What does non-breaking space mean? Whitespace characters and their formatting of code in Html, as well as special non-breaking space characters and other mnemonics

Users of the Word program may sooner or later encounter a problem such as a large gap between words. This problem is quite well studied and there are many ways to solve it. But in this article we will talk about only one way - how to make a non-breaking space in Word 2007. This function very useful, especially if the problem bothers you quite often.

Non-breaking space: hotkeys and their purpose

As mentioned above, to save yourself from the problem of entering long spaces when typing text in Word, you need to use a special space. Now we’ll talk about how to do it in Word.

In order not to beat around the bush, it’s worth saying right away that to enter such a space there is special combination keys - CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR. You can try pressing it yourself. Of course, if there are problems with long spaces If you didn't, then you won't notice the difference (between regular and non-breaking spaces). However, you can use this method everywhere to protect yourself from incorrect document formatting.

Now you know how to make a non-breaking space in Word, but not everyone will be able to remember such a combination or it will simply be inconvenient to enter it every time. To make your life easier, you can use reassignment of these hotkeys. Let's talk about this now.

You need to go to the "Special Characters" menu. To do this, go to the "Insert" tab, select "Symbols" and click "Other". Now in the window, go to the tab we need - “Special characters”. Now in the list, find the line “Non-breaking space”. Double-click on the field and enter the combination that is convenient for you.

Now you know not only how to create a non-breaking space in Word, but also how to independently assign a key to it. But that's not all we'd like to talk about.

Installing AutoCorrect

If you still experience discomfort when pressing a given key combination, then there is another way to create a non-breaking space in Word. It involves assigning autocorrect. This is very useful option not only for printing non-breaking space.

To begin, you will need to place ( in simple words, copy) the desired element, in our case - a non-breaking space. After this, you need to go to the already familiar “Special Characters” menu. In this window, click on the "AutoCorrect" button, which is located below.

Now you see the AutoCorrect window. You need to enter in the "Replace" field those characters that will be replaced with a non-breaking space, and in the "To" field insert that same space. Be sure to check the "Plain Text" checkbox. After that, click the "Add" button.

So you have learned how to make a non-breaking space in Word, which method to use is up to you. Now let's talk about the special space.

Special space

The principle of how to create a non-breaking space in Word is very similar to creating a special character. At least the essence is practically the same. Use special character in case you want to set a certain distance between letters or words. This symbol, by the way, is called Narrow non-break space.

So to install this symbol, you need to open the table of all symbols. Now select “Plain Text” from the “Font” drop-down list and “Punctuation” from the “Type” list. Now, among all the many different symbols, find the one you need - Narrow non-break space. If anything, its name is displayed above the "AutoCorrect" button.

Having found the symbol, click the "Insert" button, after which the symbol will be inserted into the location you specified. If you're wondering what this feature might be useful for, it's great for entering dates. Thus, the numbers “2017” will be written next to the word “Year”, and there is no way to move them away.

Viewing non-printing characters

Everything we talked about in this article concerned non-printable characters. As their name suggests, they are invisible in the text. But there is special option in a program that allows you to display them. This is the corresponding button on top panel programs. In the image you can see its location and the icon itself.

After clicking this button, everyone will be displayed in the text and if you need to interact with them, then this is the only way you can do it.

By the way, the article provided examples for the 2007 version of Word, but if you are wondering how to make a non-breaking space in Word 2010, then these instructions should also suit you.

Even if you don't press Enter. But this is not always convenient. For example, you wrote your full name. The initials may appear at the end of one line, and the last name at the beginning of another. This way the information is perceived worse. Yes, and it looks ugly. To avoid choosing a place for each word, figure out how to create a non-breaking space in Word. With it, the phrase will not be separated when transferred.

Special characters help you format text on a page correctly.

Keyboard shortcut and autocorrect

This element will appear if you press Shift + Ctrl + Space bar at the same time. You can assign other buttons like this:

  1. Go to the menu Insert - Symbol - Other.
  2. Tab "Special characters".
  3. Look for the “Non-breaking space” item.
  4. Click on "Keyboard shortcut..."
  5. Set the parameters that are convenient for you.

If you don't want to reach out with your fingers every time different places on the keyboard or remember what this or that button in Word is responsible for, configure the replacement parameters.

  1. Select and copy the desired formatting element.
  2. Open the same “Special Characters” tab.
  3. Click on "AutoCorrect"
  4. In the Replace field, type what you want to become a non-breaking space as you type. This could be three dashes, two underscores, or a codeword, which is not used when printing in Word. Set the parameters you want.
  5. In the “On” field you need to put the previously copied Non-breaking space. Before doing this, check the “Plain text” checkbox.
  6. Click Add.

How to insert a non-breaking space in Word is up to you. You can choose the most convenient method. It's very easy to set up.

