Free programs or pirated software - how to tell the difference? Getting rid of pirated software: license, freeware, fire and sword

Many people must remember how, before the era of the total spread of the Internet, pirated software was sold from a tray in underground passages. Then everyone downloaded cracks on “specialized” sites, and later torrents appeared. Today, some of them contain pirated software for every taste and are regularly updated. It would seem that you can live and be happy, but Quid prodest (“Look for those who benefit”) does not allow you to relax...

The fact is that the use of hacked programs increasingly leads to the need for careful antivirus scan and treatment, and sometimes reinstalling the system. Hence, a new and unexpected need for many: install all the necessary software without breaking the law.

Fortunately, competition and the availability of development tools have made this task completely solvable today, even for those who do not pay for software “out of principle.” There is a Freeware segment that will satisfy many of the needs of the average user. Don't forget about benefit programs(for students, teachers, educational and charitable organizations and others), which will allow you to install the necessary programs with tangible savings.

Let's see how this can be done.


Most PCs in Russia run on Windows. And not everyone is ready to abandon it in favor of other proprietary systems or open source. At the same time, although Windows has always been paid, many people consistently pretended not to know about this feature. Even those who purchased laptops with the OS installed downloaded its broken version during a planned reinstallation. After that, of course, updates were disabled. Through unclosed holes, malware of various ranks and stripes climbed onto a brand new PC, and everything started all over again. As a result of these endless reinstallations, by the way, most of the user myths regarding bugs and instability were born latest versions Windows. Various ways Bypassing activation has always been, to put it mildly, an incomplete solution; moreover, now more and more “specially prepared” programs are appearing on torrents, the installation of which, thanks to embedded viruses and Trojans, will allow your computer to gain hundreds of botnet friends. The latest study was conducted in January - February 2014 in National University Singapore, showed that the chances of encountering malicious code in a pirated copy of software are 1:3.

Thus, a much more reasonable and justified strategy for those who for some reason purchased a computer without a pre-installed OS today is to purchase a legal copy. And here it is important to remember that many people can buy it cheaper official price. For example, employees educational institutions, students or users previous version OS (during the Windows 8 upgrade campaign). Now there is an excellent discount for students - they can buy a “senior” Windows version 8.1 Pro for 2190 instead of 9990 rubles.

Office suite

The traditional story with downloading and Microsoft activation Office is very similar to the one described above, with one big “but”: full-fledged office suite in fact, not everyone needs it, who is used to installing a pirated version of it, which, by the way, also often becomes the reason for the phenomenal infection of some computers with viruses. If you don't use your computer for serious office work, the built-in WordPad and the free (as of late) digital notepad OneNote may be enough for you. You can also consider alternatives in the form of LibreOffice/OpenOffice, but you should immediately prepare for the fact that at some point you may have problems reading and formatting documents created in these applications. Not bad free replacement The free OfficeOnline web service running in a browser can also be used to solve typical problems. And if you still need a full-fledged office from Redmond, you can ask the price for the most affordable editions of Office 365. In exchange for a monthly or annual payment, you get the opportunity to work with office applications, installed on five computers, not only PCs, but also Macs. All this happiness synchronizes documents between your devices without any additional software. And of course, Microsoft offers students to buy a subscription to Office 365 for only 49 rubles per month.

Its open source competitor is LibreOffice

Graphics editor

Before mass distribution tablets and smart mobile phones, almost every second PC user installed a broken Photoshop. The average user couldn’t imagine life without it, as if only this monster from Adobe could crop or flip a photo. Fortunately, with the development of smartphones, these responsibilities migrated to them, but there is a lot of software for working with images, including for free.

Professional designers know why a license for Photoshop costs so much, while most users have not even heard of the existence of many of the functions of this program. In other words, even if you really need to work with graphics on a PC, you can look for free and more affordable alternatives. Such as Gimp - freely distributed raster editor with partial vector support. Software developers themselves actively object to the fact that Gimp is analogue of Photoshop, but no one listens to them.

If you need simpler software, you should pay attention to Paint.Net. It can work with layers, includes the most common tools and the most popular types of effects. Paint.Net is completely free, though source, unlike Gimp, is closed.

In addition, Adobe itself releases free or much more available versions your graphics software. For example, in Windows store There is Adobe Photoshop Express, for which they don’t ask for a penny. There is also a web version - Photoshop Express Editor and its much more functional paid incarnation - cloud-based Photoshop CC and Lightroom priced at $9.99 per month of use.

And finally, we need to mention the software that comes with digital cameras. Often it’s quite good, and sometimes they include a Lightroom disc in the box.

