iPhone is dead - what to do and how to charge it without a power supply. To charge your iPhone, use an original charger and at least a certified USB cable. How to use a universal charger

Charger failure, low-quality or non-original adapter, lack of electricity. These and many other reasons may prevent a user from charging an iPhone. However, just for such a case, there are many other modern methods to recharge the device.

If you don’t have an original charger at hand and the battery is almost running out, you can use one of the following simple methods. Most of them can become a worthy alternative for Lightning.

Via USB port

If you only have a USB cable at hand, you can use it and a computer to charge your mobile device. USB 2.0 and 3.0 connectors are suitable for this. The disadvantage of this method is that the cable has insufficient power, so it will take a lot of time to reach 100% charge.

If you connect the USB cable to the adapter, you can use a wall outlet instead of a computer. This method will be faster, but you will need to wait up to several hours.

Charge without a cord

There are two known options alternative sources foods offered by the modern market:

  • solar battery. It is a portable device that accumulates solar energy and can transfer it to a mobile phone in the form of cherished battery percentages. Naturally, in cloudy weather, use solar battery it will be difficult;
  • portable accumulator. Can be wired (imply mandatory USB availability cord) and wireless. You can purchase the device at price range from 500 rubles to several thousand. The only difference will be in power: the more powerful the “charger”, the more expensive it is. The optimal power level is considered to be 10,000 mAh.

In order for the battery to supply energy to the mobile phone in a difficult situation, it must also be recharged in a timely manner.

Note! Another lesser-known device is a device that converts heat into electrical energy. It is installed directly on the fire (or near it), after which it is connected to the mobile phone. This method is ideal for hiking or other conditions in which it would be difficult to obtain electrical energy.

iQi Mobile wireless charging

An innovative device from the manufacturer Apple is original battery, which charges a mobile device contactlessly under any conditions. The advantages of the iQi Mobile Wireless Charging device are:

  • affordable price;
  • light weight and compact dimensions (convenient to take with you on the road);
  • the ability to place the device under the mobile case;
  • no need for electricity sources;
  • the ability to charge the gadget;
  • high charging speed;
  • compatible with all iPhone models including X, 7 Plus, SE, etc.;
  • work without USB usage cord.

All that is required for work is compatible charging like Koolpuck or Koolpad. It is enough to place the wireless charger nearby and the battery percentage will begin to increase quickly.

Case with battery

The battery case is an innovative development, invented for those who constantly need to charge their phone when there is no network nearby. This device works in the following way:

  1. We install the mobile phone inside. To do this, pull back the top edge and insert the device.
  2. Charging. Being in iPhone charging case works automatically. To avoid wasting excess energy, monitor the level on the screen of your mobile device.
  3. Remove from charge. To do this, pull back the top edge and take out the phone.

Note! The charging case also needs to be recharged. To do this, use a USB Lightning cable and any user-friendly energy source. You can use a licensed “charger” for iPhone.

Since such a case is not equipped with any indicators, its charge level must be monitored through Apple device. To do this, place the phone on charging in the case, after which two battery indicators will be displayed on its screen - the main one and for the Smart Battery Case.

What to do if your iPhone won't charge

Sometimes you cannot charge your mobile device, even when you have the original charger at hand. Knowing the causes of this phenomenon, you can try to correct the problem at home. Let's consider possible ways solutions:

  • faulty USB port. Malfunctions in the laptop may result in problems with USB connectors. If you charge your iPhone this way, test all ports, constantly monitoring the charge level. Often this method helps, and charging still begins in one or more ports;
  • Lightning connector is dirty. This happens even if you use a case and keep the device completely clean. Try cleaning the connector with a toothpick, but be careful not to damage it internal contacts. It is best to carefully walk around the corners without touching the central part. After this, the input should be purged and you can start charging.

If the phone is so discharged that it turns off, it naturally may not immediately respond to the charger. Wait 10-15 minutes before moving on to the next method.

