Beeline multi-channel support phone. Beeline hotline

If a Beeline subscriber is unable to change his tariff, connect to any service, or has problems with his balance, he immediately calls the help desk to get advice. For this purpose, the network operates a special hotline number. But it is not available from phones of other telecom operators - for example, from Tele2 operator numbers. Let's find out how to enable the Beeline operator with Tele2 for free and what is needed for this.

Call the Beeline operator from Tele2


Beeline operator telephones

The Beeline operator network operates a help desk staffed by experienced specialists who are ready to answer any question. Usually, the short number 0611 is used for dialing, although recently an answering machine has been installed on it, which does not want to connect callers with consultants. This number is created exclusively for calls within the network - it is not available for other networks.

In order to be able to call the Beeline operator from Tele2 for free, a special number with federal numbering was created - 8-800-700-0611. This is the one you need to call if you have problems with communication. The call is free, provided you are on your home network. Moreover, you can call it from Beeline phones - there is not much difference between a short and federal number.

Let's look at cases when you may need to call a Beeline operator from Tele2:

  • Your mobile phone has been stolen - in this situation, you should immediately call the hotline and block your SIM card so that attackers cannot use communication services;
  • You have lost your mobile phone - a situation similar to the previous one;
  • You can’t get through from an on-net phone - then you can try calling from Tele2.

The last point is relevant for many Beeline subscribers. They cannot call the operator to solve their problems with specialists - there is no one here except a tedious answering machine. Of course, some problems are easier to solve in the office or through the My Beeline application, but sometimes the matter requires the intervention of consultants.

Therefore, we recommend calling the Beeline operator from Tele2. A similar answering machine will be waiting for you here, but with its help you can reach real help desk consultants– to do this, you need to wait for the system to respond and press the “1” button several times. Today, this method allows you to get the necessary help from hotline specialists as quickly as possible. Calls to this number are not charged.

You can call 8-800-700-0611 from any other mobile phones, as well as from landline phones throughout Russia.

There is another number where you can call the Beeline operator from Tele2, but not for free. This is +7-495-797-2727, intended for those who are in international roaming. If you have communication problems, you can call here from any phone in the world. But the call will be free only if you call from Beeline.

Remember that in international roaming all Russian numbers should be dialed in full international format, starting with +7.

Other phone numbers

Now you know how to call the Beeline operator from Tele2 if an on-net call is impossible for some reason. It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with additional numbers:

  • 8-800-700-0800 – information about USB modems;
  • 8-800-700-2111 – line for solving problems with Wi-Fi access points;
  • 8-800-700-8000 – Beeline help desk for resolving issues regarding home Internet and television;
  • 8-800-700-9966 – hotline for landline telephony issues (as well as for the “Home Internet Light” service;
  • +7-495-752-5-725 (or 8-800-725-5-725) – issues regarding the Beeline online store are resolved here.

You can also call these numbers from Tele2 phones.

If a subscriber is not satisfied with the coverage area of ​​the cellular network, the quality of service provision, or is outraged by the peculiarities of tariffication of calls, SMS and Internet traffic, he should contact the Beeline help desk by calling the subscriber service number. To provide assistance to its subscribers, the Beeline operator works immediately several phone numbers, which can be used to clarify information on a particular issue. In addition, help can be obtained through other channels.

0611 or 8-800-700-0611

In this review, we will look at all available methods of contacting the Beeline operator support service - these are telephone numbers and customer support systems via the Internet. Some other ways to obtain reference information will also be covered.

So that you can manage your number directly from your phone, we have prepared for you a detailed review in which you will find information about all useful Beeline commands and numbers.

Beeline support phone number

Almost every subscriber has questions about the Beeline telecom operator sooner or later. In order to solve all these issues, the operator created 24/7 support service. It is quite natural that there is no charge for calling the support service - all calls are made absolutely free. Anyone can contact help desk consultants, not just Beeline subscribers.

Each operator has a free short number to call the support service. Beeline subscribers can call consultants at 0611. Calls to this number are free. To connect with consultants, you need to go through a branching voice menu.

By the way, using the voice menu you can find out about the operator’s news, as well as get various help information. If this information is not enough to resolve the issue, subscribers will be able to press the appropriate key and get through to a consultant - perhaps this will require waiting a little until one of the consultants is free and can take the call.

In addition to the short number, the Beeline operator has a support phone number that can be dialed in federal format. By typing on your phone number 8-800-700-0611, the subscriber will be able to quickly reach help desk consultants and get an answer to their question.

How to contact Beeline support from phones of other operators? Calling 0611 is useless - this number is available exclusively to Beeline subscribers. If you are a subscriber of another operator, but want to get any information from the Beeline help service, you can call at the above number 8-800-700-0611 and ask the consultants your question. You can call the same number from any landline phone in the country.

As practice has shown, to connect with operators it is best to call from other mobile phones or from a landline phone to 8-800-700-0611. The help desk often turns out to be unavailable for calling from a short number (in any case, it is not possible to reach it through the voice menu.

