – 30 rubles.

To activate the option, you can dial the combination *111*05*1# or send an SMS to 5340 with the message text “05”.

Turbo button 500 MB

One of the most popular tariffs is 500 MB of Internet for a month (30 days). Disconnection will occur either after 30 days or 500 MB - whichever ends faster.

Price – 95 rubles.

To activate, you can send the combination *167# or SMS to number 5340 with the message text “167”. The service can also be activated in your personal account or using the help of qualified specialists in MTS salons.

Activation of the service for bonus points is also available for participants of the MTS-Bonus program: combination *111*455*35#. The cost in points is 600 conventional units.

Turbo button 2 GB

For ardent fans of the Internet - adds 2 GB of Internet to the volume under your basic tariff for a month (30 days). The service is disconnected after either 30 days or 2 GB of Internet, depending on which of these two events comes first.

Price – 200-250 rubles (tariffs differ for different regions of the country).

To activate, you can send the combination *168# or SMS to number 5340 with the message text “168”. The service can also be activated online through your personal account or offline in an MTS salon.

Turbo button 5 GB

For those who “live” on the network, it adds 5 GB of Internet to the traffic at the basic tariff for a month (30 days). The service is disconnected either after 30 days or 5 GB of Internet - depending on which of these two events comes first.

Price – from 300 to 450 rubles (tariffs differ for different regions of the country).

To activate, you can send the combination *169# or SMS to number 5340 with the message text “169”. Hints in your personal account and MTS salon specialists will also help you activate this option.

Turbo nights MTS

For those who prefer to work or have fun online at night - unlimited traffic from 01 am to 07 am for a period of 30 days. Disconnection is carried out automatically after 30 days.

Price – 200 rubles.

To activate, you need to send the combination *111*766*1#.

Bottom line

Each of the options described above can be connected up to 15 times a month:

  • if you took the option, but it turned out to be not enough or;
  • if the purchased package has expired.

This completes the list of ways to replenish MTS mobile traffic, and the choice of the most suitable option is yours!