If neither one nor the other method helped, but you use original charger, then most likely the problem lies in the mobile device itself. Problems may arise with the battery, firmware, or power controller. In this case, you will need to contact service center for diagnostics and subsequent repair work.

We use other chargers

Any specialist will confidently say that for high-quality charging iPhone is better just use the original device. But this is not always possible, and besides, certified models are quite expensive. In such situations, users resort to using other chargers, for example:

  • Chinese analogues. Using cheap analog chargers is an effective way to charge your mobile device. It's cheap, but very short-lived.
  • direct charge. This method is very dangerous, however, experienced users can take a chance and take advantage of it. To implement this, you will need to disassemble the iPhone and remove the battery. After this, carefully cut off the connector from any charger: you will see blue (+) and red (-) wires. We connect these wires to the contacts on the battery and secure them with electrical tape. It will be impossible to control the charge level, but if everything is done correctly, then rest assured that the device will be charged. If you are not confident that you can carry out the process safely, then this method It's better not to use it!

The described methods may be suitable only for the most extreme cases and for one-time use. It is strictly not recommended to use them constantly: this can cause harm to both the mobile device and your health.

What is better not to do

Sometimes iPhone users who cannot charge their device in any way, go to extreme measures to do this or neglect safety rules. Such users should know in advance what they should absolutely not do:

  • constantly use uncertified chargers. Hundreds of cases of fires are known mobile phone, battery failure, serious breakdowns. The causes of these problems were non-original chargers. Cheap analogues will serve your needs iPhone bad service, so it’s better to pay more, but buy the original Lightning;
  • try to disassemble the phone yourself. You especially shouldn't do this if you don't understand mobile devices Oh. You can be sure that as a result you will have to contact a service center;
  • Do not leave your mobile charging after the battery is fully charged. This has big influence on the battery and shortens its life;
  • follow the instructions. Additional charging devices must be used strictly in accordance with it. Do not neglect safety rules and the battery will last you a long time.

Important! Experts recommend keeping charging at a medium level. It ranges from 40% to 80%. It is better not to bring the charge level to 100% and not to let it drop to 0%: this wears out the battery. The ideal option is to charge the device more often, but for a shorter period of time.


There are many devices, including non-standard ones, that help charge the iPhone even in difficult conditions. However, it is not recommended to use them constantly, but only in rare cases. The best and in a safe way The original device remains for charging.


The downside of most smartphones is that they run out of battery quickly. Unfortunately, Apple devices are no exception, so many users naturally have a question: how to charge an iPhone without charging. Is this possible in principle? Unlikely, but you can make a few efforts and significantly extend its time battery life with help third party devices for charging.

We'll tell you how to make your gadget work longer and look at the process of repairing a broken charger for Apple phones.

Many smartphone owners are concerned about the problem that they quickly discharge

How to charge an iPhone without using a special device?

There are several ways:

  • You can make up for the lack of energy using a USB cable - just connect your device to your computer, laptop, tablet and any other energy source through it.

Charging via USB

  • Using an external battery or powerbank - such devices can recharge your iPhone several times to a maximum of one cycle of its own energy reserve. External batteries are also charged via the network and are an excellent option for those who need to frequently recharge their gadget. They take up little space and are produced by many manufacturers - be careful when choosing, do not save too much on them.

  • Cases with built-in batteries. If you don't like to carry separate device, as in the previous case, you can buy a case that can charge your iPhone. It also needs to be “filled” with energy first, and when you are on the road, the case can provide several days of operation for the gadget. Note that this result, of course, depends on the battery capacity of the device itself.

Case with built-in battery

And, of course, to many such a device will even seem the best way out than an external battery, since the case additionally performs another main function - it protects the device from damage and scratches.

