Semakin computer science 10 11 read. Sections of the sample program

Computer science. Grade 10. A basic level of. Semakin I.G., Henner E.K., Sheina T.Yu.

4th ed. - M.: 2015 - 264 p.

The textbook is intended for studying computer science at a basic level in 10 grades of general education institutions. The content of the textbook is based on the computer science course studied in basic school (grades 7–9). The textbook covers theoretical basis computer science: concept of information, information processes, measurement of information, coding and processing of information in a computer. The principles of structured programming techniques and the Pascal programming language are outlined. The textbook includes a workshop, the structure of which corresponds to the content of the theoretical section of the textbook. The textbook is included in the educational and methodological kit, which also includes a textbook for grade 11 and Toolkit for the teacher. Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education (2012).

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Table of contents
Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Information 11
§ 1. Concept of information 11
§ 2. Providing information, languages, coding 15
§ 3. Measuring information. Alphabetical approach 21
§ 4. Measuring information. Content approach 26
§ 5. Representation of numbers in a computer 34
§ 6. Representation of text, image and sound in a computer 43
Chapter 2. Information processes 53
§ 7. Information storage 53
§ 8. Transfer of information 59
§ 9. Information processing and algorithms 64
§ 10. Automatic processing information 69
§ 11. Information processes in a computer 74
Chapter 3. Programming information processing 86
§ 12. Algorithms and quantities 86
§ 13. Structure of algorithms 92
§ 14. Pascal - language structured programming 99
§ 15. Elements of the Pascal language and data types 105
§ 16. Operations, functions, expressions 110
§ 17. Assignment operator, data input and output 116
§ 18. Logical quantities, operations, expressions 123
§ 19. Branch programming 132
§ 20. An example of a step-by-step development of a program for solving problem 136
§ 21. Programming cycles 142
§ 22. Nested and iterative loops 150
§ 23. Auxiliary algorithms and subroutines 155
§ 24. Arrays 163
§ 25. Organization of data input and output using files 169
§ 26. Typical array processing tasks 175
§ 27. Character data type 181
§ 28. Character strings 185
§ 29. Combined type data 190
Workshop 197
Practical work for Chapter 1 “Information” 197
Practical work for Chapter 2 “Information Processes” 215
Practical work for Chapter 3 “Programming information processing” 231
Answers to practical work assignments 263

Studying any school subject can be compared to building a house. Only this house is made not of bricks and concrete slabs, but of knowledge and skills. Construction of a house begins with the foundation. It is very important that the foundation is strong, because the rest of the structure rests on it. The foundation for the course “Informatics 10-11” is the knowledge and skills that you acquired while studying the computer science course in basic school in grades 7-9. You no longer need to explain what a computer is and how it works; what information a computer can work with; what is a program and computer software; what is information technology. In the basic school computer science course, you got an idea of ​​the form in which information is stored in computer memory, what an algorithm and information model are. You have learned to use a keyboard, mouse, disks, and printer; work in an environment operating system ; received basic skills in working with text and graphic editors , with databases and spreadsheets

. You will need all this knowledge and skills when studying the “Informatics 10-11” course. COURSE PROGRAM

"Informatics and information and communication technologies"

general education course (basic level) for grades 10 – 11

Compiled by: Semakin I.G., Henner E.K.


The course “Informatics and ICT” is a basic level general education course studied in grades 10-11. The course is focused on a curriculum of 70 teaching hours, according to the FC BUP dated 2004. This training course is mastered by students after studying the basic course “Informatics and ICT” in primary school (in grades 8-9).

The main regulatory documents defining the content of this training course are the “Standard of secondary (complete) general education in Informatics and ICT. Basic level" from 2004 and the Sample program of the course "Informatics and ICT" for grades 10-11 (basic level), recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Studying the course is provided by an educational and methodological complex, including:

    Textbook “Informatics and ICT. Basic level" for grades 10-11

The textbook and computer workshop together ensure the fulfillment of all requirements of the educational standard and sample program in their theoretical and practical components: mastering a system of basic knowledge, mastering information activity skills, developing and educating students, applying experience in using ICT in various areas of individual activity.

Appendix 1 (Table 1) shows the correspondence of the content of the sections of the textbook with the content of the Educational Standard and the Model Program for the course “Informatics and ICT” for grades 10-11 (basic level). The numbering of sections of the standard and program was carried out by the authors without any distortion of their wording and sequence. The authors of the educational complex included in its content all the topics of the course that are present both in the standard and in the sample program. This quality makes the course more complete, more sustainable, and designed for development. academic subject.

    Line information and information processes (definition of information, measurement of information, universality of discrete representation of information; processes of storage, transmission and processing of information in information systems; information foundations of management processes);

    Line of modeling and formalization(modeling as a method of cognition: information modeling: main types of information models; computer research of information models from various subject areas).

    Information technology line(technologies for working with text and graphic information; technologies for storing, searching and sorting data; technologies for processing numerical information using spreadsheets; multimedia technologies).

    Computer communications line ( informational resources global networks, organization and information services Internet).

    Social Informatics Line(information resources of society, information culture, information law, Information Security)

The central concepts around which it is built methodological system course are “information processes”, “information systems”, “information models”, “ information Technology».

To a lesser extent, such independence is present in the workshop. The workshop consists of three sections. The first section, “Technology Fundamentals,” is intended to review and consolidate skills in working with software, which were studied as part of the basic course at the secondary school. Such software includes the operating system and application programs general purpose(word processor, spreadsheet processor, presentation preparation program). The tasks in this section are focused on Microsoft Windows - Microsoft Office. However, when using another software environment(for example, based on Linux OS), the teacher can independently adapt these tasks.

The tasks from the first section of the workshop can be completed by students individually and in volume. The main purpose of their implementation is to repeat and consolidate what has been learned, which may be different for different students. For students who have home computers, these assignments can be offered for home completion.

The second section of the workshop contains practical work for mandatory completion in 10th grade. Of the 12 works in this section, only two works are directly focused on the type of PC and software: “Selecting a computer configuration” and “Setting up the BIOS”.

