Modern IC tools in the school educational process. Information and communication technologies. ICT hardware

One of the priority areas for the modernization of Russian education is the informatization of education and the introduction of ICT into the educational process.

The second generation standards define ICT competence as mastery of information and communication technologies, searching, constructing and transmitting information, presentation of completed work, the basics of information security, and the ability to safely use ICT tools and the Internet.

From the above it follows that in order to implement the Federal State Educational Standard, a modern teacher must be information literate.

Let's remember what information literacy is? Information literacy is:

ability to identify possible sources of information and obtain it;

ability to analyze information using diagrams and tables to record results;

the ability to evaluate information from the point of view of its reliability, accuracy, sufficiency for solving a problem (task);

the ability to create your own knowledge base using relevant information necessary for activities in a variety of areas;

ability to use modern technologies when working with information;

ability to work with information individually and in a group. Transfer and dissemination of information.

Confident mastery of digital technologies, communication tools, and the information network is no longer information literacy, but ICT competence.

Information literacy of a teacher is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 16. p. 3.) indicates the need to create an information educational environment (IEE), which is a complex of subjects and objects aimed at implementation of modern educational technologies.

There are more than 50 pedagogical technologies in pedagogy, but the key technology of the 21st century is ICT, which allows you to automate information processes: store long-term and compactly, quickly search, quickly process, produce new ones, transmit over any distance and present multimedia information in the required form (MM: text, tabular, graphic, animated, sound and video).

The introduction of information technology into the educational process makes it possible to create an educational environment in which it is possible to achieve the most important goal of education - improving its quality.

The use of ICT in education involves:

  • Strengthening the level of material and technical support (connection to the Internet, purchase of computers, computer classes, interactive whiteboards, etc.).
  • Mastering the information culture of all participants in the educational process (students, parents, teachers, managers).
  • The use of ICT in the educational field, where they become an integrative core around which the entire education system is built.
  • The use of ICT in the educational process, extracurricular activities, additional education, providing opportunities for the development of students’ individuality (olympiads, forums, etc.).
  • Application of ICT in management activities.

The main information and communication technologies that are used in the educational process are:

- office technologies - allow you to prepare most educational materials in MSword, MSexcel, MSpowerpoint, MSaccess;

- network technologies - allow the use of educational materials within the local network of the educational institution, as well as the global Internet;

— telecommunication technologies — television, video and email conferences, chats, forums, email;

— specialized software — provides electronic document management of an educational institution, various control measures, and management of an educational institution.

Today, the introduction of ICT into the educational process is carried out in the following areas:

1. Constructing a lesson using software multimedia tools: training programs and presentations, electronic textbooks, videos. The presence of a large number of digital educational resources (DER) in the classroom allows the teacher to use them at various stages of learning.

If there is one computer in the class, it is assumed that a lesson will be conducted with multimedia support (demonstration type lesson), the teacher will use the computer as an “electronic board”.

A computer-assisted lesson (there are several computers in the classroom, on which students work in groups or in turns) involves testing or testing-like feedback programs, such as simulators. That. Another direction of introducing ICT into the educational process:

2. Carrying out automatic control:using ready-made tests, creating your own tests using test shells.

3. Organizing and conducting laboratory workshops with virtual models. Many phenomena that are inaccessible for study in classrooms due to lack of equipment, limited time, or not subject to direct observation can be studied in sufficient detail in a computer experiment.

4. Processing of experiment results.

5. Development of methodological software tools.

6. Communication technologies:distance Olympiads, distance learning, network methodological association.

7. Use of Internet resources.According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, an integral part of the educational process is not only independent work in the classroom, but also extracurricular independent work, i.e. activities of students carried out on the instructions of the teacher, under his guidance, but without his direct participation.

Only by encountering specific problems and situations in practice, conducting sociological research, working with literature and Internet sites, does a student accumulate knowledge and gain personal experience.

The most advanced schools in the field of introducing ICT into the educational process have a school information system, which usually includes: computer classes, an information technology center through which access to the Internet is provided via a high-speed channel, a mini-publishing house, a television and radio center with on-air broadcasting, and a media library. All kinds of “cloud” resources are widely used in the educational process.

However, there are many schools in which there is a disproportion in the ratio of the number of students and the number of computers with which the school is equipped.

As yet, an insufficient number of teachers from secondary schools in the Russian Federation have received special training in the use of computers (32.4% of teachers) and the Internet (6.3%) in their teaching activities. In general, Russian teachers positively assess the importance of the Internet as a means of supporting the educational process.

But, if for modern youth all kinds of gadgets are a familiar living environment, they are digital natives, then many teachers are only emigrants in this environment. Therefore, for the effective use of ICT in the educational process, easy-to-use and learn software tools are needed that are aimed at a wide range of users with insufficient computer literacy and do not require serious support from qualified programmers.

Difficulties in mastering ICT in education arise due to the lack of not only a methodological basis for their use in this area, but also a methodology for developing ICT for education, which forces the teacher in practice to focus only on personal experience and the ability to empirically search for ways to effectively use information technology.

However, it should be noted that with the introduction of ICT into the educational process of schools, corresponding methodological recommendations appeared , but they do not satisfy the emerging new educational environment that meets the standards of the new generation, since they do not regulate the creation of an electronic school environment. The recommended activities are rather discrete and do not create a holistic, step-by-step, starting from the 1st grade, entry of the student into the new electronic space of the new school. Although there are small successes, such as the introduction of electronic diaries and journals, the introduction and monitoring of digital educational resources.

For example, look at the gradual transition of primary school students into a new learning environment at Lyceum No. 9 "Leader", Krasnoyarsk.

1 class.

Know what main parts a computer consists of; be able to turn on and off a computer correctly; know the purpose of the keys, be able to use the mouse and keyboard. Know Windows interface objects and be able to use them. Be able to start and stop a program correctly.

Know the basic operations of the operating system: cut, copy, paste. Know how to use them. Create simple drawings in a graphics editor program. Know what the Internet is through gaming resources, simulators and trainers.

2nd grade. The student becomes the subject of the educational process and learns:

Carry out calculations using an operating system calculator or online, know the keyboard, type text in a text editor and presentation editor, work on a keyboard simulator. Create simple text documents and presentations. Study the main graphic file formats, their advantages and disadvantages. Consider the use of vector and raster graphics.

Process illustrations for text documents and presentations on the computer and on Internet resources (cropping photographs, reducing, etc.). Draw in a graphics editor program. Work on the Internet on gaming resources, simulators and training machines. Trying to find information on the Internet.

Working with Skype (logging into the program, writing messages, making video calls).

3rd grade.

Create your Internet account in one of the cloud services (Google, for example). Work with email, send files to each other. Search and select information on the Internet using several search servers. Process illustrations for text documents and presentations on the computer and on Internet resources. Create text documents and presentations in the office suite and online, in Internet resources. Collaborate with each other and with the teacher on documents and presentations in cloud technologies.

