Information system object accounting. Methodological recommendations for filling out an electronic passport at home in “Object accounting. How to distinguish GIS from non-GIS


on filling out an electronic passport at home

in the software "Object accounting" in the Leningrad region

  1. These methodological recommendations have been developed in order to implement the Order of the Committee of State Housing Supervision and Control of the Leningrad Region No. 3 dated March 13, 2014.

  2. The system for filling out Electronic passports “Object accounting” is an information system that ensures the disclosure of information on PP 731, PP 1468, orders of the executive power in the Leningrad region for state bodies, local self-government bodies of the population, etc.

  3. The system can be used by organizations and authorities to obtain information about the technical condition of the house in the form of reports and downloads.

  4. Deadline for providing data on the technical condition of MKD, in pursuance of Order No. 3:
For management companies until November 1, 2014.

  1. The procedure and principle of working with the “Object Accounting” software in terms of filling out Electronic passports of houses.

    1. Requirements for the installed browser for further work with the system
You can work with the program in any updated version of widely used browsers (IE 7.0, Opera 11, Chrome Mozila FireFox). It is recommended to use the Chrome browser. You can install the free version of Chrome by following the link and clicking “Download Chrome”:

Figure No. 1. Launching the Chrome browser.

1.2 User authentication in the system

To work with the program you must perform the following steps:

go to the website

Figure No. 2. Registering a new user upon login.

When you first enter the site, you must register. To do this, you need to click on the “Registration” button or follow the “registration form” link and fill out the information for your organization. The registration form consists of three sections: information about the organization, information about the manager, information about the user. All fields are required.

Figure No. 3. New User Registration. Selecting an organization to fill out information about the organization.

After entering the registration window, you must select an Organization from the list in the general information section. If your organization is not in the list, then the “Select your organization” field must be left blank, i.e. “not specified” and fill in all remaining fields.

When you select an organization from the list, houses under management are added automatically.

Figure No. 4 Registration of a new user. Filling out the “Manager Information” and “User Information” sections.

If errors were made when entering values ​​into the fields, the registration system will indicate which fields require clarification of information:

Figure No. 5 Registration of a new user. Message about incorrect filling of organization data.

The field with incorrectly filled data must be clarified and click on the “Register” button again.

After you have completed the registration procedure, you will be confirmed by the system administrator. If the organization is not confirmed, you must contact the system administrator using the contact information indicated at the end of the document.

Figure No. 6 Registration was successful.
Figure No. 7 Message when the organization data is not confirmed by the system administrator.

Upon confirmation of registration, a letter with the text “With The user's tattoo status in the system was changed to “Active”. After this you can work in the system.

1.3. Basic interface and operating procedure.

When logging in, the user is taken to the start screen:

Figure No. 8 Home page when logging in.

On the left side of the screen there is a side menu containing links to the main sections of the system:

  • Personal Area. Contains sections for working with users and changing information about the organization

  • My objects. Contains a list of objects maintained by this organization, as well as tools for their configuration/editing

  • Objects. Contains a list of all objects and buildings in the system

  • Organizations. Contains information about organizations registered in the system

  • Rates. Contains tariffs for services provided and consumed

  • Charges/payment. Contains a list of services provided to the population, as well as information about them

  • Works. Contains a list of works grouped by objects, work groups, types of work, plans, execution and balances

  • Major renovation. Contains the basic elements of working with the overhaul module

  • Reports.
If necessary, you can change user information or add new users for your organization to the system through the side menu item “Personal Account”, sub-item “User Lists”.

You can change/add information about the company by going to the “Organization Passport” tab.

To publish data on the management portal, you must fill out the information on the “Organization data for the site” page and check the “Disclose information” field in the form provided.

Figure No. 9 Personal account of the organization. Adding new users. Changing organization data.

Figure No. 10 Personal account of the organization. Filling out the “disclose information” field.

1.3.1 Adding managed objects

You must begin working with the system by filling out the list of serviced objects (the “My objects” side menu item). If, when filling out the registration form, you selected your organization from the drop-down list, then the objects under management will already be added. You only need to check the list of added objects; if you find discrepancies in the list of MKD, you must:

1. notify by email indicated at the end of the instructions;

2. if some MKDs are missing, then they must be added;

Figure No. 11 Adding an object under management or maintenance.

To add a new object, you must use the “+Add” button at the top of the section. Adding an object occurs in three stages:

Figure No. 11 First stage. Entering basic data.

Figure No. 12 Second stage. Clarification of the building address

Figure No. 12 Third stage. Clarification of object data

1.3.2. Filling out the electronic passport of the object.

The transition to the object passport for entering data is carried out by clicking the “more” icon.

Figure No. 13 Go to the object passport.

After pressing the key, the “Pages for an object” menu will open. The “Pages for an object” window will open.

Figure No. 14 “Pages for an object” menu. Menu item “Technical and economic indicators”.

The transition to technical and economic indicators is carried out by selecting the appropriate link in the presented menu. For ease of filling, you can use the “Fill in from the object passport” button; in this case, all the data available in the object passport will be transferred to the technical and economic indicators of the object. After that, the technical and economic indicators must be checked, if necessary, corrected and the missing fields supplemented.