The third section of the workshop contains practical work to be completed in 11th grade. The Internet tasks available here are focused on using an email client program and a browser Microsoft. However, they can easily be adapted to other similar software products, since the capabilities used are general character. Tasks for working with databases and spreadsheets are more strictly tied to the type of software. The first case describes working in the MS Access DBMS environment, the second - MS Excel. If necessary, the tasks in this section can be performed using other similar software: relational DBMS and table processor.

When the curriculum increases (more than 70 hours), the volume of the course should be expanded, first of all, by increasing the volume of the practical part. Additional tasks for the workshop should be taken from the relevant sections of the computer science workshop book.

According to the recommendations of the Ministry, a basic level general education course in computer science is proposed to be studied in classes of industrial-technological, socio-economic profiles and in classes of universal education (i.e., those without a specific profile orientation). In this regard, the course is designed to be understood by students with both a humanitarian and a “natural science” and technological mindset. Let us note some circumstances that influenced the formation of the content of the training course.

IN modern society integration processes are taking place between the humanitarian and scientific and technical spheres. They are connected, in particular, with the spread of computer modeling methods (including mathematical) in the most different areas human activity. The reason for this phenomenon is the development and spread of ICT. If earlier, for example, in order to apply mathematical modeling in their field, the humanities had to understand and practically master its very complex apparatus (which for some of them turned out to be an insurmountable problem), now the situation has become simpler: it is enough to understand the formulation of the problem and be able to connect the appropriate solution to its solution. computer program, without delving into the solution mechanism itself. Became widely available computer systems aimed at implementing mathematical methods, useful in the humanities and other fields. Their interface is so user-friendly and standardized that it doesn't take much effort to understand how to proceed when entering data and how to interpret the results. Thanks to this, the use of computer modeling methods is becoming more accessible and in demand for sociologists, historians, economists, philologists, chemists, doctors, teachers, etc., etc.

1. Theoretical material The course has a fairly large volume. The time allocated by the curriculum for its development (1 lesson per week) is not enough if the teacher tries to present all the topics in detail during the lessons. To resolve this contradiction, it is necessary to actively use students’ independent work. For many course topics, the teacher only needs to conduct a short orientation lesson, after which, as a homework Invite students to independently study the relevant paragraphs of the textbook in detail. Questions and tasks located at the end of each paragraph should be used as control materials. It is advisable to provide answers to questions and completion of tasks in writing. If a student has the opportunity to work on a home computer, he can be recommended to use the computer to complete homework (format texts in a word processor, make calculations using spreadsheets).

2. In some practical work, the distribution of tasks between students should be individual. A number of works contain tasks of increased complexity (tasks with asterisks) and tasks with creative content. The teacher should offer them to students selectively. Mandatory tasks for all are focused on the reproductive level of the student. The use of tasks of increased complexity allows you to achieve a creative, creative level of learning. Performance practical tasks theoretical nature (measuring information, presenting information, etc.) should be carried out using a computer ( text editor, spreadsheets, presentation package). It is advisable that for each student on a PC in school computer class, there was an individual folder in which all the tasks he completed were collected and, thus, his working archive was formed.

3. Summarizing the above, we note that in grades 10-11, the methodology of teaching computer science, in comparison with the teaching methodology in basic school, should be more focused on an individual approach. The teacher should strive to ensure that each student receives the greatest result from learning to the best of his abilities and interests. For this purpose, reserve should be used independent work students during extracurricular hours, as well as (if possible), reserve home computer.

for the first part of the course (grade 10)

Topic (textbook section)

Total hours


(job number)

1. Introduction. Structure of computer science.

2. Information. Presentation of information (§§1-2)

1 (tasks from section 1)

3. Measuring information (§§3-4)

4. Introduction to systems theory (§§5-6)

1 (tasks from section 1)

5. Processes of storing and transmitting information (§§7-8)

1 (tasks from section 1)

6. Information processing (§§9-10)

7. Data Search (§§11)

8. Information protection (§§12)

9. Information models and data structures (§§13-15)

2 (№2.4, №2.5)

10. Algorithm - activity model (§§16)

11. Computer: hardware and software (§§17-18)

2 (№2.7, №2.8)

12. Discrete data models in a computer (§§19-20)

3 (№2.9, №2.10, №2.11)

13. Multiprocessor systems and networks (§§21-23)

Results of studying topics

Topic 1. Introduction. Structure of computer science.

Students should know:

What are the goals and objectives of studying the course in grades 10-11

What parts does the subject area of ​​computer science consist of?

Topic 2. Information. Presentation of information

Students should know:

Three philosophical concepts of information

The concept of information in special sciences: neurophysiology, genetics, cybernetics, information theory

What is a language for presenting information; what languages ​​are there?

The concepts of “encoding” and “decoding” information

Examples of technical information coding systems: Morse code, Baudot telegraph code

The concepts of “encryption” and “decryption”.

Topic 3. Measuring information.

Students should know:

The essence of the volumetric (alphabetical) approach to measuring information

Definition of a bit with alphabetical meaning.

Relationship between alphabet size and symbol information weight (in the symbol equiprobability approximation)

Relationship between units of information: bit, byte, KB, MB, GB

The essence of a meaningful (probabilistic) approach to measuring information

Defining a bit in terms of message content

Students should be able to:

Solve problems on measuring information contained in a text using alphabetical terms. (in the approximation of equal probability of symbols)

Solve simple problems of measuring the information contained in a message using a meaningful approach (in the equiprobable approximation)

Convert the amount of information into different units

Topic 4. Introduction to systems theory

Students should know:

Basic concepts of systemology: system, structure, system effect, subsystem

Basic properties of systems: expediency, integrity

What's happened " systems approach» in science and practice

What is the difference between natural and artificial systems?

What types of connections operate in systems

The role of information processes in systems

Composition and structure of management systems

Students should be able to:

Give examples of systems (in everyday life, in nature, in science, etc.)