  • Solar panels. They are somewhat reminiscent of a power bank, but they do not need to be charged using electricity. All you need to do is connect your phone to the battery, place it in a sunny place and wait a bit. This is very convenient, especially in summer and spring, when the days are longer and the sun shines stronger. In addition, this option the better, that you do not need to pre-charge the battery - solar energy will be an excellent solution when you cannot connect to other sources.

Solar panels

  • Fire-powered devices. Yes, you can charge your battery using real fire. For this, there are special blocks that convert heat into electrical energy. True, they are not as effective as other means, but in extreme cases they will save the phone from completely turning off.

Fire-powered devices

  • In the same way, there are wind generator devices that can restore charge using the wind. If there is no wind, you can compensate for it by running, or use the device while walking or cycling. True, it will take 5–6 hours to fully charge.

Wind generator

It is worth noting that in the future, chargers in the form of a power supply with a cable may disappear, because plates for wireless power supply will become more common. Why? This way you can better protect the charging connector, which quickly deteriorates due to constant use of the cable.

What to do if you don’t have all these funds?

In this case, use the following recommendations:

  • If you're near a shopping center, try looking for chargers in the rest areas or stores there. In addition, mobile operator centers should have default network cables for most brands of phones.
  • You can go to a service center and ask to charge your phone - even if they ask for money for the service, it will not cost much.
  • There are special charging terminals - they are installed in the same entertainment complexes and are also inexpensive.
  • When charging your iPhone, turn on airplane mode - with this method of operation, all communication modules that consume the most battery power are deactivated, and you will replenish your energy much faster.

How to fix iPhone charger?

If your iPhone charger is broken and you are confident in your abilities and capabilities, try to fix it yourself. To do this, do the following:

  • Trim the plastic shell on the end of the charger so as not to touch its insides. We are talking about the thicker end of the charger.
  • Cut the cable where it breaks.
  • Remove the protective winding to have access to the 3 thin wires, which should also be visible from the plug.
  • Remove the insulation from all wires, but so as not to damage the metal core.
  • Connect all the wires together by color and wrap them with electrical tape.
  • The electrical tape must be applied so that there are no bare wires left.
  • If desired, buy heat shrink and put it on the part of the wires that you repaired.

After all of the above, you will know how to charge an iPhone without the main device. We recommend that you definitely purchase one of the recharging devices to be able to always stay connected. And of course you can always try to fix it network device on your own - as you can see, there is nothing too complicated about it.

The weakest link in iPhone already for many years the battery has been considered. Under average load, it can keep the device offline for no more than a day, after which the gadget will be completely discharged. You may not be familiar with this problem only if you use it to make 2-3 calls a day with an average duration of 3-4 minutes.

Of course, Apple's proprietary charger ensures that the battery returns to full capacity within 1 hour, but if you go on a long trip, finding an outlet in time is a real challenge.

To recharge the battery, you can use various sources energy: from computer USB ports to special cases. The choice depends on your preferences and available means.

How to charge iPhone without charging while on the road?

It is worth noting in advance that using a non-original charger or non-approved by Apple charging methods, you risk damaging your smartphone or even getting injured.

Charging iPhone via USB connector of computer or car radio

To do this, you will need a standard USB cable for your phone (30-pin for older models and Lightning for all models starting with iPhone 5). Using it, you can charge your smartphone from any computer, laptop or tablet that has a USB connector. You only need to connect the cable to your mobile phone and computer, after which charging will begin almost immediately. In addition, if your car has a car radio with a USB connector for connecting flash drives, you can use it to recharge the device.

How to charge an iPhone without charging using iQi Mobile?

iQi Mobile is small (thinner and smaller plastic card) external antenna, designed to receive electricity from a Qi wireless charger. It is attached from the outside back cover smartphone using adhesive tape, and then connect it to the Lightning connector. After this, the device is put on Silicone Case or an overlay that hides this “design”.

To start charging, just put your iPhone down rear panel to the surface special stand, supporting the Qi standard.