Figure No. 15 Technical and economic indicators of the facility. Filling out data from the electronic passport at home. Editing an object.

Editing mode will open after clicking the "Edit" button

The interface for editing information for a report on technical and economic indicators is presented below:

Figure No. 16 Filling out data on the technical and economic indicators of the object

Figure No. 17 Filling out data on the technical and economic indicators of the object

Figure No. 18 Filling out data on the technical and economic indicators of the object

Figure No. 19 Filling out data on the technical and economic indicators of the object

Figure No. 20 Filling out data on the technical and economic indicators of the object

Figure No. 21 Filling out data on the technical and economic indicators of the object

Figure No. 22 Filling out data on the technical and economic indicators of the object

Figure No. 23 Filling out data on the technical and economic indicators of the object

1.3.3 Formation of reporting forms in accordance with the Order of the Committee for Housing Supervision and Control of the Leningrad Region No. 3

After successfully filling out all the required fields in the form for the report on technical and economic indicators, reports will become available for generation (form 1, form 2, form 3):

Development goals: Comprehensive automation of accruals, recalculations and payments for housing and communal services; Management of the process of accruals, recalculations and payments for housing and communal services; Control over the movement of collected funds; Interaction with information systems of passport offices, departments of the federal migration service in the regions, social protection authorities, apartment departments of local governments. AIS “System of charges for housing and communal services” is one of the basic elements of the management system in the housing and communal services sector

Reconciliation of residents through passport offices or using a data and population integration system Interaction with the AIS of social protection authorities, AIS of subsidy departments Maintaining the revenue part of facility accounting by service providers, types of services. Automated recalculation of payments for housing and communal services according to data from a unified emergency and dispatch service (in the event of a lack of services or a decrease in their quality) Accrual system Facility accounting system (management company) Social protection bodies Request for benefits RCC Service providers Power engineers Gas workers Landline communications RCC Billing center Passport table Housing management Subsidies Request for debt Formation of debt Transfer of funds Data on accrued benefits Information about non-payers Information about registration Submitting an application for registration, opening a personal account Meter readings Request for control meter readings Request for recalculation Information about low-quality services

Accrual system The “Personal Account” service has been developed Reflects information on your personal account: services provided on a personal account services provided on a personal account transactions on a personal account transactions on a personal account residents residents Allows you to: enter meter readings enter meter readings receive certificates receive certificates pay via the Internet pay via the Internet

Payment Billing center Fixed connection RIC/RCC Online service City water utility DDU Offline service Russian Post, RCC, Sberbank, ATMs, commercial banks, independent collectors 61 Reports address and meter readings 5 ​​Print receipts Formation of a debt list Online request for accrued debt Online request in the database debt 2 3 Answer about debt 4 Uploading the register daily report Ulyanovsk Energo UlGES Gazprom Processing, accepting payments

Reception and accounting of payments from the public is implemented using a unified mechanism that allows you to: provide information about debt for payment through other payment collection systems, ATMs, mobile banking systems, accounting departments of employer enterprises, as well as via the Internet; accept payments of any type: cash and non-cash; provide the opportunity for payers to pay bills at any payment collection point; the possibility of autonomous operation of payment acceptance points in sparsely populated areas of the region; support work with payments “until clarification”; support work with erroneously credited payments, that is, the ability to perform reversing accounting transactions.

Construction of contracts Management companies, homeowners' associations, etc. pay remuneration only for the repair and maintenance of housing PU, RSO pay remuneration in the context of the service provided RCC accrual, acceptance, splitting of payments Tripartite agreements PU, RSO RCC Provision of a database. Acceptance and transfer of payment Bilateral agreements

AIS "Passport Desk" is intended for: automation of work in passport offices, information services for the population, ensuring information interaction between bodies whose competence includes registration and accounting of various categories of the population (registry office, Federal Migration Service), interaction with the AIS of settlements with the population for utility services, as well as information support for bodies that use information about the population in their activities.

For citizens: Reduced service time No need for additional requests Citizens Passport office of the Federal Migration Service Advantages: Increased data reliability Reduced time for servicing visitors Reduced labor intensity of work in the PS Reduced the number of trips of passport officers to the Federal Migration Service Information about those registered and issued is automatically sent to the RCC Billing center Electronic document flow Requests for residents Information about arrivals and departures Passport office

Monetization of benefits 1. Register of benefit recipients 2. Verification stage 3. Creation of registers for PU 4. Distribution of PU registers 5. Receiving data on accruals 6. Calculation of benefits 7. Transfer of social security benefits 8. Receiving data on the transfer of funds and the method of transfer 9. Distribution of notifications to benefit recipients . RCC Authorized organization BENEFITS CENTER Department of social protection of population Territorial administration of SZN Territorial administration of SZN Territorial administration of SZN Territorial administration of SZN

Unified dispatch service Service providers Subscriber requests Unified dispatch service Management companies Accepted applications Information on the execution of applications Information on the execution of applications Administration Operational information on applications and execution. Reports

About the technical condition About the revenue and expenditure parts About the objects of the housing estate, management organizations, RSO About the improvement About houses, their design features About services, charges, payments, emergency work, work plans and their implementation About the consumed resources, tariffs, standards About preparation for the seasonal operation and its results Information that is integrated by the “Object accounting” system: Instrument accounting Disclosure of data on PP 731 on the portal

“Object accounting” The program has a Web interface and functions in all common browsers. Information is stored in a single database. The portal of management companies is connected to the database; information subject to disclosure under Government Decree 731 is automatically displayed on the portal.