Analyze the composition and structure of systems

Distinguish between material and informational connections.

Topic 5. Processes of storing and transmitting information

Students should know:

History of the development of storage media

Modern (digital, computer) types of storage media and their main characteristics

Shannon's K model of information transmission through technical communication channels

Main characteristics of communication channels: transmission speed, throughput

The concept of “noise” and methods of noise protection

Students should be able to:

Compare different digital media according to them technical properties

Calculate the amount of information transmitted over communication channels at a known transmission speed

Topic 6. Information processing

Students should know:

Basic types of information processing tasks

The concept of information processing performer

The concept of information processing algorithm

What are “algorithmic machines” in the theory of algorithms

Definition and properties of an algorithm for controlling an algorithmic machine

The structure and command system of the Post algorithmic machine

Students should be able to:

Create algorithms for solving simple problems to control the Post machine

Topic 7: Data Search

Students should know:

What is a “data set”, “search key” and “search criterion”

What is a “data structure”; what are the structures

Sequential Search Algorithm

Halves Search Algorithm

What is block search

How to search in a hierarchical data structure

Students should be able to:

Search for data in structured lists, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias

Search the computer's hierarchical file structure

Topic 8. Information protection

Students should know:

    what information requires protection

    types of threats to numerical information

    physical methods of information protection

    information security software

    what is cryptography

    what's happened digital signature and digital certificate

Students should be able to:

Apply protective measures personal information on PC

Apply simple cryptographic ciphers (in training mode)

Topic 9. Information models and data structures

Students should know:

Model Definition

What is an information model

Stages information modeling on the computer

What is a graph, tree, network

Table structure; main types of tabular models

What is a multi-table data model and how are tables linked in it?

Students should be able to:

Navigate graph models

Build graph models (trees, networks) based on a verbal description of the system

Build tabular models according to the verbal description of the system

Topic 10. Algorithm - activity model

Students should know:

Concept of an algorithmic model

Ways to describe algorithms: flowcharts, educational algorithmic language

What is algorithm tracing

Students should be able to:

Build algorithms for managing educational performers

Trace the algorithm for working with quantities by filling out the trace table

Topic 11. Computer: hardware and software

Students should know:

Architecture personal computer

What is a PC external device controller

Bus purpose

What is the principle open architecture PC

Main types of PC memory

What's happened motherboard, I/O ports

Purpose additional devices: scanner, multimedia, network hardware and etc.

What is PC Software

PC software structure

Application programs and their purpose

System software; operating system functions

What are programming systems

Students should be able to:

Select the PC configuration depending on its purpose

Connect PC devices

Perform basic BIOS settings

Work in the operating system environment at the user level

Topic 12. Discrete data models in a computer

Students should know:

Basic principles of data representation in computer memory

Integer representation

Ranges for representing unsigned and signed integers

Principles of presentation real numbers

Text presentation

Image presentation; color models

What is the difference between raster and vector graphics

Discrete (digital) representation of sound

Students should be able to:

Receive internal representation of integers in computer memory

Calculate size color palette by color bit depth value

Topic 13. Multiprocessor systems and networks

Students should know:

The idea of ​​parallelization of calculations

What are multiprocessor computing systems; what options exist for their implementation?

Purpose and topology of local networks

Technical means of local networks (communication channels, servers, workstations)

Basic functions of a network operating system

The history of the emergence and development of global networks

What is the Internet

Internet addressing system (IP addresses, domain system names)

Ways to organize communication on the Internet

Principle packet transmission data and TCP/IP protocol


for the second part of the course (grade 11)

Topic (textbook section)

Total hours


(job number)

1. Information systems (§24)

2. Hypertext (§25)

3. Internet as an information system (§§26-28)

3 (№3.2, №3.3, №3.4, №3.5)

4. Website (§29)

2 (№3.6, №3.7*)

5. GIS (§30)

6. Databases and DBMS (§§31-33)

2 (№3.9, 3.10)

3 (№№3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14*, 3.15*)

8. Dependency modeling; statistical modeling (§§36-37)

2 (№№ 3.16, 3.17)

9. Correlation modeling (§38)

10. Optimal planning (§39)

11. Social informatics (§§40-43)

1 (Abstract-presentation)

Results of studying topics

Topic 1. Information systems

Students should know:

Purpose of information systems

Composition of information systems

Types of information systems

Topic 2. Hypertext

Students should know:

Tools available in a word processor for organizing a document with a hyperstructure (tables of contents, indexes, bookmarks, hyperlinks)

Students should be able to:

Automatically create a document table of contents

Organize internal and external Relations in a text document.

Topic 3. Internet as an information system

Students should know:

Purpose of Internet Communication Services

Purpose information services Internet

What's happened application protocols

Basic WWW concepts: web page, web server, web site, web browser, HTTP protocol, URL address

What is a search directory: organization, purpose

What is a search index: organization, purpose

Students should be able to:

Work with email

Extract data from file archives

Search for information on the Internet using search directories and pointers.

Topic 4. Web site.

Students should know:

What tools exist for creating web pages?

What does website design involve?

Word processor capabilities for creating web pages

Students should be able to:

Create a simple website using MS Word

Create a simple website in HTML (advanced level)

Topic 5. Geographic information systems(GIS)

Students should know:

What is GIS

GIS Application Areas

How does GIS work?

GIS navigation techniques

Students should be able to:

Search information in a public GIS

Topic 6. Databases and DBMS

Students should know:

What is a database (DB)

What data models are used in the database?

Basic concepts of relational databases: record, field, field type, master key

Definition and purpose of a DBMS

Basics of organizing a multi-table database

What is a database schema

What is data integrity

Stages of creating a multi-table database using a relational DBMS

Students should be able to:

Create a multi-table database using a specific DBMS (for example, MS Access)

Students should know:

Structure of a request command to fetch data from a database

Organizing a selection query in a multi-table database

Basic logical operations used in queries

Rules for representing a selection condition in the query language and in the query designer

Students should be able to:

Implement simple queries to select data in the query designer

Implement queries with complex selection conditions

Implement queries using calculated fields (advanced)

Generate reports (advanced)

Topic 8. Dependency modeling; statistical modeling

Students should know:

Concepts: quantity, quantity name, quantity type, quantity value

What is a mathematical model

Forms for representing dependencies between quantities

What is a regression model

How does forecasting work using a regression model?

