Such email and how. Free email services, what they are and why they are needed. Yandex email domains: yandex and ya

Electronic mail (E-mail) is the most common network service. This mode of computer operation is so named because it ensures the delivery of emails from one subscriber to another.

How email works

Email its operation is similar to a regular one, so mastering the principles of its operation should not cause any particular difficulties for the user. Its main difference is that it is not physical objects (letters, parcels, parcels) that are sent, but their information images. This both imposes a number of restrictions and provides a number of advantages of electronic correspondence over regular correspondence. Therefore, e-mail cannot be considered as an alternative to postal services that exist in all corners of the planet. We can only talk about complementing one type of connection with another.

The main advantage of e-mail is the speed of delivery of letters.

Email- ordinary text file, equipped with several service lines. An email contains the recipient's address, the sender's address, and the names of the computers it passed through before reaching the recipient. Besides, in email there is a heading (Subject) - a line of text that makes it easier for the recipient to classify letters, determine their urgency and the need for an immediate response. E-mail allows you to send not only texts, but, if necessary, programs, pictures and other information, and send copies of your letter to other network users. Electronically anywhere in the world the letter is coming, as a rule, no more than 4 hours, but usually it reaches its destination in a few minutes.

When working with email, each user is assigned a unique email address (mailbox), which is usually formed by joining the username to the name of the computer itself. In reality, a mailbox is just a subdirectory on the server disk. It will accumulate sent and received emails.

Information is transferred using a special email program located on the client’s computer. When the connection between the client computer and the server is established, mail program“asks” the server to see if there are any letters in the mailbox. If there are letters, they are sent to the client’s computer. The mail program sends information prepared in advance by the network client.

Email does not use geographic addressing. The email address looks like this:


For example: [email protected]

The username and the name of the computer itself are separated special character@, which is called “this is commercial” (in English this means the preposition “at”). In Russian it is often called “dog” or “frog”. In our example, the user “ivanov” is on the domain “”.

The email service works on the familiar client-server principle. The user's computer has a client mail program that periodically communicates with the mail server on which the user's email account is registered. During a communication session, outgoing correspondence is sent, prepared for sending by the user, and incoming correspondence is received on the user's computer. After this, the communication session ends and the computers are disconnected. Creation of letters and work with incoming mail is carried out by the user using the same client program on his computer without an Internet connection.

The further route of the message depends on many factors - the geographical location of the addressee, the serviceability of communication channels, mail servers, the degree of their workload and many others. If any of the letters cannot be immediately delivered to the recipient, for example, if the server on which his mailbox is located is not working at the moment, then the letter will be queued for sending. New attempts will be made every 10-15 minutes. If after a few hours the message has still not been sent, the sender receives a first (preliminary) notification, with a copy of the message attached. This notice is for informational purposes only and does not require any response. Attempts to send a message continue for several more days. If they are still unsuccessful, then a second (final) notification is sent with a copy of the sender's message. The postal service is designed in such a way that, in any case, a letter cannot simply disappear without a trace.

Mail programs for personal computers use different protocols for receiving and sending letters. When sending mail, the program interacts with outgoing mail server , or SMTP server , according to the protocol SMTP . When receiving mail, the program interacts with north of incoming mail , or POP3 server according to the protocol POP3 . These can be either different computers or the same computer. Sometimes a more modern protocol is used to receive mail - IMAP , which allows, in particular, to selectively copy incoming letters from the mail server. To use this protocol, it must be supported by both your ISP and your email program.

In this lesson you will learn what is Email, what an email address looks like and is written and how it differs from regular traditional mail. We will also discuss various services on the Internet that provide email services.

Email is a way to send and receive messages over the Internet. Check out the infographic below to learn more about it.

E-mail address

To use email, you must first register your email and create your E-mail address.

The email address is always written in standard format, which includes Username, symbol @ (doggy), And provider email domain. The username is the name you give yourself during the email registration process, and the provider's email domain is the address of the website where the mailbox is registered and hosted.