Well, don't discount Paint, a program included in Windows, as well as the Windows Photo Album, which can be downloaded for free and used for cataloging and basic photo processing.

Other application software

Certainly, standard set PC software is not limited to office and drawing. Most users need, for example, antivirus software. It is not at all necessary to install Kaspersky or NOD32, which cost money. You can get by completely free Avast or Microsoft Security Essentials. Although for the same Kaspersky there are plenty of subscription offers, which allows the user to pay a small amount every month for using the program.

To create backups it is not necessary to purchase Acronis True Image, although it doesn't cost that much. You can use free software such as Cobain Backup or Duplicati. The latter, by the way, is an open source product and is now actively developing. Version 2.0 promised by the developers will allow you to make backups not only to other drives or FTP servers, but also to cloud storage.

Don't forget about the built-in Windows tools which are often undeservedly ignored. For creating backup copies you can use standard utility archiving. In general, it is highly recommended to study the set of software that comes with Windows; it’s not for nothing that we pay money for it. Some people don’t even realize that their OS can work with ZIP archives, cut blanks, etc. The user immediately goes to the Internet and downloads broken Nero, cracked WinRAR and other illegal software, replete with functions that he does not need at all.

For many users, the application store built into Windows 8–8.1 will be useful, which contains enough proven, safe, functional and often free applications.

In the vast majority of cases, you can find a free analogue with a similar set of functions for popular system and application software. But most of us shy away from new things. Often we try to the last to do what we are used to, even if we see that our actions contradict logic and common sense.

Highly specialized software

Despite the fact that there are more and more relatively cheap or free alternatives for software that was previously available only for money, every day, in some cases we need software that does not have free or even cheaper analogues. Especially hot similar problem costs for startups and small companies that cannot afford significant IT costs. But even in this case, you can find a way out without raising the Jolly Roger flag.

Software manufacturers regularly launch promotions and programs that allow you to purchase software at a more attractive price or free of charge. Microsoft has BizSpark, an international program that provides aspiring entrepreneurs with a set of development tools and licensed software.

For students, Microsoft has created even more attractive conditions in the form of the DreamSpark program. Higher education students educational institutions, and graduate students gain access to a range of development and design tools. And these are not versions cut down in functionality, but completely professional software, such as Visual Studio Pro, Microsoft SQL Server or Windows Server.


There is less and less need to pirate software every year. average cost popular utilities cost about $20. If you bought a computer for 1000 bucks or more, you can afford necessary set software that is supported by the manufacturer and does not threaten the stability of the entire system.

More serious software costs more, but for the home user you can always find free alternative, and companies should budget for software costs, since today it is one of the main production tools.

In addition, we should not forget that behind all these programs there are people who want their work to be in demand and to be useful. A The best way To show that the program is useful, pay the creator for it.

Special project with Microsoft

Many honest and law-abiding people, without knowing it, use unlicensed software, thereby violating copyright laws. And when the question is raised about whether they are using legal software, they sincerely ask: “ How can you determine that a program is not licensed?»

Let's figure it out.
If you purchased Windows on CD “for 80 (100,120 or so)” rubles, or downloaded it on the Internet, where it was written “download for free”, or your brother, friend, relative - who is “well versed in computers” came to your home and just installed it for you - this means that most likely you have an illegal copy of the software. Licensed Windows XP costs more than 3,000 rubles for the boxed version - for installation on any computer, and about 2,000 rubles for the OEM version - sold to computer assemblers. Many other programs: Photoshop, ACDSee, FineReader, for example, are so popular, but can cost tens of dollars, or even hundreds.

There are different types of license. And the concept of “free program” can also be understood in different ways.

There is TRIAL - it doesn’t work until you pay.
There is SHAREWARE - take it for free and pay later if you want.
There is also ADWARE- free program, but you will have to watch advertising - this will be the payment.
DEMO - demo, if necessary full version, then you will also have to pay.
FREEWARE - simply free, although it does not mean free (free and free are not the same thing)

If it says “free” on a disk or on the Internet, this actually doesn’t mean anything; it may well not be true.

How can you determine whether it is honestly free or stolen software?
Stolen program:
A program is definitely not legally distributed if:
a) in the folder with the program there is a file crack. What it is? Crack (jarg.from crack from English crack /kræk/) - a special program (or file)for hacking software.
b) in the folder with the program, there is a file with a serial number. UsuallyThe serial number is not distributed just like that. It is either packaged withlicense or given upon registration on the manufacturer’s websiteprograms, or purchased in any other way.
c) there is a file in the folder with the program keygen - generator keys. Yourkind of “bundle with master keys.”
d) in the title installation file the word crack or its is presentderivatives, for example cracked. That is, cracked (hacked).