Special space

If you need not only to prohibit the division of a phrase, but also to fix the distance between letters, use a special Word element - Narrow non-break space. With it, the words will be close to each other, even if you set the width alignment.

To put it in a document, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the symbol menu.
  2. From the Set drop-down list, select Punctuation.
  3. Find Narrow non-break. The name of the selected object is located above the AutoCorrect button.
  4. You can customize the keyboard shortcut or paste directly.

This function can be used to indicate dates - the numbers “2016” do not move away from the word “year”.

How can I see where the hidden symbols are?

Formatting elements cannot be seen. They are used for layout and should not be displayed in normal mode working with the document. But to find the Non-breaking space symbol, you don’t need to retype the entire text. Visibility can be adjusted hidden characters.

  1. At the top of the window, select Menu (called Home in Word 2013).
  2. Find the Show All Characters icon in the Paragraph panel. It looks like the letter "P" with a black spot on top. The same function can be activated by simultaneously pressing Ctrl+Shift+* (asterisk).

Non-breaking space

Space- letter spacing that marks word boundaries in many writing systems. The space functionally belongs to punctuation marks.

The space bar is a relatively late invention. It was not in the Phoenician or the original Hebrew and Aramaic scripts. It has only been used in Greek writing for a few over a thousand years. It was sometimes found in Latin in ancient times, but disappeared in the Middle Ages and also returned about a thousand years ago. It is also absent from the most ancient Slavic monuments (both in the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet); It has been used regularly and in its current sense in the Cyrillic alphabet only since the 17th century. It was practically not used in Arabic writing until the 20th century. In modern Chinese and Japanese, the space may also not be used.

To indicate the word division in writing that does not or rarely uses spaces, various techniques have been and are used, for example:

  • special letter forms for the beginning and (or) end of a word;
  • the use of diacritics placed at the first and (or) last letter of words, or the addition of special unpronounceable letters to the beginning (end) of a word;
  • separating words instead of spaces with other characters (most often a period or a colon, sometimes vertical line and so on.);
  • a continuous outline of characters included in one word, or a graphic designation of the characters belonging to a word (for example, with a line).

In ancient writings, spaces (or another method of separation) could separate not individual words, but larger units of text (phrases) or smaller ones (syllables). The combined and separate writing of combinations of full-valued words with service elements (prepositions, particles, etc.) is one of the most difficult for students and an unstable part of the orthography of many languages, including Russian.

Rules for placing a space next to punctuation marks

1. In Russian dialing there is a space is put:

  • after comma, period (including those denoting abbreviations and initials), semicolon, colon, question or exclamation mark, ellipsis (except for ellipses that begin a sentence);
  • before an ellipsis at the beginning of a sentence;
  • from the outside brackets and quotes;
  • at both sides dash, with the exception of the dash between the digital designations of non-negative integers (according to typographical rules, not ordinary spaces are placed around the dash, but shortened ones (two-point ones), but due to restrictions computer typing often use complete spaces: continuous on the left and regular on the right).

2. However, the gap not placed:

  • before comma, period, semicolon, colon, interrogative and exclamation marks, ellipsis (except for the ellipsis at the beginning of the sentence);
  • after an ellipsis at the beginning of a sentence;
  • With inside brackets and quotes;
  • at both sides hyphen (except unilateral hyphens, that is, cases like “one- and two-story”) and an apostrophe.

3. In the case of simultaneous applicability of points 1 and 2 (for example, if the period comes before the closing parenthesis or before the comma), a space not placed.

Some typesetting manuals also state that there is no space if a dash comes after a period or comma, but for most modern fonts This advice is rather harmful.

Application in typography of other countries

In American typography (unlike British and Australian), there is no space before or after em dash. ("It indicates a sudden break in thought-a parenthetical statement like this one-or an open range.")

In French typography, a ¼ M-space is placed after the opening quotation mark and before the closing quotation mark. ( “ Son explication n’est qu’un mensonge ”, s’indigna le député.)

Non-breaking space

Non-breaking space- an element of computer text encoding that appears inside a line like a regular space, but does not allow display and printing programs to break the line at this point. Used to automate layout, the rules of which require avoiding line breaks in certain cases (mostly for readability).