Look at the examples in the image:

Postal services

There are many email services today, but the most popular of them are Gmail from Google, Outlook from Microsoft, Yandex and The first 2 services are popular all over the world, including in Russia; they occupy the first lines of the rating. Yandex and are Russian postal services, they are popular only in Russia and are no worse than foreign ones. All of them have become popular primarily due to convenience and safety. They allow you to access your email from anywhere in the world from any device connected to the Internet.

Other email services

Many organizations have their own email service. More precisely, not theirs, but the one that provides them with the hosting on which the organization’s website is located. Such organizations use an email address in the form of the name of their organization or website. These types of email addresses are used for professional and commercial purposes. For example, people who work on this site have email addresses that end in @website.

Email Management Software

There are programs that are designed to make working with email simpler and easier if you have many different email accounts, for example, Microsoft Outlook. Basically, such programs are used by organizations that have “their own mail services” and their own individual email addresses.

Email Tools and Features

In addition to email itself, providers offer a variety of tools and features to enhance its usefulness and performance. It's a collection of apps that will help you stay connected with people, work, and just stay organized. Each email service has its own tools and features, but all have the following basic tools:

  • Instant messaging or just chat. Which allows you to exchange with text messages in real time.

  • Profile. It contains your name and contact information.

In addition, each email service offers a number of unique features. For example, if you sign up for Gmail, you immediately have access to all Google services such as Google Drive, Google Docs, and many others. Explore ours to find out more.

Getting started with email

By now you should already have it in your head basic information and an idea of ​​what email is. In the following lessons, you will learn in detail about certain email functions and become familiar with the interface. We will also give you useful tips on safety.

Email registration

If you don't have an email yet and would like to register, we recommend that you choose one of the following email providers.

  • Gmail:, and .
  • Yandex:

Gmail - Complete Guide

Keep in mind that the lessons in this section will not show you how to use a specific email service. If you want to learn about a specific email service, we suggest you study our lessons on. There is useful lessons on the basics of email services, even if you use another email service. In these lessons you will learn:

  • How to register an email;
  • Navigation and interface of the mail service;
  • How to write, send a letter and manage email;
  • Setting up email.

Nowadays, no one can do without email. Network communication has become widespread. Many issues - both business and personal - are resolved in this way. It's convenient, fast and doesn't require special effort. This method of information exchange is available to every user who has a computer and the Internet. Therefore, it is important to know what an email address is and how to write it correctly. Thanks to this service, you can quickly contact someone, send important documents, or simply chat with a person who is far from you.

We will tell you how to become the owner of a mailbox on the Internet

Electronic Mail (e-mail) services are used everywhere. Each organization or institution, along with other contacts, always has an email address. Any PC user should have it. Without it, you cannot register on websites, subscribe to mailing lists, or gain access to closed resources and forums. It is also needed for some programs to work.

This spread of email is due to the fact that services for sending messages are accessible and understandable to every person. They appeared a long time ago, but still remain relevant. Not needed for email powerful computer or fast internet. There are many different sites where you can register it. Everyone has a different interface and functionality, so there are options for every taste. If you don't like online services, install on your computer special utilities- mail clients.

The e-mail address is unique for each user. It's like a phone number or a zip code - no two are alike.

You can send messages of any length and add attachments to them: files, pictures, documents. Such a letter will be delivered instantly. Most email services have a huge range of text formatting tools. Various fonts, styles, colors, background insertion, and pictures are available. You can send the real one greeting card. And the recipient will see it on the same day.

What does an e-mail address consist of?

E-mail has a clear structure and is formed in a certain way. It consists of several elements. The elements themselves may vary, but they must be written in Latin letters. It is acceptable to use numbers, punctuation marks and some other symbols. This is the generally accepted standard. This is what the email address looks like: “login@domain”. Let's look at each part of the address in more detail.