Students should be able to:

Using a table processor to build regression models of specified types

Perform forecasting (value recovery and extrapolation) using a regression model

Topic 9. Correlation modeling

Students should know:

What is correlation dependence

What is correlation coefficient

What capabilities does a table processor have for executing correlation analysis

Students should be able to:

Calculate the correlation coefficient between values ​​using a spreadsheet processor (CORREL function in MS Excel)

Topic 10. Optimal planning

Students should know:

What is optimal planning

What are resources; how the model describes resource limitations

What is a strategic planning goal; what conditions can be set for it

What is the linear programming problem to find the optimal plan?

What capabilities does a table processor have for solving a linear programming problem?

Students should be able to:

Solve the problem of optimal planning (linear programming) with no big amount planned indicators using a spreadsheet processor (Search for a solution in MS Excel)

Topic 11. Social informatics

Students should know:

What are information resources of society

What does the information resources market consist of?

What applies to information services

What are the main features of the information society?

Causes of the information crisis and ways to overcome it

What changes in everyday life and in the field of education will occur with the formation of the information society?

Main legislative acts in information sphere

The essence of the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation

Students should be able to:

Comply with basic legal and ethical standards in the information sphere


    Semakin I.G., Henner E.K. Computer Science and ICT. A basic level of. 10-11 grade. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007.

    Semakin I.G., Henner E.K., Sheina T.Yu. Workshop on computer science and ICT for grades 10-11. A basic level of. Computer science. Grade 11. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007.

    Computer science. Problem book-workshop in 2 volumes. Ed. I.G. Semakina, E.K. Henner. – M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2004.


Table 1. Compliance of the textbook content with regulatory documents

Textbook sections

Sections of the standard

(Appendix 2)

Sections of the sample program

(Appendix 3)


Chapter 1. Information

§1. The concept of information in science

§2. Information representation, languages, coding

§3. Measuring information. Volume approach

§4. Measuring information. Content approach

Chapter 2. Information processes in systems

§5. What is "system"

§6. Information processes in natural and artificial systems

§7. Data storage

1.21, 1..23, 1.4

§8. Transfer of information

§9. Information processing and algorithms

1.18, 1.19, 1.23

§10. Automatic information processing

§eleven. Search for information

1.12, 1.16, 2.7,

§12. . Data protection

1.22, 1.26, 7.12, 7.13

Chapter 3. Information models

§13. Computer information modeling

§14. Data structures

§15. Example of a data structure - model subject area

1.12, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6

§16. Algorithm as an activity model

Chapter 4. Software and hardware systems for implementing information processes

§17. Computer – universal technical system working with information

3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6

§18. Software computer

§19. Discrete data models in a computer. Representation of numbers.

§20. Discrete data models in a computer. Presentation of text, graphics, sound

1.3, 1.4, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10

1.11, 5.1, 6.8, 1.3

§21. Modern architecture computing systems

§22. Organization of local networks

§23. Organization of global networks

5. Technologies for the use and development of information systems

§24. Concept information system(IP), IP classification

§25. Computer text document as a data structure

§26. Internet as a global information system

§27. World Wide Web - The World Wide Web

§28. Internet data search tools

7.11, 7.12, 7.13

§29. Web site - data hyperstructure

§thirty. Geographic information systems

§31. Database - the basis of the information system

§32. Designing a Multi-Table Database

2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 4.11

§33. Database creation

§35. Logical conditions data selection

6. Information modeling technologies

§36. Modeling dependencies between quantities

2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 4.6, 4.7

2.2, 2.5, 6.6, 6.7

§37. Statistical Forecasting Models

1.25, 2.17, 2.2, 2.5, 6.7

§38. Modeling correlation dependencies

1.12, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 , 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7

1.25, 2.17, 2.2, 2.5, 6.7

§39. Optimal planning models

1.12, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7

1.25, 2.17, 2.2, 2.5, 6.7

7. Fundamentals of Social Informatics

§40. Informational resources

§41. Information society

§42. Legal regulation in the information sphere

§43. Information security problem

Appendix 2.

Standard of secondary (complete) general education in computer science and ICT. A basic level of


1.1. Systems formed by interacting elements, states of elements, exchange of information between elements, signals.

1.2. Classification of information processes.

1.3. Choosing a method for presenting information in accordance with the task.

1.4. Universality of discrete (digital) information representation. Binary representation of information.

1.5. Search and systematization of information.

1.6. Data storage; choosing a method for storing information.

1.7. Transfer of information in social, biological and technical systems.

1.8. Transformation of information based on formal rules. Algorithmization as a necessary condition for its automation.

1.9 Features of memorization, processing and transmission of information by humans

1.10. Organization of personal information environment

1.11.Information protection

1.12. Use of basic methods of computer science and ICT tools in the analysis of processes in society, nature and technology.

Section 2. Information models and systems

2.1. Information (intangible) models.

2.2. The use of information models in educational and cognitive activities.

2.3. Purpose and types of information models.

2.4. Formalization of tasks from various subject areas

2.5. Data structuring.

2.6. Construction of an information model to solve the problem.

2.7. Assessing the adequacy of the model to the object and modeling goals (using examples of problems in various subject areas).

Section 3. Computer as a means of automating information processes

3.1. Computer hardware and software

3.2. Architectures of modern computers.

3.3. Variety of operating systems.

3.4. Selecting a computer configuration depending on the task being solved.

3.5. Software tools for creating information objects, organizing personal information space, protecting information.

3.6. Software and hardware in various forms professional activity

Section 4. Tools and technologies for creating and converting information objects

4.1. Text as an information object. Automated tools and technologies for organizing text. Basic techniques for converting texts.