4th grade.

Perform arithmetic calculations in spreadsheets in the office suite and in cloud technologies. Build graphs and diagrams using ready-made tables.

Search and select information on the Internet using several search servers. Use this information for your work.

Learn to carry out simple project activities and work together in a group on a project in cloud technologies.

Be able to create a website using a ready-made template in cloud technologies to support the project.

Confidently create full-fledged presentations, text documents formatted in cloud technologies and in an office suite using various online resources.

Practice shows that the use of ICT has its positive and negative sides. On the one hand, the use of ICT allows teachers to increase students’ motivation to study the subject, creates conditions for building individual educational trajectories for schoolchildren, and provides additional incentives to move away from the traditional reproductive model of teaching in favor of research and project methods. It is now possible to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world.

On the other hand, the requirements for the teacher have increased; the quality of original multimedia programs is often low in terms of content and methodology: the pursuit of the “picture” to the detriment of the content, unsuccessful methodological support. Excessive individualization and loss of group work skills negatively affects health, forms psychological dependence on the virtual world, stimulates an emphasis not on analysis, but on searching and collecting material, and impairs oral and written speech.

Nevertheless, the use of ICT is justified, as it allows to intensify the activities of students, improve the professional level of the teacher, and diversify the forms of interpersonal communication of all participants in the educational process. The use of ICT tools in the educational process, especially at home, requires the development of critical thinking, which requires special attention from teachers and parents. The use of network technologies in the general education system contributes to the integration of educational institutions of various types and the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

An educated person is one who knows where to find what he doesn’t know.”
Georg Simmel

The use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is a pressing problem of modern preschool education. The importance and necessity of introducing such technologies into the educational process was noted by international experts in the “World Report on Communication and Information” prepared by UNESCO. In our country, over the past 5 years, a number of events have occurred that determine the accelerated development of Internet technologies in preschool institutions. The prerequisites for the formation of a system of electronic resources for preschool education are presented on the slide.

Currently, our country is implementing the Information Society Development Strategy, which is related to the availability of information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. Therefore, the use of information and communication technologies is one of the priorities of education. Informatization of the education system places new demands on the teacher and his professional competence. A teacher’s communicative competence presupposes the ability to build communications in various formats: oral, written, discussion, visual, computer, electronic. A teacher must not only be able to use a computer and modern multimedia equipment, but also create his own educational resources and widely use them in his teaching activities.

Computers in school classrooms today are no longer perceived as something rare and exotic, but in kindergarten they have not yet become a well-mastered tool for teachers. But every year modern information technologies enter our lives more and more closely. Therefore, a preschool educational institution, as a carrier of culture and knowledge, also cannot remain on the sidelines.

Information technology is not only and not so much computers and their software. Information and communication technologies mean the use of a computer, the Internet, television, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication. The use of computer technology helps:

  • attract passive listeners to active activities;
  • make educational activities more visual and intensive;
  • to form an information culture among children;
  • activate cognitive interest;
  • implement student-centered and differentiated approaches to learning;
  • to discipline the teacher himself, to form his interest in work;
  • activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.)

In his work, a teacher can use the following means of information and communication technologies:

  • Computer
  • Multimedia projector
  • Printer
  • Video recorder, DVD player
  • TV
  • Record player
  • Camera
  • Camcorder
  • Electronic boards

The following types of interactive materials can also be distinguished:

  • Photos;
  • Videos;
  • Video clips (films, fairy tales, cartoons);
  • Presentations (e-books, electronic exhibitions);
  • Children's educational computer games;
  • It is possible to create collections of digital photographs and cartoons.

Let us dwell on the advantages of using interactive materials.

These materials:

  • allow you to increase the perception of the material by increasing the amount of illustrative material;
  • allow you to make adjustments during educational activities, carry out joint work of children in interaction, and carry out an interactive relationship between child and teacher;
  • the use of multimedia presentations provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;
  • graphic, textual, audiovisual information is used simultaneously;
  • when using animation and inserting video fragments, it is possible to show dynamic processes;
  • using a computer, you can simulate life situations that are impossible or difficult to demonstrate during educational activities or to see in everyday life (for example, reproducing animal sounds; the operation of transport, etc.);
  • the use of new methods of explanation and reinforcement, especially in a playful form, increases children’s involuntary attention and helps develop voluntary attention;
  • Direct educational activities using information and communication technologies encourage children to search and cognitive activity, including searching the Internet independently or together with their parents;
  • the high dynamics of direct educational activities contribute to the effective assimilation of material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.
  • Selection of illustrative material for GCD and for the design of stands, albums, groups, offices (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation).
  • Creation of educational games.
  • Selection of additional educational material for GCD, familiarization with scenarios for holidays and other events.
  • Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad.
  • Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.
  • Creating presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents. There are the following types of presentations:
    • To indicate a topic or as an accompaniment to the teacher’s explanation;
    • To accompany small theatrical skits or performances of fairy tales by children;
    • To accompany a holiday for children or to test knowledge, etc.
    • To accompany the concert
    • For parent meetings

Working with parents occupies a special place when using ICT:

1. Minimizing the time of access to information of communication subjects;

2. Possibility to demonstrate any documents, photographic materials;

3. Providing an individual approach to the subject of communication;

4. Optimal combination of individual work and group work;

5. Growth in the volume of information;

6. Provides dialogue between communication subjects (e-mail, forum);

7. Prompt receipt of information;

8. Expansion of information flows;

9. Use of ICT in parent-teacher meetings.

Despite all the advantages of using information and communication technologies, there are also a number of problems when using them. And above all, this is a real health threat that arises when children are taught to use a computer early.

When using these technologies, the teacher, first of all, must be guided by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the design, content and operating hours of preschool institutions (SanPin“12.21. Direct educational activities using computers for children 5-7 years old should be carried out no more than once during the day and no more than three times a week on days of highest performance: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. After working with the computer, children are given eye exercises. Continuous duration of work with a computer in the form of educational games for children 5 years old should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 6-7 years old - 15 minutes. For children with chronic pathology, who are often ill (more than 4 times a year), after suffering illnesses for 2 weeks, the duration of direct educational activities using a computer should be reduced: for children 5 years old - to 7 minutes, for children 6 years old - to 10 minutes.

To reduce the fatigue of children in the process of carrying out direct educational activities using computer technology, it is necessary to ensure a hygienically rational organization of the workplace: furniture that matches the child’s height, a sufficient level of illumination. The video monitor screen should be at eye level or slightly lower, at a distance of no closer than 50 cm. A child wearing glasses should work at the computer while wearing them. It is unacceptable to use one computer for simultaneous activities of two or more children. Direct educational activities involving the use of computers by children are carried out in the presence of a teacher or educator (methodologist).”

All sites are divided into several groups.