Charging an iPhone using an external battery

You can use any manufacturer if you purchase a universal external battery. It is equipped with a USB port for connecting charging cable and will allow you to “resurrect” your smartphone as quickly as possible. In addition, there are special cases for the iPhone with a built-in battery (such as the Juice Tank Helium). This accessory It is enough to put it on a smartphone so that it can extend the “life” of the device by almost 2 times.

The downside of most smartphones is that they run out of battery quickly. Unfortunately, Apple devices are no exception, so many users naturally have a question: how to charge an iPhone without charging. Is this possible in principle? Unlikely, but you can make a little effort and significantly extend its battery life by using third-party charging devices.

We'll tell you how to make your gadget work longer and look at the process of repairing a broken charger for Apple phones.

Many smartphone owners are concerned about the problem that they quickly discharge

How to charge an iPhone without using a special device?

There are several ways:

  • You can make up for the lack of energy using a USB cable - just connect your device to your computer, laptop, tablet and any other energy source through it.

Charging via USB

  • Using an external battery or powerbank - such devices can recharge your iPhone several times to a maximum of one cycle of its own energy reserve. External batteries are also charged via the network and are an excellent option for those who need to frequently recharge their gadget. They take up little space and are produced by many manufacturers - be careful when choosing, do not save too much on them.

  • Cases with built-in batteries. If you don't like carrying a separate device with you like in the previous case, you can buy a case that can charge your iPhone. It also needs to be “filled” with energy first, and when you are on the road, the case can provide several days of operation for the gadget. Note that this result, of course, depends on the battery capacity of the device itself.

Case with built-in battery

And, of course, many will find such a device an even better solution than an external battery, since the case additionally performs another main function - it protects the device from damage and scratches.

  • Solar panels. They are somewhat reminiscent of a power bank, but they do not need to be charged using electricity. All you need to do is connect your phone to the battery, place it in a sunny place and wait a bit. This is very convenient, especially in summer and spring, when the days are longer and the sun shines stronger. In addition, this option is better because you do not need to pre-charge the battery - solar energy will be an excellent solution when you cannot connect to other sources.

Solar panels

  • Fire-powered devices. Yes, you can charge your battery using real fire. For this, there are special blocks that convert heat into electrical energy. True, they are not as effective as other means, but in extreme cases they will save the phone from completely turning off.

Fire-powered devices

  • In the same way, there are wind generator devices that can restore charge using the wind. If there is no wind, you can compensate for it by running, or use the device while walking or cycling. True, it will take 5–6 hours to fully charge.

Wind generator

It is worth noting that in the future, chargers in the form of a power supply with a cable may disappear, because plates for wireless power supply will become more common. Why? This way you can better protect the charging connector, which quickly deteriorates due to constant use of the cable.

What to do if you don’t have all these funds?

In this case, use the following recommendations:

  • If you're near a shopping center, try looking for chargers in the rest areas or stores there. In addition, in the centers mobile operators There should be default network cables for most brands of phones.
  • You can go to a service center and ask to charge your phone - even if they ask for money for the service, it will not cost much.
  • There are special charging terminals - they are installed in the same entertainment complexes and are also inexpensive.
  • When charging your iPhone, turn on airplane mode - with this method of operation, all communication modules that consume the most battery power are deactivated, and you will replenish your energy much faster.

How to fix iPhone charger?

If your iPhone charger is broken and you are confident in your abilities and capabilities, try to fix it yourself. To do this, do the following:

  • Trim the plastic shell on the end of the charger so as not to touch its insides. We are talking about the thicker end of the charger.
  • Cut the cable where it breaks.
  • Remove the protective winding to have access to the 3 thin wires, which should also be visible from the plug.
  • Remove the insulation from all wires, but so as not to damage the metal core.
  • Connect all the wires together by color and wrap them with electrical tape.
  • The electrical tape must be applied so that there are no bare wires left.
  • If desired, buy heat shrink and put it on the part of the wires that you repaired.