4.2. Hypertext presentation of information.

4.3. Dynamic (electronic) tables as information objects.

4.4. Tools and technologies for working with tables

4.5. Purpose and principles of operation of spreadsheets.

4.6. Basic ways of representing mathematical relationships between data

4.7. Using spreadsheets to process numerical data (using examples of problems from various subject areas)

4.8. Graphic information objects.

4.9. Tools and technologies for working with graphics.

4.10. Creation and editing of graphic information objects using graphic editors, presentation and animation graphics.


4.12. Database management systems.

4.13. Creation, maintenance and use of databases in solving educational and practical problems.

Section 5. Means and technologies for exchanging information using computer networks(network technologies)

5.1. Local and global computer networks.

5.2. Hardware and software for organizing computer networks.

5.3.Search information systems.

5.4. Organization of information search. Description of the object for its subsequent search.



A basic level of


Grade 10

Section 1. Information and information processes

1.1. Basic approaches to defining the concept of “information”.

1.2. Systems formed by interacting elements, states of elements, exchange of information between elements, signals.

1.3. Discrete and continuous signals.

1.4. Information carriers.

1.5. Types and properties of information.

1.6. The amount of information as a measure of reducing knowledge uncertainty.

1.7. Alphabetical approach to determining the amount of information.

1.8. Classification of information processes.

1.9. Encoding of information. Coding languages.

110. Formalized and informal languages.

1.11. Choosing a method for presenting information in accordance with the task.

1.12. Search and selection of information. Search methods. Selection criteria.

1.13. Data storage; choosing a method for storing information.

1.14. Transfer of information. Communication channel and its characteristics. Examples of information transfer in social, biological and technical systems.

1.15. Data processing.

1.16. Systematization of information.

1.17. Changing the form of information presentation.

1.18. Transformation of information based on formal rules.

1.19. Algorithmization as a necessary condition for automation.

1.20. Opportunity, advantages and disadvantages automated processing data.

1.21. Data storage.

1.22. Data protection. Protection methods.

1.23. Peculiarities of memorization, processing and transmission of information by humans.

1.24. System management as an information process.

1.25. Use of basic methods of computer science and ICT tools in the analysis of processes in society, nature and technology.

1.26. Organization of personal information environment.

Section 2. Information models

2.1. Information modeling as a method of cognition.

2.2. Information (intangible) models. Purpose and types of information models.

2.3. Object, subject, purpose of modeling. Adequacy of models for modeled objects and modeling purposes.

2.4. Forms of presentation of models: description, table, formula, graph, drawing, picture, diagram.

2.5. The main stages of building models. Formalization as the most important stage of modeling.

2.6. Computer modeling and its types: calculation, graphic, simulation models.

2.7. Data structuring. Data structure as a domain model.

2.8. Algorithm as a model of activity.

2.9. Hypertext as an organization model search engines.

2.10. Examples of modeling social, biological and technical systems and processes.

2.11. Management process model. Goal of management, influence external environment.

2.12. Management as preparation, decision-making and development of control actions.

2.13. The role of feedback in management. Closed and open control systems.

2.15. Self-governing systems, their features.

2.16. Concept of complex systems management, the principle of hierarchy of systems. Self-organizing systems.

2.17. The use of information models in educational and cognitive activities.

Section 3. Information systems

3.1. Concept and types of information systems.

3.2. Databases (tabular, hierarchical, network).

3.3 Database management systems (DBMS).

3.4.Forms for presenting data (tables, forms, queries, reports).

3.5. Relational databases data.

3.6. Linking tables in multi-table databases

Section 4. Computer as a means of automating information processes

4.1. Computer hardware and software.

4.2.Architectures of modern computers.

4.3. Variety of operating systems.

4.4. Software tools for creating information objects, organizing personal information space, and protecting information.

Grade 11

Section 5. Computer technologies for presenting information

5.1. Universality of discrete (digital) information representation. Binary representation of information in a computer.

5.2. Binary number system. Binary arithmetic.

5.3. Computer representation of integers and real numbers.

5.4. Performance text information in computer. Code tables.

5.5. Two Approaches to Presentation graphic information. Raster and Vector graphics.

5.6. Models of color formation.

5.7. Technologies for constructing animated images.

5.8. Three-dimensional graphics technologies.

5.9.Representation of audio information: MIDI and digital recording.

5.10. The concept of data compression methods.

5.11. File formats.

Section 6. Tools and technologies for creating and converting information objects

6.1 Text as an information object. Automated tools and technologies for organizing text.

6.2. Basic techniques for converting texts.

6.3. Hypertext presentation of information.

6.3.Dynamic (electronic) tables as information objects.

6.4. Tools and technologies for working with tables.

6.5. Purpose and principles of operation of spreadsheets.

6.6. Basic ways of representing mathematical dependencies between data.

6.7.Use of spreadsheets for processing numerical data (using the example of problems from various subject areas)

6.8.Graphic information objects. Tools and technologies for working with graphics.

6.9.Creation and editing of graphic information objects using graphic editors, presentation and animation graphics systems.

Section 7. Means and technologies for exchanging information using computer networks (network technologies)

7.1. Communication channels and their main characteristics.

7.2. Interference, noise, distortion transmitted information.

7.3. Redundancy of information as a means of increasing the reliability of its transmission. Use of error detection and correction codes.

7.4. Features and Benefits network technologies.

7.5. Local networks. Local network topologies.

7.6.Global network.

7.7. Internet addressing.

7.8. Exchange protocols. TCP/IP data transfer protocol.

7.9. Hardware and software for organizing computer networks.

7.10. Information services Internet networks: Email, teleconferences, World Wide Web, file archives etc.

7.11. Search information systems.

7.12.Organization of information search.