Honestly free program:
If you download from the Internet, then from the manufacturer’s website or from anothersite, but the status is clearly indicated there - FREEWARE (well, or ADWARE - ifwant to). If you buy on disk, then along with the disk there should belicense piece of paper with serial number. Licensed Windows, ToFor example, it has a license sticker with the product number.

On this

As many have already heard, there are two types of programs: licensed and, the more numerous type, pirated. Let's look at the differences between the programs in both categories.

Licensed software differs primarily in that you have to pay for its use (sometimes a lot of money). Of course, hackers can break any protection, but this leads to some unpleasant consequences, the most harmless of which is the lack of technical support and the lack of any kind of program updates.

Licensed programs may have various restrictions, for example:

  • limitation on the number of starts or the number of hours of continuous operation. A striking example - FineReader program;
  • disabling some, sometimes very important, functions in the free version. At the same time, there are programs that can be used even in such a “truncated” form, for example, Venta Fax;
  • inability to install a program or its individual components without entering serial number and other registration data.

Pirated software, first of all, differs from licensed software in that you do not have to pay for it. More precisely, it is enough to buy a CD with a set of programs or download the distribution kit from the Internet.

At the same time, the program is accompanied by special file, which allows you to generate a serial number or which disables checking for a license (serial number, etc.). In the second case, changes are made to the executable file, which are not always carried out quite correctly. That is, after you “break” the program’s protection, no one can (give you a guarantee that all functions of the program will work without failures.

The most optimal way is to enter the serial number, which is once received by someone after purchasing the program. In this case, you will also have to enter the name, as well as other data belonging to this “registered” user. Sometimes such a serial number is simply selected using special programs. In this case, it is possible that a serial number generator is included with the program distribution.

As a result, several “subtypes” can be derived pirated programs. Free software is mainly achieved in the following ways:

  • by entering a previously known serial number, and sometimes other data. This method is the most safe method
  • “hacking”, because nothing changes in the program and it works exactly the same as the officially purchased version; removal from program code
  • functions to check the correctness of the serial number, after which it is enough to enter any number. This method is used in programs that contain a subroutine for checking the serial number against the so-called “black list”, which contains the most common “left” numbers. In this case, changes are made to the program, after which it is quite difficult to guarantee trouble-free operation of the program;
  • copying a license file previously created by someone into the working directory. This method is often used for programs running in MS-DOS. In this case, no changes are made to the program, so the program works exactly the same as its official version;
  • removing from the program code the function of checking the presence of a license file. This method is often used for programs running in MS-DOS. In this case, changes are made to the program, after which it is quite difficult to guarantee trouble-free operation of the program;

removing the function of checking the number of starts from the program code, which allows for a long time to use programs that have a limit on the number of starts. The same approach is used in programs that limit the number of hours (days) of continuous work. In this case, changes are made to the program, after which it is quite difficult to guarantee trouble-free operation of the program.

  1. 1. The one who hacked the program cannot guarantee its trouble-free operation under any conditions, so it is your program that can seriously fail. Naturally, no one will take responsibility for the consequences of this failure.
  2. 2. Pirated versions of programs cannot be officially updated, which is especially fraught when used for accounting. As a result, a basic problem can turn into a nightmare. So, for example, it happened when switching to new uniform payment order - all official versions programs were updated mostly free of charge, while the owners of the “free” versions only had time to crunch money for each minor update.
  3. 3. Pirated software does not come with any instruction manual, which makes mastering the program somewhat more difficult.
  4. 4. Along with the “free” version of the program, you can get the latest virus, which will collect all valuable information and send it to email the hacker who hacked it.

Over the many years of dealing with computers, I have gone through quite a lot a long way, which cannot be called direct and hasty at every stage. At the very beginning of my acquaintance with computers, the concept of legal software did not exist in the minds of almost all users, because applications were obtained on disks purchased in special stores/kiosks. No one at that time could even think that it was a pirate. This applied to both PC applications and games.

After some time, it became clear that all this was pirated software, and offers appeared on the market to purchase legal software and games, the cost of which was off the charts and was simply unaffordable for the vast majority of home users.

After some time, the application market developed to such an extent that many free solutions, and the cost of paid ones has dropped to an acceptable level and has become relatively affordable for ordinary users.