Accounting RCC Application management system Service providers Management companies Facility accounting system (management company) Administration Information about the control reading of meters Information about income in the context of each house Information about recalculation Information about changes in equipment and about the control reading of meters Income in the context of houses and services Information about mutual settlements in the context of the service fund and services Reports in the context of government bodies Local governments have access to generalized information and, upon request, to detailed information Object accounting. Information flows

Constant monitoring of payment collections for objects; Viewing information on housing facilities (information about apartments, residents, preferential categories of citizens); View information for working with debtors; Accounting for accruals, recalculations and payments for housing and communal services for objects; Accounting for expenses of management companies, homeowners associations, subcontractors for housing and communal services facilities; The above opportunities: Integration and coordination of data from various systems in the housing and communal services sector for housing and communal services facilities; Accounting for work performed at sites; Accounting for the technical condition of housing and communal services facilities; Integration for analyzing financial and technical information for making management decisions. AIS “Object accounting” provides:

“Management of the housing stock” in the Criminal Code The technician-caretaker Enters information about: Structural features of the building About the technical condition About the degree of improvement Inspections about preparation for seasonal operation Current inspections Dispatcher Enters information about: Current applications Emergency applications Fulfillment of requests Foreman Distributes work Enters reports of completed preparation work for seasonal operation Information about work performed Worker Enters information about work performed, including paid work Receives a work order Accountant Enters information about: Management costs Volumes billed by the PU, amounts for consumed resources Production department Forms an annual production work plan Makes requests for planned work Forms plans for work in preparation for seasonal operation Adjusts plans House metering devices Automatic readings Server "Housing Management" Sites Subcontractors Acceptance of applications Accounting for completed work Submission of application Recording of completed work Unified dispatch service Management company

AIS “Housing Stock Management: Condition of the Housing Stock” will allow you to: describe each multi-apartment residential building, its design features, assess the technical condition of the housing stock, record inspection reports, work plans and reports of completed work in preparation for seasonal operation. AIS “Housing Stock Management: Accounting for Work on the Housing Stock” will allow you to: record requests for emergency and routine work, formulate production plans for scheduled work, monitor their implementation, transfer data on applications and work between organizations, create unified dispatch centers in municipalities. AIS “Housing Management: Household Metering Devices” will allow you to: remotely maintain house metering devices and take their readings. Data from the program is available to the population, state bodies, local self-government bodies. Complex of programs “Housing Stock Management”

1. RIC collects consent for the processing of personal data (by department). 2. Each RIC division protects personal data in its information systems. In September 2010, RIC passed the personal data protection inspection of FSTEC and Ros Komnadzor. 3. During internetwork interaction, the RIC uses certified firewalls and VIP-NET cryptographic protection (encryption) tools. Implementation of the law “On the Protection of Personal Data” using the example of RIC LLC (Ulyanovsk region)

Integration subsystem Toolwork with registers of IS Housing and Communal Services/RCC IS OIV IS MFC ARM System of classifiers and reference books Register of state. and mun. services Information address system System for executing regulations RPGU Subsystem of regulations EPGU OMSU Federal. OGV Region. OGV Interaction with OGV SMEVSMEV Toolwork with reference books Region Passport office Object accounting Billing center

In order to increase the efficiency of municipal government, as well as in accordance with Federal Laws dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection”, dated February 9, 2009 No. 8-FZ “On ensuring access to information on activities state bodies and local governments”, dated July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, almost every municipality is faced with the need to develop and implement information systems (IS).

In Krasnoyarsk, the task of organizing work to create a unified municipal information system “Electronic Municipality” by integrating information systems used by local governments, as well as by developing and implementing new ones, is enshrined in a resolution of the city administration under the authority of the Information and Communications Department (IIC).

It should be noted that municipal information systems are created on the basis of the order of the city administration dated March 25, 2009 No. 217-zh “On approval of the Regulations on municipal information systems” by decision of city government bodies, municipal enterprises and institutions at the expense of the city budget:
– third-party organizations involved in carrying out work in accordance with current legislation,
– or are developed by ICS specialists (this happens extremely rarely, mostly specialists prepare technical specifications, coordinate and evaluate the need to develop or acquire IS).

The whole process as a sequence of procedures looks like this:

Everything is logical and understandable until the moment of solving the question “Where and how to take into account IP?”

On the one hand, IP is a product created or purchased at the expense of the city budget. And in this regard, accounting consists of including in the Register information about municipal information systems (this register is approved by the above-mentioned order) and the need for accounting. The main regulatory act for accounting of intellectual property is Accounting Regulations (PBU) 14/2007 “Accounting for intangible assets” (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 27, 2007 No. 153n). The operator of the Register of Information on Municipal IP is the UIIS; accounting manages the affairs of the city administration.