7.13. Description of the object for its subsequent search.

7.14. Tools for creating Web sites.

Section 8. Fundamentals of social informatics

8.1. Information civilization.

8.2. Information resources of society.

8.3. Information culture.

8.4. Ethical and legal norms of human information activity.

8.5. Information security.


The Internet version of the "Informatics" manual consists of two sections:

Theory (with problems and solutions);

Workshop on algorithmization and programming.

Theoretical section is an attempt to create at an accessible level a complete picture of the computer science course in its fundamental aspect. It examines such content lines of the computer science course as information and information processes, presentation of information, computer, algorithms and executors, modeling and formalization.

The volume of the paper manual did not allow us to cover only the line of rapidly updated information technologies, for which good manuals are regularly published.

The material in the section is distributed across chapters and theoretical points in the form of questions and answers, and includes specially selected original examples, tasks and exercises performed using and analyzing various methodological and technological techniques.

Each chapter ends with a large number of problems and exercises for independent decision, for which answers, instructions and examples of implementation are provided.

Workshop on algorithmization and programming designed to develop algorithmic thinking skills and teach programming basics. It is aimed at students who have a basic understanding of the spelling of languages

It is known that after becoming familiar with the basics of any algorithmic language, the student needs to perform a large number of developmental exercises, and then disassemble and independently compose hundreds of different algorithms and programs that implement them.

The workshop, containing many detailed typical examples and hundreds of tasks, consistently and purposefully involves the student in the process of independent and meaningful compilation of complete programs.

Develops the necessary components of algorithmic and programming literacy:

clear and understandable style,

reliability and efficiency of solutions,

ability to organize searches and branches, etc.

To facilitate the assimilation of the course and increase the effectiveness of training, educational material

1 The files are created based on Internet version of the publication: Shautsukova L.Z. Informatics 10 - 11. - M.:

Enlightenment, 2000 (

The workshop is presented in a non-traditional layout oriented towards the generality of algorithmic structures.

The workshop is universal in that it allows you to develop full-fledged algorithmization and programming skills, regardless of the quality of computer equipment educational institution or when complete absence such. To do this, each algorithm is given in the following sequence:

problem formulation;

system of test data and results;

implementation of the algorithm in the four most popular school education environments - in school algorithmic language, in language flowcharts and languages Turbo programming Pascal;

Tables of algorithm execution on each test.

For many tasks, the results of the programs are displayed on the screen.

The importance attached to testing algorithms is due to the fact that at this stage

the condition of the problem is studied in detail and clarified;

there is an understanding of what the initial data and results are;

all situations that may arise when solving a problem are recorded;

data types are specified;

names are given to variables;

Forms for presenting and issuing initial data and results are being thought through.

The given methods and programs for solving problems are, if possible, rational, but do not claim to be the best. Thus, in order to save space, programs do not provide protection against invalid data, although this is a mandatory element of any program. The reader can correct these shortcomings himself, using the recommendations of the eighth chapter of the first section, and in some cases offer a more perfect solution to the problem.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Computer Science

1.1. What is computer science?

The term "informatics" (French informatique) comes from the French words information (information) and automatique (automation) and literally means

"information automation".

The English version of this term is also widespread - “Computer science”, which literally means "computer science".

Informatics is a discipline based on the use of computer technology that studies the structure and general properties of information, as well as the patterns and methods of its creation, storage, search, transformation, transmission and application in various spheres of human activity.

In 1978, the International Scientific Congress officially assigned the concept

"Informatics" areas related to development, creation, use and

logistics and technical maintenance of information processing systems, including computers and their software, as well as organizational, commercial, administrative and socio-political aspects of computerization - the mass introduction of computer technology into all areas of people's lives.

Thus, computer science is based on computer technology and is unthinkable without

Informatics - comprehensive scientific discipline With the widest range applications. Her priority areas:

development of computer systems and software;

information theory, studying the processes associated with the transmission, reception, transformation and storage of information;

mathematical modeling, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental and applied research in various areas knowledge;

artificial intelligence methods, modeling methods of logical and analytical thinking in human intellectual activity (logical inference, learning, speech understanding, visual perception, games, etc.);

system analysis, which studies the methodological tools used to prepare and justify decisions on complex problems of various nature;

bioinformatics, which studies information processes in biological systems;

social informatics, studying the processes of informatization of society;

methods computer graphics, animations, multimedia;

telecommunication systems and networks, including global

computer networks that unite all humanity into a single information community;

various applications, covering production, science, education, medicine, trade, agriculture and all other types of economic and social activities.

Russian academician A.A. Dorodnitsin identifies three inextricably and essentially connected parts in computer science - hardware, software and


Technical means, or computer equipment, in English language are designated by the word Hardware, which literally translates as “hard products”.

To indicate software, by which we mean

the totality of all programs used by computers, and the scope of activity for their creation and use , the word is used

Software (literally “soft goods”), which emphasizes the equivalence of the machine itself and the software, as well as the ability of the software to be modified, adapted and developed.

Programming a task is always preceded by development of a method

its solution in the form of a sequence of actions leading from the initial data to the desired result, in other words, the development of an algorithm for solving the problem . To denote the part of computer science associated with the development of algorithms and the study of methods and techniques for their construction, the term is used Brainware (English: brain - intelligence).

The role of computer science in the development of society is extremely great. The beginning of a revolution in the field of accumulation, transmission and processing of information is associated with it. This revolution, following revolutions in the mastery of matter and energy, affects and radically transforms not only the sphere of material production, but also the intellectual and spiritual spheres of life.

Progressive increase in the capabilities of computer technology, development information networks, the creation of new information technologies lead to significant changes in all spheres of society: in production, science, education, medicine, etc.

1.2. What is information?

The term "information" comes from the Latin word "informatio", which means information, explanations, presentation. Despite the widespread use of this term, the concept of information is one of the most controversial in science. Currently, science is trying to find general properties and patterns inherent in the multifaceted concept of information, but so far this concept largely remains intuitive and receives different semantic content in various branches of human activity:

In common parlance, information is any data or information that interests someone. For example, a message about any events, about someone’s

activities, etc. "Inform" in this sense means "to communicate something,

previously unknown";

in technology, information is understood as messages transmitted in the form of signs or signals;

in cybernetics, information means that part of knowledge that is used for orientation, active action, management, i.e. in order to preserve, improve, and develop the system (N. Wiener).