Application in computer typography

Other spaces in Unicode

Name in Unicode Unicode code (hexadecimal) Unicode code (decimal) Looks like Mnemonic code in Explanations
EN QUAD 2000 8192 « »
EM QUAD 2001 8193 « »
EN SPACE 2002 8194 « » has a width capital letter"N"
EM SPACE 2003 8195 « » has the width of a capital letter "M"
THREE-PER-EM SPACE 2004 8196 « » closest to a regular space, three times smaller than EM-SPACE
FOUR-PER-EM SPACE 2005 8197 « » four times smaller than EM-SPACE
SIX-PER-EM SPACE 2006 8198 « » six times smaller than EM-SPACE
FIGURE SPACE 2007 8199 « » has the same width as a figure and is intended for typesetting tables. Unbreakable.
PUNCTUATION SPACE 2008 8200 « » width is equal to the width of the point
THIN SPACE 2009 8201 « » a thin space approximately equal to SIX-PER-EM SPACE
HAIR SPACE 200A 8202 « » the thinnest space, corresponds to the thinnest space in the compositor's box
ZERO-WIDTH SPACE 200B 8203 «​» shows places where you can break a line without adding a hyphen; its width is zero. Used in languages ​​that do not have spaces. When text is justified, it can expand like any other space.
NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE 202F 8239 « » narrow unbreakable space
MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE 205F 8237 «‭» narrow space used in mathematical formulas
WORD JOINER 2060 8288 «⁠» similar to ZERO-WIDTH SPACE, but unbreakable
IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE 3000 12288 « » used in eastern languages, equal to the width of one hieroglyph. See C.J.K.

Space when typing

In typographical typesetting, the spaces between words did not have a fixed width. For book publications, the following rules traditionally apply.



  • O. A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya, History of writing in the Middle Ages, M.: Book, 1987. (Book about Latin paleography.)
  • I. Friedrich, History of writing, M.: Nauka, 1979.
  • I. V. Yagich, Glagolitic letter// Encyclopedia of Slavic Philology, vol. 3, St. Petersburg, 1911, pp. 51-262 and 36 sheets of photographs. [At least two modern reprints exist.]
  • B. A. van Groningen, Greek Palaeography, Leyden: A. W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij N. V., 1955.


  • Rostislav Chebykin. Non-breaking space: how to and how not to use it
Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 PrtSc ScrLk Pause Home PgUp NumLk − Del End PgDn


If such a space needs to be inserted into a web page, then a special character (“mnemonic code”) should be used HTML language. IN source code page it will look like this set of characters: . For example: This is a sample of an unbroken text. This fragment can be placed anywhere in the text of the page, and everywhere the browser will place these words on one line, shifting the transition to next line either to a position before this block or after it.

This property of non-breaking space is often used on web pages not only to “glue” words together, but also as a “spacer” in tables and other block elements. For example, if a table does not have a width specified, then it can be inserted into any table (one or more), and the browser will not “squash” this column to zero width, even if all columns are empty. In addition, with the help of such spaces it is possible without using CSS language(Cascading Style Sheets - “Cascading style sheets”) change the distanceby inserting them two or more.

If a non-breaking space needs to be placed in a text document stored in a file format of any of office applications(for example, doc or docx), then you can use the corresponding text option Microsoft editor Word. For example, in Word versions 2007, to do this, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Symbols” command group, open the drop-down list on the “Symbol” button. Select the lowest item in it - “Other symbols”.

Go to the “Special Characters” tab of the window that opens and find the line in the list that says “Non-breaking space”. Then click the "Insert" button and close the window. This entire procedure can be replaced by pressing a combination of hot keys assigned to it CTRL keys+ SHIFT + Spacebar.


  • The non-breaking space is no longer stretchable again

Microsoft Word's auto-formatting doesn't always match what you're trying to write, and sometimes the program edits the text format incorrectly. For example, there are cases when some words and phrases cannot be broken by automatically moving part of the phrase to another line. These include various dates, initials, units of measurement and much more. In this case, you can defeat auto-formatting, which transfers part of an important combination of words or characters to another line, by setting unbreakable, which prevents lines from breaking and prevents unnecessary hyphens. How to put a non-breaking space in your text?


Open from main menu Microsoft word"Insert" section and choose to insert symbols. In the window that appears, click “Other" and on the special characters tab, find “Non-breaking space” in the list.

By default, non-breaking characters are hidden characters, so to see them, look for the show hidden characters icon in the menu bar. They can also be displayed by opening the “Paragraph” section and clicking on the “Display all characters” item.

You'll see regular spaces as dots, and the non-breaking spaces you just set as small circles. To click on the hidden symbols visibility icon again, all hidden symbols will disappear. Their visibility can be turned on or off at any time.

Video on the topic

Text editors allow users to save time by typing words in full and not separating them when moving to the next line. It is, of course, more convenient to read the whole word, but sometimes it is advisable to use the transfer of several syllables.


If you adhere to a certain format when typing text, for example, left alignment, you will inevitably encounter the problem of word wrapping, because it is important for you not to leave empty space, not reaching . If this is an isolated case, you can install it manually. Just press the “ ” key before the end of the line, while observing the syllabic principle of dividing words. Remember that you cannot transfer just one letter of a word or a combination of a consonant and a soft sign to another line. Ideal for syllable division is a combination of a consonant and a vowel letter, forming a common syllable. You can hyphenate several syllables at once, dividing the word into half.

