Teamviewer what is easy access. Removing Team Viewer via Uninstall


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    Windows 8, 8 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, XP, XP 64-bit


How to set up TeamViewer

TeamViewer handy tool for those cases when you need to remotely connect to your home or work computer, or remotely help a friend. In general, there can be many different reasons. Particularly pleasing is the fact that there are no problems with the firewall. You can always easily connect to the required computer and the security system is not an obstacle. In order to use TeamViewer, of course, you need to download it. Downloading must be done only from the official website. There are several reasons for this. The main reason is the possibility of downloading virus software. The program is paid and most people spare money to buy it, but the stingy pays twice. Downloading from torrents is a big risk. If you need TeamViewer not for work (administrating your organization’s computers, server maintenance, etc.), that is, you will use it for non-commercial purposes, then you can download it for free.

What not to do when using the program non-commercially:

1. Connect to home computer from the worker.

2. Connect from home to an office PC.

If you do not strictly comply with these simple restrictions, that is, the probability that the program will detect commercial use and will impose a number of restrictions on use.

How to install TeamViewer 9?

Download the software from the resource “” and run the file. The following will appear on the monitor screen:

Select Personal/Non-Commercial Use. Click “Accept – Complete”. You will have to wait a while until the installation completes.

After the installation is complete, a special window will appear on the screen, which allows you to familiarize yourself with tips on using the program.

Ignore the window and close it by clicking on the button at the bottom right. Next will happen launch TeamViewer. Now you can work.

Setting up and using TeamViewer!

You can only connect to computers that also have TeamViewer installed. This can be done immediately after its launch. The required data is a password and a unique computer number (ID) with which the connection is established. They can be viewed on the left side of the main program window.

To establish a connection to your PC, tell your partner your password and ID.

When connecting to a computer located at home, with using TeamViewer you need a “personal password”, which will be discussed below.

For now, let's consider the option of connecting your computer to someone else's, for example, to a friend. As soon as he tells you the password and ID of his machine. Enter the data in the field called “Partner ID”.

Click "Connect to partner". A few seconds will pass and a window will appear in which you enter the password.

Enter your password and click on the “Login” button. Now you are taken to the remote PC.

The screenshot shows that a connection was made to a computer running Windows XP.

What actions can you perform on a remote computer?

You can work as if you were on your own personal PC. Sometimes, of course, there are restrictions set on the remote machine. It depends on the program settings.

The absence of wallpaper on the desktop is immediately noticeable. remote computer. TeamViewer disables wallpaper by default. If you make changes to the settings, the wallpaper will be saved. Go to settings and select “View” from the menu at the top.

You need to select “Hide Wallpaper” from the list. Now the wallpaper is in place on the remote computer.

Another useful TeamViewer setting allows you to reboot remote machine. Moreover, after switching on, you can continue working further. It is very comfortable. When setting up your PC, you may need to restart it several times. For example, after making a change in the msconfig utility, you can remotely reboot the machine and continue configuring it.

To reboot, go to the menu and select the “Actions” tab, then “Remote reboot” and then “Reboot”.

When the remote reboot of the PC begins, you will need to choose from two actions.

Click the “Reconnect” button. The connection to the remote machine was established, and no password was required.

I have an opportunity safe reboot. To do this, follow the steps described just above, just select the “Reboot to safe mode" This option gives you access to your computer in safe mode.

You can also use the following options:

Blocking the input means of the remote PC

This allows you to deprive the owner of a computer connected remotely from the ability to perform any actions on his PC. It is completely locked for the owner. You can perform any manipulations and the owner of the computer will not be able to do anything. He will only have to sit and watch your work.

Enable PC lock

Very convenient function when connected to a home computer. When you finish work, you can log out of the system in such a way that no one can access your account use the car.

Launch Task Manager

It can be done from the same tab by sending a request. You can also enable the ability to send keyboard shortcuts to a PC connected remotely.

Ability to transfer files to TeamViewer

This opportunity is very great importance. Let's take a closer look. The file transfer window opens with top panel in the “file transfer” tab.

In the window that opens, on the left are the files available on the local PC, that is, on your computer, and on the right is the dialog of the remote computer. It is possible to send and receive files from remote computer. This can be done in two ways, namely, dragging with the mouse or clicking the buttons at the top “Receive” or “Send”. It's pretty easy. Available in file transfer mode the following actions:

The screenshot shows that the log shows everything that happens in this mode:

What is transmitted

Where does it go?

What directories are viewed by a person connected to a computer.

This file transfer technology is extremely simple, and there is nothing more to add here.

How to connect to your home computer using TeamViewer

At first glance, there are no difficulties here. You can launch the program and go about your business, and, if necessary, connect from anywhere to your home PC.

This method is correct, but very convenient, since you will have to constantly launch TeamViewer and keep the password in memory.

