Download presentation information society. Information society. On the topic: Information society

Plan: 1. Information society 1. Information society 2. Distinctive features 2. Distinctive features 3. History of the concept 3. History of the concept 4. Basic ideas 4. Basic ideas 5. Development of the information society in Russia 5. Development of the information society in Russia 6. Conclusion 6. Conclusion 7. List of references 7. List literature used

Distinctive features: * increasing the role of information, knowledge and information technologies in the life of society; * an increase in the number of people employed in information technology, communications and the production of information products and services in the gross domestic product; * increasing informatization of society using telephony, radio, television, the Internet, as well as traditional and electronic media; * creation of global information space, providing: (a) effective information interaction people, (b) their access to world information resources and (c) meeting their needs for information products and services.

History of the concept The invention of the term itself is attributed to Yu. Hayashi, a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Thus, in 1969, the reports “Japanese Information Society: Topics and Approaches” and “Policy Contours for Promoting Informatization of Japanese Society” were presented to the Japanese government, and in 1971, “Plan for the Information Society”. Since 1992, Western countries have also begun to use the term, for example, the concept of “national global information infrastructure"introduced into the USA after the famous conference of the National scientific foundation and the famous report of B. Clinton and A. Gore. The concept of “information society” appeared in the works Expert group the European Commission for Information Society Programmes, led by Martin Bangemann, one of Europe's most respected experts on the information society; information highways and superhighways in Canadian, British and American publications.

Today, the terms information society and informatization have firmly taken their place, not only in the vocabulary of information specialists, but also in the vocabulary of politicians, economists, teachers and scientists. In most cases, this concept is associated with the development of information technologies and telecommunications, which make it possible, on the platform of civil society (or at least its declared principles), to make a new evolutionary leap and worthily enter the next, 21st century as an information society or its initial stage. On March 27, 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution number A/RES/60/252, which proclaims May 17 as the International Day of the Information Society.

Key Ideas Given the depth and breadth of technological and social consequences computerization and information various fields social life and economic activity, they are often called computer or information revolution. Moreover, Western socio-political thought has put forward various options the so-called concept of “information society”, which aims to explain the latest phenomena generated by a new stage of scientific and technological progress, the computer and information revolution. The importance and growing popularity of this concept in the West is evidenced by the ever-increasing flow of publications on this topic. Currently, in Western socio-political thought, it is gradually moving to the place that the theory of post-industrial society occupied in the 70s.

According to Professor W. Martin, the information society is understood as a “developed post-industrial society” that arose primarily in the West. In his opinion, it is no coincidence that the information society is establishing itself primarily in those countries in Japan, the USA and Western Europe in which a post-industrial society was formed in the 60s and 70s.

Development of the information society in Russia. Several stages can be distinguished in the activities of government authorities in developing and implementing state policy in the field of development of the information society in Russia. In the first (years) the foundations in the field of information were formed. The second stage (years) was characterized by a change in priorities from informatization to the development of information policy. The third stage, which continues to this day, is the stage of policy formation in the sphere of building an information society. In 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the Federal Target Program " Electronic Russia gg.", which gave a powerful impetus to the development of the information society in the Russian regions. Special role in training computer literacy and the development of the latest information technologies is devoted to computer science, which has been studied in all secondary schools in the country since 1985 and in all higher schools since 1991 educational institutions Russia. Since 2007, all secondary schools in Russia have been connected to the global Internet and equipped with basic packages programs for mastering computer literacy and the latest information technologies using proprietary and open source software. Within the framework of the Priority National Project “Education”, an open domestic software and organization of computer and legal education in universities and schools

Speaking about the changes and shifts that contribute to the transition of modern Western society into a qualitatively new stage or, as they say, into the information society, supporters of the concept under consideration rely on objective processes of development of knowledge-intensive, energy- and labor-saving sectors of the economy, processes of robotization of production, computerization and informatization of the most important spheres of social and political life. And, indeed, at present, the solution to such vitally important problems depends on the latest knowledge-intensive and energy-saving components of technology. important issues, such as economic growth, employment, increasing living standards, etc. They affect the fundamental principles of functioning and life modern society, raising fundamental questions regarding the social and political changes brought about by the introduction of information technology. This affects the prospects for the socio-historical development of mankind, the fate of man, his place and role in this process.