On the other hand, IP is the result of intellectual activity, subject to legal protection and property registration. The legal basis regulating relations in the sphere of rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

To resolve the issue of property registration of IP, the city administration decided to expand the list of objects subject to registration in the Register of Municipal Property. The operator of the Municipal Property Register is the Department of Municipal Property and Land Relations. The section “Register of Property Rights (exclusive rights to results of intellectual activity and means of individualization)” was added to the Register of Municipal Property.

In 2011, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation approved by its order the procedure for maintaining registers of municipal property by local governments. In accordance with this Procedure, the exclusive rights of municipalities to the results of intellectual activity are not subject to registration in the register. After another order from the prosecutor’s office, the section “Register of Property Rights (exclusive rights to results of intellectual activity and means of individualization)” was excluded from the list of objects subject to registration in the Register of Municipal Property in 2014. During this period of time, only one system was registered and documents for two more were prepared.

Studying the experience of other cities, we can conclude that after the execution of a municipal contract and the signing of acts of completed work, local governments, as a rule, do not carry out further work to legalize an object of intellectual activity or a means of individualization created during the performance of work under a municipal contract.

Let's return to the process diagram, in which the work in preparing the design documentation is now being intensified in terms of determining the rights of the parties to the product being developed.

What are the possible options?

Let's consider the option when a completely new IP is created. In this case, all rights, according to the general rule of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the municipal contract, belong to the performer, who is the author or another person performing the municipal contract.

Thus, the municipal contract must necessarily indicate who specifically, as a result of the work performed, will own the exclusive rights to the created object.

The subject of this municipal contract is only the work or services that result in the creation of an object of intellectual property. At the same time, the documents received as a result of the execution of the contract cannot confirm the exclusive right to the created object, but they can be the legal basis for obtaining these rights.

In this case, the customer for a newly developed product, after the contractor has fulfilled the terms of the municipal contract, must enter into an agreement for the alienation of the exclusive right, which will allow the created object to be defined as a product of intellectual property, as well as to carry out accounting and include the IP in the register of municipal property as an intangible asset .

Another option is when there is a ready-made IC on the market with a certain number of functions, the so-called “boxed version”. When purchasing this product, the relationship between the customer and the contractor is established by a license agreement (license), while the municipality only has the right to use.

In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a license agreement, one party - the holder of the exclusive right to a result of intellectual activity or a means of individualization (licensor) grants or undertakes to provide the other party (licensee) with the right to use such a result or such means within the limits provided for by the agreement. The licensee may use the result of intellectual activity or a means of individualization only within the limits of those rights and in the ways provided for in the license agreement.

An intangible asset is no longer subject to the right of operational management (ownership, disposal and use), but only the right to use. In this case, a “complex” software product is obtained when a certain part of it belongs to the contractor and is used by the municipality under the rights of a license agreement, and the second part, specially developed for the activities of the administration, already belongs to the customer.

Raising the issue of co-authorship in this case is inappropriate, due to the fact that the profit from the “boxed version” should be proportionately divided between the authors. The performer will not accept this option, since this is his income. On the other hand, funding from the municipal budget, if it is necessary to refine the resulting product, will only be on one side, which contradicts the principles of co-authorship.

Combining the “boxed version” with additional developments into one software product will also not allow for the allocation of budget funds in the future, since part of the system is used by the local government on a user right. At the same time, modernization, updating or other modification of this product may lead to inappropriate use of budget funds. At the same time, in the activities of municipal bodies, there is often a need to refine an object of intellectual property.

A way out of this situation is also to conclude an agreement for the alienation of the exclusive right, but for part of the software product, which was developed by order of the municipality. This agreement will allow us to identify and take into account an intangible object and use budget funds for it.

And although agreements on the disposal of exclusive rights, according to current legislation, are subject to state registration (the registration procedure is provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2008 No. 1020), the certificate of state registration of the result of intellectual activity is not a title document. It is just one piece of evidence that rights belong to a specific person.

Thus, in any of the presented options, the municipality, when creating intellectual property objects, must enter into an agreement for the alienation of the exclusive right, which is aimed at legalizing the result of intellectual activity and its legal protection.

About the authors: Lyudmila Nikolaevna Markina, deputy head of the information and communications department of the Krasnoyarsk city administration, in collaboration with Roman Valerievich Morozov, chief specialist of the information and communications department of the Krasnoyarsk administration

The article was prepared specifically for the materials of the report at the conference of the Association of Siberian and Far Eastern Cities ""

There are about 100 state information systems in the Russian Federation, they are divided into federal and regional. An organization operating any of these systems is required to comply with security requirements for the data processed within it. Depending on the classification, different information systems are subject to different requirements, for non-compliance with which sanctions are applied - from a fine to more serious measures.

The operation of all information systems in the Russian Federation is determined by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014) “On information, information technologies and information protection” (July 27, 2006). Article 14 of this law provides a detailed description of GIS. Operators of state information systems in which restricted access information is processed (not containing information constituting a state secret) are subject to the requirements set out in Order No. 17 of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 11, 2013 “On approval of requirements for the protection of information that does not constitute a state secret contained in state information systems."