Most best option- This is a TeamViewer setup with a permanent password to access your home PC. This will eliminate the hassle of remembering your password. In addition, after setting a permanent password, the program will be minimized to the system tray. Which you agree is very convenient.

Go to the menu of the main TeamViewer window and select “Connection” and “Set up uncontrolled access”. This will open the setup wizard.

Read the description, and then click “Next”.

Be sure to complete all fields at this stage. You don’t have to change anything in the “computer name” field, or you can put “Name”. In the “password” field you need to enter the one you created strong password, consisting of at least six characters.

No need to register. Just check the box next to “I don’t want to create an account...” and click “Next”.

When completing the permanent password setup step, be sure to remember or write down your password and unique ID.

As soon as you have completed all the manipulations in the settings, TeamViewer, when you click on the cross, will no longer turn off, but will be minimized in the tray while waiting for a connection.

Don't be confused permanent password with automatically generated.

The permanent password must be strictly confidential information the same as from a webmoney account or Email. You should use this password when you specifically need to connect to your PC. If you need to allow guest access to another person, then give him the password generated by the program. When the session ends, generate a new one.

The job is complete and you can connect with your unique password to your computer. The main thing is to remember your ID.


Key points on the operation of the TeamViewer program are discussed. After reading the article, you will easily set it up and be able to use it at a basic level. Use virtual machine to understand how the program works if there is no opportunity to try it in action.

Sometimes there is a need to solve problems with a computer that is located on long distance from you. For example, your friend lives far away and asks for help solving his computer problem. In such situations, TeamViewer will help you a lot. With its help, you can connect to a remote computer and work with it just like with regular computer at your home.

In this article we will look at the main features of TeamViewer and also tell you how to use it.

TeamViewer is a program for remote control computer. With its help you can control your computer, configure operating system and other programs, as well as transfer files between the local and remote computer. The program supports all popular operating systems and has support large quantity languages ​​and is completely free for non-commercial use.

You can download the program on the official website. After downloading and launching the program for the first time, you will see a window asking you to install or run the TeamViewer program.

If you select “Install”, the program will be installed on the system as normal application. A shortcut to launch the program will appear on your desktop. This method is suitable for those users who plan to use TeamViewer regularly.

Selecting "Run" will launch the program immediately without installation. This method is convenient for those who are launching the program for the first time. In addition, launching without installation does not require administrator rights.

How to use TeamViewer

To Work with TeamViewer program very simple. After starting the program, you will see a window in which the computer ID and password to access it will be indicated. This is the access data for your computer.

If you want your friend to connect to your computer, you must tell him your computer ID and password. In this case, the program must be left enabled. When your friend connects, you will see a warning message on the screen.

If, on the contrary, you want to connect to another computer yourself, then you need to enter the ID of the remote computer in the field located on the right side of the program window. In this case, you can choose the connection method “Remote control” or “File transfer”. In the first case you will receive full control above the computer, and in the second you can only download and transfer files between your and the remote computer.

After you enter the computer ID and select the connection type, you need to click on the “Connect to a partner” button. After this, the program will require a password to gain access. When the password is entered, you will see the desktop of the remote computer or a file sharing window if you selected the “File Transfer” connection method.

Hello, dear readers. Today in our article we will talk about this useful opportunity like a remote connection to a computer using the Internet. Someone might think that we will be considering a way to hack someone else's computer, but in fact this is not the case 😮. All this is completely legal and occurs only with the consent of the user.

Why would connecting to a computer remotely be useful? It's very simple: let's say your friend doesn't understand computers, and one day he asks you to help him with some problem on his computer. And you may be busy or even in another city and cannot help. It is in this situation that a program for remote computer control will help us. You connect via the Internet to your friend's computer, after which your friend's desktop appears on your screen, and you can help him solve almost any problem. You will feel as if you are working with your computer - believe me, a very useful thing.

Of course Windows allows you to do this with remote assistant, but it itself has limited functions, and setting it up for an untrained user can be a problem. It is much easier to use a program where you only need to enter the ID and password provided by the user.

This useful program called TeamViewer, you can download it from this link. For private use (non-commercial use) it is provided free of charge.

With its help, you connect to someone else's PC, and the user sees everything that you do on his computer. It is worth noting that for TeamViewer it does not matter at all what Windows you have - undoubtedly, this is an advantage of this program.

In order to start working with the program, you need to install it, or run it as a Portable version that does not require installation - whichever is more convenient for you. Moreover, do not forget to select the item in the installation window "Personal/Non-Commercial Use" . The installation itself is very simple and, if you did everything correctly, a window should open, as in the picture below.

In this window on the left side we see ID And password your computer, and a new password is generated each time. If you need a permanent password to connect to your computer at any time, then in the line “ Personal password» Click “Edit” and enter a permanent password. This is all data about your computer. Now it is necessary that your friend also has such a program installed. And in order to connect to a friend’s computer, he must tell you his ID and password. If a friend connects to you, then you give him your ID and password. So, you need to enter the received ID on the right side of the screen, select "Remote control" and press "Connect to partner" . Next, a window will open where you need to enter a password. That's all! Now you can see your friend's desktop on your computer.