Structure Email addresses not that difficult

  • Login (login). This is your username or "nickname". Unique identificator, by which the system for receiving and sending messages will calculate that this is your e-mail. You have to come up with it yourself. It can be anything, the main thing is that it does not coincide with a nickname that already exists in the mail service. When registering an email, a warning “This login is already taken” or something similar may appear. Then you need to come up with and write down another name. It is not necessary to change it completely - just add some numbers or symbols to it to make it unique.
  • Next comes the separator character “@”. It is called "Commercial at" or simply "Dog". On the keyboard it is located in the same place as the button with the number “2” (you can type it in English layout). This sign is required in all e-mails - it stands between the login and the domain. IN different countries it is called by different names. For example, in Finland it is “Cat” or “Cat’s tail”, in Italy it is “Snail”, in Bulgaria it is “Monkey”, in the USA it is simply “at”. On public Internet resources this symbol is sometimes replaced by "at" in parentheses. This is done so that the address does not end up in spambot databases. When sending messages, you must replace “at” with “@”.
  • Domen (domain). Service URL, on which the e-mail is registered. This can be a corporate or any free site (for example, or Many resources offer several domain options. You cannot invent it yourself - you can only choose it. Many organizations create their own domains, but this comes at a cost.

See how to write an email address at specific example: « [email protected]», « [email protected]».

How to register an email?

Several sites with the function of free e-mail registration:

  • Yandex
  • Gmail
  • Rambler

Viewing your inbox on Google is quite convenient

They're not just for composing email. Each of them has a huge range of informational, entertaining or simply useful services. To obtain a personal address, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the resource.
  2. There will be a button “Create an account”, “Register”, “Register email” or something similar.
  3. Fill in the fields. Usually you need to write your name, desired login, indicate Security Question and the answer to it is to set a password. If you don’t want to enter your real name, you can replace it with a nickname. But in an e-mail that is needed for work or some official business, it is better to write correct user data so that it is displayed in messages to your clients, colleagues and employers.
  4. It is advisable to make the password complex. Not related to login, name, date of birth or anything similar. So that it cannot be picked up.
  5. The login may consist of letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers or special characters. If you enter an invalid character, the system will warn you about it.
  6. Confirm your registration.

Dialogue for creating a mailbox in one of the systems

Large organizations register their own domains. It looks presentable. Serious companies prefer not to use free services e-mail.

If you don't know how to come up with an email address, try something like this:

  • Last name with initials or abbreviation full name. You can add numbers, dots, dashes, and underscores. Convenient for business communication. From the login it is immediately clear who it belongs to.
  • A nickname that you often use on the Internet. Those who know you by this nickname will be able to recognize your email at first glance.
  • In some services, the address is automatically generated from your name (if you specified it). The system will offer several logins to choose from. If one of them suits you, use it.
  • It's better to create a nickname that is easy to remember. You should not specify an incoherent set of letters or numbers if you intend to use the service in the future for communication or work.

How to send an email?

Do you want to send something by e-mail? It's very easy to do.

  1. Login to the email site or start your mail client.
  2. Click the New Email button. It may be called differently.
  3. In the To field, enter the address.
  4. In the Subject field, briefly describe what your message is about. The first thing the recipient will see is the sender's email and this subject.
  5. The largest field is for the body (content) of the letter.
  6. When finished, click on “Submit”.

Webmail interface various services approximately the same

It’s quite easy to figure out how a user’s email address is generated. It consists of three parts: login, @ separator character and domain name. These elements are fixed and cannot be swapped. Each email is a unique set of characters; no two are alike. You can come up with a login, you can just choose a domain from the proposed options. The address must consist of Latin letters, numbers or some symbols.

Within the scope of this article what is email I will tell you about what it is, what its pros and cons are, how it works, and I will also provide links to additional useful materials.

Note: The material is primarily intended for those people who are just starting out or are already in the process of mastering a computer.

First of all, let's remember what regular mail is. These are letters, these are post offices and these are personal boxes. Email is about the same thing, but only in electronic form. Instead of post offices servers, instead of personal email boxes, information data instead of letters. But first things first.

A little history. Even before the advent of the Internet, in 1965, there was a need for the possibility of delayed correspondence between users. This is how email was born. The next revolution was the appearance in 1972 of the first email client ( special program to receive and send messages).