Let us recall that an operator is a citizen or legal entity engaged in the operation of an information system, including the processing of information contained in its databases.

If an organization is connected to a state information system, then FSTEC Order No. 17 obliges the system to be certified, and only certified information security tools (with valid FSTEC or FSB certificates) must be used to protect information.

There are often cases when the operator of an information system mistakenly classifies it as a GIS, when it is not one. As a result, excessive security measures are applied to the system. For example, if by mistake the operator of a personal data information system classified it as state-owned, he will have to comply with more stringent requirements for the security of the information being processed than required by law. Meanwhile, the requirements for the protection of personal data information systems, which are regulated by FSTEC Order No. 21, are less stringent and do not require certification of the system.

In practice, it is not always clear whether the system to which you need to connect is state-owned, and, therefore, what measures to build information security need to be taken. Nevertheless, the plan of inspections by regulatory authorities is growing, and fines are systematically increasing.

How to distinguish GIS from non-GIS

A state information system is created when it is necessary to ensure:

  • implementation of powers of government agencies;
  • information exchange between government agencies;
  • achieving other goals established by federal laws.

You can understand that an information system belongs to the state using the following algorithm:

  1. Find out if there is a legislative act requiring the creation of an information system.
  2. Check the availability of the system in the Register of Federal State Information Systems. Similar registers exist at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation.
  3. Pay attention to the purpose of the system. An indirect sign of classifying a system as a GIS will be a description of the powers that it implements. For example, each administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan has its own charter, which also describes the powers of local government bodies. The IS “Registration of citizens in need of residential premises on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan” was created to implement such powers of administrations as “adopting and organizing the implementation of plans and programs for the comprehensive socio-economic development of the municipal region”, and is a GIS.

If the system involves the exchange of information between government agencies, it is also highly likely to be state-owned (for example, an interdepartmental electronic document management system).

This is GIS. What to do?

FSTEC Order 17 prescribes the following measures to protect information for GIS operators:

  • developing requirements for the protection of information contained in the information system;
  • development of an information security system for an information system;
  • implementation of the information security system of the information system;
  • certification of the information system according to information security requirements (hereinafter referred to as ISPD certification) and its commissioning;
  • ensuring the protection of information during the operation of a certified information system;
  • ensuring the protection of information during decommissioning of a certified information system or after a decision is made to terminate information processing.

Organizations that are connected to government information systems must perform the following actions:

1. Classify IP and identify security threats.

IP classification is carried out in accordance with clause 14.2 17 of the FSTEC order.

Threats to information security are determined based on the results

  • assessing the capabilities of violators;
  • analysis of possible information system vulnerabilities;
  • analysis (or modeling) of possible ways to implement threats to information security;
  • assessing the consequences of violating information security properties (confidentiality, integrity, availability).

2. Generate requirements for the information processing system.

System requirements must contain:

  • the purpose and objectives of ensuring information security in the information system;
  • information system security class;
  • a list of regulatory legal acts, methodological documents and national standards that the information system must comply with;
  • list of information system protection objects;
  • requirements for measures and means of information protection used in the information system.

3. Develop an information security system for the information system.

To do this you need to do:

  • designing an information security system for an information system;
  • development of operational documentation for the information security system of the information system;
  • prototyping and testing of the information security system of the information system.

4. Implement the information security system of the information system, namely:

  • installation and configuration of information security tools in the information system;
  • development of documents defining the rules and procedures implemented by the operator to ensure the protection of information in the information system during its operation (hereinafter referred to as organizational and administrative documents on information protection);
  • implementation of organizational measures to protect information;
  • preliminary testing of the information security system of the information system;
  • trial operation of the information security system;
  • checking the constructed information security system for vulnerability;
  • acceptance tests of the information security system of the information system.

5. Certify ISPDn:

  • conduct certification tests;
  • receive a certificate of conformity.

There is a widespread belief that in order to pass an inspection by regulatory authorities, it is enough to have organizational and administrative documents, so GIS operators often neglect to implement security measures. Indeed, Roskomnadzor pays close attention to documents and the implementation of organizational and administrative measures to protect personal data in the organization. However, if questions arise, specialists from FSTEC and the FSB may be involved in the inspection. At the same time, FSTEC looks very carefully at the composition of technical information protection and checks the correctness of the threat model, and the FSB checks the implementation of requirements regarding the use of cryptographic information protection means.

Oleg Necheukhin, information systems protection expert, Kontur-Security



FROM 05/27/2013 No. 210/311

About the Unified Register of Information Systems of the Kirov Region

About the Unified Register of Information Systems
Kirov region

Document with changes made
Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region dated March 16, 2016 No. 89/159
Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region dated December 19, 2017 No. 116-P

In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2012 No. 644 “On the federal state information system for accounting for information systems created and acquired at the expense of the federal budget and the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds” Government of the Kirov Region


1. Approve the Unified Register of Information Systems of the Kirov Region, created and acquired from the budget of the Kirov Region and extra-budgetary sources (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), in accordance with the Appendix.