The first group of sites is electronic periodicals and electronic publications. This group includes websites of periodicals and publishing houses dedicated to the topic of preschool education. These sites are well developed and filled with materials. Here are examples of such sites:

1. Firstly, this is the newspaper “Preschool Education”

http://dob.1 september. ru / the site contains the full contents of the issues of the newspaper “Preschool Education”. And this is a wide range of educational, educational and developmental materials for parents and educators.

2. “Fairy Tales for Children” is a section of the electronic version of the magazine “Koster” dedicated to fairy tales. The site contains a complete collection of children's fairy tales: Russian folk, Swedish, classic fairy tales by Russian and foreign authors.

http://www. kostyor. ru /

The second group of sites are sites directly dedicated to the work of a teacher and contain a lot of useful information and useful developments that a teacher can use in his work:

1. The “Teacher Portal” website in the Preschool Education tab contains a large collection of ready-made presentations for Kindergarten teachers in various areas, notes on educational activities, holiday scenarios and much more.

2. Website "Preschooler". This site is very informative. These include ready-made presentations, a collection of poems, a collection of games, recommendations for handicrafts with preschoolers and much more.

3. Website "Mom" www. maaam. ru

4. Another site directly for kindergarten teachers is the site “Preschoolers” section Site elements: GCD notes, Consultations, Holidays, quizzes, entertainment , working with parents , Physical education in kindergarten, Master classes, Reports, teacher councils, methodological associations in preschool educational institutions , Club work in kindergarten , Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions and many many others.

5. "Chelyabinsk preschool portal" The site contains a unique collection of materials. Here are just some sections of the site menu:Preschool library, Music for children, Presentations, Methodical office, Graphics, design, consultations and much more.

6. Website “Education of preschool children in kindergarten and family” website sections: Working with parents, Health work, Legal education,Game activity,For parents of preschoolers, Books on preschool education and etc.

7. Website "Pochemuchka" contains poems, stories, fairy tales for children, nursery rhymes, finger games, coloring pages, audio stories, online games for children and more.

8. Website "DEDSADN" Website for children and adults. Contains a large number of folders, templates, pictures, coloring pages, cartoons, teaching aids, holiday scripts, music for children and much more.

9. On the website “Festival of Pedagogical Ideas Open Lesson” The section “Working with preschoolers” contains a large selection of practical materials that will help the teacher in practical activities.

10. Children's portal "Sun" contains a large selection of materials for working with children. These include all kinds of crafts, coloring books, children's magazines, etc.

The third group of sites are electronic albums.

Let me give you an example of the most complete electronic album. "The life and work of great artists." Here you can find reproductions of any paintings by any authors. Full story about this painting and biography of the author.

I would like to dwell separately on the website “Professional competitions for preschool teachers” the site is designed for a wide audience and is designed to unite teachers of preschool educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation into a single information network and competitive movement. The site has competitions for preschool teachers, educational psychologists, music directors, physical education teachers, methodologists, and even for children.

There are a lot of websites for kindergarten teachers and they are all designed to help in organizing the educational process. With their help, a teacher can diversify his activities, increase his competence, and make the life of children in kindergarten more vibrant and memorable.

The role of information and communication technologies in the general educational process is defined in documents of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation related to the strategy of modernization of education.

Information and communication competence one of the main priorities for the purposes of general education, and this is not only due to intra-educational reasons. The whole character of life is changing, the role of information activity is growing unusually, and within it - active, independent processing of information by a person, making fundamentally new decisions in unforeseen situations using technological means.

Systematic, effective formation of information and communication competence for the majority of students today is possible only through the use of ICT. Which means success reforms planned in the school largely depend on their application. In other words, informatization is the most important direction in the modernization of the education system.

Computer teaching technologies - a set of methods, techniques, ways, means of creating pedagogical conditions based on computer technology, telecommunications and interactive software products that model part of the teacher’s functions in presenting, transmitting and collecting information, organizing control and management of cognitive activity.

The use of computer teaching technologies makes it possible to modify the entire teaching process, implement a model of student-centered learning, intensify classes, and most importantly, improve students’ self-training. Of course, a modern computer and interactive software and methodological support require a change in the form of communication between teacher and student, turning training into business cooperation, and this strengthens the motivation of learning, leads to the need to search for new models of classes, conduct final control (reports, reports, public defense of group project projects). works), increases individuality and intensity of learning.

Computer teaching technologies provide great opportunities for the development of creativity, both for teachers and students.
Multimedia technologies - a method of preparing electronic documents, including visual and audio effects, multiprogramming of various situations. The use of multimedia technologies opens up a promising direction for the development of modern computer teaching technologies. How to use these tools when developing sets of educational materials? Where and in what proportion is it possible to include various multimedia effects compared to plain text? Where is the limit of applicability of multimedia inserts into a document? Serious research into this issue is needed, since a violation of harmony, the appropriateness of using bright inserts and effects can lead to a decrease in performance, increased fatigue of students, and a decrease in work efficiency. These are serious questions, the answers to which will allow you to avoid fireworks in teaching and make educational material not just spectacular, but effective.
Modern information and communication technologies of education - a set of modern computer equipment, telecommunications, and software tools that provide interactive software and methodological support for modern teaching technologies.
The main task of modern educational information technologies are the development of interactive environments for managing the process of cognitive activity, access to modern information and educational resources (multimedia textbooks, various databases, educational sites and other sources).
Information technologies most often used in the educational process can be divided into two groups:

1) network technologies using local networks and the global Internet (electronic version of methodological recommendations, manuals, distance learning servers that provide interactive communication with students via the Internet, including in real time),

2) technologies aimed at local computers (training programs, computer models of real processes, demonstration programs, electronic problem books, monitoring programs, didactic materials).

In mathematics lessons, a computer can be used for a variety of functions and, therefore, purposes: as a way to diagnose students’ learning capabilities, a teaching tool, a source of information, a training device, or a means of monitoring and assessing the quality of teaching. The capabilities of a modern computer are enormous, which determines its place in the educational process. It can be connected at any stage of the lesson, to solve many didactic problems, both in a collective and individual mode.

Nowadays, with the help of a multimedia projector, it is possible to use a computer even for frontal work, for example, when organizing oral calculations, or when checking independent work. The use of teaching aids and presentations created in the Power Point program made it possible to abandon almost all old-generation TSOs and raise visibility to a higher level (use of sound, show a slide “in motion”)

Computer components can be introduced into lessons of any subject. It's all about expediency, the availability of appropriate quality programs, and conditions of use.

Creation and development of the information society(IO) involves the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, which is determined a number of factors.

Firstly, the introduction of ICT in education significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social experience of humanity not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

Secondly, modern ICT, improving the quality of training and education, allows a person to more successfully and quickly adapt to the environment and ongoing social changes. This gives every person the opportunity to obtain the necessary knowledge both today and in the future post-industrial society.