Claude Shannon, an American scientist who laid the foundations of information theory - a science that studies processes associated with the transmission, reception, transformation and storage of information - considers information as uncertainty removed

our knowledge about something.

Here are a few more definitions:

Information is information about objects and phenomena environment, their parameters, properties and condition, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incomplete knowledge about them(N.V. Makarova);

Information is the negation of entropy(Leon Brillouin);

Information is a measure of the complexity of structures(Mole);

Information is reflected diversity(Ursul);

Information is the content of the reflection process(Tuzov);

Information is the probability of choice(Yaglom).

The modern scientific idea of ​​information was very precisely formulated by Norbert Wiener, the “father” of cybernetics. Namely:

Information is the designation of content obtained from outside world in the process of our adaptation to it and the adaptation of our feelings to it.

People exchange information in the form of messages. A message is a form of presenting information in the form of speech, texts, gestures, glances, images, digital data, graphs, tables, etc.

Same information message (newspaper article, advertisement, letter,

telegram, certificate, story, drawing, radio broadcast, etc.) may contain different amounts of information for different people- depending on their prior knowledge, level of understanding of this message and interest in it.

Thus, a message written in Japanese does not convey any new information for a person who does not know this language, but can be highly informative for a person who speaks Japanese. A message presented in a familiar language does not contain any new information if its content is unclear or already known.

Information is a characteristic not of a message, but relationship between the message and its consumer. Without the presence of a consumer, at least a potential one, talking about information is pointless.

In cases where they say about automated work with information using any technical devices, Usually, the primary interest is not in the content of the message, but in how many characters the message contains.

In relation to computer data processing, information is understood as a certain sequence of symbolic designations (letters, numbers, encoded graphic images and sounds, etc.), carrying a semantic load and presented in computer understandable form. Every new symbol in such a sequence of symbols increases the information volume of the message.

A more detailed idea of ​​the essence of the issues under consideration is given in.

1.3. In what form does information exist?

Information can exist in the form of:

texts, drawings, drawings, photographs;

light or sound signals;

radio waves;

electrical and nerve impulses;

magnetic recordings;

gestures and facial expressions;

smells and taste sensations;

chromosomes, through which the characteristics and properties of organisms are inherited, etc.

Objects, processes, phenomena of material or intangible properties, considered from the point of view of their information properties, are called information objects.

1.4. How is information transmitted?

Information is transmitted in the form of messages from some source of information to its receiver through a communication channel between them. Source sends

transmitted message, which is encoded in transmitted signal. This signal is sent by communication channel . As a result, the receiver appears a received signal that is decoded and becomes a received message.

1. A message containing information about the weather forecast is transmitted to the receiver

(to the TV viewer) from a source - a meteorologist via communication channel- television transmitting equipment and television.

2. A living being with its senses(eye, ear, skin, tongue, etc.) perceives information from the outside world and processes it V a certain sequence nerve impulses, transmits impulses along nerve fibers, stores in memory in the form of the state of the neural structures of the brain, reproduces in the form of sound signals, movements, etc., uses in the course of its life.

The transmission of information over communication channels is often accompanied by interference,

causing distortion and loss of information.

1.5. How is the amount of information measured?

How much information is contained, for example, in the text of the novel "War and Peace", in the frescoes of Raphael or in the human genetic code? Science does not provide answers to these questions and, in all likelihood, will not provide answers soon. Is it possible to objectively measure the amount of information? The most important result of information theory is the following conclusion:

In certain, very broad conditions, it is possible to neglect the qualitative features of information, express its quantity as a number, and also compare the amount of information contained in different groups of data.

Currently, approaches to defining the concept of “amount of information” have become widespread, based on that the information contained in

message, can be loosely interpreted in the sense of its novelty or, otherwise, reducing the uncertainty of our knowledge about the object . These approaches use mathematical concepts probability and logarithm.

Approaches to determining the amount of information. Hartley's formulas and

American engineer R. Hartliv 1928 process of obtaining information

considered as the selection of one message from a finite predetermined set of N equally probable messages, and the amount of information I contained in the selected message was defined as the binary logarithm of N.

Hartley's formula: I = log2 N

Let's say you need to guess one number from a set of numbers from one to one hundred. Using Hartley's formula, you can calculate how much information is required for this: I = log2 100

> 6.644. Thus, a message about a correctly guessed number contains an amount of information approximately equal to 6.644 units of information.

Here are other examples of equally probable messages:

1. when tossing a coin:“it came up heads”, “it came up heads”;

2. on the book page:“the number of letters is even”, “the number of letters is odd.”

Let us now determine are the messages equally probable? "The first woman to leave the building's doors" And "The man will be the first to leave the door of the building". It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously . It all depends on which building we're talking about. If this is, for example, a metro station, then the probability of leaving the door first is the same for a man and a woman, and if this is a military barracks, then for a man this probability is much higher than for a woman.

For problems of this kind, the American scientist Claude Shannon proposed in 1948.

another formula for determining the amount of information, taking into account the possible unequal probability of messages in the set.

Shannon's formula: I = - (p1 log2 p1 + p2 log2 p2 + . . . + pN log2 pN ),

where pi is the probability that it is the i-th message that is selected in a set of N messages.

It is easy to see that if the probabilities p 1, ..., p N are equal, then each of them is equal to 1 / N, and Shannon’s formula turns into Hartley’s formula.

In addition to the two considered approaches to determining the amount of information,

there are others. It is important to remember that any theoretical results

applicable only to a certain range of cases outlined by the initial assumptions.

Claude Shannon proposed taking one bit as a unit of information (English: bit -bi nary digi t - binary digit).