2. To determine the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Kirov Region as the authorized executive body of the Kirov Region to organize activities for placing information in the Unified Register of Information Systems of the Kirov Region (hereinafter referred to as the Register) and providing access to the executive authorities of the Kirov Region and their subordinate institutions to information in the specified information system of the Kirov region (hereinafter referred to as the information system).

3. Determine the Kirov regional state budgetary institution "Center for the Strategic Development of Information Resources and Management Systems" (hereinafter - KOGBU "TSSRIRiSU") as the operator of the Register.

4. KOGBU "TSSRIRiSU" exercises control over the registration in the federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" of information systems of executive authorities and authorities local government of the Kirov region, participating in the provision of state and municipal services, the regional territorial fund of compulsory health insurance.

(clause 4 as amended

5. The executive authorities of the Kirov region and the institutions subordinate to them identify responsible specialists who ensure the provision of information about information systems and components of the information and telecommunications infrastructure, and their timely updating for placement in the Register in accordance with the Regulations.

6. Establish that before placing information in the information systems accounting system, the executive authorities of the Kirov region are required to adopt a legal act on the procedure and timing for commissioning the information system.

7. The Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Kirov Region, within six months, will develop and commission the information system of the Kirov Region “Unified Register of Information Systems of the Kirov Region”.

8. Recommend that local government bodies of the Kirov region take measures to record and classify information systems and components of information and telecommunication infrastructure created and acquired at the expense of municipal budgets, and place the specified information in the information systems accounting system in accordance with the established rules.

9. The Government of the Kirov Region dated August 17, 2010 No. 64/395 “On approval of the Regulations on the Unified Register of Information Systems of the Kirov Region” shall be declared invalid.

10. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be assigned to the First Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government A.A. Churin.

(clause 10 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region No. 38/3 dated January 11, 2017, No. 116-P dated December 19, 2017)

Governor -
Chairman of the Government
Kirov region N.Yu. Belykh


Government resolution
Kirov region
dated 05/27/2013 No. 210/311

REGULATIONS on the Unified Register of Information Systems of the Kirov Region

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations establish the procedure for the formation and maintenance of the Unified Register of Information Systems of the Kirov Region, the procedure for registering information systems in the Register, as well as the procedure for ensuring access to information contained in the Register.

1.2. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

1.3. The following basic concepts are used in these Regulations:

information system - an automated information system intended for use by executive authorities, local government bodies of the Kirov region and (or) institutions of the Kirov region;

accounting objects - information systems and (or) components of information and telecommunications infrastructure created, developed, modernized and operated by executive authorities, local governments of the Kirov region at the expense of the regional budget, budgets of municipalities;

information system operator - an executive body, a local government body of the Kirov region, a government agency of the Kirov region, carrying out activities to operate the information system, including processing information contained in its databases, responsible for entering information into the Unified Register of Information Systems of the Kirov Region and its updating;

registration of an information system (hereinafter referred to as registration) - actions of the Register operator to enter information about the information system into the Register and issue a passport of the information system;

information system passport - a document confirming the registration of the information system in the Register;

updating information about the information system (hereinafter referred to as updating information) - making changes to information about the information system contained in the Register;

cancellation of registration of an information system (hereinafter referred to as cancellation of registration) - entering into the Register information about the termination of operation of the information system registered in the Register.

1.4. Information systems are subject to registration in the Register, regardless of the name of these systems (registers, registries, reference and information systems, catalogs, etc.).

1.5. Information systems, information about which constitutes information, access to which is limited in accordance with federal laws, are not subject to registration in accordance with these Regulations.

1.6. Registration is carried out for the purposes of:

1.6.1. Organization of access of executive authorities, local government bodies, organizations and citizens to information about operating information systems, including the composition of the information contained in them, information technologies and technical means that ensure the processing of such information.

1.6.2. Ensuring coordination of work on the creation and operation of information systems.

1.7. The Register is maintained electronically.

1.8. Registration, updating of information, cancellation of registration, as well as access to information contained in the Register are carried out free of charge.

2. Procedure for registering information systems

2.1. To carry out registration, update information, or cancel registration, the information system operator (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) submits to the Registry operator a corresponding application in accordance with the appendix.

2.2. Submission of applications for registration, updating of information, cancellation of registration of an information system that is operated by several information system operators is carried out by the information system operator responsible for the operation and development of the information system, determined by an agreement concluded between all information system operators.

2.3. The posted information about accounting objects is subject to addition and (or) updating in the information systems accounting system within no more than 10 working days from the date of:

announcement of tenders (request for price quotations) for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services necessary for the creation, development, modernization and (or) operation of accounting facilities, indicating:

date of announcement of tenders (request for price quotes);

links to the address on the Internet information and telecommunications network at which the announcement of the auction was posted (request for price quotes);

other information;

placement (change) of information about the concluded state (municipal) contract for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services necessary for the creation, development, modernization and (or) operation of accounting facilities on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information about orders for supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services for state and municipal needs (with attachment of a file containing an electronic copy (electronic image) of the relevant contract) indicating:

the cost of supplying goods, performing work and providing services necessary for the creation, development, modernization and (or) operation of accounting facilities in accordance with the state (municipal) contract;

deadline for execution of the state (municipal) contract;