Third, the active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is an important factor in creating an education system that meets the requirements of educational institutions and the process of reforming the traditional education system in the light of the requirements of modern industrial society.

The importance and necessity of introducing ICT into the learning process is noted by international experts in the World Report on Communication and Information 1999–2000, prepared by UNESCO and published at the end of the last millennium by the Business Press agency. In the foreword to the report, UNESCO Director-General Federico Mayor writes that new technologies should contribute to “creating a better world in which every person benefits from the achievements of education, science, culture and communication.” ICTs affect all of these areas, but perhaps they have the strongest positive impact on education, as they “open up the possibility of completely new methods of teaching and learning.” The relevance and need for the introduction of ICT in education is discussed in more detail in the second chapter of the same report, “New Directions in Education,” written by Craig Blurton, Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, and in Chapter VII, “Information Services, Libraries, Archives,” authored by - Professor Ole Garbo at the Royal College of Librarianship in Copenhagen.

In addition, the same report summarizes and analyzes the global processes of convergence of the media, electronics industry and telecommunications and their impact on the development of the information society, as well as planetary problems of the use of ICT in education.

The use of ICT contributes to changing the goals and content of training, including control, which entails the emergence of new methods, means and organizational forms of training and control.

The introduction of information technology in education provides an opportunity to create automated control systems for students’ knowledge in various disciplines, including computer science.

The capabilities of ICT as a tool of human activity and a fundamentally new means of teaching leads to the emergence of new methods, means, organizational forms of control and their more intensive implementation in the educational process.

The advantages of computer technology are discussed in works on the intensification and activation of learning (I.V. Alyokhina, G.V. Rubina), individualization (V.F. Gorbenko, N.V. Karchevskaya) and humanization of the educational process (T.V. Gabay, M.E. Kalashnikov, L.F. Pleukhova, V.K. Tsoneva), implementation of the creative, developmental nature of education (V.A. Andreev, V.G. Afanasyev, G.M. Kleiman, T.A. Sergeeva etc.).
Stages of ICT implementation on the path to the information society

The global introduction of computer technologies in all areas of activity, the formation of new communications and a highly automated information environment have become not only the beginning of the transformation of the traditional education system, but also the first step towards the formation of an information society.

The main factor determining the importance and feasibility of reforming the existing education system, including the Russian one, is the need to respond to the main challenges that the 21st century has presented to humanity:

  • the need for society to transition to a new development strategy based on knowledge and highly efficient information and telecommunication technologies;

  • the fundamental dependence of our civilization on those abilities and personality traits that are formed by education;

  • the possibility of successful development of society only based on genuine education and effective use of ICT;

  • the closest connection between the level of well-being of the nation, the national security of the state and the state of education, the use of ICT.
As shown in a number of works, the main directions for the formation of a promising education system, which are of fundamental importance for Russia, which is at the stage of complex economic transformations, are the following:

    • improving the quality of education by fundamentalizing it, informing the student about modern scientific achievements in a larger volume and at a faster rate;

    • ensuring that training is focused on new technologies of information technology and, first of all, on ICT;

    • ensuring greater access to education for all groups of the population;

    • increasing creativity in education.
The use of computers in education has led to the emergence of a new generation of information educational technologies, which have made it possible to improve the quality of education, create new means of educational influence, and more effectively interact between teachers and students with computer technology. According to many experts, new information educational technologies based on computer tools can increase the effectiveness of classes by 20-30%. The introduction of computers into the education sector was the beginning of a revolutionary transformation of traditional teaching methods and technologies and the entire education sector. Communication technologies played an important role at this stage: telephone communications, television, space communications, which were mainly used in managing the learning process and additional training systems.

A new stage in the global technologization of advanced countries was the emergence of modern telecommunication networks and their convergence with information technologies, that is, the emergence of ICT. They became the basis for the creation of the infosphere, since the unification of computer systems and global telecommunication networks made it possible to create and develop a planetary infrastructure connecting all of humanity.

An example of the successful implementation of ICT was the emergence of the Internet - a global computer network with its almost unlimited capabilities for collecting and storing information, transmitting it individually to each user.
Difficulty of implementation modern ICT is also determined by the fact that the traditional practice of their development and implementation is based on the ideology of creating and using information and telecommunication systems in completely different areas: communications, the military-industrial complex, aviation and astronautics. Adaptation of ICT to a specific field of application is carried out here by specialists from design bureaus and research institutes who have extensive experience in developing such equipment and, therefore, have a good understanding of the purpose of the systems and the conditions of their operation. In modern education there are no such specialized research structures; they are just beginning to be created. For this reason, a “gap” arises between the capabilities of educational technologies and their actual application. An example is the still existing practice of using a computer only as a typewriter. This gap is often exacerbated by the fact that the majority of school teachers and professors at humanities universities do not have the modern knowledge necessary for the effective use of ICT. The situation is complicated by the fact that information technologies are rapidly being updated: new, more efficient and complex ones are appearing, based on artificial intelligence, virtual reality, multilingual interfaces, geographic information systems, etc. A way out of this contradiction can be the integration of technologies, that is, their combination that will allow the teacher to use in lessons and lectures technical means that he understands, certified and adapted to the learning process. The integration of ICT and educational technologies should become a new stage in their more effective implementation in the Russian education system.

In implementation of ICT in education we can highlight three stages:

    • elementary associated with the individual use of computers, mainly for organizing the education system, its administration and storing information about the management process;

    • modern, associated with the creation of computer systems, the Internet and the convergence of information and telecommunication technologies;

    • future, based on the integration of new ICTs with educational technologies (ET).
The process of developing new educational technologies based on the integration of ICT and OT is already underway in a number of companies actively operating in the educational services market.

The relevance and importance for the creation of an education system in the information society of developing a set of appropriate educational tools based on the integration of ICT and OT makes it necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of this process and consider it from a systemic perspective.

3. System basicsintegration ICT and OT
A systematic approach to the integration of ICT and technology is based on identifying all the essential factors that establish the connection between elements and form the integral properties of the system that performs a coordinated set of actions, united by a common design and a single goal.

The choice of rational and optimal solutions when integrating information and educational technologies from a systemic perspective is, first of all, based on an analysis of the effectiveness of training or education based on a new integrated technology, i.e. based on assessing the effectiveness of interaction between teacher and students. A feature of this interaction is the creative activity of the teacher and students both in the learning process and in the educational process, which largely depends not only on the professionalism of the teacher and the knowledge of the students, but also on the emotional mood created in the learning process, as well as on the availability of appropriate incentives , on training conditions and many other factors. All this complicates the formal description of the learning process and makes it difficult to determine quantitative assessments of effectiveness.