Conclusion: Informatization and computerization require people to have new skills, new knowledge and new thinking, designed to ensure adaptation to the conditions and realities of a computerized society and provide them with a worthy place in this society. Therefore, one cannot but agree with W. Martin that informatization has an impact on the lifestyle and quality of life of all members of society, both at the individual and organizational levels, in the workplace and at home. For better or worse, it, the author writes, is a force that not only transforms the lives of entire communities, but contributes to the restructuring of the very “context of relations between people.”

List of used literature: 1. Abdeev R.F. Philosophy information civilization. / Editors: E.S. Ivashkina, V.G. Detkova. M.: VLADOS, S with copy. ISBN Varakin L. E. Global information society: Development criteria and socio-economic aspects. -M.: International. acad. connections, with, ill. 3. Vartanova E. L. Finnish model at the turn of the century: Inform. society and media of Finland in Europe. perspective. : Publishing house Mosk. un-ta, s. 4. Voronina T. P. Information society: essence, features, problems. - M., p. 5. %80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BD %D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1 %89%D0%B5%D1%81%D1 ​​%82%D0%B2%D0%BE %80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0 %BD %D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%81%D1 ​​%82%D0%B2%D0%BE /wiki/%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%BE%D1 %80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0% BD %D0%BE%D0%B5_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%81%D1 ​​%82%D0%B2%D0%BE 6. html ttp://

The information society is not a social fact, but an assumption about the possible state of the future world community. The origin and development of the idea of ​​the information society in Russia and abroad, technical prerequisites and government programs its construction. Technocratic and humanistic concepts of the information society are analyzed. The essence of the information society in virtual and social reality is revealed. The trends in the formation of a global information society and the prospects for socializing the idea of ​​an information society in Russia XXI century.
The book is addressed to social philosophers, sociologists, teachers, cultural scientists, computer scientists, teachers and students of relevant specialties. It is useful for everyone interested in the future of humanity.

Origins of the information society.
In the Introduction, based on an analysis of literary sources, we came to the conclusion that there are three different interpretations of the concept of “information society” and, accordingly, the following three types of information societies are distinguished: 1) a subcultural set of professional and amateur social groups, inextricably linked with information and communication technologies - sociological interpretation; 2) a hypothesis about the future state of the current society - a scientific-futurological interpretation; 3) advertising and ideological tool - commercial and government interpretation. It is clear that these interpretations did not arise spontaneously, but due to certain social needs. The formation of the information technology sector of the economy, based on computer technologies, has led to the need for personnel with appropriate qualifications and the emergence of special groups of users who represent the information society of the first type. The need for self-determination of information social groups stimulated the development of hypotheses about the prospects for the development of informatization, which formed the scientific and futurological idea of ​​the information society (the second interpretation of the concept of “information society”). Finally, the interest of commercial and government agencies in the successful utilization of information and technical potential, it gave rise to a third, advertising and ideological interpretation.

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Download the book Information Society in Virtual and Social Reality, Sokolov A.V., 2011 -, fast and free download.

  • Computer failures and errors, A simple and understandable tutorial, Leonov V.S., 2015
  • Multimedia technologies in education, Textbook, Sukhanova N.T., Balunova S.A., 2018

The following textbooks and books.

Name: Information society. Collection

Compiler Andrey Laktionov

M.: LLC Publishing House ACT, 2004. - 507, p.
Philosophy Series
ISBN 5-17-022346-3
PDF 17.1 Mb

Quality: scanned pages

Language: Russian

From the editor
Since the mid-90s of the 20th century - from the very time when the Internet from a specialized military network actually turned into a global network, the Network with capital letters- an idea of ​​the information society, that is, a society that is based on the ability of everyone to process (in in a broad sense this word) information - the idea of ​​the information society “has acquired flesh and blood,” and the information society itself, from a beautiful hypothesis, unexpectedly became a reality.
For the first time, people started talking about a society based on working with information in the early 50s of the last century - in connection with the advent of cybernetics and the mathematical theory of communications. However, the term “information society” itself became common much later - towards the end of the 20th century, during the period of “general informatization and computerization.”
In a certain sense, the founders of cybernetics and the mathematical theory of communications - American scientists Claude Shannon, Norbert Wiener, John von Neumann, Alan Turing, as well as Soviet mathematicians of the school of A.N. Kolmogorov, first of all - Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov himself. It was their work and research that made that boom possible computer technology and software that we are witnessing today.
If we talk about the “philosophical background” of the information society, it is necessary to mention the names of Jean Baudrillard, Karl Popper and other ideologists “ open society”, as well as the names of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Francis Fukuyama and Daniel Bell, who put forward in their works the thesis about the emergence of a “post-industrial”, otherwise “information” or “cognitive” society that will replace industrial society. It might not be amiss to remember Bill Gates, the head of the Microsoft computer corporation and a leading modern theorist and practitioner of electronic business.
This collection presents the reader with the stages of development of the theory of the information society - from the theoretical calculations of K. Shannon and N. Wiener to hypotheses about the emergence of artificial (machine) intelligence, from the declarations of John Barlow and Marshall McLuhan about the omnipotence of the Network and the emergence of the “network deity” to practical analysis consequences of informatization of society.