After all of the above, you will know how to charge an iPhone without the main device. We recommend that you definitely purchase one of the recharging devices to be able to always stay connected. And, of course, you can always try to fix the network device yourself - as you can see, there is nothing too difficult about it.

Today it is impossible to imagine modern man without mobile phone. However, it is impossible to imagine electronic gadget without accompanying the full process of operation additional devices, the presence of which is a must. For example, a failed charger will certainly doom the “dependent” device to “energy death”. However, the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging, given the great popularity of the “yield” Apple brand, requires special coverage. Several of the most original technological innovations will be presented to your attention, allowing you to “pump up” Californian gadgets with the much-needed power of electricity for their batteries, of course, without the “participation” of the standard charger provided.

In search of promising technologies

First of all, the question requires some specification. After all, each of us knows that without the influence of a certain type of energy, none of the known inventions of “human genius” will be able to function. Therefore, the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging does not yet have a complete answer. Of course, some attempts by developers to change the principle of “life support” of the phone were successful. It goes without saying that the standard memory will undergo dramatic changes in the near future. The problem of “expedient universality” already has several fundamentally different solutions. However, today it is not yet possible to “globally decouple” mobile units from commonly used power outlets. However, how to charge an iPhone or other “brainchild” of the electronics industry when there is no access to the “benefits of civilization” is already a realistic reality. But the low efficiency (efficiency) of the developed and, by the way, mass-produced devices and at the same time the lack of thorough thought out of the feeding “mechanism” certain power charge is somewhat removed from being a full-fledged alternative to a 220 W source or other rating of the generally accepted standard for centralized electrification. As a result, we are seeing an ever-increasing need for and genuine interest from manufacturers... It is these facts that are pushing developers to find the most appropriate technological solutions.

Review of the most effective methods of “energy refueling” without using a standard power supply

Method No. 1

Perhaps we’ll start with the most basic, but not always affordable option power supply of a mobile device. Perhaps you don't know how to charge your iPhone from your computer. Therefore, let's look at this charging method, which, as you understand, involves using a laptop, tablet or device equipped with If the operating level of the battery has become critical, and your device is “tired” of warning about it - the screen blinked and went out, you need to connect it to any available device that has the required port. Thanks to this, you will be able to answer the question of how to charge an iPhone without charging with a practical action.

Not demanding method No. 2

Today you can buy a charging case. That is, design feature Such a device will have a built-in battery, the capacity of which varies from 1500 to 3200 mAh. This allows you to use the phone for quite a long time without recharging. Convenient case not only ergonomic and aesthetically attractive. The in-demand device will help to effectively solve the problem of how to charge an iPhone without charging, and will also provide shockproof properties to the device. Moreover, protection from mechanical damage the back of the iPhone is guaranteed in any design of the charging case. The indicator on the front panel of the device shows the battery level, thanks to which the user can always visually determine the level of performance of the auxiliary battery.

Not quite an easy way #3

Of course, iQ technology - a definitely innovative option for wireless charging - helps to effectively “refill” the battery capacity without the difficult moment caused by connecting a 30-pin connector to the connector. The question of how to charge an iPhone without charging will no longer express unrealistic hopes. At the same time, the comfortable method greatly facilitates many operational tasks, and in particular, it is the most gentle way to restore the electrical potential of the battery. Since wear and damage to the contact pad of the iPhone is a natural inevitability due to intensive use of the phone, as a result of which the device often has to be recharged. Attractive module design that serves as an intermediary element between charging station and the battery of a mobile device, mounted on back gadget, and the installation process is not complicated and does not require special tools or installation skills. On the market, these are products that are presented in a variety of designs. The color, texture and material of the “intermediate device” are available to the user to suit almost any preference. The only disadvantage of such a memory can be considered the necessarily accompanying process of “upgrading” the device, which increases the “waist” of the smartphone by several millimeters. However, sometimes the question of how to charge an iPhone is resolved not only in this way...