In fact, integrated training technologies based on ICT are intelligent human-machine systems, and therefore one of the directions for forming indicators of their effectiveness can be the methodology used in simulator training of pilots, cosmonauts, and operators in nuclear energy. It consists of using complex indicators, the components of which are specific assessments of technical efficiency, cost, training time, as well as data from medical and biological research, subjective opinions of the teacher and students.

Therefore, the first and fundamentally important task of integrating ICT and OT (in the future, for brevity, the abbreviation ITO will be used, adopted by a number of authors) is to clearly identify the goals of their creation and develop a system of indicators of their effectiveness. Formalization of the goals of educational technologies is a rather complex problem, which still remains unresolved and is actively discussed both in monographs, articles, and at seminars and conferences. At the same time, when solving problems of learning, monitoring knowledge and managing the educational process, experience has already been accumulated in assessing goals in the form of specific indicators. As an example, consider the point system. This, of course, does not exclude the use of other indicators for assessing the effectiveness of ITO.

Based on a systems approach, it is necessary to build a model or diagram of the operation, which includes the following main elements: OT, ICT, teachers, trainees, specialists and administration.

Educational technologies or, otherwise, educational technologies (ET) are one of the main elements of the education system, since they are directly aimed at achieving its main goals: training and education. Technical training is understood as both the implementation of curricula and training programs, and the transfer to the learner of a knowledge system, as well as methods and means for creating, collecting, transmitting, storing and processing information in a specific area. Science has accumulated vast experience in transferring knowledge from teacher to student, creating education and training technologies, as well as building their models.

ICTs have an active influence on the process of training and education of the student, as they change the scheme of knowledge transfer and teaching methods. At the same time, the introduction of ICT into the education system not only affects educational technologies, but also introduces new ones into the educational process. They are associated with the use of computers and telecommunications, special equipment, software and hardware, and information processing systems. They are also associated with the creation of new means of teaching and storing knowledge, which include electronic textbooks and multimedia; electronic libraries and archives, global and local educational networks; information retrieval and information reference systems, etc. ICT models are currently being developed, and some of them are successfully used in the study of education systems.

Considering the elements of a complex ITS system, it should be noted that in education an important condition successful integration of technology is the professional training of teachers and specialists operating systems and means of new integrated learning technology. Each participant in ITS-based training, including the administration of educational institutions, must have the necessary information literacy and understanding of the technologies used. In some countries, you even need to have the appropriate certificate for this. For example, such a requirement exists in the UK. The introduction of certificates for participants in the learning process makes it possible to simplify the implementation of information technology and increase the adequacy of assessments of the effectiveness of technologies.

When implementing information technology, it is necessary to understand that this process is complex and costly.

As the experience of introducing ITO in the world and in Russia shows, the specific type of educational institution (school or university, educational center or virtual college, etc.) and the form and type of education (full-time or correspondence, distance learning) have a significant impact on the effectiveness of ICT-based education or stationary, basic or additional), etc.

A program that ensures the active implementation of ICT in the educational industry, is comprehensive and involves solving a number of important problems in the development of education:

    • development of the regulatory framework;

    • creation of new organizational, methodological and scientific-methodological support in the field of educational systems and technologies;

    • creation of ICT material base;

    • creation of a system for training and retraining of educational personnel.

A new direction for increasing the efficiency of ICT implementation is integration of information and communication technologies and learning technologies. As the first and necessary steps to facilitate the accelerated implementation of this process in the education system, we can recommend:

    • organization of seminars and training courses for administration and staff of universities, teachers of schools and training centers on the use of new information technologies in teaching;

    • creating conditions to stimulate the development of Internet services related to the use of new information technology;

    • intensification of work on the creation of a thematic system “ITO” within the framework of the international information network on IT;

    • preparation of an appropriate set of measures for inclusion in the “Program of Moscow’s movement into the information society”;

    • development of methodological and methodological foundations for system analysis and synthesis of information technology, methods for assessing training and education based on them;

    • development of proposals for financing the introduction of integrated information and communication technologies in education at the expense of the international community.

In improving the quality of professional training of specialists, including future teachers, in the system of higher pedagogical education, a significant role belongs to control, which is considered extremely important by modern pedagogical theory and practice.

Currently, using the capabilities of modern information technologies to ensure the didactic process is one of the pressing problems. The role of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching practice is determined by E.S. Polat as “a necessary condition for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students” [3].

In the conditions of the information society, the volume and content of knowledge, skills and abilities that a modern specialist must possess sharply and constantly increases and changes. The integration of computer technologies and the educational process contributes to its intensification, modernization of the training system for future specialists, improvement of the quality of education, development of the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, and implementation of the idea of ​​developmental and lifelong learning. Computer technologies contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of students’ personal qualities, the use of which in the educational process will be effective only if future specialists have a correct understanding of the place and role of these technologies in the educational process.

For future specialists it is necessary to have appropriate training in the knowledge and application of information and communication technologies in the rapidly changing conditions of the information society; possess the basics of the necessary knowledge and accumulate personal experience in the practical use of computer technologies in their professional activities. In addition, in the context of the development of distance education, it is necessary to master modern computer teaching aids, including control.

As noted in the materials of the international conference held in November in Moscow, dedicated to the problems of introducing information technologies into education, a lesson using a computer will be more effective for the teacher who

  • · Maintains human priorities in learning.

  • · Has a kind, trusting attitude towards the machine and its teaching capabilities

  • · Able to handle a personal computer carefully and at the same time safely

  • · Intellectually developed, erudite, able to evaluate the pedagogical capabilities of computer programs

  • · Methodologically flexible

  • · Disciplined, precise, possesses ordered, logical thinking.
Thus, it is impossible to do without professional growth in mastering information and communication technologies.

The first step that a teacher takes when turning to computer teaching technology is to study pedagogical software in his subject and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, there has not yet been a single multimedia textbook in mathematics that would fully correspond to the school curriculum: atypical terminology is used, others. Axiom systems different from school, or a cumbersome information input system (a very “twisted” formula editor, which does not speed up, but rather slows down the solution process). Therefore, we can only agree with N. Rozov, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University, who in one of his speeches noted: “We all perfectly understand how far e-learning products are still from the ideal. There is a long way to go in understanding, searching and accumulating pedagogical experience, before how the computer component of the educational process will become an equal partner to the textbook.”

It is advisable to begin familiarization with software products by studying the tools that create the so-called. computer environment. These programs include program instructions, advice, and recommendations on a wide range of issues. With them, the teacher can conduct both classroom and extracurricular activities, freeing himself from repeated repetition of the same truisms to students, from the touch of subjectivity in assessing the educational success of students, helping them master self-learning technology.

The computer environment is also created by reference and information materials. Their purpose is to provide greater clarity and evidence in the lesson, to use these programs for making various kinds of inquiries and for self-testing, to provide a sample of completing any task on specific subject material.

Reference and information materials are designed to make it easier for many children to master the school curriculum; they are supportive and accompanying, and often motivating.