From the editor Information society: through thorns to the stars?. Andrey Laktionov

Von Neumann's contributions to automata theory
Modern achievements of communication theory
Some problems of information theory
Cybernetics, or control and communication in the animal and the machine (selected chapters)

Can machines think?
ANDREY KOLMOGOROV Automata and life
How long until superintelligence?

The medium itself is the content
Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace

Society as virtual reality
Information society: possibility and reality

Afterword Man in the era of mass media. Boris Markov

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1. Changes in the structure of the economy and the structure of labor. In the information society, human activity will largely depend on the ability to effectively use available information. The use of computers in all spheres of human activity should provide access to reliable sources of information and save people from routine work, enable faster adoption optimal solutions, automate information processing not only in production, but also in social spheres. As a result, the driving force behind the development of society will be the production of informational rather than material products. This process should lead to the creation of an information society in which knowledge and intelligence will play a major role.

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2. Growth information culture. Modern understanding information culture lies in the ability and need of a person to work with information using new information technologies. It involves much more than a simple set of skills in the technical processing of information using computers and telecommunications. A cultured (in the broad sense) person must be able to evaluate the information received qualitatively, understand its usefulness, reliability, etc. An essential element of information culture is mastery of collective decision-making techniques. The ability to interact in the information field with other people is an important sign of a person in the information society.

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3. Changes in the field of education. Big changes will occur in the information society in the field of education. One of the fundamental problems facing modern education, - to make it more accessible to every person. This accessibility has both economic, social, and technological aspects. Due to its dynamism, the information society will require continuous learning from a person over decades. This will allow a person to keep up with the times, be able to change profession, take a worthy place in social structure society.

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4. Freedom of access to information and freedom of its dissemination. Modern information Technology purely technically opened up limitless scope for information exchanges. Freedom of access to information and freedom of its dissemination – required condition democratic development, promoting economic growth, fair competition in the market. Only relying on the full and reliable information, you can make correct and informed decisions in politics, economics, science, and practical activities. Freedom of dissemination of cultural and educational information is of great importance. It contributes to the growth of the cultural and educational level of society.

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5. Development and mass use of information and communication technologies. Creation of telecommunications infrastructure, including data transmission networks. Appearance huge bases data that millions of people have accessed through networks. Developing uniform rules of behavior in networks and searching for information in them. The creation of an international computer network Internet. Today it is a colossal and rapidly growing system. Information and communication technologies are constantly evolving.

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6. Changes in people's lifestyle. The formation of the information society will significantly affect Everyday life of people. One can only guess how deep these changes will be. On the one hand, millions of people now have the opportunity to access the treasures of national and world culture; on the other hand, it has decreased live communication, there are more stereotypes implanted by television, and the circle of reading has narrowed. A recent achievement of Internet technology is the purchase of real goods in virtual Internet- store – can develop in the information society up to liquidation modern system trade.

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Information security refers to the protection of information from accidental or intentional impacts of a natural or artificial nature that could cause damage to owners or users of information. Aspects information security: Availability – the ability to get what you need in a reasonable time information service. Integrity – security of information from destruction and unauthorized changes. Confidentiality – Protection from unauthorized access (reading). You can select next levels information protection: Prevention (access to information and technology is provided only to users who have received access from the owner of the information). Detection (ensures early detection of crimes and abuses, even if protection mechanisms have been bypassed) Limitation (reduces the amount of losses if a crime does occur despite prevention and detection measures). Recovery (provided effective recovery information in the presence of documented and verified recovery plans).