Improved method No. 4

Today, the iQi Mobile project presents a slightly improved version of the new power standard. Despite the “freshness of the idea,” an ever-increasing trend of consumer demand is visible in the market for goods for mobile devices. The qualitatively modified charger, which has received wide recognition in user circles, allows for wireless “filling” of electricity into the phone’s battery. The main advantage of the new product is a critically reduced induction plate (receiver). The problem of how to charge an iPhone without charging and without “disfiguring” the design is becoming completely solvable. After all, the thickness of the additionally installed element is only 0.5-1.5 mm and is practically invisible under a thin layer of silicone frame. This fact iQi Mobile stands out from previously implemented wireless power standards. The connection condition can be considered important: a flexible connection to the Lightning port does not in any way complicate the user’s subsequent actions, primarily related to the use of the 30-pin Iphone port. Agree, this greatly simplifies many aspects of mandatory access to the sometimes extremely necessary system connector of a mobile unit.

Several arguments in favor of wireless storage

  • No mechanical connection torque (direct contact).
  • Possibility of safe operation in unfavorable environments (moisture, dampness).
  • Ease of use (mostly).

A little about the disadvantages

  • Cost, size and weight are increasing.
  • Time parameter useful action electrical energy significantly exceeds standard option(taking into account the efficiency of the original memory).
  • It is not possible to use the phone while the battery is charging.

Summing up, or Energy prospects for iPhone

You know how to charge your device from a computer. But what do you do when you're camping or find yourself in a situation where there are no standard power sources available? Today there are devices on the market that can charge mobile devices using alternative methods receiving electricity. These are original technological solutions in the form of converting devices that convert mechanical, thermal, kinetic, magnetic and other types of energy into the voltage and current required by your device. Of course, there are many more disadvantages and shortcomings in the available devices than we would like. Price, weight, dimensions and other disadvantages hinder the path to achieving absolute perfection. But time is running and technology is developing...

Each of us has at least once found ourselves in a situation where the phone is discharged at the most inopportune moment, and there is no charger at hand. This is especially annoying when at this time you need to make a very important call or urgently use your phone data. This article will tell you how to avoid awkward situations and how to find a way out of them when it seems that there is no way out.

How to charge an iPhone without charging?

If you don’t find a charger in your bag, and you need a smartphone right away, then don’t give up; nowadays there are many new technological devices that can save you in this difficult moment.

The simplest and most obvious way at first glance is to use a laptop or PC as a power source, that is, using a USB port. To charge your phone, you just need to have a charging cord with you, and instead of the power supply, use your PC or laptop, connecting one end of the cord to the iPhone and the other to the computer. Of course, the charging speed will be a little slower, but you are already saved, all that remains is to wait a little time.

Charging using third-party power sources

There are many accessories on the electronic goods market that can be used to successfully recharge your battery. This could be a PowerBank from various manufacturers and a variety of portable storage devices. The system of their operation is extremely clear - you connect the gadget to your phone and enjoy the result.

1 With the help of a portable battery or as it is otherwise called Power Bank, you don’t have to worry about how much interest is on your phone, because you carry a “second battery” with you. On this moment choice and price policy There are a lot of such devices, and you can find exactly the one that suits you in terms of color, price and characteristics.

2 Portable batteries powered by nature. The devices that appeared on the shelves not long ago have already won the hearts of fans. active rest. If your phone is dead and you are high in the mountains, on a sunny beach, or perhaps just in the country, you will find power sources that will help charge your smartphone using fire, wind or solar energy. Each of these methods is actually very simple and easy to use.

How can I charge without a cord?

To charge your essential gadget without using a cord, there are several innovative types of energy sources. Especially for the iPhone 6 and other models, we have developed a very stylish and convenient iQi Mobile charger, both for working at your desk and at home, thanks to which you can forget about a bunch of wires. You just need to place it once on a horizontal surface convenient for you and your phone will always be at hand. This type of charger is suitable for the following models: iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, 5c, 6, 6+. Unfortunately, iPhone 4 does not support this type of device.