That. the computer, as it were, combines a number of traditional TSOs, which have always been used mainly to enhance clarity. This activates the cognitive process of students, develops thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative), and increases the effectiveness of the educational process. The use of ICT makes it possible to realize such developmental learning goals as the development of thinking (spatial, algorithmic, intuitive, creative, theoretical), the formation of skills to make the optimal decision from possible options, the development of skills to carry out experimental research activities (for example, through the implementation of computer modeling capabilities) , formation of information culture, skills to process information. This leads to an acceleration of the pace of learning, frees up time, and therefore intensifies the learning process.

One of the requirements dictated by the social order of society for modern education and presented today to university students - future specialists - is the ability to use modern ICT tools in the professional activities of a teacher, exactly the rapidly developing means of distance educational technologies both in the educational process and and in its integral component – ​​the control system.
ICT in the control system
The use of computer technologies in the educational process is a completely natural phenomenon in the era of informatization of society. However, the effectiveness of their use in teaching depends on a clear understanding of the place they should occupy in the complex set of relationships that arise in the teacher-student interaction system.

The role of control in the learning process is of priority importance, therefore, all of the above about the introduction of information and communication technologies into the learning process also contributes to the penetration of ICT into the control process, as an important and integral element of the learning process.

Control tasks implemented using ICT can be aimed at identifying the following knowledge:

Knowledge of definitions, fundamental concepts of the course, section, topic (module), ideas about the scope and content of concepts;

Knowledge of the applied (practical) application of definitions;

Knowledge of rules, algorithms, laws, formulas;

Knowledge related to solving problems on the topic;

Knowledge of facts, fundamentals, principles, practical applications.

Supervisory tasks implemented using ICT can be of varying levels of complexity:

Simple recognition tasks;

Reproduction tasks;

Tasks performed according to a formula, algorithm, rule, pattern;

Tasks of a problematic nature (the algorithm for solving the problem is unknown in advance).
Let us highlight the advantages of using ICT in the process of knowledge control:

A high degree of visibility during control, which helps to increase interest in the very subject of study, control, and evaluation;

Automation of carrying out, evaluating results, summing up control procedures;

The ability to repeatedly perform monitoring tasks in order to internalize (assimilate) knowledge;

The ability to conduct self-control of students at any time convenient for the student without the participation of a teacher.

  1. World UNESCO report on communication and information, 1999-2000. – M. – 2000.

  2. Kurdyukov, G.I. . To the question of the role of information and communication technologies in the system of monitoring the knowledge of students of pedagogical universities in computer science disciplines / G.I. Kurdyukov /access address: http:// www. rusedu. info/ Article915. html

  3. New Pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Proc. aid for students ped. universities and higher education systems qualified ped. personnel / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Buharkina and others; Ed. E.S. Polat. – 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2005. – 272 p.; S. 3

Inesa Fedorov
Functions and place of ICT in the educational process


State educational institution of higher education of the Moscow region


(MGOU) Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining

Performed: Fedorov Inesa Pavlovna

Group No: 114

Moscow, 2016

Functions and place of ICT in the educational process

The teacher’s task is to teach the student to transform and assimilate a certain amount of information over a certain period of time with the aim of further using it in practical activities. When solving this problem, the teacher can combine traditional methods of teaching and education with modern information technologies, including computers.

Using the computer in process training allows you to do this process mobile, differentiated and individual. Information technology refers to a fairly wide class of disciplines and areas of human activity related to technologies for managing and processing data, as well as the creation of this data, including the use of computer technology. We can say that any pedagogical technology is information technology, since the basis of technology process learning consists of obtaining and transforming information. Educational technologies that use a computer are computer technologies. As a rule, by new information technologies of education we understand computer technologies of education, which involve process preparation and transmission of information by the teacher to the student using a computer

Connecting computers into a network (creating communication) led to the emergence of information and communication technologies (ICT). The emergence of learning tools based on information and communication technologies has created the opportunity to include an interactive learning tool in the information interaction between the student and the teacher. In this case, there is an active interaction of educational purpose not only between the teacher and the student, but also between the teaching medium and the student, the teacher and the teaching medium.

Use of ICT in educational process- one of the ways to increase learning motivation. ICT contributes to the development of the creative personality of not only the student, but also the teacher. ICTs help realize the main human needs: communication, education, self-realization.

Introduction of ICT into educational the process is called upon:

Increase the effectiveness of lessons;

Free the teacher from routine work;

Increase the attractiveness of the presentation of the material;

Differentiate types of tasks;

And also diversify the forms of feedback;

The use of ICT opens up didactic opportunities associated with the visualization of material, its “revival”, the ability to make visual journeys, visualize those phenomena that cannot be demonstrated in other ways, and allows you to combine control and training procedures.

"The golden rule of didactics is clarity" (Yan Kamensky). Multimedia systems make it possible to make the presentation of didactic material as convenient and visual as possible, which stimulates interest in learning and eliminates gaps in knowledge. An integral part of the development and implementation work in educational process computer teaching aids is a methodology for preparing and delivering lectures using ICT. The main part of the lecture is a presentation of material on the issues, accompanied by video demonstrations materials: video slides - fragments of the main theoretical principles of the topic being presented, tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, mathematical formulas and models prepared by the lecturer.

In a broad sense, information and communication technologies (ICT)– is the use of computer technology and telecommunications tools for the implementation of information processes for the purpose of prompt and effective work with information legally. In the production aspect, ICT is a set of technological processes, implemented on the basis of software and hardware, information and human resources, integrated for the purpose of searching, collecting, creating, processing, storing, distributing information and providing products and services to meet information needs.

The main directions of a teacher using ICT in education correctional school process:

1. Review and analysis educational material, presented on electronic media. Selection and structuring of this material into content blocks, taking into account the individual abilities of students.

2. Thinking through ways to motivate students to master educational material.

3. Assisting students in mastering computer skills, monitoring specific difficulties associated with their attitude to computer communication and the peculiarities of presenting information.

4. Development of test tasks, evaluation criteria, methods for analyzing errors. Development of tests in the Notepad program.

5. Organization of consultations during the study training course aimed at facilitating the solution of personal, educational, and communication problems of students.

6. Tracking and recording the dynamics of achievements of both the group as a whole and each student individually.

Place information technology at training: during the lesson, during preparation for the lesson, in project research activities.

Model of ICT use in lesson:

Demonstration of a computer presentation;

Multiple choice testing;

Writing a dictation, essay, presentation;

Practicing technical skills using a computer simulator;

Use of electronic textbooks.

This promotes time savings and efficiency educational process.

Model of using ICT outside lesson:

Searching for information on the Internet and other sources;

Recording a record of the surrounding world;

Preparation of the speech and the speech itself using presentations.

The main means of monitoring and assessing the educational results of students using ICT are tests and test tasks that allow various types of control: input, intermediate, milestone and final.