Since then, my mind has changed a lot in terms of using programs. Find the desired program legally has become so easy and accessible that I don’t even think about using pirated software. You can almost always find a free analogue for solving a particular problem, or buy an inexpensive utility for this. In addition, finding and using pirated software has become difficult and very inconvenient for a number of reasons. I'm not even talking about the illegality of this method. Here are the five main reasons why I don't use pirated software.

1. Pirated software is a crime

Perhaps some people are least concerned about this issue and do not consider using hacked software something shameful. But the Criminal Code thinks differently.

By using pirated software, you put yourself in the same ranks as thieves, murderers, swindlers and rapists. You become an accomplice of “carders” who buy licenses from stolen bank cards and post the received keys on the Internet. This is a very serious crime, for which you face a serious sentence, and you can become a victim of such criminals (card data, among other things, is obtained by attackers from Trojans that are installed with pirated software). Do you want to be involved in this or lose money from your accounts because of it? Then why encourage this criminal activity?

Plus, legislators have increased penalties for piracy. Now you can “throw away” for 6 years. Even if you are given a suspended sentence, you will still have a criminal record, and this stigma will remain with you for the rest of your life and can greatly complicate it. It's clearly not worth it.

2. Pirated software is unsafe

The most dangerous and inconvenient way to search for pirated programs is to search for them through “varezniks”. Not only are Trojans periodically inserted into cracked software, but it can also be very difficult to download. You have to either send SMS, or pay for downloading or unzipping, overcome great amount pop-up banners and stock up on a good antivirus, which greatly slows down your computer.

Since, I especially don’t want to visit dubious sites, and then deal with treating my computer for viruses and reinstalling the system. It is much safer to use legal software and be confident in your safety and the security of your data. Visiting Varezniki is tantamount to launching the attachments attached to letters Email executable files with the name "run me" from unknown individuals.

If you think that the owners of such sites are some kind of Robin Hoods who steal from the rich and give to the poor, then you are very mistaken. They make a lot of money from this. Remember the sensational story with the owner of the Megaupload file hosting service, who lives in a luxurious mansion and owns an incredible fleet of vehicles expensive cars. An entire army of special forces with helicopters arrived to arrest him. for a long time they tried to “smoke” him out of a special armored bunker in his mansion, where he had barricaded himself. And he earned all this from paid download pirated programs, films and music.

3. Licensed software does not mean paid

Finding licensed software is a thousand times easier. The main thing is to understand one simple thing: licensed does not mean paid.. And finding them is often easier than looking for cracks and subjecting your PC to strength tests. Types of licenses for such programs: Open Source, Freeware. They are free to use and absolutely legal.

4. Pirated software means uncontrolled consumption

When you use a lot of products that you get for free, it greatly corrupts and decomposes. You stop appreciating what you have. And you quickly get used to it. I want to consume more and more. It's like a drug that you get hooked on and start consuming.

When the manufacturer begins to “tighten the screws,” you begin to swear and be indignant that you are being limited. You start looking again and again, becoming an excellent target for attackers in “Varez dumpsters”.

Below you can see clear example, what constant consumption of freebies can lead to.

When you purchase a license with your own money, you begin to appreciate this product and use it with joy. I want it to be better and more convenient. And in this mode it is much more pleasant to use any product, not just software. When you value something, you love it, you like it and you don’t need anything else to solve a specific problem.

What’s remarkable is that the more expensive the purchase, the more you appreciate the product. Although, of course, there are exceptions, often caused by the monopoly of the manufacturer. But these are isolated cases.

5. A good product needs support

If you have a favorite program that you constantly use, then losing it will be very painful and you will have to look for something else, get used to it, study it, find problems in it - all this gives rise to big problems with the convenience and quality of performing assigned tasks.

If the product is good, it’s even nice to buy it. First of all, this will allow him to develop further. If you take a hacked product, then your use will not give it any development, since the developer creates the product as long as there is money for its development, and this is not a simple process. There are a lot of people involved who need to pay salaries and who need to feed their families.

In addition, if you help the developers make the product better, they will be happy to give you a license completely free of charge. With this you will kill two birds with one stone: you will help the development of your favorite product and receive a free license for it.

There are several ways to help developers: find and report bugs; talk about the inconveniences of using the product and suggest an implementation option that, in your opinion, would be convenient; translate the program into your language (for example, Russian or Ukrainian, if such support is not yet available in the application). You can find quite a lot of options.

6 (additional). You are left alone with pirated software

If, after installing the hacked version, something goes wrong, you can’t configure the application, or some problems appear, you are left alone with these problems. Because no one will lend you technical support- you are not a client of the company that developed this product.