Bit in information theory- the amount of information necessary to distinguish between two equally probable messages (such as “heads” - “tails”, “even” - “odd”, etc.).

In computing A bit is the smallest “portion” of computer memory required to store one of the two characters “0” and “1” used for the internal representation of data and commands.

A bit is too small a unit of measurement. In practice, a larger unit is more often used - a byte, equal to eight bits. Exactly eight bits are required for

in order to encode any of the 256 characters of the computer keyboard alphabet

(256=28 ).

Also widely used larger derived units of information:

1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 bytes = 210 bytes,

1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB = 220 bytes,

1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB = 230 bytes.

IN Recently, due to the increase in the volume of processed information, such derived units as:

1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB = 240 bytes,

1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024 TB = 250 bytes.

Per unit of information, one could choose the amount of information needed to distinguish between, for example, ten equally probable messages. This will not be a binary (bit), but a decimal (dit) unit of information.

1.6. What can you do with the information?

Information can be:










to measure;





divide into parts;



All these processes associated with certain operations on information

are called information processes.

1.7. What properties does information have?

Information properties:

Information is reliable if it reflects the true state of affairs.

Inaccurate information can lead to misunderstandings or poor decisions.

Reliable information may become unreliable over time , since it has the property become outdated, that is, it ceases to reflect the true state of affairs.

Information is complete if it is sufficient for understanding and making decisions.

Both incomplete and redundant information inhibits decision making or may lead to errors.

Accuracy of information is determined by the degree of its proximity to the real state of the object, process, phenomenon, etc.

The value of information depends on how important it is for solving the problem , and also from the fact how much further it will find application in any types of human activity.

Only timely information received can bring the expected benefit . Equally undesirable premature submission of information (when it cannot yet be assimilated), so does it delay.

If valuable and timely information is expressed in a way that is unclear , she may become useless.

Information becomes clear, if it is expressed in the language spoken by those for whom this information is intended.

Information must be presented in an accessible way (according to the level of perception) form.

Therefore, the same questions are presented differently in school textbooks and scientific publications.

Information on the same issue can be summarized(concise, without unimportant details) or extensive (detailed, verbose). Conciseness of information is necessary in reference books, encyclopedias, textbooks, and all kinds of instructions.

1.8. What is information processing?

Data processing- obtaining some information objects from other information objects by executing some algorithms.

Processing is one of the main operations performed on information and the main means of increasing the volume and variety of information.

Information processing means are all kinds of devices and systems created by mankind, and first of all, the computer - a universal machine for processing information.

Computers process information by executing some algorithms.

The textbook is intended for study profile course computer science and ICT in grades 10-11 of general education institutions at a basic level. The content of the textbook is based on the computer science course studied in grades 8-9. Basic concepts: information processes, information systems, information models, information technologies. Computer technologies for implementing information processes and working with information systems and models are considered. Attention is paid current problems social informatics.

From this page of the book your acquaintance with training course computer science for 10th and 11th grades.
Studying any school subject can be compared to building a house. Only this house is made not of bricks and concrete slabs, but of knowledge and skills. The construction of any house begins with the foundation. It is very important that the foundation is strong, because the rest of the structure rests on it. The foundation for the course “Informatics and ICT 10-11” is the knowledge and skills that you acquired while studying the computer science course in primary school - basic course computer science. You no longer need to explain what a computer is and how it works; what information a computer can work with; what is a program and computer software; what is information technology.

In the basic computer science course, you got an idea of ​​the form in which information is stored in computer memory, what an algorithm and information model are. By mastering the basic course, you learned how to use a keyboard, mouse, disks, and printer; work in an operating system environment. You have acquired basic skills in working with text and graphics editors, databases and spreadsheets. You will need all this knowledge and skills when studying the course “Informatics and ICT 10-11”.

Table of contents

Introduction 5
Chapter 1. Information 9
§ 1. Concept of information 9
§ 2. Information representation, languages, coding 13
§ 3. Measuring information. Volume approach 17
§ 4. Measuring information. Content approach 21
Chapter 2. Information processes in systems 25
§ 5. What is system 25
§ 6. Information processes in natural and artificial systems 32
§ 7. Information storage 38
§ 8. Transfer of information 42
§ 9. Information processing and algorithms 46
§ 10. Automatic information processing 50
§eleven. Data Search 54
§ 12. Information protection 60
Chapter 3. Information models 67
§ 13. Computer information modeling 67
§ 14. Data structures: trees, networks, graphs, tables 70
§ 15. An example of a data structure - a domain model 80
§ 16. Algorithm as a model of activity 84
Chapter 4. Software and hardware systems for implementing information processes 91
§ 17. Computer - a universal technical information processing system 91
§ 18. Computer software 97
§ 19. Discrete data models in a computer. Number representation 104
§ 20. Discrete data models in a computer. Presentation of text, graphics and sound 112
§ 21. Development of computer systems architecture 119
§ 22.0 organization of local networks 123
§ 23. Organization of global networks 129
Chapter 5. Technologies for the use and development of information systems 137
§ 24. Concept of information system (IS), classification of IS 137
§ 25. Computer text document as a data structure 142
§ 26. Internet as a global information system 149
§ 27. World Wide Web- World Wide Web 154
§ 28. Internet data search tools 157
§ 29. Website-data hyperstructure 160
§ 30. Geographic information systems 163
§ 31. Database - the basis of the information system 169
§ 32. Designing a multi-table database 173
§ 33. Creation of a database 178
§ 34.3 queries as applications of the information system 184
§ 35. Logical conditions for selecting data 187
Chapter 6. Information modeling technologies 192
§ 36. Modeling dependencies between magnitudes 192
§ 37. Statistical forecasting models 196
§ 38. Modeling of correlation dependencies 203
§ 39. Optimal planning models 207
Chapter 7. Fundamentals of Social Informatics 213
§ 40. Information resources 213
§ 41. Information society 218
§ 42. Legal regulation in the information sphere 229
§ 43. Problem of information security. 231
Brief biographical information 234
Subject index.

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