Tests can be conducted in on-lain mode (conducted on a computer in interactive mode, the result is evaluated automatically by the system) and in off-lain mode (an electronic or printed version of the test is used; the teacher evaluates the results with comments and work on errors).

If previously a person did not have full access to computer equipment and Internet resources, over the years he gains such access when performing his professional duties, or by purchasing a computer and software to work at home. This fact can also be seen as an increase in the number of parents of schoolchildren using information and communication technologies. It is obvious that, for example, the number of schoolchildren, one or both of whose parents have access to information resources and services on the Internet, is growing exponentially.

At the same time, information and, especially, telecommunication technologies can increase the efficiency of interaction between the teaching staff of the school and parents in the training and education of schoolchildren.

First of all, the use of telecommunications and, in particular, e-mail allows teachers to promptly inform parents about the progress of education and upbringing of each student, while organizing an individual dialogue. Parents also gain the opportunity to provide the teacher with the information necessary to correct the learning of each student.

More sophisticated ICT tools allow for virtual parent meetings. The use of mailing lists and teleconferences for these purposes makes it possible to hold mass events and mass informing of parents without their face-to-face meetings and visits to school. The presence of the school’s own website on the Internet provides parents with the opportunity to quickly obtain information about the life of the school, class, parallel, class schedule, and ongoing activities. educational and extracurricular activities.

This mode of information interaction does not deny the possibility of obtaining individual or confidential information. A school website can implement a subsystem for separating user rights and powers, and each parent can have their own “key” to enter such a site.

In addition, the website of a school or other educational institutions can become a source of information for parents educational, methodological or educational nature. From the pages of such sites, parents can obtain information about methods of preserving the health of children, their safety, rules of behavior for children in the family and in society, and useful tips on teaching and raising schoolchildren.

Telecommunications allow parents to monitor their children’s progress in real time, receive information about problems arising in learning and advice aimed at eliminating specific problems in interaction with the teacher. Using ICT tools, parents have the opportunity to monitor the progress and correctness of students’ homework, regardless of the discipline being studied.

In many educational Institutions are developing a service within which parents are promptly informed by the school about the progress and results of each student’s education. Mobile mail and SMS messages are used for these purposes. In many cases, promptness in informing parents and teachers has a decisive influence on increasing the effectiveness of teaching and education of schoolchildren.

It should be noted that the use of ICT is advisable when used with other educational technologies, not denying, but mutually complementing each other.

The practice of conducting lessons using ICT technologies shows that they have a greater corrective effect than conventional ones. Students in such lessons are more actively and willingly involved in work; the time during which students are ready and willing to concentrate and independently complete the tasks necessary to master the topic increases noticeably.


1. UNESCO World Report on Communication and Information, 1999-2000.

2. Education and XXI century: Information and communication technologies., Science, 1999.

3. Romanov A. N., Toroptsov V. S., Grigorovich D. B. Technology of distance learning in the system of correspondence economic education. UNITY-DANA., 2000.

4. Yakovlev A.I. Information and communication technologies in remote training: Report “ICT in distance education” MIA, 1999.

  • Identification of the possibility of effective use of ICT in teaching activities.
  • Creation of real information conditions for the development of creative activity of students and teachers.

Plan for the teachers' meeting:

  1. The relevance and significance of the use of ICT technologies in the work of teachers.
  2. Types of educational technologies.
  3. ICT tools.
  4. Practical application of ICT technologies in work.
  5. Conclusions.
  6. A draft decision of the teachers' council based on a study of literature, the results of interviews, and speeches.

Responsible: creative group preparing the teachers' council.

Expected result: Positive activity of the teaching staff regarding the possibility of using modern technologies in their work.

Typical conditions: methodological room

Preparation for the pedagogical council

Progress of the pedagogical council

Stage Content Responsible
1 Announcement of the topic and agenda of the pedagogical council. Director
2 Election of the secretary of the pedagogical council. Teaching staff
3 1. The relevance and significance of the use of ICT technologies in the work of teachers..

2. Types of educational technologies.

3. ICT tools.

4. Practical application of ICT technologies in work.

5. Conclusions.

6. Draft decision of the teachers' council based on the study of literature, the results of interviews, and speeches.

Deputy Director.


4 Summing up the work of the teachers' council. Teaching staff

Pedagogical Council
“Use of ICT - technology at work”

1. Introduction

“...With the development of progressive ideas in education, with the coming to the fore of the ideas and principles of personally oriented learning, attempts by teachers are intensifying to find the tools that would ensure the stability of the achievement of the necessary educational results by the majority of students. When we talk about universal learning mechanisms, we inevitably turn to the concept of “pedagogical technologies”.

The effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is a pressing issue. Today, a teacher in any discipline must be able to prepare and conduct a lesson using ICT. A lesson using ICT is visual, colorful, informative, interactive, saves teacher and teacher time, allows the teacher to work at his own pace, allows the teacher to work with students differentiated and individually, and makes it possible to quickly monitor and evaluate learning results.

Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that define a special set of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit for the pedagogical process (B.T. Likhachev);

– this is a description of the process of achieving the planned learning outcomes (I.P. Volkov);

- a set of knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for a teacher to effectively apply in practice the methods of pedagogical influence he chooses on both individual students and the children's team as a whole.

Educational technology is a system that includes some representation of the planned learning outcomes, means of diagnosing the current state of students, a set of learning models and criteria for choosing the optimal learning model for given specific conditions (V.V. Guzeev).

Educational technology includes training, development and education of students.

From the definitions it follows that technology is to the maximum extent connected with the educational process - the activities of the teacher and student, its structure, means, methods and forms.

ICT is the presentation of information in electronic form, its processing and storage, but not necessarily its transmission.

Today, computer technology can be considered a new way of transmitting knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of child learning and development. This method allows the child to learn with interest, find sources of information, fosters independence and responsibility in acquiring new knowledge, and develops the discipline of intellectual activity.

ICT tools:

A computer is a universal information processing device.

Printer – allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or a teacher for students. For many school applications, a color printer is necessary or desirable.

A projector radically increases: the level of visibility in the teacher’s work, the ability for students to present the results of their work to the whole class.

Screen for projecting images from a computer.

An interactive whiteboard is a touch screen connected to a computer, the image from which is transmitted to the board by a projector. You just need to touch the surface of the board to start working on your computer. Special software for interactive whiteboards allows you to work with texts and objects, audio and video materials, Internet resources, make handwritten notes directly on top of open documents and save information.

Devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information (scanner, camera, video camera) – provide an opportunity to directly include information images of the surrounding world into the educational process.

The use of information and communication technologies is a necessary condition for the modern educational process, when the main thing is not the transmission of fundamental knowledge, but the development of creative abilities, the creation of opportunities for realizing the individual’s potential. ICT is used not as a goal, but as another pedagogical tool that contributes to achieving the goal of the lesson.

Practical application of ICT in the classroom.