You can also charge your iPhone using a special Smart case Battery Case. He approaches iPhone models 6, 6+. One part of this case is flexible enough to easily insert or remove an iPhone. While charging in such a case, the navigation panel of the device will display 2 stages of charging - the built-in battery and the case. Using this accessory, it becomes possible to talk on a cellular connection for about 25 hours or surf the Internet for about 18 hours. Maximum convenience when turned on, they make this accessory top-of-the-line, because in order for it to work you just need to press the power button and you’re done.

Charging in public places without a charger

It happens that you went shopping at the mall or decided to have a cup of coffee with friends, and your smartphone suddenly shows an ominous red battery. Even if you don’t have a charger at hand, there is a way out. In addition to various accessories, there are very convenient and effective ways how to charge an iphone or other smartphone if you are in public place. We can offer you some of them:

1 Special terminals for charging devices. These are special cells, inside of which there are several types charging cords, you can leave your phone there for a while and come back for it whenever you want, and it will already be waiting for you with full battery and ready for further use. Such cases are just gaining popularity, so you can find them inside airport buildings, railway stations, large shopping centers and cafes.

2 If you are in a cafe, then most likely you can ask the bartender behind the counter or the waiter to put the phone on charge for a while. Almost every cafe has such a completely free service. 3 Walking around Shopping center you can go to your phone's brand store or any other electronics store and ask them to put your phone on a little charge. You are unlikely to be refused, since such stores have chargers for almost any phone model. 4 If you are driving, don’t be upset; when you stop at a gas station, while your car is being refueled, you can ask for a little recharge of your phone, and at the same time drink a cup of tea or coffee. This service is also free.

False methods or what is better not to do

The Internet is filled with many videos on how to charge your phone using fruits such as apples and lemons. In fact, this will not do any good and may even harm your phone, and your charging port may break or burn along with your phone.

There is also a method on the Internet that describes in detail how to strip the wires on a broken charger or how to charge using wires. We do not recommend performing such operations without proper experience in repairs and skills in working with electronics.


  1. You can switch your phone to Airplane or Airplane mode. In this mode, the phone will discharge much more slowly.
  2. If it is not possible to use the first option, then simply turn off GPS and other additional functions. Also lower the screen brightness.

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Smartphones from Apple are quite good and functional devices. But they have one drawback - low autonomy. When the charger is at hand, it can still be tolerated, but how to charge an iPhone without charging? Let's consider several ways.

According to statistics 15% IPhone owners use a gadget with broken screen. Almost the same situation with charger. It often breaks down, and you can’t buy a new original charger in the store around the corner, unless, of course, it’s a service one. apple center. Therefore, it is useful to know how to charge an iPhone when left without a charging device.

Here are three emergency options:

  • From USB port. This is a painfully banal method, but there are people who have never heard of this possibility.

If your iPhone won't charge from a wall outlet, most likely the problem lies with the adapter. Disconnect the cable from it and insert it into the USB port of your laptop or PC. Reverse side connect the cord to the phone. Turn on your computer and switch your smartphone to charging mode. As a rule, it takes 2-3 hours to fully recharge.

  • Alternative chargers. In case the standard charger is covered along with the cable, it is useful to have an alternative on hand that does not even need to be connected to an outlet.

Present on the market various models, but the most effective are exercises that receive energy from the wind, sun and muscle strength:

  1. Wind generator. Connect it to your iPhone and attach it to your bike or backpack while walking. In windy weather, the device can be fixed on a windowsill or window frame. Charging time from 0 to 100% - 5‒6 hours.
  2. Solar battery. Essentially this is Power Bank, which is charged from solar energy. Leave it under the rays for several hours and then transfer the charge to your smartphone.
  3. Dynamo machine. The most efficient device of this three, but requires human participation. Connect the charger to the iPhone and turn the special knob until you transfer enough energy to the gadget. According to the manufacturer, a full charge will take about 2-3 hours. Monotonous, but what can you do?!