information about the reason for deviations (if any) from the expected implementation results related to the object of accounting for informatization measures provided for by the plans of executive authorities, local governments on the use of information and communication technologies, the creation, development, modernization and operation of information systems and information telecommunications infrastructure;

other information;

signing acceptance certificates for goods supplied, work performed and services rendered under a state (municipal) contract (with attachment of a file containing an electronic copy (electronic image) of the relevant act) indicating:

details of acceptance certificates for goods supplied, work performed and services rendered;

the cost of goods supplied, work performed and (or) services provided;

information about the reason for deviations from the quantitative and qualitative results provided for by the state (municipal) contract, in terms of the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services necessary for the creation, development, modernization and (or) operation of accounting facilities (if there are deviations);

other information;

commissioning of accounting objects on the basis of acts on commissioning of accounting objects into operation (with attachment of a file containing an electronic copy (electronic image) of the relevant act) indicating:

details of acts containing the decision to commission accounting facilities;

timing of commissioning of accounting facilities;

other information;

expenses of the regional budget for the creation of an information system indicating:

accounting dates of the relevant transaction;

book value of the accounting object;

other information;

placement of information about accounting objects or programs for electronic computers that are an integral part of the accounting object in the national fund of algorithms and programs, indicating:

dates of placement in the national fund of algorithms and programs of information about accounting objects or about programs for electronic computers that are an integral part of the accounting object;

other information;

placement of information about accounting objects or about programs for electronic computers that are an integral part of the accounting object in the federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" indicating:

dates of placement and registration number in the federal state information system;

other information;

carrying out certification, certification of accounting objects and (or) their individual components for compliance with information security requirements, indicating:

details of the relevant certifications and certificates;

other information;

termination of operation of accounting objects indicating:

details of acts of decommissioning of accounting objects (with attachment of a file containing an electronic copy (electronic image) of the relevant act);

reasons for termination of operation of accounting objects;

other information;

making changes to acts and (or) documents regulating the creation, development, modernization and (or) operation of accounting objects (with the attachment of a file containing an electronic copy (electronic image) of the relevant act and (or) other document).

2.4. The following must be attached to the registration application:

a copy of the applicant’s electronic digital signature key certificate;

a copy of the agreement concluded between the information system operators (if the information system is operated by several information system operators).

2.5. The application for updating information is accompanied by copies of the documents specified in clause 3 of these Regulations, if in the period after registration and before updating the information there was an adoption, change or cancellation of such documents.

2.6. The authenticity of the copies of documents specified in clauses 3, 2.4 of these Regulations is certified by the signature of the applicant’s manager.

2.7. Information classified as restricted information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation shall not be included in applications for registration, updating information, or canceling registration.

2.8. Applications for registration, updating, cancellation of registration, as well as documents attached to them are sent by the applicant to the operator of the Register in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature.

If it is not technically possible to send them in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature, these applications and documents are sent to the Register operator on paper, certified by the signature of the applicant’s manager, and in electronic form.

2.9. The Registry Operator reviews applications for registration, updating information, canceling registration within 5 business days from the date of their placement and, based on the results of consideration, provides access to the system for entering information into the Register or sends the applicant a reasoned refusal to register (updating information, canceling registration).

2.10. If there are no comments on the passports, the Registry operator places them in the information systems accounting system.

If there are any comments, a notification is generated in the form of an electronic message with a list of identified inconsistencies, which is sent to the applicant.

2.11. In order to eliminate the identified inconsistencies, the applicant revises the passport within no more than 5 working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

2.12. The passport of the accounting object is supplemented with information about the activities related to the accounting object for informatization of bodies or institutions in the manner established by 2.3 - 2.9 of this Procedure:

2.12.1. A list of measures for informatization, including a list and quantity of goods, a list and volume of work and services necessary for the implementation of such measures.

2.12.2. Expected results of implementing informatization measures.

2.12.3 The needs for financial resources necessary for the implementation of informatization activities.

2.13. When registering an information system, the Registry operator, after entering the necessary information about the information system into the Registry, sends the applicant an information system passport.

2.14. The information system passport is sent in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature of an authorized official of the Registry operator.

If it is not technically possible to send an information system passport in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic digital signature, the information system passport is sent to the applicant on paper.

2.15. The Registry Operator has the right to make recommendations on the need for registration in the federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" and other federal and regional identification and registration systems.

2.16. The Register Operator has the right to request from applicants additional information on accounting objects necessary for the purposes of analysis, control and monitoring of information posted in the Register.

3. "Composition of register information

The Register includes the following information:

3.1. General information: general information, current status, goals, purpose and scope of application of the accounting object:

unique information system number (hereinafter referred to as IS) in the Register;

date of entry by the operator of the Register of information on IP registration;

IP name;

full and abbreviated names of the IP operator - the applicant, as well as other IP operators (if any);

current status of the IP.

3.2. Goals, purpose and scope of application of the accounting object:

the purpose of creating the IP;

details of the decision to create an IP;

timing of IP creation;

purpose and scope of application, IS functions;

budget funds from which the IP was developed.