The main goal is to help children understand the surrounding reality, develop their powers of observation, teach them to see the world around them more broadly and comprehensively, instill in them a sense of beauty, and develop personal abilities.

The main objectives of ecological and biological classes are to familiarize students with the breadth and diversity of the field of activity. Study of different materials and means depicting nature.

How to make every lesson joyful, interesting, and most importantly, aimed at the development of each child?

Today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire extensive arsenal of educational technologies. And it is necessary to navigate a wide range of modern innovations. From the abundance of concepts, theories, technologies and methods that could help create a system of work that would take into account the characteristics of classes, in accordance with the characteristics of children and the realities of modern society.

A powerful flow of new information, advertising, the use of computer technology on television and in cinema, the spread of game consoles, and electronic toys have a great influence on the upbringing of a student and his perception of the world around him. The nature of his favorite activity—games—changes significantly, and his favorite characters and hobbies also change. A modern student does not sit in classes that follow the “classical scheme”, calmly absorbing, like a sponge, all the knowledge prepared for him. The modern student assimilates only the information that interests him the most, that is closest to him, that evokes pleasant and comfortable feelings, that which is least annoying. Therefore, one of the means that has a unique opportunity to increase motivation and individualize the learning of a modern student, develop his creative abilities and create a positive emotional background is the computer.

Using a computer in the classroom becomes most natural thanks to such genuine children's interest. The computer successfully integrates with school subjects, harmoniously complements it, and significantly expands its capabilities and creativity.

One of the obvious advantages of a multimedia lesson is increased visibility. Let us recall the famous phrase of K.D. Ushinsky: “Children’s nature clearly requires clarity. Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will suffer for a long time and in vain over them; But associate twenty of these words with pictures and the child will learn them on the fly. You explain a very simple idea to a child, and he doesn’t understand you; you explain a complex picture to the same child, and he understands you quickly... If you are in a class from which it is difficult to get a word (and we don’t look for such classes to become), start showing pictures, and the class will start talking, and most importantly, they will talk free…".

The use of visualization is all the more important because schools, as a rule, do not have the necessary set of tables, diagrams, reproductions, illustrations, or they are of poor quality. In this case, a projector can be of invaluable help. However, the expected effect can be achieved if certain requirements for presentation of clarity are met:

recognition of visibility, which must correspond to the written or oral information presented;

dynamics of visual presentation. The demonstration time should be optimal and correspond to the educational information currently being studied. It's important not to overdo the effects;

a well-thought-out algorithm for video sequences of images.

the optimal number of images presented on the screen. You should not get carried away by the number of slides, photos, etc., which distract students and prevent them from focusing on the main thing.

Forms of using a computer in the classroom:

  • use of media resources as a source of information (disks);
  • computer support for the teacher’s activities at different stages of the lesson;
  • using a computer to perform technological maps;
  • creating a portfolio.

Types: presentations, slide – films and test tasks, computer tests;

– crosswords, puzzles, technological maps, instructional maps

When used in the classroom, the effectiveness of learning and the quality of knowledge increases.

The use of computer technologies in teaching makes it possible to differentiate educational activities in the classroom, activates the cognitive interest of students, develops their creative abilities, and stimulates mental activity.

Unfortunately, when using ICT in my classes, I encounter a number of problems:

– small number of computers.

– different levels of preparedness and development of students;

Effective use of ICT tools in the classroom makes the lesson more interesting and visual; involve students in active cognitive and research activities; strive to realize oneself, to demonstrate one’s capabilities.

Thus, the use of ICT tools allows:

  • to intensify the cognitive activity of students;
  • conduct classes at a high aesthetic and emotional level;
  • ensure a high degree of differentiation of training (almost individualization);
  • increase the amount of work performed in class by 1.5-2 times;
  • improve knowledge control;
  • rationally organize the educational process, increase the effectiveness of the lesson;

Effective use of ICT tools makes the lesson fun and modern. Allows for an individual approach to training, objective and timely monitoring and summing up. But I think that a textbook cannot replace it. This is just a supplement to the tutorial.

Exercises using a computer develop perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, and develop finger motor skills, which can have a positive effect on working with a pencil and brush. Complexes, tightness, and stiffness disappear.

The use of information and communication technologies is a necessary condition for the modern educational process, when the main thing is not the transmission of fundamental knowledge, but the development of creative abilities, the creation of opportunities for realizing the individual’s potential. ICT is used not as a goal, but as another pedagogical tool that contributes to achieving the goal of the lesson.

1. The computer really has quite a wide range of capabilities to create favorable conditions for the work of the teacher and students.

2. Brings the use of explanatory, illustrative and reproductive teaching methods to a qualitatively new level.

3. The use of ICT in the classroom allows you to diversify the forms of work and activities of students, intensify attention, and increases the creative potential of the individual.

5. Using a multimedia projector allows you to work on text more efficiently (visually, aesthetically, saves time).

7. ICT develops students’ independence, the ability to find, select and organize material for class using the capabilities of the Internet.

8. Using tests not only saves time and consumables, but also gives you the opportunity to evaluate your knowledge and capabilities yourself.

9. Students have the opportunity to improve their computer skills.

10. Active use of ICT in the classroom leads to increased interest in the fine arts and the quality of education.

The range of use of this technology in the educational process is very wide: from use as a visualization tool to ways of presenting educational information. At the same time, the computer is a powerful tool for increasing the effectiveness of learning and can increase the motivation of students.

The effectiveness of using ICT in the classroom is not only possible, but also necessary; it helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness, and develops the child comprehensively. Computer programs involve children in developmental activities and form culturally significant knowledge and skills.

Thus, the use of computer technology makes it possible to change the educational process for the better, more comfortable, covering all stages of educational activity.

Draft decision.

The use of ICT contributes to the growth of a teacher’s professional skills, increasing the effectiveness of mastering the skills of independent search, processing and presentation of knowledge, developing the personality of students and preparing for a comfortable life in the information society.

First stage (preparatory) “Computer literacy”

  • Creating an idea among subject teachers about the possibility and necessity of using ICT in the educational process.
  • Training teachers in the basics of computer literacy.
  • Preparing students for learning in an ICT environment.

Second stage “Introduction of ICT in education”

  • Publication of educational and methodological information in various forms.
  • Development of methods for using ICT in the educational process.
  • Conducting a pedagogical seminar-conference
  • Conducting the competition “ICT in teacher’s creativity.”
  • Conducting interim monitoring of the work results of problem group teachers.
  • Technical equipment of the institution.
  • Creation and updating of a website.

The third stage is “Final”.

  • Summing up the work on the topic “Introduction of ICT in education.”
  • Conducting final monitoring of the work of the teaching staff on the introduction of ICT into the learning process.
  • Systematization of material on the methods of using ICT in the classroom and in educational work.
  • Generalization and dissemination of successful teaching experience.


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