All these devices are easy to find on Chinese Internet sites. Someone will say: “Trash.” Perhaps, but, as they say, if there is no fish, there is no cancer.

  • Use any other charger. IPhone Manufacturers They made sure that chargers from other manufacturers are not suitable for it, but in an emergency all this is not important.

You can charge your iPhone with any charger, but there is a chance of damaging the phone. Therefore, use this method only in the most extreme cases. Here's what to do:

  1. Find a charger from an old cell phone lying around.
  2. Cut off the plug that was inserted into the phone.
  3. Cut off part of the main winding from the cable.
  4. Separate the wires and strip about half a centimeter of insulation.
  5. Remove the battery from the iPhone.
  6. Connect the wires to the battery contacts - plus to plus, minus to minus. For reliability, secure with electrical tape or tape.
  7. Plug the charger into a power outlet.

Note: Do not touch the battery while charging as it becomes very hot. Do not leave her in this position for more than an hour. If you see the battery swelling or smoking, stop power supply immediately.

There are tricks that will revive your phone for a few minutes:

  1. Take out the battery, cover the contacts with tape and return it back. In some cases, this is enough to make a short call.
  2. Heat the metal plate and apply it to the battery. Increasing the temperature will increase the charge, which will last for a couple of minutes.
  3. Pull out the power source and throw it hard onto something hard. You can tap it a little with a hammer. The main thing is to maintain the integrity of the battery and not damage the contacts. These measures should give a few milliamps of charge.

So now you know: there are ways to charge your iPhone without a charger. Some are safe, but others are best used only as a last resort.

You asked if you can charge iPhone charging from iPad? Which adapter should I choose? Is it possible to use the phone while it is connected to the outlet? Now I'll tell you everything.

How to charge an iPhone

You cannot charge your iPhone incorrectly; it can be charged quickly or slowly. What does this depend on? From a specific smartphone and power supply.

Charging the iPad helps. But not always.

A minute of statistics: iPhone 5s consumes 1A, iPhone 5 takes the same. Connecting them to the iPad power supply is no use. But the iPhone 6+ and 6s+ eat up 2.1A, so it makes sense to connect a unit from the iPad. Let's check it out.

We take two iPhone 6+, connect a standard 1A charger to one, and connect a 2.1A iPad unit to the second. In 10 minutes the first one was charged by 4%, and the second by 10%, profit! To speed up charging, use airplane mode, the difference is small, but the method still helps.

Charging the battery while in use

You can use the device while charging, it will just take a little longer to charge.

Current strength decides

When buying a multiport charger, pay attention not only to the current strength, but also to the support Quick Charge, this will greatly speed up the process. For iPhone this one cool topic doesn’t work, but if you have a Galaxy S6, then feel like a king.

The same principle applies to Power Bank: it is better to take a charger that produces a current of 2A. It won't kill your smartphone, but you can always charge your tablet. Whereas with external battery on 1A such a situation is in principle impossible.

iPhone not charging? Check your Lightning cable

Bought a Chinese Lightning for 100 rubles at a stall, but your iPhone refused to charge? Before purchasing, be sure to look at the packaging; if you take proven, certified Belkin or Griffin products, then everything is ok. But when the box doesn't say "made for iPod, iPhone, iPad", then you can fly with the cable.

No need to replace the battery

A modern battery has a lifespan of about 1000 cycles, which is about 3 years of operation. So you'd rather change yours old phone to a new one, because you’re just tired of it, and then you’ll really start to suffer because of the dead battery. Unless, of course, you killed it with Chinese wires and a worthless power bank.

To prevent your iPhone from burning

Achtung! Don't charge your iPhone while lying in bed. Just imagine: you stare at the screen, fall asleep, the phone falls on the bed or under the pillow, under the blanket, overheats and FIRE. Do not do that.