However, the main boom in the popularity of email was the advent of the Internet and its subsequent increase in popularity among ordinary users. The reason is simple easy access networked and easy to use. In simple words no more queues or crumpled drafts in the trash can.

By the way, e-mail is increasingly replacing regular mail, although it is worth recognizing that the latter is much more pleasant to receive.

What is email on the Internet?

Before continuing, it is worth clarifying the point that email has great amount slang analogues on the Internet: email, email, email, email, e-mail, soap, Internet mail, e-mail, e-mail and many others. Although, it is generally customary to use only three formulations: email (original), as well as email and e-mail. In the vast majority of cases, they are sufficient.

Note: It is worth knowing that today many are already under in an ordinary word mail means electronic mail, although this is not entirely correct.

There are special protocols for sending and receiving mail on the Internet. The most famous are SMTP (for sending mail), POP3 (for receiving) and IMAP (receiving and sending, as well as maintaining a directory structure). In principle, the chance of encountering other protocols tends to zero, but it is worth knowing that this can happen. For example, if mail is created for use only by a certain circle of people.

E-mail on the Internet is mostly similar to the device regular mail. There are also addressees mailboxes And so on. However, it has its pros and cons, due to its specifics.

Main advantages of email:

1. Exchange of data by means information environment. In other words, there is no need to use natural resources.

2. Significant difference in speed. Being in different parts of the world, you can easily send and receive a message in just a couple of minutes.

3. Convenience and simplicity. You can write your letters while lounging imposingly and covered with a blanket.

4. Sizes of transmitted information. Of course, sending a film by email is not a very sound idea, but sending a bunch of documents is quite possible.

5. Styling, formatting. You can beautifully design your letters in a convenient form. There is no need to reach for an eraser after every extra curve or crumple a sheet of paper.

6. Cataloging and accounting of letters. Today, most services allow you to separate and store letters in different directories with the possibility of a single and easy access. Try to imagine that you would have to sort at least 100 regular letters. But in today's realities, letters are measured in thousands even for the most ordinary users.

7. Ease of copying and forwarding received information. For example, to forward a letter to ten recipients, you will need no more than 2-3 minutes.

8. Free. Many services provide the opportunity to create and use email absolutely free. Although, it is worth knowing that there are often restrictions. However, regular users they almost never achieve them.

9. Quick search information among letters. Today, finding all letters from any recipient or a separate letter with the information you need is a task that can be solved in less than a minute.

10. You can create several electronic mailboxes. You don’t have to use just one mailbox; you can easily create, for example, your own mail for each direction.

The main disadvantages of email:

1. Letters can be intercepted on the network at the same high speed.

2. If someone gains access to your mail, then all your letters will be available to them.

But, before I tell you, a few words about what a postal service is. So, a mail service or mailer is a computer or several computers that perform similar actions regular mail, that is, they sort, forward, store and analyze messages (the last two are a feature of email).

Your complete email address is constructed as follows: login@mail-web-service-address, where:

Login is your nickname or name, which can consist of numbers, dots, hyphens and Latin letters. None whitespace characters not allowed. An example login is vasya1412. It is worth considering that your login must be unique within the web mail service. Therefore, try to come up with such methods for constructing a login so that it definitely cannot be found. For example, “first name-dot-last name-short description of the goal” = “” is a quite good login for registering in social media services. Also keep in mind that the login, unlike the password, cannot be changed. Therefore, you should immediately refrain from humorous “phrases” and texts.

- @ is a special character that separates your login and the address of the web mail service in the address. Most often it is called "doggy". Although, there are many hypotheses about when this sign appeared and what it is called.

Mail-webservice-address is the address of the site that represents the mail web service. For example, or

How messages are forwarded in email

Let me give you a simple example of how messages are sent via email. So, imagine that you already have your email address. You want to send a letter to your friend. To make this possible, you first need to find out your friend's email address.

As soon as you find out, go to your mail on the website of the mail service or open the mail client (program). Create a letter, namely write your text, set the subject of the letter and indicate the recipient (his email address). And then click send letter.