Calling Beeline technical support from phones of other operators is free!

Are you located in national or intranet roaming and want to contact Beeline support? Feel free to dial the number 8-800-700-0611. Calls to this number will be free.

As for those who are in international roaming, then the number +7-495-974-88-88 works for them. Calls to this number for Beeline subscribers in international roaming are made for free. If you are in your region, then you should remember the number 0611 - it is short and easy to remember. If necessary, you can “drive” it into your phone book.

If, when calling the Beeline hotline, you don’t want to wait for a consultant to answer, you can order a call back by pressing the “1” button. A call back when you are in your home region or in intranet roaming is not charged.

Internet technical support for Beeline customers

Some people really don't like talking on a cell phone and prefer to receive help electronically. If you also belong to this category, then you need to go install the “My Beeline” application on your smartphone. There you will find an online chat to contact support.

If the Beeline hotline is busy, you can use independent Internet support for Beeline customers using "Personal Account". Here you can get a printout of calls, find out details about your expenses, order bill details, and turn off annoying and money-consuming services.

When purchasing a new SIM card, each subscriber expects high quality services and favorable tariffs. And now mobile operators are really trying to offer the most favorable terms of service. But if difficulties arise, then the Beeline help desk will help. Specialists always make a lot of efforts to ensure convenience and comfort for each client!

Don't forget:

Customer service consultants will always answer various questions, provide up-to-date information, and help you connect to certain tariffs, services and options, so it’s worth keeping their number in your phone book.

24/7 assistance for all clients

Each user is always provided with comprehensive support on certain issues. The Beeline help desk operates 24 hours a day. At night, clients can use the services of an auto-informer who will answer the most pressing questions.

Beeline reference phone numbers - 3.3 out of 5 based on 7 votes

Most likely, every mobile network user has made a call to the operator's help desk at least once. This is natural, because sometimes difficulties or questions arise that are very difficult for a person without special knowledge and skills to solve. To resolve such problems, the customer support service operates 24 hours a day, without breaks or weekends.

All calls and requests for technical support are absolutely free and available at any time. You can contact the operator with any question or request regarding the terms of use of mobile communications: for example, how to connect or disconnect any service, top up your account or take out a loan, what to do if the settings are lost, and many different questions. Contact Beeline mobile communications specialists This can be done either by phone (then in most cases you first talk to an answering machine), or by email or SMS. Most users prefer to call the help desk and be connected via an answering machine to an employee to immediately resolve the problem.

Technical support phone numbers

You can talk to a specialist from your smartphone, any phone and tariff (from a city telephone or as a subscriber of another operator). So, call any of the following numbers:

  1. 0611 . This is the standard helpline number of the Beeline operator, where most basic tasks and issues are resolved. Calls are received by an answering machine with subsequent opportunity to communicate with company employees.
  2. 8-800-700-0611 or 8-800-700-0080. The numbers work throughout the country and even when roaming within the network. Most often used to answer questions related to modem devices.
  3. 8-800-700-2111 . The number is provided to help people who have home Internet and a Wi-Fi router.
  4. 8-800-700-8000 . This call has been introduced for home phone, Internet and TV users.
  5. 8-800-700-9966 . You can dial this number if you have questions about a landline phone or home Internet (Lite).
  6. 88001234567 . Help about parameters for mobile Internet.
  7. +74959748888 . Designed for free communication with users in international roaming.

Short help queries

In addition to calls, you are given the opportunity to send simple commands that will help you solve some problems yourself: *110*09# (list of services on your number), *110*05# (information about your TP), *111# (connection/disconnection of services), *110*10# (your mobile number), 064012 (what to do if there is no money in the account), 0676 (how to save on roaming), 0717 (mobile internet settings), 068044 (protection from intruders), 0603 (number filtering), 0533 (payments using your bank card), 065050 (country and city codes), 0678 (advantageous calls and messages).

The answer to the request may immediately appear on the screen or come in the form of an SMS message - then you will have to wait a few minutes.

Alternative communication options

If you have the opportunity to wait for a solution, you can use other methods of contacting technical support: on the website website(registration is optional) in the corner select “ Ask a Question» and select the subject of the question and feedback (indicate your mobile contacts or email link). If you want to receive an answer immediately, go to the private form of communication with a company employee.

There is a post office This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. , responding to all user messages. To reference number 0611 send a message explaining your problem, and in return you will receive an SMS with information about its resolution. If you haven’t waited to connect with a specialist, order the “Call me back” service - and the available operator will dial your number himself.

Today, social networks on the Internet (for example, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and others) are very popular for simple and business communication, where you can also contact the online service. The Youtube channel publishes videos about all the capabilities of the Beeline operator, and on social networks you can not only contact the operators in the group (the group is marked as official), but also keep abreast of all the news (the same opportunity is provided by the Twitter blog).