If you purchase a license, you get the opportunity to communicate with developers through technical support and can resolve a lot of issues directly with them and receive qualified advice. Many companies also have the option to receive updates over a period of time. And this is a thousand times more convenient than figuring everything out on your own, hopelessly wandering through forums and sites with a dubious reputation.


The use of pirated software is very harmful to moral health - it gives rise to uncontrolled consumption and leads to personal decay. A person stops appreciating what he has, because he can easily get any product for free, even the most expensive and high-quality one. And this is even worse than being spoiled unlimited quantity people who buy the best and most expensive things and in the end simply lose their taste and interest in life.

As a rule, the price to pay for pirated software is security problems, viruses, and the need to have very good antivirus. Pirated version programs cannot simply be taken and updated - you have to look for cracks again, visit various dubious sites with pulsating warts that are installed through security holes malicious codes to your PC. And this entails the emergence of more and more new security problems, because when they release new versions of products, developers also fix security problems (among other changes). Pirated version operating system In this regard, it is generally extremely dangerous to use. It's good if you don't have it on PC personal information, which can be useful to attackers. But if there is one, then the cost of losses may significantly exceed the cost of a license for the product that was obtained illegally. It's clearly not worth it.

Quite often I hear many excuses why people use pirated software. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, all this is nothing more than just an excuse for unwillingness to look around, unwillingness to respect other people’s work. What are crazy excuses like “they already have a lot of money”, “they steal billions, and I just took a pirated one”, “I don’t want to pay for an intangible product because I can’t hold it in my hands”, “I don’t have another exit, since my pension is 7,000 rubles.”

A software product is an analogue of sausage on a store counter. You can buy it legally, or you can break into the store from the back door and steal it. Fans of pirated software prefer the second option, finding “worthy” excuses for it.

You can almost always find a free analogue or purchase a simpler product for less money. And if you help developers make their product better, they will be happy to share the license with you absolutely free.

We are bandito-gangsterito, we are pirate-campiurito, oh yes!

The fact that the number of computer users in our country is growing at a gigantic pace is already clear to everyone. Today, behind monitors and keyboards, you can find not only young people, as was the case ten years ago, or even less, but also very tiny children and gray-haired elders. And that's okay. But we can bet that most of the software used by all these “young and old” is pirated.

Yes, we are such people, for us the word “freebie” sounds sweet and attractive at the genetic level, yes, we proudly do not want to give our hard-earned money to the “snickering bourgeoisie” from the West and East, and in general, why pay for something that is literally lying under feet, that is, on the Internet? Plus, we are generous people, broad-minded, happy to share freebies pirated software with anyone.

So the first thing that can explain such popularity pirated software- its free. Yes, it is free, this is its attractiveness, especially for our country, where not everyone has required amount(and this can be very, no, VERY big money) to purchase licensed software.

The second reason is accessibility. The Internet is simply saturated with all kinds of file hosting services, storage facilities, torrents and other data exchange systems that offer a huge amount of the most diverse pirated software. Cunning pirates do not sleep, and usually the release of licensed software is accompanied by the almost simultaneous release of new ones hacked programs. There are many opportunities to purchase pirated software and real sale- in the form of disks.

But everyone who uses pirated software products, must be aware of all the risks that accompany his computer life, so that troubles do not take him by surprise.

And, unfortunately, there are a lot of these troubles:

  • Hackers usually hack licensed programs, making changes to the boot modules of distribution kits, but this may damage or significantly change the source code of the program. So when applied hacked programs may be waiting very unpleasant surprises when the result is not what you expect.
  • It can often conflict with each other and with system settings, which can lead to a critical failure and damage or even destruction of valuable information.
  • Very often, when “hacking” a program, skilled craftsmen can insert an “unexpected” device into the installation disk in the form of a Trojan or virus.
  • The very use of pirated software increases the risk of viruses, since antivirus programs may not work correctly or even be perceived as viral.
  • Difficulties in obtaining software updates and improvements.
  • Absence qualified assistance in case of problems that sometimes entail incredible expenditures of energy, moral strength and time, and in the worst case, money.
  • Opportunity to get caught and get caught law enforcement agencies(and for this it’s enough just to store it on a computer screw pirated software), which will immediately prosecute you for violations of the Criminal Code, which threatens with a large fine or even imprisonment, as well as the mandatory confiscation of your computer and all information.

In general, I just want to say – do you need it??? And then you look at your computer, estimate how much “correct” software there is in it, get sad and understand - there is no need to judge. It’s everyone’s business - what to choose in this life, and until licensed software becomes more accessible - we are all banditos-gangsterito, we are pirate-campiurito, oh yes!