If only speed is important to you when typing text, and you prefer to leave the checking to the computer, use the “Automatic transfer” service of a text document MC Word. You can set this function in MC Word 2003 using the “Tools” menu located on the main toolbar. By clicking on the “Service” button with the left mouse button, move the cursor to the “Language” section. In the opened context menu select the “Arrangement” function. Check the “Automatic” box and confirm your actions by clicking the “OK” button. You can further customize the automatic hyphenation settings by selecting the width of the word hyphenation zone and the maximum number of consecutive hyphens. Enter the required numeric values into the appropriate fields and click OK. Saved changes will be applied to all subsequent MC Word documents.

To set automatic in MC Word 2007 and higher, click on the “Page Layout” button, which is located on the main toolbar open document MC Word. Hover your cursor over the “Page Options” column and check the box next to the “Hyphenation” field. Select the Auto option. Save your changes by clicking OK.

Tune automatic transfer words can be in text document"Notebook". To do this in open window program, click on the “Format” button on the main toolbar. Check the box “Word wrapping.

Insert A in html is necessary for the correct display of text on a web page in accordance with the effects intended by the author. Depending on the complexity of the task, you can use either regular non-breaking spaces or control the number of spaces using CSS properties.

You will need

  • - html editor


If you need to insert one regular space between words (produced by pressing the Space key), you do not need to do any special actions- any number of consecutive regular spaces in the html code will look like one on the web page.

To maintain the exact number of spaces between words, replace each regular space with " " (without quotes) - this is the code for non-breaking space in html. For example: “Between each word there are two space" A non-breaking space is inserted between two words to prevent them from being separated when wrapped on another line. To automatically place non-breaking spaces in the text, it is convenient to use Artemy Lebedev’s well-known tool “Typograf” (http://www.artlebedev.ru/tools/typograf/).

Another way to insert the intended number of spaces in html between words: enclose the desired part of the text in tags and. Then the words will be displayed in a monospace font, but all the normal spaces between words will be preserved when displayed on the web page. Please note that the tag has special features: the use of some other tags inside it is not allowed: and, .

More complex method control the processing of spaces: use the white-space CSS property with the value pre or pre-wrap (without line wrapping within the element and with line wrapping, respectively). Specify this property in the description of the page style or individual HTML layout element. When using this method, the font is set to monospace, and the number of spaces between words is preserved. Example: How to insert a space into html code? Or: .free_spaces (white-space: pre-wrap;)… How to insert a space into html code?

Working with text information, you've probably had to deal with the difficulties of formatting text borrowed from other sources. And to bring him to general style you need to get rid of the unwanted format. I already wrote how to correctly save text from various sources, for example, in an article about or. But sometimes clearing the formatting does not give the desired result, since the text may contain non-printable characters: spaces, hyphens, tabs, end of paragraph, breaks, non-breaking space in Word and others. These could be the reason why the text is not aligned, or each line starts as a paragraph, or the text takes up part of the page and jumps to the next.

We turn on the display mode of paragraph marks and other hidden formatting symbols with the button (PI sign) on the tab home In chapter Paragraph(Ctrl+Shift+8 or ALT+I+8)

To make it easier to understand, let's analyze the text in the mode of displaying non-printable characters and look at how to remove a non-breaking space in Word using an example.

Removing a non-breaking space

We turn on the hidden character mode by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Shift+8 or on the Home tab in the Paragraph section, click a button similar to the PI sign.

In the figure, unbroken spaces are underlined with a red line; they are indicated by empty circles. You can delete such a character by highlighting it and pressing the regular spacebar on the keyboard. In a short document, this operation is easy to do, but if the text is voluminous, then automation is necessary.

Non-breaking space - special sign, which prevents the character or word immediately following from being hyphenated without a preceding word. Set by key combination Ctrl+Shift+Space

Let's replace non-breaking spaces throughout the text. Using hotkeys Ctrl+H or tab home in the editing section press the command Replace.

Now in the window that opens, you just need to indicate what to replace and with what. But the problem is that a non-breaking space is a non-printing character and you won’t be able to specify it for searching as a simple character. What to do?

Press the button More and get additional functionality. Now click on the field Find so that the text cursor blinks exactly there. Click the button at the bottom of the window Special and choose Non-breaking space.

Now in the field Find a combination of characters corresponding to a non-breaking space will be inserted. Let's move on to the field Replace and press the key once Space. All initial data is specified, we proceed to replacement by pressing a button Replace all.

If all of the above was done correctly, you will see a message like this.

As you can see, friends, this technique can also be used when replacing other non-printable characters. I hope you find this information useful.

Table of non-printing characters for the Find field

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