Rooms are also available to you 8-800-700-0628 (support for legal entities) and 8-800-700-7007 (for consulting legal entities with a certain form of communication). Thus, you have every opportunity to receive qualified “mobile” help.

In this review, we will look at which Beeline support phone to use to quickly get help on an issue of interest.

This information will be useful to absolutely all subscribers, since sooner or later everyone has questions, suggestions or complaints about the company’s work. We will also provide other methods of communication if you cannot get through by phone for some reason.

First, let's talk about the phone numbers of the Beeline technical support operator.

Beeline support phone numbers

If you don’t know how to contact Beeline technical support, the best way is to call a specialist. It is fast, convenient and as informative as possible; this is the option preferred by most subscribers. There are different phone numbers, below we will help you figure them out.

1. You can contact a Beeline technical support operator from a mobile phone by calling 0611 .

A short number allows you to quickly find out all the information you need. By typing it, you will be taken to a voice menu, where electronic navigation will help you decide on the category of the question. You can then communicate with a specialist to find a solution to the problem.

2. The second telephone number of the Beeline service department is 8 800 700 0611 .

The toll-free telephone number 88007000611 of the Beeline technical support service allows you to reach the dispatch service without using an electronic menu. The call will be free for operator subscribers when calling from a mobile phone.

In addition, you can contact by landline number and from phones of other operators. Such calls will be paid for by users. A 24-hour unified support service is available to all subscribers from any corner of the Russian Federation. Read on and you will learn even more ways

"We'll call you back" service

Calls are only possible from mobile operators; calls are made free of charge. If the information service number is not available, use the “We will call you back” service. To do this you need:

  • Dial 0611 ;
  • Wait until the waiting period ends;
  • Click the number “1”;
  • A specialist will call you back shortly.

In addition, you can write to the support service using this number.

  • Open the SMS creation menu;
  • Enter your question in the text field;
  • Enter 0611 as the recipient ;
  • Send. After some time you will receive a response message.

Other Beeline technical support phone numbers

Even while traveling, you may have problems with communication or questions about the operation of the company’s services. In such cases, you need to remember the contacts of the Beeline technical support service in roaming. Note that the two different numbers correspond to two different situations:

  • Beeline technical support phone number for domestic travelers is 0611 .

Please note that the contact is not available when located in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Calls from mobile companies will be free;

  • The second Beeline customer support phone number is 8 495 797 2727 . You can use it if you are abroad or on the territory of the republic Crimea or the city of Sevastopol. Calls can be made both from mobile operators (free) and from city phones (paid).

The numbers above allow you to solve the problem with cellular communication, even if you are on the other side of the world. We remind you that you can write to the operator via messenger if you cannot call for free. Sending messages is charged according to the connected Internet package. And here you will find information about the SIM card on your phone.

For owners of modems, routers and home Internet + TV

Let's figure out how to call Beeline support if you do not use mobile communications, but use other company products. There are different call center numbers for different services:

  • Home Internet and television – 8 800 700 8000 ;
  • Number for Wireless Internet – 8 800 700 2111 ;
  • Modems – 8 800 700 0080 .

We have looked at all the available ways to receive technical assistance over the phone. Let's consider other options.

What to do if you can’t get through on the phone

If you are unable to contact consultants by telephone, do not despair. The operator provides many opportunities to seek qualified assistance. Let's briefly look at them all.


To chat with a consultant online, you can use a text messaging service, available in two options.

On the site:

  • Open the official resource;
  • At the top of the site, find the message icon;
  • Click on it;
  • Enter your name, mobile number and verification code;

  • Start communicating.

In the application:

  • Open the smartphone program;
  • On the main screen, click on the “Chat” button;
  • Specify the category of questions and start communicating.


To submit suggestions, complaints and questions, you can:

  • Open creation of a new email;
  • Specify as recipient [email protected] ;
  • Enter your text and send.

Service center

If you would like to receive a personal consultation, you must:

  • Open the official website;
  • Select your city of residence;
  • On the site page, click Map and Coverage
  • Find the nearest one and go visit.

What's up

Another accessible way to contact a consultant via the Internet is to use the WhatsApp messenger:

  • Open the program;
  • Add contact/phone number +79686000611 ;
  • Write a message and send.

In addition, the operator is represented on all major social networks - select the appropriate option, write messages to the group and wait for the representative’s reaction.

Contacting an operator using the Beeline support phone will be useful in the following cases:

  • Receiving consultations;
  • A story about tariffs;
  • Connecting or disabling options and services;
  • Answering difficult questions;
  • Help in solving problems.

We remind you that most often you can solve the problem yourself. For this purpose, there are forums on the company’s website, where basic issues are addressed, as well as a “Help” section, where answers to the main difficulties in work are collected. Explore your personal account (on the official website or mobile application) to see information about services and tariffs.

If you are unable to resolve the issue without the participation of consultants, Beeline support service specialists will come to your aid.