3.3. State bodies authorized to create, develop, modernize, and operate IP:

government body authorized to create, develop, modernize IP;

government agency or other legal entity authorized to operate the IP;

information about the structural divisions and officials of the IP operator responsible for working with the IP.

3.4. Composition of the accounting object:

list of powers of the IP operator implemented using the IP;

classification category of IS software, IS hardware, work (service);

name of the software, technical support of the IP;

information on rented infrastructure and conditions of its use;

information about the rights to IP software (“the right to use on a non-exclusive basis”, “object of exclusive right”);

information on registration of IP in the federal state information system "National Fund of Algorithms and Programs for Electronic Computers";

name of the standard software license (in case of using the software on a non-exclusive basis);

characteristics of the IP software license (licensing model, types of licenses for connecting to the server (per device, per user), number of simultaneous connections of devices or users to the server - in the case of using the software on a non-exclusive basis);

number of license copies purchased;

name of the licensor (in case of using the software on a non-exclusive basis).

3.5. Implemented public services (functions):

number of the public service (function) in the register of state (municipal) services of the Kirov region (hereinafter referred to as RGU);

the regulatory legal act on the basis of which this public service is provided and the function is performed;

full name of the public service (function);

percentage of use of IS resources when automating the execution of public services (functions);

name of the IP aimed at informing about the activities of the government body (in the case of using the IP to inform about the activities of the government body).

3.6. Data protection information:

level of protection of personal data;

information about passing special checks;

information about the means of information protection used, including means of cryptographic information protection.

3.7. Information on concluded government contracts (creation, modification of systems):

registration number of the procurement within which the government contract was concluded;

registration number of the state contract;

date of conclusion of the government contract;

executor of the state contract (name of the legal entity or surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur with whom the state contract was concluded);

reasons for deviations from the expected results (information about the reason for deviations of the quantitative and qualitative results expected as a result of the implementation of the state contract from those provided for in terms of the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services necessary for the creation, and (or) development, and (or) modernization, and (or) exploitation of IP).

3.8. Information on acceptance certificates for goods supplied, work performed and services rendered (creation, modification of IP):

details of acceptance certificates;

details of the state contract (link to the state contract corresponding to the acceptance certificate, formed as part of the information “Information on concluded state contracts”);

the cost of goods supplied, work performed and (or) services provided;

types of collateral (cost of goods supplied, work performed and (or) services rendered for the corresponding software, hardware and other types of collateral generated as part of the information “Composition of the accounting object”);

reasons for deviations from expected results.

3.9. Information about putting the accounting object into operation:

details of the act containing the decision to put the IP into operation;

date of putting the IS into operation.

3.10. Information about the decommissioning of an accounting object:

details of the act containing the decision to terminate the operation of the IP;

date of decommissioning of the IS;

reasons for decommissioning the IS.

3.11. Information on the acceptance of an accounting object for budget accounting and accounting for other transactions with accounting objects (to be completed in the case of acquiring IP as an “object of exclusive right”):

registration date (date of acceptance of the object of exclusive right for registration);

code for the budget classification of expenses for the acquisition of the exclusive right to software;

book value of the acquisition of the exclusive right to software under an agreement for the alienation of this right (thousand rubles);

details of the document on the basis of which the object of exclusive right was accepted for budget accounting.

3.12. Information about the information interaction of the accounting object with other information systems:

IS web services (available through the interdepartmental electronic interaction system);

other IS interfaces used for information interaction with the IS of other government bodies.

3.13. IC characteristics:

details of the decision to register IP in the federal state information system for identification and authentication (FSIS ESIA);

multi-user, single-user IS;

frequency of updating information and storage period of information in the information system;

information about information resources and (or) databases as part of the IS;

information about the interaction of the IS with other IS;

information about information technologies and technical means used in IS;

information about the operating systems used (client and server);

information about the database management systems used;

information about the application software used;

information about the hardware used;

information about the possibility of using interfaces for interaction with third-party applications in XML format;

information about the possibility of using information and telecommunication networks within the framework of the functioning of the information system, including information about the architecture of the information system;

information about the presence (absence) in the information system of information classified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as information of limited access, including information about the processing of personal data in the information system, including the class of personal data;

the composition of information directly affecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and the procedure for access to such information;

information about the IP developer and information about the availability of IP source codes, if any;

IS type (regional, municipal).

(clause 3 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Kirov Region dated March 16, 2016 No. 89/159)

4. Providing access to information contained in the Register

The Registry Operator takes measures to protect the information contained in the Registry from unauthorized access to it, from its distortion or destruction.

The Register Operator provides access to information contained in the Register in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on access to information on the activities of government bodies.

Access to the information contained in the Register is provided by posting information on the official website of the Register operator on the Internet.

Appendix to the Regulations

about the need for registration (updating information)
information system of the Kirov region

Name of information system: _______________________________


Name of the information system operator in accordance with the statutory documents:



Registration (updating)_________________________________________________________

Information about the official responsible for entering information about the information system:

Surname: ___________________________________________________________

Name: _______________________________________________________________


Job title:_________________________________________________________

E-mail address: ____________________________________________

Phone number: ____________________________________________________

(position, full name and signature of the head of the operator)