You can produce necessary settings with desktop picture quality, depending on the speed of the Internet connection or put automatic selection quality. In general, the program allows you to do many other things useful settings, which were not mentioned in the article. Therefore, when you learn how to work with the program, you can experiment and choose different settings and functions.

I would also like to say that you can connect to a remote computer from a tablet, and even from a smartphone running operating iOS systems and Android, having previously installed the TeamViewer application on them.

That's all. If you have any questions, please write to us via the form fast communication or in the comments. We are always happy to help. Good luck! 🙂

Time Weaver (eng. team viewer) is a unique software, allowing you to remotely control any computer or server in the world. This is very useful if, for example, you need to change some settings or instruct someone, but you are not able or willing to go to the site in person. Next we will briefly describe basic principles work with this program.

How to download and install Time Weaver?

You can download the program absolutely free on the official website of the developer by clicking on big button loading in the middle of the screen. Current version- Time Weaver 9, however, on many computers the older Time Weaver 8 may still be installed.

It will be downloaded to your computer installation file programs. Opening it will bring up the installation settings window. Here you must select two parameters - the installation type, as well as how the program will be used. In addition, it is advisable to check the box additional settings. This way you can choose the folder to install the program and several other parameters.

Now a few words about them:

· Remote Printing - Allows you to control printing to a remote device

· TeamViewer VPN - with this extension you can access and work on local networks as if you were in their zone.

· Microsoft Outlook Meeting Tool - Allows you to quickly and easily schedule meetings in Microsoft Outlook without having to launch TeamViewer.

Immediately after installation the program will be launched. Using it to control a remote computer is incredibly simple. You will see a window in front of you, on the left side of which the key data of your machine in Team Viewer is indicated - ID and password. Let us immediately note that it is not necessary to fill out the registration window on the right side. Registration only gives access to some additional features.

How to use a time weaver to work on a remote computer

To do this, you just need to perform a number of simple steps:

· Make sure that TeamViewer is installed on the remote computer (preferably the same version as yours);

· Find out the key data (ID, password) of the remote computer;

· Fill in the "Partner ID" field;

· Select the purpose of the connection - management or file transfer;

· Click the "Connect to partner" button;

· Enter the TeamViewer password of the remote computer.

After this, a new window will open in which information from the monitor of the remote computer will be displayed, and you will have access to control it as if you were at its keyboard.

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Registration will give you the opportunity to add news, comment on articles, communicate with other users and much more.

Other materials Hello, friends! In this articleTeamViewer we will learn how to use the program and with her help Let's figure out how to remotely control a computer via the Internet. There are enough programs with which you can carry out remote control and TeamViewer is probably the most common of them. operating room Windows system allows you to connect between computers using built-in tools. As far as I know, it is necessary that computers have accounts with a password. Otherwise, it may not connect. And this is the main problem, since I only have one friend, or rather an acquaintance, who uses a password. (How to reset your password Windows administrator can be read). It is much easier to remotely control a computer via third party software

- TeamViewer. We will figure out how to use it in this article.

How to use TeamViewer

Next, you are invited to immediately download the distribution kit for your operating system. As you can see, various OS and even Mobile are supported. That is, you can install TeamViewer on your tablet or smartphone and control your computers remotely.

Click Download and download the program distribution kit

Run the downloaded file TeamViewer_Setup_ru.exe. You don't have to install this program by selecting Run only. This is a great opportunity to provide help or receive it one-time. If you plan to use TeamViewer often, then it is better to install it immediately.

In the window that opens, leave everything as is and click Accept - complete

The program will be installed and launched. The main window will look something like this:

In the Allow management section there will be your ID and Password. This data will need to be provided to your partner in order to remotely control your computer.

In order for you to be able to control another computer, you enter the partner’s ID and click Connect to partner. Next, you need to enter the password that is displayed on your partner’s computer and click Login

The password usually consists of 4 digits and if entered correctly you will see and be able to remotely control the user's computer

This is what it will look like. By default, the desktop wallpaper of the remote computer is not displayed. This option can be enabled in the View menu if necessary.

In this window you can perform almost all actions as on your local computer, and your partner, at this time, will be able to see how and what needs to be done.

To complete the connection, you need to click on the cross on the left in the menu or simply close the window. The following window will appear, where you click OK

If you often need to remotely control another or your computer, then for convenience you can register

Then log into the program under your account by entering your E-mail and password. Your computers (that you have access to) will be displayed on the right. From the beginning it will be empty there. In order to add a computer, you need to enter the partner ID (as if you want to control remotely) and click on the asterisk (highlighted in the figure)

The Properties of the computer you are adding appears. Give it a network name. Description optional. Click OK